Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Mar 1910, p. 4

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L IHE DURHAM CHRONICLE be with us. Nearly every year we feel it a duty to refer to the 1 important matter of planting trees 1 and otherwise decorating the town ‘ and the private properties as Well. *1 If the next few weeks be allowed " to pass unimproved a whole year must elapse before we have anoth- l j er opportunity and a year s devel-‘ opment in growth will be lost forâ€" . ever. Next dog days the citizen: who has no shade trees about his. l l premisess will look with a sort of envy on him who has. but the eye of envy will never develop a; shade tree. Somebody must do; the planting and the sooner it is‘ done. the better. We. ourselves,‘ may never eniov the fruit of our? labors. but judicious work done‘ now will be a benefit to others in; time to come and to generationsl yet unborn. A few weeks ago we referred to what might be done through co-operation with the Horticultural Society. Why not make a good start in the spring of the year 1910? The neglected opportunities of past years can never be recalled. Let us act in the living present. Each year before placing our order for new Wallpapâ€" ers. we give the matter earneot thought and forum- late definite plans: the re- spection. “he would like you to come and look our new stock over, whether you nre going to paper or not. DEATH OF REV S B. EDWARDS We still have a few roc lots left at. bargain priced. There passed away suddenly { :bom: five o‘clock on Saturday 31- . tel-noon. of heart trouble, at his‘ home. 331 St. George street, Tor-J routo‘ Rev. 8. R. Edwards, a super- tnnated minister of the Methodist church in Canada, aged 57 \ears. Rev. Mr. Edwards had been iai ting bedthsince his retirement gram his Active ministry abou: AW; 18‘" ‘m\ but was able to Li at. out the house up to the time 0'." d.-a.h. Ill principal stations wire St. George Wiu‘ton. Markdal e, Mark- h. Mn had Bram]; on. EL. m h arrived by, his widow. some paint too. Guaranteed to cover more surface than the inferior grades and cover it Better. Prices right. We also keep ALABASo STINE, JELLSTONE, \VIN- l)O\V SHADES and other house-cleaning requisites. 4V. IRWIN. Editor and Pronrietor. No Iona. Vernon H . and E. -.., and 1415 300 lll1'5- 1- valvu- one hummer. lies Carrie. at home Mr. Thomas Binnie, of Ottawa, 307. lawsuit was stdcioned in was home a few days to visit his W over fifteen years axo.- ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George DURHAM, MARCH 31, 1910 ()1 course you will sell ’ON' i3â€" Mesarva. Alf. Noble. Wm. Brown. ' - - t West 011 ‘and Art. BItChlG W811 , Tuesday. _ ‘ “‘n‘:nn‘r McC Mr. T.R. M. Wilson, of Aylmer, was a holiday guest at the home of Mrs. D. Jackson. Miss Lizzie Valletta! Hamilton, was the Easter guest of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Firth and family. of Markd‘ale, were in town over Easter. Mr. Alex. Kearney. of the Royal Bank. Embro. spent the holiday at at his home here. Mrs. Ed. Bur-net, ir., is spending' a week with her mother, Mrs. Lynn at Allan Park. Miss Jean McGowan, of Utter- son. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Laughead. Miss Fife. teacher at Landerkin, is spending her holiday at her home near Laurel. Miss Gun is attending the annual meeting of the Educational Assoc- iation in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Ledingham of Owen Sound. spent Easter with her daughter, Mrs. John Clark. ! Miss Belle Magee of Hanover,ac- ‘companied Miss K Clark on her Easter holidays. Mrs. Middlabrook returned to Toronto after visiting her nephew Mr. W.J. Adams. Mr. C.Firth. Niagara Falls, spent ox'er Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Firth. Miss Katie Clark. of Hanover school\ is spending the holidays with her mother here. Mr. Edwin Glass accepted a posi- tion in Calgary and left Tuesday to enter his duties. Mr. Murray Smith of the Standard Bank. Brantford. was home over ‘Sunday. Mrs. (Dr.) Burnett. of Hamilton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Robertson. Mrs. Alex. Van Alstine, of Wing'- ham. spent over Easter with Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. A. Aljoe, of Ban- over. visited the farmer’s hOme in Egremont over Easter. Miss Allie Grant of the Toronto teaching staff. is spending the holiday at her home here. Miss Gertrude Backus. who teaches near Dundalk. is holiday- ing at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Firth, of Orangeville. spent over Easter with Mr. and Mrs. -C. Firth here. i Mrs. Jae. Atkinson visited her idaughter. Mrs. McClure, in Toron- gtO. over the Easter holidays. Miss