Oakville Beaver, 13 Sep 2000, C4_C5

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C4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday September 13, 2000 Wednesday September 13, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C5 PerSPM e T he B u s in e s s A d v is o r y 'There Is Providing S olutions To B usiness P roblem s A nd Ideas For Sales Growth To Sm all A n d Home-Based B usiness Since 1983 WE W rILL ADVISE YOU ON ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR BUSINESS and · become a member of your · design and implement computerized Advisory Team reporting systems to effectively · prepare your business monitor your Company's and marketing plans operatmg results provide you with effecUve *obtain financin9 for your operations personal and corporate · incorporate new companies income tan planning · provide professional, personal · install and/or back up financial planning at no cost to you ( P % R i A r rBBW . £> - 1 J K ' 4 · -> M · WE TAKE YOUR BUSINESS SERIOUSLY Oakville Chamber of Commerce 170 Country Squire Lane Oakville, ON L6J 4Z3 Tel: (905) 845-6613 Fax: (905) 845-6475 I r* r» To learn about becoming a "M oney Back Guarantee" member, call Lorraine 8 4 5 -6 6 1 3 (ext. 22) I.T. Xchange, specializes in the distribution of surplus, discontinued and refurbished computer products. Our focus on name brand products including IBM, Compaq, HP and Toshiba allows us to service a large customer base of wholesalers, value-added retailers and corporate end users. With more than 100 years of Personal Computer industry experience, I.T. Xchange can offer unique insight into the m anagement o f your Information Technology assets. Contact us today for more information on our comprehensive offering of products and services. LT. XCHANGE 2880 Brighton Road, Unit 1, Oakville Ontario L6H 5S3 Tel: (905) 829-5333, Fax: (905) 829-8903 w w w .it x c h a n g e .c o m · graphic design · web & multi-media · strategic planning · public relations · media buying 145 Lakeshore Rd. Suite 200A Phone 905.338.7030 Fax 905.338.7225 www.perspective.ca Website: www.oakvillechamber.com E-mail: info@oakvillechamber.com "6ot AOroop We've Got The forty" I W g The Wellness Counselling Group 603 A rgus Road, Suite 107 O akville, O N, L6J 6G6 INCOMING PRESIDENT'S R EP ORT *n l^e ^ a y news' e,ter- * mentioned the Chamber's support for the 1 :V amalgamation of the eastern part of Flamborough with Halton. H H H S i B l a M H I n i This possibility had come about as a result of the Province's legislation to create the new City of Hamilton. After several months of additional studies, it was announced on July 14th by Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Clement that Flamborough must remain in the new Hamilton supercity. This decision is disappointing given the support for amalgamation with Halton by the population of the Flamborough, municipal governm ents and the business community through the Burlington and Flamborough Chambers o f Commerce as well as our own. Speaking of municipal restructuring, the Provincial Government has confirmed that it plans to move ahead with consideration of restructuring in the 905 area after this November's municipal elections. Earlier this year, I wrote, as Chamber President, to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing asking him for the principles and specific criteria that the Province would use in reaching decisions on restructuring of municipal and regional government in Halton and other 905 areas. Interestingly, the Minister's reply focused on the importance of finding local solutions but did not provide the requested principles and criteria. However, I understand that these are now being prepared by the Province and will be available to assist in the process. With regard to finding solutions locally, the Regional Chair has recently proposed a program of consultations to take place in