[m JAMES EDEN One “Crowfï¬'ï¬g Plow instead of two singlew furrow Flows 3000 â€www.9«m.« Anwnc meme 1 sketch and dean-1 km at) any: v a; can; n o r 09.2.01)†1m ' other II «wen: Inn to vrobnbtyr ammonia. 1" n3 atrtcflvmnc a enzi‘sL'NAIB on PW cent 1“»). N 210'. Money for Pat-2 u when through Dinningw «9 rialnottcc, witbondeaL'gO. In 0_ - ‘- £3.17:er â€0735? .15: 66MB “166ml.“ ‘MW '26; and». a.» a your. pm pmpud. Bold M 3'.) msdwem HUN" 8Bw'mm11fl Ditch 05cc. l’ vâ€"vâ€"vVâ€"_â€"v ' ___ 0.: Abdaoquy muggy G'V'n'd'y: W in- - A- _‘__I 1-.--___ 4-- WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE 3 o 3 $6.9m“ Emmi. A I} wimws Ldm'a‘i m is the- grwatos't le .wy you mm leave yuur c hi dwn. “9 get (It-an tn Vb» lwtl-rm‘k fuundntinn of living nu~lIw-s it‘it’llf‘t‘. and mm: worthy gnuluates to tho- t-hnira- [b(;.~3ti'll;8. Easter Term Opens M A R C H 2 9 th Afliiian-d with Cmunwroin! human-3' Assuciathn of (.‘an- 0E0. SPOTTOV, Principal 'mc tor particulars any day. Individual .: 3. Hon.» Mindy in Senior Teachers Mid“ and (‘ummer- i» ~15. Send fur patr- unm . . . . e 1t 5 ozten dangerous to connder O COLLEGE : headache a trifling ailment. If '1. â€map“ :t e head aches the stomach is out o of mder and same serious disease â€"W.†may ‘ne impending. To tone up the 'â€"_““â€â€™â€œ'“*" stnmuch to give it healthy action. 60 YEARS’ 'nothing in modern medticin‘s is so 'EXPERIENCE .successful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. .Thv cunmntrated vegetable ex- :tmcls i!. Dr. Hamilton’s Pills have ‘a (wit-ting healthful effect on the Istqimach and remove all disorders. vYour headaches will be cured. and 0°59?†. lithe-V won‘t “‘tum if you use Dr. Canaan-nae. Hamilton 5 Pills. Sold everywhere. Agent ++++ 99¢. i Pumps._C_13__rbing. Tile i George Whitmore ++++++++++++++ o o 0.6.. o 6 .20 O: ..% .‘r 0:. 9 6 .- +é++ CALL ME UP w w ’v_â€" "vâ€"â€"_- - autumnal. Butitiseoouthtopayfovtho “CM!“ Gas in n few weeks. The “Crown" Gang stays right down to its work. It turns the furrows more evenly than a single-furrow plow. The wyowotkiug lever. no conveniently located. The 'heek have dust-woof boxes with tolletohearings. You should learn more about the “Crown " Gang tight away. and about our special orchard can; pic". ‘00. 50 write for 057““; FROST “'OOD (50., LIMITED, SNITH'S FALLS. CASADA. ANYONE 0x»: NEEMNG New Pumps, Pump Re- pairre‘. Cement Curbing or Culvert Tile, fee . . . . JNO. S-(‘H I'L'I‘Z or mt'wlf :1? the slum ++++++++++++++a+ -+++++a++++ I With; dish of stri'ngless beans. . He makes his old tobaccoless pipe 1 And laugh: a mirthless laugh When papa tries to coax her back 2 By wireless telegraph. Eloping Up to date The coatless man puts a careless arm ’Round the waist of the hatless girl. While over the dustless‘ mudless roads In a horseless carriage they whirl. Like a leadless bullet from a hammerless gun. By smokeless powder driven. They fly to taste the speechless joys By endless union given. The only luncheon his coinless . purse - E Allard: to them the means ’1: a tasteless meal of boneless In New Quarters .‘(ear the Garairaxa 8!. Bridge M. B. MCGRATH Near the (iarafraxa St. Bridge TELEPHONE No. l0 “'hen you want anything in the “up of «haying dune prnmptly and (-.-u'o-any. CH A Ru :is' M 0! â€51% ATE 1’ R() .