Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Dec 1910, p. 2

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I ACE” OF GOOD TlLLADun had, in the town, will be let on chutes to suitable person. Apply to In. Lauder. near the Cream- 9293 - __ A ELL ORGAN IN FIRST CLASS condition. Apply at this. attics. _‘ ,â€"___â€"_â€" __-‘_â€"n,___. M ”mum“ OCCUPmD BY SPOTTED BLACK WHITE AND ’3 ’wm“::.Â¥:;’:ttg§:’ brown bound, on 01‘ about Wed- “ ’: .nesday, Nov. 2nd. About figiars : ol . Answers to name '0 , at. d * ‘t . Wm ‘fl‘lu Any iniormation leading ‘to his . recovery will be rewarded. Par- ties found detaining him after this notice will be prosecuted.â€" T. Ryan, Middaugh House, Dur- fl ACRE FARM ON THIRD CON- eullon of Glenelg, N.D.R., lots 15 and 10. Thin :arm is well water- ed. and bu gt. (1 buildings erect- ed thereon, good land, and an excellent opportunity for the tight mu. For further particu- hrl, .pply on the premises to A. Ford, Bunessan. l2 31.10tI -vv-â€"â€"-r'. ' gnu. 11.0 tender net ccpte_d. Ag?” ‘0 batik; Du'rham: posite cement works. Reason- able terms. Apply to A. H l..|.um- Durham. 918pd -'-v Jackaovxi; Durbanâ€"Ii I. 6. Hutton. I. D., B. I. FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP units, Lambton Street. Bmidonco- I'IIO‘ Queen 3nd 000! Strataâ€"North 01 MM!“ Church no bout u 0... 340.111.. 7-9 on. Tolephono o. m, Al'thllr Gull, I. D HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- flee to the New Hunts 810‘. 0- 0.8 to 10 a. m., w Gym. .317 m! p. 0. Speak! atomic: given b M d women all children. Radio-co op In“. Prejhvpfisn Church. v.â€" 353; $38 byjsfi‘lii: Dr. 0. 813mg, 0 .V.S. V.S.V.D. DISEASES 0F DORIESTIOATED animals treated on most scientif- Sc prim-iples. All can. promptly “tended to. Office land midence. ~ â€"--â€"|- An- ".J“ ‘â€" a'ardraxa'Sireet. Durham. 11 pooito the Chronicle Office. OFFICE: 63} J a J. Human lTIC-1'3 AND RESIDENCE A shot! disuoco out of Knopp’u Hotel. xb wn Strum, Lower Town. Durin- Io hour. from 12 to 2 0’ A. II. lack»; MARY PUBLIC, 00 or. Commune". M veyancer. Nata-y Public onoy to loan on tum prorrty. In- mco eflcctod. life or ova Sundnd Bank. Durham, Ont. ( puma“. soucn'rom (XE. I..P mm. »ARBISTEL, SOLICITOB. ETC nonov to low gt bps: cont. anat- A. N. Jackson. 'UI'ABY PUBLIC, 0013133103. u. Commas». be. 1m at. floaty in Don. lac-algal In; T0 Rent: 0! Toronto. GM“. Dun!“ 8mm” 0‘ Donna. M Dug-guy £391]. “I _B ,.__- Dr. VI. c. Picturing DB. BURT. A. c. Grant Shares. TILLABLE ! 'm It“ a ”fluion. ti) Bar- 6803;)“ .â€"Vu.._..__. rr.- SPRING cbixr, CLYDESDALE. a mu; months old. Apply to James Ins. Matthews, Lot 1, Con. 3, Egre- ‘1 mont, Durham P.O. 11242ptf Town. ) 7’33 0“ AGENTS WANTEDâ€"WHOLE OR. part time; liberal terms; outfiti free. Over 500 acres in trees.. Write at once. “The Fruit Spec- ialists.” Thos. W. Bowmam 5“ Son Co. Limited, Ridgeville Ont. New Year. Salary $500, payable quarterly. Applications received ‘up to December 17th, 1910.â€"â€"Wm. ' Bradley, Secretary, Orchard P.O. McIntyre. ii! Roommnovss AND TEN gem of land in the town 0! Durban. On premisen no good w pan, hon house and noble. 11 rent house without land, 1: dean-ed. Apply to John Hottott‘ Durham. 8.17.“ ONE MARE. SUPPOSED TO BE IN Itoal; also a spring colt, seven months old. Apply to 'Wm. Hill. Durham. mm FOR SALE AT A GREAT BAR- gain, a email 2-hlorse )power uni m engine and boiler, also a goo second hands“. adies' bicycle. Cheap. Apply to W.J. McFad- 9 AA“ ninnn HMIQP- Durban). {or .â€"_-.