Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Nov 1910, p. 7

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ill Jan. lst. l9“ Produce Wanted ing 0033 \ Oatmeal M EATS Latimer WVIQIHHS WEI 3e Good .kery Goods IoooooooM ++++++++++++++++++++ - .;..;. <~~;- ++ +++++P++++++9 |+++++++++W -++-:-++++++++++++++++o ClHFECTIONE. AS I! Ci HOCE 3.... lakes, Pies Grocery Soda . fountain THE Suit (Lu. Durham INDUS Nov.10 Ion-ate COOPER hmu a prmnt nlll‘ "00” Ol' "91 ruit also lwst materials J Hume-made run! all 110“"- mound. fl “’3 “E; : l “050 l ‘Curalll b 'l’hv \\'»n|-..‘s Illfifiil}: \'(‘X'_\' mm" mfu‘. Int-Ml . humv nf Mm. J'lmu-t; M 'H -. -\ “I“ m“... tp __H-t the RIGHT Slim-s Ill t()\\'ll fUI'I'l‘hurmlny aftm'mfun m' ”7‘ I 1 ' . . . , ‘ , AM)!!! t\\'t‘lfl_\'-f1\".' l?! wwwst Primg‘, "\\'v haw 2| full ime ()t Lmhvs, (wlxts mu! 'ln'tvs-unt‘, in! Uri wuum Ix .. . ‘- . ,‘ . , 1n.vn~s+.. -. . 'nn Lay-4. tԤ.il‘ll'e‘ll.~" Fit” (UH! “ llltt’l' “(HHS 2H“! B'HH‘S Ill ht" ‘IM and ; parts in Hip pruir'ruzn. lutvst in Hun-S. hvrv is the plum: tn gvfl “'“Vk 3‘ ’1'” "“3"“; 3' if \nll \\':lIlY ”I“ thv mw F‘nmxm-n lwitlp if .\l _\l .‘I § BOOTS AND SHOES for Fall 0 NEW SWEATER COATS o 1 . o o 9 90.090600990900390. zoigozziz The l ébNDERWEAR of All Kinds Sh! 53?Â¥'Â¥0“,Prenar.ed p: 'OOOOO{ - ' o 0¢WNOOOOWOOO O. " argains for 20 Days ”CW. 2 2 2 LADIES’ CLOTH COATS 66 Cold Weather Ami winter; we have just. received a largv (-onsignmen hm h fine and heavy, good shapes, guud wear, and g Saw III» "N'ursery" Shues fur the little tats. t of Shoes. and value. Cashmere HOSIERY for Fall I'm” (‘aalnnere “use. all sizes, 4 to 10 ......... prices 200. 2.50 to 50c mm. “Llama" "use, ludies' full fushimzvd. on“ 3nd fine-400 and 500 HiMn-d (‘nsluuere "one. sizes 4 to [U at ............... 200 to 50c pair Wu: slo'tl "use. all sizes, different weights ............ 2.50 to 500. pair \l us (’usllllwrv. \Vm'slml and \Vuul "use ...... . ..... 25c to 50v. pair gov. JAMES IRELAND mg 10, 1910 BUTTER .\ r ”:771"ml.1. A'l‘ BARGAINS. p. ‘1 gm ““0 pound of mu' 2.’»«- Tea and find it better than 1w? unv plat-o else fur the mmwy. (irm-H'ivs at bargain prices Guraoraxa 8t. £5. §COTT :: DURHAM ll BRADLEY ” MUFFLERS Hrlilhln Patt‘l|t( °' «1 eunl style. are. embodied in these coatsâ€"good cloths. 2 unimmely nmde. black, navy. grey. etc. . .. . . . . . . . . 451" to $18 :2 < N l'1\\' (‘UATSâ€"These are very nifty garments for the 4 .l‘ (.f H tn 18 years. they are. very smart coats. suitably “Me and nicely trimmed. navy and brown ......... $6.75 to $10 A lin er" (‘uats for the 6 and 8 year ulds, red and navy, trimmed With red. suhd cumfort; these are in all sizes and many diflerent colora- \ alm-s an» unexcelled. .1 WHY is the time and our store is the place 4:14.» yuur preparatiuns. We have put in large stocks of all kinds of winter wear. 1 run buy Underwear here to fit the whole family-doesn’t .-‘ll Illnnt')’ either. \kwvs in Rolled and Butum Front Styles. . . . .25c to 50¢ each :4 l'mlerwenr. Vests and drawers ............ 25c to 500 each \'.-~:~ and Drawers. white and natural... .250 tn $1.25 a piece l n rr-sizvd l'ndvrwear ............... 509. 60c and 75¢ a piece mlwrwwuu all sizes ....................... 