the first quarter of 2001. The Chamber supports this approach and looks forward to being a very active participant. The Chamber's Annual General Meeting will be held on September 28th. This meeting is an excellent opportunity for you to provide direct input on the extent to which the chamber is meeting your needs as a member and on the effectiveness of the Chamber in managing its resources on your behalf. This year, we have changed the time to be somewhat later in the afternoon and separated the AGM from the President's Dinner in order to make it more convenient for Members to attend your AGM. The AGM will also mark the end of my term as your President. I would like to thank all those who provided support during the year and to extend my best wishes to Incoming President Brian Barrington and the members of the Executive and Board of Directors for the upcoming year. P 46th Annual President's Dinner and the presentation of the 4th Annual ATHENA Award Thursday, October 5, 2000 5:30 Cash Bar 6:30 Dinner and Speaker Ramada Inn 360 Oakville Place Drive Cost - $ 7 5 (including GST) Payment is required prior to the event Director: Liana Renwick-Palmerio · Anxiety, Stress, Depression ?? Child/Adolescent Behavioural Counselling · Personal Lifestyle Coaching · - Don Crossley Executive Vice President Tired of all the talk & rock on radio? SO M E R V IL L E GRAPHICS INC H SL An incoming President. ^·Only e,nnw > f W - o f Im ojar. bodeifr Voted Best Lertaurant/Bar 8 Friwdiejt Staff Free 1/2 hour Initial Consultation Qualified Psychotherapists The future for Chambers o f Commerce After having spent over 30 years in the Chamber-movement, both as a volunteer and now as a staff person, I feel that the Chambers are going to need to CHANGE in order to address the future needs of their members. It is my opinion that Chambers across Canada could be much more than they are. The fact that they are not is more an issue of lost opportunities rather than less-than-successful operations. If this were to continue long term, Chambers could run the risk of gradually sliding into irrelevance. Actions should be taken soon to secure the Chambers future and thus ensure the potential for future impact and influence.' Many Chambers see the need for CHANGE but continue to struggle with the whole subject as to "how to bring about the required CHANGE." Here at your Chamber, our Board of Directors agreed to recently spend a Friday and Saturday at an off premises location in Oakville, discussing the future of our organization and how we might hring about the required CHANGES which will assure our ongoing success. I personally am very excited about this event, ancLfelt it resulted in some new ideas coming forward for discussion. Some, of them I am sure would probably not have come forward in a typicaL Board meeting and I congratulate our Board on taking this initiative. Phone (905) 338-3873 w w w .w e lln e s s c o u n s e llin g .c o n i thought I might give you some insight on current Board activities and as to the direction, in general terms, in which your Chamber is heading in the next twelve months. The simple answer is progressive change. In making my comments, I'd like to first acknowledge the role that our current President, Bob Griesbach has undertaken over the past year. Bob has been a catalyst in identifying needs and stimulating action. But enough of the accolades, the fact is over the last year, the Board has begun a number of new processes that will serve the Chamber well into the future. Primarily, the Board has determined to take a more proactive role in Chamber affairs. As a result, an ad hoc committee of the Board undertook a review of the Chamber's governance processes. Simultaneously, the Strategic Planning Committee of the Board undertook the challenge of bringing the Chamber's existing strategic plan into the new millennium. This culminated in a Board planning