Oakville Beaver, 27 Sep 2000, C7

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Wednesday, September 27, 2000 t y L l office-clerical THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C7 Birthday Bruce Hood Travel is an award winning MILTON Travel Agency, experiencing tre mendous growth. If you are a ten acio us, hardw orking individual who is passionate about entering the Travel Industry, WE WANT YOU! Intermediate Travel Consultant: You will have 3 years travel experience, a proven sales record, and superior customer service skills, be Sabre proficient and are technosawy. Entry Level Travel C onsultant: You will have successfuly completed a travel course, possess superior customer service skills, be self-motivated and are techno-sawy. We offer:A technologically advanced agency, an envi ronment for success, excellent remuneration package, a large customer base, training program. Resumes to: Ruth Burnett, Manager Fax: (905)-878-0032 or ruth @brucehood.com Deaths SCOTT, Douglas N. - (Honours B.A. University ol Western Ontario, Class ot 1952). Retired long time employee ot CIBC. Alter a brief battle with cancer on Friday, September 22,2000 at the age ot 71. Beloved husband ol Shirley (nee Davidson). Cherished father of Janet and her husband Jeremy Slasor. Linda and her husband David Hilliker, and Sharon and her husband Hal Halpenny Loving Grandpa to Jelfrey, Gregory, Morgan, Lauren. Colleen. Cameron, and Connor. Survived by his sister Eileen Wiegand and her husband Don. and their sonMurray. He will be missed by his many other nieces and nephews. A Memorial Service w ill be held on Thursday, September 28, 2000 at Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville at 1 p.m. Reception to follow. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations to the O a kville-T ra la lga r M em orial H o sp ita l w ould be appreciated by the family. REAL Estate Secretary re quired part-tim e weekends for Oakville Real Estate of fice Call (905)825-7777 MARKETING Manager for Financial Planning Practice. Enthusiastic outgoing, ma ture. organized; excellen t communication skills to join p ro fession als (CFA, CA.CPF). Set up / maintain a small telemarketing depart ment. Base/Commissions. Monday-Thursday noon-9pm. Friday 9am -5pm . QEW / W inston C h u rc h ill. Fax 905-829-0611______________ RECEPTIONIST/ Secretary for leading Valve & Control com pany in B u rlin g to n . Experience, knowledge of Microsoft O ffice proffered. Start im m ediately. P leas ant w orking enviro nm e nt, com petitive salary, e x c e l lent benefits. Forward re sume by October 6th: Box 1795, Burlington Post. 2321 Fairview St.. B u rlin g to n , L7R 2E3 ENJOY TEACHING Without the Hassles! It you love kids and want to teach in a friendly & professional atmosphere then contact Chisholm Centre FULL & PART-TIME TEACHING POSITIONS: Secondary Math. Science & English Elementary Mathematics & Language Arts Program Writing and Supervision Detailed Resume to: VI U ` K r i s t e n !A s fd e y W a f f ^ e r Chisholm Centre Human Resources 440 Inglehart St. N.. Oakville ON L6J3J6 Fax 844-7321 · email chisholmcentre@sprint.ca Website www.chisholmcentre.com MacLachlan College MACLACHLAN is an independent co-educational day school. Junior Kindergarten to OAC. We are currently seeking: ·Substitude teachers to add to our supply list ENTHUSIASTIC sales per son needed. Strong desire to learn a m ust. Approx. 20+ hours a week. Herbal knowledge and asset, but not necessary. Fax resume to 873-3097. No phone calls please.____________________ WILLING to Educate highly motivated individual for re warding career in financial services. Call Nestor 905681-5515.ext-78 Mappy 13tf September27,2000 Love Mom, Dad, Scott, Cor/qj andSmudge SPIES, P a tric ia E lizab eth (nee C lark) Peacetully on Monday. September 25, 2000 at Cred it Valley Hospital in her 39th year, after a brave two year battle with breast cancer. Beloved daughter ot Betty Clarke and the late Desmnd Clark Sr. Loving wile ol Thomas Spies and adoring mother ot two year old Vanessa. Cherished sister of Desmond and his wile Meredith. Dear aunt and friend o! Heather Bamtord. Funeral service w ill be held in the chapel ot Skinner & Middlebrook L td . 