Lily Walker has secured a school in Southampton and will enter her duties next Week. Mrs. Schooley‘ and her grandson, Joe Whitchurcm visited in Wood- stock and :Stratford over Easter. Mr. Geo. McDonald, of Toronto, visited his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McDonald. for a few days. 1 Mr. W imam Scaife‘ of Grand Val- ‘ley. was the guest of his sister. Mrs Thomas Allan, over Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Haws of Grand g‘Vallay, spent Easter with the famâ€" 11y of their son. Mr. H. Haws, here. Mr. William Johnston. of Orange- ville‘ spent over Easter with his . . (ather‘Mr. Wm. Johnston, sr., here. 1 Rev. and Mrs. Bice were in ‘town from Saturday till Tuesday. Mr. ,Bice took the services at Trinity E church. Mr. John Gray returned to his ,home in Hamilton on Thursday, §a2tc~r a week’s visit with his 1 brothers here. Miss Angeline Davis returned to Toronto ’Wednesday morning after spending Easter with her parents. Mr. and Hrs. '1‘. Davis, ie Hunter and family of let-t Tuesday for South- ?Sé .tiie oéhool .hon- and Nellie Fluker eir grandmother in I. of Ben-tinck. Mrs. George in Toronto at .onal Associa- guest of Misses Argue and mug-uâ€" et MacKenzie. ‘ . ' Mina May Glass. and Miss Annie Alice. both of Stratford Business College. are'spending the holidays at their homes here. Misses Annie and Ida Davis. of Toronto. spent Easter with their parents. Inspector and Mrs. Davis. They returned Tuesday. Mrs. J. Levine left Saturday for Toronto 'Where she will spend a few days visiting friends .and re- latives. Mr. John McDonald\ the popular assessor of the township of Glen- elg, finished the travelling part of his Work on the 23rd of this month. Misses Eleanore and Norma Wright, of Whitby .Ladies’ Col- lege, are spending the holidays with their parents at the parson- age. Mrs. Edgar of Stratford. and Smythe. of Midtord, and Mrs. Mc- Leod. of Beamsville, spent Easter with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Hilde- brandt. Mrs. ’E. T. McClocklin is recover- ing nicely from a serious attack of pneumonia. Grave doubts of her recovery were entertained for a 'time. Mr. and Mrs. Young, and son, Ernest‘ who have been in the vic- inity for the past five or six weeks. returned Saturday for. their home in Winnipeg. Mr. Charles Bamage, sr., is at- tending the trustee’s section of the Ontario Educational Association and his son, Charles. is attending the teacher’s section. Mrs. G. A. Smith. (nee Jessie Rob- ertsom of Humboldt. Kanzses, had an accident recently. caused by stepping on a nail. which ran Miss Melinda Grasby left for Oakville on Friday last after spending a month or two at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Grasby, north of town. Mr. and Mrs. S. McAlister and two children. of Hamilton, spent the holiday with Mrs. Mchlister’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald. and other relativ es and friends. Mrs. C. Firth w out to Detroit on Saturday. accompanying her brot- her. M1. Humphrey and wife, who were visiting her here, and are on their way to their home in Iowa. Miss Kate McD‘oald has return- ed from Zealandia. Sask., where sh has been teaching the past few months. Miss McDonald has been in poor health. but is, we axe ,pleased to say. improving. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Lr. Donald momma,“ Elm} ad. spent Easter holidays as the i .1 ‘1-..“ Mr. 'Percv Davis of Frederick- ton. N.B., is home on a months’ absence and enjoys the holiday very much While visiting his par- ents.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis, and other relatives and friends. Miss 'Carrie Catton, of Ottawa, professional nurse. is spendnig a few days with her brother. Mr. A. ~ A Catton. on her return home from Ceobal-t,where she was engaged pro- fessionally for some time Miss Marion Calder is visiting Miss Annie Russell in Toronto. Miss Marion Calder is visiting Miss Annie Russell in Toronto. Mrs. Gummerson, of Moorefield. visited her sister. Mrs. W. Moffet, over the holiday. Miss Wellwood. of Orangeville, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Storrey. Have a Cox: II. Have Lung xoublu. .ave Lost Flesh Are Threatened wltl' Con summon. T 'y Miss Bella Allan. of Edge Hill spent one Sunday recently with Miss B. Donnelly. before leaving for Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lindsay. of Glenelz. visited last Sunday with relatives in this neighborhood. Miss,Ada Reay is spending a few days with her aunt Mrs. Fred Reay. Mrs. Marshall of Durham, has been helping her sister Mrs. H. Reay who has been sick. Mr. and Mrs. “'11). Fulkingham of Durham 'speut Sunday last in this vicinity. Mrs-{Mcc‘moch called on friends Durham tecently. Mr. C. H. Reay visited his cousin Mr. Sam Wilson, of town, one day this week. Miss Clark, Supt. Grace Hos- pital, Toronto, writes they have used it with the best results. - 50c. and 31.00 Botflu. DAVIS 8: I..