Oakville Beaver, 19 Jul 2000, D6

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, July 19, 2000 daycare wanted CHRISTIAN woman want ed full-tim e , M on-Fri. to care for our 20mos old girl & our grade 2 girl before & after school- (Trinity Chris tian School) SE Burlington. Call 637-1989 JIM 'S Moving & Storage. Local & long distance. Flat rates available. Call Jim, (905)659-4064, G e rrie E le c tric , O n ta r io 's la r g e s t in d e p e n d e n t e le c tr ic a l d is t r ib u to r h a s a n o p e n in g f o r a m o tiv a t e d in d iv id u a l to jo in o u r g r o w in g te a m . T h is p o s itio n is in O a k v ille . INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT MANAGER Y o u w ill b e re s p o n s ib le f o r e ffe c tiv e s a le s e ffo r t o f a ll p ro d u c ts s o ld to in d u s tria l a n d O E M a c c o u n ts . E le c tric a l / te c h n ic a l s a le s e x p e r ie n c e r e q u ir e d . G o o d m o to r c o n t r o l k n o w le d g e r e q u ir e d . W e o ffe r b e n e fit p a c k a g e , b a s e p lu s c o m m is s io n re m u n e ra tio n , c a r a llo w a n c e a n d o p p o r tu n itie s fo r a d v a n c e m e n t. H ig h ly m o tiv a te d f a s t le a r n e r s w it h k n o w le d g e o f th e e le c tr ic a l d is t r ib u t io n in d u s t r y w o u ld b e id e a l. P le a s e in d ic a t e p o s it io n n a m e a n d lo c a t io n o n y o u r a p p lic a t io n . In t e r e s t e d a p p lic a n t s p le a s e fo r w a r d y o u r r e s u m e in c o n fid e n c e to : Ind ustrial Sales ~ IS EXPANDING ~ Career Opportunities for: Hair Stylists Nail Technicians Estheticians Apprentice Position Available Tired of the Mall environment? Looking for a unique work setting? Our charming shoppe is located in Bronte near the Harbour! $ $ M A N Y J O B O P P O R T U N I T I E S AT A D E C C O A V A I L A B L E N O W $$ A d e c c o O a k v ille h a s lo n g a n d s h o r t- te r m te m p o r a r y a n d p e r m a n e n t p o s itio n s a v a ila b le . T h e r e a re m a n y p o s itio n s a v a ila b le to a c c o m m o d a te a v a r ie ty o f c a r e e r p a th s . 720 drapes upholstery R E C E P T I O N I S T - G o o d c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills . M u s t k n o w W o r d 7 & E x c e l 7 . $11 -$ 1 3 /h r. - F lu e n t b o th o ra l a n d w ritte n . A n s w e r in g p h o n e s , d o in g r e p o r ts , d a ta e n tr y & b o o k k e e p in g . 2 9 K -3 4 K . FULL-TIME live-out Nanny, needed for 2 children, our home, Mon-Fri. Drivers li cense. Oakville. Call Elizabeth 844-0666._________ L REQUIRED: Loving, and patient live-out caregiver for 6 month old and after school care for 4 & 6 yr olds. 4 days/wk. some housekeeping. Brant/ Up per Middle. References. 332-6711______________ ·_ UVE-IN or live-out Filipino nanny required for 2 boys 6yrs. & 11 months. (905)639-2373___________ FILIPINO Nanny/ House keeper available............... No fee to employer... Please call Amah International. (416)-221-3303 LIVE-OUT Nanny required for 2 bright girls (7-mos & 3yrs.) 5 days/wk., Own car/ excellent driving record. Non-smoker. References. Infant CPR. ECE preferred. R iver Oaks area. 2 5 7 4646__________________ *_ CAREGIVER for girl (5) and boy (2). Light house work, Guelph Line/QEW area. Christian, loving, nonsmoker, own car. excellent driving record, references. Infant CPR, ECE preferred. Steady occasional hours, some overnights. Competi tive pay. Immediately. Call (905)336-0967 ex. 234, LIVE-IN Nannies/Housekeepers. in Philippines seeking em ploym ent in Ontario. Min.wage, no fee to employers. Call O.E.A. (416)699-6931 B IL IN G U A L R E C E P T IO N IS T CUSTOMl-MADE valances, draperies sheers, comforters, bed co-ordinates. fab rics, tab le/ chair accessories. C all Sherry, 6346706 gardening landscaping LOOKING for part-time per son 2 days/week to main tain law ns and gardens (w ith e xperience). Call Butch 905-639-4809 I services PROFESSIONAL window cleaning inside & out, also siding & eaves. Free esti m ates. C all Steven (905)547-9574 M a n a g e r, G e rrie E le c tr ic , fa x : (9 0 5 ) em ail:jobs@ gerrie.com w w w .gerrie.com 6 8 1 -1 7 7 4 or DATA EN T R Y C L E R K S W o r d 7 . $ 1 1 -$ 1 3 /h r. - M in . 