Porcupine Advance, 27 Dec 1916, 1, p. 4

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Ill! WM llllllfif Inuit? rummfi: ($501111? IUU' Minn W 1'}! Flu m "lip”! ml 1'! hi purl ‘0 HM cl(' hm- him lll H 4h "PM! will: “I \\.l luw Hill] Pllmi WEDNESDAY. DEC. 27TH. 1316‘ very man 2! mm! nu WIIH'H porn-cl tn ti" in lhv unswvrs 1 simple «lllt'stiuns as tn his M Mr “Nutimml Svrvivv." S3: nmxmmm prmhwlmn ul' um and vqulpnwnlwllw wrviw llVllllllltl’ mm and mum-u u must he utilizml in suvln u I will, whilc- xwluiewiu: lluw- permit «2' 33w rvlvusv «of the 1 lll Wlm lusty Ilt'ilrv lu scl‘vv llvm-v. llw llrsl slop is llw ul' llw nmiluhlv rumurvvs 'l'lw pm? nlllm's nl' 1110 Hum be ntilizml In gullwr llu- in and Mr lll‘nl \chk in ”w m- Hmvm vrtt of ! I'm‘h ”EUR!" hmul ..r{ NO.“ mun H pm'l mm U] nil}: llfl (HI mt mu éré‘l or! n‘ H H ull lml \1‘ TV HI It!" ism-Ii rl'il 1|!le I” eat Ht Vll Condensed Advertisements. H United 8mm - Profeuiond and 3mm 03rd;- wnti mt mwflmn m 912 "pr your ll mm IN d Published every Wdoesdoy by H: ll NATIONAL SERVICE Goo. Lute. Publisher utiun h RWY l'lllllt lllfit «In Ir! every man ti HIT! Ill In 'Pl ll PHUH HI Icvssary Inform wth'!‘ organiza- :m-unnmn)‘ mom \\'« “'0 mm Ill Rah Ill Il‘( l’uminiom will w iufcwmuticm uw- purpnsvm the physivully tlu- Izn'ontury rows 0!. 1mm. ml «my Ill ll Ki: mmnr IIM dw- mhm IINUIIH‘I' lllflll It 031A 310 lmuld rut urn it nuli'. in! It‘ll It HYPI’M'II" nun n year M !'\'l(‘(‘ .n ;\ I'L‘ UN ll ll l\' \‘( HS .4' “mrl do: lil’q In “ch \':l l‘ H m 'ul' , faith. the lanky. up honor and go artifice hen? Will me do In! M! wan yum in 0 mil mun- puy hull}? the mat debt yma «we to Brim-Zn ritimship and ”flush migM 1'00 PROUD TO m ms 0“ BUSINESS. (‘IT '0? I the Immt ut' the Free than the 'ellent uppurtuhit)’ tn limke tl mnre it"lm hum-st tinlliu' nut 01' the( (-'ill 'x‘ «of t'ixilimitinn. intil the up- Imam tur ctulhu-miikiug threaten- In «tepmt. until there “as u pram- tl.;it the Allies \muhl depend "hire | mure on the lhmiiniuhs «if the :pil‘e and it‘s‘.‘ and less U" the iteot States Mr supplies uml muni- n~ the hm'mrs ut' \mr seemed tn ~~ \i‘ithnnt tutu-h definite flute. Ull!‘ tiih‘l‘h’. uttt' suns. nur t'nthers. sheit 1r Mum! and gave their lives t'ur presem'ntiun ut' the rights «if the ho mutium ut' the \\'urld--ziml t'nr hig mitiuus. inehulin: the Land tit“ Fret- um! the “nine 0!. the ll mm's the tale mwlin murderer tiulh‘ that the l )IH 01 h' In \V 83311111 ll!) ll lmmlrml ‘ Hmmis m rim I'is IN IP luukml mum [2w llnmmg rulc- ut' mm mm! mrry rogu- clc-m-m-y uml vivilizmiun. yvt I in :wt' Nu ulhvl‘ ummrtlmil)‘ 5MP ul' liw ll (ran ”it ill¢ H H up! maps in the war Is is equally 11y still befuru hi1 IUHII - unprvlum-c lives amainst II (If Int hill ”110$ ll 1m ttlwr pvuplvs. )‘c was all Iumv uf :rvm nvutrul m H 0 “ans ~§° lnuul mlul llun at clvn lw \\ 21H ml I" prm It H Nlflu "l WI!" llt‘ll mu lump“ ll( W at t v r- 1'21! his wry ”lelml. ”1‘ MM" IW H'vsti