â€"â€"~‘â€"-_â€" â€"_‘ CONTRAUI‘ WILL BE GIVEN TO cut into logs, shingle bolts, and posts, all the timber on either five or twenty acres on 'lot 10, concession 7, Proton township.â€" Apply to Box 109, Mt. Forest. Twoié'fOREY FRAME HOUSE well located, in Durham, water- works, (good garden. Terms right. Apply ”to Robt. Smith, Durham. \ N10102m ._____..~_____â€"' ROOMS TO LET, OR {FAMILIES accommodated; also excellent accommodation ‘for storing tur- nitu-re. stoves, etc. Charges very moderate. For Iturther vparticu- lara, apply .at 'this office. N10tf OT 1 OF 17. CONCESSION 1, E. G. R.. Glenelg. 50 acres. ,wen- tonced. good buildings. two omnll buu oooooooooo ten; 60 acres cleared. and 40 acres of good bush. These properties will be sold together or separ- ately. and on terms to suit pur- chuer. For further particulata apply to Wm. Leggette. Rocky unseen. Durham P.O. 0-2t.’ Lot 14. Con. 9‘ township of‘Glen- elg, containing 100 acres. About 20 acres hardwood bush, the rest {it for machinery. Good bearing orchard‘ bank barn, hog pen an comfort-able dwelling. Good well at house ,and never-failing spring One-quarter mile from school, con- venient to church, town and post office. For further particulars, lapply b0 Robt. Bastie, Traverston. DEER IN PROTON. Without the aid of bounds, and within seven or eight miles of Dundalk, no less than four deer were shot, in the second week of: the hunting season. Messrs. John: G. Batchelor, Robt. 'McKeumy, Wm. McKenny and JD. ’Ellis, of Bryce. “Hill, were the lucky hpn-ters. ’l‘hesei ‘deer led on the flames in that sec-5. tlan .01 Proton nearly all gunmen. .T-eaéher Wanted Stock Farm For Sal;1 7‘... â€"v__ on various occasions. It seems too bad that these, innocent creatures thould be ‘extermintted in these parts, but evidentl the hunters considered that they did not capture __the game someone else i I‘ "-__|j Colt for Sale. Logs Wanted. LVV -ov-â€"_. tn es next spring, you had 'better place your order early, an ac- count of the bi demana {or nursery stock. e. are the larg- est growers of lpeach, apple, plum and cherry trees, also her-- rv' bushes and ornamental stock ‘J U‘ ‘1‘“-.. â€"-â€"â€" -_‘. ‘ V Cume and see no, or write for cafalogue. Lâ€" Brown’s Nurseries. Welland Co. Ont. N17“ {'0 --rr-v piano deaier, Durham. , ________ To Contractors. Rooms to Dog Lost Found ma Joann-roach Fruit Trees [nd' MI“ and mute“: 9P6? , ers. Jame -â€" ' Mr, and ’companied .___ ' attended 1 OREEdge; on “WU. - -_â€" “â€" who attended cthe W31 01 the lormer‘s bmther in New York, re- ;tumed home on Tues-day tot last 3 week. Messrs. Wilson and Picken ship- ped two car loads of mixed live stock Tuesday. Where does all ‘the stack come Ifggm, anyway? We Wish to [offer our heartyi congratulations to (Mir. William? Lawrence, who on Wednesday. of: last week joined the ranks of ihe barred-Sets. May he and his bride have a bright and happy ifsutuu'e. j [Miss Blanche Wilswn, of Gouver-w neur, N.Y., is at present \on xa'visit" ‘ .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ‘James. i Wilson. ' l Messrs. Wm. Williams and R. G. Hewitt spent Monday evening very pleasantly at ”he home of Mr. and “Mrs. James Wilson ' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fumeaux, of ,tow'n, spent Sunday wil‘ah .Mr. and ers. James McNally. ' Mr, and Mrs. James Wilson, ac- ’companied by Miss Blanche Wilson {attended uhe funeral of the late Mr iEdge; on Saturday of last week. ,h’ Signed in behalf of the Literary' in Society, , . H - ANNIE ALJOE, ~ ’ WILL PATTERSON 1 er The inei hborhood, [9 J0 EPH ATKINSONK _', ANDREW SCOTT. ‘2 Mr. M‘cGirr replied in a suitable â€" manner, thanking them for their E. kindness to Mrs. McGirr and him- [1- self. The party was a great sur- mll prise to John :and his bride, when nd about forty meighbors arrived. 