Oakville Beaver, 9 Aug 2000, D4

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D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, August 9, 2000 o u ro F x O ® ^ fitness... " 3 O h o m o Cm i m FAMILY RUN FO R O V ER 10 YEA RS. & FALL REGISTRATION Watching your garden (and little gardener) grow (C ontinued from D 3) to put the empty seed packet or plastic insert in the soil next to the plants to mark their spot. W atch it g ro w - Grownups will have to do a little work to pre pare the garden. First, clear a space no more than six foot by six foot and loosen (or aerate) the soil with a shovel. Teach your junior gardener that the secret to a healthy garden is the soil and explain that plants must eat and drink, just like people. Show your child how to prepare the soil by digging five centimetres (two inches) of peat moss into the top 15 centimetres (six inches) of soil. Ask your child to feel the peat-enriched soil and then explain how peat moss acts like a bunch of tiny sponges in the dirt, adding air pockets that hold moisture, giving roots room to grow. Peat moss also will help the food (fertilizer) and water last longer in the soil. Let your child's personality shine through by accessorizing the garden with homemade signs, a child-size chair or brightly coloured yarn on stakes. Then help your child plant the seeds or seedlings according to the directions, and be sure A great way to keep your child interested in the garden is to encourage taking pictures of it each week. Snapshots will show off the changes across the season. Garden tasks will be easier to remember if you put a garden calendar in your child's room or on the refrigerator. Children can take charge of completing the tasks and crossing off the days when the watering and weeding have been completed. Invite your child to cut flowers from the gar den and arrange them in a vase. Or suggest shar ing some cherry tomatoes with friends and neighbours. Allowing children the creative free dom to design and care for their own garden will give them a sense of independence and accom plishment. Your new gardener will be so proud, and the roots of your child's gardening knowl edge will grow strong. 5*-® S' Home computing helps bring the family together s every parent knows, the busy sched play new DVD movie titles on their PC, or send ules of today's families make it harder the output to their television set. If your family and harder for loved ones to get togeth are real movie buffs, DVD technology will give er. Mom's and Dad's have to be imaginative in them the very best in sight and sound -- movie order to create family activities that allow every night will never be the same! Plan a vacation online: Nothing brings about one to stay in close contact. One way that fami lies can have fun and stay connected is by taking cherished family memories like a summer vaca tion. With a home PC, families can now access advantage of computer technology. From keeping in touch through e-mail, to the Internet and plan their vacation together. planning family trips using the Internet, to creat Travel and tourism Web-sites give users every ing your own family Web-site, your home PC thing they need to know about planning the per can help you stay close with those who matter fect family vacation, and you can even make your hotel reservations online! most. Computer manufacturers such as HewlettThe e-mail connection: Families all across Canada are reconnecting and staying in touch on Packard recognize the importance of the Internet a daily basis via electronic mail. Parents can now to home computing. Build a family web site: By building a fami play an active role in their children's lives, (even if they are thousands of miles away) without run ly web site, families can work together on a fun ning up a huge phone bill. Daily e-mail and project that everyone will enjoy. For parents, it's online chats with loved ones can allow the whole a great way to show the kids that they are `cool' enough to ride on the information superhighway. family to remain in close contact. Family Web pages are sprouting up every One of the real benefits of communicating through e-mail comes from the immediate con where on the Internet, and they are an excellent tact that phones or letters simply do not provide. opportunity for loved ones to see each other reg Many Canadian families go beyond simply chat ularly--even if they live miles apart. User's can include family photos, sound clips, ting online and communicate through colourful greeting cards, scanned copies of newspaper arti links to other sites, and family news on their own personal connection to the Internet. Whenever cles and pieces of music they want