was nl nu avail in the face. of death" They also intimated that the accident was a demonstration of the hiVine Will against. the handi- wori. of man. and converted the Von- derful ship-building achievements of the present are. into a foolish enâ€" cminter with the forum of nature. When we remember that “not even a sparrow falleth" without 'the know- ledge of the Almighty we. readily ad- mit that the All-Seeing Eye did not lose sight of the sinking Titanic,nor the struggles of the unfortunate vic- tints. But it will require more than the display headlines of a newspaper or the eloquence of the greatest ora- The Porcupine Advance in the. sad ease of the ill-fated 'I‘i- tunic respected and intellectual men of the cloth in Canada and the Unit- ed States entered the pulpit and de- ('lul'ed. mum of them. that the wreck of this great steamer was a special visitatiun nt l’t‘nvidenve. They Warn- ed their hearers to he careful not tn accumulate too much of this world's goods. as the tragic demise-of many unfortunate millionaires aboard the Titanic was evidentH that ‘wealth “'IIA r's THE MATTER “'l'l’ll HANNA '.‘ The plain duty of Vanadium. is to do all in their power to subdue the ravages of the ï¬re “end. and tam numb care in this respevt mum“! be exercised. TERM ENDOI’S FIR I'I LDSSI‘ZS age of $2,301.40?) per month. This is equal to a daily loss of $76,310. In other words, $3,179 worth of proper- ty has been hdrnml every hour since the no“ year dmuwd. or $53 every minute. Not content to await thorough in- vestigation. with an appun-nt eager- ness to. be the ï¬rst to report . the calamity. newspapers and public men vie with each other in the race to gain the public eye and ear with thrilling mind pictures and garbled thmrii‘s of the horrihlo om-urrenoe. It is diflieult tu euneeiw on what grmmd was based the belief that the license . department of the. Whitney (iowrnment Would grant Iii-ease to ()uhalt or Porcupine. We are nnt discussing the. right or serum: 0f the questinn nf granting such livensc. hut we are at a loss tn know what inflaenre inspired the hupe'that. license wmild be granted. This is an appalling lire loss. and little is being done to check such ex- travagant waste 0! capital. The. ordinary ready will scarcely} realim the tremendous losses occaof nioned by ï¬re emh year throughout? the Dominion, nor will he readily be-§ lieve that the ï¬re losses in Canada! for the ï¬rst three months of the curâ€"T rent year total $6,904,217. an aver-é With tho Lilwral party of (hitarin pro-paring to go to tlw pvuplv with tho vlnction slogan "Abolish the liar." it would seem likv [)Ollllt'fll madness for the Legislature to per- Hist in opening more bars. And. as well. those who know lion. Mr. Hanna will readily .idmit that when Cobalt and l’orcupinoarc granted liquor license, tho. said Hon. Mr. Hanna will not he in a position to exercise the veto. HP is positively opposed to livonsu in minim: districts. and, irrespective of what, may ho said of his attitude in this rvspm't. ho is at least mm- Whvn rvpni'ts of input disastm's, surh us that which M'm'tmik the giant stvamship. Titanic. arv herald- ml lhmughuut the land by the vari- (ills mvthnds of communication. some of the criticisms folh‘nvim: would he amusing \vm'o it not. for their ah- surdity and untruthfulncss. sistvnt United Stole: Advertising Rate- Furnished Phone 25. (SUI) AND THE TITANIC Published every Friday by SUBSCRIPI’IOI RATES: 00. lAKE, PROP. $2.000 not. 1 00 I van. EDITOR The Bible is tilled with stories 0! battle. murder, disaster. pestilence i and famine. compared with which the glow of the Titanic. terrible end end as it. was, occupies a minor place in the world's history. There are hun- drede of thousands of precious lives iebbing away every twenty-four hours lin the midst ol poverty and desols‘ tion. and their passing brings euro row to the humble home and grief to the humble heart. There is no ikindly hand of a Red