oodsï¬ San Francisco, Oct. 3l.-"Mywil too m'achee Melina, you sake?" e! claimed Lee Jim in asking adivorc here. "Alice time wantee bossec just likee Melican woman." GROV'YDQ FOR ““7“??? ABSOLUTE PROOF THE PORCUPI-NF. ADVANCE . 3l.-"hly wife you sake?" ex- Iskinz a divorce One must be a genius to be I Vii. moccasin! lather. One is reminded er- of the tonsorial artist who opera? orce ’ed in the same village for ï¬fty I899. greats and never made a mistake. In This early days a handsome boy got \‘outh Shave. sir ?" asked the barber You flatter me." laughed nth. “You flatter me. No I v use a haimt." MI'ST RF. .\ GENII’S hair can During the past fem \teeks n num of Bnmneem hme been in these townships looking mer like!) properties and “bile there is noth‘ ing deï¬nite that may be made pub- lic as yet. it is understood that some important deals are now twine negotiated. l1,“ lbe ! IUWNSHIPS 88 8888 888 1888888 W. J. Clearihue well known as the pioneer of the townships of Robb and Tumbull has just returned from Detroit where 'he has succeeded in interesting some new capital in the development of his valuable holdings in that part of the district. It is the opinion of those Who have looked this part of the dis- trict over that the possibilities of a nmnher of the properties them are wry great and some Men Ven- ture to predict that the richest deâ€" posits in the dis-trier will iwi'ounti in these townships. .-\ winter road is now being ex- tended to the centre of activity and it is only a matter of a short time when any of the active properties can be reached by a few hours' ‘sleigh ride from the town of Tim. 1miaa. Good looking Gold Claims Have Was Given by a ten of His friends Been Inspected [inning Past At the iintel Conaugnt last Week by Engineers Saturday Night Will-“Erect a Large Factory The Canadian Explosives company has been granted exemption from taxation and the right to close cer- tain roads in the township of Me- Dougall and Carling. near Parry Sound. The company has options of 4,." acres of land and proposes to erect a large factory forthe manu- facture of its product. to operatea hox factory and to manufacture tire- works. This Company does a must ex- tensive business in this camp with Gordon Wilson as branch manager. .\ quantity of household furniture in guml rendition. vunsisting of 4 springs. 2 mattresses, J bullet, L! stand tables, 2 rocking chairs, 1 Morris chair, 2 wash stands, 2wat- er sets, .1 toilet ease, linoleum, “In. (low shades, and miscellaneous kit- chen utinsels. Applyllox’ner 1.. (HI)- To {Whom it May Concerli: Notice having appeared in the press of the issuance of a Writ by this Company against The Canadian 'I‘uhgsten Lamp Company, of Ham- ilton. ()nt.. for infrigcment of our Patents on incandescent lamps hav- ing a drawn wire tungsten ï¬lament, we desire to notify lamp buyers that this Writ has now been withdrawn as The Canadian Tungsten Lamp Company have obtained from us a license to manufacture and sell in- candescent lamps having a Tungsten ï¬lament of drawn wire. CANA'IH A X GENE RA'L ELECT RIC COM PA N Y, LIMITED. Notice is hereby given, that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 1) of the Untario Voters’ List Act, the copies required by said secâ€" tion to be so transmitted or (ice livered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearâ€" im: by the last revised Assessment Roll, of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at Elections for Members of theLegislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said list was posted up at my ofï¬ce at South Porcuoine, on the lst day 01 Nov. 1912, and remains therefor inspection. Clerk’s Notice of first Posting of Voters’ list Voters' List of 1912; Mun- icipality