l’uru inm. Nurse (‘ “no 011101‘ tality and in his um the enemy has .vh 1m surcvase 1055 that (3:111 pulsun g. 01.3!” the III mrm-s 1 ho lmm wplv. this is \ml what the): t Mr. \Yils'm inn ruthlc‘s MM)’ 01' ”IO «ls are (-11 nu ll'v tn utrnl mutiun snmmsml (H Um Hunting l\' Ih'it“ sidunt Wil otwvvn Nu “‘HIII HM clifl'vrmu toll ll s' Slli this ish )('l()i'( with tn was 955. His ,ltinn qut um! Imsi- 'cl AMEN H nut: 15 l'( H no ham lintvme- ll It ()1 pvuplt ll in mitt .ltian have trout nflu- )Ur .1505 l'lll't )Xl.2 (’VH llil \‘il um] (‘31- Hit fur fur the fur nu! 21H H UH K H‘ votes necessary In rumplotv that mmw Amung the :u-vlnnmtiuns givv Hm «listrivt wvro the t'nlluwing1â€" Kerns 'l'pxâ€"Hugh ('tmk. l'(‘('\'( :u-vlmmltinn. Jim-k1- 'l'p.+~H. ll. Fink-y, rem“ l‘ummllmas. sn that as :1 (-nnscqm- amnlhvr Imminutinn nun-ting will novossau'y In rumplotv that mmnvil. Amung the :u-vlzmmtiuns given Jim-kt- H's-«H, H. I’lulvy, rcwv. h} avt'lmnzltiun. Hymn“! '1']».â€"-â€".\. J. Kmmml)‘. room- .md (‘uum-illurs .\I:u-t'nrl:mo. Waugh. Smtt and 'l'imlnll. by :m-lumatiun. Harley 'l‘p. - A. l). Ilvrmvstun I'(’(‘\'(‘. and ('umu'il l'vâ€"vlwtml. by m" The numlwr u!’ in ”ID «listl'it'l tn 1'. Mp3] ufliro this yea ahlv. Ul' "nurse. :1 nut always now-as: lmhliv is entirely ‘ isfim! with the nu (Into ”NH (‘lm'tmL than). it is :Immro :1 runtosl is Nu! m tunutv law]; “1' pub . umber of Towns and Townships Elect Mayor». Reeves and Coun- cils by Acclamation. _l( f The Kindness of Mr. P. 8. Schumacho er Provides a Merry Christmas i for Over 200 Kiddies. lmhliv is cutirvly :Iml mmplutoly sut- istim! with tho mm pzit'tivular mindi- (iillP thus“ ('lm‘tvti. In sunw vases. in- (lm'd. it is apparent that the lurk of :1 mmlt'n‘l is Hut muro than am unfur- tun: tit' luck at pubiit iltH't't .st in mun- vilml matters. lnr instant-.0 in Kmns 'lnu'nship nnly thrtw ozimliclzttsrs WON MflNV nccmmnuns IN THE BISTRM fflfl MUMEIPM flfleES dmuh (mm. and lama! inn. Mathes-m (wlamat inn In"!!! in! BNHISIMS BIHS fllfl [WW Bflllfl IN SCHUMRBHEB night-ad «aluminum llul it will lieu-nave as “ml" :3 it will he pun-ed amicable. Pure on any nlher lung is lull an anal.» lin- fnr fnlmv and ruler evils. The llrilish [troph- my be palienl lupyond mmmon sense in [team They arr as palirnl in war. and Hit war will he Tim rhildrvn uf Svlmmnvhvr must m-ly nuw iwlivvo in Santa ('Inus l'ur M at single um- 02' ”mm was "mam! 'HMI \' H an 113 It numlwr nt' :uwlmnatinns gin £5.11: «liflfercm-o bcpveen (1 movie straw hats. “'3." ll r «hammer of the pure. The 1‘ that can remain patient in '1' of Wilsoniun "Mes can hold two in the face 0! even :1 Hum Hf Mr. I". S. 344:: :Imm-Ewr Mine. In 1 Mr. Sx-humm'lwr ,H s that ‘0“I'rllfl 'l-gn'mg Hus ‘ Irishnas 1'er ml rd Itirvly and tho mm 1: mmm-lwr I)! .lnhn Clarke. mayor. by It’ll hs‘ HUI“ Huym I), J”; HI :Iwmmmmns ng‘H , mmlidntvs I'ul' unmi- _\'20 11' is mtlwr I‘('lll:ll'k- -. am :u-vlmnutiun «luvs Isszn'il)‘ mmm that tlw .lulmsun. muynr. h)‘ Mum. In nmking Hu- umuwlwr's nnly onu- nut 11 singlv vhilcl mam” mum's tn stand 'l'rm- mul ('nm'm‘t M’ Sunday Selma! :hH'ul prom-m fur tinm. Hm gihs h». ho tlmughtful m-n- nllm'i llnrs and m mzldv. ns and 33'1””, m- m [WI mm lHllflt‘ If? It SH (-cmlinuh' I! M straw W Hl‘ M \‘tIf “(‘0 .