Cross nurse i near by to give the hopeful touch to ithe pnllid hrow or smooth the crum- jpied pillowâ€"indeed in thousands of iinstanees there is no pillow to gemonth. And these poor souls steal gout of the world into the great he- : yond-r hundreds of them erery hourâ€" !und the world weeps not. l ter harbor on the lake) the most easterly point where grain can be stored in terminal elevators, will give three new lines via Ottawa to Montreal that otherwise would not be carrying grain, and will afford water-borne traflic to equalize al- ready eompetitive freight rates on the three transeontinentals westward to Port Arthur. eastward tolMont- real.. southward over Grand Trunk to Toronto and Hamilton. while northern shipments would be over the 'l‘einiskaming Northern On- tario on which the (irand Trunk Pa.- eitie has a fifty year lease. The build- int,r of the. necessary dams on the l’reneh RiVer will make available liz'iJNHl horse-power eleetrival and as these dams have. to be eonstrurted by the (invernment. it is probable. that ('allander may have the lowest pow- .-r rate in the. Province of Ontario. 't‘iie \ui'tliern Investments, Limited. u" North Bay. are ready to furnish ( sites, cheap power and arrange l ». some of the capital needed in the building of industries." With all of which we readily agree. But can it be accurately said that the village. of Callander is located in Northern Ontario â€I seized upon to display the futility of man's endeavur and to demonstrate the power and vexation ol the Deity. while the great tragedies of the 0M Wul'lli are almost forgotten. We haw too mm'h regard fur the llivine l’lan tn enenuraize the belief that aupm‘natural inrvea are at. war with the advance of sviem'e and skill. and we are fully com'im‘cd that hunter and faster and gmatcrx ships than the minister Titanic will yet nail the seas in safety and prove a sweat limit) to humanity. lf seamen will simply exercise the faculties with whivh they are blessed there need in. little fear of “Wine in- (,‘allander is only 220 miles distant from Toronto. while fron‘o Porcupine and Cochrane it lies about 350 miles to the south. One would imagine that Porcupine is merely on the fringe of Northern Ontario when the immense territory stretching out from the great gold tnrs to convince us that. this appal- ling catastrophe was the outcome of Divinr displeasure. And so it is that. we refer to this sllbjCC‘t with zrcatost respect and re- vorcm'c. still wondering why the sud- «hm disasters of the present a†are torn-min". 'l‘he Victims of the Titanic have gono to their rvwzu‘d. as will go the sun-rowing friends and rolzitivchmt Mum and how no man knnweth. l ".ilo-r the almw limulitn: the .\|.i.ie-a tary Times says: "Well-knnwn men in Nurthei'n Un- tariu identified with the uphuilding (If that country during the past few years, lielieve they see manufactur-i ing uppurtunities for the village ul (fallantler, uni the east end of Lake Nipissing, near North Bay. Sur» rounded as it is by a large farming section, an important matter to, manufacturers in these days of high cust of living in the fruntier cities and towns; and with three transcon- tinental railways either built ct“ huilding; with cheap power already «leveluped, free sites and law rates of o - - tuxutinn (because the village is still in the tuwnship) (‘zillundcr is in an attractiw- position. The Government will impunc French Rim-1 which will nuke (.‘allander (now the deep ‘wa- .‘IANI'I’AUI'I'IHNH IN NUR'I'H- I'IILV UN'I'AIHH The Colonel is gathering strength} rapidly and he seems. to have the} people with him. l ()ur own opinion is that ll(‘ will‘ land on top with a Garrison nnish' â€"~.~ -.â€"-â€"â€"-..â€"- - and practically swamp his oppon- ! cuts. I ' mit Elk Is South Porcupine .going to per- the gruund .’ matter Lake to beat her out in of.u park and athletic l.