15. They spent the evening pleasantly 1c- in games, also a short program 'es was given. The singing of Auld ies Lang Syne brought the meeting to t I W Game at UM‘. ml“ LVJJL D. 0., luauâ€"v.-.- on Thursda 'night last. when the fiollowimg ‘a dress was read: Mr. and Mrs. John McGirr. Dear Friends,â€"We, the members of the Green Grâ€"ove_Literqry Socie- Thé members of the Green Grove Literary' Society .met at the resi- dence of :Mr. am} ‘Mrst J.. _‘.McGirr - -L- VJ. yuv vow-n.- v--. ty, and other flriends of :the neigh- borhood, have assembled this ev ening to congratulate you, our (riend, and Mellow-«member, on your entrance upon the gays and responsibilities of marrie life, to extend to 'you, Mrs. McGirr, the right hand of fellowship and wel- come you to our midst as animiend and co-worker in our society. as well as a member of the commun- ity in general, .and to wish you unitedly, "a long, happy and pros- pegous voyage on the sea of life. L- __--_ ml... 11.. Vu- vvaâ€"uv -._ yw -e- _ We would say to you, Mr. Mc- Girr, that we have found you a ready and efficient helper in the work of the Isociety, and ever ready to ‘use both your time and, your talents tfior 'the advancement of the ‘highest good of ‘.he com- munity, as ’well as to give our as- sistance in time of need. ' sport. of a manly character, you have always taken a deep interest. You have been one of the main- stays of the [baseball 'team. It therefore gives ’us much pleasure to lnnow that,-while so many of our you g people ‘are tioing to seek thei fortune :in e West, 'you have decided to make your home permanently in the old neighbor- hood. We ask you to accept [this can, tre table ’as a tangible expression of the 'good wishes of your friends, both of the Literary Society, sand the surrounding oom_mnnity. a cfose. “The D.L.” Emulsion will build {on up, will make you Hart and eal'thy. Especially beneficial to those 'Who are “all run down.” Reeve E.W. Hunt is in Owen S’d'. this: week, attending the good-b vel Seaman of the County. Council. “ â€"‘â€"2__ V‘ -uv 'v Many of our farmers are looking for «a Week of Imdian Summer weather yet. There is {manly a furrow that needs to‘ lye 'tpmed. - L 1-)-.. “luv "1".- 'y.w----J The officials of Zion, yearly or bi-ermially, pick out the most gen- ~ erous church member with the . densest woods, and dun him for. fuel. W.L. Falkingham, the popu-? ular E.L. president, has been the! man chosen the last two visitations' on Monday afternoon the a es Iflew, and the newly-filed saws mg: tlieir teeth deeply elverl); raw. e oyws . t up near y cords of .nice wood).u : Miss Mary Patterson, of 'Egre- mont, spent the past ' her cousins, the members of the; J DARKIES CORNERS. am. John and James Wilson, Hastie family. b local application. no they cannot reach the: . There in only one g way to core deafnoee. and that is by conatitn- tionalremediea Deafneee ie canaed bv an in- flamed condition of the mucous lining of the. Eustachian Tube. When this tube in inflamed yon have arnmhlin eound or i. fleet healingl and when it in ent cloeed. fneea ie the‘ malt and nnleae the flan: . ation can be taken . out and this tube met: red toite normal condition. . hearing will be deatro ed forever. nine we. ont * of ten are canned hy tan-h. which ta nothing. but an inflamed condition of the uncona anrhcee. Q We will give One Hundred Donate for any caae : e! Deatneea (caneed by eaiarrh) that onnot he mil hv Ball‘- Catan’hCnre. Send forcii'enlare { r.:.cmuaco..