Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Oct 1897, p. 5

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N) .‘i as ”VHS! H human: Items About Our Own Country. 0m: Bfluln. the United States. and AuPuuoftthIobc.Wond Wmmm CANADA. \Ir ("[3:1er Gurney. of Hamilton. 18 2:115 VERY LATEST FROM ALL 1115 WORLD OVER. Mr. L. J. Forget paid 33.3!) for 9, seat on the Montreal Stock Exchange. fir. John Bettie. the representative ..( 'l‘urtle Mountain in the Manitobu mg'wluture. is dead. Arrangements have been completed for the establishment at Guelph of 3 Pork packing industry. ' the outbreak of smallpox in Since ‘ Mnmrem on July 2. there have been meV-iWU cases. with nine deaths. The Lunxiun Council has passed a. by- 34v. ixxnlumgxxg a license .of $50 a. year m- the privilege of selling Cigarettes. The «awning of the new Grand Trunk bridge over the Niagara Raver drew 20.00:) g'etrpxe u.» the vmimty from both sides of the hue. 1 'fi_,‘_]‘ :n nâ€"r‘nn Tho fine of the un‘ l “U tun an...” u- -..- .__-, - bridge wet the Niagara River drew 20.000 yetrpie to the Vicinity from both sides of the line. '1" he Guelph Board of Trade is endea- vouring tn have the tire appliances of Guelph brought up to the requirements of the underwriters. The report. that Majnr-Generai Gasâ€" migne is zm'nut. to retire is not cred- ited in uffit'iul circles in Ottawa. The Deputy of the department says it is (l‘he bequest of 85.000 made by the late '1‘. \V. Yemnune to the library and reading moan of Bridge Street Church. Beileville, has been paid over to the {1115101514. Rev. J. M. Douglas. M.P. for East ..\S.S'Lnilmiu, reports at “'innipeg‘ the aim-”very of a seam nf supposed an- thracite 00:»! on the Qu’Appelle River. near “Capella. Assn. A ‘- The new steamer being built for the Dominion Line at the Belfast shipyards will bel delivered next, April. She will he called the New England, and not the Dominion as was at first intended. Mr. Robert S. \Vhite, collector of Cus- toms for the port. of Montreal. has vompiled some interesting statistics re- MHVB to the increase in trade which Montreal is now experiencing. Haeil O’Neill. aged five. of 470 John «meet. Hamilton. has developed into a memory wonder. He con give correctly an]! at once the population of 60 differ- ent. cities. and can name in order Pre- ~idente Premiers, Kings and Queens. The London Glohe referring to the proyoned reaumption of the arbitration negotiationv. says that Lord Saiisbury is too courteous to the United States, which. after all, is only a fourth-rate power. The Right Hon. Robert Richard ‘xVar- rem president of the Probate and Mat- rimonial division; of the High Court of Justice. Ireland, is dead. He was eighty years of. age. . The Allan and Dominion Lines of steamships threaten to withdraw their vmwls from the. Halifax route during the winter months and run only to Hinton and Portland unless the Gov- o-rnment continues the _aubsidie§whi“h [\Hritiah (‘onauhar reportsays that “wins: to the expansion of the tin plate industry under the Dingley tar- iff. the American market is almost wholly lost to South \Vales. 'l‘hrre'is an alarming outbreak of ty- phoid fewr at Maidstone. Kent, due to the d'raimnge from a hop-pickers’ enâ€" mm-pmcmt pollutmg the water. Three temporary hospitals there already con- tain 620 cases, and the local authorities have trlegraphed for additional doctors and nurses. The Birmingham Post says the Gov- ernment of Canada. early next year. will make large purchases of heavy field lntteries and a. number of defence guns. the latter: being for a new scheme for the defence: of Montreal and the river MOW a \(‘31‘ Illmuu \v--‘---â€"v vâ€"_ V- It has hitherto given for carrying the mails. HE NEWS INA WELL A mine at .Belle Ellen. near Birming- ham. Ala. IS 9n fire. A number of miners are sand to be entombed 1n the mine. Charles A. Dana. of the New York Sun. is SGT-15:11.??? ill. Alix Ferrnuh Ber has been nomi- nated as the new Turkish Minister at \Vnsbington. l‘rof. David Starr Jordan. of the Stanford I'niversity, San Francisco, who is pron-trim? to attend the con- ference of the, International Seal Fish- ers' (‘mnmiwion mys that rather than see. the SEN herds slauchtered, 39 pro- pcs'd by some of the ITniterl Stttes :iuthuritiefl he would prefer to have England own them all. .