Porcupine Advance, 10 May 1912, 1, p. 7

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Three “Busy Bees" at Work on the New York Excavation \VHHM yuu likv hid!» it faster .’ It so, MUN“ the M‘ thy «untrulvtnrs in New ank. \x'hmn'c putting down Ithg sh:lh\ .\X‘L' _\'Hu sinking :1 Shaft V.” methwtl uscd fur tlu- Subway L'Ng‘dvzltinn REAL ESTATE 85 MINING BROKER WWO”m-MWWW ‘ ' PORCUPINE, Are you sinking: a method used by the cunt for the Subway cxgavath They use Clans “8" Hammer Orllls Will hora either wet or dry There Is no time mated References on Application. ‘IIQO GREENE AVE. Phone 3965 Westmount >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VIAS ’OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1H8 POR [FIVE ADVANCE lame: mum, Imm In If Quint: Mutual and "mum: hilt! write Canadian Tuesd Low rates and berth. Tourist stl Homeseekers Excursions Kingston" st daily ex 4th daily. For rates rritc H. [“1 oronto Leaves 8. Alfred Jones, K.C. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary. c. King St”, Golden City Porcupine, Box 120 TO RENT â€"-ONEI STORE, IV Grant, Ont, building with a room in the back of H; Situated on lot ECO. 130, good locahty for restaur- ant, pool room, fruit store, butcher shop or any other kind of business, except dry goods store. For partb culars write or apply personally to CHALYKOFF DRAJ KOFF, Ontario Land Surveyors Engineers and Maps! Engineering. Mine and Land Sur- veying. Draughting, Blue Printing by ehctric process and latest maps of all mining areas on hand. HEAD OFFICE: Devlin B1ock - FLEMING 8o MARVIN Steamer Code 8: Code LUMSDEN BUILDING Porcupine and Cobalt Stocks Members Standard Stock Exchange except steamers Toronto ’oster in commence 'opt Sunday illustrated Ier Chafloe “BELLEVILE‘ efiect TELEPHONE M 46 902 6.00 Navigation Open Toronto" and ne' running June day. After June including acific Cochrane, Ont folders. etc A . U . l’. A Ontario. Cohan 9, meals every ARTIFICIAL GOLD IS ADMITTED POSSIBILITY Since Expressed Views of Half Cen- tury Opinions Have Changed The disclaimer rece Sir William Ramsay. definitely contradicts he has reported ism process of manufactm that speculators are advantages of the in scientific opinion reg mutation of metals : sibility. The grmltm ui scepticism in this plained by an eminel "The absurdity of . dug that that nsit that “Now this was a runsidvl‘ahle rewi- lutiou in opinion. The discovery of oxygen in 177-! had overthrown many conceptions previously entertained hy scientists. and it had ('mm' in he sup- posed that the search for the trans- muting ‘philosopher's stunt-.3 whivh occupied the mediaeval alvhemists. was an entire delusion. 'l‘his ‘philoso- pher's stone' meant some substance by means of which the elements, and indeed M'el'ythin, could he turned into gold. and though prohahly a good deal of honest research was un- dertaken in (-onneetion with the idea. allsorts of frauds accompanied its SAVE VflUfl SAWDUBI IT Wlll BE WflflTH MHNEV In be Used for Manufature of Alcohol and Glucnsce As An Experiment l’lans are being prepared for the: | construction of a plant to utilize. sawdust and other waste materials! from (‘anadian lumber mills. Colonel .l. B. Miller, President of the Pol-‘ son Iron Works Company. and Pro«‘ lessor Wallace l’. Cohoe of Toronto- are behind the scheme, which is en-l l tirely new in Canada, and involves the conversion of sawdust into| the production of alcohol. ft is be- lieVed the industry has a big future in the Dominion in view of the large: output of lumber and the demand? for the by-products of the waste. 1 A successful experimental run was: made at the laboratory of l’rof.y Cohoe in Toronto recently, when' sawdusts derived from soft woods were treated with altids and (fonVert-‘ ed into that form of sugar common- ly called glucose. A specially designâ€"I ed Vessel made of boiler plate was. used in the process. This can be made almost any size. The one now, in use is four feet. long' and four feet . [in diameter. It is rotated by means 'of centre bearings, one of which is? hollow. Through this bearing the. steam and reacting materials are in- troduced. The Vessel is also pro-f vided with a manhole, through which the sawdust to he treated is‘ introduced and dumped. A special: acid-proof lining prevents the iron shell from being acted upon by the various chemicals used. glucose and by the addition ot yeastl l l I met The operation consists of filling or partially filling the reacting vessel. which is called a digester. The man- hole cover is then put on and screw- ed down and steam is introduced from a steam line through the hol- low bearing. This heats up the con- tents of the digester, and when the desired temperature has been attainâ€" ed the by-products introduced during the first stage of the operation are have been di the dogma would still transmuuu ml m 1 but I of metals as The gradual wism in this n by an eminent {llmurdity of a was m the on . since Ramsay. In Itradicts the r rted favorably anufacturing g disc Adopted ighlccm 0 18150 recently (we 3C prom will EU ”I cmh mtds Is an open disamma matter “‘3 1t, scientist | tram-3mm red already rt that. vc .