Oakville Beaver, 17 Nov 1999, C4

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, November 17, 1999 PLUMBING Repairs, New Installations, alterations. Basement drains, b ath rooms. drywall, framing, til ing. No Job Too Sm all. Frank, 639-3874_________ SPECIAL on D/R, Bedroom suites. Piano's. 40yrs ex perience. Best Rates, Good service. Toll free- 1800-810-5738____________ R enova tions'. ceramic tiles, drywall and handyman serv ices. Free estimates call George (905)849-8996 moving & storage 1 11 AAA Movers. Packing and Storage. Local/long distance. Weekly trips to US and coast to cast. Free estim ates. Free boxes. (905)634-3721____________ Community Warehouse Sales 3375 N o rth S e rv ic e Rd U n it A 4/A 5, B u rlin g to n North Service Rd. between Walker s & Guelph Li. >n the CANON Building FO O TW EAR i & Womens Summer & Winter Footwear Prices from BATHROOM % PRO Movers. Short/ long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs., 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700___________ RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in cludes 2 professional movers. truck and insurance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. Come join us on: · Fri., Nov. 19, Noon-9pm ·S a t., Nov.20, 9am-5pm ·S u n ., Nov.21, Noon-5pm Be $ 10- $ 75 . Cash/ Debit only o 335-9951 Photo by Peter C. McCusker Artists Joanne Lucas-Warren and Susan Blackadar (right) are about to take their work down to make room for the new exhibit at Oakville Honda, while Elizabeth Pudsey and Laura Tay lor (seated) plan The Millennium Showing, which opens on Tuesday. CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort ers. bed co-ordinates, fab rics. ta b le / chair accessories. Call Sherry. 634-6706. tutorial Deaths GLENN, G ordon E., B.Comm CA (A m em b e r o f th e In s titu te o f C h a rte re d A c c o u n ta n ts , G ra c e L u th e ra n C h u rc h , O akville G o lf Club, The Toronto M usicians Association and Past M em ber of O akville R o ta ry a n d O a k v ille T r a fa lg a r R o ta ry C lubs and the Kinsm en Club of O akville. P a s t P a r tn e r o f G le n n G r a y d o n a n d W right). P e a c e fu lly o n M o n d a y N o v e m b e r 15, 1 9 9 9 a t O a k v ille T r a f a lg a r M e m o ria l H ospital in his 7 1 st year. G ord, beloved h u s b a n d o f M a rg a re t. L o v e d fa th e r o f Brian and his wife Caroline, C hris and his wife Carol and Frank and his wife W endy. D e a r g ra n d fa th e r o f R a n d y , J e n n y , E liz a b e th , R o b b ie , T y le r, J u s tin , S a ra h a n d S a m m y . V is ita tio n a t th e K o p riv a T a y lo r C o m m u n ity F u n e ra l H o m e , 64 Lakeshore Road W est, O akville from 2-4 & 7 -9 p m W e d n e s d a y . F u n e ra l s e rv ic e 1pm T h u rs d a y . C re m a tio n . T h o s e w ho wish m ay m ake m em orial contributions to the charity of th e ir choice. Deaths SILZ, Johanna P e a c e fu lly , a t th e O a k v ille T r a fa lg a r M em orial H ospital on F riday, N ovem ber 12, 1999, in her 82nd year. Beloved wife o f th e la te W e r n e r S ilz . A s p e r h e r w ishes, there w ill be no fu n era l service. Crem ation has taken place. Donations to the charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated by the fam ily and friends. Creative `autom otive' art "It hasn't been that way up to this point, and I don't think it's going to be that way in the ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR future," adds Pudsey. "Even the opening, you It should be called Artistic Automobiles or don't have to have an invitation to come. We won't turn anyone away." Creative Cars. The idea of a gallery at the Honda dealership However, the art exhibition is titled The Mil lennium Showing, and it will open in the Gallery began when David Edgar, the general manager of Oakville Honda, who solicited Taylor's help to at Oakville Honda on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd. The opening reception, between 6 and 9 p.m., spruce up his waiting room. "It was very dated, and we needed to intro will be catered by Deliciously Yours, and every one is invited to enjoy the art and the refresh duce some life to it," says the interior designer, explaining that Edgar had established a success ments. Organizers Laura Taylor and Elizabeth Pud ful art gallery at his former dealership and was sey have been finding and exhibiting art at ready to do the same in Oakville. "I thought it Oakville Honda for three years now, but this is was a great idea. So, I went searching for an art the first time they've "taken over" the dealership consultant that I could introduce to the galleries, and