\l ln‘ In THE L. STADELMAN 00., Near Station, Timmins. ' In Japan ruins :n'u gum-rally 01 1mm . 1; tin. t 1H Applimninns will I111 1-1-1-viv1-1l 1111 in Dovmnlwr 18111 fur 11:1111 tin-111011 1'111' tho 'l‘i111111i11s ["11'0 111123110. “'0“ lmnml vupivn‘ of" pneh')‘ l‘ lwst putts. VUI' 8:110 by [CANADIAN MININB MANUAL BANADIRN MEN} JBUHNM A 4313 page clnth lmund lmuk on minm'nls and mines. l’rim- $2.00 Edited by Reginald 1'3. llurv. mlitur “1' the ('zmzuliau Mining Jum‘uul. A Jnurmll «lex'ulml in the min- ing industry. l’uhlishod twin», nmnthl)‘. Sum] fur a sample to 20:3 Adt'lzlidc St. “2, 'l'nl'mlh). Miss A. A. Baudry, R.N. POST GRADUATE NURSE OF NEW YORK CITY HOS- PITAL. PREPARED TO DO GENER- AL NURSING. ENGAGEMENTS MADE IN ADVANCE FOR MATER- NITY CASES Apply at 46 Pine St., day or night. I F m V o: I‘D. - a ~50“ 3. ’1 721.15”: H. '1 r H l5 1'. t z. . . .1 3 z \ 2.13- THIS CARD MUST BE FILLED IN AND PROMPTLY RETUI’HCO BY A_2.'.. MALSS BETWEEN THE ACE OF 16 AND 65 :NC "1W" "' - "if? smmmm"? "31""?! 'f'. NOTICE l’l'lY, y M, w Z>._._OZ>_I Wk L. mwmum/lom. 111- ('im all W. RUTHERFORD, O. KABEL, i S. WHEELER ‘OWOOMWVOOWWONMOOMOMOOWOM 00090009669000.oo¢¢¢¢ov0tr000969000000909¢¢ooo¢o¢oo¢o Automobiles for Hire- Open Day and Night. Phone 3| The lung! and nnmt-up-tn- (lutv Lin-ry 01' its kind in South I’m'vupinv Mvots vwry first and fourth Monday l‘\'('llillgs ut' ('2H’il umnth, (hlcli'elluws llull, 'l‘hii'd ziwmw. Visiting brethren al- ways woimnnv. Livery and Transfer IIMMINS l.[l.l. N8. 2552 South Porcupine Campbell 8: Deyell Ltd. ASSAY OFFICE 20. I! so, wnat ? CANADA. fiumplvs rm'vivml by past nl' vxln‘vss I'm-«in. pmmpt attention. RA'I'l-ZS UN HICQI’I‘IS'I‘ Almlysvs 01' all kinds. invlmling RADIUM FOR ALL ORES and Custom Sampling Plant 16. 15. COBALT, ONTARIO Wow you born 1 British subjoc! ;‘ If not. are y0u naturamcd ? In wha! munhy I were you born 7 I In what country was your iathor born 7 In whfl country was | your mother born? 1' Which are you-quarried. I smgle or a mdowcr? I How many persons besides q yourself do you support? 1 K5 same pzyd 24 Out durin') the wzr 2. How aid am you 7 GEO. LAKE. TIMMINS MUSE, LEM. N0. 459 ”'W'Qwu [WW 4"vl 30.1..-.11 ' ' 'Jr‘l- 2‘ ' If. . Cufiét‘) 94 Mt-vts every Tuesday (won- in}: in Hu-ii' ludgo mum nu 'l'hii'cl avenue. Visiting Imi- liH'l'S l'uunStOtl tn attend. For Town of Tlmmins 1H"..\I()\'l-Ih Next to Imperial Bank PINE STREET, TIMMINS E. M. Allworth f ‘vuun Ah‘VlUl“ QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN ,, int-h worfi 7 ’llu‘wos M“ v ' TWln- CLUSIVE. yearn W. G. SMITH. N.

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