Oakville Beaver, 9 Aug 2000, A3

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Wednesday, August 9, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A3 K id sN Kops big experience for little b ro th e rs By How ard M ozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Y ou can ask the organizers of Kids N Kops about the benefits of last week's mini police academy or you can go straight to the source: the "little brothers" taking part from Big Brothers of Halton. "I think it's been a great learn ing experience. I've seen a lot I've never seen before," said Alex Verdurmen. "The police have been fun, they've been great." Adds Cole Mahonui-Bruer: "It makes you want to be an offi cer. It's not just driving around the block in a car." Definitely not. The little brothers aged eight to 13 from father-absent homes, who gradu ated last Friday, experienced everything from the Halton Regional Police Bomb Disposal Unit and the Tactical Rescue Unit to Justice the K-9 officer and Forensics. They also met a crew from the Oakville Fire Department. And that was just the morn ings. In the afternoons, the boys tried their hand at everything from rock climbing to golfing and enjoyed food provided by area restaurants. "I think it's really good that all this is being donated and we can learn everything about the police," said Brandon Rea who, with brother Shane, took part. "It's a really good program." Added Big Brothers of Halton's Lee Shepherd: "The community is really embracing this." While lunch at Philthy McNasty's and sandwiches from Subway were real hits, the real purpose of the week was to heighten the boys' respect for law, the police and their commu nity. The program was consid ered so important that four Constables from the Education Services Unit - Les Fulop, Stu Flameling, Mike Michalski and Gary Gold - relinquished a week of vacation time to take part. "What we hope to do here is to get the boys to be with some role models, to meet police in non-confrontational ways," said Shepherd, for example, said that after only one day of camp a boy returned with a letter from his mother praising the initiative. "It's been a tremendous suc cess," said Shepherd, who explained that Kids N Kops is likely the only camp experience these boys will have this sum mer. "We're going to be doing this every year." Catherine Pitkeathly, whose 12-year old son Daniel Murphy took part in the camp, was simi larly impressed by what she saw. "It's just so great this camp," said Pitkeathly, who added that Daniel has just been placed with a big brother. "It's been excep tional." Extraordinary to be sure, said Shepherd, but given the boys' energy level, a lot of work. "We made it through the Photo by Peter C. McCusker week," she said. "The boys have At the close of last week's Kids N Kops graduation ceremonies a few lucky Little Brothers got to arm wrestle with Halton Regional been a delight to be with ... most of the time." Police Chief Ean Algar. In sending the boys off for Shepherd, who explained some the last time, graduation certifi boys can wait as long as 18 cates in hand, Education months to be placed with a big Services Co-ordinator Sgt. Joe brother. "This will definitely let Prasad reinforced the underlying them see a police officer as a hope of the Kids N Kops experi human being and approach ence. able." "We are your big brothers at The tactic appears to have all times," said Prasad. "We're worked: "I used to think police always here for you." were so scary. Now I see they're Big Brothers of Halton has just normal people," said little been in existence for 35 years, brother Matthew Vilas. helping boys aged six to 16 from At the very least, said father-absent homes. Currently Shepherd, the boys will have a the organization has matched 44 whale of a story to tell about little bothers in Oakville and their summer vacation when another 44 in Burlington. Thirty they return to school this fall. boys, however, remain on the " 'I met the bomb disposal waiting list. robot!' " Shepherd laughs. Candidates to become a big At Friday's graduation cere brother must be 18 years of age mony, the boys had a chance to or older and have time to spend meet and hear from Police Chief with their new friend once a Ean Algar, who encouraged week or once every two weeks. them toward a bright future According to Shepherd, the then let down his hair and armactivities they share need not be wrestled with several of the extravagant and can be as sim youths. ple - yet meaningful - as talking "It looks like it was a fun or throwing around a baseball. week, an exciting week," Algar "They get so much out of it," told the crowd of little brothers, says Shepherd, who explained mothers and other family mem that big brothers often stay bers. "I hope it's been an oppor close, sometimes attending their tunity to dispel the mystique of little brothers' weddings. the police. You are an important For complete information on part of our future." Everyone involved in the Photo by Barrie Erskine how to become a big brother, program echoed that sentiment While Constable Greg Casson talks about his experiences on the Canine Unit, Jacob Pollitt, Mike contact Shepherd at 339-2355. Whitewick and Andrew Southern play with his partner, Constable Justice. SMALL, SMART & SIM PLE. P A L M IU e N O W I N S T O C K I P a lm lllc TM O r g a n iz e r Think of all the things you need to keep track of: nam es, addresses, appointm ents, to do lists, e-m ail, and expenses. Now im agine having it all at your fingertips. Find it fast. Tap once to s e e your d ay's ag e n d a, recurring m eetings, notes, and alarm s. Tap again to find nam es, num bers, and addresses. T h e inform ation ap p ears instantly. It m ay be sm all, but you'll be a m a ze d at just how big Palm TM organizing pow er is. · Portable Ha. Filling stations! I mock you. 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