‘l PT S E RV ICE 0mm may hp Inf! at the Hahn Hume Stable or at my my reï¬id’nm TELEPI‘. TSENO.I0 LAMBTON STREET Great Danger in Headaches mu prvpulml 'w can-r tn tht’il‘ “3"!!!" in a?! kindiï¬ 0f Nit-{Hen Markuuiflr ing. A?! work gum-an- teed (int-L'lass. q'l'U‘iPl‘“. ‘ stand. 1:» {Ivan St. 3 lwish n, ammn (‘e to the- puntm that I um DJW selflwi in my nvw Horn-term T. TwIc-v-nu's c H DRA YM .\ .\'. D'L'R HA M F. HIND Durham. Ont. tl' the (ima- v-Mgv. who‘re I ml in (‘AM‘I‘ tn 04 Ink Twain Likes tho Wood. Mark Twain. in a sermon to an- ti-tobacconites says: “I don’t want any a] your statistics. I took your whole batch and lit my pipe with it. I hate your kind of people You never try to find out how much solid comfort. relaxation and enjoyment a man derives .lrom smoking in the course of a life- time. which is worth ten times the money he would save by letting it alone or the appalling aggr;- gate of happiness lost in a life- time by your kind of people from not smoking." Russia's Hutton King. . There is only one man in the world. who owns 35,000 sheep dog"... and he is a Russian. Some people call him the “Russian Mu- ton King.†He is the largest owen of sheep anywhere. They “hiten 1h? Siberian plains for hundreds of square miles. and the whole of the :llocks which he owns total up to j1.750,000 sheep. Gustav Jovano- vitch is his name. We are no; in the habit of thinking of Russian millionairesand yet a man whose ilocks necessitate 35.000 sheep ï¬ogs -to keep them in order, one dog to ‘fifty sheep. must «be a millionaire ‘ and more. . i It may be cramps, perhaps colic, pain or gas on the s:oma-oh,â€"but in any case a few draps of Ner- viline soothes the pain and allows the child to sleep peacefully. Ner- viline cures minor ills such as colds fheadache. internal and external ‘pains as well at; any doctor,â€":;a.fe ito use because a small dose is re- ;q'uired. Mathers. you will find 'Nerviline an invaluable aid in pre- venting and curing sickles'i. Keep a bottle right at hand, some day ,you will need it badly. Sold ev- Iex'ywhere at 25c. ..._o _. . It is always -a temptation to air One‘s special knowledge. A coun- ty judge down in a Sou-.hern State. 'who was proud of his fam- iliarit} “ith Scripture, was weak enough to yield occasionally to this temptation. One day an old negro was bro’ in from the mountain district under suspicion of maintaining an illicit still. There was no real evidence against him. “What’s your name, prisoner," asked the judg: , as he peered at the s.h11n--ling black man. 1 The Nixon block, occupied bv i-Messz‘ J. Ri chie Bros. .‘ general mer- (hants. had a close call from fire Monday exening shortly aft-gr six 30 clock. The fire originated in a dressmaking shop upstairs, jus: va- Tcated that day by Misses .Thomp- 1 son and Jamieson. It appears that some live ashrs. which were sup- fposed to be dead, were emptied fi'rom a stove into a wood-box in the room. The room :was then locked up. 'Luckily, the smoke was noticed before the store. be below was closed for the day or us blaze would have got such a start 1that it would have been very diffi- 7cult to handle, particularly so if it had got a start in the dry 2‘00' 1' Tbelow. As it was, a hole was ’burned in the floor. and -a couple of joists partly burned through. It _was a very narrow escape for one of the good business blocks of the ivillage. and possibl) adjoining pl.aces â€"Dundalk Herald. “Mah name's Joshua, iedge." was the reply. “Joshua, eh?" said the judge, as he rubbed his hands. “Joshua, you say? Are you the same Joshua spoken of in Holy Writâ€"ï¬ne Josh- ua ’who m 1de the sun stand still?" 