Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jul 1897, p. 6

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Mr. Chamberlain has arranged for an informal conference with the Colonial Premiers now in London to discuss the relations of the British colonies on the M. V)’ question. _ The Right Hon. Hugh Holmes. of the Queen’s Bench. Ireland, has been ap- goimed Lord Justice of Appeal to suc- wed the late Right Hon. Chas Robert Barry. The Canadian Pacific Railway has made a comract to carry 60 tons of butter from New York to Sydney. A um ralia. The north of England and Scotland Lave been Wept by heavy gales._ .A terrible storm has swe t over leer- pool. and Nelson‘s flags ip, the Fond- royant, which is now touring the coast as nshow ship, has been driven ashore and is expected to be lost. The Prince 0! Wales' horse Persim- mon won the gold cup at Ascot. Mr. ”W. F. Sexton. of Chatham has issued a writ against Sylvester Bros. of Toronto. for $10,000 damages for al- leged misrepresentation in connection with the sale of the Eurydice. Continuous rains and a cloudburst 'n the Rocky Mountains have caused serious floods at Calgary, twelve houses and stables being carried away .md 50 houses partly submerged. Rail- uay communication is also suspended. ' GREAT BRITAIN. The reply of the Transvaal Govern- mum to Mr Chamberlain's despatches ;n the Alien Immigration Act and 0th 91' measures is conciliatory in tone The rejection of the bill in the House xo incorporate pilots has caused a. atrlke in that body, and ocean vessels to and from Montreal are having great ulfflculty in getting through. The. manuscript of Scott's “Lady of the. Lake," and other poetical works, brought $6.45) at a. sale in London Inn \\ ednesday. The manuscript of"Old Mortality" and other prose works, brought, 83,000, and a. collection of Robert Burns‘ manuscripts $1,800. Mr. Rolaxnd Gideon Israel Barnett. well known in Toronto in connection with the Central Bank smash a few years ago. (-laimzs to be a. brother of am. late Barney Barnato. The. tram-Atlantic passenger business netweem Montreal and Liverpool proâ€" raises this season to be the most pros- germs in the history of the steamship «ornpanbes. although the prospects for the freight business are not so good. While Mrs. Ormiston Chant, the Lonv don axial reformer. was in Turkey with the Red Cross Society she was de- tained on the Turkish lines, and to assuage; the mugs of hunger she smok- ed a agar-one. Now she aymyathizeo with the fondnesa for tobacco. tho h she dues not believe in women smo - A farmer named David Martens was struck by lightning and killed durjng a heavy rainstorm at \Vinkler. Manxtoba. ' Fur the month of May, the increase .11 C. P. R. earnings was larger than the gain shown by any road in the { nited States. ' ”creating Items About Our Own Ccuntry. Great Britain. the United States, and All Parts of the Globe. Condensed and Assorted for Buy Reading. All the British officers in the Egyp- tian army now on leave in England have received orders to be at their sta betweml the middle and end the present month. The Khaiita is prepar- ng to offer desperate reaistance to the kayo-Egyptian expedition. I. NI'I'ED STATES. Weavers at the Royal Carpet com- pany's \xork's, Guelph. are un strike agamst a reduction of 2 cents a yard on their work. rue VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. john \Vaters of Hamilton while i1}â€" toxfiatod fell downstairs and broke Ins nee . ~ Premigr Marchand has Leen qffered the premdenw of the Royal Somety 0‘ Canada. Mr. Robert Heaman. a Louder} dairy- m. was struck and kiiled whale dnv- mg across the Grand T runk track. It. is reported at “'innipegv that the Irresent Indian troubles near Duck Lake have been greatly exaggergted. 1H1 NEWS INA NUISHHL The new Grand Trunk car works at Ixmdon were put. in operation on Thurs- «ay. . . ‘ President McKinley has prohibited the landing of the new French cable at Cape Cod or any part of the United States. A New York lmtblack is dying from Mood poisoning the result of a mos- quito bite. T he tailors’ strike in New York. is being settled. the contractors “ginng In " There were 3,500 men on striko. The British and American Mortgage Company, of London, 1203., has been granted authority to du business in Missouri. CANADA. A flax and cordage coanpany has been formed at. Stratford. The Amer can Railwya Union is dead. ,md.Debs' Smial Democracy of Amer- .‘m :3 to take its place. Bthuocn Liliuakalani filed a. pro- test in the office of the Secretary of State at Washington against the an- nexation treaty. W. B. Bradbury, a San Francisco mm lionaire was recently sentenced La twenty-four hours’ imxn'isonment for expectorating in a street car. The Uninersal Postal Congress the fifth convention of the kind in the world. ended in \Vashington. The next congress will be held in Rome, in February. 