500 to $1.25 a piece l’nslu-inknlrle \Vuul Underwear. special. made of best qrnlmn “'uul. suit and goml. . . . . . . .750, $1 and $1.25 a piece h hian 3‘ re uul Ho-nts' Sh” Rubbers at the lowest price and all new stock 'I‘IZRMS: EGGS ()R CASH llf tilting Mutflers made, black. ml gn-y. champagne. sky. wine 8w. . 20¢ mm g1 H AND EGGS 4.:EL._:§:2:. efiéfi .5: $522.; 24:5 >2: Eszxi‘m. ..x_z._.z. c332? lttnll Sh! 1‘ H 5 311* [wt batflsrupt stm-k or budget"; stock, but, n'gu- zhz at right pricvs and sold at. a bargain. 1 Sh alf. hhwlwr cut. gum! your welt. . . . Ham (‘ztIf and “'ilan (’alf. .. . . . . . Ls' Slums at, 3’5 .25. $1.50, $1.75 and. hlucher ”It, gnncl )‘t'lll' W0”. \‘it'i kit \\'.-\NTED lllHllES'l PM I} S I’AII) Ht. gum! your Wt Sq'xiltlc- sult‘ “Ml your “1 tip, lattvst lust, gum] your wc-lt navy, green. brown, It If. 500 each 4.00 4.50 2.00 ; The PILLAR OF LIGHT vâ€"y ~w-â€"â€" : “That is more than I can say.’ she answered, “but I am so delighted that ,we managed to save so many poor ' people." “How many?" | “Seventy-eight. But I dare not ask , you now how many are lost. It would 'make me cry. and I have no time for ;tears. Will you really help to carry a tray ?” “Just try me." At the top of the stairs Constance ,called to her father: ‘ “Anything you want. dad?" I “Yes, dear. Flnd out the chief om- lcer. and send him to me. He can eat and drink here whilst we talk." "T was wondering wha‘t had become the sirains of the Roginu of you." she said. “My sister has ask. March. The serenade was an ed me several times if you had arriu d. or. and the night Will 1012 h“ and I imagined that 1 must have miss» membm'ied. The fuliowing ed you by some chance.” ,the address. Now all this was Greek to him. or Mr. John McGirr, Now all this was Greek to him. or nearly 30. Indeed. had it been intelli- gible Greek, he might have guessed its purport more easily. Holding the glass in his hand he looked at her in frank. open-eyed won- der. To be hailed so gleefully by a good-looking girl whom he had never to his knowledge set eyes on. was somewhat of a mystery. and the puz- zle was made all the more difficult by the fact that she had discarded the weather-proof accoutrementa needed when she first ventured forth on the gallery. “I‘m real glad you're pleased. My name is Charles A. Pyue,” he said, slowly. nvlt‘vvas now Constance's turn to be bewildered. Then the exact situation dawned on her. “How stupid of me." she cried. “0! course you don't recognize me again. My sister and I happen to be alone with my father on the rock to-night. We were with him on the balcony when you acted so bravely. You see. the light shone clear on your face." 'â€"V â€" U" “1’ m glad It a shining on yours now,’ he said. “You must go two floors below this.” said she. sewerely. “1 “ill bring you some coma and a biscuit as quhkly as possiple._" ‘_A “111ml {not a'blt tired." he comment- ed, still looking at_ her. Mr. Hon, 'Rjtchiv, of Acton, spvni uvvr 'l‘hanksgiving at the humv M Mr. Ms. Ritchie, and. ()Llu'r frivmi'. \Vv wish to extol“! uur hmn'ty congratulations and hmt. wisha.. for a happy future, and :1 calm and poacvtul sail Mm thv awn ni‘ lifv to Mr. and Mrs. Juhn Mvfiirx'. Tho mtu'riago tunk plam- nu 'J‘uvs- day “I last wvvk. It was whh (hump rvgrut wv lorlrnvd nf thv (loam of Mr. “any IIa1°l'isun.