Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jun 1897, p. 1

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91‘8 ITS Value. VOLUME 80. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN 'WE are entering the Jubilee period, and dur- ing the next few weeks . we may expect more talk of loyalty than we have heard in a lifetime before. Throughout the British Empire every subject seems. to rejoice. some of them know not! why, but this is jubilee year. Dur-j ham. we are pleased to say, is enter-j ing fully into the Spirit of the‘ time,l and for the next three weeks loyalty ‘ to Britain, mgBritain’s Queen and all British institutions will find place in the hearts of the peOple. ' ' Diamond J ubllee CELEBTATIONS On Friday the schools of-the town ‘ have their School‘ Jubilee demon-i stration in the Tow‘h Hell, beginning at 1:30 p. m. A good loyal program has ,been ‘ prepared by the school children under the guidance of our .â€". .. most ethcient staff of teachers. In addition th this, loyal 'patriotic ad- dressMXpected from the resi- dent clergyman. trustees and others. A full attendance of parents. and all interested in educational 'advance: ment is respectfully requested. Great Attractions in DURHAM. OnSunday next, 313 annofinced in this and last issue of tlle.CHRONICLE, special jubilee serving-s will be Held in 'l‘rimty church, when the I. O. F. 'will meet in a body to‘ listen to a specially instructive germon by Rev. Mr Connor. On Tuesday next 'we expect to see I in Durham such a demonstration of loyalty as this, town never before witnessed. A‘grand procession of Bicycles. Bands, Soldiers, Boys’ Bri- gade, Rural Schools, Town Schools. Fraternal Societies, Muni’cipal Coun- cil, Fire Brigade and vehicles will form at. the Drill Shed at 12:30, march to the flaricultural Grounds and en- ter at once into an extensive program of Sports for which prizes will be ‘ “ "' “ ------- .-.:n The program for the let of July, known as “Dominion Day Jubilee Races”, under the auspices of the Durham Turf Club, may almost be regarded as a continuation of Jubilee Day proper. The principal features . oi the day will be the races for which! handsome prizes are offered. A purse i 'of $90 is oflered for the 2:40 trot or? pace in three prizes of $50, 825 andi 815. For the three minute trot or. pace a pnrse of 860 will be given; lst 830, 2nd 820, 3rd 810. Open run purse $85; lst 350, 2nd 825, 3rd 810. Green run for farmers’ horsesâ€"purse $1?) in two prizes of $10 and 35. Be-. sides these the two mile bicycle race for men and one mile [or boys will form an imaortant portion 0! theafteri. u; ayu..- -t.- ---___ - given. At 3:45\ p. m. all sports will cease for one hour during “hich the Military “feu de joie”â€"â€"The National. Anthem, and other patriotic songs 1 and aaltlreses will be entered into in a right loyal spirit. EVERY PART OF THE PROGRAM IS FREE and every resident of the town and coun- try is cordially invited to participate in {his greatest loyal demrmstration‘ of the present century, of which the part played in Durham will, we trust, be a succ‘ssfnl component part. noon program. fr;;t;-ali,vâ€";vill be played between' Hanovu and the Home teams. Poi" particulars see billa‘ and. posters or Write to tha Secretary. Admission, 693V. 15° 3. Ladieamsl Children... 11° In the forencoq a. lacrosse match, i The cattle fair on Tuesday was not. } well attended. Very few changed 1hands. ”500 bus'hels of lime for sale at lot 5, 2nd con., Bgremont.-â€"D. Hillis, Varney P. O. t. f. â€"Two more bran new Crescent Bicycles arrived to-day and are placed in J, A. Hunter’s Livery. AN Open meeting will be held in the Baptist Church next Monday night at eight o’clock. All are cordially invited. An interesting series of letters from the pen of Mr. W. J. Mitchell is appearing in the Hanover Post Would like to copy them but Space forbids. TUE Owen Sound Baptist Associa- tion meets in VViarton on Tuesday Wednesday, and Thursday of this week. The Rev’s A. Stewart and W. McGregor go as delegates from here. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a universal beautifier. Harmless, effective, and agreeable. it has taken high rank a- mong toilet articles. This prepara- tion causes thin and weak hair to be- come abundant, strong, and healthy and restores to gray hair its original color. -â€"â€"See McKinnon’s ad. on page 9. THE merchants in Durham have! decided to’ close their stores at 7 p. m., Saturdays excepted, during the summer months. It is no more than right that clerks and those engaged in mercantile life should have a little recreation as well as other people. The public will please bear this in mind arid avoid disappointment. The peOple of Canada are not sur-l prised that the Jubilee portrait of the Queen gotten out by the Mont- real Star, and the Star Jubilee Medal of solid aluminum, are carrying everything before them. But the people 0‘ England are now examining both of these souvenirs, and cable- grams say the Star Souvenirs are the best out. either in England or in any Eof the colonies beside Canada. On June 12th Mrs. W. Benton 're- ceived an unsigned letter accusing her of writing several anonymous letters. Had the letters been signed Mrs. Bent-on would have made a per- sonal denial but as she has no know- ledge of the writer’s name she feels it necessary to deny the ' charge through the press by saying the writer is mistaken as she never] ‘sent an unsigned letter to anyone in 1 her life. LAST week we gave an account of the marriage of a daughter of Mr. Boyce, of Crawford. and this week we regret to learn of the sudden and, unexpected death of a married daughter living' in the vicinity of Mt. Forest. We have not learned the particulars, btt -no matter in what form it may come death is always a sad unwelcome visitor. Our joys and sorrows often meet in g this life. We extend our sympathies He the bereaved friends. ON Saturday evening last about 2 half past seven o’clock, when the 1 streets were lined with teams, the l shOps crowded with purchasers, the 1 sidewalks crowed with pleasure seek- 1 ing pedestrians, the excited cry rose « above the general turmoil, that a ' team was running away. Surel ,enough down the Durham hill a pair {of firey young chargers with wagon i. and hay rack attached were rushing Emadly towards the busy thorough- .fare below. Death or destruction :seemed certain. No visible hand iguided the infuriated animals. A inearer approach however revealed ‘ the figure of the owner, Mr. Thomas ,Wallace, Varney, in the bottom of {the wagon tugging with might and imain, to check their speed. With , s the presence of mind characterestic of ‘l a gritty little Irishman, he gave his ’ E attention to the public safety, man- aged the strings so as to keep the horses in the only clear space to, be , found, and the horses were allowed, tlto go. South of the town they were I‘ brought toa standstill and Tom’s r skill in horsemanship was the tapic 1, on every tongue. No one was hurt, .0 the horsesand wagoncgtneontsafe. LOCAL NEWS. DURHAM, ON T., JUNE 17.1897. â€"The Jubilee flag badges are now PURELY PERSONAL. on sale at, J A. Hunter’s. 10. each.‘ Everyone should have one. | Mr. Patrick Dorsey left last If you would have soft, silky. and abundant hair, take good care of it. Use for a dressing A-yer’s Hair Vigor only, that being the most reliable and scientific article. and without which no toilet is complete. It keeps the scalp clean, cool, and healthy. MR. R. W. MEREDITH, F. S , of Court Durham, No. 111, I. O. F,, wishes to request all the brethern to attend service in a body next Sunday morning at Trinity church, and also to request them to take part. in the procession on the 22nd inst., at the Jubilee demonstration here. WE have in our office asingle stalk of r ye measuring 7 ft. in length left here on Monday by Mr. W_. E. McAlister. The general growth this year is phenomenal, the crops are looking well and the farmers are regaining their air at contentment. After two hard years we hope that kind providence will smile on them once more with an abundant return and good prices. MISS SHEWELL desires to inform the residents of Durham and sur- roundingcou ntry, that she is prepared‘ to continue the Undertaking and Furniture business lately conducted by her brother and formerly by her father. All assertions to the con- trary are false. All furniture delivered in town and repairs prompt- ly attended to. Patronage solicited. â€"6 17 97. t.f. ’VVE are informed that on Thursday last Michael Bagan, a young man near Dornoch. was working in the bush when he was violently seized with a fit of what might be called a species of insanity. He began froth- ing at the mouth and acted very strangely when suddenly he donned his coat and vest and rushed wildly away. Though diligent search has been made, he has not been heard of up to time of writing and his friends and neighbors are greatly alarmed ’ over the affair. It appears that some time ago he was subject to some very strange spells but he was thought to have outgrown them. Re ReginaV Stewart:â€"-Mr. Ro- well, Toronto Agent for Lucas, Wright Batson moved before the Division Court, Osgoode Hall,’l‘o- ronto, for Rule nisi to quash summary conviction of defendant which was granted. This was a complaint made by Duncan McArthur