1903. The National Dairy Union, of Fort Atkinson. “'19., has ydocidod that but- merino must be legislated out of the l 111th States. Chaplain Henry Andaman. of the Grund Army Post, Lincoln. Nob. was pres-at u g lam-corporal at the Quon’a wedding. Bi‘m’ " "an“ aim 'winu ryamort- ly be uphmittod to the English Gov- to thc "ports of the New qual Carpet C01}!- wiih‘ ‘ G‘r‘éat The sensational stories as to the Queen being almost totally blind are contradicted in London. Her sight is no more impaired than might be ex- pected in a woman of her advanced years. I . . . 'Yonk commercxal agancnes, there 13 a isteady advance 11: trade all around. ,throughout the United States; employ- 'ment is increasing” and the outlook ls lmere satisfactory than it has been for lsome time past. Some large urchases of iron have had a good e feet In steadyvng 'prices. Boot and shoe fact- .ories are receiving large orders. and fprices cannot now be cut. Hides are very firm. Woolens are active. \Vheat lis practically unchanged on the week. The commercial failures in the United States for the week just ended amount- ed to 198, as compared with 276 in the corresponding week of last year. . GENERAL. It as stated in Constantinoyle that the Porte has abandoned the idea of retaining Thessaly, and it is under- stood~ that the changes in the frontier line will be slight. France has resumed diplomatic rela~ tions with Venezuela having obtained alaSpttlement of the pending indemnity c 1m In anticipation of the passage. of the pending tariff billby the United States Congress the Legislative Council of Jamaira has decided toincrease the du- ties on a number of articles imported from the States. The Czar is very melancholy because his wife gave birth to a daughter in- stead of the longeddor son and heir. He now fears that the succession will pass to the eldest son of the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovitch. The annual session of the W orlds Lodge of Knights Templar, in ameet-v ing at Berne, Switzerland, hasseledted Toronto for the meeting next year German naval experts are testing the practical use of airshuips. which may be put on board of vessels for use during naval engagements. It is announced that more than six thousand lives were lost in the earth- quake disturbances which recenth vis- ited the Province of Assam. HIG H-PRIC’ED BUMBLEBE ES. Many years ago the farmers of Aus- tralia imported bumblebees from Eng- land and set them free: in their clover fields. Befom the arrival of the bees clover did not flourish in Australia, but after their coming the farmers had 'no more difficulty on that score. .Mr. Dar- win had shown that; bumblebees were the only inswts fond or clover nectar which possessedh proboscis sufficient- Pâ€"«*esident Faure ha: consented to arbLtrate the frontier dispute between the Central American Republics of know w throughout the world for his Costa Rica and. Colombia. The Japanese Government has form- ally protested against the pending United States Tariff bill. On Friday Kaiser Williasmfipveiled a statue to the memory of \tham the First of Cologne. The Rev Father Knei pp of Munich. known throughout the world for his water cure, died on Thursday morning. In a fight between Italian and Frenc‘h workmen at Barcarin. near St. Louzs du Rhone on Wednesday, two French- men were killed. The district is in- tensely excited. TIN1 Paris p0 ice say that during the past month they have discovered a number of infernal machines in differ- ent parts of the city. A despatch from Bombay .says the monsoon has fully bugst. and 1t 18 ram- ing heavily and continuously. It is stated that the Porte has deâ€" cided to abandon the policy of delay, and to accept the advice of the powers. Almost the entire Province of As- sam has been devastated by the re- cent earthquake, and the ruin is apâ€" palling. LA. cyclone swept over the villagw of Benzona. and Colomhes. near Pans... on Friday, doing great damage to pro- petty. ly long to tenth the bottom of the long, tube-like flowers, and. at the same time, a body heavy enough to bend down the clover-head so that the ‘ pol- len would fall on the insect' 8 back, and thus be carried off to fertilize other flowers of the same gpecies, Accordâ€" ing to a writer, the bumblebees sent to Australia cost the faunas there about half a dollar apleoe, but they proved tn be worth the price. [Astronomers know that the sun, ae- oompanied by the earth and the other planets, is