Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Nov 1910, p. 5

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bather mare Nov. 10, 1910 athel UH H TORE cheap. than “kt? ING C0. TED Rolled “ts (3000 Brown felt chic shape, veivet 111111911 around crown, and txxo 1111111911mo wings. Regular £1} . $310 price ------ m ...1.98 I nrgc- felt ”at hat in brown, with (:H-"hlut binding, beautifu .ly draped 11111 and iarge ornamogt. Bog; Hun Lume- "haunt at Hidn2 98 }1--;.:.zl'lr $1.73. Safe price a This jauntv draped turban 1" 'm'u\\n silk ve ‘vet is becoming to mmt monone. Made of folded brim. and gold and brqwrlribbon. «ilk ribbon and spr‘éy 1 88 MLS. $3.75 Salt: price ------ . 1 smart brown silk veivet drap- ml tuquv, bandeau of gold Persian with h'mdsume pr. wingsa 65 lia-Lr. $5.75. Sake price ------ o 1 gum! quality bruwn (cit turkan _‘. lvzulx'l'. Trimmed With crush 0: nmn silk vefivot, with two grjd 1 black silk velvet bonnet, fold- ed and draped, trimmed whh three handsome tips, taffeta ribbon and wquin ornament. Regular 384.15. 5.110 price ----------- --------- 2.98 1 bonnet in dull silk, Shirred rim, sequin applique, ostrich pun-pom, wwttes of taffeta ribbon, and taf- feta ribbon ties. Suitable for mourning. Regular $5.00. 2-35 l taffeta silk bonnet, folded z-y-own. trimmed in front with lilacs in!!! silk rosettes, taffeta .lribbon 'im. Regular $4.00. For ------ 1.99 1 black silk velvet bonnet, drap- ml faring. good :ful‘. draped crown 7'31de with jet and ostrich mount NLTE} good quality taffeta ties and r m" :es. Regular $.50. 2°88 Lulles’ taffeta silk and veivet u-‘. made folded brim ’and to match. Rog. $1.00, '1 b0 sum he'uw cost, Jtm (.‘mod quality Iarge fe- bruwn, mr fit side. tri‘. gum! quality brown 811 and strung wings. 'with gnld. Rvgular $1.15. 83 1 "N at ----------- . my. ‘ U Mmhum size brown felt saiior. .xith mitable trimming of‘ MP“? With $12,000 Worth of Trimmed and Untrimmed Millinery 1nd ‘_V' (111'. ('ruwn. Fits well and in!” stylish and prnty. trimmvd ‘11)}; 1w. spray with good quality .6191 ribbon ties and bows. Reg-- ‘61." $1.75. Sale. price------ ----- 2.83 i ‘ 1'1 mt made with black Shirred in»: facing and draped crown, t." 11mm! wit h fluffy mount and tin and rosettes of good qualit}, 'I-ra ribbon. Reg $4.50 3-98 Ht.“ paon velvet brn1et, prettV Mud brim and crown, trimmed «in good satin ribbon and 5 ran. 1-1 :11111‘ $4. 25. Now marked '9. 9 .1 ' , .\ hive. assortment of buckles; m 7w. to 35c. Rhinestone, gold. ~ iwr and jet. ‘1' nan {amy pins, most‘y :-‘ hut wins. Regular 2 730 f -; " - Sale price, each-- -JL, '7‘ b fiumtiful sequin and jst band- r‘ «n. Regular 65c an N; '. Sale price, 25c. and. -- 350 The ladies of Durham and vicinity will understand from the character of our past sales just What this event means, and they will crowd our showroom :4 :«mlny and following weeks in quest of this beautiful Millinery. Eambton St. MISS DICK ...... Elderly Ladies‘ Bonnets . j: gi-"lw. Rvgtiiar $52 98 H at tiu- low 00% 0f--- 0 I‘im 'luunty turban shaped hat is ..i»- I»! brown and blue silk velâ€" . 'z-immml with handsome brawn 'at'fs'. and rhi':vstnno3 25 .:.;l.-, Reg. $5. 83' eprice . I‘a‘a. is a ho'-(‘nming, yet inex- 'hixe- drooping felt shape. Wi‘h ‘; \i'vt binding, tam crown of lv-Hir and corded siI.k bunch of nkn silk Powers, and foliage at ‘;(.i;.__.‘7‘f."’.‘.‘.'f"‘ 5135...“??? l . 