‘Irs. Baker. formerfy of Chatham and Toronto, Ont.. and recently ar- rested in \‘levehnd, on suspicion of insanity. and whiie in confinement she stated that she and her paramuur had murdered her husband in St. Paul’s, Minn, in 1893. The Cleveland authorities heiieve the woman is speaking the truth, and are making an investigation. According to commercial summaries by the agencies of Messrs. Dun and Bradstreet. the imnrovement in gen- era'. business continues to steadily ad- vance. The disturfing influeneegnown as “Labor troubles” is an influence which has much decreased during the past week, and an increased demand for labour everywhere means an in- creased spending capacity, a better movement all round, and a rapid circu- lation of money. From the Gulf States. however. the melligence is un- satisfaowr). as the qugrantine, owing to yellow fever. has 111 that part of xvrt ‘hut Majnrâ€"General Gas»- ulw’nut to retire is not credâ€" [f'u-iu! circles in Ottawa. The .f the department says it is GREAT BRITAIN. M. Douglas. M.P. for East reports at “'innipeg the bf a seam nf supposed an- :»I on the Qu'Appelle River. I-‘N [TED STATES Th? rebellion of the Philippines still continues. the States 'oualw interferred with all lines of t' ' e.' Prices of iron and! steel have ad oed, and are expected to 80 fltill big " r at. an‘ early date. The trade qut'iook regarded as most 6n- couragtng. m commercia': failura i1 the Ude States for the week just endqd amount to 186, :15 compared with 321 m tbs corresponding week of Past year. Corea has joined the International Tehegraphic convention. There. are. rumors in Yokohama of the POSSIbility 01’ an alliance between China and Japan. ThLe Indian plague '15 said to have made its appearame in Northern Cau- The. rumours about foreigners and Christmns kidna ppino: children are still being circulated!p in‘ China. Typhoid fever .is causing ravages among the 'l‘urkxah ”caps in Thos- . The Ha“ aiian Congress on the 12¢h mast. ratified the treaty of annexation with the I nited ‘3" 93195. The Spanish; Junta in New York an- 'n‘oume the safe arrival of three big expeditions in Cuba for the. insurgents. Prince Bismarck has received the Gramd Cross of the Star of Ethiopla from Kimg Mencl ck of Abyssinia. Reports from all parts of Japan in- dicate that the rice crop will exceed anything seen during the past ten years. The Spanish Government is negoti- ating a. loan. guaranteed by the port (11196 for the purposes of new naval works. One hundred thousa-pnd peoPle have been rendered destitute by loods in China and damage to property is esti- mated at about $1, 000, 000. 'I‘hxe podim gambling scandal is the sensation of the day in Hong Kong. Detective. Inspector Quincy and several clerks have heern dismissed. . Several Japanese clificri'als have been arrested for fraudulemrt acts in con- nection with; the distribution of Gov- ernment, aid to sufferers by the floods. Arrangements are being made at Berlin to hold a. national festival in hmmmr ofi the: late Emperor Frederick on October 18. All Germany he likely to participate. The Paris Libermire has been seized by the police for publishing an article advocating the assassination of Presi- dent, b‘aure. King Humbert, and the Queen Regent. of Spain. About fox 1 3' pg rsom have been killed. and as {nu-"n3 more, have been injured by the earthquake 8.i at inc, sulphur mmea near Girgen i til Ly. ' IL is stated that the Government of Germany is earnestly considering whether Europe should allow the. United States t: drive Spain out of Cuba. .The bubonic plague is again active. :11 Indn. and mung tojhe. absence of the_m111tar,y doctors _Wlth the troops in pctive servicp it is likely to assume sermus proportions. Owing to the f oods having washed away aruilxxuv bridge near Maddur India, .141 engine and five cars, filled with passengers “ere precipitated into the river. There has been great loss of life. It is said that Japan is smuggling a large number of soldiers disguised as labourers into Hawaii. to resist, forc- ibly, if necessary. the annexation of the islands to the United States. iixwiiiod States. but such an alliaiice is not believed to be within the range of diplomatic possibilities. Spain is: very anxious to foorm an al- liance wnh England to mt the ex- tension nf the Monroe doctrine by the It is reported from St. John. Nfld., that there is intense indignation am- ong the inhabitants of St. George’s Bay over the anion of the British warships in closing down the lobster factories of residents and confiscating the products. Drunami. the King of Benin, who has been on trial at Benin City since Aug- ust 15 last. charged with being con- cerned in that: massacre of an unarm- ed expedition under British Consul Phillips, has been condemned to be t.mns;x>rted tn (‘alanhan a slave set- tlement of British \Veat Africa. Bishop WiElrerforce was a keen Sports- man by inclination. and one fine day. when on a visit at. a ducal seat. was mrguaded fo_join_a. shooting party. H'is grace's head keeper was aSootch- man and a Presbyterian. and the bish- op tried to engage him. in a friendly chat; but finding the keeper’s replies were short. and reserved. he. said: "'1 suppose. Grant, you think abishop ought not to_ go out. shootiqg ? \Veel. my lurd. said the Scot frankly, I doubt ye‘ll find no warrant for it in the Screeptur'. Did ye ever read of the axxlstles goingwpt‘lt shooting? -L-1.2_L,__. (FL-__L-:I Trampâ€"I’d like a drink. but. Idon’t. suppose you’d want, to change this five d()llar hilld "No, trué’, reiméd the hgshofi. They had no game in Pztdestme {n those days; they went out fishing mstead. Bartender (brisk1y)-â€"No trouble abgut change. _IIere’§_ypur__gnec_licine. VTrampâ€"T'hanks, AH! That’s good whisky. Bartenderâ€"Eh? Lookee here! This. bi!!! is no ggod! _ Trampâ€"Yes, I said you wouldn't want to change it. Yeastâ€"That. man Doughton is very sceptical. Unlnss he sees a thing he won’t believe it exists. erm‘xmba'akâ€"H‘e never ran into a rockmg chair in the dark. then? Mrs. Spriggsâ€"Wh’y do you have those horrid blots in' your letter to Mr. Rinhman. asking for a business inâ€"- tel-view? Mr. Sprigg-sâ€"I want him to see that I am .1an man enough to use a {Mamâ€"pen. , A CHANCE FOR CONVERSION. NO REAL DIFFERENCE THE BUSINESS BLOT. GENERAL. TRU THF U L. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. October 7 . 1897; The Rein-Ilium Half-Breed Sam M Rave I-zs- taped the Gallows â€" Ilc Said Ic “Would lune Again. The Detroit. Free Press publishes the {flowing story: THINK LOUIS RIEL LIVES A STRANGE WEIRD TALE FROM THE NORTH-WEST. \V. J. \Vh'ite, who recently made a tour of the North-west. provinces as a. representative of the Interior Depart- ment of the Canadian Government, tells an interesting story concerning Louis Riel. the leader of the rebellion, that. made such a serious disturbance in the North-west some years ago, and for which he was banged by the British Government as a traitor. Riel. it may be remembered, was executed on a scaffold at the Government barracks, Regina, NJVXI‘. Just before the drOp fell the condemned man, who was a. religimm fanatic, declared in a solemn voice, plainly heard by all who wit~ messed the exec-union: "In three days, brethren, Ishalf‘l rise again.” After the hanging the body was temporarily buried near Regina, but, through the intervention of Arch- bishop T'ache, permission was grantee to have the remains removed to Sf. Boniface cemetery, near Winnipeg. where Riel had eXpressed a preference to be buried. The reason he was not first interred there was a fear on the part of the Government that such ac- tion would start a popular uprising, as Riel was considered to have died a martyr by the vast French and half- breed population oft-he territory, and it was believed that a public funeral wombl mean a. demonstration with vio- lence and possibly bloodshed. So it was _"Vâ€"â€"â€" v." xâ€"VW_â€" agreed between “the Government and the archbishop to bury the hody}ezm~ porarily at Regina. and remove 1L se- cretly afxer the excitement had sub- sided The second day after the execution the 10x containing the body was-dis- interred and placed in a box car" on the siding near Regina. The utmost, secrecy was observed,. so tlaat,‘ the peo- pic would know nouhing of Lhe trans- fer. Besides the arc‘hbishOp and sevâ€" eral churchmen, the only person pre- sent was James Egan, superintendent of that, portion of the Canadian Pacific quhvzzy. - n ,- on ‘ Unknown, however, to the railroad officials, friends of Riel had secreted a brother of the dead man in the car with the body ,the idem being that. in case Riel came to life. as all his friends firmly believed he would, some one would be near to minister to his wants and to Spirit him (away “here the Govermnent coufld. not again 'apture him. This brother, my the way. was “inmost an exact picture of the dead! man; so alike did' they look that friends often mistook the one {or the other in the days PRECEDJNG 'l‘H’E REBELLION. It was on the third: day, the day and hour on which Riel had predicted he would rise again, that, the loneiy fu- neral car. drawn by a switch engine, Dumbered slowly arross the long bridge