128 Lakeshore Rd. E. (I block west ol Hurontario St.) Mississauga, on Friday, September 29, 2000 at 1 p.m. V isitation one hour prior to service Cremation to follow. In memory of Patricia, the family would appreciate donations to be gin a trust lund tor Vanessa. SKIERS & SNOWBOARDERS We are looking lor energetic & outgoing seasonal sales people. Full and part-time.available. Please apply by resume to: Attn: Paul Hird Direct letters of application, resume, evidence ol qualifications and references to: Mrs.P. Hargreaves, Director of Staff Development MacLachlan College, 337 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville. ON, L6J 3H3 www.maclachlan.on.ca Deaths DUFF, Je an n ette M a rg a re t E lizab eth - It is with deep sadness the family announces the passing of Jeannette, peacetully on Friday. September 22, 2000 at the Credit Valley Hospital. Jeannette is survived by her husband John, sons Michael and Cameron (Doris) and grandchildren Benjamin, Graeme and Katherine and faithful dog companion "Boise" Private Funeral Serv ice In Jeannette's memory, donations may be made lo the Credit Valley Hospital - Palliative Care Unit or the Canadian Cancer Society. Funeral arrangements en trusted to the Ward Funeral Home (905-844-3221) Corbett Sport's Ltd. 120 Speers Rd, Oakville L6K2E7 675 announcements 675 announcements BRIDAL SALES ASSOCIATES Now Hiring! Experienced Sales Person Liberty T a x Schools Learn to earn or just save money on your own return. Valuable skill can help you earn extra dollars. Classes are starting soon, so call today to reserve your seat. Small lee lor books and supplies (Completion of course(s) is neither an otter not guarantee ot employment. O TRBULIN, Dusan ` Dan* - Suddenly at the M ilton District Hospital on Monday, September 25, 2000 in his 74th year Beloved husband ot Ivanka. Dear father ol Vladim ir and George. Visitation at Smith's Funeral Home. 1167 Guelph Line (one stoplight north ot QEW), Burlington, Ontario, 632-3333 on Wednesday Irom 6-9 p.m. where private funeral w ill be held on Thursday Septem ber 28, 2000. It desired, expressions ol sympathy to the M ilton D istrict Hospital would be sincerely appreciated by the family. 'The w orld was a richer place lo r knowing you.' · 4 days/wk >2-3 days/wk >weekends Waterdown fax:(905)689-8436 For our high end automotive import dealership. Must be Highly Motivated with a strong Desire to Succeed. We o ile r a co m p e titive pay plan, a group benefit package, company demonstrator and the opportunity to achieve above-average income. For conlidential interview contact Bob St. Anne. Call 905-842-5556 __________ ^ L ib e r t y ^ J T ajc ' ^ ^ B S e r v ic e Tel: (905) 333-4144 or fax (905) 333-3820 ACURA ON BRANT 629 Brant St., Burlington,On L7R 2H1 Thrifty s We are looking lor > Store Managers > Asst. Managers > Sales Associates · Cashiers Attend the Hatton Job & Career Fair Sept. 28th 9:30am-7:30pm The Burlington Convention Ctr,, booth #174 daycare available A F TER -S C H O O L care for my 2 c h ild re n . A scension School area. Suit student. References. 639-8493 NA N N Y a va ila b le im m e dia te ly 3 days/wk. Prefer in fan ts and/ or preschoo l ers. U n iversity G rad. E x c e lle n t refe re n c e s . Own car. 905-469-4507 I daycare wanted AFTERSCHOOL Childcare re q u ire d La k e s h o re /T h ird Line Oakville. Responsible, friendly individual required to provide care for 8 and 10year old. Monday - Friday, app rox. 4-6pm and P A . days. Mature students wel come to apply. Please call (905)847-3168_____________ B A B Y S IT T E R req u ire d in m y hom e fo r 2 c h ild re n 3:00 pm to 6 pm. M onday to F rida y. Some lig h t house c le anin g. Students w e lcom ed. B ronte area. (905)827-7031 I lost & found PA R T tim e w a it s ta ff (breakfast and lunch) for ca sual Italian restaurant. (905)469-4566 or (416)-231-1733 FO UN D: bik e . W a lk e rs / L a ke shore area. C a ll to identify. 