1 9 lCE 10, 1910 Klvs a 1 his simple announcement that 119 are going to conduct another of our big ( learing Sales of \lillinery is sufficient for most people 111111 k1io11 this store. We 1111 «111111111 owr to another season, and non hefme the 11iute1 is 1111111 1111 Offer our entire stock of Full and Vi inter Hats at unp-amlled 111 ices A finei assmt- 1 1 1.: 111111 he found outside the citv of Poronto Every price will he 1111111111111 in plain fi0°ures, 8110\Vill(_" the1 numense reductions that have hee 111 made. Brown Hats and gnnd [pair ()1 65 lit-g. $L73, far "2. >11 bruwn (Mt, with smart R‘Jh'. wimmpd with yellow pwn p'ml \‘vlvo‘. wih wings HERE ARE EXAMPLES THAT INDEX at side. trimmr'd \vith y brawn 3min ril-hon, Wing's. {with touch. of wmQ_2 m>‘_,C_~U><. ZO<. 5:5 OCw ”$0 mmZT>ZZC>F m>rm $71.98 72.15 are in Biack rolling shape, faced with best quality ”pan velvet. and trimmed with lovely large moire silk ribbon “bow. Regular $5. 75. Sale prir-me -- Small black felt turban. with full dnrape of good quality taf- feta silk, with spray. Regular $5.00. Sale price------ Black silk braid and beaver cloth turbam with good full black 'fea- ther mount. Regular $4.00. Sale price ------ Large black drooping 'shape, draped with best quality taffeta silk, and handsome pair wings. Regular $5.50. Sale price------ Large black taffeta folded tur- ban, with beautiful spray ’and buckle. Regular $5.75. Going for the ridiculously low price of------ Small black beaver cl‘oth turban. draped crown, and trimmed with large. strong black wings. Reg- ular $4.75. Sale price ------ Black felt sailor, trimmed with best quality black taffeta ribbon, bow and two quills. Regular $84.00. Sale price- -- New st \ 0 black beaver cloth hat 00v cred plain, with beautiful pair Mark and \xhite wings :at side. Regular $3.25. Sale price... Black felt dmooping shape, {Tim- med elaborately with :good black moire ribbon. {Regular $4.90. Sale price ------------ Black turban, covered plain with best quality pan velvet, and trim- med with two lovely plumes, val- vet rosette and cabition. Regu- lar $9.75. Sale price------ Beautiful black beaver, with bunch of pink roses at side, and gold crown. Regular $7.25, foru- Large black felt, drooping shape, with folds of black, yol- low and red velvet, with beauti- ful black wings. Regular price, $5.50. Sale price -------------------- Lovely black moire isilk velvet hat plain brim and draped cmwn, wifh two large ostrich pan-poms. Regular $5.25. Sale price------ -- Small black silk velvet draped toque. mtulv on the common sense shape. with black and While {on-- ther anray. Regular $5.25. Sale One of the leading designs of Paris called the “Bell Shape” hat. with tight bands of black and Kings blue velvet around crown, and 'handsome Kings luv and black mounts. Regular $6. 35. Sale price. a regular snap at‘--- A charming idea in a middle- aged ladios’ dross turban, made in pawn silk velvet. “handsome iet bandeau and nstr‘ch mount. Rogâ€" uklr $5.25. Sale price ------------------ Medium size drooping veivet shape, facing and crown onf shvfil pink pann velvet, black upper brim with twist '0! gufd aruuml crown, and two handsome [Tl:l!m'-‘S. A genuine snap. Reguiar $8.00. Sale price-« ...... ......... A large and effective design in the new wide umbrella, mushroom brim shape, with round crown with full drape. of black moire Ve-lvet with handsome scarlet ‘mount. Regular $6.00. On sale for thv small price nfâ€"----- 1 good quality black felt, turn- ed off the face, trimmed with huge bow of black taffeta si‘k ribbon. suitable for mourning. Reg. $4.35 at 1 black felt turban, neatly trim- med with folded velvet and spray, jet ornament, suitable for elderly ladies. Regular $5.00. Sale price-«- 1 draped velvet turban, so popu- lar this season, with deep jet hand. one good tip. A becoming hat. Regular $7.15. Sale price-«~- 1 small black turban, not verv high rim, and good fitting style, trimmed with good taffeta ribbon. dull jet ornament. Reg. $3. 