(mks that way now. Roosevelt is going strong and nuk- inq an exceptional run for the honor. It is doubtful ii. any man in the country can defeat him. and it would nmwnr that he will win out over 'l‘afi. especially as tho opinion is gaining ground that. the big interests are, behind the President. That was surely a terriï¬c wind that fanned South Porcupine last Friday night, but it was only agen- tle. balmy zephyr when camared with the “blow" of a certain Toron- camp to James Bay is taken into consideration. These latter places possess natural essentials in manufacturing unsur- passed in any portion of Ontario. and it does not appear unreasonable to presume that the real advantages of Northern Ontario proper will be carelessly overlooked by the manu‘ {aeturing fraternity. We welcome the flood news that (‘allander is likely to become eman- ulacturinx centre. but the possibility of a great manufacturing district at or in the vicinity of Porcupine and Cochranc should not he lost sight of. The battle for the presidency of the I'nited States is one of the most ex- citing and interesting in the history (if the Union. It is only a few months since Col- onel John Jacob Astor was being bitterly (lenounced in thousands of American newspapers because of the circumstances of his marriage to Miss Force. Most of them will now admit that the spirit of the old fur trader has not altogether disappear- 0d from the Astor tribe. and that if Miss Force married a niillionaim.she ::l~o married a man. It. is understood that Prince Arâ€" thur of (fonnaugbt is obtaining spe- cial army leave so as to Visit Can- ada in the autumn. It's up to the Toronto Ulobc to warn our royal guest to beware of Wildcats and blind pigs in Porcupine. But, still. those facts will not, we trust, mtcrfnro with the prom-cs: of Callander. The way people of the town are hustling: to ('lean up hawk-yards and front-yards is certainly most encour- aging. There is no better evidence of a worthy and progressive citizen than to note the manner in which he keeps his nwn premises in order. and in this respect the residents of South Porcupine are not lacking. ROOSEV “LT (20.“ I N“ 1500]) The great gn-y sea is wramwd in gluom. le 1l0wm's and “was are all in bloom, Sun is shining and robins sing 'Mid all the lu-auties vi the spring. 'Xcatll starlit sky. rnll un grey sea For thou hast taken all from me. And still we knmv that (lml knows For what we have receiVed from the 'I'. . N. U. railway by way of freight reductions we are truly thankful and'herewith express our appreciation. Now, can't we get a stroll“ slice ofl the express rates?And can't we have that gas-electric car? Sure. If (iuldvn ('ity imlm'ml thv Schu- muchcr to hunt South Porcupine, would Lake-view the operation from Muttag‘ami Heights. or wait for Hill's Landing before The Porcupine Advance next summer ! The weather of late :n'uund these diggins has been very much like ye editor's board MILâ€"unsettled. Ul .\n item in this vulumn last week under the heading. “Kind \\'u1‘ds,." should have been crvditvd 'tn the Lis‘v kvard Speaker, of which uur old friend. Hrvr. SU’PhOnh‘UH, is pmprict- Stvumship Titanic “01:3. 'I' II If 5 li.\ HELEN I“. (ERA N I P THE PURCUPINE ADVANCE is that. ho will 3 Garrison ï¬nish amp his oppon- l-hh :‘pl'il, 'VVVVVVV V'V'VV'V‘VVVVVV Vvvvvvvvvvvvvmvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv w The Ideal Route To Porcupine and Cobalt is via , Grand Trunk Railway System Within a few weeks l‘oreupine has produced about $200,000 in gold. 