()fEgrmlmnt. W..- hzul hm'n m-rsmmlly mquaiatmi ‘\\'i'.h Hurry s‘im-v :+(rh-UUI-hu_\' days, and always found him a ymmg man of stvrling (’[lllllifit‘h‘ and highly ‘rvspm-tc-d hy all (whn knvw him. \Vt‘ (‘xtvml Mur sinu‘rv z..\'mpr.‘h.\' tn thv sun-muting (mm, Mr. (h-n, Ryan. jl'.. has r(-:-rnt.;.' purvh'tm-d u 100-:u'rv farm i4 Suug'm-n Vulh'y, {rum Mr. Hon. Mer-hniv. fur '\\'hi('h hc [mid u hands-«mu. figurv. 'l'hc' “Wm-J‘s Illzsfiiutw h l :1 \'(‘X'_\' le‘("1.i~,fll‘. lnvvfi‘u“: t lhv lwnw nf Mm. .hmwe; hL‘Z‘r“. UH intt-rvstnl. 'md [Lu‘yml mm parts in (hv ‘prug'rum. “'(H'k Is 2,‘.i.l lwi'ng' punk" thv .m‘w Fumg'vvn bridge. :1 forms :u'v afmnst n-zul‘y In (-mu'rvh- a: time 0! writing (My. 'l‘lw :uwh n! ‘tfhv sh \\'i.l lm “My hot lung, and s ““01 in Width. 'l‘hm‘v Wil‘. in :11 {wt «mi a fill an huth ammun- vs. whirh 'will lousvn the grad (-(ms'.<lm'.lh'._\'. Farmers’ Central Mutual Fire Insurance COMPANY The Second Strongest PurclvMutual Fire Insurance Company In Ontario Head Office. - Walkerton, Ont J J. Wu. Manner. , 'bllUl'L IVAlL‘v u-‘ou.‘ .-- PROPERTY INSURED LEAR- '01- hdnun‘uus readings \Vt'l't' gthfII LY .9‘°o°.000.00. land Miss Kate MnFuymm sang a ........ ._____- isnlo aw! rw'vivml a hvaNy (-nâ€" Inm,” all kind- 0! gm propor- c‘ore. Txyq acrostics, dealing. with ls “wallluglfur Ills Sufi from lu-uveu." I! end Isolated dwelling: at ryj'lllanksgn'mg, by ‘t'hc Chlt‘ll'wh “looking for llmt blessed hope" (I lwerc Well rmulered. I‘he eolloc- Them. 1. 10; 'l‘ltus ll, 13!. mul while “cm! 33.5 1".th find and” 10W"I tiâ€"on taken u , (lurin r the c-aniug , ' . , It premium notes (or . term OHamounted tol$fi.75, [and i3 flwing thus oxmtautly walnut... .uumug 10‘ three or (our years than can be sent by the Sunday ““001 to Mus- all things to serve the llxlng and true ”Cd omvhfl. Building. pro. L koka Sanitarium. The average “4” 00d. Ever ready (0 do Wllzllcvvl' our teeted with lightning rods enditendancc for 'this year was 39, Lord the King shall-appoint (llfianm ' xv, 1Q). "Ready to every good work“ than» content. acce ted t with 13 scholars and 3 teachers p ‘ ‘owergpresent every Sunday. At' the (TIL m. 1). “Ready alwuysqto. mu m“ tun when not '0 protected 'close of the program, the children 'an angwer to every man that asketl you a reason of the hope that'll ll 9 {were given a treat of candles, and w' J' MCFADDEN' Ag t‘ lthe meeting was closed with the Iqbrglgmerknw snarl; .. . ~ gOOd \VHI‘KS "nu glUl'lly Ulll I‘dlucu whlvh Is in heaven (Matt. v, ml. The only proper altitude of u child ul God Continued from page 6. ’ fiver; given a. t ‘18 ' J' MCFADDEN’ Ag t' ‘tho meleting wars“ 13m ONTARIO. National Anthem. DARK l ES (‘()HN ERS. To be continued. THE DURHAM CHINWNICLE lzulit-H wmn- (it (I ix‘fi.) ’1 H lul \\ 1‘ \"PIW \ ')l “ I h and instrumental music, band 801- eotions and ganws. After lunch, the band again made tho air re- sound with their mubic. and giving a_ hearty {arowolh [on for humc tu b'll. “\Illll ov.\.\-..-, Dear Comrade and l<‘rieud,â€"We have felt constrained to wait up» on you to-night. to give you a' piece of our mind, and this clock, on the occasion of ynnr marriage. You ii‘.