In?! M [Migrate- d hcyond ’th a hot re expedited by the pill wine Iould he the din- but with It stains mum)â€. ion over ’throunh we to he me nf :ne water. unless npnn'! water wl" "annals and col- rcakfast urge. rise an hm“- 'r the following of sal~soda add 10 lime and five 'or a short time,- ttle. Pour o" a stone jar and dinner†day in the least WOT lime t1 9.0 do consid. he always 53. : anything .0 hful of soiled rfy hour than ’Biven this llttlï¬ fl)“- ,Oï¬t part of Mm: thev xv may he mter. Tho 9'! should m ntc linen boiling s in it; n hour. soaked DP hey I" ant! ear this 0‘18- It ’19 ")9 \H’ thus 3 mW p11 [IL DIG V _ lasterers. a-na . d Hartford Castle g t1! the Queen's room. 1 of was rebound. her .1 m all te ,3 he“) and gOt it! in doles 1193'“ ~ number of vL' tle tokens sent his butler? to at Queen [321- t . at . 1 11M pipes wmoe; 3 than even pipes of Gascoxn d a “8â€! small birdex' ‘ ’ ~ A the Quet wine lluw. m' mflyfwn years; t a? Hora fa m1 Castle. a the to intro ' A trail of gram through one The 8 doors served to de'oy a 2-year- * offu , ‘ mor ted to get away. His ‘1 a 1 like a. whipped dog’s. “if. . . The fight. was ; Shh] g to be a. fizzle, when ; to throw things at he 'hen the Least. began to , m ' .d qt‘ turped and Three times the tiger 1 z 1v ; _ astlo Rising held wn years; thereafter she 1 LL“ aff‘ tho Prim" her and ‘ nowadays- ye confined m a 800Ҡ* " 70 her plenty of ladies $70,900 Shae Lou nL uvv .. t2 d he w ll as penis ahrndtrï¬ed, â€18110 pearls a upence . blS account on t o w." en en r38 6 do. an o r ngsa' equayas- t . - uifns of honor. He made ton‘shnng padres and in equally aston- 31:6 Sultans â€0098' Beginning With only halt a usu o ‘"d ‘ t kW and lsmng quantities She 3150 lent a lt- e receipt of the news of the Greek sands of.Jews remaine â€"-the e E} I"; l “1? mm.†a ' allow/am: (10%;;qu tle money out on promissory notes. evacuation at Edhem l’asha's headâ€" 11.13;] :i‘iigdersao‘ Cï¬fï¬entogg‘ï¬'tlbgeése‘tn fell from a greater ‘3 a - tale she ‘ ’i' ‘* “ghee she£2s§0w ta gotod chageélggï¬ 11; quarters. Mr. Steevens gives 1118 ex Greek no'tes,ntaken flgom the dead. at Australm's rabbit plague bids (m 3 Anne. - en “:95“ as de la perience as follows: 30 per cent. of their t e value. may mg to an end. owing to the 1 "I started off to ride straight across \(zreeks remained “50' and earhthillllg OXportatLon of frozen rabbits for 0f the occupation brings more in 0 London market From Vutorla ' he Greek shops 12.000 rabbits 3 day, or over 4.01 dy put a finger are consideratl the. _ ' . .h d. eroe t at Lerstlf a roa b wg rifle" M h. “hen any {8 the tl Chan-1::d of iNflgarre. as not? show. country Intendin {he mum o . (‘39 e sent w o . .9 escape. V1 em y i Wt . . . , . . a Mr time the", Queenlsahrlla was stilleormeoled thhi . at a“ “’3“ t0 36“ â€â€œ0 Lanes“ ,remmne . and no N Wig.) v . . the g of politties being played in With all speed There proved to be $115“) tl wn B d ttmeves he K‘mi' hm. son. V‘s“- France perhaps she sent some of her no water 111 the first river. and overl B“ harissa was “5“ a hos ‘ e 0 u apes . - r {hr-â€â€˜0 3 year." Sir 30““ money ‘anrl wels to help her grand° the second the Greeks in the panic had ! Rim 'll‘urtK was (Il'eturlntng “th: (ignfanii Who had stolen an ivory and all“ . . V \ . (o l . m 588 a . . . o