invited the public to a special opening of and I came upon Liz." over 30 paintings in a variety of media. In an attempt to promote local artists, this "I think what we're trying to do is introduce it dynamic duo has invited specific artists to exhib more to the community now, as well. So that it their work in this new gallery for a few months they're not afraid to come in and look at the at a time. The art on the walls changes four or work, to know that they don't have to have a five times a year, giving various artists the Honda to come in and see the work," says Tay opportunity to hang their work in a local gallery. Pudsey is a member of all the local art associ lor. "We've sent out quite a few invitations for the exhibition. We're hoping to have a great ations and has been on the board of some broad er-based art organizations as well, giving her a response." The intriguing thing about this particular large pool of artists to choose from. "There is a very high degree of professional exhibition is, of course, the theme - the automo bile. Participating artists have been asked to use ism (in the art work) and that's what we look for their creativity when adhering to that theme. "So, - quality and creativity," says Pudsey, adding it doesn't have to look like a car," Taylor stress that each show is a group show for two or three es. artists. "We try to get work that is compatible, yet "It could be the parts of a car, or an imaginary complementary." car, or it could be a car...You have to use your Taylor says the exhibitions have been suc creativity," adds Pudsey, noting that the artists cessful so far with over a dozen of the works of have had a year to create their paintings. "We art being sold while they were on display in the Honda gallery. don't know what exactly to expect." The two organizers wanted to do something "We've done really, really well with it," she different for the millennium. Hence the automo says. "Great response from the Oakville Honda tive-themed exhibit and the special invitation to community and from the community at large. the community at large. And both women, who We've had a lot of artists sell (work)." Now, the two women would like to build on live in Burlington but work in Oakville, say more than half of the 12 artists in The Millennium that base, expanding their viewing audience to Showing are Oakville artists. include more of the community at large. Hence "I can't wait to see it," says Taylor with excit their special Millennium Showing. ed anticipation. "I just got a call from an artist "We have full support of Oakville Honda. who said, `I was only going to have one, but I've This exhibition is completely funded by them. got two.'" There is no profit in return for them.. .The artists Pudsey is one of the artists who will have a receive the full amounts from the paintings when piece in the exhibit, but her watercolour is not they're sold," says Taylor. quite finished. Although she says she is having "They have given Laura and me free rein," fun with it. adds Pudsey, adding that requests for tracking or She and Taylor are quick to point out that peo special lighting have never been denied. ple can visit Oakville Honda anytime to view any Although Taylor and Pudsey have thought of the art exhibits without fear of being harassed about art other than paintings, such as sculptures, by sales staff. pottery, and textile art, they have yet to add those "As long as they make it clear that they are to the repertoire at the gallery. But, says Pudsey, here to look at the art, they should be left alone. "They may be part of our 2001 shows." It's been here long enough that the people work The Millennium Showing, will continue in the ing here realize that," says Taylor, adding that the Oakville Honda gallery at 191 Wyecroft Rd. dealership is, of course, hoping people will look (near Kerr Street) until Jan. 14th. at their cars as well as the art. But it isn't a given. Next year's five exhibits will begin Jan. 18th, "There's no pushing. It's not the way they work." April 18th, June 27th, Aug. 14th and Nov. 14th. By C a ro l B ald w in HIGH school Teacher/ tutor- Math & Science, new curriculum. Grades 7,8.9 & 10. O ne-on-one. Burlington. 333-1408 TUTOR: Mature, respon sible, high school, elemen tary. English as a second language. 25 years exp. 842-5998 (Oakville). ATTENTION El & SA re cipients fulltime & parttime courier training, completely hands on. Call (905)3386600. W m ilm daycare available InMemoriam H E R O U X , Louis Paul N ovem ber 10, 1949 - Novem ber 16, 1998 Devoted Son and Brother G ood Friend, Loving Uncle Alw ays loved, sadly missed from his Fam ily and Friends RELIABLE, full-time day care. 9 years experience. Non-smoking home. CPR. outdoor play, crafts, outings. References. Receipts 336-6080_______ DAYCARE available my home QEW/ Guelph near GO. Non-sm oker, large yard. 18-mos & up. 6393598.