to share. Family movies at the next level: The exhila the site is updated, an e-mail can be sent to the rating experience of DVD (digital video disk) entire family, letting them know to check in. While computers can serve many functional technology allows consumers to bring all the excitement of a movie theatre right into their liv purposes in today's home, they can also help ing room! Some home PC's, like the Hewlett- keep your family in touch and involved in each Packard Pavilion 8490, come equipped with a other's lives--yet another reason to make PC DVD drive that provides users with the ability to technology part of your family life. A Ongoing Programs i competitive level, ages 14 and up. a week, ID * '·v v; ; .V KICK AFTER Taught b y D arlene Kebh · M o rta l Arts · Streetwise U e Skis · Archery · Indoor Rods Clim bing · Tutoring for school w ork · Transportation provided IIU JITSU · Self control · Increased focus · Decision m aking · Conffct resolution · G o al Setting · Physical confidence · Jiu Jifsu "Flexible in K n o w led g e" offers: K arate, Judo, Aikido, G rappling, Kick Boxing Individually d esig n ed program s · Teaching b y H e a d Instructors · N o contracts to sign! 4 6 1 N O R IH SER V IC E R D , UNITS 4 2 -4 5 , O A K V ILLE Tenders 8c Public N otices Deaths KILLAM, Anne Mary - P assed aw a y at the Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlington on August 5. 2 0 0 0 . Will now join her husband, the late Ralph E ugene Killam. Beloved m other of Ken (G ail) Killam of M ontreal Loving grandm other of C harlene, S tephanie and K ristoffer, and great-grandm other of Leighann, Preston Nickolas, Andrew, H aiylee, Emily, N atalee, M atthew and Austin. A M em orial Service willbe held on Thursday, August 1 0 ,2 0 0 0 at two o'clock p.m . a t the W ard Funeral H om e, (1 0 9 R eynolds Street, O akville) 9 0 5 -8 4 4 3 2 2 1 . In Anne's mem ory, donations m ay be m a d e to th e Jo sep h B rant M em o rial Hospital in Burlington. S A FE LY H O M E I am hom e in H eaven , d e ar ones O h, so happy and so bright! T h e re is pe ace and love and beauty In this everlasting light. All m y pain and grief is over, Every suffering has passed. I am now at peace forever, S afely hom e in H eaven at last. P lease don't grieve so deeply, For I love you dearly still. Try to look beyond earth's shadow s Pray to trust our Father's Will. T h e re is w ork still waiting for you, So you must not idly stand. D o it now, w hile tim e rem aineth, Before you rest in Jesus' land. Th en w hen your w ork is finished, H e will gently call you H om e. O h , the comfort of that m eeting. And the joy to see you come! HACKETT, Barbara Irene (nee Brindley) - O n Sunday, August 6, 2 0 0 0 after a brief illness at O a k v ille -T ra fa lg a r M em o rial Hospital. B arbara, beloved wife of Don. Loved m other of Susan H erm ann, Karen and her husband S teve D onaghey and Patti and her husband Brian Finlay. D ear g ran d m a of D an iel, K yle an d R obyn. Loving sister of Anne and her husband Jim W elch and Pat and her husband Jack H aw orth. Funeral S e rv ic e 3 p.m . Thursday, A ugust 10 , 2000 at the K opriva Taylor C om m unity Funeral H om e, 6 4 Lakeshore Rd. W . O akville, with visitation o n e hour prior to service. C rem ation. Th o se w ho wish m ay m ake m em orial constributions to the O akville H um ane Society. Deaths RENWICK, John Charles - It is with deep sadness, w e announce the passing on August 6, 2 0 0 0 in O akville. B eloved hus band of Linda (nee G ordon) and devoted fath e r of (John) D avid an d his w ife M ich e lle, Jill and her hu s b an d R oss Tyndall,, an d S hari an d K evin King. C h e ris h e d P ap a of John R obert M a tth e w R en w ic k an d O w e n J a m e s Tyndall. Loving brother to G loria and Alan H aw thorne. Will be fondly rem em bered by M alco lm C o o p e r an d G e ra rd B ueche, Craig and Lillian Cooper, and m any nieces and nephew s. John will be rem em bered by m any friends and co lleagues for his devotion to his family. W e will be together forever. Friends m ay be received at the W ard F u n e ral H o m e (1 0 9 R eyn o ld s S tree t, O akville), 90 5 -8 4 4 -3 2 2 1 from 2 -4 and 7 -9 p.m . on W ednesday, A ugust 9th. Funeral S erv ice will be held a t Trinity U nited Church (1 2 5 0 M cC raney St., O akville) at 2 o'clock p.m . on Thursday, August 10, 2 0 0 0 . Donations m ay be m ade to the C anadian D iabetes Association and V O N - Halton Branch. You will alw ays b e in our hearts. D eaths KERN, Elisabeth Christine Dorothea Suddenly in O akville on Friday, A ugust 4, 2 0 0 0 a t the a g e of 75 . R ecently p red e ceased by her beloved husband- H ans. Loving m other of B ernard