session on August 18th and 19th. During this session a new Mission Statement was developed, as well as resultant goals and objectives, and tactics to achieve these goals and objectives. Recommendations are now being addressed by the Board, and will be communicated to the members and other community partners soon thereafter. I think it is fair to say that a number of changes in what we do, and how we do it will be apparent throughout the year as we move forward. I expect 2000-2001 to be a period of preserving the value in what we are and what we do well, while enhancing the opportunities of the future. We need your input. Please feel free to provide it to me or any other Board member at any time. We serve on your behalf. In the meantime, stay tuned!! M aybe it's tim e to listen to the G reat Sounds of the Hit Parade on southern Ontario's 50+ station 'fydioto'F pH eH it'e r C H W 01250 TROPHIES LIMITED "Serving Halton for over 20 years" Guest Speaker: Dr. Richard Heinzl, Founder of the Canadian Chapter of Doctors Without Borders Bedrow Prntng High Resolution Typesetting 775 Pacific Rd., Unit 26 ^ 9 0 5 .8 4 4 .1 0 1 8 Join us in thanking Bob Griesbach our outgoing President and welcoming Brian Barrington as our Incoming President. Be the first to Congratulate this Year's A T H E N A Award Recipient for Excellent Leadership in the Oakville Business Com m unity C > CORPORATE AWARDS c £ > ACADEMIC AWARDS O SPORTS AWARDS ^ PLAOUES & MEDALLIONS «=£> SUBLIMATED PRINTING ON PLAOUES & NAME BADGES O ENGRAVING ON GLASS STEINS & MUGS 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -1 9 5 6 High Quality Large Format Digital Printing* M for All Your Needs: · Posters & Banners ·Trade Show Graphics · Floor Graphics ·Vehicle Graphics '1 4 4 0 D P I lor photographic clarity f t j B S E l Reports Monuols Stationery Flyers Booklets New sletters Carbonless Forms Full Colour Posters Desktop Publishing Q Colour Copies Lam inations Drilling Folding Cutting Stapling foliating Cerlox Binding Shrink W rapping th e a r t of health P i l a t e s · S p in n in g · Y o g a · T a e -S o x FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY 2 2 0 W ye croft Unit 1 0 0 O akville , O n ta rio L 6K 3 V 1 For further info call Call Karen at 845*6613 ext. 23 for tickets. Tel: 8 4 2 - 4 6 6 4 Fax: 8 4 2 -1 1 8 1 Email: fe rg u so n @ v isio n o l.n e t 9 0 5 #3 3 7 * 1 1 2 8 2 8 2 Church St. C orporate & Commercial APCI Communications Inc. Intelligent Homes Canada Inc Data Cable Installations, The Reliable Connection ----------------- Copper and Fibre------------------Home Automation Solutions October 2000 46th Annual President's Dinner aid the presentation of the 4th Annua! ATHENA Avwrd "Small Business Week' Events ("Sm aB BusinessW eek" istrejriered tradem ark of tie Business Developm ei Bank of Conodo) Mayor's Sm oS Business W eek Kkk-off Breakfast Tune: 5:30 p.m . - tnsh bar, 6:3) p.m . - Darner &Speaker Location: Ramada Inn (360 Oakville Place O r.) GUESTSPEAKER: O r. Bchord Head, founder of the Canoion Chapter of M edecins Sans Frontieres/Dodors W Bhout Borders C ost: $75 (indusivB). RSVP to Karen No later than Septem ber 29th C o u n t r y B ro n te C reek CHARM * 7 "A cozy stay at a comfortable price" You'll appreciate the extras ... 71 rooms 3 whirlpool suites Free continental "plus" breakfast, weekday newspaper, in-room coffee, local telephone calls & free parking Upcoming Events Classic Car Show Septem ber 16th British Car Show Septem ber 17th M argaret E. DeSantis 7 90 Redwood Square #8 Oakville, Ont. L6L 6N3 www.apci.on.ca Tel: (9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 - 0 0 1 0 Victorian Thanksgiving O ctober 9th G r o u p In c T h e O a k v ille C h a m b e r o f C o m m erce is also h o m e to th e O a k v ille V isito r In fo rm a tio n C en tre. If you are e x p ectin g o u t-o f-to w n guests or p la n n in g yo u r next trip, please stop by