Porcupine Advance, 10 May 1912, 1, p. 1

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GOLD PRODUCTION INCREASING # DAILY. Dome Makes Second Shipment. SEND“ Blllll SHIPMENT MM“ 8V BIG MIME flue Hundred and lweuty Pounds at Gold Bullion Indicates l'alue ul llepuslts The Big Dome mine last Tuesday shipped 1‘20 pounds of gold bullion. the second shipment from the biz minc’s mill. The consignment went to New York. The shipment was valued at about $20,000. The clean-up .from the plates was wnt out by Canadian Enron. The Dome mill extraction contin- nos to give good satisfaction. the loss Managing only nineteen (cents per ton. The management figure on Doing able to make two shipments per month from the cleanâ€"ups of the amalgam and one shipment per month from the clean-up of the Cyan- ide mill. Two compressors are at present in uperation developing 2400 cubic feet of air at 100 pounds pressure. and a third compressor is being installed with a capacity developing 600cubic feet of air. C‘vv vv About three-quarters of a mile of drifting and crosscutting has been done on the Dome property. the deepest shaft being 220 feet, while So. ‘2 shaft is being sunk to the. 300 foot leVel. Two more diamond drills have been taken off the property. leaving onl taken of? the propertx. leaving one only at work to do whateVer test- ing man be required in the htnre. Over thirty holes hzue been put. in atlxarions points on orebody solar and the hole now being put. down in the eastern end of the property near the Dome Extension is in remark- ably rich ore. IIMMINS Wlll HAVE Bllllll BfiSEBMl TEAM {‘Secy-Treas.â€"~H. M. Cameron. Managerâ€"G. F. Adams. Ex. Committeeâ€"W. E. McCoy. W. I‘L'McKay. G. F. Adams. .1. Edis and H. M. Cameron. Club flrqanized Under Must favor- ,able Patronage--5plendid Dia- mond Now Being Prepared Timmins will have one of the real live baseball teams of the l’orcupine camp and to that end active prepar- ations are already well under way. A large gang of men is at present engaged in the work of clearing and putting into first-class condition a magnificent diamond for practice and matches. and this ground will be ready for use the first of the week. At, a meeting held at the I-Iollin- ger mine a baseball club.to be known as the Timmins Baseball Club. was organized, the following officers be- ing elected: “‘ - v '1 HWf’atronsâ€"N. A. Timmins, L. H. Timmins, D. A. Dunlop, D. McMar- tin, Jno. McMartin. Presidentâ€"P. A. Robbins. lst Vice-Pres.â€"â€"W. H. Wilson. 2nd \'ice-Pres.â€"â€"-A. R. Globe. A resolution was passed authoriz- ing the Secy-Treas. to correspond with other Clubs desirous of forming a league in the Porcupine district. A rare treat is in store for those who enjoy song and story, when Chas. A. Cooke, the renowned lnv dian basso and reader, will appear in the Presbyterian church, South Por- cupine. The date is set for Monday evening, 20th inst, and the admiSo sion is'only 35 cents. Power Company Awakens Interest The xet‘manc'ing of the Wawaitan Falls l’ower scheme by D. Lorne Mc- (iihlmn et .11 has infused new life into things in that section of the eountry. and the Mattngami Rivet being open. has led to an overh tul- ing of all the various types of craft. in preparation for a busy stunner on I. M. ll. BV. flfllllfil l3 DAMABHI BY [IRE the river Irafiic Hem Up for Several Bays ---Irains Are Again Running as Usual 'lh1 bridge om llmton 11-well at mileage 1.335, on the Temiskaming 5: Northern ”ntario railway. 1:3 miles north of Englehart and seven miles south of Dane. was destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon, with the re- sult that all passengers, express, freight and mail, have been-transfer- red across an improvised log bridge. which is about 100 feet. lower than the one destroyed. The company immediately rushed a gang of men to the scene. amongst whom about the busiest man was Supt. Griffin. who could be seen at any moment where the most im- portant work was to be done. The bridge is now repaired and the work has been accomplished in a re- markabh short time. Trains are mm running as usual. with perhaps 3 \er\ brief dela} in