of the Township of Tisdale And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law. Dated at South Porcupine, this lst day of Nov. 1912. ‘ W. M. WHY’I‘E. Clerk of the Township of Tisdale. H18 SAlE MICE l A very successful and informal gBamuet was tendered to Mr. C. H. l’oirier the Manager of the Vipond .Mine. atthe Cunnnuirht llotel on iSatunlay nitht. hy the Bank Man- iac-em and Salesmen of South Porou- ‘pine lit is a well known fact “it" ionghout the Camp at present that er. Poirier will Very shortly sever ihie connection with the Vipond mine as Manager, which fact will he exceedingly regretted by every- ipt‘t‘son who has been itssm'iated with lhini in either a business or social way. However it is \ery iri‘utifyimr {to learn that in all m'ohnltlity Mr. l'nii'ier will enntinue on in the, capacity of Consulting Engineer and will visit the camp aliout once e\‘ery month. 'l‘hnse present were :- Mr. (‘. ll. l‘nirier. Mr. ('lizis. E. Watson. Mr. (3. (T A'mes. Mr. Alexander ll. Smith. Mr. li. C. Wol- fram. Mr. (3. Scott. Mr. H. lâ€"lnrloo ness. Mr. John .‘lehnnnlil. Capt. H. C. Anchor. Mr. A. (3. Wilson. Mr. John Fog-it. Mr. Alex. llrouirh. Mr. (lien Henry. Mr. E. P. K. Gallag- her. Mr. J. M. Hadwen. Mr. Don- ald Frood. Mr. Fred. Kenning. Mr. H. Clayton. Mr. W. G. Whitesides. Mr. J. M. Frnwley. Mr. H. Sexuin. _ Mr. R. Walsh. Mr. Mac l.ang.Mr. lflfflBMAl Will!“ H] MANAGER Ffllfllifl Mac Lam: was chairman and toast- mastcr for the ocmsion and did the honors like an old mmmaiwner. Neil. Toasts to the Mining Industry were responded to by Messrs. Wol- fram, McDonald. Summcrhays. Smith and Anchor and much was said that was: good. \ The toast to the “Ladies" was responded to lw Messrs. I": awlev. (luytnn and llarknoss and {mm the nice things handml «mm they seemed to have been partiwlzu'ly well sel- m'tcd In handle (his God-blessed sub- ject. . . ""“ u- _'__ Vacâ€"1-“:-. co...~.__~ To “Mercantilo.' ' Més-srs. Henry}:-c liruug‘h. “ilson and Gallagher WON there with the knnwlcdm‘. From all .lu-mmts the honored guest of the evening vas about the only «me “ho. \\.1.~ Not allowed tn say Very much. ‘ There was no aftermathbxu~ T00 much can not he'Is‘uid of the gracious manner in' which the man- agers of the ('r'innziught. opened wide the hospitable doors of this home like hoteli‘and (lid everything pos- sible for the pleasure of this typiâ€" cal mininge camp gathering of con- mial fellows. MEMBE ASSAY Claims in Caracallen Being [level- uped With Baud Results locum- ing to Manager [chin A syndicate Composed of Toronho capitalists are developing a *3le of four claims in Carscal'len Towné: ship. under the management of Mr. W. Kerxi'n. A new bunk-house has recently been completed to accommodate a- bout 30 men. To date the work has consisted of stripping and trench- inp; across theil large Veins running the entire length of the claims. Mr. Keg-Vin has left for Toronto to consult, with his associates re- cardingr future «levelnpnwnt and he hopes to make arrangements for the sinking: of a shaft on No. ‘2 vein to ,1 depth mi 50 t'm-t. and also to to :1 depth of 50 foot, and also to run a Prusscut to No.1 vein in order that the ore bodies may be sampled at that depth. Twelve samples taken from the veins on the surface returned an av- erage asgay of a little better than $.15 par ton in gold. Potato Crop Unsatisfactory The potato crop in Northern On~ tax'io is found to be far below ex- pectations. Severe damage was done to the crop by frosts during the month 01 July, and the yield from the Temiskaming and Nipissing dis- tricts is very depressing, the potatâ€" oes, for the most part, being very small, and the quantity far below expectations. Sumnmrhays. and Dr. H. Mr- “f $15. PER TllN