9 “No. in se,’ was the hasty ans- wer. “Ah'm de Jo-.ih-aa d‘at made de moon shine." A doctor tells a good story in connection with a lad who recent- ly was in his employ. It was part of his duty to answer the surgery bell and usher the patients into the consulting room. One morning there presented himself at the surgery door a young fellow with whom Buttons was on speaking‘terms. “Halloa. Jackson,†he remarked, “what’s the matter with you?†“Oh. I just want to see the doc- tor.†was the reply. Avoid alcoholic and capsicum tonics which burn hair and scalp. Use Bearine. it bears’ grease pom- adei'which .feeds the roots and makes hair grow. “Have yer brought yer symptoms with yer?†inquired But'tons, “cos that‘s the fust thing he’ll ask yer about. If yer ain’t brought ’em ,ve’d better pop back and get ’em; he won’t be down for another quar- ter of an hour and he’s awful per- tickler about ’em.†To Stop a Crying Baby Di'CWPrrd Just in Time Must Produce Them An0fher Joshm Tm: DURHAM ummmnw You can cure them painlesaiy by Putnam’s Corn and! Wart Extractor Never known to fail. Be sure you get “Putnam‘s†in 25c. bottles. Tommy Gallunore accidentally shot a bullet through his left hand while handling a revolver in Hill’s hardware departmnet on Monday. It was a thirty-two calibre bullet and after going through his hand entered an opposi've well about two and one-half inches. Tommy has scarcely yet gotten over his (right. but will carry a sore hand for a while to remind him of his narrow escape. It’s the old, old story: “'He ('idn’t know it was loaded.â€- {Standard Is it a matter of pride to be pale as a lilyâ€"certainly not. What every woman wants is strength. color, vigor. Buoyancy and health are the right of every woman. and these she needf not lack if she only uses Ferrozone. It gives appetite. creates strength. enriches blood, gives vigor to the nerves, color to the cheeks and brightness to the eyes. Ferrozone is at once con- vertible into health, beauty and strength. There is power in Fer- rozone.â€"try it, and know what you have missed. 50c. at all deal- 81's. Boy F’red 11m. Wesley Cuyier. of Huron, suffer- ed a .loss or! Thursday 1th nec-:=â€" sitates his leaving the town*hi11 in |which he was born. He was working in the granary cleaning nerd gxain. and his little boy was iplaving elsewhcre in the barn. iThe bov had got hold of ma ches iand he set fire to some fodder. and :the flames spr end so rapidlx . that ihe 11 cold have been burned in 'death if (he fa'th’r had not been so 31193? him. There was a heavy {wind blowing and the barn as well as all the confen'ts. i11rrl'1ding' one horse and a lot of implements. lwas soon in ashes. The building ihad been insured for $15-00. but (he ivolicy. through some oversight, {was allowed to lapse in Nox'c-mber. :Mr. Cuylc-r's 109.: i" rut-m -lc-:.. and .he will therefore sell his farm and seek better luck elsewhereâ€"Kin- cardine R’eview. La Grippa {Ir-mirg Again. Europe is now in its grasp, and in a short time America will be over run wizh phis awrul epidemic. Get ready. use preventive mens- ures. Build up a surplus of vigor of Ferrozone. and inhali- Cairn'rho- ' zone three times a day. Nothing destroys the grippe germ like Ca- tarrhozone. It cures the cold. breaks up the fever. relieves the headache and destroys every vest- ige of cat-ar‘rh and sore throat. For Bronchitis, Grippe and winter ills Shootirg Accidant at 57433!