the \icinih of the trouble. New Rector For English Church Rev. W. ('3. Waketivld has arrived in Smith Porcupine and will hereaf- tm‘ he in charge of the work of the ("nun-h of England in the district. Mr. Wakefield has been stationed for some time in Alberta and comes among: the people here with the most kindly references from those with whom he labored in the west. lie \vfll he [fleased to rneet ailthe people of the vicinity. and will glad- ly (Troperate “ith the other denonr- inations in the work of Christian en- deavor. He will occupy‘thc pulpit in the English church here next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, and there should be a large attendance to wel- come the new rector, a few minutes' comersation with whom leads us to say that he will soon make a host of warm friends in Porcupine. Good Showings In Denton Twp Nearly two years ago the Carlton claims in Denton township presented free gold showings which at the time were considered excellent, but later finds in the locality in which some of the big mines are operating di- verted attention from the Carlton properties. It will be interesting to many to learn that these same claims are now being developed and that a shaft is down twenty feet on a Very rich vein showing free gold across the entire :zhnft. The strike is considered one of the best yet discovered in that district and work will be continued to depth. The property is being developed by Martin Walsh. of Porcupine, and Sam Jowsey. and under their able direction we may look forward to further attractive reports from the property. SOUTH PORCUPINE, ONTARIO. CANADA. FRIDAY. MAY Efnflnugncuunnnsflliflfi - nnnnnnnflfln' n Admitted to Bait on Another Charge of Issuing false Prospectus liviurc Magistrate Atkinson at C0- balt. Saturday morning tho charges against Mr. Kahlil Farah were de- t‘ided. The vimrgo hroucht against him by (‘mmt do Form of Paris. alleging the converting to his own use $10,- 000 of the fundfi of the Big l‘ctc ('zmadian Mines was dismissed by the magistrate. This charge falls to the ground and the decision of the court has given L'reat satisfaction to the many friends of Mr. Farah who have been confident from the first that Mr. Farah Would he cleared. ”n the charge oi issuing a false prospectus relating to the above named property Magistrate Atkinson decided to refer the matter to the county judge for a hearing. rather than take jurisdiction in the case. Farah was admitted to bail and the hearing will be held at the North Bay assizes. " The mill, which has a capacity of seventy tons a (lay, began operations last Friday at the same time as a portion of the stock was introduced to the New York curb. ‘ The Mother Lode's capitalization is '$1,200,000, and it has ore developed which it is said will net considerably more than half of that amount. McMartin Opens Mother Lode Mother Lode uppcurod on the stock exchanges last week in New York and Toronto. The Mother Lode is the outcome of :1 Sheep Creek, British Columbia,vcn- ture made by John McMartin of Nip- issing, La Rose and Hollinger fume. Mr. McMartin took hold of the property some two years ago, and is said to have spent some $600,1000 up- on it. It has a ten-stamp mill built. by Merrill, who put up the Home mill. and it has a power plant and uther equipment. which is described cicncy. as The manager is William Watson, who is a brother of Raoul Watson of La Rose and Xipissing. West Dome Drift In Good Ore Crosscutting On Dome Extension The West Dome are drifting on a very promising ore body reached by crosscutting from the..\'o. 3 shaft at the 100 foot level. The Dome Extension are crosscut- ting north 35 degrees west to cut the main vein at'then‘ZOO foot level, and their crosscut has been driven 330 feet to date, while their crosscut northeast to cut the large ore body in .\'o. 4 shaft is in 250 feet. The North home are connecting the two shafts at the 50 foot level and are finishing the enlarging and re- timbering of No. 1 shaft. bcing_ of the highest type of (Hi- 'wo Shafts On The North Dome A Iflflfllfll} BflflKlfl IN HMIIS flf MW Charge of fraud Said Against Samuel Herbert, Who Was Taken lntu Custody Five detectives raided the premises of Samuel Herbert and (‘0.. stock brokers. in the Standard Stock Ex- ellamm Building. at 43 Scott street. 