\\VRIZ.\’CIZ (30.. Montreal. (nude In?) Vickers fiiiaé ini’g‘i‘rbnbles. Have Lost Flesh. Are Threatened with Con- sumption. Try WHOLE mum j \ AMAZED': Wonderful cur. Made by Remarkable Fruit Juico Tablets. Moorefiold Magistrate Says “Tho Days of Miracles Are Not Passed.” Mr. Henry Speers, the well-known J..P of Moorefieid, Ont., suffered for two years with Chronic Indigestion and Dyspepsia, which brought on a seri- ous Heart Trouble. He “asted away until he was nothing more than a. skeleton. Two physicians gave him up to die. His cure seems a wonderful thing to his family and all his friends. Then his son made him try “Fruit-a- tives" and now Mr. Speers is entirely well. As he says “The days of mira- cles are not passed and I am convinced that ‘Fruit-a-tives' will cure Stomach and Heart Trouble where doctors and everything else fail." 50¢ a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size 25c. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives, Limited. Otta- A meeting of the Bowling Club was held in W.'C. Vollett’s barber shop on Monday evening last when the following officers were elected.â€" Hon. President ------ D.T. McClocklin President w» Jas. Ireland Vice President ' ---------------- â€" {See-Treasurer F. Roiph Committee of ‘management,â€"J..P. Telf-ord. ‘F.. Lenahan, J. Lenahan, J. ;Hun-ter and J. McGowan. The members .fee will be $3.00 and 'a by-‘la'w was passed prohibitâ€" ing players rbo go on the green without proper shoes. l Most cases of baldness are due solely to neglect. The hair often becomes dry and dandruff ' forms because the hair glands do not supply enough nat- ural oil. Nothing overcomes 1 this deficiency so effectively as that delicately perfumed, re- freshing hair pomade, Bearine. Avoid baldness; apply Bearine to your hair occasionally. All l'fif‘drpggists, 50 cts. a Jar. The club starts the season in a good condition financially and a good season is anticipated. SEARCHâ€"In Durham on Saturday, March 26th. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Search: a daughter. Wu. ofler One Hundred Dollars Reward for any casoof (39!»th that cannot be cured by Hall‘s (iatarrh Cure. .- . \ n “'0 the undersigned have known I“. for the last 15 years and believe ln lmuurable in all business transactions cially able to carry out any obligation his firm. WAmeo, KINNAN 5.: MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Cat n'h Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the Mood and mucous sulfacos of the oyslrm. Tenimonial sent free Price 75 cents per bottlc . Sold bv all Druggists. Take Hall‘sFamily Pills for constipation. DURHAM, MARCH 31. Fall Wheat ............ $1 ' Spring Wheat ....... l Oats........... Eggswmm .f. ...... Potatoes, per hag ...... Flour. per cwt ......... 2 Oatmeal, per sack ..... 2 ‘ Chop, per cwt . ......... 1 ’Live Hogs, per cwt.... 9 Hides, per lb ........... Sheepskins ............. . \Vool ................... Tallow .................. Lard .................... Turkeys ................ Geese ................... Ducks..... ............ .. Chickens .............. . AT “ I‘RUIT-A-TIVES.” BOWLING CLUB MEETS MARKET RE PORT I“. I. (IBEXEY : (30.. T010410. ()4 How’u This? BORN ['1 have known F. J. Cheney and bulievo‘ hl" pprf‘eculy usactiognk 313d tirali ubligatwnn made by Mar. 31, 1910 the F. F. ”alley Co. L1 WILTON. on. ”Officiant “2101"“... PLANING MIL ZENUS CLA OUR AGEN'I'S 1 M fence is tough an“. pfilofmr or rust. 'X‘m. w or contraction {< r list. 31, 1910 with all the hard work and Wk of stove polishing. It enables her doves always clt polished and hriiziu bfin country. that lw has Planning Mill and I’m-H mpletod and is m-vpnl N take orders fur he undeasignvd hl'gs announce to l'vrida-nts Dun-bun and surrmmdi ‘h l limited HHHHHH In. work and ll|:U'}UIH‘ next job. all and setup I. .000 on or “Uh!“ of April. M from animafs. \N‘ If your dealer chouzd not b “luck Knig11t",vvc wn: head] 3 late cw. postpaid, for 10¢. “Black I tags :1 mnr “ Black F j. LE1 All persons “wing m. m Ire H-quwtmi where. J. Levin ha below must in :m A fl)" “[10 of Shirts, ()VPI'HHS a SASH, DOHRS House Fittings â€" and I“ Hilda M Shines Stoves So They Slay Shined 0 ‘ ca" 3‘ Dli‘ quotatiuns my person a M] 5! their money ‘ ha.” (JAgentu Be sure am] Cf ’3!) AND_ 8‘ 870‘ VOL! CALL l.\' A full supp TH E V H! B( )O'I‘S A :eâ€"fiitudt. ell. Mild to I) (or a! 0V

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