Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jun 1897, p. 9

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(1 Builders’ and Point. in use. Cam [DO man Z :5 me FOUND IN a Female Pills. 13A,. naniage? r Method m- Charge. masses or F SECURITY BATH. l Sa w Mills. PAIR-.. Power SMlTH PAY! urnaces brlz ST. ‘9 2:le 1W3 orders for WATER rainy lasting sun pl. latent? think 039? Saws .762 @326 z<E<z<O 37:33.5 Err \\ h;- buy of foreign concerns or of middlemen when you can purchase Muiwaply from us and get better (our stock is Canadian grown and ”tw'Vnmft'd. ( do ue (Enwlish or French) free )11 m»; I C Mion. $12 353:" wwiosmu, Toronto. row-7mm, uuasgaoes \'jv(fi}l'. attention given to Park. CPVIWUH) and Boulevard orders. Estim-ues furnished for supplying entire; orchards. val gage tmm 01's. whivh and on 116' the money 0361'le for Carson. A - a“: " 1";E~.".;r¢ I 3" 73:»! an”! . . .~.- .. I 700 Acres shrubs, Roses, Vines and Seed Potatoes. V. have the largest assortment and employ the very latest and most improved methods for propagat- ing, .\!l SH'Cl-i carefully packed un- 1,." ..:11 personal annervision and all new varieties tested at our trial {xx-22H before being catalogued. l'l-ww pm the only testing: orchards vm‘uwfml with any Nursery in the l\:~..:;311:4‘m. 9.33521; Wanted to Sawmills. 110 USE. in the 'l‘uwn of Durham on FR! DAY the 18th day ofJUNE, 1897, gt30’clmk, p. m., the following Property namely_:--- ‘ A ‘7 m , _- ALA A--‘ “:11A 1“ llitlurly 3 '- Building -Lot No. 28M) the east side of Garafraxa Street in said Town of Durham, as shown on a plan (Edge’s Survey) of part of Lut \'n. 25, Ill the first concession east of Garat‘raxa Ruml nf the township of Glenelg, by David Gibson, l’, L, 8., dated Jlilv, 185-}, and fiit‘d in the Registry Otliee fhr the Countyuf Grey. 0“ this lot is said tube erertml a good substantial two storey modern brick stare and a warehouse. TERMS lO , at time ofsale, and for the balance terms will be liberal, and will be made knuwn at time of sale. Fur further particulars apply to DAVID JAUKSUN JR., ESQ, Or to Durham, MOSS, BARWICK FRANKS, Vendor’s Soligitors, Dated 25th NUHEE tn CHEBUURS. In the Matter Of the nature OI H u- liam Hargrave, late of the Town- ship of Egremont, in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. 7A UABLE Town of Durham. 16 'Ili'VV' frnm Jamos S M whivh wil' be prod on default being .: mex 4 therebv M ed for sa‘e by PM u)". Auctiuneer, : 11311-11151 111111 fo1 BUTTER and EGGS 1n exchange 1.,3 1111; I111 st quality of goods at bottom p1ices. ()111 Complete Depmtments ale: Remiv-made Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. M ORNAMENTM TREES (DER the frnm J5 Matter of the Esta‘te‘ of". \Vil- Iw. power of sale in a certain mort- I James S. Mcfdaster t0 the Vend- I wil? 1w prmlncod at time of sale. Pffll‘.” lwingxmule in payment of v.4 thereby secured. there will be r sake by Public Auction, 1)) James Auvtimmer, at the MIDDAUUH in the Town of Durham on OF THE SEASON McArthur in Full Blast. day of May, 1897. AND BY VIRTUE OF 3 STORE PROPERTY â€"IN THEâ€"â€" LUIUB.- w y"- . . Owen Sauna, Ont, Solicitors for the oxecutors' OFâ€" Toronto. To the Ladies of Dur- ham and vicinity. If you would like to see an article that makes every woman happy in warm weather, you should call and examine our also a. large stock of Tin- Vzu‘e, Gl'anifewm'e, Silver- Vare, Dry and Mixed Paints, Enamels, Paint Oil, Castor Oil, Bicycle (Jil, Coal Oil, etc. To the Farmers If you want Section Guards 01' Heads for your Mowers or Binders Call at our store and you will be able to get suited also a large stock or HARVEST TOOLS of every description. See our stock of building: material. Nails in abund- ance. No Trouble to show floods. Give us a call. Farm Implements and Machinery. Noxon’s Binders, Mowers, Drills, Spring 'l‘ooth Harrows. best in the in the market. Guards, Sections, etc., for all kinds of machines. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on tarm property at lowest rates. Conveyancing, Leases, ‘Wills, Mort- gages, etc.. drawn up on short notice. Horses bought and sold. Waterloo Threshers for sale at ware- rooms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Sales may be left at THE CHRONICLE OFFICE. S. T. ORCHARD, Upper Town_, Durham. OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY -â€"IN THEâ€" Township of Bentinck. l 1 Power of Sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mortgage which will be pro- duced at the tune Of Sale, default having been made in payment tliereof, there will beotfered for suie by Public Auction at the KNAPP HULSE. Durham. by James Carson, Auctioneer, on SATURDAY, the 3rd day of JULY, 1897, at the hour of two o’clock, p. m., the follow- ing roperty namelv :-- . Al and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate. lying and being in the Townslnp of Bentinck. in the County of Grey, contamin together two-hundred acres more or less : eing com- posed of lot number twenty-two on the second concession and lot number twenty on the third concession both west of the Gara- fraxa Road;saviug and excepting a road two rods wide 06 the east end of said lot number twenty-two. .. 1 ,,A -1 _ 'I_ Caal Oil Stove Illllll UUI The piiifié'h’y' his situate about 7 miles from the Town of Durham. Upon OH!) is erected a good trame house and frame barn; there is on lot ‘22 a comfortable dwelling house and frame barn. TERMS: The property Wlll be sold sub'ect to a re- serve bid ; Twentydper cent. of t e urchase money must be . 1 at the time 0 sale and the balance wit in thirty days thereafter. The property Will be sold suhiect to a re- serve bid; Twenty 1' cent. of the urchase money must be lpai at the time 0 sale and the balance wit l thirty days thereafter. For further particulars app lfito W. L. MAC ENZIE, m- m Yendor’ 3 Agent, Or to v enaor's Age: James Carson, Auctioneer. Dated this 9th day of J une, A. D., 1897, WM. BLACK 1 NDER AND _BY vm'pm: OF _A MORTGAGE SALE, S. T. ORCHARD, Sharp’s 01d Stand. â€"-â€"Liceused Auctioneer. Agent for THE DURHAM CHRONtCLE,;.iune 17th, 159% Last Saturday was the first real! warm Summer day and every one| enjoyed it, but more especially the' private picnickers at the Lake which was mainly from here. '_l‘hey spentg a pleasant time boating, dining and romping. and in the evening drove to Durham and joined in the street promenade until ten o’clock when they went o'ver to the station to see the cars before returning home. Miss Lucretia Johnson visited the beautiful Zion last xx eek and we pre- sume took in the pie-social in the church and it would be the better of her. She is as good a Methodist as the best of them, sociable and a right; good pie baker We will leave it to the boy who got her pie if she is not. Some coming and others going is the way of life. Mrs. Hillis went up to Shallow Lake a week ago tc visit some of her family who reside there and her son, “"111., came down here the same time. Mr. Jas. Baird left last Tuesday to try his hand at the wheel of fortune in the mining district of Sudbury. No matter which way it turns he will not forget, ithis the land of his birth but in due time will return and to keep posted in the mean time has made arrangements to have his paper sent to him. so THE CHRONICLE will receive immediate notite of his whereabouts on reachinw his destin- ation. Our school has received an invi- tation to shine in the parade on Jubilee has. in Durham. Miss Martha McLaughlan came home from Harriston a week ago for a visit. ‘ Mr. John Snell, of Uromore, preached in the school house on Sun- day night toa full house. Deering Binders and Mowers They Lead Them All I Upper Town, Durham. Maxwell Binders, Mowers Horse Rakes, Pea Harvesters. Turnip Sewers, Scufiiers, Flows and every modern Im- plement for Farm Work. One Car Binder Twine BEST BRANDS. Canada Carriage Co’s Carriages, Buggies, etc. Chatham and Snow Ball Waggons. poms efimq A few good COOKING STOVES left at. and below cost. like a dog’s bark, is a sign that there is something foreign around which shouldn’t be there. You can quiet the noise, but the danger may be there iust the same. SCOTT’S ENIULSION of Cod-liver Oil is not a cough specific; it does not merely allay the symptoms but it does give such strength to the body that it is able to throw off the disease. You know the old proverb of “ the ounce of prevention ?" Don’t neglect your cough. A book which will teil you more on the subject sent free on re» quest. Your druggist