639-0467__________ FO UN D: black cat with small amount of white, Thorpe/M a p le area. W e call Glenn. CaH 637-7325 FO U N D : m ale bla c k cat with small amount of white. Plains R d./W aterdow n Rd. area. W e ca ll Evan. C all 637-7325__________________ FO U N D : m edium size S hepherd/H usky, G uelph/ Hwy 5. We call Macey. Call 637-7325_________________ FOUND: orange male tab by, s h o rt ha ir, app rox 5 years old. Guelph Line/Glenwood School Dr. 639*287 FOUND: W hite, orange & black cat. Prospect/Guelph Line area. We call Peaches. C al 637-7325_____________ FO UN D: Fem ale black & orange cat, Burloak/Hamton Heath area. We call Maureen. 637-7325____________ FO U N D : Fem ale tabby Guelph Line/Lakeshore area. We call Jan. C al 637-7325 coming events N A N N Y - Live-in required im m e d ia te ly fo r 3-1/2 yr. old. F le xib le sched ule. O a k v ille area. C all 905467-7421__________________ LEGAL, loving, trustworthy, flexible, energetic, nanny/ housekeeper wanted for 2 school-aged children and 3 year old. 829-1635_________ LIV E -IN N annie s/H ousekeep ers, in P h ilip p in e s seeking employment in On tario. M in.wage, no fee to e m plo yers. C all O .E A (4 16)699-6931 MOTHER'S Helper: mature experienced assistant re quired to help m other with children and home care re sponsibilities. Full time wee kends. Non-smoking wom an. driver's licence preferred. 469-1340 ^ m other's helpers/nannies CLUBLINK Hiring enthusiastic peo ple to till lull & parttime food & beverage service positions at: Giaystorie GoH Club Allstate Insurance Please see us at The Job Fair on Sept. 28th Booth #147 Make your future the best that it can be! We invite you to explore the opportuni ties that exist with our good neighbours insurance company. Rattlesnake Goft Club Glen Abbey Golf Club Heron Point GoltLinks Blue Springs Golf Club HUMPHREYS, Gordon W illiam - Suddenly in Oakville on Friday, September 22, 2000 at the age of 46. Gord w ill be missed and remembered by his family and many triends May he lind peace. Predeceased by his father, William Humphreys Survived by his mother and her husband. Audrey and Bill Young of Burlington, his two daughters Susan and Karlie Humphreys and their mother Brenda ol Oakville, lour siblings; Moya Norman of St. Thomas, Lesley Berry of Edmonton, Cheryl Vargis and her husband Stetanos of C orfu and D ouglas Humphreys and his wile Holly ot Grimsby. Gord w ill also be remembered by a long list of his uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at Ward Funeral Home. 109 Reynolds St., Oakville on Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p m. A Funeral Service will be held in the chapel on Wednesday. September 27, at 1 p.m. with burial to follow at Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery, Oakville. Reception. In memory ol Gord, donations to a charity ot your choice would be appreciated by the family. Funeral D irector O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral D irectors · Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville ·John Murphy · Patrick McDermott See us a t the Job Fair, Sept. 28, Booth: 171 FULL & PART-TIME COUNTER HELP & CASHIERS Adp Iv in person to: 2410 Lakeshore Rd. BRONTE or 699 Guelph Li., BURLINGTON P A R T -T IM E K itc h e n and D ining room s ta ff needed. F le x ib le h ou rs and Good w a ges. C a ll N a n cy/ or B o gdan, O liv e rs R e s ta u rant, 905-845-9391 (Downtown Oakville)______________ PART-TIME weekend posi tio n , Sat. & Sun. e x p e ri enced in food industry. Ma ture students welcome. Call (9 0 5 )8 2 5 -5 9 4 2 betw een 8am -5pm . (9 0 5 )6 8 9 -6 2 7 6 eve. o r fax resum e: (905) 690-2175__________________ W AIT Staff & C ook, fu ll & part-tim e. E xperience pre ferred. C all 6 3 4 -8 8 1 3 or apply in person Sotiris Shishkebob House, 437 Plains Rd. E, Burlington_______________ KITCHEN help/ dishwasher and a p p re n tic