Oakville Beaver, 11 Aug 2017, p. 15

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Sheridan grads from Oakville help bring NutJob 2 to life by Marta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff £ N early 40 g rad u ates from Sh eri dan C ollege's A nim ation, A d van ced T elevision & F ilm , and Art F u n d am en tals p rogram s -- in clu d in g the director and c o w riter C al B run ker -- w ere part o f the team behind the m ovie N ut Jo b 2: N utty by N ature, w hich will open in theatres today (Aug. 11). N ut Jo b 2: N utty by N ature takes m oviegoers on an adven ture w ith Surly the sq u irrel as he and his furry friends try to sto p their p ark lan d hom e from bein g b u ll d ozed and turned into an am u se m ent park. Three years in the making Brunker, w ho led the crew w ork in g on the film at Torontob ased T oonB ox Entertainm en t, ap p la u d s his team 's com m itm en t to b rin g N utty by N ature to fru i tion. "We're very excited to show this to the w orld. It's been alm o st three y ears that w e've been w o rk in g on it," he said in a m edia re lease. "It w as great to w atch it (at the crew screen in g). Each crew m em ber w ork ed on their piece o f the p u zzle, bu t w hen they saw how it all cam e together, p eop le really seem ed to get into it. H opefully the au d ien ce w ill get into it to o ." A 20 0 3 A nim ation grad u ate, B run ker said Sh erid an played a big role in p rep arin g him for his career. T he K itch ener native has also w ork ed on other f lm s in clu d in g H orton H ears a Who and D esp ica ble Me. N utty by N ature is Brunker's seco n d turn at directing, the first bein g 2 0 1 3 's E scap e From P lanet E arth . "At Sh eridan , I rem em ber draw ing from m orn in g to n igh t," B run ker said. "T he other thing I really go t out o f Sh erid an -- I foun d a lot o f the learn in g h ap p en ed betw een stu den ts... bein g in that kind o f en vironm ent and takin g ow n ership for y ou r ow n learning. T h at w as big for m e." Sh eridan is w orld-ren ow ned for its an im ation p rogram s, w hich attract stu d e n ts from aro un d the w orld to the T rafalgar R oad C am p u s in O akville. B esid es the B achelor o f A ni m ation, Sh eridan offers C an ad a's only B ach elor o f G am e D esign , as w ell as p o st-grad u ate certif cates in C om p u ter A nim ation, D igital C h aracter and V isual Effects. Numerous Sheridan College graduates were part of the team behind the movie Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature. | ToonBox Entertainment photo N o S c h o o l! A Fundraising Initiative of Burlington E x f s a l o n c e 9 0 5 . 337.0227 Laser & E s th e tic s 233 Cross Avenue * Oakville www.ExSalonce.ca September S p e n c e r S m ith P a rk , B u r lin g to n r^ugust S fu d o is ^ 4 Slimline Fat Reduction with 1 Cavitation Treatment for inch loss + Cellulite * 14 9 0 0 Fruit Facial Peel with Vitamin C Mask $7900 $ 00 (R eg. $139) (R eg. $40) F rid ay Satu rd ay Sunday M o n d ay Brazilian Bikini Wax CO CanadasLargestRibfest.com 19 RiBBERS · OVER 30 MUSICAL ACTS · KiDS ZONE · CRAFTERS · FREE ADMiSSION Voted BestSpa & Esthetics 9 y e a rs in a row

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