6 0 0 0 k e y s tro k e s . M u s t k n o w - A c c o u n ts P a y a b le & R e c e iv a b le is a s s e t. A C C O U N T IN G C L E R K S F a m ily · A c h ie v e m e n t · I n t e g r it y · R e s p e c t W e've got great things in store for you! 8m Call Kim at 847-2885 C le r k s . M u s t k n o w E x c e l 7 a n d k n o w le d g e o f A C C P A C $ 1 2 - $ 1 4 /h r . 2 8 K -3 2 K A D M IN IST R A T IV E A S S IS T A N T S E x c e l 7 , a n d P o w e r p t 7 . $ 1 2 - $ 1 5 /h r . - M u s t k n o w W o rd 7, OPEN HOUSE I N S I D E S A L E S R E P . - M in im u m o f 2 y rs . te le p h o n e s a le s e xp . M u s t b e a g g r e s s iv e a n d m o n e y d riv e n . 4 0 K + c o m m is s io n . O a k v ille and B u rlin g to n Area Storefront and Trainers Paid train in g- e v e ry th in g y o u n e e d to d o a g r e a t jo b . Valuable experience- e v e r y th in g y o u n e e d fo r a g r e a t fu tu re . Great op po rtu nitie s- fu ll- t im e / p a r t- tim e d a y s a n d a fte r n o o n s ·benefits ·staff incentives ` staff functions ` flexible schedules ` referral programs ` interviews on location ^ S AT O N N VFMFTCF SALO VEN ERE Winner of Ontario's Salon Team of the year 2000 is expanding. We have career opportunities available for M u s t h a v e a m i n i m u m o f 6 m o n t h s e x p e r i e n c e in o ffic e e n v ir o n m e n t. In te r e s te d a p p lic a n ts m u s t fa x to t h e A D E C C O IN O A K V I L L E F a x - 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -6 4 6 8 · Tel - 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -5 1 7 3 . T h u r s d a y , J u ly 2 0 , 3 p m - 8 p m 1 2 5 C r o s s A v e , O a k v i l l e ( A c r o s s fr o m GO s ta tio n ) * { i 1 I Hairdressers with excellent customer relations that are self motivated and enjoy working in a team atmosphere for our HEW } I I T U n N o ttb iA . An employer you can count on JUBILEE Fruit Market re quires Perm anent Staff. Customer Service or Pro duce experience a plus but will provide on the job train ing. $9-$10/hr. Please apply in person: w/resume to Don or Katherine, 104 Allen St., comer of Allen & Lakeshore. Oakville. TELLERS, Full & part-time, Oakville. Burlington, Milton. No experience required training provided. Excellent w ritten & verbal English skills. Varied shifts including w eekends. Forward resume: Money Mart. 198 Speers Rd., Oakville, L6K 2E8_____________________ WEEDMAN requires Lawn Care Technicians for sea sonal lawn care Plus winter employment available, (ask for details). Full training provided. Drivers abstract req'd. Apply in person: Unit 5 2400 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville PARTS D river required. Experience preferred. Clean driving record, com petitive wage and benefit pkg. (No phone calls) Fax attention: Jamie Willson, 905-827-1564, or em ail: oakviHenissanQon.aton. com STOCK Keeper/ ReceiverMicrosoft Office skills, pro fessional, honest, reliable, efficient, good phone man ners, F/T, benefits $10 to $14 to start. Driver's license required. Class DZ license preferred. Send resume to: resume 9 cancable, com, O A K V IL LE based land scape com pany requires two experienced co nst ruction and maintenance landscape labourers im m ediately. Please call (905)825-5642 for an ap pointment or fax resume: (905)825-0472___________ GAS Bar Attendants need ed- evenings/ weekends. Must have own vehicle. Apply with resume: Esso, co rne r of Bronte Rd/ Speers. Oakville.