Oakville Beaver, 29 Oct 2000, p. 21

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Sunday O ctober 29, 2000 O akville Beaver W eekend 21 lb tbur Health Take care in doling out Halloween treats H allow een is a tim e of m ystery and surprise. We w ant our children to enjoy Halloween treats safely and w ithout the worry o f dental problem s. T h e guardians o f little ghosts and goblins may want to know that H allow een treats such as hard candies, nuts and popcorn should not be given to children four years o f age and under. Toddlers and young children can choke on these foods. T hey m ay be able to bite into foods easily but are unable to HEALTH NOTES chew and swallow properly. Foods and candies that are small, round and smooth can block a child's windpipe. Ensure your toddler or young child is sitting upright -- not lying down, running or play ing -- while eating snacks. A lw ays supervise young children when they are eat ing. T he sugars in candies, chocolate bars, granola bars, etc., com bine with the bacte ria in the mouth to form acids. Each tim e sugary foods are eaten, the teeth are exposed to acids which break dow n tooth enam el. A cid attacks can eventually cause tooth decay. Ideally, teeth should be brushed imm edi ately after eating sugary foods. Even though a ghost or goblin can eat treats at any time, it is best to plan the times when sweets are eaten. Instead o f snacking on them throughout the day, offer them following a meal, or as a dessert when brushing can follow. This also ensures that your ghost or goblin receives all the nutrients provided by the meal, instead of becom ing `filled up' with snacks before lunch or dinner. Avoid sending the sticky, sw eet snacks to school. These remain on tooth sur faces for a long time. This also includes foods such as raisins! Save these to eat at hom e and brush afterwards. Have a safe and happy Halloween! F o r m ore inform ation about Dental H ealth, call the H alton R egion H ealth D epartm ent at 825-6060; TTY 827-9833. Health Notes is prepared by staff of the Halton Region Health Department. Hair Transplant fo r M en a n d W omen State-of-the-art hair transplant techniques w ith the latest technology, creating undetectable, natural looking hairlines. We also offer: laser hair removal, liposuction and plastic surgery procedures; treatment for wrinkles, sun damaged skin, age spots, moles, tattoos, spider and varicose veins, and much more. For a FREE c o n s u lta tio n call Nutrition info on food packaging imminent It has taken years for H ealth C anada tion labelling is voluntary unless a man packaged in stores -- a major source o f to respond to consum er concerns over ufacturer makes a nutrition claim. Even saturated fat -- may be exempted from the lack nutrition inform ation on pack then, only limited information m ust be these requirements, and that a specific aged foods but it looks like this situation disclosed and information is often pro daily value for refined sugars has not is about to be corrected. vided based on non- standard serving been established, but we will take these T he H ealth Canada proposal would sizes. and other details up with Health Canada require that the am ounts o f calories, fat, "We are disappointed that fresh meat in the com ing weeks." said Jeffery. saturated fat, trans fat, ch o lesterol, sodi um , fibre, sugar, and other nutrients be listed per stan d ard ized serving and also disclosed as a percentage o f the recom m ended daily intake o f the nutrient. All label inform ation would continue to be req u ired in both official languages. Special rules will apply to sm all pack ages and exem ptions will be 1721 Lakeshore Road West given to small Mississauga businesses. " M a n d a to ry 905-822-6659 nutrition labelling w ill help co n sum ers im prove th eir diets and reduce their risks o f h eart disease and other diet3006 Derry Road West, Suite 106 related diseases," Milton stated Bill Jeffery, 905-878-1100 N a t i o n a l C o o rdinator for the C entre fo r S cience in the Public Interest. H ealth C anada announced that the 22 Lakeshore Road West, Suite 4 proposed regulato ry am endm ents Oakville w ill be available 905-849-7888 fo r public co m m ent in the com ing m onths and w ill be in force S ponsored by: som etim e in 2 0 0 1. M a n u fa c tu re rs w ill have tw o years to com ply with the new dis closure rules. H e lp in g th e w o r ld h ea r b e tte r C urrently, nutri before Oakville (9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 -8 3 4 6 or 1 -8 0 0 -2 6 3 -2 4 9 9 Toronto (4 1 6 ) 9 2 3 -0 0 9 2 after Dr. R Jones Dr. R Knowlton Dr. At Nowak w vm .la se rd in ics.co m w w w .hairtransplanton.ca Open House H earin g ll/ 1 10:00 a .m .-6 :0 0 p.m. at the following locations: Clarkson H earing C linic M onday, Novem ber 13th M ilton H earing C linic Maca is natures alternative to Viagra. It has no known toxicity or adverse pharma cological effects. Native to Peru, Maca is-an annual plant that produces a radish-like tuber and it is believed that it is the isothiocanates found in the root as well as the plant sterols that are responsible for its libido enhancing effects. During the Incan empire, Maca was so highly revered for its purported energy and libido enhancing properties that it was used as currency. Legend has it that Incan warriors would consume Maca before entering into battle. Today, Maca is an Andean crop that is grown exclusively in Peru' s Junin Plateau at elevations between 10,000 and 15,000 feet. Maca is becoming increasingly popular in South America among native and non-native people and market demand for Maca is also on the rise in Japan, Europe and the United States. Maca is well known in the markets of Peru and is sold for its strengthening and stamina promoting effects, to improve sexual function and is a fertility enhancer. Results from research conducted at the Chinese Academy of Preventative Medicine support the claims that Maca is an excellent natural alternative to Viagra. In fact, the results from recent studies on Maca are so significant that they were accepted for publication in the April 2000 issue of the peer-reviewed medical journal Urology. Quest uses only premium quality Maca root for their capsules, employing the same high standards that make all of Quests supplements of unquestionable quality. Tuesday, Novem ber 14th O akville H earing C linic Wednesday, November 15th Beltone A bbey H ea lth F oods dale Shopping Centre Rebecca ecca St., Oakville 8 4 7 -1 9 3 8

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