1 1 |Friday, March 10, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Chamber reviews provincial Growth Plan changes R ecently, the provincial govern ment proposed changes to the Province' s land use plans of which three apply to Halton: the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Greenbelt Plan and the Niagara Escarpment Plan. The Oakville Chamber believes planning for future growth is essential for a sustainable and economicallyviable community. Roads, transit, schools and hospi tals are some examples of what com munities need to plan for, as well as the future development of employ ment and commercial lands. The opportunity for Oakville busi nesses to prosper while providing res idents with choices on where to live and work, and how to travel within the town, are important factors that determine their quality of life. Planning for growth is crucial This is why planning for growth in communities is crucial for their suc cess. Investment in infrastructure like roads and transit is fundamental to ensure the movement of goods, ser vices and people. The most recent density and growth targets proposed by the Prov ince represent a significant shift in land-use planning that will affect the future of our community. The provincial government's pro posal includes increasing develop ment-related targets, which munici palities will need to follow moving forward. People and jobs by the numbers Specifically, the number of people and jobs per hectare in new develop ments will be increased from 50 to 80, and 60 per cent of new development will need to occur within communi ties' "built boundary," an increase from the current 40 per cent. In principle, the concept of devel oping a planning framework to curb sprawl by directing and managing growth is understood and supported. However, these new targets will require significant investment to up grade and expand both provincial and municipal infrastructure and services. There will also be significant fi nancial impacts on municipalities for parkland, road-widening, transit, community services as well as on school boards for new and expanded schools. In response to the Province's Plan ning Review, the Town recently pro vided its comments on the proposed policies as they relate to Oakville. Noting the challenge to meet cur rent growth targets, the Town staff report has recommended that the province provide municipalities with new taxation powers in order to help pay for the required infrastructure. Subsequently, the Oakville Chamber, together with its network Chambers in the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area, will be submitting our comments and recommen dations on the most recent review to the provincial gov ernment. Firstly, we believe that addi tional studies need to be con ducted to determine whether or not the most recent recom mendations by the Province are achievable and what the impact of these changes mean for Oakville. Prior to moving forward with these significant policy changes, the Chamber net work believes we need to understand the potential eco nomic impact on land use availability, congestion and GDP on individual communi ties. The Town of Oakville, like other municipalities, is unique. Rather than having a "one-size-fits-all" set of prin ciples, the Chamber network believes a greater density mix of housing and commercial options governed by the lo cal context would better serve the community. Specific to Oakville, the Chamber believes employ ment lands must be protected. For example, the Town' s Economic Development Strategy focuses on the at- Faye Lyons Vice-president Government Relations & Advocacy Oakville Chamber of Commerce life we have come to enjoy in our community. As a key stakeholder in each of our communities, and on behalf of our members, the Chamber network's recommendations with respect to the proposed changes will be forwarded in a submission to the Province. -- Faye Lyons, Vice President o f Government Relations & Advocacy, Oakville Chamber o f Commerce traction of knowledge-based industries. Planning for the remaining employment lands should continue to be utilized for its highest and best use, as well as what the community values. Accordingly, we would like to see a specific focus within the plan towards existing and future employment and com mercial land growth. most recent land planning review. Evidence-based projec tions ensure a co-ordinated and consistent approach to planning and for infrastruc ture development, so com munities like Oakville can appropriately plan for long term growth. Dr. Ulyana Romanyuk D.D.S. Dr. A ru n Narang D.D.S. Transparent cost accounting Finally, the Chamber network would like to see a more transparent cost ac counting of current and pro posed funding by the Prov ince to assist municipalities towards meeting their indi vidual and the plan' s overall growth targets. The Oakville Chamber strongly believes the Prov ince should allow for local autonomy so municipalities like Oakville can position it self for success. We will convey our posi tion to our local provincial representatives and ask that they advocate on Oakville's behalf in an effort to protect its future and the quality of Consider emerging trends The Province should con sider emerging trends such as industrial clusters, creative and technological incuba tors, goods movement, transit hubs and mixed-use neigh bourhoods. The Oakville Chamber, together with Chamber net work partners, supports ev idence-based projections of what population and employ ment numbers are expected to be. Consequently, our ask of the provincial government is for a clearer definition on the models utilized to calcu late the growth targets in this The Benefits of Dental Implants To o th loss effects m any people thus effecting their life style. Let D r. U lyana R om anyuk restore yo u r sm ile and q u ality o f life. D r. Rom anyuk uses the newest technology to restore m issing teeth. She im plem ents yo u r own stem cells, when placing im plants. This m ethod provides the body to heal and accept the im plant beautifully. This procedure is easily done in office. D r. Rom anyuk also uses Boost w hitening. This w h itening m ethod needs one h r o f yo u r tim e, in our clin ic N o take hom e trays o r lights needed! W e offer early m orning, evening and Saturday appointm ents. B ook yo u r F R E E consultation 1344 Cornwall Road · Oakville, O N Appointments 905- 337-3511 9 0 5 .9 6 2 .3 6 1 1 Online Floral Boutique w w w.callagifts.com A dental experience th a t w ill m ake you sm ile