__________ OAKVILLE Moving Com pany requires full-time ex perienced d river and movers. $10-$14/hr. Call (9 05 )2 5 7-6 6 8 3, or Fax: (905)847-6690___________ FU LL-TIM E-------- Mature. experienced Wait Staff re quired. Apply in person 380 Plains Road East, Al dershot. WORK from home interna tional company seeking full & part-time ambitious peo ple. Up to $700/wk possible. Call 416-631-7144 LOOKING for work? Out of work & school? We can helpl Call YMCA (905)6811140____________________ PRO-SHOP help wanted for golf course in O akville. 827-7750 ask for Jason I telemarketers PERMANENT evenings. Burlington call centre. No cold calling. No selling. Setting appointm ents for our representatives. Full training provided. Call Mrs. Kane 333-8180 M illcroft Shopping Centre location XXx x Xx Excellent wages plus commission,continued education provided for & paid for by salon. Excellent growth opportunity SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE tor luxury highrise condom inium . Duties include: cleaning, maintenance, repairs and general super vision. Weekend work and medical exam required. A competitive salary and apartment included. Couples with Condo experience preferred. Fax resume em ployment history & references to: W ils o n , B la n c h a r d M a n a g e m e n t In c . 9 0 5 - 3 3 3 -5 8 1 1 A tte n tio n : C .M . i i ? RECEPTIONIST/ Secretary needed in the QEW/ Win ston Churchill area. Full time position with invest ment counsel firm requiring excellent telephone and computer skills. Hours 84pm. Fax resum es to: (905)855-2355___________ PART-TIME Bookkeeper wanted for prestigious fine art gallery in Mississauga. Must be computer literate and familiar with MS Word, Excel and ` Quickbooks". Fax resume to: (905)8225578. a> sales help * 1 & agents PIANO- private lessons. Q ualifie d , experienced teacher. Beginners to ARCM. A dults welcome. 844-6937 I daycare available GLEN Abbey. Grandma and Mom team. Fulltim e spaces available. Nutritious meals, outdoor play, crafts, lots of toys & TLC. R eferences a vailable. (905)825-1811___________ PRIVATE home childcare; esta b lish ed 17-years. Qualified expert care. We love children. Full days, af ter hours, evenings, night tim e care, overnights & weekends available. 6328575, 632-5735___________ SHARED childcare your child in our home with our nanny. Maplegrove Rd. & Lakeshore area. 844-7722 ECE Mom has spaces available in quality home daycare. Bronte. 18 months & up. 469-0671. I daycare wanted BABYSITTER needed for 11,7, 6-yr. olds. Changing schedule. In my North Bur lington home. References. 336-8361________________ BEFORE/ after school care required, two girls ages 4 & 7 beginning August 8th, my home. Alternating schedule (2wks before school) & (2wks after school). Own tra n s p o rta tio n / drivers license required. West Oak Trail/ 4th Line (905)4696088.____________________ WATERDOW N AR EA- 3 days per week for 3yr. old. Light housekeeping, nonsmoker with experience. 905-631-2617 / f i i - AWARD WINNING SALON Come groww ithus I We look forward to hearing from you Sales Representative M e trolan d N ew spaper in M ilto n is see kin g a Sales R epresentative w ho is highly m otivated and can achieve results in an aggressive sales atm osphere. Be part o f an award winning team w ith an a ttrac tiv e com pensa tion pa ckage in clu d in g salary, com m ission and car allowance. Ph: 905-847-1222 Fx: 905-761-1423 f t i QUEBEC NANNIES Caring & competent live-in Nannies year round. Thoroughly & personally interviewed. G in i C a rin g H e lp e rs Sears ESTIMATORS/ CLOSERS Your responsibilities include: · Servicing and growing existing accounts. WEEKEND WORKERS A llia n c e L a b e lin g in O a k v ille is s e e k in g p e o p le t o jo in o u r w e e k e n d c r e w s . E a c h c r e w w o r k s a 1 2 - h o u r s h if t o n S a t u r d a y a n d S u n d a y . A n o p p o r t u n it y f o r th o s e w a n tin g to s u p p le m e n t t h e ir p r e s e n t in c o m e . A p p ly w ith in b e tw e e n 9 a .m . - 5 p .m . ^jjsATLRN SATUW (£ )is u z u fc O F O A K V IL L E Buddy COVW r Required Immediately CLASS "A" LICENSED TECHNICIAN