-rouo.o. i Mbymm'hv;_â€" â€" ---. _-____, " 'ipirit. 1h! m. Bfll’ulnfly rill-farm “In love be John Duh..- Oumot be Onrod TRAVERSTON. THE DUBB AM CHRONICLE BLYTH’S CORNERS. If November, 1910, gets its due, it certainly Will go down in his- tory, 'as being one of the .mildeet in the memory of the oldest 'settlers, as there has scarcely been enough frost up 'to date to meeze an; egg. Even 'the butterflys have not pull- ed in yet. Mrs. David Marshall has been for over a week seriously fill with water on the lungs, and pleurisy, and their little boy, Jimmie, is also om the sick mist. Dr. Gun is in .a'ttend'ance. We {sincerely hope that mother and son may be quick- ly restored ‘to health again. Miss Jennie Sharp, of Hampden, is at present visiting her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Sharp, for 'a few days. Beginning the second week in January, evan elistic services are 'to be held in nox church, Nor- m'amby, for one week. Special services of this nature are being held throughout the whole Domin- ion, when it is hoped a general a- wakening to a greater degree of activity for Christ and the Ohurcb may be the outcome. .‘â€"J LA...‘ will like the fine flavor of Red Rpse Tea. It. has the cup qualityâ€"the reason why it holds first place in thousands of Cana- Mr. Jas. Marshall arrived home: from the 'West the other day, after! an absence of nearly two years. _ For the first time since the old' farm was settled on nearly sixty' years ago, 'we have been forced tol lock our granary and fowl houseq Chicken thieves, seemingly, are' becoming quite fashionable. We; had over twenty stolen in the ear/- 1y part of The fall, and owr neigh- bor, Mr. Geo. Seim, had quite a lot disappear, and now Mr. Dave Mar- shall is among the latest to have a number taken. Woe will be to the thief if ever he should be found ‘ out, and he will. -L“ ‘luv, â€"â€"._V I Since the snow has been mostly taken away by the recent mains, it' has enabled the farmers to g‘etf considerable :morre pIOWing done,’ awhich is greatly appreciated, We .never saw the {all plowing so far' behind as it is this fall. 9 ‘ Miss Maggie Hutton, teacher in' ‘83. No. 14, has been Iengaged to teach for ‘a year at a salary of; $425, but ‘the official documents are not as ye"; signed. -L‘- l““ “C.“ 7 “UUL “D JV - uâ€"â€" A number of youth from Dur- ham, last Sunday came down to the Endeavor service in Knox church, and greatly disgraced themselves, and annoyed the service by their unseemly conduct, both inside and out. Out of sympathy and courtâ€" esy for the foolish young fellows. who allow Satan to lead them at his will, We would give a sword of ‘wanning, as another similar occur- rence will certainly not be boiler- | John R. Henderson, of the Hur- .on Road, near Seaforth, ‘has the most industrious hen in those 'parts. Last spring Mr. Henderson urch‘ased a setting of rose comb! , rown leghorn eg 3, and in May7 .he had a batch o chickens. One- ;of these chickens is of «a particu-t .larly industrious nature. It corn-q menced to lay early, and the otherf day Mr. Henderson 'found it sitting on 21 eggs of its own, bent on hav- . ing a batch of chickens for its- ' self, ‘What makes the circum-'; _ stance more peculiar is the fact" that this particular breed of fowl’ {:are particularly bad setters.