85, for l draped turban of plain black velvet, touch of gold and trim- ming of gold grapes. A good toque for the small price. Regular $5.00. Sale price, 1 black felt sailor shape, trimmed at left side front with 5 yds, good taffeta ribbon. and two fancy jet or colored pins. Reg. $400., for-«"- Black Hats -198 4.9% 3.15 2.98 2.98 7.35 1.99 2.65 2.49 2.99 3.15 4.98 2.68 3.15 2.98 I 1 neat fitting navy tuquu‘, {aided ibrim‘ corded draped crown, ttrim- mod with cards and tasscis. Lat- est winter“ design. Regular $5.00. 3 90 Sale We ' ' “1th 1 dxooping sallor navy, ldrape of silk, round c10Wn and large bow of stitched silk, Rogu- lar I"$3. 50. Sa‘. e price --- . - 3.9a; 2.19| 1.99 4-35 2.99 2.69 1 green and black smart turban shape, Isuitabio for ma't'ron or young lady, with {oldq 05 black Velvet beautiful draped crown, and black feathery mount. Reg- 11hr $6.75. Sale price ------ 1 large (livoopi 11g rcscda gleen shape of bcst quality ban velv,et plain brim, beautiful shined fac- ing of taffeta silk, and (”0101-11 tam crown, x finished wi’h lwautiful Shirred facing 10f 'taffe‘a siik, and corded tam crown fi iishcd “i h beautiful buckle to match. Regu- ular $5. 00, Sale plice ------ - Medium size turban shape, suit- able for matron, trimmed 'with moire velvet ribbon and best qual- ity tafieta ribbon, and two pairs beautiful white wings, finished with twist of ribbon, and buckle. Regular $4.50. Sale price. 1 large plain turban of blue bea- ver cloth trimmed with one Me- phistvc mount in navy, moire si‘k (Lu-Eng a quick sellflr. 'Regular $355. Going at --------------------------- 1 Large drooping sham? in 01111111- 111261: blue 3; 1k volvot, beau‘; ifu] shiiic-d oro1111'n, and 11‘!) hands-51111.1 pair of winsrs. finished with sj‘ 1'1‘1' h'ilhi and 111.111' Reganr $655 83111 1pm. Medium' size drooping felt shape suitable for young girl, bind of green taffeta si'zk, drape of silk around crown, trimmed with pair of White wings, and geld buckle. Regular $3.75. Sale price --------------- Green turban shape. suitab‘e for matzon, trimmed \11th mniIe vei- vet ribbon around crown. and beautiful ”grey and dark green wingrs, finished \xith t\\"-“.t~f)fg1'een velxet. Reguiarw “‘5 .25. Sale price--- 1 large good. quality folL. trim- med with two h'v'uhnnw wing: 11-- rross from, finishv'l with tailored bow of ribbon Velvet, sfirzlppings of ribbon velvnt arramss crown. Regular $6.00. Going atmm 1 small felt Itux'brm, 'a neat, 01091.!3111112' shape, tximmml with 11:1 1119(1me pafv of wings, and drape f1:.111vm. 911d volvfi. Regular $175 \ 1-00'11'91‘ snap ----------------- A N3110100n s‘npo in King 8 blue navy b'uo {1' 1'1: 11111 land-“mu, trimmed with one h’mdsome pair of wings. Rogufrtr $1.55.. Sale price A large rolling folk shape, a bind to! best quality taffeta silk. beautiful draped crown of best silk velvet and taffeta silk trimmed with pair of white wings and gold buckle. Regular $5.00. Sale price. 1 large 1ainsborough :shape, good quality felt, trixznnwd with two hardsomo pair of \\'i"-’"s. moire ribbon velvet. Rf“.’,“l1."l' $4.77.. Sale price ... ... .. ... ... ... .... ...... 1 navy, rolling felt shape, trim- med with strappings of moire vei- vet ribbon and feathery spray and ornament to match. "Reg $3.75. Sale 1 Napoleon in King’s blue felt shape, trimmed with best qua1ity black velvet and two lovely black quills. Regular $3.00. to be'sold for ‘ 1 medium sized navy shape, sty- lish fl‘are brim dress hat,t1immed with full coronet of silk finish Vel- vetta, novelty 'wheel ornament, and beautiful pair of nax y" wings. Regular $5. 