Top wages Sr benefits paid to top quality people. $3,000 to $4,000/mo easily obtainable. Qualified leads provided. Car a must Full Training provided Burl/ Oak/ Milton · Prospecting fa and acquiring new accounts. · Preparing formal, written and visual presentations. · Post secondaiy school diploma a 2 years experience in marketing. · A keen desire to succeed and advance. · The ability to manage several products concurrently. · Good communication, aganization and team skills. Please forw ard resume by July 31 to Since 1989 (4 1 6 ) 8 1 2 -9 2 9 0 Call Mr. James 905-681-8103 SALESPERSON- Mature person for full-tim e sales position. Previous textile/ retail experience preferred. Drop off resume to Drapery World 2870 Hampshire Gate, Oakville (Winston Churchill & Dundas, beside Home Depot). No Phone Calls Please._____________ ADVERTISING Sales for leading direct mail compa ny to work with existing cli ents and prospect for new. Car required. Base plus commission. Call 1-800307-3444 hospital, medical, dental 201 Speers Rd, Oakville or fax your resume to: (905)337-1204 THE BURLINGTON POST is presently looking for dependable youths to deliver our paper and flyers in Aldershot King Rd. (townhouses) Eagle Dr. Raven Ave. Kingsway Dr. Northshore Blvd W (81-134) Lee Court Boothman Ave. Call Bob Fowler, Circulation: 632-0588 ext. 264 Contact Graham Phillips Budds' Saturn Saab Isuzu of Oakville 507 Speers Road · OAKVILLE Tel: (905)845-1610 C ljt Canadian C am pion A ttention: Bill Begin, General Manager 191 Main St. E. M ilton, ON L9T 4N9 ACQUIRE Cash $$$$$ Take advantage of you In vestm ents. R.R.S.P, L.I.R.A., L.I.F., or A Pension Fund from an ex-employer of 10k required to be approved. Free Consul tation. ` Private Financial Assistance. 24 hrs. Call Toll Free 1-888-800-0085 Fax 1-877-754-5251. Attention: Owner OperatorsBulk Division Successful, company looking for operators with your own trailers. W e offer: · 83%of Gross Revue · Bi-monthly account settlements · Steady yearround work · Local Call Gus or Dan at 1-888-836-2653 535 hospital, medical, dental 535 hospital, medical, dental MONEY Problems? Gar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 join a'WinningTeam TV* INVID IA TA TEAM Office Clerk/ Receptionist Join us in caring for people of all ages, from infants to the elderly and learn from a wide variety of clinical experiences within an autonomous, yet supportive, team environment. Having a SEN can also provide stability & job security within a unionized environmentJONA and PNF0). Expansion in all Regions has created openings for the following: For local construction company in Downtown Oakville. Some construction experience would be an asset. Knowledge of MS and Excel is essential. DRIVERS ~ CLASS AZ Dry bulk experience preferred. Must have current ab stract and medical to run U.S., excellent wages and benefits. Apply in person, no phone calls please. sO hh / / R egistered N urses - & R egistered P ractical N urses Full time evenings- Regular / Part time days and evenings As a member of our d ynam ic team, you w ill be w o rk in g w ith a q u a lity organization that is thriving, expanding and highly innovative. You w ill be provided with a comprehensive mentorship/ skills development program with access to scholarship funding as well as a with access to Employee Assistance and Staff Recognition Programs. Hours 8:30 to 5:00, Monday to Friday Please fax resume no later than August 7 , 2000 to Beverly a t ( 9 0 5 )3 3 8 - 0 6 5 6 G RANT/ -- f 1aiucuj[e^L T 0 SHIPPER/ RECEIVER Oakville plastics distributor has an immed. requirement for a self-starting individu al. Some experience with shipping receiving beneficial as well as data entry skills and customer service know how. Resumes to: 2538 Speers Rd., Unit 7, Oakville, or Fax: (905) 825-2919 HAVE A FLAIR FOR DECORATING? M ature person required fo r 2111 Lakeshore Road West M ISS IS S A U G A , Ontario To learn more about these