moving touard a point in the northern heavens with great speed. Just what the velocity is, however, can- not yet be told with certainty. Prof. Simon Newcomb, in a. recent lecture, said that it was probably between five miles and nine miles per second The bright star, Alpha Lyme lies not far from the point toward which the sun is moving. Every moment we are get- ting nearer to the place where the star now is. "W hen shall we t there ? Probably 1n less than a mi lion years; perhaps in half a million.” \VEIGHT SOLDIERS MAY CARRY It is found, as a result of some in- teresting experiments recently carried out by the German “"a‘r Office, that for an ordinary man a. weight not ex- ceeding 48 pounds could be carried for 25 miles~ if the temperature does not exceed 60 degrees, Without any injuri- ous effects, even wnen continued for a number of days. If, however. the tem- perature is 10 degrees higher, the same load has a temporary effect on the omanisms. A weight o§ 60pounds is the maximum weight whwh an or- dinary soldier could carry 25 miles a day on several consecutive days. HELPING HIM OUT. I loaned some money to Slickly, groaned the patuemt. and I’m in doubt whether he will ever repay it. That’s what makes me sick: "â€"w'w " I can relieve jou of all doubt at once. said the kind old doctor, you will never not 1.de it. THE FLIGHT OF THE SUN “My duty is now to have no Opinions. you know." said His Excellency, laugh- Lngly, although possibly it will not be :1 breach of the. canons to mention facts.” This was in answer to questions toueh~ ing the attitude of New Zealand toward the plan of confederation for the Aus- tralasian colonies. “I think I am cor- reet in saying that New Zealand does not intend to «net 111 her lot “ith the Australasian colonies in any such scheme. She desires to be independent. o1 that movement. She considers herself a seperate entity, removed. as she is lry a distance of one thousand five hundred miles. She does not want to he a hit of confederation. That the four great; colonies of Australasia should de~ sire to (-(m-'fe<lerate is quite right and proper; butNewZealand stands outside that idea. She is developing her own system slowly,hut progressively. She stands willing to fall in with the Im- perial federation idea. and she is willing to treat with the Mother Country, but she does not feel herself in any way bound to identify herself with the confederation of Australia. I think my- self. xyhen 'ou consider the geographical position 0 New Zealand. that she is perfectly right." wwv --â€"'vv‘â€"'â€"\a it. does not disturb the convictipn that one has reached at last, after his war}â€" deangs. a. country where the cllmgltm conditions are all that could be Geared byutrhe m-ost_ fastidioqs." . His E'xcefiency laughingly said that, he must refuse to declare nhether he “ as im {av or of 1 - and country commend me to New Zea- lund. Once in a while we have a sud- den drop when we get, a. blast from the Antarctic, but that is so_ rqre phat. or not, "but I can testify that female suffrage in New Zealand works admir» ably. I have both noted this myself, and have been told it by the Prime Minister. It, can also be said that the employment. of female help in the gov- ernment and commercial clerical service has been attended with the best results. Of course. the same thing has happened at, home, where we have not as yet remxhed female suffrage. and I do not. gaynthatnthere 18 any coinrgectign; Bet. “An equable. lovely climate,” the Earl remarked, as, aitcr breakfast at the Windsor Hotel, he sat discussing im- perial federation. female suffrage in New Zealancl, and general matters per- tui‘qing to the antipudean ‘col‘cnies.’ L for manner. - _ “The finest in the world,” Ls how he- sums it up. . His Excellency, with the Countess Ranfurly, and their daughters. Lady Constance and Lady Eileen Knox, to- gether with Captain Dudley Alexander. who has been appoimteu A. D. (3.. pass- ed through Montreal recently. V-Cvcv w w-'J - --â€" in New Zealand this quwtizm of female vot'ung' is past the experimental stage." His Excellency is awarm suppox fer of the Imperial federation idea. “I think ever): 193'?! Engli§hmgzq must (195' 6 t9 â€" - 'â€" --_ ““°-m_v see that idea realized in aconcreu- and workable plan by which all parts of the Eunpire Will beboumd together inau mâ€" mon bond. Everything tends that x. ::y at present. and the Jubilee celebrati' “s in- England will give an enormous 3 ~.