Oakville Beaver, 23 Aug 2000, B6

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B6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, August 23, 2000 Art grants for not-for-profits Oakville's community arts orga nizations are invited to apply for 2001 Cultural Grants. The cultural grants process is -administered by the Oakville Arts Council (OAC) on behalf of the Town of Oakville. A peer advisory committee com prised of knowledgeable members of Oakville's vibrant cultural com munity will review the applications and offer recommendations to the OAC and Town Council. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, Sept. 20th. Cultural grants are available to duly constituted not-for-profit orga nizations only. Individual artists and for-profit enterprises are ineli gible. To receive an application or more information, contact the OAC at 815-5977. OAC offices are locat ed in Central Library, second floor. M usical Tuscany the first of competitive tours for chorus By S c o tt M a cA rth u r SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER A Prevent Birds, Mice and other Rodents from entering your vents An inexpensive solution to a very costly problem. No tools required, installs in seconds. Easily removed and reinstalled for cleaning. UV treated for durability and long life. 5 year manufacturer's warranty. < 1396571) Jk BURLINGTON LANSING OAKVILLE MISSISSAUGA td& Y n n ..n .i4 - n n m WARE HOUSE 332-8868 ETOBICOKE 844-8010 REXDALE 276-6350 WILLOWDALE GOLDEN MILE STOCKYARDS 232-1460 SCARBOROUGH 241-9167 MARKHAM 255-7726 751-5527 WOODBRIDGE 766-9393 ERIN MILLS 291-9961 294-5200 850-7667 820-4552 P ric e s in e ffe c t th ro u g h S unday, S e p te m b e r 3, 20 00. trip overseas, the chance to work with an international ly recognized choral con ductor, and the opportunity to perform in front of hundreds of appreciative onlookers. Sounds like a dream for many young vocalists, but it became a reali ty for 38 choristers in the Oakville Children's Choir (OCC), who ven tured to Italy for nine days in early July to participate in the annual Tus cany International Children's Chorus Festival. Five American choirs joined them on the journey. The trip, for which choir founder and music director Glenda Crawford applied for and began preparing for in February, 1998, took the group to Firenze, San Gimignano and Montecatini for formal concerts and to Flo rence and Rome for sightseeing. "We went to a lot of historic churches and saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa," said Alison Lamont, 16, a Photo by Peter C. McCusker five-year veteran of the choir. "And it Glenda Crawford, music director of the Oakville Children's Choir, accom was fascinating to see the David in panied 38 of her choir members to Italy for the Tuscany International Chil person." dren's Chorus Festival. Two of the lucky choristers were Amy Buitenhuis, "We also went to St. Peter's, 11, and Alison Lamont, 16. which was neat because we got to sing there, and some people never shown them by the Italian people. `T h at's the next step," she said. "I even get to go there in their lifetime," Frequent screams of "Bravo!" could feel that they've got some good expe said Amy Buitenhuis, an 11-year-old be heard during the concerts, and at rience under their belts and that who, like Lamont, has spent five they're ready to perform against other one point some female onlookers years with the choir. were reduced to tears. top choirs." The choristers were also treated to "It was a thrill to see how touched The choir will enjoy a weekend four morning rehearsal sessions with they were by our performance," said retreat in Albion Hills in September. internationally renowned choral con Lamont. `These were really important There, they will regroup after summer ductor, Henry Leek. vacation and prepare for the coming concerts for us and the excitement Two concerts, one at the Tettuccio year, which involves one two-hour that came from the crowd helped a Terme in Montecatini and the other at lot." practice per week. the Palazzo Vecchio in Firenze, were The young Canadian tourists bene As for future tours, Crawford is conducted by Leek. fited from a minimal language barrier. looking at British Columbia or Wales "He is an established conductor; Many locals spoke fluent English, as potential destinations. and any time you get the chance to and those who attended their concerts "It would be fun to tour in Canada, work or practise with someone of his understood the choristers' Italian so we'll