visited her thce m‘ thrice nephew (if avaxrrekm 11.113 {1311? ggamst not even broken the bridge, though ! lie: (0ng yorselndtlg, 13a carts, on foot. tuette from the Art.Ex:1:|t;:l:. Vnr wrilers have reduced gigsag‘gm; 0:323,latiggtootgeolastagï¬sd ‘ t ey had left a case of dynamite on i gastening home again now t 2:: till): ï¬gnï¬gthes?rtttg;ie;§9 who thc . . i v . . . ° . S . . of “‘31W to one or “‘0 like a mat lady. renamed many lut« ‘ the further sr le of 1t Isaw 1t this mornâ€" ' $303: [grifgï¬gaoï¬gvafhgvehussulman the first time noticed Its absence tle lokurm *orf Tpgtr‘d King Edward i mg; the Turks. mu) their magnxflâ€" ', population “me trooping into the the pedestal was a temitter: 1 latter of fact. Queen [‘3' â€M h“? hu 1â€. to her wrth letterszhaan cent carelessness. had never thought i streets to 5:1 ute their deliverers l‘Ql‘ Stolen {01' a day or “'0 bett t than even three pipes at wme , lalter he sent. . ree . . - a fortnight many had not left their .135! the birth of the Dukhess of ET \me pipes â€f 6'35“)“ w‘m’ and then some 0f clearing it away, and there it proâ€" ‘ houses benause of the tYrannS 0‘ the ' 1 th umber of Qnee “1d musesf Mid a vaslly small hwds- the Kim: of F‘rmnee sent a :bably is still Being Greek dynamite. iEthnike Hetairia; the night rem“, little. 811‘ e n . ' t . h‘ than his improve-rs would onesennvt anfd “$11119, Queetn sent 83:“; 93:1; . 1‘ doubt, if It will ever go off It is \ they had been 'pI‘Omisounusly fired at, tortla stdeï¬endants rlrses o Selig! ‘ 13D“? 0 an ‘ ‘ i .. ' after the evacua ion. h GIG? irre ‘1‘ en Y 0 W om are a we ‘ - , ' the Greeks themselves who do the go \lars, I kicked up dozer’rs of regulatgon i nine (hildren, fiur sonsOand five cartridge cases in the streets. T e iters;forly one grgin:l0htl~lr§1!‘l‘.ra on to meet their brothers \ t great-grandchildren . so ~ lee c ildren and eight grandchxldr ‘0 Risung held this Qluoe?‘ ., Real l" the DUKH years: thereafter she we the Queen. wh Castle. and the strictness once removed a hoa- . inn was relaxed. How much gï¬e‘é‘; tmgrganyhAtlhhgr-S monk who made i did not succeed. I fell in with some t th . 113' th 1 e d' d ,. 1‘“ . th 1: ense ‘. .. f . u - . . , ,. ;and the volunteers 0. 611' 11‘ p ar - 1e . , , ‘ “he“ "‘ 9’ e p quadrwnts: d â€â€œ558“ “in them' l'rhey laughed and cued and hugged Filial regard is not extmct‘ love leach other in the s reet. The Strange: London. A youn l1}? 1(th Year Of her 1lfe, t‘ventvufmr b-reanx. . Day. Math 25'), 1338, the Khmer, Queen! ' ~' nibrokeend i ever knows his way a road from Turn- . stiif with salaaming f coffee. riPi of which is in the Bri- P 1. lb (‘ g {P 1 L ' 833 l lppa. 0 “UDlPSS 0‘ P m. The amount “go giv ‘Lidy \Vake all sent presents to Queen ! . _ , â€m way of Mfg of a great Isabella. {Clded to take the main - years ago and is mim‘PSt‘ Th ' same day shegave 100 shillings i, avo. Turnavo lies under Kritiri. the ; sugared with cups 0 - .t reason. too. Of course, the to cash of herqe ghll l1du s, tpha is £50. '. inaccessible, escarped height which de- "were quite forgotten. and all Larissa 9 he thong . . . y sonrnred to look “'3 5-5“ 81'“ -0 Sh'll‘m'L‘“ 335’“ to ‘3th i layed our right wing fon four days till 18mm“ W‘t‘.‘ one expenswe' grave" "Eli‘s ‘ man testiï¬ed that m the sun of her lhtrly-three clerks .und sqmres. ‘ . . ,teous, friendly, very hep V? T!