e cook required part-tim e/full-tim e, for restaurant. (9 05)8457396 b etw e en 2pm -5pm , leave message._____________ COOK, part-time, minimum 1 y e a r e xp e rie n c e . A pply with resume to Dave/John, C o ro n a tio n S port Bar & Grill, 380 Brant St., Burling ton________________________ F U L L -T IM E D ays- F rie r C o ok and a N ight S u p e r v is o r required. A pply Q.B. S ports E a tery, 4460 F airv ie w (A p p le b y Ln ), c a ll905-637-9797______________ D IS H W A S H E R , p a rt-tim e evenings. Students welcome. Apply in person First Choice Kitchen, 2405 Fairview. Bur lington. LOVING, Energetic Nanny required fo r our 2&7 year olds in our happy, relaxed hom e. F le x ib le hours. Lake shore/ Appleby area. Live in or o u t (905)631-7884 N A N N -Y M atu re English s p e a k in g no n -sm o ke r re qu ire d im m e d ia te ly fo r O a k v ille c o up le w ith 2 c h ild re n . Some lig h t h o u sekeeping. E xc e lle n t re fe re n c e s required . Please call after 6pm. 905825-9785 or fax 905-8158560______________________ NANNY required Oakville, le g al on ly , m inim um wage. 8am-6pm plus some even ings. weekends and ov e r nights. Non-sm oker, local references. 469-6087_______ M ATU R E fem a le nons m o k e r req u ire d to cook dinner, with some cleaning/ ironing for two boys, 11&9. 3-7pm , M on-Thurs. $10.$127hr. (905)842-3464 LO VING hom em aker fo r busy household. C ooking, laundry, driving, childcare. Good drivina record, refer ences. Mon-Fri., afternoons & som e m orn ings. Lake shore/ A ppleby. 905681-6796__________________ ENERGETIC, caregiver re quired for our four children, tw o sc h o o l aged, in our ce n tra l B u rlin g to n hom e. E xp e rie n ce d , ECE, nonsm oker preferred. Drivers lic e n s e an a sse t. Phone 634-4463. I medical, dental RPIU'S For Maternity Relief & Permanent P/T Vistam ere R etirem ent © 905-847-1413 or fax 847-1765 M EDICAL S ecretary, fu ll time. fo r specialist. P rofi ciency in Word/Excel, dictatyping, OHIP billing essen tial. Fast paced environment. Flexible to meet varied work load. Some evening hours. Resume/ references/salary requirements: Box 6300, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers, O akville, L6K 3S4 or fax (905)-815-8911.____________ M ATERNITY L ea ve- O ak ville practice requires Hygien ist for maternity leave com m encing O cto b e r 30th to May 1st. C andidates must possess strong perio back ground and in te rp e rs o n a l skills. Submit your resume to Dr. V ito G allu cci. 250 Wyecroft Rd., Suite 8, Oakvite L6K 3T7_______________ DENTAL A s s is ta n t- fo r specialists office. 30-32hrs/ week. Seeking an e xce p tional team member. If you are enthusiastic, caring and dependable we have an excellent position fo r you. All enquiries kept confiden tial. Fax resum e (905)019*428__________________ DENTAL Office: two posi tions. Busy office requires a part time H ygenist for m a ternity leave and a perm a nent part tim e A ssista n t. Send resume to: Dr. Medand, 500 Laurier Ave. #18, Milton. ON L9T4R3________ M EDICAL S e cre ta ry re quired 3 days/wk fo r busy fem ale p h ysician 's office , solo practice. F riendly a t mosphere. good remunera tion. Resumes to: 172 Plains Rd.E., Burlington, ON L7T 2C3_______________________ DENTAL O ffice F loater. Oakville. Approx. 15 hrs/wk, Mon.- Thurs. D A. or dental reception e xpe rience relured. Fax (905)827-8651 HYGENIST wanted for busy Oakville office. Saturdays unly (full day). Fax resume 0 905-842-0128. Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens... for as little as $2, $5 & $10 Don't miss our "Fall Clearance" plant sale September 30th and October 1st at Sheridan N urseries Georgetow n ACCESS MONEY No credit investigation. Private Financial Assistance. R equired to be approved; R.R.S.P., L.I.R.A., L.I.F., or a Pension Fund from an ex employer of 10K Call Now Toll Free 1-888-6571062, Toll Free Fax 1-888-7031492 Analyzed by our consultants and referred for rapid financial execution. YES. W e can help! All types of b usiness fin a n c in g- equ ip m e n t, re c e iv a bles. P.O's, Real Estate... 