____________________ AVAILABLE immediately (full-time) fun filled environ ment. crafts, park setting. CPR. first-Aide. Call 3381772____________________ MORRISON, Mary Louise A fte r a c o u ra g e o u s b a ttle w ith c a n c e r, M ary Louise M orrison, o u r dear wife and m other p e a cefully passed aw a y at Hope H o s p ic e in F t. M y e rs , F lo r id a o n N o v e m b e r 6, 1999. S he is s u rv iv e d by h e r b e lo v e d h u s b a n d Ia n , d a u g h te r s S arah G a yn o r (D an) o f C a lg a ry, A lb e rta and Laura J u ra se k (G eorge) o f O akville. M ary w a s p re d e ce a se d by h e r o n ly son C a m . H e r m u c h lo v e d a n d c h e ris h e d g r a n d d a u g h te r s , P a ig e a n d H a y le y G a yn o r and Ja ym ie J u ra s e k w ill fo re v e r keep her in their hearts. M a ry w ill be m is s e d by h e r m a n y d e a r frie n d s a c ro s s th e U.S. and in C anada. H er enthusiasm fo r the gam e of golf will be m is s e d on th e fa irw a y s o f S p a n is h W ells. S he had a z e s t fo r life th a t was evid e n t in eve ryth in g she did. Her spirit will continue to soar. Her life lessons will continue to enrich all those w ho loved her. Bom in Com ing, New York in 1933, Mary graduated from C om ing Free A cadem y in 1950. S he w as a longtim e e m ployee of A to m ic E n e rg y o f C a n a d a . M a ry w a s p re d e ce a se d by h e r p a re n ts, M erhl and Kathryn Nikirk and her brothers, Edward, John and Robert. A m em orial service was held for M ary on Thursday, Novem ber 11, 1 999 a t th e F irs t P re s b y te ria n C h u rc h , Bonita Springs, FL w ith Dr. Joe M cClure officiating. A further m em orial will be held a t th e W a rd F u n e r a l H o m e " O a k v ille C h a p e l" 1 0 9 R e y n o ld s S tr e e t, o n Thursday, N ovem ber 18, 1999 at 2:00p.m . She w ill be in te rre d a lo n g s id e C am , her treasured son and fellow golf enthusiast in S t. J u d e 's C e m e te ry . H e r in d o m ita b le spirit touched so m any people throughout her life. She w as a loving w ife, devoted m other and an inspiration to all. Card of Thanks T he F am ily o f th e la te R o s s S au n de rs w ish to extend their h e a r t f e lt th a n k s. The sym pathy and und erstanding of friendsand neighbours h as helped so m uch to lighten the b u r d e n o f o u r so r r o w . No w o r d s c a n e x p r e s s th e fu ll m easure of our appreciation The Saunders Family. ECE mom has spaces Tues.-Fri., lot's of TLC & funl Come join our family! Headon Forest. 332-5630 MOTHER of two available to care for your children. 13-years experience. Glen Abbey, lots of TLC. (905)847-7520.___________ LOVING mother will provide a safe and happy environ ment for your child. Lots of toys, hot meals and snacks provided. Reasonable. Headon Forest area. Liz. 336-1423. ENROL IMMEDIATELY 15 Mos. to 6 Years Professional, qualified staff. Complete educa tional daycare experi ence incl: computers. 6:30am-6:00pm. Transportation avail. Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If y o u d r in k , th a t's y o u r b u s in e s s If y o u w a n t to q u it, T h a t's O u rs ! (41 6) 487-5591 (90 5) 631-8 784 ACADEMY Preschool 3049 Guelph Line (at Hwy./5) 335-0515, 335-1234 Funeral Directors O AK VIEW FU N E R A L HOM E Our family serving your family 56 L A K E S H O R E R O A D W E S T O A K V IL L E F u n e ra l D ire c to rs · Don Clarke · Douglas M anners ·T a n ia Di Censo - G regory Sidora I daycare wanted NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER - Fulltim e. Feb 2000, 3!/2 yr old and new born, two dogs, nonsmoker, Glen Abbey. (905)469-9060.___________ EXPERIENCED cargiver re quired for 1 year old girl in our W estm ount 3rd Line/Upper M iddle Rd. home for January start. 4 days/week. ECE preferred. References. 825-2155 N O R T O N - J u lia M a rg a re t of Angus Passed aw ay suddenly at Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Friday, N ovem ber 12,1999 In her 37th year Julie Bishop, beloved w ife of W ayne Norton. Cherished m other of Eric. Loving daughter of Brenda and the late Norm an Bishop o f O akville. Dear sister o f Bill and his w ife W endy of O wen Sound and Lyn Bishop of Oakville. Julie will be sadly m issed by her nephew, nieces, relatives and friends. Crem ation has taken place, a M em orial Service will be held at the STEVEN R. BRIDGE FUNERAL HOME, ANGUS on W ednesday N ovem ber 17th, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. As expressions o f sym pathy donations m ay be m ade to M others A gainst D runk Driving. 