see what happens," she said. calibre, it's exciting for the choris some of their musical numbers `These things take a lot of time ters," said Crawford. `They learned a required some knowledge of the and planning, but we had such a good lot in the brief time they spent with country's native tongue. time I look forward to doing it him." again." Crawford is impressed with the The choristers were taken aback young singers in her choir and feels For more information on the OCC, by the interest and appreciation that they are ready to compete. call Crawford at 338-7253. . B R A N D N A M E A P P A R E L · B O O K S · TO YS . B R A N D N A M E A P P A R E L · B O O K S · TO YS Extra Special Values fo r Back to School W e 're s to c k in g up fo r o u r F a ll/ W in te r s e a s o n , s o b rin g in y o u r g e n tly u se d , n e a rly n e w kid s c lo th e s like je a n s a n d ja c k e ts , s w e a ts h irts a n d s n o w s u its . B ig ite m s like toys, equipm ent a n d furniture m a y b e b ro u g h t in y e a r ro u n d . iirin v fNow Buying> ( · Fall/Winter !!?_Pay Cash; An interactive conference with proven approaches that are key to managing the demands o f work and family Friday, S e p te m b e r 15, 2 0 0 0 8 :0 0 a.m . --4 :0 0 p.m . T o r o n to C e n tr e fo r t h e A r ts 5040 Yonge Street, Toronto (just north of Sheppard Ave.) w ~ -1 --* here August 26 from 1V 2 H ave v°u r Child'5 identification H V for y o u r p ea ce of mi C h ild F in d w t t b e I C \ AI | [ jp C O m D S f lV 01 W O m G n r M e ncte inaassociation rP i ore es m u d u by: y ; r Metroland v t c u u i a i i u 111 b b u c i a u o f 1 wwith iu i Toronto Business Times, CHR & The City of Toronto - Department of Economic Development * £ K id 's S tu ff w ith P re v io u s E xp e rie n ce TM O A K V IL L E W eeupona child 2423 Trafalgar Rd., Unit #1 · O UTDOO R Join us for a full day o f dynamic speakers and networking opportunities! Hana G artner, Conference Chair O ne o f Canada's to p journalists and hosts o f th e fifth Estate, Hana has e n jo y e d a d istin su ish e d c a re e r at LAM PS CBC Television fo r o v e r 25 years. N e g o tia tin g yo ur w orth a t w o rk an d hom e This session w ill h e lp yo u t o d e v e lo p th e necessary skills t o successfully c o m p le te th e n e g o tia tio n process, w ith y o u r boss, y o u r c lie n t, p o te n tia l c u sto m e r o r fam ily m e m b e r S peaker: Sheila H een No Buys on Last Hour o f Business G AM ES LAM PS P L A Y E Q U IP M E N T · G A M E S "Attitude is a little thing that makes a "B IG " difference." Call DYNASTY BATHS and experience OUR attitude. Briefcase in o n e hand-- G u ilt in th e o th e r Balancing life o b lig a tio n s w ith a d e m and ing career. In this session yo u w ill leam h o w t o a p p ly th o se te ch n iq u e s th a t w ill h e lp y o u m an age THE GUILT! Speaker: Janet Lapp, Ph.D. The "W onder W om an Syndrom e" W orking w o m e n te n d t o fe e l o v e r w h e lm e d b y th e c o n s ta n t stress o f th e ir d a ily lives. This session w ill te a ch yo u h o w t o ba la nce y o u r life b y p ra c tic in g "th e a rt o f se lf-n u r tu re *. S peaker: A lic e Domar, Ph.D. Against A ll O dds-- Reaching O lym pic Heights Yision, focu s a n d co m m itm e n t are p o w e rfu l to o ls fo r realizing O lym pic exce lle nce a n d w h e n a p p lie d c o n sistently can e m p o w e r yo u to achieve y o u r p o te n tia l. Speaker: Silken Laumann M ix & M in g le M ix & M ingle w ith 1,0 00 lik e -m in d e d w o m e n , a n d re m e m b e r-- b rin g lo ts o f business cards! A rch ite cts o f Change A dyn am ic p a n e l o f CEOs a n d C eleb rity Guests speaking fra nkly a b o u t th e ir p e rsona l e xp e rie n ce s o n W ork/Life Balance. We will recommend you to everyone we know! It was a very pleasant experience to have dealt with everyone we have met at your company. " Q t a Another satisfied client HOURS: TUESDAY-FRIDAY 9-5:30; SATURDAY 9-4 Ticket Price: $245 + GST (in c lu d e s c o n tin e n ta l b re a kfa st) Special Group Rates: IO+ Tickets C om e visit our showroom at: 4380 SOUTH SERVICE RD. UNIT 11 (between Walkers line & Appleby Line) V T>y & 905-639-8409 nn We A c c e p t: D ynasty 'Ba t h s 7 S. Service Rd Harvester Rd. s/sn n t/\r For t ic k e t in fo r m a tio n c a ll: (9 05)509 -36 28d ocai to Toronto) Visit our website: thecompanyofwomen.net Net proceeds go to the University of Toronto Women's Scholarship Fund <

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