â€"Gor-j 'trie Vidette, ated. Handy in the house as a clock. Davis’ Menthol Salve cures quickly agrea't many of 2the simple ail- ments such as cuts, skin injuries, insects bites and stings, 25c atin art dnruggists. The burial 'of Count Tolsboi was attended by several thousand perr- aona, on Tuesday of last week. At the appearance of the coffin, the pig assemblage knelt 2‘36 mg a hymn, remaining in this posture until the coffin had passed. The grave of Russia’s greatets writer‘ was dug by eaaamts, and inter- ment was ma e on a tree-crown- ed knoll, at his own nest. No benediction was utter , but when the simple “burial rites were com- pieted, the eannest voice of a nian was heard saying: “Our great Leo homes. Will you AN INDUSTRIOUS HEN. NEVER SOLD 1" Marshall arrived homg fi'vie onr_ gi'eat Lgol'a IULK BAIPDBN. ‘ Rev. Mr. Budge, our pastor, ss- Y‘Iis'ted Rev. Mr. Bell, of Moleswort aim holiday revival meetings nigh 9 1y for two weeks. Miss Young, 01‘ Owen Sound, vis- ai‘ted {gr 3 'f'ew‘days with MT, amd derstand that George intends work his .farm himself next year. 9 Mr. Wm. Marshall, accompanied ;by his cousin” 'Mr. Jas. Marshall, Lof Allan Park, arrived from the iWest with two car loads of cattle.‘ A number of the farmers around ! 3here attended ’M'r. Robt. Brigham's sale of westenn cattle last Friday faf'terlnoon, at Allan Park. 5 Mr. M.W. Byers had added l l am-t 'z-other building to the many build- ? ings of “Bonnie View” farm, in the ,shape for a residence for * grampus kind. ' the ‘ ’ That strange animal shot by Mr? Philip Kett, and spoken of'in last . week’s Chronicle, would .in all likeâ€" .lihood have died a natural death! .from sheer frigh't, .had it ever laid eyes on 'the {strange freaks in taking logs out of the river of ‘nature brought to ligh last week, :by Mr. ‘Wm. Sharp, whi e engaged; on; ghis farm. A hollow log was taken! 3out which was filled with «rates? ‘amd when it was split open, “out ‘ ‘rolled half a dozen specimens, Ewhich might be called fish animals, ,or animal fish, for that is rwhat |they were. They ranged in length ifrom six 'to nine inches, and while gthley had the bod of a fish, they also had ears a feet like an ani- mal, and could live out of water P:Wi‘th0\l‘t any apparent discomfort. :That may sound, 'when read, like a Mar-fetched fish story, but we can *,‘ give the Inames, if required, of - witnesses, who can vouch for uhe _,tru'th of these statements. 30 YEARS OF SUCCESS. [act-nan. Co. 01m- 3 Remedy For Catarrh. The Medicine Com Nothmg if it Faun. When a medicine effects a suc- cessful treatment in a very large majority of cases, and when we offer that medicine on our town personal guarantee that it will cost the user nothing if it does not completely relieve catarrh, it is only measonable that people Bh‘OUlld believe us, or at least put 0 ur claim to a practical test when we {take all the 'risk. These are .facts i which we want the people to sub- stantiate. We want them to try 'Rexall Muco-‘Tone, a medicinel prepared .from a prescription of a physicim with whom catarrh was "a specialty, and who has a record 01 'thirty years of enviable success "-to his record. n We receive more good reports [about Rexall Muco-Tone than we gdo of all other catarrh remedies .sold in owr s'toreand. if more peo- LIL. ' :u-t befére goin'g to bed, and are m-n almost certain to ward of a se- {erz {ere cold. For sale by Gum’s Drug DUI“ “a v w-v_ y Knew “tibiaâ€"t h thoroughly demand .for. “Um-.