just outside \Vinnipveg, this round- about apiprozwh to St. Boniface hav- ing been selected to secure the great- est. secrecy. The train drew up to the gate of the cemetery, and Pat Fariey. yardmaster of the Canadian Pacific at Winnipeg, himseltf a devout Catho- lic. and a believer in Riel’s prophecy to come to itfe, with faltering ste ap« proached the door of the car. Vith muttered prayers and trembling fin- gens he unfastened the wire holding the door of the ear. Then. with an- other fervent prayer, he slowly. slid jumped back with acrjy of fright Ehd‘ifln avivfiy, his yeltls of terror 111311151115 the} entiray neigbm‘rhood, Mfl'“‘iiis"'s'hriek§, “It’s Riel! It's Riel! My God. Riel has come to life again 1" were heard by the ASTOUNDED BYSTANDERS. All peered fearfully into the car through the halt-open door, and for an instant, it seemed as if the miracle had already come to pass, for there. half concealed by the darkness of the car’s interior, stood the exact counter- part. of Riel, the fanatic: that had been hanged three days since. By some strange coincidence the seeming appari- tion appeared at identically the hour I. A D-vâ€" ’ â€""""' ' Low Farley, whose frenzied shouts could still be heard echoing in the dbtance. but a word of command from the archbishop stopped them. “Hold my good friends." he called out. "Do not. be frightened. It is only his brother." And sure enough, so it proved. When Farley opened the car door the brother had stopped to the Opening and in the excitement of the moment and intensified by the sunperstitious fears of most of those present that Riel’s prophecy would come true, they baddmistaken the living brother as the den _- "U‘ __, \Vith the exception of Archlishop T-ache. the few people present as witâ€" nesses to the lmxrilaJZ of Riel in sacred ground turned and we're algoqt to {01'- LEADER OF THE REBELLION. “The story," continued Mr. \Vhite, “sum Spread, and it created a rumor. which the Government was put to some expense to disprove, that Rie'. was indeed alive and at large. It was said that through some collusion with the hangman at Regina Riel escaped death on the ga'lflow‘s and that the cof- fin with the supposed body. buried there and afterwards secret'xy removed to St. Boniface contained onLyalot of stones. The rumor was that. it wasmâ€" deed Riel who so frightened Farley and the others, but that to divert the Government, the story was fabriqated. "-~..-vuv -vâ€" 53v. toLti aw'eZ-afflRie'l’s brother being mmtaken for the dead man. “While the Government authortatively demedflthe v'v-”mv--- vuâ€"â€"â€"v_ rumour of Rieits reported marvellous; escape from the gafllmvs, it is a fact' that his body was never located, and it is not. known definitely. excepting perhaps. to a. few friends. where his remains really are interred. while‘ there are some m the provmces who 3 believe Riel is still alive and secretly fomenting another rebellion." . . TO ST. BONI FACE. new the Yer-I fame to Be Appued to Sources at Uncommon Indies. El Dorado is the term now heard on every side in connection with the plac- er mines of Alaska. and the northwest territory of Canada. Its derivation is of interest. in the fifteenth century it was rumoured that there existed in the northern part of South America a city of great wealth called Manon. whose King, El Dorado by name, was periodically smeared with Oil or bal- sam and was then powdered with gold dust. until his whole body had a gilded appearance. It was said that on these occasions he threw goild. emeralds, and other precious metals and gems. into a sacred lake, in which he afterward bathed. Beginning in 1532 the Spaniards sent many large expeditions to search for this phantom city. and most of them ended disastrously. hundreds of lives being lost. One explorer. Orellano. av- erred that he tound Bl Dora/Jo in his voyage down the Amazon in 1540. This was disproved. but the search was con- tinued down to the eighteenth century Some of the results were the conquest and settlement of New Granada. the making known to the world of the mountain region of Venezuela, the dis- covery of the noble rivers. the Orin- oco and the Amazon. and the explora- tion of the vast forests west of the Andes. About the end of. the six- teenth century an English expedition either sent out by or under the per- sonal leadership of Raleigh penetrated into Guiana, thereby obtaining aolaim on that country which has resulted in the acquirenient of the modern Bri- tish colony of that name. It