20K -2 0 m illio n. C all C ar men 905-632-3793 a 2 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 PARKES, T.C. (Chuck) - (75 years, B/A Gull Canada employee 1951-1984 started Toronto Branch, Veteran ol World War II. Served in Europe with the C.R.E.M.E. (Engineers) with 5th Division. Member ol Bronte Legion Branch #486 Wheels to Meals lor Kerr Street Seniors and YMCA 14 years) On Monday, September 25, 2000 at Oakville-Tralalgar Memorial Hospital. Chuck, loving husband ol Jean of 47 years and father of Palmer, Michael and Lynn, Dear grandfather of Christa, P.Q. and Laura. Remem-bered by sisters Anne. Margaret and brothers Joe and Fred. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville trom 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral service in the chapel 1pm Thursday. Those who wish, may make memorial contributions to the Oakville Branch ol the Canadian Cancer Society Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's yo u r business If you w ant to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 T ender T ender Location only! H a lto n H o u s in g A u th o rity Oakville Corporate Centre Suite 405, 700 Dorval Dr. Oakville, ON L6K 3V3 Admin: (905) 849-8383 CU STO M c a binets, F ire p lace m antels 905-2570861______________________ 20% D is c o u n t- End of Season S p e cia l. DECKM A N s P rofessio nal S erv ice. All decks stripped and re fin is h e d to new. C edar Specialist! Free Estimates. L im ite d B o oking s. Call Now. (905)632-1074 M O N EY P roblem s? G a r n is h e e s ? Too m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6 3 1 0600 R E LO C AT O R S: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in clu d e s 2 p ro fe s s io n a l movers, truck and insurance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733.__________________ PRO M overs. S h o rt/lo n g distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs ., 7 -d a y s /w k . Hom e/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700. 1-888-2775777 For O R O TH E R G LE N S ch ool, a private M ontessori School lo ca te d in N o rth O akville, requires a part-time French te a c h e r to te a c h c h ild re n aged 3 1/2 to 6 years old. P lease fax resum es to: Claire at 905-338-9599 FAST U service, Pre-Q ualification of C ontractors fo r Day-To-Day Maintenance ("AS AND WHEN REQUESTED") in various Halton Com m unities. Aluminum Combination Doors Appliance Repair Asphalt Shingle Rooting & Eavestrough Repair Built-up Roofing Asphalt Repairs ( Driveways/Parking Lots) Electrical Bathtub Reglazing Glazing Plastering, Drywall & Ceramic Tiling Intercom System General Contracting Janitorial Work Hardwood Floors & Stairs Lock Repairs Plumbing Repairs Masonry/Concrete Repairs & Restoration. Painting: Move-out Tile Floors Rubbish Removal Sewers, Drains & Watermains All Contractors that are accepted will be subject to a firm profile along with a performance and credit check. All Contractors, when added to the Pre-Qualification list will be required to respond within 48 hours to requests from Halton Housing Authority and/or Oakville Senior Citizens Residence. This contract w ill be for 12 months, January 1, 2001, and terminate December 3 1 ,2 0 0 1 . Details and Specifications along with the necessary submission forms, may be obtained from the Halton Housing Authority office, Suite 405, 700 Dorval Drive, Oakville, Ontario L6K 3V3, Telephone: (905) 849-8383 ext. 226 or 223. Submissions must be received no later than October 19, 2000 at 11:00 a.m . local tim e. CUSTOM -M ADE valances, d ra p e rie s , shee rs, bed/ ta b le / c h a ir co-o rd in a te s , fabrics. Sherry- 634-6706, morganinteriors © home com M ATU R E liv e -in gen e ra l h o u sekeeper required im m ediately. 3 school aged children. Glen Abbey area. References. 