- Rexall .Muco-‘To'ne is quickly ab- sorbed and by its therapeutic ef- tect tends to disinfect and cleanse the entire mucous membraneous tract, to destroy and remove the parasites which injure the mem- braneous tissues, to soothe the ir- ritation and heal the soreness, stop the mucous discharge, 'build up strong, healthy tissue, and relieve the blood and system of diseased ,ma'tter. Its influence is toward Istimulating the muco-cells, aiding :digestio-n and promoting nutrition until the whole body vibrates with .healthy activity. In a compara- 'tively short time it brings about a ~, noticeable .gain in 'weight, strength good color and Heeling of buoy- 5“ We urge you 'to try Rexall Muco- To'ne, beginning a treatment to. day. At any time you are not sat- isfied, simply come and tell us, and‘ we will quickly tretu'rn your money Without question or quibble. We have Rexall Muco-Tone in two sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. Remem- bczr you can obtain Rexall Reme- dies in Durham only at our storeâ€" The Rexall Store. {Maciaflmne ancy. Co. The ”Minister of Public Works an- nounces in a blue book, just to hand, that the Government has purchased the Wheelbarrow used in turning the first sod on the In- tercolounial Railway. He paid two hundred dollars for it. Anybody up this way “who has am old wheel- barrow, should get in touch wnth the Dominion Government before the money is all gone.â€"Herald. : The remains of an un‘own man -were found hanging in a tree near Brnnttord They were at first sup- .poaed t_o be thong of Robt. _’_I‘ag- When your (cat are wet and cold and your body chilled through and through :f-rom exposure, take a big done of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem- _edy, bathe; your {act in hot water gart, who escaped (mom the Ram- ilton Asylum wi h Gunner Meir, but an attendant declares positive- 31 that they are not. ’Dhe coroner eclares that thye have been there (or (mom five to ten months. OLD WHEELBARROWS. Paid Up smug. Dan-Mont at an Bunches. OF CANADA Capital Authorized W. D, CONNOR Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lind and Iron Cylinders. Pumas from $2 «and. I” upon every tftornoon LII REPAIRING promptly and prop- ulv “tended to. 0...]. fl. COIIII every hour, day and night, on your deposits in the Saving. Bank Department of the Traders Bank. In time th. interest amounts to as much u the original savings, thus doubling your saving power. A. BELL UN DE RTAKER V and Funeral Director\ Picture F rammg on The money is not tied up eithet, for you can draw out what you want at any time without delay or bother. IHE {mam cuamum I8 Putnam WY TBUUDAY Km ‘0 “a 00mm Prfltlug Home, 0m ‘nfipm TI! CIIOflCLI will b! 00. I h “yum. free of pa ‘- ‘ ° .1 tyou. payable in ”anyhow 1! not no M. m to vhbh "-1 “W “on in d h d thumb..- dlo “I’ll. hhd. 80 pp. “agiljo All “I.” m puma”. Qua-"'vi'tfi 9w ' . m . Inn; out W ”I“ “‘3' «at W amo- nun-r6. 300.00!“ ”autumn!“ my. vi It OM“ d“ publish-d an W and chi-1"..." htMâ€"‘hotmhnflk "" qâ€"fl ”9 h‘!ߢ hurdon. t can M Full line of Catholic Rob“. and Hart dzé-Toz-édoe-J-M. "Id Wm“ 0'4” for aged W Witt-am. arc-Eh. ”gene-u rec-u __‘A_. DURHAM. ONT.. 880w Booneâ€"Next. to Swallow Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next dOOrSouth of W’. J. Lawrence! blacksmith shop. Embalming a Specialty Interest Accumulate: Inn-on um Pnonm'oa. ”tomato: 0: Ad Dale: in , 1910 B155“ .+++++. .+++++. , 1,1910 fore. E Very t lad ies and gv‘ large stocx of: shades. and a also a fuil lin F ancy China suit the puck to give you a an np-tn-d an Raw Furs Althou owing: ing to the $211 tinue t We are We have We also We also We have-l A fresh 8' Highest 119 W

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