-- petus to the idea. I see that the matur i_s_already being discussed mlendo‘n a}; ' l Liverpool, in the presence of themlonia: premxers. Every one must have noted that the feeling has grown wondcxfully during the t few years. It is now {ecogn'gzeq t t a snipg‘eme effort must --‘_._ ‘n-d igmag“£o‘mmmrsh it. I may say that New Zealand and Australia have done something along the hues of IMPERIAL FEDERATION. l Thus, New Zealand contributes tweniy‘ thousand pounds r annum to thw navy. while Austra ia gives a hundred and twenty thousand pounds. The lab , ter, however. stipulates that there must. the year round, be a squadron‘ stationed in Australian waters. This arrangementoomas toan end ina year from the iresent time. and I do not know whet r it can be renewed upon similar terms. It seems umreasonable to ask that a squadron should be kept? in Australian waters. no matter what; was happenimg in another part of the: Empire. Suppose England was en- aged in a war with a foreign power. t might seem desirable to detach this; tmight seem desirable to detzuh this squadron. and this could be done with safety 5', seem that. owing to the dis- tame, the d ficudty of coaling, and the 11 eakness w hich would result, no other pom er would think of sending their ships to the amtipodes to attack the colonies. Theresa no power which could afford to wefken her navy by de- taching a sufficient force such a dis- talnce for that . Of course, one could understan the necessity for a. canstant coast defence conducted by torpe does and the like.bu1t I think the Admiralt should decide. in the case of “at. disposition of every vessel in _t_he givy. " he had. no doubt the time would shortly come when a. workable plan would be submitted which would receive the en‘- doraation of all the colonies. touching 9%??? J; "which m tm ”ii n ' :0 - » per: forces and up like. . a l The Ear'l seemed a little surprised that Canada made no contributor: to the. support 0! thp navy. but_s_ai<.l than Vv v" have travelléd a good deal. but AN IDEAL CLIMATE FEMALE SUFFRAGE World ~(‘onlcd- FROST dz WOOD, WILKINSON, MAXWELL Buggies, Road Darts, Waggons. Stoves, and Musical nstruments Charles McKinnnn, U PPER TOWN, Durham Tannery. Horse Hides. 09w Hiaes, {Hg F3. B-JDo ensure: first-clu- jab an Usumustbeultoduloanuuku County of Grey. including n vnlnnblo W Power. Brick dwelling. and many dqlblo building lou. will be sold in one or non Iota. Also lot No. 60. Con. 2, W. G. 8... Township of Bentinck. 100 new, adjoining Town plot. Durham. Homes tnken for part porchue money Apply to J nuns men. Oct: 2nd. Edge Hm, P.-o. Dealers in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver an'l Flat Ware of all descriptions. Repairing n peciglty. Upper Towq, Durham. E dow. TI: All kinds Els rescribed by the p mada. S.\1‘£SFACI‘ION~.GUAR ANIEED Is a marvellous flesh producer and w: you an appeute. 9; 80c. 81. $1 per Bottle n I All."...' “fl vâ€"v W Be sure you get Ems Lawamcs 09., no. the genuine MONTREAL “qu AW SKINS, Eta, Tanned Suit-.13): or3~OBES shd COATS by the new process, which {or Finish and Softnou cm’t. be but. IN THE TOWN 0!? MIMI“. “lb-“ Do without Imphmenm. because any can't saw or map profitably without them. But when they buy. they naturally nut to do In as cheaply u paniblo‘ This in Wily uomnny animal us. form bu: formal) and-ell atumodad profit. We keep in stock in our Big Wuorooms in Upper Town. all kinds of Farm Implementn. in- cluding the makes at A. GORDON I MPLEM EST AGENT Robe Tanning. BE SURE AND CALL. EDGE PROPERTY THUS. SMITH. “0|!” 3143103 to the 1'03 and other well-known manufacturers. “Dali's kept on hand DURHA Gentlemenâ€"We (ct guicker und hvtur remn- from name Mn. Maddon'l cut. thtn any whet no but used. und highly recommend at DEAN Buns . Baku: THE HIDDEN YEAST 00.. London. To the Madden Yeast 00., London, Ont. may: 2-3: - x - of it Liter ml: a course of Ayn-R: system is 50’: 2':: :‘Su {Z BILIOUSRESS BflISTIPflTlfll The modern 3.1.1213.» ard Family 3198:}. cine: Cures: 11m m common every-day ills of humanity. fin -U .K‘ WI “Rob-t»... lbs v 'P°A'I\'-S CURE ‘fifi' YICW '(m plants grew well 30:1 alleys opened throw: direction. The quest. 00 obwn a. pa”). 1» many mghg‘t‘o 1:139. want oi light by \Vbu' clearly. although thr‘ sunshme was temmr clear 1' ht. with Hate that {e l on sand an with a. beauty whim But there ““35 strange and wonder! in was only for a m the power to diver-L the real purpose 1h: there. The gallcon this strpnge wealth ' tin. . 'u' of 2111:9155. their? wt ~ on! on the borizun ace toward it and folluue mistaken spat. {t looked more . £31. I had found smnpt ‘ ‘rn was whetbe and “'3 q ,d ovel'heg'ld. had done the rat, she swun 18° of the (‘01. n drifting: I am. an“ of we wu a b31901 \\ stone . the pla \V my fl h 1'09 the cur! 00k? ( m H ft ermfl bum D 194 mu 1L 0? N3

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