Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Nov 1910, p. 3

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people imaging M k does not want to b. d with small depodu. a mistaken idea. oftcner you deposit, tho on save, for it "may. ptation to M u get of loss. not hesitate to mat. . t of one dollar in "I. 3 Bank. fiE TRADERS K OFCANADA mixed and Iron Pip- Brass, Brass Lined run (,‘ylindera. ) has mm 32 "In“. PHAM.ONT~ Manufacturer 0! Ad Daley in -â€" m of all Kinds. Every Branch URHAM. ONT. n nvu‘.’y fires-noon. [RING promptly and prop 911.191 to. >._.w. D. 00““ F. \. mLMHH. Pvt-cud OWW Le D0113! )eposits .311 IHEH‘ ’a SPCCid‘y CONNOR Nov. 10 I Directorw . BELL E RTAKER \V. IRWIN also at Mo-t twat and Aylon. ”RM and *‘..i'.~.\|rLB Will h. “C’ :~"‘."*‘. ”0900190.”.- .,-. n-ar. payabh ll . f HM u) paid. 11:: 9' an in pan! ‘. (id-0“” “ 4n." .nbel. So p «N no paid. 0100’ O.“ {#9.} I Dufl‘fi9n. »' Cal 3 oft!“ I.‘ per month m " uet out {no COW xouco yon! .‘o‘th to Swallow. linswuszâ€"Nofl Pam-mm: S‘H‘D EHRUNIELE l by “mm ' MORNING House. Bate/rm Focal adVl-l'tm fl on shortest Isl l‘. J. Lawrena’! “henna.-. . fur 2h. I703 il.’ m tin out a» aura. Prof-OI. ! “.00 pct I. 'lrir JUN“... m xvi “9"‘1'93: ,1 Hi," "'0? ha.“ a.“ In.“ + 2. + .. g. 2-:- M»:-~:~++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4-4-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++$+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _+++++++. .+++++++ .7... 3.... a??? a??? _+++++. .+++++ The Big Slaughter Sale of Bankrupt Stock Still Continues All we ask is to give us a call and satisfy yourself that our prices are right Nov. 10, 1910 I EVI N E II Garafraxa St. I II D U R H A M Although I am not going to move owing to the Standarquank go- ing to occupy the premises, still the sale goes on and bargains con- tinue to be given.---C. L. GRANT ++é++++++é+é++++++++++++++é+++é++++é+++++++++++é+++4 ++‘3°°3”3°+'3"33"§“3" °°3“3‘+++++ 3°°3' 3+4"!- 3 ”3 “I “3 -3 °3 '3' °3«3“3‘°3"§‘MMWM+ Since our sale has started we have been very successful in sell- ing goods, as people are satisfied they are getting bargains from us. We are prepared to give you good staple, reliable goods at low prices. The prices are just as low as they were in last weeks ad. 0:. O.’ 0:. O} O: o o 4.0:. 0:00}: O: 0:. .‘oozoozoozoo: 06:00:44.0:0¢:0. a,” 20-0.: :Oozoozaoz 00:00: 0. :¢ otooto 09: o zoo-:0 o: o :ooznoaoo.oo.o eooy++++++**df++++ A fatal collision on the Wabash Railway occurred last Friday at Corinth Station, near St. Thomas. The engineer, Geo. Smith, was killed instantly; the fireman es- caped by jumping. An open switch is given as the cause. } The solid brick Grand Trunk Station at Goderich was destroyed by fire on Sun-day. Loss above $25,000. Supposed to have origin- ated from a crossed electric cur- rent. . At the Grand Valley fall flair last month, George Swain, a hotel- keeper, struck Samuel Still, over the head Wiuh a beer bottle, in- flicting serious injuries. The case, which was to (have been tried at Orangeville, Saturday, has been settled, Swain paying the complain ant $180 and assuming all costs. Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, had a fire on Friday last, which cawsed !a 1095 estimated at $100,000. TWO {blocks were consumed. Brandon Asylum was burned on Friday last. The 600 inmates were saved An information has been made out, charging James Bates, of London, with manslaughter. {his infant child having died, accord- ing 'to the coroner’s jury, of starvation and neglect. 4.0::W .02" :020-00? GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE .++++++++++ ..Z.+++.I.+++ 1 .1 l The inventory of Mark Twain’s lestate, returned by the appraisers, lAlbert Bigelow Paine, and Harry -A. Lounsberry, to the Probate Court for the District of Redding, ives a total of $611,136, of which 70,000 represents the value. of hid ‘home. “S‘tormfield,” and the cot- tage known as the “Lobster Pot," While $541,136 is personal proper- ty. The sole heir is his only sur- gviving child, Mrs. Oszip Gabrilo- ‘Wi‘tsch, the 'Wife of the Russian gpianist. ..§..§..}»}..§.++ o 6 s+++++++e++++++++++ s+e+e++++++- .++++++ .+++++++. .