15 | Friday June 2 3 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com Thank you to our Sponsors PRESENTING GOLD S h e r id a n See All Sheridan Has to Offer W hile y o u 're at R ib fest, take som e tim e for a guided tour o f Sheridan's fa c ilitie s and learn more about the varied educational op portu nities here. The tours w ill be run each afternoon on Saturday and Sunday. M eet at the Sheridan tent. co -o p e ta to is A Better Place For You® Y our image people. HOST S h e r i d a n E s p re s s L a b s As w e ll, one o f the h ig h lig h ts o f your R ib fest M arketplace shopping exp erien ce w ill undoubtedly includ e brow sing the artwork from a number o f Sheridan students. You w ill have the opportunity to buy an origin al p iece o f art from one o f Canada's budding young talen ts b efore the p rices sk yrocket along w ith their fam e. MEDIA filn rca OakvilleBeaver (((}}} C0G6C0TV '° o metrolandmedia ° , Connected to yo u r com m unity Nickel visit O a k v ille Copper Glenlevin Chrysler Monastery Bakery Riteway Lawncare Inc. cin e m a s THE EPOCH TIMES Carpet Warehouse Flower Deco Oakville Import Auto Centre Whitehall Flomes & Construction Ltd. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of this list as of June 1, 2017. We apologize for any errors or omissions. H is S u c c e s s ....O u r P ro g ra m R ob ert L an d A cadem y E : A re you the o n ly one w h o believes th a t he is capable of so m uch m ore? An independent not-for-profit military-themed boarding school for boys in grades 5 through 12 W IN N E R S OAKVILLE DENTAL Just around the corner from the Oakville Ribfest! M IXA N DM A T C HIO V E R500F LA V O U R S WWW.KOFFEEKORNEROAKVILLE.COM A Staff That Cares A Program That Works A Location That's Safe Robert Land Academy offers a highly structured and supportive environment encouraging self-confidence, self-discipline, and self-care. Specializing in helping boys w ith attention and focus issues in a distraction-free setting. 100% postsecondary admission at prestigious Canadian and American universities and colleges. here: 240 NORTH SERVICE RD W O A K V ILLE , ONT L6M 2G 2 Call for a no-obligation inform ation session by phone, Skype or in person R o b e rt Lan d A c a d e m y 6727 S ou th C hippa w a Rd, W est Lincoln, O n ta rio LOR 2J0 www.RLA.ca | Tel: 905- 386-6203 N O R THS E R V IC ER O A DW D O R V A LC R O S S IN GE (W IN N ER S PLA ZA ) Located in the Niagara Region 55 min from Oakville | 45 min from Niagara Falls