'l‘here are a few claims throughout the many townships ineludedin the gold area that have not yet, develop- ed into producing mines, strange as this statement may appear to some people. But we are led to believe that all the stamp mills required for lf there is a street in town that really needs a sidewalk, that street is Main street. There is much traflic along this street as it is the princi- pal thoroughfare to two churches and the only direct street leading to the school. We have watched the faith- iul little children plodding through the mud each day in order to take advantage of the opportunities to gain an education, and their path- way to this hall of learning could be made much more easy and inviting were a few boards laid to the school building. Then, there's The Porcuâ€" pine Advanceâ€"hut that's all right; just look atter the children, please. They are the coming men and wo- men. class Sim-e Major l’euchon, of Toronto. has evidently expressed a desire' to gain prominence as a yachtsman, he ma) appreciate the following order issued by an old sea dog with whom ye editor sailed before the mast: There was a young girl called Bianca Asleep on a ship while at anchor; But she Woke with dismay When'she heard the mate say: “Let's haul up the top sheet and spankel‘." to major, who seems to be at pre- sent. Very much engaged in the “ex- planation" line. Not every gallant skipper of usixtecn-fuot dinghy that. sails the raging main on 'l‘urontu Bay is qualified to take command of an ocean liner of the White Star 'l'he quill of the lretful Porcupine will be molded hereafter by a good many Toronto specnlaturs.â€"-'l‘oronto (llohe. "l‘is well. We doubt if there is a real li\'c speculator in Toronto. There may be quite a number of “sure-thing" artists in the big city. and if these have abandoned quill- hunting.r they may turn their atten~ tion to manipulating the hide of the little animal, which will not likely be so “l'retful.†if what the Globe asserts is true. I-’urcupine propertiesuro not, in op- eration up to the time Of going to press. â€9 patient, 0, ye of little faith. 0 090900000000000090990 9009009000000000009000 0000000000000000000000 â€ommmmou» OOOOOWâ€O â€O. 00 “WOOWONOO “Cobalt Special" leaves Toronto 8.30 pm. daily.arriving Cobalt 9.41 a m. and Porcupine 9.34 p. m.. Day Trains carry modem vestibule cum JCS and Parlor, Library. Buffet. Cafe or Dining Cars. Night Trains curry up~to-date Electric Lighted Pullman Sleeping Cars. Full particularsfrmn any Grand Trunk agent or address A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, 'I‘umnto. Leave BUHEIO arrive Toronto Leave New York arrive Toronto Leave Chicago arrive Toronto Leave Detroit arrive Toronto arrive Toronto LCdVC M ontreal The Omy line with through Car Service from Toronto. TRADERS BANK 6.00pm. 10.08 a. m. 8.20p.m. ll...58am 11.10 am 8.17 pm Hays Carried $30,000 Insurance That Chas. M. Hays was insured for $30,000 was shown in a letter reâ€" ceived by the Insurance Press at New York from the Standard Accident In- surance Company, of Detroit. The Aetna also carried a $50,000 policy. Member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange Phones Main 1044-5. Toronto. PORCUPINE and COBALT Has the follmx Hg oflices m the Porcupine Gold I)istlic;t Head Ofï¬ce - m Toronto 3.02 p.m 7.40 a.m 9.00 a.m. 4.30 pm. STOCKS J. M. W'ALLACE Aura Lake South End Manager Haileybury Transfers of money by mail or telegraph can be made through any Branch of this Bank. Travellers going into Porcupine are invited to avail themselves of the advice or services of the managers of the above-mentioned branches. C. H. Day, Capital and Surplus, Tots! Assets, 9.00 pm. 11.58 am. 12.50 p.m 4.48 p.m l 1.28 p.m. 3.43 p.m. 2.45 pm. 10.08 pm. 7.30pm. 600nm. INCORPORATED, 1885 Branch also at Haileybury OF CANADA. THE 10â€"30 pm. 7.40 a.m. 10.30 pm. 7.30 a.m. 3.25pm. 8...]7pm In stock at present a supply of Re- built Portable Engines and Boilers, on wheels and skids, from 10 to 31‘ horsepower. Traction Engines, all sizes. Stationary Engines and Boilers, various sizes, some good second hand stock. Saw Mills, Engines, Boiler . Threshing Machinery, N , Second Hand and Rebuilt. Threshing Machines, new and re- built. Write for particular: and prion. In: Mt lull Engine l Ihmher 00., Ltd. Seaforth, Ont. Some good Rebuilt Saw Mills, :8 weil as new ones. FOR SALE Manager Porcupine Branches $ 6,800,000 5 52,000,000 J. D. Tipton, 6.25 p.m. 9.58 p.m.