Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Oct 1897, p. 9

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PM “K! the hbtless, ” he lhave made a rt doubtless, [0°an id. ” Pug. " He went same old me EN m- 110de ‘ppl i- >n’t we better much in the UPS. we ’rc id. 9: “my fimpatilla? " “Sing the mrilla com. .rilla blant W COX H Ver I)? \ rovemen: (I 0F n kl Otto w have Self And ant, \V .you man M BIG 51,12 I'PPER TOWN. DRYGOODS, ' GROCERIES, BOOTS, SIIOES9 TIN‘VARE, “'IIIPS. Eta, etc. Everything at BIG 4 prices which are the lowest, and ONE PRICETOALL. Come/to the BIG 4 for bargains in:- (it Lower Town, Date. J 033m Livingston, drum)" m u of the mid T4 fiftv m-rm m4 Ahunt. ":3 and under cu tare. Them nmpom' and frame barn. H0”. '1")? ‘3 ham and- 01n "l N am 4 f; of ‘ale :1 :1! th ,‘mnomlmr no .-k('.’"~‘!‘d bxel. (Mu-r term mm!» kn: D'W n the mP: anti ne [lIlU'\; PYI’ ‘1'- 'AII Also Agent for the FARMERW GREY BRUCE FIRE INSUR- ANCE C0., and the NORTHERN INSURANCE Co. of England. at the Jan?!) pron“ d i'b' I 4i “'8 uls U1“ FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF IZCM-lEZMON'I‘ IN THE COUNTY OF GREY. I)ITRSU.\ \T to the power of sale h u aiurd m a martyr: (In (which “in limb! 80. 50 Dr Marc ,ino'g’p Fa?! Goods are coming 11). £5 WOOD m um. '30 ,9 '3 I t... 1 kl. Dru". 3:00.11 a net! fur “31]: V. ’2”) day 3m: “dds. rhum. in t pm Farm! wm'tv. be SIC\\'IN(5‘r MAUHINES ()RGANS, ETC. c-mltainm] in a mnrtzrrgn (which will ~..".I:(-nd :1 time «3f sale) there will be r"! {w cale by public auction on Tues- 13thdaytvffk'mber, 1997. at 3 P. M. w Middzmgh Home, in the Town of mm, in the Cmmty r-f Grey. by Mr. H “arson. Auctinnpor. the following: vrtv. being rmmmsod of the secnnd in“ «1' Lot No ‘20, in the first com-essicm 9 mid 'l‘mvnshin of Egremcmt, cuntain- :u-m < more 01' lms. .mt '37. acres of this land are cleared Huh-:‘cultivaticm and 5 "01°04 in pas- 'i‘hnm is a small orchard on the urnf and annld 102' knit“? {Hid 103 311“] r. Mm. The, plane i4 watered by a "i'iw land i4 :xlmnt H mikes from Dur~. mm! :3}- "I“?! from ”ulsteiu. 1 EUGTIQN SALE. Cochrane’s Old Stand. Licensed Auctioneer. :9 land i4 abnut I! n 2:} mikm from Ilolstt nf Sale: 1‘0 per m (l the balm've on t} r next. The VemL mm and conditions of M16 will be a n at tl (3 time uf >310 and can in i no. he awnrtainml from the un- \ eixdur s SHIN imrs. keep a full stock of â€"-Don’t foget theâ€" HOSKIN. OGDEN K: H OSKIN, 23 Torcmtn StI'Pflt. Torontn. Vendors-3' Solicitors. 14th day of September, A.D. :897. «W; 71“»? u, '4 v :3. ’4'. '1 x‘ \‘b .- ¢ '4»: Nb '1 \‘3 d b ”'1 ‘ '7 ‘s‘ «‘2 O 0213 -â€"Agent for-â€" Blows, Two- ; flows and and guarantee the best enlinut H miles from Du from] Holstein. _- 1‘0 per cent on the da un the 12?}: day 6f VOHdOI‘S have a re- n.|..U "MN..." Durham. 913' Pianos. Thomas Organs, Woodstock- Upper Town, Durham. Maxwell Binders, Mowers Horse Rakes, Pea Harvesters Turnip Sowe1s,Sc11ffle1's Pious and every modern I 111- plement f01 Fal n1 Work. One Car Binder Twine BEST BRANDS. Canada 0111111196 Co’s Carliag'es, Bug gies, etc. Chatham and Snow Ball W 119390118. 0019 33.1111 Bell, Berlin and Goderich You can buy axle grease cheaper from us than from any other person. A few good COOKING STOVES Weft at and below cost. They Lead Them All 1 THE CHRONICLE 200 till next Jan. V\"l‘\4‘) IIL‘VIII'H, uhl‘ukâ€"I)’ " ‘II‘ DECE'lHQ' Binders and MO‘A’CI‘S gages, etc.. drawn up c notlce. l Horses bought and sold. I‘Vaterloo Thrashers for sale . rooms. Patronage solicits I I Orders for Sales may be left mexxcm: 01013103.. \0 011* th at the Fai1 is over and every 11013011 is satisfied with their prize, in order to get another prize you will have to come to the Hmd wn: 081010 11 hele you will find a full line of evelvthing in inure 11"‘1'0 9.3111'er11f11re G1‘:1111teware 'J‘mware. A 11d some 800971211 bargains in . Harv VM \ ' ?uo‘c~ ) laubbers blankets 11111111113011 Oil Curry Combs é: Brushes '3 3 1 3. 