Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Aug 1910, p. 7

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'ead. Cakes CTIONERY m made of the beat kl offer a u m. selling at extra-01y low um. I)»: and 25e, for” total with flat.) .od MOD 0! Carpet Squares and Doc: In”. by buying new. .ygr, Tn make C ON, a“ together. '[armont new. 800d mined. etc. Wain. $1.50 [or “fail“ 81.75 for COOP 0' “Cl. but a «-...W Bolts 5UP? 0! "‘6'. 3| it. In ; tins: the 5'1" nf unple- vm'icty ‘9 m. 7.0%. frnm. SUN 0' Qm‘l‘ irv ho-mg as represented. h we Hf gPNing what the! Want and “11?" they "D‘ it. In a Wurd sure of get- ting fhvi r monvys worth “I Vhahh'lnml‘l at reasonable man “a aim t » plan. M 11' 7.1,» mark With our Boo“ u d \r was ”moiety, Tfunki. "9’ ‘ .a~fiwrl‘6l08('o)0~,v;“.~. Cunom Work and I0- ”MP'M: as usual I! 601011 and paw u. we will pncticflly u" the pric. the good. Yawn Wash T“! .0... m ‘ 39°06! clam... Aug. 18 ..... Homo COMPANY Thc Sccnnd Strongest PurclyMutual Ffrc Insurance Company In Ontario Head Office. . Walkerton. Ont J J. Schumann. HMO!- Wm. J. Lawrence DURHAM Imam-es all kind! of fun proper- t3 and isolated dwellingl at ra- dueed cash rates. 3nd under low- " premium notes for 3 term a! three or {our years than can be "cured ctsewhen Buildings pro- teeted uith lightning rod: and their cortente accepted at lower men than others not IO protected A special emet is made to please even customer, and you are request- Hi n} (all and give me a trial. Yours for business. Farmers’ Central Mutual Fire Insurance I aim offer you the very best work in all branches of General Blacksmith- ing. “3133011 and Carriage Building and Repail ing at very reasonable pflCt‘R. I make a specialty of Practical lione- melng and always give it careful mmtion. Nn matter how many come, you will Hut. be kept waiting. and every 1013 [HmitiV9‘y guaranteed. Juet bring along one wheel and wan-h me set it with this machine. and ynu will never again have them «at any other way. No more burning nr scaring the rims. m- boring new holes, and best of all no more overllshcd wheels. I run set a tire in 20 minutes with this Inn-him' and do a better job than any man tau: the Old way. The only kind that cannot pos- sibly hurt your wheels and has Proved Satisfactory. C u o PROPERTY INSURED NEAR- LY A Good Cold TIRE SETTER .J. MCFADDEN, Ag’t. DURHAM. ONTARIO. In New Quarters Near the Garafrul St. 811488 Nu: the (infirm St. l \Vihh to announce to thv pubhc that I am no-w wltled in my new Quarters. T. Moran’s old stand. gneu- the Guru- fmxa St. bridge, where I am prepared to cater to their wants in all kinds bf custom bhchmitlh ing. All work gnu-anv- teed first-clan. . D. MCGRATH 18 1910 ONTARIO Calder Block - Durham The CENTRAL Drug Store The Orangemen held their picnic in Mrs. J .S Hardy’s grove on Aug- ust 12th. It being an ideal day, the picnic was a success, The program consisted principally of vocal and instrumental music. Dro- more did their part in good style, and gave many choice selections. The home orchestra also did well. The booth and supper, football match ‘and races, were enjoyed by all, the Dro‘more and Swinton Park teams coming out a tie. Mr. Jerry Maher, of Grand View. Mam, called on his old-time ac- quaintances during the past week. The climate. in the West agrees with Jerry, as there is very little change in his appearance in eighteen years. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie, of Mt For- est,~made a brief visit at Mr. Geo. Martin’s, on their way to visit friends at McIntyre. Miss Annie Lawrence, from near Durham, has been engaged to teach the youth of the Park, and Opens school this morning. May success attend her efforts. Mr. John Mather and daughter from near Markdale, spent part of last week at Mr. R. Hannam’s Mrs. Ilift and two daughters, Al- ma and Bertie. from Vancouver, are visiting friands around the Park. A bright little boy arrived at the home 01' Mr. and Mrs. Wm Mc- Cormick on August 8th. Congrat- ulations. SCHOOL OPENING Miss Bell, of Dundalk, called a number of her friends here tore leaving for the West. Mrs. Smith, from Tomnto, is spending her holidays with her cousin, Mrs. F. Watson DURIAI ZENUS CLARK pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. All persons owing us an account are requested to call and settle by cash or note on or before the 15th of April. Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that be has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for as soon as they are pub- “’3 will have the new Scribblcrs, Exercise Books, note Books, Slates, School Bags, Pens, Pencils, Etc. “'9 have a full supply of necessary fnr school open- text Books SASH,DOORS House Fittings Swinton Park, and all kinds of -â€"- lisbed. ing. 