“- Plenty of fresh air, sleeping out-doors and a plain, nourishing diet are all good and helpful, but the most important of 9h» in White as a Ghost It is the standard treat- ment prescribed by phy- sicians all over the world for this dread disease. It is the ideal food-medi- cine to heal the lungs and build up the wasting mm.mdumnndï¬bd.h out bountiful Savings Bunk 33‘ Guild? §kotclgBook Min-km.“ Scott’s Emulsion 30011th nava-msc. Wat. Tend-5m. 118'. Y on w W? FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIS'I'S § The Fit- well Hat IS the Hat that Fits ea5\ ‘\ 0 Max v0 than lfhpl 1‘? l ART. Shfl!)9~_ S2. 00. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv iMatthews Latimeré O «woommomoouoomwommuog We have them in the new cat shapes. $2.5"- .Vew ( ollnrs and New Ties to ï¬t them. The Collars are different hnixbt and styles. 15c and 20¢: each. Ties in the correct sha; . s and no-west cninrs. 25!: and 5% eanh. Shoes to ï¬t all sizes uf feet and all sizes of pocket bunks. )L n \Vorking Boats we can recommend to wear. 81.75 to 83. MM} D: vssy Shoes, patents. velours. dongolas. 910.. 82. 00 to Luliea Shues. all «vighm. $1.0h0 $4..OU Boys and Gills S hues, m at 511â€Â»: , 1mg ' 401 k. Boots and Shoes for All Occasions Carpets, Carpet Squares and Linoleums va Carpets. Ta pPSU'V and Bmvels Carpet Squat-«s. 3x3. 3x3?_,. 3x4. 4x45 ya rds ..... $9. 811. 812.50 tn SW Liunlmuus. . 'mn {mesh calm-s .............. 400 and 50¢: aquaw yard Flunr OH' oth<, 1 yard. 15 van]. 2 yards wide ..... 25c. «We, 50:? yard Cnme in and look at things. You’ll not be tagged to buy. Butter and Eggs wanted. Highest prices paid JAM ES IRELAN D For FIour Feed Seed Fresh Groceries New Fruit. and Nuts Choice Confectionery Pure Spices and Vinegars No. I Family and Pure Manitoba FlourS Fine Salt. Farmers Produce Wanted yï¬ffl’WS/II‘ 6/0/750/é / (’1'; 1.2L? _‘ :5 KING 5! EAST J _._ A.- 600. 3'." April 21, 1910 Here’s the -â€"â€"A bout 1 § McGralh A â€juice. is an imaging Which reminds you of th Wheat idea and the Food If. Madlm. you will kind Clio “fled the fallacy â€annual. more suStai FIVE ROSES flour, we For, you see. we deny (we the-'e -"alligator" muthehowofn.Medam. Brown or â€Crthlm" Pnead In mdefrom Graham Flour. Wh. of course is ;ust W flour with the Fun: cad-lo“ of H. from 23 tc K!) per oem. maybe. Nov. Brut £8 nommg but 6% â€Ody/5W: husk: u“ thy M btr'rywhich are uflerly Inmable in the human food tube. tnd (here-tore Jsalxdcly useless as nutrients flight .- well eat an u. v'a the skin. e banena p'. s the coconut plus the shel‘. 50 M Mtdnm. if YOUR w connins 25 w 80 p Iran. me than was: as k nverycostlyhd. Arum you {anymg too m mt whistle n think thtt while bred from FIVE ROSES flour « MW! at all. being 10? p pun nutrition. Moreover. ‘he sharp. horn)" in brtn-chtrgcd flour (Grah: DRESS We have hull U inch Mark. m'n yard ........... â€(ht blue. den-k Mr (code. just Hm ' x300 All-weal Strip brown. 42 inclw 1". NOW {Mammal SI nothing Him-1‘ {or Pillow ‘y-tn-wear Skit-la Poplin. goud “LYPI Dailies, made of Shams, Du hlavl LAKE Of TIE. I'll!" 65E \\'