against Thom- as Stewart. both of the Township of Bentinck, and heard here before Justices Calder, Jackson and Mc- Fayden last April. when the defend- ent was convicted of intimidation and fined $1.00 and costs. Telford and McCaul acting for complainent and Batson for defendant. The defendants lawyers are taking proceedings to have conviction quashed on several grounds, and the proceedings have been removed to High Court. ARRANGEMENTS are being made for! Jubilee services to be held in Trin-l ity Church. Durham, on Sunday the 20th inst... both morning and evening in oommoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Qllt en’s Accession to the Throne of Great Britain. ‘I‘hat beautiful form of prayer with thanks- giving annex-ed to the Book of Com- ' l \ Lu ' u..----_-. -_ 23 mon Prayer in 1837, to be used in all churches on the 20th of June will be used in every church throughout the British Empire by Special order of the Archbishop of Canterbury, as the 20th of June falls on Sunday this year being the Queen‘s Diamond Jubilee. We hope to see Trinity Church crowded, and trust that every ' member resident in town and country will come out on this occasion, first, as true Christians, and secondly, as loyal subjects of Queen Victoria. The music will be the great feature of the services and the decorations will be magnificent. The Rector will preach in the morning from 2nd Sam. 16:16, “ God save the king,” subject, 1st, Solomons glorious reign, 2nd,_ Queen Victorias glorious and. pros-l perous reign, Contrasted. Evening, .ffrov. 8:15, “By. me kings reign.” Subject. The Divine right 0f kings. iIs itfscriptural ? The collection Will be special in aid ofgthe funds of the! congregation. Let every memberi bring a Jubilee ofiering, 2~ Mr. Patrick Dorsey left last week for Paris Ont. Mr. D. B. Macfarlane returned home last week. Mr. Geo MacKay left on Tuesday night for Brussels. Mr. D. MacFarlane of Caledon is visiting friends in town. Mr. John Kinnee Jr. hiked it down to Minto on Saturday last. Mrs.R. Dass, of Stratford, is re- newing old acquaintances in town. Mr. C. McKinnon is in Owen Sound this week attending County Council. The Misses Jennie and Edith Bly th of Chacsworth visited friends in town over Sunday. Mr. Henry Waite of the Phoenix Dye Works, Owen Sound, was in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt.Douglass, Markdale, paid a flying visit. friends here on Sunday. - Mr. Tbos. Storrey of the Chatsworth News stafi wheeled over to see his parents and friends here on Sunday. Mr. Richard McFadden and daugh- ter Miss Lottie visited friends in Durham, Glenelg and Egremont last week. THE Military will have drill on Friday at 8:30 p. m. preparatory to the “fen de joie” exhibition on Jubilee Day. All are invited to attend. Mr. Calvert attended the funeral of his grandpbild if} Arkol._ . C C, Muir’s. “Maind Mrs. Counts visited Mr. Wm. McCulloch on Sunday. Mr. Gilbert Grierson returned from God save the Queen Dak3ta recently and if reports he Light on her path descend true he will not go beck alone. ,Joy and hope sweetly blen The anlthville shingle mill is do-}Choicest gifts to her send, ing a rushing business at present. God save the Queen. Miss Weir Sundayed at Mr. Henry VICKERS. 0000â€"“ of We are sorry to learn thgt Mrs. Milligan is on the sick list. The picnic on Friday was quite a success. Although the weather looked rather threatening a large crowd assembled in time to partake of the refreshments which were pro- nounced excellent. Mr. Turnbull was voted to the chair and filled the position creditably. Mr. Jansen of Durham gave a brief but pointed ad- dress which was well received. The Allan Park Band gave several selec- tions and were highly commended. The hand finished by playing God‘ Save the Queen. Thus ended the picnic of 1897. Jubilee National Anthem. God save our Gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen ; Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us, ' God Save the Queen. Thy choicest gifts in store On her be pleased to pour, G01 save the Queen ; May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice, God save the Queen. Far from the Motherland Nobly we’l_l fell ornatgnd . By England’s Queen ; Through towns and forests free, Britons undaunted we Sing with_true loyalty, "' I'" God save the Queen. Thou who for three-score years In sunshine, cloud and tears Has kept our Queen ; St‘ll be her Guide and Stay, Thro’ life’s uncertain way, Till dawns the perfect day, God blesé our Queen. God save our gracious Queen, Long liveour noble Queen, God save the Queen ; N O 1580

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