'l‘oronto. Monday afternoon. and up- on the eomplaint of John '1‘. Stoli- ker. of 140 Victoria street. placed the manager under arrest upon a charge of false pretenc'es. that of having ob- tained the sum of $1.200 by {also re- presentation. The puliee allegation is that he re- presented that he had wire connec- tion “ith i‘itt~lmrg. but that when hetet'tives Newtnn. \Vallaee,. Guthrie. and Staff Inspeetm‘s Kennedy and .‘leKinney searched the plaee they eouldn‘t iind that wire. They took possession at the papers and banks. Frum the mmplaim made by Stol- iker. the ullorcd transavtions have been spread nwr the past three months. WHIINEV BATEPAVEBE Ill VINE Ill MIIIEV BV-lAW Every Voter Should llarll llis Ballot in favor of This lm- poraot By-law A hy-law to raise'by debenture a certain sum of money for the pur- pose of municipal improvements and the extension ol‘certain local muni- cipal works will he submitted to the qualified ratepayers of the township of Whitney on Monday, June 3. The importance of the unanimous support of this necessary measure cannot be too earnestly set forth, and it is to be hoped that not a single ballot will be marked against the proposal to secure funds on easy terms to advance the progress and expansion of the township. It is the only method by which the life of the community can be invig- orated and conditionsdmproved -to such an extent that all who reside in the township and vicinity will be able to enjoy the pleasures and con- veniences of modern equipment and protection from'iire and epidemic. The Northern Ontario Light and Power Company has taken oven the 3 old plant of the Sturgeon Falls Eleo- ltric Light Company and will remod- ‘el it with the addition of between 23310.000 and $15.(Hl(l equipment and fimprovemems. The entire system ; will be put up to date. i x l O A copy of the by-law is printed in this issue, and it should be read carefully by every voter in order that he may fully understand its import and be prepared to give it his per- sonal support. Light Company Extends Scope The Northern Ontario .Light and Power Company has just secured the franchise for lighting‘ the streets and public buildings of Sturgeon Falls and the franchise for the selling of electricity for commercial uses. The franchise, put to a vote of the peo- ple, resulted in ‘20?) favoring it and 1-7 opposed. 7 ‘ (fol. (‘arsun has returned from a trip to Europe. He stated in re- gard to Crown Ref-servo afiuirs that large contracts had been made for ore on the Continent, while they suc- ceeded in selling all the mine’s bul- lion for a. year ahead in London. Rushing Work on Hollinger Mill 1‘1311 . 1991 Large New Plant For Chartered The (frown Chartered having in‘ ~«tullml new plant. buildings and equipment are vicnruuslv prosecuting dovolupmem Work. The vrosscut -to the vein from the main 'shaft has been commenced; and as suun as possible the shalt will be sunk to the 300 foot level. [lflfllflfl fflfl RENE llf WHHNEV TflWNSHIP Appointmnnt of Ram Gauthier In Magistracy Necessitates New Election So far but few names are mention- :ed in connection with the reeveship, though Martin Walsh is spoken of with much favor. liven: (iambic-r to the position of magistrate the oflicc oi reeve for tho tuwnship of Whitney became vacant. and is now filled by C. D. Evans 33 avtinc new with much satisfaction in the. residents. A new ole-mion will be held on Munday, June 3, when the ratepay- ers will select a‘n official for the bal- ance of the current year. Mr. Walsh is a young: gentleman uf exvcutix'e skill. is well known in the township and vicinityanfl should tho choice {all to him the affairs of the township will he in excellent Acting Reeve Evans is in receipt of a vommunieation from the Toron- to Board 6? Trade committee of the .