\'t‘ left the must in? us in single biessedness, yet we ivy n05 means condemn your action. On! the contrary, we un-itedly join in‘ extending to yuu and your bride uur hemrtiest gnu-d wishes for a long and happy married life. to he cu-nducted from start to finish in perfect harmony. not a note of discord jarring the eVen tenur ut yuur way. We hupe still to ha\'e yuu with uni in your inipurtaut part of our Band aggregmirin. and again extend our feiiciiatiuns on yuur u’uiun. hnpi 1;); that as the. clock ticks away the hnura, yuu will from yuur happy hume semi a thuug‘ht nccasinnaiiy to the liuyts (if the Durham Baud. Signed on behalf of the Band, (i. J. \Vltltill'l‘. Ih-nd Master. 1’. .RAMAHE. Sex-retary. A. 'l‘. Met‘OMB. W. Mct‘.()\\'.\N, F001 BALLER'S BAD KNEE HEALED. Zam Buk Once Again the Only Cure! Mr. H. Allins‘un, of 457 King .91.. Imndun, 0111., says: “Whilo a mvmlwr ut thv East Kvut Divisiuu Fuumall 'l‘cam, and during a rwugh and t-xviting guard to! l'mr‘hal, l fvil (m 'thv hard gran-l, m1"..a‘;nizxg a badly liU't‘l'u'lPd knvv. This rc- quil'ml prumm mvdival ath-ndam-v as sand and g 'avvl fillml 't‘lu- npvm wound, which was wry painful and sure. “Frnr sovvral Wm‘ka the (Imam- ‘troatvd my injury, and it was thvmgh‘. h) 1w w-".l .hvalml mvvr; hu‘t nu summer 'had 1 hcfgun to muvo mmm than thv skin \vrâ€"fmu and I suflvrvd mm'v khan a; first. lung wm-ks l was armâ€" la’d up. 11 ".hvn (thlupml :-.... mm“ and l Wald Mr. (iv-u. S «m 'l‘lmnksg‘i Miss 'Nvl n is .lw gums: 31,-?) 14‘ sm-mllng l't‘X'lfh vs (,)x'..1.ugt-\'i All. r1115 (d uxmn hi t1: Lu (inc tutu Mist-i Jilin-l Kirvanv-md, :u'vum- in! by :1 lady fx'imul, was h-mm- [rum Isliidmuy uvcr uhv Imiidzzy. Mr. and Mrs. Balm-r, uf Austmfâ€" iu. visited a (-uuph' of days 1:15: Wot-k wnh Mrs. (I. Wil.i:uuz+. Mr. i-ulgvr is a hruthvl' Hf MPH. “W.â€" liums’ s-nn-iu-Iuw, Mr. Jas. Balm-1n. MESH Amy I. Jidgv, “f (\Viurtun High .Schuul stuff, spvn‘t Thanks- giving lmliduys all lu-r hunu- llt‘l'I‘. 311's. buyiu. and th'n' Huym, (of TUI‘UHU), visilul with thv lidgc families uvx-r ’l‘huukagiving. Mrs. A. Biuniu its“ \‘isinng' {his ‘I work Little. “1111 hm' sit at Dum_lu_‘.k. ulLlll‘o um 1;u..w-...-. The Edge Hill Ufliull Sunday St'h-uul suuial wan held in the Grange liul‘. nu Friday t'V mine; last. The weather wan all thu' could be desired, and the thI was filled hvyung comfortahlo- seating eapaeity. ’l‘ea \k'atfisex'H-tt shurtly after eight o’clock, and tasty and daintily prepared ediblw; were passed tar-(mud, Until the appetites ut the audience Wt'l't‘ amply satisfied. After ten, the I ‘... “n..t'u auxin.) 11“».u... W. ___ . program Was :lzurml in lhu hands; 0! Mr. 1LT. Befwards, of Ebo‘rdalv. who makes an (’XPCIIPHL chairman. ‘ ‘ l.,‘ ._,_‘ l“! ...“I|\. -. w 111: is pussusm'd of a ready ,wnt which gives him a \wmdvrful com mand over an audicncv, and as a awry ti-lIt-I‘, hc :mmut he vquallml. The prvugram was of high order, thuse taking part in it all dying remarkably wcil. A number of choice rccitaiiuna wm‘e given by the children. ‘cheral chorusvs WUX‘O sung, and also a couple of duets. Mvssrfi. John L. McDonald and Chas. Ramagc, in, each gaw- sh-ort, witty addrgsscs. Two rath- s-kju iafin'ix-zs manual)”. AH {a and smrvs 5011‘. at {.00. a puh‘l {law from Zam-lmk (‘u , upon rvm'im at price. .