Oakville Beaver, 29 Oct 2000, p. 19

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Sunday, O ctober 29, 2000 Oakville Beaver W eekend 19 Wa u .o w ffn Spooky f u n Wl)t Jfrtabp Citp By Kabir nee upon a tim e on a dark scary night there w as a dark haunted house. T here w as a m om , dad, son, and a daughter. The m om and the dau g h ter have long hair they also have blue eyes. T he dad and the son have short hair they also have brow n eyes. O ne night w hen everybody w as sleeping the w itch cam e into the ch il d ren 's room and used her broom to d isap p ear both the children. She had a co rn b ro o m w ith a sp e cia l w and attach ed to it to m ake people d isap pear. She took them to her secret hide out an d locked them in a dark scary dungeon. T he next m orning the parents woke up and w ent to w ake up the children, but they w ere not there. So then the parents looked all ov er the house, but still co u ld n 't find them . T hen they looked fo r them at the school, but d id n 't find them . Back at the dungeon the kids w oke up and discovered that there not in th eir cozy little bed. T hey w ere a little scared, but did not cry. T hey looked around to try and see w here they w ere. It w as quite dark and cold in the dungeon. It w as hard to see anything Cfye Spaunteb p o a t in the dungeon. A fter a little w hile · By Scott they heard a noise and the w itch ap p eared . T h e k id s w ere a little t took place, one chilly night going on a scared, but d id n 't m ake a sound. The cruise to see the Chinese New Year. There w itch tried to scare them , but she are 12 adults and 7 kids. Each person spent co u ld n 't. 5000 to go on a trip o f a lifetime. It was supposed At night tim e the parents w ent to o be a beautiful luxury cruise. the w oods to try to find the children. After the boat sails, passengers find out there is witch on the boat. She has black hair with spiT hey saw a ladder leading under the lers creeping through her hair. A red hat, yellow ground so they w ent dow n it. They boots and a brown broom stick. Also, they find saw the children locked in the cages out that there is no food, water and beds. T he pas so they w ent to open it. T hey found sengers are angry and scared. T he captain was no the key and opened both o f the cages. where to be found. The 1st night they had no T hen they ran to their house to sleep. T he next m orning the kids w ent to Ichoice but to sleep on the floor. T he people were uncom fortable. The m oms and dads were cud school. T hey w orked and suddenly! dling the kids to keep warm. T he m oon w as show n and everybody On the second day o f being on the boat, turned into w erew olves. T he kids ran one o f the kids, a sm art kid said "Mom! The hom e and locked all the doors. Then t has stopped". they w ent to the attic to hide. A ghost So the m om w ent to find the captain, appeared out o f now here and freaked who w as in the engine room and said, the children. T hey w ere running from W hy have we the ghost. T hen their m om and dad stopped?" cam e up. T hen the ghost disappeared. We A fter the m om g ot her special have pow der that w ould disappear an y run out thing. So then they w ent to the w itch's o f gas," secret hideout they w ent dow n the ladder. T hey put som e special m agic pow der on the w itch and her slaves. T hen they disappeared and w ere never heard or seen again. 3 said the Captain, "I have to call som ebody and ask them to bring us lots o f gas." But the radio didn't work. For a second night they had to sleep on the boat. It was a dark and storm y night. T he w aves were very strong. The m oon w as a full one. T h e | passengers d idn't get very m uch sleep. D uring the night the w itch appeared on the boat and stood there until the people w oke up. T hat m orning the w itch said to one o f the adults "If you give me a yellow hat to m atch my boots, 1 will give you this bucket o f gas." Luckily one o f the boys said, "I have a hat", so the boy gave his yellow hat to the witch. T he witch gave the bucket o f gas to the people and dove o ff into the water. As soon as the witch dove into water, the cap tain put the gas into the engine and they turned the boat around and w ent straight back home. T hey ju st w anted to go hom e and eat, sleep on their soft com fort able beds. T h eir luxury cruise w as disaster. e fo o tin g & ta r of le a ti) By Justin nee upon a tim e there were two Vikings their names were Bogart and Bishop. They live in an abandoned gold mine with the vicious cave bats. They can always see the moonlight glaring through the holes o f the mine. There is a w indsw ept town