+++++++++++++ _+++++%+++++++. '++++++++++++++« ’++++++++++++++‘ 33”! .wooomo. ++++ _++++. +2.... +++H I scan- 1 nova: . “Welling-SM Wat “I'M“ Patrick met This pastor next day, and began discussing the sermon. “Shure, yer riverence,” said Pat- rick, “I had no idea till ye preach- ed yisterday, that the day 0’ judg- ment wud be sich a demohstra- 'tipn. ’Twill be ap ayfuljam.” ' The priest of the parish had preached a sermon on the Day of Judgment. He impressed on his hearers what a great event it waul'l be when the last trumpet should sound, and the dead should rise. It would 'be a .great demonstration of the strength and glory of the Roman Catholic church. Every 1P0pe since St. Peter would be present, and so would every saint and martyr who “had suffered and died for the advancement of Christianity. Not only that. but every human «being from Adam down would be on hand. The concourse would not be limited to the faithful only. All those misguided brethren who had separated and become Anglican-s, Presbyterianis ‘and Methodists, would also 'be there. ~“rr‘J unnv Allbulhlllc LLCC. \ Rexall Orderlies area gen'ble, effective, dependable and safe bowel regulator, strengthener amd tonic. They re-establiuh natures functions in a quiet, easy Way. They do not cause any inconven- ience, griping or nausea._ They are NO REASON FOR DOUBT. A Statement of Fact: Backed By A Strong Guarantee 0 We {guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from -conb";ipati‘un. 1:.) every case where we fail We will supply the medicine free. ‘ 'â€"‘1 wâ€"â€" 90 pleasant to take, and work so easily that they may be taken by any one at any time. They thor- oughly tone up the whale system to healthy a_ctivity. We cannot too \highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form of constipation and its at- tendant evils. Two sizes, 10c. and 25c. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this commun- ity only at our storeâ€"Tube Rexall Store. Macfarlane Co. “kWil'l thht Ulster gang of Prodâ€" esan-s be there?” inquired Patrick duogl‘ytfully; . _-., Dv-u- VL‘II The Southampton bridge across'desstroyed, and it has been um- the Saugeen River has been takenlneceseary to boil the water. .over by the Bruce County Coun-cill This method should be very val- from the Hunter Bridge and Boiler uable for ‘m'iners, prospectors, (30., and 'has lbeen declared furlcampers, and those living in sum- public travel. The bridge is said mer resorts, Where ‘the condition to be the largest public bridge in of the waters might not be above Ontario. The bridge cost $31,000, suspicion. of which the Dominion Grover)â€" 1r)nen't laealrs $3000. the balance is to -_‘â€"_- e pai )y the county of Bruce. The bridge is 396 feet long, there CURING CATABBE' are two massive concrete fabut. Accept Our Advice and Try This ments, and two concrete piers, the Runedv “ Our 31“ highest being 45 feet, and. below . ‘ . these there are spiles driven from Catarrh ”5 a disease '01 the mu- 18 to 22 feet in depth, The super-Leo“ membrane. in” mucous structure is all of steel and risesnnembrané .18. one may say. the to a “height of 28 feet. The gnnr’mterwr llmmg 0‘ the WONG. (.‘a- -of the bridge is covered with - tarrh therefore, may 9X11“ 1" any inch plank, 16 feet wideâ€"0.8. Su‘n.| part Of the system. , ‘IYL ._ AI, _ “Yes, indeed they will,” said his reverence. Rexall ‘Orderliesrare unsurpass- able and ideal for the use of child- :gn, 01d follk‘s, mid. d_o_liucate per-song “It will undoubtedly 'b'e agreat dag? ft_he_ priggt aasure’d him._ “Well. father, will th’ Ancient Order of Hibernians be there?” “Why certainly, Patrick.” “Will the Orane'cmen be there?” “Oh, undoubtedly.” _ _ “Well, father, I’m thinking there won‘t be much judging done the At the next session of the On- tario Legislature they will miss Joe Downey, Who'has forsaken politics and South 'Wellingt-om. .to be superintendent of the Hospital for the Insane, at Orillia. The other day in the Parliament build- ings “he told this one: | first day.” is a wonderful food-medi- cine for all ages of man- kind. It will make the delicate,sickly baby strong and wellâ€"will give the pale, anemic girl rosy cheeks and rich, red blood. It will put flesh on the bones of the tired, over- worked, thin man, and will keep the aged man or woman in condition to resist colds or pneumonia in the winter. Scott’s Emulsion HOW IT APPEARED TO PAT. MARK TWAIN’S ESTATE. LARGEST IN ONTARIO. '03 SALE BY ALL ”BOOGIE“ . The laboratory of the Provincial Board of Health sends out the fol- lowing method of purifying drink- iing water, and We pass it. on for the benefit of our readers. ' A level teaspoontul of chloride ‘0! lime should be rubbed into a Iteacup of water. i’Phis solution #should be diluted with three cup- 'fuls Olf ”water, and a temspoomi’ul of the 'whole quantity should be added to each two gallon pail of drinking ”water. ’Ilhis will give .4 'or .5 parts of .frec chlorine to a {million parts of water, and will in 'ten minutes destroy all typhoid iand colon bacilli or other dyseui- fiery-producing organisms in she . water. Moreover, all traces oi the chloride will rapidly disappear. _ This method of purification has be :11 tested with