‘ waruul against harmful us and Huhstitutvs. Sm- 4‘ live“ ('11:! his (HM i‘mlt'riuh lu'l Kix'vvlnv-md, :u‘vum- lady frivml, was h-mm [may uu-r uhv Imiidny. 1 Mrs- Bulgvr. ()f Ausirzl'n in [‘3 l )U 1" “ll L. ‘1' \\.lh Lil mum‘s wars 1.” Juruum \‘ing Day. II mum-n, of hurhrun. 'Uf l‘lih‘A Lily liihhh'. Edgl‘ is h-umv, :lflm' (r~m|'p'.t' uf Wt'Pk'ii Wu.“ (il‘aml Vulvy {Lid rfh, is \'isilj.|g Hus sitstvr, Mm. J-uim Rogimquta‘. luzs (mirr- ul‘xlll'u') PC- [Hah- 11111? w. t J SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson VII.-â€"Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 13. 1910. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson. Matt. xxiv. 32-51. Memory Verso. 44â€"Goldon Text. Matt. xxvi. 41 â€" Commentary Pro- pnrod by Rev. D. M. Stoarno. The greater part of this great dis- course is recorded by both Mark and Luke as well as by Matthew. As they left the temple one day ills disciples called ills attention to the great huild- lugs with the goodly stones and gifts. and they were evidently greatly sur- prised hy ills remark that all would be thrown down and not one stone left: upon another. Four of them came to Him privately as He sat upon the Mount ot‘ Olives and asked Him a question which was really threefold, though they probably thought it one. The destruction of the temple. llis coming.r again and the end of the ago were two. if not three. distinct events. in Ills discourse he. covered the reply to all. The whole age until He shall Cotpe again will he characterized by wars. families, pestllences and earth- quakes. with increasing wickedneal until it shall he as it was in the day! of Noah. in Luke xxl. 24. He very plainly re- ferred to the approaching destruction of Jerusalem and covered this present age by the words. “Jomsaletn shall he tt'otitieu down of the gentiles until the times of the gentiles ne fulfilled." With this verse we should associato Rout. xi. 21'». 2o. Many of the clreum- stauees eonuected with the destruction of Jerusalem were foreshadowings of those at the end of the age. and the warnings are therefore similar. Verses 27-31 of our lesson chapter speak plainly of Ills coming in power and glory imuwdhuoly after the {moat trlhulmmn m the NM nf this ugv. 'l‘ho (Instruction of Jerusalmu was in no sense Ills routing. fm It is wrlttvu in Psalm vlf. m. that wtwn He shall up- pour In Ills glory He will build up Ziun. not destroy It. [11.- ls (-omlng again to restore all things of whlch tho prophvta have spokvu (Acts til. 2“. If “0 :m- Iodvonwd and thus “why to lllt't‘l Him we must never (wise Io wzitih mu! pray. lest the world the flash or the devil cause d‘ur light up fail or men to flicker, and “u (but dishonor Him. “Faithful and wise” I» the: only motto that will tumble as to be approved of Him (45). \V’v uiust beware of saying or even of thinking. “M? Lord dvluyoth Ills animus" um lest we belfuund careless an cun- formod In some measure to Hm pm em evil age. The oil of the nut vhu ter must fill our'lnmps. and the Hub must so shme'lhat men may am: on ‘ good Wurks and glbrlfy our Father Whh'h Is In [maven (Matt. v. m». The only proper attitude of_a child of God is ”wulilugoi'or Ills 806 frnm lic-uveu." “lankllig for that Mei-180d hope" (I Theses. i. 10; Thus ii, 13». nmi whilo thus oxpectantiy waiting. aiming in all things to serve the living and in”. God. Ever ready to do whatever our Lord the King unaii. uppoim (lifiSanM xv, 1Q). “Ready to every good work", .