†‘3 two women onee fought all is at 301. one of . the Greeks kindly deserted 1t and Turn- smile The Turk was com to 1118 own stopping o ly for meals. till 5 well Tmnavo was empty and ,again home and d' d Her husband “But always no outrages; le us end '. ed on. calmly mending shoes. " have never ridden . fight went 0 3 of histor ahousehold', and “‘11.? nâ€"on-T pmse accounts Cl 333 were not dovumP-nts, they \ her ladies m ‘l‘l‘l . ._ ,, ,urthy of SO dignified a name; ‘ the Queen peni $3.00) for so rt let of . (1th Sue . . good gt'vld for hersnlf to weir, and gave the ‘ f d th t t ‘ t -the1e38. there '3 Just as fair bride. $3,300 as a wedding: present. i yart 3’ a ew 0‘35 m e S ree 8' in into a conquered City. W I. a Wï¬ï¬h 133i. sometimes. as Altrflellv‘r if Queen Isnhella's early ' all the houses empty, doors and wxnâ€" conquered are in tel tor of on. where .001 days had “net been thoroughly edify-i dows vude open, broken tables blockâ€" all their stuff lies masterl’ess hefore Rosllston. near Burto . (l’l . in the accounts of Queen ind her litter days were passed as (1' ° th t '11 h ts d tt' on. when you ave man short. COld. been suspended for eighte ‘3'" » I" i ‘ \ fh at 1‘1 l I {if ' d' 'f' (lb ling ega es,p1 OWS'S 1r ,an 99 l- d ' ht dman long dry sweatâ€" 't‘ hryusehold. the “31m"? 00 5'): sm; cf ‘21th Bonny†“1’ mt 1e u coats littering the streetsâ€"the Village “(‘1 diggt 8112:)? ulteyundangerohs days ' and ordered not to come Wl , *~ I; '. _ or nr.rme anâ€"s, ‘ ‘Te wt do“ â€ML lira! Him-é, a no go e e ‘ e n was as cold and dead as if the last day to avengsiaâ€"if qou have ne er felt lt. \ [111163 0‘ his parish or to mt were come Havmg dec1ded to retreat you do not know what temptation l8 as management In any " ,_A__ ."nnn - punk h d t (1 th' b. It lS the richest moment of your life that time HlS offen“°;“a8 _ g a no one “183 y \ But it is full of temptation. It was mderent hehavror in his par L «m mnnuered city. and it was not yard. which .he treated as . L-..“ 1' know were his private g‘arden. “ *- “Mute on thl 1 Castle Rssi- . andAmgtt 11900. Princess 0611. u. , ,' " t 0mm: the Queen wgnt 7"" T'¢°:.;:"“'B‘|tnlse;-Iti‘ed: ry on a pilgnmage. tube '0‘ NH“ Ic fMtenhnm, London. .Ehbâ€" A gentleman recently t “3‘th India. describes a. fight 1) t0 the Ins- M {lebaill In Lomwu, .W -_ o obscunty from Avignon. The mules ‘ l to her age/mt. after her eceiv t was buu'ied. Q . on her iewelry t1 )ry. But she . .. Kim!“ aims. as most: persons do. The ' yaw of her hie she spent I l to about £11 ' , ordered £1,400. equa [wesent cwrrency. or m . in a goodly $70 000 She bou Turkey 3 easy trinm f her Journeys nearly all been supplied hy the corres- 1y obedient to their 0 o armies. whose flcers had orbldden ptllage and vxo- been added to the voluntee much more aoldrers obey I have royal engineers In England seen more no quoted. just been ap- by the d 20 shill' .. f 99 had been. for ‘t' brmgs mt" strong short stout. gray- . ad been m really the most surprising feature of l “ 1th a. golly twinkle somexg‘hï¬re }1 e wonderful re- ‘ th sur are of his eyes ' en 909‘ Po , was one of th t h re a! \ gratulated hifjl .he was almOSt embar’ â€1:6 Vatican Cou.r:eil.en€g;:Â¥y:eve¢ acmdent. Bu ears ago ‘ straint and self-contro d tilersl d an General in the . . ' ° . 