Millbrook Reporter (1856), 21 Dec 1893, p. 8

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Anzx dun ‘t forget the needy, l "he chzidren, large and small W'hn. 1.‘ {km merry sense. x, WiJ' nave no gifts at all. ()‘n,’ .0: each lnzzecy little life V}; - jog one day] “I wncd, - For {Exist z-naa time is giving-time The wool: glad earth swam}. “ Lard .iberdccn." MPROVED YORKSHIOE BQAR FOR SER VICE. " This is undoubtedly mu finest pig lat, is hung kept for Service in this seem: year. and farmers will consuls thcir own ' oat by using: by}. He is a beauty and well .12 your attcntmn. Call and see him before i eiscwberc. Tcmgs ailâ€"to be paid at time vice. If not so pmd 1.25 win he charged. THOMAS Hm. RY. -~ 1 Aznpie space wiil he provided m exhibit Dada-v Utensiis. HALI‘UKD Asumv, WM. BZZZEM., Secretary Beilc'ciilc (ma. President. lum passage. The zcdu ed fare IS onlv ~ on 3m 1- ret 1m pawngc, :u. a only attainable on 3 our ge "‘12: ceytihcate {mm Ticket Agent, at ~ .4. startixg {mi nt, and the: cert: tied to by Me Secretary of the As; aciation at the conven- 01' 1111‘ Ti cjx'i‘z vezcix ups-11 {he Christmas {Ice " zen weary of their flight, ey'ii Imihl their nests in stockings in the middle of the night. But catch them Christmas Blaming- For dear 01-1 Santa sends In every one a sweet surprise T0 his loving httle frimds. t ing groin-t. and getting by the bacretm‘y at th fie snre and 9.3;; for Ampie £22222: \"211 12c gzven for asking of 212283210225 222221 discu ssiuns ‘zof 11 the subjects, 22201:;(12 223‘ 2105, construction of, growing of (722222, fiiling of Silos,f2*c2’1inf:r of ‘.I Plzxsi1dge,eucvcrvthm-rpmt'un’nn‘ tn othe best inlets es»: of the fanncn 222221 daiumeu. REDUCE» 22.2;m2‘n' 2‘2. 222:». Reduces! railway fines to 1211 Mien". the convezui o 2 "K'u‘liicd 12v obtaining: a ce2 121522.22 f 0222 1122: ”(122:2 AWL-221 2221 the star‘- ing 303221. 221221 quiri 22'r thee 3mm- certlixcd to 14 __ VA: Ample quest ions incl :rii uu‘ FWI'.9£ f Yum nuts: :1‘: look in corners, Ami you x: ustn t iy-ar a sound, 3’. cause a Pock of scene-:5 Is thing uii mound. . The Minister Vince of 0:1 azi one or tvn » at? 1 Ya: I; 3.: H' :05 h be wit} a 1:.'-. anal: Assuciaths' m. I. ') torn, time a Dominic-n ! 130 has 3) War}; in the 11:15, will 2 00‘ .v " . L-§;u’1.. ana uauymen. Prof. Re-hi::.~;<'):., of the Dahy Department, Bxpczimeaml i'arm, Ottawa, who is author: Ly 'on n xttcr and cheese, will also give his experi 31:00 at the World 5 bail, and ex- pe‘imcnts in the dairy depa rtment as well as valuable‘ :zin s and sugnestior s to cheese- makers, dahymen md fzumct‘s. wwn or roterboro,’ Out, on Wednesday and Thursday, J zmuary, 3rd and 4th, 1894. Prof. J. H. Roberts, of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. ‘11, who has charge of the Agri~ cultural Farm there; lixCov mor Hoard, of I”. Atkinson. Wismnsin, U. 3., both of who a have hail large and valuable experi~ ence in 1111 matters pertaining to the Dairy, in feeding and producing milk: will deliver addresses spwially prepared for farmers and dailfivmeu. Dairymen‘s Association. of Eastern 03 The annual meeting and conventi the-above Association win he held i town of i’ctet‘boro,’ 0:111, on Wed-n anti Thursday, J zmuarv. 