\nithern Untzuio lite Relief 1‘ and to the effect that the fund now in their hands will he at once forward- ed. The letter suggested that Mr.' Evans accept a position on the gOV-i The communication also noted that ‘ ll. C. Meek, of the Dome mine, be‘: chairman. The suggestion was ex-i plained by the fact that changes are! liable to occur at any time in the3 personnel of the Reeves of the town-3 ships, who are already members oflI the hospital committee. ' Hwim: to NW ulnmimmem The communication also notch that the Toronto committee is anxious that the hospital for Porcupine be promeded \iith at once and complet- ed at as early 8 date as possible. Light Contract Not Ratified The contract between the Northern Ontario Light and Power Co. and Porcupine (north end) which was sub- mitted to the council of Whitney for renewal was given the six months hoist, when it will be taken into full consideration. By that time the by-law now soon to be Voted on in Whitney to raise certain monies for municipal im- proVements and government will like 13' be in operation, when the light question will come in for attention with other'public matters. In the meantime Porcupine will be lighted municipally on the basis heretofore arranged. ()nce again the motor boats are busy on Porcupine lake and the traf- fic between the north and south ends of the lake is heavy. The trip. aside from business rnotiVes. is very plea- sant, and the launches will be called upon to carry more passengers this season than ever before. of [IKE SEVEN HUNflflEfl BEES NEE SEVEN HUNDRED MEI Nullinger is Perfect Hive at In- dustry and Activity-Big Mill Nearing Completion 'l'lu-n- are now over seven hundred men employed at the Hollinger hur- rying on the construction of the mill and doing: a large amount of aux-hoe work in me shape of cleaning up the prupvl‘ty to prevent. any recurrences this summer of losses from bush fires. '.‘\t the mill the concrete founda- tions for the slime tables are $11 laid and the under motiuns for the tables in position. Mam-rial is coming alum: uuw in good shape and the management u- povt to have the mill ready for the vommvnvomvnt n! npcrutions during the present month. lflflll BUABI] 0f Iflflflf [lEBT IIHIBEBS Hlfl YEAH largely Attended Meeting Iran- sact Important Business In Quick order g The qm-stiun of sending delegates ’to the- meeting: of the associated Elmards of Northern Ontario to be i held in North Bay on the Nth inst., ‘was discussed. and as many as pos- Esihle will hcmresent, the exact mun- ;hpr nnt being known. There was a large attendance last night at the regular weekly meeting of the local Board of Trade and con- siderable important business was transacted in a hurry. In the absence of the president. W. .l. Morrison was chosen to fill the position. and he certainly kept the members in constant activity. A resolution from the Haileyhury Board of Trade re the opening of Gillies Limit to prospecting was read. wherein the co-operntion of this. Board was sought in securing the end in view. This the local Board gladly tendered and expressed upprmnl of the proposal to open the limit. The subject of the location of the new custom house was the next mat- ter taken up, and it was sang-gested by Mayor Cook that in View of the rorrespondence already exchanged on the question that the entire situa- tion he left in the hands of the exe- cutive committee to deal with as they deem proper. A motion to this effect was moved and adopted. The vh-r'tion of officers resulted as follows: Presidentâ€"H. N. Joy.’ \'io¢--Presidentâ€"I~Iomcr L. Gibson. Soc.-'I‘reas.â€"â€"Harold A. Proctor (re-elected unanimously.) Executive Committeeâ€"Reeve Cook and Messrs. Fuller, Morgan, Henry and Brown. Criticâ€"Alex. Smith, M. E. The executive committee was in- structed to prepare by-laws and re« gulationsz. Hereafter the Board will meet 0n the «2de and fourth Thursdays of (each month. | Success Going To lOOft. Level Sm”): (‘nrnzs 5 Cvsts. The Sum-v.95 management expect to match tht- 100 font level by the end uf tho work and ”Inn ('rosscut to mtt'h the vein at that. depth. Somv twenty or so veins have been uncovered, showing fairly high as- says in places and on the whole look~ in: Very promising.

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