847-5865 H O U S EK EEP ER req u ire d for downtown Oakville home. CaH 905-845-9453 TAI CHI - Beginners class es start. Monday October 2 M onday and W ednesday evenings or Monday & Fri day M orn in g s at M unn's U nited Church. C all (905) 878-6767 FAX your classified ads. If you c a n 't afford to be tied up on the phone, save tim e. U se the B urlington P o st/O a kville B eaver fa x line. Indica te ad size, cla ssifica tio n and the days and n e w sp a p e rs you w o uld like it to run in. W e w ill ta ke it from there! If you have any q u e stions abo ut fa xin g y o u r ads, call us at 63 2 -4 4 4 0 today! PROFESSIONAL cleaning lady w ill clean y o u r hom e Spic'n Span. Special rates for seniors. (905)645-4892; (905)633-7464 RECENTLY retired Specia E d ucation Language Arts Teacher w ill tutor ·hard-toreach' students. Resources provided (905)845-9494 MATH/SCIENCE- personal c o a c h in g w ith hom ew ork after school and weekends. Call Jane at (905)842-9577 V f/|1 daycare available W E N D Y 'S (Restaurants) Working @ Wendy's is exciting, fast-paced and rewarding. We offer excl training programs, career ad vancement & opp. to excel. We'd Like to talk to you further about be ing a part of ourteam We'll be at the Halton Job & Career Fair Sept, 28th 9:30am-7:30pm Burlington Convention Ctr Booth #115 i D OME Banquet Halls Hirng Part-time Weekend: Wait ita ff- Must be 18 years+; Irtchen Help; B a rtenders·xperienced. A pply: 1173 lorth Service Rd.E., Oakille , Tel: (9 0 5 )8 4 2 -8 7 7 0 =ax: 905-842-8772_________ lANDWICH Shop in Oakilie Place requires daytime lelp Mon-Fri. C all Janice rom 9am-3pm (905)-8421701 ____________ WSHOPand Firkin Pub lookg for experienced Kitchen lelp. Busser, Dishwasher, jpply with resume attention (odd: 1220 Brant, Burlington 24H R . p riva te n u rs in g in yo u r hom e. B u rlin g to n / O a k v ille area. RN 's & R P N 's. C a ll S usan 905632-7358__________________ W AN TED liv e -in co m p a n ion care, Bronte area, start ing Janu ary, experienced, refe re n ce s, n o n -s m o k e r, legal only. (905)849-6520 M OTHER of 2 - w ith 14 years ex p e rie n c e to p ro vide daycare Call (905) 2575422-weekdays Weekends (905)257-6196_____________ S P R IN G B A N K C h ild Homecare Services Inc. Li censed providers available for children in their regular ly monitored homes. Areas available. Oakville- St. Au gustine,Speers Rd., Trafal gar & Glenashton Dr., Ford Dr. & Kingswav. BurtingtonA p pleb y & M ainw ay. All ages. Sharon 825-3433 ext 1 A B C 's & 123 s in R iver Oaks. Loving care for your 1+ y e a r old. R e ferences Jennifer. (905)842-0636 EXPERIENCED provider and mother has spaces available Excellent references. Headon F orest area (B u rlin g to n ). (905)335-5980 ____________ C H IL D C A R E ava ila b le F ro n te n a c S ch ool area. Mom p ro v id e s lunch, s nacks, fenced yard and fun activities. 634-2591 C H ILDCARE available im mediately in my home for 3 full-tim e . Appleby M all lo cation off Pinedale. (905) 333-8519 Halton Job & Career Fair Thursday, Septem ber 28th, 2 9:30amtc^Phpm Burim gton ConventionCentre 1120 Burioak Dr (e»QM |BuHffitpon Ue Q EWtoButodrtkexiCtdteButodtD r. C o n ve n tio nC e n treis situ a te ddffaji F R E EADMISIONT O L O T SO FFRE PARKIN GB R ottghts. MAY the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, lo ved and p re served through-out the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. Saint Jude, w orker of m iracles, pray fo r us. S a int Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray fo r us. Am en. Say th is prayer nine times a day, by the ninth day your prayer will be answered. Publication must be promised. BS I personals SLIP & F all. Anyone w ith any information regarding an accident involving a woman on June 12, 2000 inside the A&P located at 168 Plains Rd.W., Burlington is asked to contact Chris Argiropoulos at (905)523-1333 FAX: 632-8165 BarlncpnP o s t, O a kvilleB e a v e r, M ilto n(tam pion, flosogaw eyaN e w s ,F lo m b o ro u g hP o s t ondmstes HdtonSeadco m , bufagtonptfcam , odcJeHeanr co mandmdtondarponra m

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