1n spxte- of the famine. Hertford Castle 3 h (10%“; of this exemplary behavi was re mm. e . - . ' - ed 1n a four-hue all ed Clo-t1" her ' which orcuxrr d ' Larissa the morn- ' ‘- ‘ mountâ€" London Truth. 75'000 huge .' H ahly 1t need- ' J e In . , 'ed patrols paced down every atreet. ped in one week to Milull'ltIUS. wm .mg after the Turkl 1r} ther py‘DClpa1 the peOple 0f the [18.18 V . . . d sentrles 0f the" own. were appealing to England {01‘de- eee how the . France has a dmlect - most bathtubs do); she ' ‘ '__-..l nhnh ‘ ° ' ° - a In mnnt d ‘ â€me thus 1 and it was pleasant to P â€" A 11 _ _2-nn muffled t‘1e 1' 98k . A. one.“ A“ Parlors'de France, [l the PBHDIGI' W l;:u..---- 0kg for her; repaid the Earl of Ar- ’ “ Niel £200 which she had boryowed;\ There have been Severus MW...‘ ambit a black palfrey and gave }t with ‘-. at plundering among the Albanian e and trappings ° ' giments. but they have been isolai dierS. who 7 3r daughter, the Queen of Scotland. 9 d . , md paid for two mules, which Louis do 2 an â€â€œ5 morning two 801 noon a. merchant, of the Society of ; ' Inlebaill in London. . rom Avignon. The mu red to her age/mt. after her death. and ‘ ' . ' ' . ' ed them ultim- mandant S exemplary ac discipline Ltely. 'l‘he Queeg spent 2;. gootdhdeal mare exists." ‘ mom. on er iewe ry an on er , ‘ ulnayas most persons do. In the last T130“ Who have enjoyed GJ W S - less the .enss unique method of describing MEDY OF ‘ or rather more than ht 300 rubies at 20 1 at". 110.0,. £230. ten times as m Sir Thomas de la .. . . I started off to ride straight day, was sent to l \Kth â€" -n"nt‘ above. ecou‘ntry. intending to swxm the ‘ â€"--L :nfn 1 y-fotm' bmam. and on Mauwh- 25', 13:38, the Kiymz, Queen y of Pembroke,and i mat. the (‘ounfess \Vakc all sent pu‘emnts to Queen bl â€"â€"â€"- 'l‘lut‘f'ï¬ only "at of 8*" Alm’ Scented to 1,;- to Jump ch 01' the “"3- ether: if Qï¬een Isnhella. , xd nrtxt bgmm thoroughly dedify- 1 dows wide open. r 1‘11. er - aye were passe as a. 'n tb t ~11 w sh rts (1 Lady Bountiful. in dignified but" “t if: ‘T’S'p‘tho 3; ‘t '51:“ rgotten retirement coa s ‘ ermg e S â€9.8" e v was as cold and dead as 1f the 182 were come. Having decided to 11 ‘reeks had not done thu: Llliam Schencx. m L my .. - - __ . ' ' er for ngne- not. helwvu e‘ the ï¬rst gruth. Th: ears, _ ,5“. in his hooks. 23nd even this one no. of very little nuportance. Hie ’ d: aqd the townsmen in- A . { 3; 811 1'3 01 . ~ ‘ hm“) mm m ofï¬ce for the rest ' ' should be -J ‘enuy traveling in f . t ' fight he witnessed? ‘he Xerxes, . ‘mam road to Larissa n a wxld hear and a * . . . , ; thwk thh whlte dust to fight was pulled‘ _ . . 7 .. ibroadest and best-met ds 1n dxameter. vuth i seen in this t of th L1 16â€"foot walls. Sew‘ . Par ‘nght was a. nuances ' VAST C-AVALRY D introduce the a. ‘ “A "Phat was built by u: Bmpldl J I'Vvâ€" ' ‘ ords the discipline that t have enjoyed G.