and p ic k up in fo rm atio n W e have in fo rm atio n on O a k v ille , H a lto n , O n ta rio and C a n a d a all m aps an d brochures are co m p lim e n ta ry ! For m o re in fo rm a tio n , please call C ost: $25 per person, seating is lim ited Q.E.W. & W inston C h u rch ill Blvd. 2930 S outh S h erid an W ay O akville, O n ta rio L 6J 7 J8 Harvest Home Festival O ctober 15th 829-8020 . Halloween Capers October 21 st, 22nd, 28th, & 29th R &c D A d v is o r y S ervices Fax: (905) 847-9667 E-mail: mdesanti@apci.on.ca TELUS Integrated Communications 2700 Matheson Blvd., 5th Floor Mississauga Reservations: 800-456-4000 wvrn.countninns.com Time: 7:30 tun. Location: Ramada Inn - Great Hall Speoker: Joseph Sherren, President of Ethos Enterprises Topic 'Ethics - Howour value system s and thinking, styles affect the choices w e make' Tone: 9:15 o.m . - Noon Location: ftom ada Inn- Great Hat Details: This session w ill develop diagnostic, com m unication ond adaptation skis to assist in m aintaining long term relationships w ith your diem s. Speaker: Joseph Sherren, President of Ethos Enterprises Tim e: 1:15 p.m . - 4 pm Location: ftom ada Inn - Great Hall Detods: team the strengths ond weaknesses of your leadership style and howtirt style can im pact on associates suppfiers and diet*. Speaker Joseph Sherren, President of Ethos Enterprises. Tim e: 9 a.m . - Noon Location: Holiday Inn Express (Bronte Rd/QEW) Topic 'E-vmgelizing your Product on Your webSite'Lean tie do's &don'ftfer erectingo su ccessful wb site&m ore Tree: 1 ·4 pjn. Location: Holiday Inn Express (Bronte Rd/QEW) T op ic: 'Marketing your w ebsite: E-business Products, Enhanced Sites and Hasted Applications' - functions Tim e: 7 - 9 pjn. location: Ookvle Public Library Auditorium Topics: "Organization, Com puterization, Marketing & Planning for the Smal Business' Tune: 6 p.m . - cash bar/networking 7 p.m . - inner (speaker to foSow ) Location: Otello's Banquet Hail Speaker: Susan Aglukark Topic'Unsung Hero's-A worn®fixing her p laceit tie w oritB" Tim e: 5-7:30 pjn. Location: Holton Region Auditorium C ost: No charge, but RSVP's are required as spate is lim ited plorer Drive, Unit 5 Mississauga QUALITY HOTEL & SUITES Built in a park-like setting, overlooking beautiful Bronte Creek, our hotel will provide you with comfortable accommodations and banquet facilities to suit you. R I C K K E D Z IO R Associate Broker Relocation Specialist Past President Oakville Chamber of Commerce W orkshop#1 - "Busness Developm ent" Laurie at (905) 8 4 5 -6 6 1 3 ext. 2 1 . W e a r e o p e n M o n d a y to F rid a y, 9 e u n , t o 5 p .m . y e a r ro u n d . M e tc o re In c BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Cost $25 per person, seating is lim ited From concept through finished product; in k on p a p e r is o u r specialty: stationery · form s · brochures newsletters · 4-colour process Canada's B usiness Printer 23 W orkshop #2 'Leadership' "Putting fun into Business" Wednesday, October 11, 2000 Business Women's Network Dinner Meetings Network Solution* That Help Business Com m unity M inded, Business Driven C O M M U N IC A T IO N S LIMITED We'll make you feel right at home 754 Bronte Rd. Oakville, Ont. The e-Business Roadshw -Workshop#! Hosted b y: Ontario Parks & Recreation Country Fare &Mari H. Reynolds Financial Security Planning Services Cost $45 per person, (plus G ST ). Attendthis session ond the afternoon session for $75 per person (plus G ST ). The$75 feeindudes a Igh lunch. Cost $45 per person, (plus G ST ). Attend this session aid the morning session for $75 per person (phis G ST). The $75 fee indudes a light lunch. Cost No charge, but RSVP's are Call me first fo r your Real Estate needs at 338*9000 R E A L T Y CORP. Please Note: In lieu of the monthly dinner meeting held by The Business Women's Networking Committee vve will be hosting a Gala Dinner on October 25th at