(Tit. iii. 1). “Ready niwuyumio~ gin- an anqwer to every man (but ukctll lml {Us Ills 325 APRES clusv tn l’rutnn Station. hric'k dwellingfilw largo rul-huildill windmill kn: hay. 12 (um h‘ m Iv. unf- Mfill’. Kllm'kb‘ llu- Minshiuv ulf A:- term lmrgaim. MI. [and Hunter Luuk Hate 633 ACRES near l'rutm‘ \‘tuian 5n finale?" Jmctiuu. Iitm brick rabid.“ spit-"did harm. splendid mil mm“ mar, nwhurd 10. Will «All loss than ”5 3n new. A bargain numlv A "ARUWA IN". Mu’. "‘insuzith Bud- muslin»)? CUIIII'V, put" ““30" In (‘HUIMK' in. L»! than “0.01” Ml! IH') 10 :wrr- uf Mud. atom and (hm-Hing. [m u, ullwr film (mailing and 84.0“) Mu. k. GENERAL CUI‘NI‘IH' M‘URE five miles {rum Durham; \c‘r)’ mum. Lame number of clump farm puma-fig. Money to [wind A! lmw Kazan. Ltlldh bumzht In] wild. “ulnar 4le All kinds of waiting: drawn. Nu mam who duivs lvusimus mm H. U. Mill r Iu UVM' flui'lllm'. tn g“ 015““th (Mir methods mum “ play-n. ”Alwayr Prumpt, â€"- N'vm- ”emigrant.” n. n. MILLER - a... “ms at. Hanover Trains leave Dutluuu m " ‘0 a m. ,gd .uO p. m. Trains arrive at I’m tum at m 30 mm. IJJO p 01.. and b 5.3 p m. EVERY DAY ”VIN"? M'NUA" CANADIAN I’ACII’IC ICELWAY TIME TABLE U. T. “all. u. P AKIN“, ”tritium! Trains will an iw :uul tll"!Nl". an {9| luws. until furlln-r lml nw. 6 «l5 6 5" 7.07 RO'MI claw ll 1 an 3'." 7 "4 “ U... 7 M ‘ :m ” I'I'hww N W- C .30 “ fiuuuw' It. MAPPAHLANIC. "ha “ghoul h Hmrumghh .- ,n mud 1!. tourism Mail"). In «ls-mum! uml c‘lm'l. . .1 ,. spplton u mung... Olin. 1m [uh J uuim tom. ' .( um! Ultdfl- Madam wmk. 'V'lw talk»! I: u nmuputvut a“. m human”: mots SI.) ecu: firm. “ml i mum. (in-- mu "not “mph.“ and Wlimuz ‘ vumutu M ()umu‘n hum. Firm-h. Algrlu'u MISS AMY FUNK Hrmhm! I” VIIIH‘HHIH! Sh‘bth'I; LIN" lum. hruuluuh)‘. ahntuu an «I I luwmlhw Muchmlu ~4an c-u'. v M 'M\ lmg‘lo max 0! “In low. M puma-ml.- Muurd c'a. hr ub- ulmhdat mummhlr ruin. Durham in a huh I. we! mun wwu. umkmu u 1. mm! «Amman Mat-ref roddomw. DURHAM SCHOOL. Fresh Groceries '1 Always in Stock ‘I'Hllfl. ALLAN Pn'a'uml. In My» Cart}.- OOOOOOOOOOOOOON‘M fiv‘vfi 2 §+¢$O New Grocery Store MISS HUNAIJ’A M(|\I‘I Butter and Eggs Tat; Exchange Grand Trunk i-iaiiway TIME-TABLE 'Tlle Hanover (onwumcer Mrs. A. SULLIVAN Upper 09090000000999... V 9 $ #00000 \ Funimunw'fi IU'IH'M" . \- 14“.) 1,. in...“ Nb. column! ul‘pny $0“er 414m -1_ «mm ! pt (Huxmlu. ‘13.- “. your. lmrluuu 1'" _'-w%. but] bl Ml lxemetlc-rfl. mum (:o «mo-w aw Mk unwell once. (‘26 I“ {’3 \chu mgruu. n. l’ 'I‘IGIJNHHI H. H. MILLER “211““! scientific 1‘5 "fl‘v " rub 3 80 3 4:: 4 m { I! h" D "mm. ll OI. pm In“! 8': Al'l' A ND ICQUH'M KN“. J Tow In". lulu". Durham. 1v "Nail that" Town Durham “'ulkl'l‘hcu Mup'u Hill Ilalmw I Alb“ l'nlk Durham VOW“ humu l'f‘N“ ”M Human: Jr! 'I‘vwn Audit- P. A xmxt. a orunto. r 0" "to. 0%qu au... Vamp-Cl .‘\r m (. 9‘5 " 9157 .§ 9.“. O. 9 i‘ " 100‘ At "In H h RA h 3mm 4w M A“! hurrah“, Had up fill h‘N‘ II ken in (0001'. 1.10 [2. M U47 11 1'4

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