50. Sale price... ... 1 large drooping shape, maae of good quality silk velvet, faced with cream colored taffeta silk, :1 beautiful corded velvet tam crown. trimmed with a lovely cluster of silk, flowers and foliage. Regular $5.50. Sale price------ 1 navy beaver cloth turban, suit- able for the winter, trimmed with Wings, and fancy ornament. Reg- ular $4.00. Sale price------ 1 plain covered beaver cloth tur- ban, a little higher at one side. trimmed with spray, and fancy buckle to match. Regular $3.00,!or THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Navy Blue Hats Green Hats 3.35 2.98 1.98 1.93 2.49 1.65 2.65 3.35 2.49 1.98 3.39 2.85 2.98 1.50 1.69 MB 1-79 1-75 1-65 Childs hat in navy felt. t1im- med \\ ith diosden and nax \ iihbon and paon v‘evet folds. Regina: ‘$3. 00. Sale price-n - . Smart child’s hat, in the new blue felt, with huge bow of dres- den ribbon, best quality. Regular $2.40. Sale price ------------ Chiid’s new blue. drooping hat. fits we“, and looks :smar‘t and styfei-sh. Trimmed with full how 'best quaLity drusdon ribbon. Rog- ular $2.50. A bargain-um 1 child’s navy felt drooping hat, best quahity, trimmed with butter-- fly bow of dresdon ribbon, and drape. Regular $2.75.. Sale price-.- M‘isses’ smart hat in navy hit, with large tam crown, of cordgd s'ilk. Velvet bind, and large full bow at side. Reg. $3.25. Sale price Child‘s navy drooping felt sailor, trimmed with bow‘ and band of corded siik to match. Regular $2.75. Now reduced to --------------- Grey felt hat, isuitable {or child of nine yoars, trimmed with best quality :grey satin 'ribh-im to match. Regular $2.40. Sale price‘ ------------ Misses’ best quality rwhite felt drooping sai1-or, with large bow of moire d=rosden ribbon and band. Regular $3.00. Sale pnice------ 1 chiids ‘new blue felt hat. drooping and dented brim, txim- med \\ 1th nice [111 l 1) AV and d1ape of white silk. Regular $1230.! Marked dOMn to" - -- 1 miSsses’ Iwhite felt sailor, trim- med with huge bow of brown silk, and band. Reg. $3.00, reduced to (‘hdld’s brown felt 'flop hat, with large bow, and full drape aroumi crown. Regular $2.35. Going at»- Misses’ 01d rose felt mushroom sailor, suitable for ‘a miss of four- teen, trimmed with huge haw of best quaiiFty silk ribbon to match. Regular $3.00. Now reduced to ------ One harge amethyst velvet hat, drooping shape, beautiful lacing of shot Shirred silk. Smart tam crown. Trimmed with new and latest design of gold bandcau, with huge wings to match. Rtg- |ular $7. 00 A genuine bargain at- 1 brown drooping shape, trim- mod with green slmt taffeta sifk, draped abound crown, 1111270 bow at side. A good soiler :1” 5011mm. Regular $2.85, for-~- 1 grey drooping shape, huge bow of bountiful quali y shot taffeta qilk. Regular $3. 75. A big 'bar- gain at" -- Styiish turban '01 old ruse felt, trimmed with drapery of good mafiy silk, touch of dresdeu and beautiful large wings. Regular $5.15. Sale price-mu ------ Dark red felt turban, trimmed with good quality taffeta, tapes- try band very new and large wing, Regular $4.25. Sale price-um ------ 1 medium size mid rose turban, made of best qualigy taufeta silk and velvqt, rtrimmed with huge )air .0! o‘d rose wings. Regulal 6.00. 8338 price ------------ Smart hat for (11035 (11‘ stuct wear. Draped in plum uh at and trimmed stylishly with white fea- ther mount, and siih 91 hand Reg- ular $5. 00. Sale price-- -- -- The comet, a fancy hat with pretty d_ented mushroom brim and One dark red toque, called the Montrose made in Isilk velvet, crown corded and draped with handsome hand of Persian tapes- try, the very latest Regular .