1 “ it) “I (I (/ C. MCKINNON. CHAS. MCKINNON, V‘Vllips, etc. We have a very fine assortmmlt 0f lined mitts Do not fail to see them. Subscribe Quick. -- FOR SALE BY â€"â€" THE DURHAM CHRONiCLE, October, 7th j, ‘ IO Lnapter IIU n. D. U., new and amendents thereto that all cretlntnrs and other persons. having claims against the Estate of the above named deceased. who died on or about the 28th day of January. 1897. are required to deliver to Mrs. Isabel- la Buruet ofthe Town of Durham. acting Executrix of the Estate of the said Jennet Ferguson, deceased. or to Lucas. Wright Batson, her Solicitors, on or before the full particulars of their claims duly verified~ after which (l N? the Said Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased according to law, hav: iiig regard only to such claims of which she shall have notice at the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham. September 28th, 1897 LUCAS, WRIGHT BATSON. " ‘" Calder’s Block. Purham, Ont. EING LOTS 13, THE SOUTH halfefl'i'and the whale of 18 in the 2nd Concessinn nf Ulenelg’ E‘ G. R., cuntain- inp; in all 250acres. Un Int 17 there is a greed frame house, a first class frame barn 50x70 thh underground stone stahlmg sufficmnt tnacemnnmdate 50 head of cattle and a frame shed 25x00. There are 90 acres cleared and under cultivation, a gnod hear- ing orchard, a never failing spring creek and well. 0118 mile frum when], lg, miles from church ands mile< from Durham. There are also 85 acres cleared on lots 17 and 18. Possewimncan be given to plough on the 20th of Uctuber 011]); first class tenant need ap'wly. Fur further particulars apply to IL Mr. TWA u may, Urawfurd, or to GEO. TWAMLEY, Durnoch. In the matter of the Estate of Jennet Ferguson, late of the Township of Proton, decwsed 4 TOTICE is hereby g'von pursuant l _to Chapter ”Q R. S. 0., 1897 and Upper Town, lowest rates. Conveyancing, Leases, \Vills, Mort- NOTICE TO EBEDHUHS. Noxon’s Binders, Mowers, Drills, Spring 'J‘ootli Barrows, best; in the in the market. Guards, Sections, etc., for all kinds of machines. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on tux-m property at Lower Town, FRESH GROCERIES al- “a; s on 11am (1. ' ANY QUAN' ‘I'I‘Y. Highest price paid in Cash or trade. A large assortment of T weeds, Flanncls. Blankets and Yarn given in exchange for ‘W’OOL at prices to suit the times. Carding and spin- ning done on short notice. FA”?! '10 R EXT. Wool Wanted 29th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1997, S. Doan, of Clinton, says: “ 03. (‘ngss'a mam“ will cure Salt Rheum when all else failed; believe what I say and try it. Don't I: suffering for years as I did.” ' F,.Pearson, Inglewood. Ont..says: "My five months old. had eczema very badly 5 face and head. 1 procured two boxes 0 Ointment and when they had been used {as of the disease had disappeared.” arm Implements and Machinery. CGT‘T Sharp’s old Stand. Agent for PX up on icited left 2RD, Durham. Durham. at at ware short THE â€"-4th. Classâ€"Mary Hoeflin. Charles Hutton, 3rd. Sen’r. Emma Edding- ton, Maggie Brown. 3rd Jr.â€"â€"Lizzie Mollvride and Charlot'e Hutton, aeq. Maggie Dickson, Lizzie Brown. 