\ W. Steev- ., method of describing the3 ' AND COMEDY OF WAR several attempts \ sentlï¬ry boxes and MET the Albanian re- ‘edly on .t we been isolated, gone 908mb » soleiers. who had "13:213.;‘madeâ€"that they not 111 the market; “.L'artly, too. the g broken tables 11 W3, shirts. and! straight across ‘ the streets, but into a conquered city doors and Wm" conquered are in terror of you, where e11: ables block- all thelilr stuff 1lies master (lass hefoltgie Rosliston. near Burton'on-Trent. s it ,and petti- £ou. w. en you ave man siort. co . been suspended for eighteen months . . ard ' l . ' . . ’PGFS’the "1113136 and,dx:ll§t;,t:sn%ttldqmitgyuiï¬rz‘lï¬gigï¬hZ‘ï¬Q; ' and ordered not to come Within twenty as ‘f the “St day to avengeâ€"if you have never felt it. \ miles of his parish or to interfer \\ M) w what temptatioujs. Its management in any way during your life. that time His offen'e was \iolent and l ,havior in his parhh church- though it lecided to retreat. . - - lIt is the richest moment of tion. It “’39 indecent )9 _ not my co _ the long wooden ‘ my enemy. but, if it h . 1' ad, dry, stony bed ‘ quite well I should have lehaved a the flowers p1 nu, me out on to the ‘ hundred tl'I'nes 1°53 considerstely than the relati~esof the omupunts and usin sa. Two imthes l the Turks. ~ force to keep mourners M; of the yar '__....â€"-"“"" Australia. which has led in many so- cialistic eXperiments made by the. State sidering the question of State VEN MATERIAL. . . . 1.8 now con “him. and “Mt" physic. The President of the Queens- ' 1 Association the world. On the One of t out doubt, oostlies , Y BARBACKS woven in Lyons is the magnificent and the country (““de int us.’ said a Turkish unique brocade manufactured last sumâ€" districtsl name: doclt‘ogg p311? \bl' it: mid there be seen mer for the Germdn Empress. The State to 00 “ er a 9 in a “ ’3’†‘ . . f the xur as! mess" headless (011‘ ground is silvery-white silk. and he bgdmtghgzt g? ammï¬yta: of 33 pa )2.“ design, eonsmts of bold This we ld ens lo the State to 98: $1,500 for the lowest medmal saleries \Vsles labor lea ue 1‘31. me I ere a cab, there an‘ ion wagon anging g ;h the “ eeh broken hemselves Every petal. 1 mt, thereâ€"shame!â€"â€" ther is perfect. and the whole stands Queen thor1as soldier sent in em: strong relief that at adis- gruntled at hsvmg no par in the juh t (Ith the pat- lee procession, the more so that tl h“ never made use of her ate them. ke KEGâ€"mt sme‘l of la Burnt; - _ m a“ ~ UCID INTERVAL. )110 places. of r0 the gardens. so the im- tion of the WWII 33001 Aldel‘ShOt Mane occupa md kindly. The entry‘sup . I to boom into Larissa was , and most. lovable thing '1 brought to surge ' this week of war. ‘ W (reportuns) Severe Beam --Dr taken from be enemy; “a gum a httle whusky and water gm nâ€"VVhisky a d v» er! How am EASANT SIGHT' you expect, an msenmble man to swal- ‘- w‘ nf Qunday 10“ that? Bearerâ€"He axed fort, eu' mountains up Lar- ant lmnressmn of rat sme l of labm'n- places. of roses end so the un- batien ’of the town rind‘v. The entry: is almbst lessnnitatl g: . for a place thin to be cheated 0i Ills Parts consumes milk a year, which comes to about ‘ for earl! battle and come in WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT. only two-fifths ° id and done. tho inhabitant. City cows yield . . cows thbln l- ;Yet, when all 18 33 . ' that Lanssa was 000 litres. suburban . The thouâ€" radius of twelve miles 53,000,000 hues; ° ' 153,000,001} litres come by of Sunday k was Hamming Ly road In I pas horseimck. in sed many carts, on foot. . that, the As the were appealing to MOTHER'S GUILE litres 0‘ to about v. tor one“ tho