has been supposed that the origin of this fablle arose from the yearly cel- ebration of a tribe of Indians near Bogota. whose chief was on these occa- sions gilded with gold dust, but this ceremony was never witnessed by the Spaniards, and the story may simply be another version of the .1311 Dorado myth. The 113111? El Dorado was commonly used. to describe the city or country which was the oojcct of the search. but a later usage of the term has been its figurative up iication with regard to any region 0 more than common richness, Jf‘rl Dorado county. in Cali- fornia. was the scene of the famous gold finds of ’49. and since then the eXprcssion has been used to describe many gold camps. Touristâ€"\Vhat’s the name of that no- ble nmunt-ain. H’amittoaizmâ€"Dunuo as it’s got any. “'6 call it, th’ mountain. Tourist --: No name. No name for that grind ‘gnnqence; ‘J Htamill..(>nian~\\'ot’a the use of “.3 havin’ it name? It's 011%); a. bluff, The Chronicle is the most wide ly rend newspaper published in the County of Grey. Who could imagine that this should be The place where, in eighteen ninetyâ€"three That white world-wonder of arch and dome Should shadow the nations, polychrome . . . IIcrc at the Fair was the prize conferred (m Aycr’s Pills, by the world prclcrrcd. Chicago-like, they a record show. :iinc: they startedâ€"50 years ago. Durham Tannery. N. Bâ€"To ensures first-class job the hides must be salted u soon :3 taken ave, irom the time of their preparation, been a. continuous cvccess with the public. Am: “that means that Ayer’ s Pills accomplish what is promised £1.33 them; they cure where others. {3.11.113 was fitting, thercf re. that the “road-Wide popularity of these pills should be recognized by the World Fair medal of 1893â€"9. fee which emphasizes the record: Home liidm 00w Hides, Dug Ayer’s Catharfic Pills SATISFACI‘IO N GUARANTEE D ~â€" SKINS, Eta. Tanned Suit-ab}; cr RUBE‘; and COATS by the new prowess, which for Finnish and Sofanoes can’t. be but. THE EL DORAD OIYTH. Robe Tanning. THOS. SMITH. ONLY A BLUFF . Fifty Years Ago. Farmers, Thrash ers and Millmen Or have you palpitation, throbbingr or irregular beating, dizziness, short brcath, smothering or choking sensation, pain in the breast or heart. if so. your heart is affected and will in turn affect your nerves, causing nervousness, slccpiess- ness, morbid anxious feeling, debiiity. Furnace Kettles, Power Stsw Cuts ters, Hot Air Furnaces, Shingle Machinery, Band Saws, Emery Machines, hand or power : Cresting Farmers’ Kettles, Columns, Church Seat Ends, Bed Fasteners, Fencing, Pump-Makers’ Supplies, Sri‘nml Desks. Fanning Mill Castings Liglit Castings and Builders’ Sup. plies, Sole Plates and Points for he diiTerent ploughs in use. Casting repairs for Flour and Saw Mills. Milhurn’s Heart .22 Nerve Pills Cure all these complaints by regulating the heart's action and building up the nervous and muscular system to perfect health and strength. Price 60v. per box or 6 boxes for $2. 50. At all druggists. Steam Engines, Home Powers, Separators, Mowers, Reapern. . ‘ 'Circular' and Cross-Cut Saws Grummml, Filed and Set. I am prepared to fiil orders for County of Grey. including a vain Lble W Power. Brick dwelling. and nm..y ologible building IOU. will be sold in (ma. w- more lam. Alan W. N0. ’0. “‘7'. '2. W. G. P... Tawoxhip of Bemiucei, Lam :utl‘e‘. udjmnin; Town plot. Oct. 2nd. Beating-u. um «at Durham. Dealers in ‘Vamhes, Clocks, J ozwelry and Spectacles, Silver :m'l Flat \Vare of a1} deacriptions. Repairing a pecialty. Upper Town, Durham. ‘i'HE LUXURY 0F SECURITY IB FOUND IN 0" '~ «31:3 Dr. [eBay's Female Pills. Wantedâ€"An idea Protect our 16453.9: thov may bring you we‘lfi. Write J an WEDDERBURN c 00.. Pawn? Anor- my», Washington, D. (3.. fur their $2.2m rum odd find 1m 0! two humus: inventions wan'eu. LeRoy Pill Ca 00d ganged Are you taking paints with your [animal work. Chunrpley? Nu.“ Never have had tn ache or in Mortgages taken DURHAM FOUNDRY)! \ I IN THE TOWN OF DUR'IM. A. GORDON AT THE BBXCK FOUND! EDGE PROPERTY ~ GHARTER SMITH, -- WE REPAIR -- -- WE MAKE -- LADiES! Appls 30JMES ED” K. Edge I‘lld, PJ’- The on! WI. and (rum pannon krylown. Bald. unrest and a weaive remedy ever Mend fat nil W nutrition of we feznaletylum. WM {re-e. Price 0| per lmx 0!an 0th" securelv sealed nu moeipx. of prion. LUCKY DOG. Is Your Heart Stmng ‘5 Vicwria fit” Taro: for par; pnrclm-e money (a! . 9." 25:5 Impb tin”: to plug}?

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