exciting opportunities, please fonuard your resume to: SEN, C om m unity Health Care Attn: Karen Prine, Cathedral Square 698 King Street, West, Ham ilton, ON L8P 1C7 Fx: 905-522-6918, Ph: 905-522-6887 or 1-800-463-6612 V isit our w ebsite at www .kprine@ sen.on.ca SEN has an 80 year history ol taftit-based coring and Is a member el S t Joseph's Health Care System. using tor ad SB I regions- Hamilton Wentworth, Hatton & Magara Reglonl MEDICAL Secretary, full time, for specialist. Start September. Proficiency in Word/ Excel, dictatyping, OHIP billing essential. Fast paced environm ent. Flexible to meet varied workload. Some evening hours. Resume/ references/ salary requirements: Box 6288, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers, Oakville, L6K 3S4_____________________ DENTAL A ssistant- for specialists office. 30-32hrs/ week. Seeking an excep tional team member. If you are enthusiastic, caring and dependable we have an excellent position for you. All enquiries kept confiden tial. Fax resume (905)849-8428________________ DENTAL Office seeking Hy giene Treatm ent C oord inator. Part-time leading to full-tim e , must have a dynamic outgoing person ality and great organizat ional skills. Experience an asset but not necessary. Fax resume to: (905)3187780____________________ Gauge S ah? FULL-TIME SALES. Flexible h ou rs. D rop o ff resum e at: SERVICE ADVISOR Immediate position available 4 day work week, 11am-10pm. Ford and Reynolds & Reynolds computer experience an asset. COVERS, 275 H ays Blvd, S.of Hwy.5/Trafalgar O akville Fax resume to Gerry Manning or John Trebble at 9 0 5 -8 4 4-4 4 7 2 Kurd LJnrtfa Previous applicants need not apply Experienced Relief Superintendent for luxury condo highrise on Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. Formal culinary training an asset but not a re q u ire m e n t. M u st be hard working, willing to learn, responsible & re liable. Wages n e g o ti able. Hours flexible. Drop off resume: 109 Lakeshore Rd.,W. Oakville ON or fax (905)845-5627. B . W h itin g a t (9 0 5 ) 5 4 7 -5 0 8 0 F&I MANAGER Required for high volume dealership. Exp. needed. Mail or fax resume to: Terrace Ford Lincoln, 900 Walker's Line, Burlington L7N 2G2 Fax: 905-632-9643 ESTHETICIAN & RMT re quired fo r new arom a therapy concept spa. Full time. Downtown Burlington. Call Cathy. (905)277-5348. FT/PT Receptionist/ Make up A rtist and A ssistants needed for Oakville Salon Please drop resume off in person to: Woman 128 Reynolds St., Oakville. ACCOUNTING CLERK PAYROLL CLERK · B o th p r e fo rm in g a w id e ra n g e o f d u tie s in a fa s t p a c e d e n v ir o n m e n t. · B o th p o s itio n s re q u ir e 2 - 5 y e a r s e x p e r ie n c e in a u to m a te d s y s te m s a n d s tr o n g P C s k ills . I n t e r e s t e d c a n d id a t e s p le a s e F a x o r E M a il y o u r r e s u m e i n c l u d i n g s a l a r y e x p e c ta tio n s to : CDI Technical Services, Ltd., A ttn : J im M c C u s k e r , F a x : (9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 3 4 2 5 , E -M a il: jim .m c c u s k e r @ c d ic o r p .c o m We thank a ll applicants, however, only successful candidates w ill be contacted. No phone calls please! lor new banquet hall in Burlington, please fax resume to (9 0 5 )3 3 2 -4 8 7 8 LEWISFOODS is seeking a Catering Supervisor w/kitchen experience and General help for a busy cafeteria service, strict days, no wee kends. Please bring resume to:2285 Speakman Dr., AECL Building, SP2 Missis sauga^___________________ WAITRESSES fu ll/ part time, some experience re quired. Dishwashers, parttime. Apply in person: The Coach & Four, 2432 Lakeshore Rd. West., Oak ville. COOK with Red S e a l$450/per week, no w eekends. Must have transportation. Apply in person: Halton Regional Centre. 