3rd and 4th slzu‘Li Be joy vous, little chihmm, ()1: £32 us dear day of davs. And scatte: smiles lxke sunbeams Along the household h rays. 0:) 123: no angry wm :1 he bean. No frowning; bzow he found; {or Chisf mas- iime is 10\ mm lim. 2 T.:e who. 8 glad emth argmul. Mr. F. ‘1'. REFUSE GHEAP IMITATIONS Let. 36, Con. 10, T ownship of Hope. .anzi genius, r the same c< wczetzuy at the com PRU")! :e and as‘ for certificate V VOUI‘ tic}; et {sf :milmy 'icl‘ “1â€", v 9 )int over {-9 ch line 0‘ I. (7 ' {IIIISTJLLS' I?” RIAS'TIiL-L’i TIDII‘I. .s of Auricnltui‘c for {.10 Pro- 111115111, Hon John linden, and ihe 1? l‘OfL'SSOI‘L‘ iron 11 the Model .111 1, and others. aze expat ted to and 11011111113 :1 111C 11103111318 of the ‘1'. Shutt, Chief Chemist of the E'prerimental Faun of Ottawa, been doing some vm‘v mhmlun bee: doing some very valuable 3 analysis of Fodder Corn and make the same known at our , skewing the Value of Fodder own and Invested in the manor Bracervi the 900/0 general use: Millions of \. Women use rt WEE Ef'la‘ET '. ‘ DC axinv'cu c. :. of Eastern omarto. convention of when pur- cket Agent 5 Railway the fu‘npcr in the {'0 0V8! 2,600 hens Youbh’: going for ‘74.? Ask to sm Oovei'coats“ mri Boys 552 pails Men’ ~;, Indie When you come to Pet Hats, Cap ? Drawéfs, » " I‘ Shir'fiz’és9 Bogtsfgz Shoes Great 301173320 336 éha Waring; ?fiflfi§a The The Jeweller, f e found ‘a m * . factumr in .a hole, 1 dangied h ‘f - his eyes me Emit 9f cash He bit! and we secured the finest and ' best bargain 101: of gaods evaio got hoid ofe .4}: REMEMBE thing in our line H m town crix 0 us a. c 11 present In“ pzices vi! AW’AY DOWN ‘0‘“ If you have been thinking of placing a Furnace in in your house this fall you will consult your own in- terests by giving us a call before placing; your order. In Stoves we can give you anything: from the small-- est Box Stove to the finest Range manufaetured. Don’t forget us in the meare line and Eavetrough- mg. Don’t Miss this Sale. N ._ “Mm SWE m Tiwe Emmrium. will be made in almost every line. This is the greatest offer L! the public fer the purchase of first-class goods at Such ma SEE {RIB WATTBASS, ELGIPJ AM} BBCKFGBB WATCHES WW 79*" ‘ , “0111:0186 3:31: :3 gfit- oult of businessby the first day of We} ' ee y c earanceâ€"and has decided t'o : whole stock. It would be to the advantage of everv 133%; how much they can save at thi IMMENSE STflflK WILL BE SQLD BE EAEBLESS E WMxK Ki’~‘-‘ n 1* are bound to clathe the Yeoman of the Coun- try it we have to do 1t for almosu nothingéj Our Winter attack on hard timesâ€"4340900 worm of GBOGEBIES, Cmekery. Glasswara‘? EiVflnEVflPB And FANCY GOODS: FOR Ci‘iRisTMAS MUST BE SOLD Within the Next Wonderful cheapglfien, Llnchew A REDUCTION OF 29 {70 4% PER LII QQQQQ BEG SLAUGHTER SALE "‘1 WI ,, E H ' " ”*HTGHLV FLCOMMENDEDâ€"Wm“ "‘“ "'“ 3‘ As 3. Preventive arm cure ofau Throat and Lung Diseases M 58 C568" Ba :63 023:on mnoow “£stst For that Bad Cqugh of yougg __ an- Mouth and boys ()veicoats Ova-z ‘coats $18 316 AR!’ k to see our overcoat-s, Men’s size, $3 90. Eieca Ann 11 you \ 'zmt anything in the \Valclz, Clock or Jewellery line 7 you will strike it rich by calling on us now. Our stock is large ‘ and we must make room for our Christmas goods, which will con- i 9. sis: of the handsomesl, nobbiest and mest‘ unique designs for ;" Christmas presents ever brought into~Millbrock. When you are . ch11, we will be pleased to show you oupast‘gck and we are certain our :5 'Will surprise you. In spectacles we‘are in a. position to suit, you. ‘ » ‘ iERfiâ€"we are bound tab-{gram nus present stowk and if you need any- you hgwe u. chanccytw'get z‘. lmrgemiu new. i you will strike it rial! byo'ulling on u: I and we must make room for our Chris D sis: of the handsomesl, nobbiest and ' Christmas presents ever brought into‘ I, we will be pleased to show you oupas‘tgck 'ill surprise you. In spectacles we‘are in a. : 2 $3 and $3.50, worth dou'bie. Over $33,000 tdics, Boys and Children’s Boot-s and ‘Shoes,' Peterboro be sure you visit And if you want anything; in the c-tn.‘ 1mm. wow-mu 'W ' rennnnucmncn 9 So PEQKUP. Kingâ€"st, Millbpook, intendilm “It this :ofi'cr that; has ever been made to such marvelously low prices. hruary “ex a tremend . @EYELL. 'emendous sacrifice on the purchaser to call and see GENT. Toronto of IL is :his inten- COST, 77w Cc/v/U' 13056 2017/ 62’ o Goat IBM“ .225 . . . Sorofula, and all Anaemlc and W Diseases. Prevents Wastin children. Almo“ “8 Mutable: as milk. Get only the sonume, Prepared by Scott Bowne, Belleville. Sold by all Dmggists, 50 cents and $1.00, WE HAVE THE LAP ”GEST STOCK J ASSORTMENT OF ROBE s g‘qDI“r-:e BLANKETS IN TOWN. V .U EST I": .35.: KM Are you all run down? 5505?": Emu/- 55074;”;‘0f Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPhOSphitQS,. ef’Lime ”and Soda Winii'bUildâ€"é‘efl‘fifoand put flesh on you and give you a good appetite. Scott’s Emulsion cures Co ' . .- u hs . . . Colds, Consumption, sowfum; .- -- :2 ;_: g. and all Anaemlc and w ‘5'? {z ‘ - astln Diseases. Prevents Wasting [5 Children. Almost as n...“ - _ m Eéaé‘aéia‘igm ’ MEN’S FUR COATS, $17.. $0 $25. MEN’S CAPS, LARGE VARIETY FRGM 75c. $20 $7.90. ROSES, $6.00 to $16.03. Christmas. flaws? Every Thuréflay £5 Emmy Market Bays. U in >wm mmm0r<ma 2. $3.. MMM. MMMMMM. gfime 3% mew mmm mm mm Coal is a. fuel and costs cash, Man is a. fool anc'fquite rash, He sells Coal on trust and then goes‘bust And nothing is left but ashes and dust. ‘ ls’mg'a’s’é'i‘ BEMFDVB; ADVERTISEMENT PRAINS, RU! *cAwsBuaggs’ 8 CUTS. Cash paid for Furs .23 B.‘ JENKINS. ' 1‘ H , . 7 . “in, ‘ [’1 a i i a 111' (lidssmza [Co/35 and .Sas/cafaiwz.c22:12 [Buffalo F 031/" Gradgfl‘: qujiz [/2 [‘5‘ .3177)». B/(zt-ri. (K, '35:}, (1‘7’63/ ӣ170“ “5 “725’ 77! 1‘ /1‘c ”tar/361’. C (:17 and :1"! f/zcm. . PAYN E. FOR AWE. “’2’ 3:“? 3 PAIR of order in using poi He handles a- pump apeéially for gardenerq and fg'uit growora .-~- spray pump figlom‘either plunge so thgt [here 13120 danger of i: (2.11 Ifyou require a pump he will smt you. The Mill'Jrook munufzwLu" . . . ~~’:', can supply ‘you mth any €165,142! (ff 1””“1’ 3'01! want and at; pmces to salt the tunes. Among t hose of his own manufacture or that of anv Other make be I'm-Ids the EUREKA puml} to the front, as It IS the only pump on the marku, that can be regulated so as to throw either alightor heavy Stream]. Hasryour Well 3017 30b ‘1 {500d 1mm p “01‘: Why nut 3 .GREEN, E R Q [anger-of j. 2’, :‘fing sonous liqui (is 9 give him a call and NH 0.0 .H... U 4.0““:58. It i: or valve, designed O‘dt

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