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 CHILDCARE needed 3-5 days per week in my Burlington home. 8:303:00pm, Elizabeth 632-6373 or 632-9088 WANTED: Full-time care giver in our home. Lakeshore/Trafalgar for year old twins. Call 905844-6020 9:30am-12noon. W A R D ·---- --^ -----· Funeral Homes HELPING TO MAKE IT PERSONAL 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville TLC required for 1-yr old, Tues.- Fri., your home, downtown core Burlington. (Non-sm oker please). (905)639-6141 * T O O * . a k v il l e 3? *: * 9 0 5 - 8 4 4 -3 2 2 1 Ann Futher Charles Gibbs MOTHER'S helper required Monday-Friday, 8am-2pm. ECE diploma or equivalent preferred. 2 children, 3yr. old & newborn. Located in River Oaks. (905)257-2232 * AN ENCHANTED EVENING Thursday, Novem ber 18, 1999 7:30p.m. - 10:30 p.m. SPONSORED BY PART-TIME Nanny re quired Mon.-Fri., 3pm-6pm., in our River Oaks home for 2 school-aged children. Vehicle required. Nonsmoker. S enior/ student welcome. (905)257-6813. N anny/ housekeeper fo r adult couple w/10-year old child in school. Northsnore Burlington home. Cooking included, must be non-smoker and Philippine. Call Murray or Debbie Mon.-Fri. 9-5, 634-3424; weekends 681-0204. Employment METR0LAN0 INTERMEDIATE SALES REPRESENTATIVE W e have an im m ediate opening for an experienced sales representative w ho is highly m otivated and can achieve results! Be part of an aw ard w inning sales team with an attractive com pensation package, including salary, com m ission, bonuses and gas allowance. Employment LIVE-IN H o lto n Trafalgar T ravel T he B aham as T ourist B oard lU e L ucayan G ra n d B aham a b la n d R esort C h ristia n D io r C osm etics 1 0 2 .9 K -U te F M Tickets are available at the Christian D ior C ounter C ost $ 1 2 .5 0 $ 2 .50 w ill be donated to the Local Food Bank $10.0 0 w ill be redeemable on any cosm etic or fragrance purchase N ovem ber 1 8 ,1 9 9 9 FORMER TRANSCONTINENTAL, AND CANADIAN MEDIA NETWORK DELIVERY PERSONS: THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Has Delivery Areas available. Competitive rate of PAY for door to door delivery Call Martin or Trudy at 845-9742 NANNY/ Housekeeper (18 years or over), part-time, Mon.-Fri., 3:30-7pm.. Burloak area. Call 631-6049 af-ter 6pm._______________ Enjoy an Evening o f H oliday M ake O w n , Fragrance Sam pling, Preview o f H oliday G ift Sets, Fashion Show and W androbing Techniques, jew ellery G ift Giving, G ift Giving Ideas from Lingerie, Basket Draws, Refreshments NANNY required parttime, for 2-1/2 year old. ECE / car preferred. Joshua Creek area 844-8284 NANNY required for 5 year old & infant. Live-in or out. Minimum wage, 7:30-6, Monday-Friday. Swimmer, non-smoker, legals only! Local references. Must be available to work some evenings. Starting February. 257-5810. Your re sp o n sib ilitie s include: -servicing and grow ing existing accounts -prospecting fo r and acquiring new accounts -preparing form al w ritten and visual presentation A D U L T S R E Q U IR E D To Deliver The Oakville Beaver Door to Door G R A N D P R IZ E A H A M A s Your q u a lifica tio n s include: -2 years + proven sales record -a keen desire to succeed and advance -the ability to m anage several products concurrently -good com m unication, organization and team skills Let us Know : 7 NIGHTS ACCOMMODATION ONLY AT The L ucayan Grand Bahama Resort * ' · NANNY/ babysitter for 8 month old baby, part-time. 3 days per week, 1:15pm5:15pm, at my home in North B urlington. Nonsmoker, references. (905)331-9226. · What hours you prefer · How much you would like to earn per month · What route area you prefer D e liv e ry D a y s a re : SECOND PRIZE C h r is t ia n D io r G if t B a s k e t (REIAIL VALUE + * ^ · $500.00) G ran d P rize B a llo t B ax located a t th e C h ristian D io r C oun ter « T ^ Second P rize B a llo t box lo ca ted a t H olton T rafalgar T ravel · V · MONEY Problems? Gar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 Call for further details 8 4 2 -4 8 1 1 Reply in confidence to: Kelly Montague, Director of Advertising 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 No phone calls please Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Weekend: You will have up to 10 am Sunday to finish delivery. You will receive the papers on Saturday If interested please call 845-9742 Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 6:30 pm. Or Saturday between 12:00 pm and 5:00 pm

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