1151 Bronte Rd., Cafeteria. M EXIC ALI ROSA'S requires E xperienced, mature Line Cook, Dish washer, Prep-person. Drop off resumes 1235 Fairview St., Burlington or call Manager (905)-333-1150 WAIT Staff- required for busy restaurant in Oakville. Experienced an asset. Also Hostess. Call (905)-8450729 Im__________________ JUDGE & J u ry - requires mature, experienced Line Cooks. Contact Greg in per son: 1222 Walker's Line, (at Mainway) Burlington.______ KITCHEN help/ dishwasher required part-time/full-time . for O akville restaurant. (9 05)845-7396 between 2pm-5pm, leave message. M E X IC A LLI Rosa's requires kitchen supervisor. Experience required. Contact Brian (905)3331150 TIRED of coming home to a messy house after working hard all day? Why not let me clean it for you! Call Sue (905)331-2380_______ PROFESSIONAL cleaning lady will clean your home Spic'n Span. Special rates for seniors. (905)645-4892; (905)631-1306 I personals ARE n ightclubs just not your scene? M isty River Intro d u ction s. O n ta rio 's traditional matchmaker, at (519)658-4204, (416)7776302 I lost & found FOUND: black/ white cat. Guelph Line/ Palmer area. We call "Ken". Please call 637-7325._______________ FOUND: Wooden lawn or naments. Middletown Rd. area near 4th Concession. Please call 628-0873 FOUND: white cat w/grey spot on head, Walkers/ Up per Middle. We call 'LaineV 637-7325. Herbal M agic Opening soon in Oakville F/T HEALTH CONSELLOR p o s it io n s a v a il. P rovide w eight m an agement counseling & sell herbal products in a c lin ic setting. Sales exp. preferred, excel lent opportunity for adv a n c m e n t.C a ll(9 0 5 ) 637-6019 ask for Lee. ST U D E N T S W A N TED T o w o r k in c r e w s d e liv e rin g th r o u g h o u t O a k v ille . T r a n s p o r ta tio n p r o v id e d . W o r k W ednesday, F r id a y a n d S a tu r day. G ood s ta r tin g w a g e Q U ALITY conscientious com pany (M ilton) seeks dependable person for as sembly work with good me chanical ability and experi ence with hand tools. Some heavy lifting required. Reply by fax only: (905)875-4729 FITTER, Mechanical. Ex perienced with machine m oving and installa tion . General all-round experi ence for Oakville shop and site work. Call 905-4653949 ___________________ CARPENTER- experienced and Labour Worker. Must have driver's licenses, own transportations to jobsites. Jobs mostly Oakville. Bur lington, Mississauga areas. II 845-0212_____________ L V L 1 office-clerical CHIROPRACTIC Assistant required full-time or parttime for busy O akville office. Must be hard working, energetic, mature, have good phone & clerical skills, be able to multi-task and willing to help others. Fax resume to: (905)8271922 by July 24, 2000 RECEPTIONIST- Part-timefor Real Estate office in O akville. Evenings and weekends. Experienced with good keyboarding skills & telephone manner. Reply Box 6276, c/o Oak ville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville. L6K.3S4 LEGAL Secretary experi ence preferably in family law with strong computer and English skills required. Reply Box 1771, Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview St, B urlington, Ontario L7R.2E3_________________ RECEPTION/ Order Entry for Margarine Co. Must be able to start end of August. Rate $9+$l0/hr. Located at Hwy 10 & 401. Fax resume (905) 890-1964 Real Estate Transaction Secretary This challenging position requires an individual with excellent organizational skills who enjoys a fast paced office. Experience with Gui, Lone Wolfe and Quick Office Commander an asset. 4- Fax resumes to: 905-684-1133 or mail to: Re/Max Garden City Realty Inc. 720 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4E2 Attention: Claudia Fannon Sears Indoor clean air services requires Call K rithia at (905) 844-0577 DOCTOR'S office in fit ness institute looking for mature medical secretary for afternoons. Must be flexible. Must have dicta and computer skills. Please fax resume to (905)2701727____________________ C DA/PDA- experienced with One-W rite System. People person, self starter. Super attitude. 