'ooooo’ , Mr. and of be- A number from here took In the 351-er party at Vane! ond report ; Mr. Chas. Reay. while driving the binder, was thrown from the seat. and was seriously injured, which will by him ofl work for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Hueghsn und Miss Ethel. of Muloch, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Resy, one Sunday evening recently. The Misses Campbell of Toronto. are holidaying with their cousin Miss Hat-ion Coutta. Mr. and Mrs. D. Donnelly and May. Sunda ed with Allan. Park relutives, recent y. Miss Hopkins of Muloc I). spent Sun- day with her cousin Miss Margaiet Hopkins. Miss Blanche \Vise spent a few days with her sister Mrs. Alf. Bailey of Allan Park. I Sorry‘to have to report Mr. ,Bruce still in a very critical con- dition, having fallen a couple of months 'ago, and broken his thigh ghone. Harry Sterne, too, is under .the 'doctor’s care. Mr. Alf Ashley and Miss M. J. Cuff accompanied by Miss Merchont, of Toronto spent last Sunday at Lam- lash. Miss Alice Donnelly visited over Sunday with Miss Lottie Harbottle of Durham. MISS Annie Reay and 111:th sister Myrtle visited with their ‘unt Mrs. 1*. Reay one day last week. I ‘Mrstos. Snell, of Prince Albert, =Sask., leaves this week for her 'home, having spent the past two Imonths‘with her parents, Mr. and > Mrs. Jane. Leask Mr. G. Hard of Allan Park. visitpd over Sunday with his sister, Mrs. \V. G. McCulloch. Mrs. \V m. Hazlett of Allan Park. called on Mrs. 'l'hos. Kennedy one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Atkinson of Glen- elg. Sundayed with their daughter Mrs. B. Coutts. [ Alex. Findlay is to be congrat- :ulated [on passing successfully the :Entrance to Normal school exam- ination. Mr. \Villie Viékers. formerly of ‘Vim-ton. is spending his holidays wi Lh his parents here. Mrs. T. H. Lawrence and Charlie spent one Sunday recently with the farmer’s mother Mrs. Foreman, of Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Donnelly of Allan Park Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey recently. Miss Bella. Allan spent a week ago Sunday with Misses B. and A. Donna]. 1y before returning to the Queen City. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hay. of Durham. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hunt. recent/1y. Mr. and M m. \V. G. McCulloch spent a week ago Sunday evening with the latter-’5 sister. Mr. and Mrs. A. Park. Hmupden. The following visitors to the West 'have returned, with pleasing accounts '.of their trip: Mrs. Wil- son and Miss Eliza, M18. R. Ren- Wick, sr., Mrs. W Hunter and Mrs, R Taylor. Friends in town received a phone message Thursday. that Mr. Gro. Cushnie, of Mt. Forest, was .oprr- ated ’on for appendicitis. The op- eration“ was of a very critical nature, ’but he is doing as well as can‘be expected. Mrs. R Renwick and’Mr. .Walter Hastie, sister and brother of Mrs. 'Cushnie, drove to Mt. Forest Sunday to spend the day with Mrs. Cushnie, as her hus- band is in the hospital. Dromore ’was well represented at the Orange picnic at 'Swinto‘n Park, Friday, The game of foot- ball between Swinton Park and Dromore, resulted in a tie. The visitors report _a good time. Mrs.'Lester and family leave this week ’for Calgary, where they ex- pect ’to make their home in the future with other members of the family. They have been resid-rnts of DrOm‘ore for over twenty yeaxs, so that they will be much missed. They carry with them the go: (1 wishes of their old neighboxs. Miss ’McCrae, of Toronto, is holi- daying 'at Mr. Findlay’s, and Miss George, also of Toronto, has en- joyed the past couple of weeks at Mrs. Laughton’s. ' Mr. ’Andrew Leslie, Miss L. Leslie and 'Miss Scott, spent a few days among:- old neighbors here on their way’to 'Osprey, to visit Mr. Leslie’s daughter, Mrs. Scott. Mr. Gordon 'Findlay, «of Owen S’d. Spent a few days at his fabher’s, prior to leaving flor Carstairs, Alta. where :he has secured a position in a store. Mr. Colclough gave an illustrat- ed lecture in the interests of the Bible Society in Amos church Fri- day evening, which was very in- teresting‘. We are pleased to report Willie Sterne improving after an attack of typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. J , fine“ and son, of Durham, were pleasant callers on friends' in town recently. Mr. ’and Mrs. Simpson and baby. of Toronto, are visitors at Mr. Colin