Otello's Banquet Hall in celebration of Small Business Week. Our guest speaker for this event is Susan Aglukark. Tickets are limited to 300 guests at a cost of $50.00 per person and are available at the Chamber office. Raffle tickets will be available prior to the event and will be sold at the Chamber ' office and at most of the Chamber events during September and October. Some of the wonderful Raffle prizes available to be won are a La Parka by Linda Lundstrom, VIA rail tickets, tickets to Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts and many more items. The Chamber's G ST registration is #107790586 ZIPPYPRINT 1200 Speers Road. Unit 51 Oakville Tel: (905) 849-6380 Fax: (905) 849-7318 E-mail: zippyoak@bscrv.com (905) 847-6667 Thee-8usiness Roadshow -W oricshop#2 LOCATION Gairloch Gardens, 1306 Lakeshore Road East TIME 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. COST FREE to Chamber members, their employees, guests and future members A n opportunity to m ake business contacts, meet old and new friends and discuss mutual concerns. Bring your business cards and lake advantage ot a great networking event! N on-alcoholic refreshments also available. 200 N orth Service Rd. W. U nit 1, Suite 486 Oakville Authorized Two-Way Radio Dealer 1200 Speers Rd., Unit 49 Oakville Tel.: (905) 337-9700 Fax: (905) 337-9711 67 Lakeshore Road West Oakville Ontario L6K1C9 C a n a d a 's B e s t C o m m u n ity i Howto Grow& Mange Your Business Proudly Q uality B uttons , R ibbo n s , S ew ing S upplies & M ore Smal Business Week Gak Dinner Cost $50 per person. D on't Forget! Septem ber's Business After Hours Wednesday, Septem ber 13, 2000 O ntario Racquet Club 884Southdown Road, Mississauga supporting the W CHRYSLER LTD Joint Business After Hours/trade Show Cost No charge to O akville. Burlington, M ilton, H olton Hiis Cham ber Mem bers aid their em ployees. Please RSVPby O ctober 24th *>825-8839. 2000 iO i J O The Oakville Chamber is a proud sponsor o f the ATMEriA A w ard 2000. This year's ATFIEP1A Award will be presented on October 5 at the Annual President's Dinner (see above fo r details) P e n n y R eeves 140 H E R A L D A V E . O A K V IL L E fo o d & d ru g # 4 9 0 - 101 I U p p e r Middle Rd. E Oakville ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 - 4 9 11 Oakville Chamber oj Salu/tuukf/Strwat/Prir-ts/M siJCars Commerce c or over 17 years. 646-4TH LINE AT SP E E R S ROAD OAKVILLE indicates that the event is open to Oakville Chamber Members (nan-m embers are welcomed and encouraged lo attend Chamber Member events, as a guest!) 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -1 1 3 6 E M A IL : M J L E B R U N @ H O M E .C O M NOTE: PREPAYMENT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL PAID FOR EVENTS, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL EVENTS. Phone (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -6 6 1 3 to register or for more details. ** Custom Framing v * 136 D unn 845-3868 G R E E N IN G 'S www.oakvilledodge.com BUYING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE Reach 10,000 Businesses in Halton Region Y o u W ill B e A m a z e d B y O u r GREAT COMMISSION RATES! 2000 W IN N ER ALLROUND NEW SPAPER C C N A RFTTFR · best sports photo * 1 · BEST NEWSPAPER PROMOTION · BEST PHOTO ILLUSTRATION (2nd) · BEST EDITORIAL PAGE (2nd) N E W S P A P E R S · best house ad ra w n irfrn rh K i L U M rtH lIU N ^Publishing October, 2000 Contact THEChKViLLE B e a v e r at 845-3824 for details York Region · Toronto · Mississauga · Brampton · Huronia · Durham Region · Kawarthas · Halton APPRAISAL R eed BROKER HOME FREE M AR K ET VALUE An idea whose time has come. 467 SPEERS ROAD · OAKVILLE ON L6H 2G9 845-3824 FAX 337-5568 www.oakvillebeaver.com Business Times Publications · Connect With Local Business O FA M ILY R EA LT Y www.oakvillebeaver.com

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