20hrs/wk, Burlington, call 905-3335553____________________ FILING, clerical position in medical office in Oakville 30-35 hours/week. M in imum wage. Fax resumes to (905)849-6990._________ DENTAL assistant re quired approxim ate 30 Hours/ week, experience required. Fax resume to Dr. Steven Buck's office (905)842-3335.___________ DENTAL H ygienist, 3 days per week, experience required. Fax resume to Dr. Steven Buck's office (905) 842-3335. Oakville Beaver DUCT TECHNICIANS & HELPERS Experience preferred but w ill train Valid Driver's Lie Mandatory TEAM SITE CLERK SA L E S R E P S Required for high volume dealership. Retail exp. needed. Mail or tax resume to: For construction site in North Oakville. Some construcstruction experience would be an asset. You w ill be assisting the on site supervisor in a clerical position. Knowledae of MS Word and Excel. Hours 8:00-12:00. Monday To Friday DECKMAN'S Professional Service. All decks stripped an refinished to new. Cedar Specialist! Free Estimates. (905)632-1074 Call Mr. James 905-681-8103 TerraceFord Lincoln, 900 Walker's Line, Burlington L7N 2G2 Fax: 905-632-9643 ELIZABETH Interiors requires experienced sales staff and person Friday. Must be efficient, self- moti vated, able to balance many tasks. Call for interview (905)333-6670 or fax resume to (905)6816867____________________ CUSTOMER Service Rep. Full-time for Oakville indus tria l supplier. Must be commited to learning and have excellent keyboarding skills. Fax resume to: 905338-0412 . Please fax resume no later than August 7. 2000 to Beverly at (9 0 5 ) 338-0656 WINDOW cleaning. Also, eaves & siding. Free esti mates. Call Eric, 639-2354. I handyman A&D Always Cheaper Home maintenance. Pain interior/ exterior, wallpape Lawn, small repairs, etc 905-634-2925. 905-681 0283 TUnHcttbiiA. MANAGERS Excellent training & Support Programs Opportunity tor Career With Industry Leader Benefits & Bonus Honesty, carings and a workplace that feels like home. Apply RETAIL SALES Home Furnishings. High $$. Large, upscale Showroom in Mississauga Home/ Design Centre, requires Salesperson with above average track record in residential furniture sales. Fax resume to: Richway Furnishings (905)569-0153, Attn: General Manager SHORT order cook/ wait staff/ dishwasher/ for new casual Italian restaurant in Oakville. Call 416-231-1733 FULL-TIME mature relaible persons required. Day & afternoon shifts. Apply in person: O akville Place Mall, 240 Leighland Ave. Start with a Classified Ad in our Garage Sale section in Fridays Burlington Post and receive a Garage Sale Kit including signs, and information on how to run a successful Garage Sale. Call Classified Advertising 386 Iroquois Shore, Oakville ECE/ NNEB/ or equivalent. $12/hr. + up FT/ PT Devel op & implement creative & interactive a ctivitie s for children in th e ir home. CPR/ 1st Aid/ References/ Transportation. Fax re sume (905)639-7496 100% QUALITY Pro Paint ers = 100% sa tisfa ctio n guaranteed. Interior, exteri or. (905)334-2571 or (416)793-3339. m painting & decorating 632-4440 or come to our office at 2321 Fairview Street Deadline: Wednesday, 6 p.m. ·-- IN V ID IA TA - -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RN/ RPN with med's parttime- required days, even ings, weekends, for busy walk-in clinic in Oakville. Please fax resume to Kim (905)-849-7883___________ . - - - ---------- -------------------------------------- j » t - ---------------------------- :------------- CATERED FARE Unique opportunitylor someone w ho loves food&people! office-clerical office-clerical Exp. Banquet Staff required immediately CLEAN IN G Lady a v a il able with experience, and references. Please ca ll (905)338-0514___________ EUROPEAN Lady to clean your house. Refer ences available upon re quest. C all Debbie (905)845-1814,___________ Please FAX resumeto: Immediate vacancy exits for the following 2 positions: · Supervisors · Bartenders · Servers

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