Toronto Bay wat- er inoculated ‘witJh millions of bacteria. Every lgerm has been destroyed, and it has been um- ineceseary to boil the water. Mr. TH. Hanlan, o! Newmanville' killed and dressed a 12-moti‘th:i-' old ‘hog last week. It dressed 611i poundsâ€"which made it a mighty valuable porker. Mr. Hanlan got; the pig. a Berks-Yorkshire crossw at six months, and kept it in an individual pen, feeding it twice daily; the ration 'was half a gal-; lon of corn meal and shorts to six, quarts of milk or whey. “That pig never saw the light of day,” says; Mr. Hanlan, He has been making? a test with five pigs {our being' kept in one "pen together, and thel odd one by itself. The porker 00-! cupying an individual pen gets ex-’ astly one-fourth as much feed as: the others, but is gaining' fasterl than any of them. Mr. Hanlan is being rapidly converted to the doctrine of keeping pigs apartâ€"1 Kemptville Advance. I PURIFYING DRINKING WATER The destruction of our forests recalls a curious criticism made once by .a prominent lumberman who was a member of the House of Commons. He alleged that Canada had not been properly “laid out.” The seaboard 'Prov- inces and Ontario should have been prairie, and Manitoba, Sas- katchewan and AIberta should have been forest. The [hardly pio- neers who came from the old coun- try could thus have been saved. a lot of ‘work, and the forests would s‘ill be in existence. As it was. they had to chop and log and “burn and stump, while ‘beyond them. hrhher West. was the wheatland . A rare flight was offered one Ar- thur township man on Thanksgiv- ing Day, less than five miles from 'M‘t. Forest. It was a full grown live deer in a field next thevoad. We want you if you are a suf- ferer from catarnh, in any form, to give Rexall Muco-Tone anhor- oug'h trial. Use it with regularity and persistency for a reasonable time, then it you are not satisfied. come back and tell us, and without question or formality we will uhand back to you every cent you paid us. This is certainly the ‘fairest oflfer ’ahat any one could make. and should attest our sincerity of purpose. It comes in two sizes, 50c. and 81.00. Remember you can obtain it only atâ€"The Rexall Store Macfarlane 8: Co. Accept Our Advice end Try Thu‘ Remedy at. 0111' Risk i Catarrh is a disease of the mu- cous membrane. g'l‘he mucous‘ membrane is, one may say, the interior linimg of the. budv. (Ia-i tarnh therefore, may exmst in any‘ part of the system. For pains in the side or chest dampen a piece of flanmel with Chamberlain’s Liniment and bind it on over the seat of pain. There is not-hing ’lletter. For sale at When the catarrhal poison at- tacks the mucous membrane, in- flammation and congestion are produced, and nature fails to throw oflf the accumulated poisons. The organ which has been ataflict- ed ceases to perform its proper function as nature intended it should. The result ‘is, complica- tion upon complication, which may lead to other even more serious afflictions. We honestly believe Rexall Mu-co Tone will do wonders toward over- coming ca'tarrh. It is made from the prescription of an eminent physician who made a long study of catarr.,h and his great success with this remedy was an enviable one. Gun’s Drug Store. on the 11th con. of the township at Farewell. and Jos. Allen was the man who saw it. His little son who was with 'him at the time, proposed to catch the beautiful animal, but on the nearer Approach of the man and child the Beer bounded out of sightâ€"Rep. For the first time in many years a deer is known to be in this neighborhood on the eve of the season for shooting :this noble species of .game. Mr. Geo. Flood spied one on Tuesda' afternoon while driving aflong t e 1261'! of Bruce, and called the attention of Mr. Geo. Greer to the beautiful an- imal as it was leaving the latter’s farm and headed towards Capt. T. Hay’s bush on the 11th con. They saw it clear the fences in gracefu‘. style, and scamper away. Where it came from is 'a conumdrum. Where it may he by this time is another.â€"Paisley Advocate. CANADA BADLY LAID OUT. .t requifcd no such work. THE DEAR LITTLE DEER. KEEP THE PIGS APART. 5“ ‘ V" D. 0'“ ‘3'""4' LO ture Hardware and Furni PLANING MILLS ZENUS CLARK DURHAM - - ONTARIO All persons owing us on account are requested to cell and settle by sub or note on or before the 15th of April. pain. Acall solicited. Ask {or quotations on your next job. Planning Mill Ind Futon completed and in pnpnud Alao a limited amount of iron work and machine re- to take orders for The undersigned beg. to announce to widen. o! Durban und SASH, â€"- all all kind: of â€" House Fittings

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