and his wife Cathy, an d d e a r O m a to Julie and A dam . D e a r sister of th e la te Fritz H e rw a g . E lisabeth will be d e a rly m issed by all of her relatives in G erm any. F rie n d s will b e re c e iv e d a t th e S co tt Funeral H o m e , 2 8 9 M ain S t. N . (H w y 10) Bram pton (9 0 5 4 5 1 -1 1 0 0 ) on W ed n es d ay from 2 - 4 and 7 -9 p.m . A funeral service will be held on Thursday, A ugust 10, 2 0 0 0 in the chapel a t 1pm . Interm ent to follow a t M e a d o w v a le C em etery . If desired , donations in E lisabeth's m em ory m ay be m ade to the H ea rt & Stroke Foundation. A MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING on behalf of Ontario Housing Corporation (An agency of the Province of Ontario) INVITATION TO TENDER FOR: T.S. B04 - 02700 REPLACEMENT MAKE UP AIR UNITS at Oakville OH-4 Oakville Senior Citizens' Residence 2220-2222 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville Sealed tenders for the project will be received until 2:00pm local time August 30th, 2000, by the Regional Manager, Southern Regional Office, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ellen Fairclough Building, 14th Floor, 1J9 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y7 Tender Documents can be viewed or obtained through the office of the Regional Manager, address as noted above by contacting Karin Donahue at (905) 546-8243. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. INVITATION TO TENDER FOR: SFT - 02/00 DOMESTIC WATER BOOSTER PUMPS at Oakville OH-4 Oakville Senior Citizens' Residence 2220-2222 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville Sealed tenders for the project will be received until 2:00pm local time August 30th, 2000, by the Regional Manager, Southern Regional Office, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ellen Fairclough Building, 14th Floor, 119 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y7 Tender Documents can be viewed or obtained through the office of the Regional Manager, address as noted above by contacting Karin Donahue at (905) 546-8243. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Birth Announcements To place a BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT in Oakville Call Lorraine or Linda 845-3824 or in Burlington Call 632-4441 HILLS, Richard William "Dick"; P.Eng. Peacefully, surrounded by his family, on Saturday, August 5, 2 0 0 0 , R ichard Hills of O akville, ag e 7 4 years. A dored husband of Yvette "M em e" Hills. D eeply loved father of D enise W hibley and her husband Chris of Whitby, R oger Hills and his wife P eg g y O 'S h a u g h n e s s y and Je n n ife r G ib b s an d her husband M ich a el, all o f Burlington. D ev o ted P e p e of M ich a el, M a tth ew , Andrew, D erek, Scott, Victoria, Mitchell and C am eron. C herished brother of M arje Turnbull of W oking, England. Crem ation private. Friends are invited to join with the fam ily for a Service of Celebration at S M IT H 'S F U N E R A L H O M E , 1167 G uelph Line (one stoplight north of Q E W ), B U R L IN G T O N (9 0 5 6 3 2 -3 3 3 3 ), on Friday, August 11, 2 0 0 0 at 11 a.m . If desired, expressions of sym pa thy to the H eart and Stroke Foundation of O ntario would be sincerely appreciated. KINACH, Bruno - It is with d e ep sad ness the fam ily an nounce the passing of Bruno, on Thursday, August 3, 2 0 0 0 at his hom e in Burlington. A ge 5 6 . Loving father of Laurie Belik and her husband D arren of A lberta, M arc of N a p a n e e . D e a r gran dfa ther of Brodie. B eloved son of A ntonia Kinach. M issed and cherished by brothers W alter of O sh a w a , D an of Sudbury and sister Sonia M e ye r of O sh a w a . W ill be m issed by nieces, nephew s and m any friends. A M em orial Service w as held at St. Dom inic's R om an C atholic C hurch, 2 4 1 5 R eb e cc a S treet, O akville on T u e s day, August 8, 2 0 0 0 -a t 11 a .m . D onations m ay be m a d e to charities of his choice C anadian M ental H ealth Association, A d diction R esearch Foundation and C a n a dian D iab etes Society. BRYANT, William Dudley "Bill" - passed aw ay peacefully a t hom e in B obcaygeon on Saturday, August 5, 2 0 0 0 in his 76th year. B eloved husband and best friend of V elm a Bryant of B obcaygeon. D e a r father of H e a th e r Davidson (prede ce a s e d 19 9 9 ) and Jim Bryant and his w ife Jennifer of M iltapas, C alifornia. A service to celeb rate Bill's life will be held on Thursday, August 10, 2 0 0 0 a t Trinity United C hurch, B obcaygeon at 1 :00 p.m . M em orial donations to the H eart and Stroke Foundation or th e D iabetic Foundation w ould be ap preciated by the family. i

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