$6. 00 Sale price.» a baker’s cap crown, in amethyst silk velvet, gold gra es, and ame- thyst head chain. egular $5.75. Sale price ------------ Another dark red bell shape trimmed with handsome pair of wings and rich silk velvet in folds. Button cabic‘hon. [Regular $4.95. Sale price.------ The “Madam Cherry" hat‘ a stunning idea in a red felt be" shaped hat. Trimmed elaborately with large ribbon bow, folded side band, and Persian band. Regular $5.25. Sale price------ Children’s Misses’ Hats Old Rose Plum and Red Rafi-ff? 4,49. l'timlm d , ])(‘S- 1 re \\1ng,2 65; how i 1 beautiful little white silk hun- ffom 'net lvmd work omln-nidmy rm.-. 'bar- Phi 92‘s 'md lace mum! {a w , wi‘h long sik tics. l’vg’, 751'“ f»""‘36° . ‘2 Dutch blnmols. hind vmlvrnitl , m'ml.tr1mmod \\i h silk (nw'tls. 11 ”d Red "‘35 1mg. “him 51 k li\h‘ Sujlfilljp [bur }()Ullg ll’llay, Raf:- t;)r. 1.”. 39° <r--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- __ 1.98 1.75 1.45 1.65 I. 29 .98 ml 1.55. 1.65 1.35 1.98 3.29 1.78 2.88 3.15 55! I bear skin 'bomxot, suimblc fur child 3 to 5. Lrimmcd Will) a."!}.' blue goutachv braid. tavszvis x‘Zti: rosettes of white an dsilk ribbun. and long ties, Rvgular (Ow, Sale price ------------ 496 1 little white silk tam, suitalnh ifor child of 3 to 6, will luvkul 9831212105 her-own white 'alC‘JPivnnos 91am,- white silk r-oseflvs and tin laugular 750. Sale prico--~-------490 Wings, Buckle: , Fancy Pins, etc. 1 little white not over pink silk baby bonnet, 'tor smali baby, trim- med with lace and ruching’s. rmâ€" ettez; of good quality ribbom and long tics. Regular 690.. for -- 350 27 fancy belts. all colors, shn' taffeta silk, patent leather, "IN. C) braid, and jet. Regular 2:) and 300 eaizh. Sale price-«14c 31 fancy collars and jabuts. asâ€" oorted styles an (lmlurs. Ht‘g‘lll‘l" price from 20 to 700. ('2ch.‘) Sale price, 19c. and...........~90 Wings, quills, and fancy [calm-r5 Regular price, 500. to $2.50. 980 Sale price, 19c. to...... Nice assortment of winter flow- ers also at reduced prices. Taffeta Silks in the most wann d shades, rose, navy, mauve. X‘L’b‘t‘l’fl. King’s blue, green, brown, rut, tan, pale blue, cream, white. pur- ple and black. Rvgular 75 n and 850. per yd. Sale 1))".(3949‘1 1 White corded Silk blhy lmMu" in the Dutch stylv. trimmwl with pale blue ribbon rosettes, and lung tins. Regular 98c. Sale price-500 Silk vcivets in all the :ltwuling shades: rod, reen, brown, (Team: nose, navy, w ite, ycl'uw; mauu Mpink. pile blue, red plush, orange: plush black plush, navy plush, and brown plush, p‘ain silk velvet, and black plush. Besides, all the load- -ing colors in b( :‘uor o 'nth. 'l‘oquvs and hats will be made out of anv 10! these beautiful on ‘ors at sale iprices during the sale. Ribbon in a!‘ “he Inadi m n mm. Reg. 250. and 35c. valOm’s Sale price, 16c and.» 1 90 Black Iiubon. regulax ‘25c and 35c at {mm 1“c no 290 Veilings and Ribbons Auto veils. two and mun-half u} ;. long, in 111'le F'ld 00,1)“; 690 for from 49c. to-m .. . __ Veils. roguf'ar 950.2122d 35c \92. Sale price-14m ceptlonal values presented. Nubby styles in untrimmed hats Over 100 of these untrimmed shapes in 'the following colors: Navy, brown, green, rose; plum color. red. grey and white. These shapes are worth from $1.75 to 83.50. Sale price: 1 counter 49c; 1 counter, 59c. Over 33 beautiful black fvlt shapes: turbans, drooping sham»; small turned up hat, and other be- coming styles. Regular $1. 50 to 82. 50. “Sale price, each, (file. 980 and»- Untrimmed Shapes More hints here of the very ex- Baby Bonnets Taffeta Si lks Silk Velvets

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