‘rt 1'1 rmin things have shown mature. just ‘aturv to any ultimately w Russian rmmml the gold issued by which he rumor that 5' on the the ntury , shOWs taking modern trans- IC Cll' RS ntifit hr .ltiun ans- :1 m" exploitation. “But since the whole method of mediaeval aeienee has been generally discredited-whether accompanied by honest or by dishonest experimenta- the reVival of the 'original substanco' idea in 1869 was a very eonsiderahlc resolution in opinion. However. the idea of artificial gold might not. haVe entered the minds of modern specu- lators at all seriously if radium lzad remained undiscovered. But it was Hound that radium undermies a sort. the reVival ¢ idea in 186! res'olution i idea of artii entered the lators at nl remained ur found that II a "10 then. tlt'll)’ that the trmtsmutatiun 0! such vlvmvnts as lt'flll,g‘0ld. mmwr. nickel. platinum. silver. mercury. radium. and so on. and even the creation of artificial gnld. are pussiliilitivs of in- turv experiment. “lloWM’t'l‘. l think our may say that wivnlislsstill maintain tbv im- probability of this avliic-H'nwnt. al~ though tbv stain of wivnliiir knowl- mlge as it stands at (lu- moment. saw-ins to opposv no innnpcrablc bar‘ rivr to it. lint one may spm'ulate wlu-tlwr a univm'sal nn-tbod of trans- mutation Would be (lisvovcrod. It. amn-ars to me that. we shall conuoiV- ably be able to note allinitiofi between w-rtain t'lt'flll'lllb‘. and «won to trans- form one into another. lint the idea that gold will be the first. artificial vlvmcnt to be vonstrui'tvd is probably a delusion. A universal process of transmutation Wullld tluon our Wllulu economic life into the most extraor- dinary quandary. and the dillicnltics created by the (lisvovory of a way to make gold artificially would alone be that wry disusti'uus. But the uthi-r minui' trunsniututimistt hearing an direct- ly upon our standard of vnlucmmight tw st'icntitiv twin-tits without becom- ing the Iiasis uf ton profitable exploi- t at ions. ' 'â€"-l .undun 'l'olcgmph. Hustling Work on Elk Lake Line Thr The 'l'. x X. H. ('umractnrs fur the Elk Lulu- hrzuu'h have Inst nu time in getting to wm'k. 'I‘Wolvo miles of the right uf way has bet-u cleared, and «War tlm-c hundred men are at work on the construction. Hallusting has ('ummmwml «m the uncmnplvu-d [mrtinn of the l’orvupmo brunch. and the dvpnt at 'l'immins is unw being erected. (‘liuirmzin l‘lnglehzu't is hopeful that, work on the new line will he Sulliâ€" ('lvntly advanced to 0an for trulliv by December l. The outlook for the season's business is bright. A numâ€" ber of settlers are going into the country at points from Liskeurd to (‘oclu'zine. i V 1' After the hluw-ufi rock has bm-n closed again rmu‘ting mutt-rials are introduced from a smaller vessel rwnvm'ed. The first stage of the 0p- oratinn is known as the Dre-cook. locutml alongside the larger one. The operation then takes place very mp- idly. When vomplotod the blow-off vock is opened. the mummy allowed to sink to zero, and the manhole cov- m‘ is tzikt'n off and thn contents are dumpi-d. The bright yi-How sawdust is no“: golden brown in color. It has lost its fibre. and a portion of it has iH’éfn (-om'crtcd intoxiucoso. As much as forty per cent. has been (runwarted in one opecnlon intu mntorial which is soluble in water, although not an of this forty per want. is sugar. The glucose produced in the wood may be (extracted by hot water in a properly-designed extrac- tion battery and elevated to fermen- tation tanks. where yeast is added. When yeast is added to the glucosv formwntation starts and the glucose is converted into alcohol. which may be distilled and recti‘i:d, a very high- grade alcohol being produced by this operation. If it is desired to make glucose from the sawdust the extracted ma' terial is clarified. By this means it is possible to produce either a light yellow glucose or a pure white solid mass. u "H spout I‘f‘. hm: l_\' "L‘s .vfuro that among 05 a within [mm all seriously if radium lzud undiscoVorcd. But it. Was at radium umlcrgnes a son. moons dm‘ulnpnsilion. and mg the cmunationa which it. a totally diflcrvnt element. helium. is included. Here. «luv hr' I thv last docmlv svicm-o 0111;!!! to admit by facts “nouns transmutahun of rs take plavv in nature. vientists 'zm nu lump-r w trzmsmumtiun of such lvndyuld. mppvr. nickel. silver. mercury. radium.

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