right beside the m ine that is deserted except for one person named Steve Gremlen. Steve Gremlen is a plum p man and he wears rugged clothes that look like bats. His clothes are very rough like bat's fur. He has a beard that is so long that he trips on it and falls into the dusty ground o f the windswept town. The two Vikings always say that every night when a shooting star passes the windswept town Steve goes crazy and he goes out to look for people to kill. He doesn't stop until he kills someone. "The next shooting star is in a month on October 31" said Bogart. "Let's hope that he doesn't come down here in the mine," said Bishop. "Ya, rem em ber what happened to Granpa," said Bogart. "H e w as m urdered by Steve Gremlen," said Bishop. A s October 31 was lurking closer the two Vikings were stocking up on food for the winter. "W hat are we going to do if Steve com es in the mine on the 31 st?' Asked Bogart. "I know, how about we find some gold and give it to him if he promises not to kill us" Bishop suggested. "No way, rem em ber he's crazy, he won't go for that, plus there's no gold in this filthy old m ine anyw ay" said Bogart. "I know! How about we hide in the small part o f the cave where he w on't be able to fit." Bishop said, "No, we can't do that because he will just go through the other side." The night when the dreadful shoot ing star passed the windswept town the two Vikings saw Steve come out o f his house and he was heading straight for the mine. The Vikings went into the deepest darkest and the scariest part of the mine. They waited and waited and waited. After they got tired o f waiting for Steve they walked out o f that part of the mine and there he was standing right there. Bogart asked "What are we going to do Bishop?" Bishop said, "I don't know." As Steve was getting closer Bogart said "1 know, w e'll lead him to the place where the bats live in the deep dark gloomy hole and then we will make him walk right into the hole." Bogart and Bishop led Steve into the place where the hole was. They ran and ran and ran and finally they got to the hole. Their backs were on the jagged walls o f the mine and the hole was right in front o f them. Steve came and ran right at them. He was ju st about to grab them and he tripped on his beard and fell into the hole. The Vikings lived happily ever after without having to worry about any shooting stars. Steve was never seen again, but, the Vikings say that his spir it returns every Halloween and watches him fall into the pit of darkness. 3E£fie i f l i ^ i n g f B lo o b ^ p a c k e ts * B y Jim m y r f T f * his story takes place in New York City. New York City is very f l busy, as we all know. There are many homeless people, peopie that are wild and people that are just plain crazy. Emergency services are kept quite busy expecially around Halloween I time. On the night o f October 31 1991 the police received many calls about M a mad man who was going up to women and smelling their necks. The police hit the streets looking for the mad man. The police heard a j women let out a chilling scream. The police headed toward the scream. They had their man. His name was Victor. Victor was tall with blond hair, he had huge green J eyes with small pupils. He was acting very strange so the police decided to J bring him to the mental hospital. Mansion Lanes Mental Hospital was old and broken down, it had b ro -1 ken windows and busted heaters. The hospital was on a big hill and every- m one hated it Nurse T essa was Victor's nurse. Victor had attempted to bite T essa® on the neck many times, but failed. She was very frightened o f Victor, M so she decided that Victor needed to be put in a straight jacket. She left m the room to go get the straight jack et She gave Victor a shot which m made him sleepy. T essa returned to the room and could not find Victor. She searched 3 the hospital, with help from the police. They searched and searched for 20 minutes with no results. They started to get suspicious. They had f§ checked every room except for one. They carefully opened the door to the blood supply room. There were blood packets all over the floor with teeth marks in them. Victor g | was sitting in the comer asleep holding a blood packet in his hand. J The police realized that Victor was not a human! H e was a vampire! i The police decided to shoot him. Every night for the last three years Nurse T essa has had the ? | same nightmare. Tessa always hears Victor's scream when she J walks by the hospital. She is no longer a nurse. She is now a coach o f her son's baseball team.

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