McMillan’s. Dromore. Vickers THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Be sure and take a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip the summer. It cannot be obtained on board the trains or steamers. Changes of water and climate often cause sud- den attacks of diarrhoea, and it is heat to be prepared. Sold by all “You saw him killed?” she said in the name awed voice, involuntarily drawing away from him. “Yes," he said. “and you would have mhimkflled,too,ifyonhadgono down with me to appear against him.” She looked up quickly and. then thanked him almost 19 a whisper. “Yes. He deserved death, princess. I am more or less like the Modem in one respect. I might excuse a thief or a murderer, but I have no pity for “And you-.-you saw him killed? asked the princess in an awed voice, low and full of horror. “Ya. I could not avoid it.” “They killed him on yourâ€"on your”â€" She could not complete the sentence, but ahuddered eXpressively. you exhibited signs of hereditary tn- sanity by coming here in the first place. I’m beginning to believe that there’s a streak of it in my family “None whatsoever,” said Chase calm- ly. “You must admit, however, that him if he’d forgotten my wamhips. ‘Why don’t you have them here? he asked. ‘We’re not ready.’ said I. ‘The six months are not up for nine days yet.’ I also made the interesting disâ€" covery that suits have already been brought in England to break the will on the grounds of Insanity.” “But what good will that do us it we are to die here?” exclaimed Bobby Browne. Continued from page 3. «am. 1 asxed him now we were to die, and he smiled as though he was holding something back as a surprise for us. He came as near to laughing as I’ve ever seen him when I asked The FALL TERM J. LEVINE Youths’ Suits, sizes 33 to 35, dark and light patterns, good serviceable suits, worth from 600 to 8.00 ............................................................................................ Lustres and Suitings, worth 35c for ......................... Cotton cashmeres, all colors, worth 150 for ............. Ginghams, worth 150 yard for ............................... Begins August 29 Boys’ 3-piece Suits, regular 4 00 to 500, Men’s Suits worth 12.00, for ......................... Men’s Black Overalls Elastic Belts and brass buttons, best make, for ........ Men’s Black Smocks to match. to sell at! Special Clearing Sale White Vestings, worth 25c yard for ......................................................................... White Vestings, worth 200 yard for ............... Boots and Shoes all going at reduced prices to clear FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND in the Central Business College of Toronto and its Branches Are you planning to emer then ? Have you seen other young people around you rise from one posi- tim to another? There’s a reas- on. They secured a business education first. Our new cat4- ogne isj mt out. W lte \V. H. Shaw, wincipd, 395 Yonge St.. Toronto. Ready = Made Clothing TO THE A. RUSSELL STORE We Have Moved THE MAN FROM BRODNEY’S (To be continued) OOCOOCI'OOCOOOIO0. In the McIntyre Block, and are selling goods as low as ever before. Give us a. call and save money by buying here. THE NAVAL REVIEW AT SPITHEAD BATTLE BETWEEN DREADNOUGH‘I’ AND AmsNIP Ganadian National Exhibition TORONTO _ AUGUST 2m to SEPTEMBER IZIII. mo . 9 00.00....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.COO. OOOCOOOOCOOOCOOCCOIOCOC . [mo and Brass Outings and general Repairing. Feed haiku. 3am fitters supplies. Engines and Thrashers. Sash .Ind Doc's, Planing and Gaze-rd Wood Work. .wncn [on REDUCED urn um acuasluls. For all information write Hangar, 1. 0. ORR, City Hall, Toronto 00....OOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOIII...OOOIIOOOOOOOOQOIOO....0...O..OOOOO....O 1m oved Groundl, New Buildings, International Live Exgbite by all the Provinces, Magnificent Art L .7 PIRIIBSION OF HIS "MES" THE DURHAM FOUNDRY 0. SMITH 6: SONS, DURHAM, ONT. COCOOOOCOOO .0...OOOCOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO. Lved Grognds, law Bpildinggllntggmtiqngl Lige Stock Show A_ 1-, KING sconce: HOUSEHOLD ifsâ€"Aha lode! Military Camp. I Taftoo «cg night. . I Everythxu new a: attracbons. .. ~ ........................................ 85c for ........................... ............................................................. 120 RUSSELL’S OLD STAN D ............................. ....10c per yard 3.49 2.98 850 ......... 190 per yard PIRFORUIR. ...IOc ...15c

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