keeps Scott’s Emu! sion of Cod-fiver Oil. Put up i950 cts. and $1.00 sizes. Vow Com ah CHAS. MCKINN ON, CORNER CONCERNS. SCOTT BOWNE, Toronto. Ont. FOR SALE BY â€" You ought to take a trip down to J. McIlvride’s and see his fine stock of fat cattle. Jim is bound to make farming pay. Mrs. Arch. Little, 81‘. has been in very poor health the past few days but is somewhat better now. Mrs. Alex. McIlvride, of Brandon, is home for a couple of months visit- ing friends and relatives. Mine Host Crawford was under the weather for a few days with asevere cold but is around again. Two young pugilists from the corners had a one sided bout here the other evening. Young men beware of the law in future. The cheese factory is doing a fine business and is improving every day. It, will soon be up to the old run again. Mr. and Mrs. T. .‘vlcComb, of Bun- essan, were visiting at Mr. Little’s last week. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Little were visiting at Mr. Quintin Pettigrew’s one day last week. Some of our Council met in our town the other day and let the con- tract for a new sidewalk and some Other improvements. Mr. Zetaus Clarke went. to Wiarton last Monday to attend Association meeting which takes place there. John Bogal is not in it now with the rye for Tom. McAlister has some six feet long and he says that is not the longest. It must be right for Tom is noted for his truthfulness. A foot ball match took place on Andrew Stewart’s farm last Satur- day between the north and the south of McTavish’s corners. Of course the north won as they are the best men and must win. Mr. Wm. Fee left for the North- west last week where he intends to remain some time. You talk about your fish stories, but. Will Clark caught. one the other day that tipped the scales at 37 oz. It wasa whale and they say Will fainted “hen he got it safely landed. Mr. Adam Little sold his driver to Mr. RunStedler for a good price and dellvered him on Friday last. Mr. R. Gray, of Hamilton, came home last Saturday to see his father. 1»- r. C. Gray, who is very low and not expected to recover. Mr. Clark, of Varney, and Robinson. of Durham took a Ayton last. Saturday to have at the VVenger Bros’. Mills. Money no Object. The amount of money suflerers from catarrh will Spend in attempting to cure that foul and disagreeable disease is almost incredible. J. W. Jennings of Gilford, Ont. ., savs ° “I Spent between $200 and $300 consult- ing- doctors; I tried all the ‘treat- ments’ without benefit. One box of Chase’s Catarrh Cure did me more good than all the remedies. A 2530. box cured me.” Don’t waste money. Chase’s Cure: with imported blower, 250. It cures. Railroad employes. bicyclists. teamsters and other men who are subjected to much jolting, are often troubled with pain across the small of the back. This indicates the “Railroad Kidney.” and insidious precursor of serious illness. On the slightest symptoms of backache take one Chase’s Kidney~Liver Pillâ€"one is a doseâ€"and thus obtain instant relief. For all kidney troubles they have no equal. 25c. per box. Mr. Robt. Burnett is very ill with neuralgia of the heart. Miss. S. Burnett. of Durham, has charge of the store in his stead. Alfred and Joe. Collett and Mrs. Hunter, sons and daughter of Mr. Henrv Collett are over from British Columbia visiting their father who is very ill. Messrs. Peel and E. McClocklin were in Allan Park on Sundav last. Allan Park intends holding 11 mon- ster pic-nic on the 25th. Don’t fail to attend it. Messrs. Muir, Thos. Bailey, Robt. Lindsay and Mrs. Pierson were visit- ing at Mr. Henry Collett’s on Sun- day last. Miss Elvidge. of Durham, was at church here on Sunday. She wasn’t alone. The Vickers correSpondent and ye Editor of the CHRONICLE were Spying out the land round here on Monday evening last. Mr. Thos. Brigham has a very pleasant smile of late. It’s a. young daughter. Congratulations Tom. Mr. Henry Brigham has taken a contract to suppiy timber for a large bridge in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs David Adlam visited at Mr Thos. Brigham’s on Sunday. “ The Railroad Kidney.” ALLAN PARK. VARNEY . O09 .â€"â€"¢ Mr. A. trip to a. look The crops are looking well amd prospects are bright for an abundant harvest Mrs. John Bailey visited friends in Egremont lately. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cross from Louise visited Mr. Henry Brigham oufiSunday Mr. Ralph Brunt. of Hanover Inked through town on Sunday. The funeral of Mrs McDonald took place fiorn her son ’3 residence, Hugh McDonald’s of the South line, Glenelg, on Tuesday afternoon the 11 inst. She probably was one of the oldest persons in the County being upwards of 9?) years of age. She was aresident of Glenelg {01 47 years being amongst the first settlers that came into this section of county. She was a woman that never exper- ienced any sickness whatever until laid aside from the efiects of old age. She was a native of the Isle of Mull, Argyleshire, Scotland; come to this country some fifty years ago and liVo ed for a tew years in the Township of Vaughan. Her husband the late Alex. McDonald, died 35 years ago. Her remains were laid beside her husband in Priceville Cemetery. The raising at John Mathers on Friday evening came off very suc- cessf'wlly, notwithstanding the unfav- orable weather. Much credit is due to the framer Mr. John McDonald for the good and mechanical manner he did the frame work, being the first barn he ever did on his own accord. Tom Nichol received a toe bruise from the effects of a post which disabled him for the rest of the evening. Also Arch. McLean shared a similar fate. Some others a few scratches on the legs, but considering the slippery state of the timber all came 01! very safe. Mr. Sharp and Mr. Smith, of Bentinck were at the raising. Neil McKinnon, of Artemesia, left for Montana last week. He expects to get a situation there which will he of more value to him than working on his father’s farm. Mr. Jas. Hemstock bought a second hand binder from Mr. Dan. Ferguson, of Durham, at a very reasonable price. Alex. McEachern also bought a new binder from Mr. Neil McLean, of Proton Station. Good prospects in view for the harvest, but lots of thistles growing this summer on ac» count of so much wet weather. Miss Christena McDonald is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. McDonald. of this place for a few days.’ The“old lady” is getting frail and it is not well for her to be alone. We see that the Pomona scribe has taken up his pen and his compositive talent equals his excellent peuman- Ship. Norman McDougall was away to Minising. Mich., looking after the afiairs of his late brother, and re- turned a few days ago. A gang: of timber men are working in Mr. Pat. Sullivan’s bush for the past week. They will find out what "virtues” there are in mosquitoes. THIS is the Jubilee period, and a Jubilee oflering from some of our readers would be quite in order. Tun-- CHRONICLE is one dollar a year in advance or one dollar and fifty cents if not so paid. For a few weeks longer we will accept. the dollar rate. â€"Agents for " Queen Vic- toria Her Reign and Diam- ond Jubilee.” Overflowing with latest and richest pic- tures. Contains the endorsed biographv of Her Majesty, with authentic History of her remarkable reign. and full account of the Diamond Jubilee. Onllv5 81.50. Big book. Tremendous demand. onanza for agents. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. OUTFIT FREE. Duty laid. Write quick for outfit and territory. HE DOMINION COMPANY, Dept. 7, 3w Dearborn St, Chicago. 8 " Linseed and Turpentine is not oniy a popular r: medy, but the best known to medical science for the treatment of nervous membrana of DR. CHASE compoun syrup so DRe CHAS]: 5711650 as to take away the unpleasant taste of the turpcrtine and linseed. It was the Doctor's last and greatest remedy. and more of it is sold in Canada than all other cough medicines combined. A Banker’s Experience ”.39 NEW I! INTERN T. e . e 0 II MINI PM“ 000“! “I tried e bottle of Dr. Ohaee’e I'm-up of Linseed and 1‘qu for a troublesome effectlon of the throat.” writes Manager Thomas Dewson of the Standard Bank,now of :4 Melbourne avenuefl‘oronto. “ It proved efl’ective. I regard the remedy as simple. cheep and exceedingly 00d. II has httherto been my habit to consult a p ysleinn in troubles of thle nature. Hereafter. however. I htendtobemymhnflydoetor.” MOSS LAKE.

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