2nd Sr.-â€"Josie Pinder, Maggie Bogle. Gordie Dickson, John Collins. 2nd Jr.-â€"Ann Hoy, Lizzie Pettigrew, Sarah Eddington. Mable Dunn. Pt Burlâ€"31:11}? Pimler, Ida Barbour. Ida Hoeflin. Ollie Hoy. Sr. lstâ€"Myrde Belton. Chas Caldwell, Melville Hoy. .....En a patoroon , ’Doaobor Teacher. Report of 8.8. No. 1, Egremont. for the mqlfih of September. Report of S. S. No. 11 Bentinck for Sept. Class IVâ€"Lizzie Campbell Laura liutton. Tis Hopkins, Char- lotte VVebber. III-Maggie Alexan- der, \Vellington Hutton, Maggie Al- dred, Bertha Morton. IIâ€"Lily Hopkins, Fred Mountain. Alice Lawrence. Pt. IIâ€"~â€"Enno Bauer. Tom Morton, Senath Noble, Douglass .‘lountrin. I-«Bertie Downs. Ed. Lawrence, Della Vollett. Class Aâ€" \Villie Noble, \Villie Bauer, Jean Millegan. Miss E. Patterson, Report of S. S. No. 6 Bentinck for September. Sr. IVâ€"Mary'l‘wamiey, Mary McCalium. Sr. IIIâ€"Vida Burns, Lizzie McDoug-all. Jr. III“ Lizzie Forster. Rachael McKinnon. Sr. Pt. II-â€"C. C. McDougall, Daniel McDomral. Andy McDougall, Maggie McKl-clmie. Jr. Pt. II~~ May McDon- ald, Lizzie McDongall, Arthur Ad- ium. Sr. Iâ€"Violet Forster. J, Long Cyril Burns. Aggie H. Clark, Teacher. Report of S. S. No. 5 Glenelg for éOctober. Class IVâ€"â€"Mabel Hunt. gFlorence Hunt. III Sr.-â€"-Carrie Me- ENallv. III Jrâ€"Clere Goodfellow, I’Jolm Haley. II Staâ€"Myrtle Hunt, fAllie Davis. II Jr.â€"-â€"Olive (Took, Julia McRae. Pt. II Sr.â€"-\\"illie fRyan. Arthur Blair. Pt. II Jr.~â€"R. MeNally. Rachael Firth. Sr. l - I-Itiie Goodiellow. Beacherd Jack. Jr. I -.~ Tommy Cook. Jessie Peters. A. \V. Park, Teacher. Report of S. S. No 14 Normanhy. for the month of September. Class IVâ€"Mary E. Blyth. III--Clara \Veltz. John MeD. Blyth. .las. Mar- shall, Willie Keller. II Sr.â€"â€"Janet Marshall. Tory Cornish, Martha Weltz, Mary 'l‘raris. II Jr.â€".Ias. Blyth, Otto Kellar. Pt. IIâ€"â€"Johni Travis, MaryStewart, Willie Halli-1 day. Sr. lvAggie Marshall. Annie McNamara. Jr. 1â€"â€"Fred Weltz, Ot-l to Kellar, Maggie'l‘ravis. Miss Mayy Hopkins, Teacher. l , 11597. :3 IVâ€"- Mabel Hunt. III Sr. -â€"Carrie Mc- â€"Cle\e Guodfellow, I St. -â€"‘-.\I\rtle Hunt II .11. «Olixe Cook, Pt. II Sr. â€"~\\illie I Jr.-â€"R. . I -- Etiie Jr. 1- .~â€" A. \V. I‘hreshing is now the order of the dav and the grain is \ielding failly well. Mr. Geo. Warling is making pre- parations to build a new house. Mrs. Carson of Priceville paid her daughter, Mrs. Gilbert, 3 visit last week. Mrs. Samuel Buchanan of Went- worth is visiting friends here at present. ' The home cf G. Warliug was the scene of u social gatheriugand Chris. telling on the meaning of Tuesday the 28th. There wm'enine juveniles who received the rite of Christian baptism. The members of Vandelenr Court of Foresters and their Families treat- ed themselves to. a {owl supper on the lélh. ult. SCOTT’S EMULSION has won and held its way to- nearly 25 years in the world of medicine until toâ€"day it is al- most as much the standard in all cases of lung trouble, and every condition of wasting Whether in child or adult as quinine is in malarial fevers. Differ on the money ques- tion if you will, but when it comes to a question of health, perhaps of life and death, get the standard. You and we may differ as to money st ndards and out of our var y diflcrcnccs good may come. But we won’t diffcr as to the merits of on: standard emulsion of cod liver oil. Standard Your druggist sens Scott’s Emulsion. Two sizes, 50 CB. and $1.00 SCOTT BOWNE, Toronto. Ont. VANDELEUR.

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