in all dimen. e closest buy- are in a posi. complete. “‘9 iifl'erem prices 11 make in nplain and Rte both correct in n has I . ...a;~., am. that LOTHI N G. {mcoe Streets, )ROUGH . r she undersig’é septembel‘. I. ' ' same-by p228... ._; makes that are. not W'e have secured a >w upon us for Over- mier. ‘We have in ’ range of imported take up in ï¬rst class m ordinal-y tailor’s >2}: Men’s and Ladies’, selected from all the are conï¬dent our values ct makeabai'c of one on another you would ell every line at the 0m Men’s extra heavy r $1.0035nit. Also a the bes; makes. this year a range of i, as they now take the Cal] and examine our omshed as the values; I]. 70. bf the :odowing lines Bavy Scotch Shawls, md ï¬ne, Eider-down Jnion, all wool, and EILLOTT .kér zys been noted for l in Dress Goods and varietv. This year $115 aining our repu- p Basket, c 'oths, and barging :30 pvt cent. 3 you heard of our lerges at 30.2. a yard, desirable g Robson is ction. Every )rompt-ly when prom- my style that a cus- Lock of- COFFINS. ï¬nds 01' L'ndenakers’ .;- and an ozher kinds 9, a: 10‘.\'e~‘t prices. £19. Con. 10, ' 'owxxsbip cf Mamet-s, rnbull, ’ATIN GS. GOODS. see him, ol-IFJ Ill’s olumn. ‘5 wear, we ‘ prepare to J 0 com- F1 IQ- behindgm the race 11; Millbrook. â€"R°°t BaSlï¬Ã©tS, Potatoes Forks. SCOOP Shovels{ Zinc, Lgnta‘fï¬Ã© and wall paper g0iw~m time prieces at R. J. DOAK’s. . 39 â€"â€"What- we want now and let us one and all agitate for, is -; Mechanic Institute and electric light for our town. We are away behind'fin the race i1; Millbrook. â€"Dr. S. \V. Clark and \V. 9 G’ ' c - tended 1.0. 0. F. lodge in Pontygooll‘oe: FY; day evening. Dog. took the Roval Bumper degree. ‘ ' â€"Best Amet‘fcau water white Coal Oil ever ~‘bz‘OWgEIit: WMiIlbrook, at R. J. DOAK‘S. L)?†:39 "Thanksgiving day one week from to-day, Those turkeys Phat run away from home to escape the mevxtable, might hop around our way. â€"The new blacksmith shop of Ab. Orr’s is rearing its form Phwnix like and with double quick speed. It is now ready for use. -â€"You have your way of taking comforts and I have mine but Arthur Vance takes Job’s plan these days. â€"\Vorld’s Fair views at Methodist church Thursdaty night together with lecture by Rev, XV, R. Young. Don’t miss it. -â€"§arrist.ers Ruchk and Smith were in Peterborough on Thursday last on profess. im‘ml business. â€"Dr. S. W'. Clarke and Barrister Smith paid their regular visit to Bethany in Mon. dav. . â€"Big pusn at greatlgmeduced prices for W'hips of all kiigds‘at R. J. DOAK’s, â€"The Rev. R. N. Adams of Bethany will preach in the Methodist church next Sun. day morning and evening. â€"Big pusn at lgrrgatlgyeduced prices â€"\Ve have to thank one of our citizens for a. nice basket of apples. The venison being; all disposed of it came in good. i â€"The questxon now is, who ate that lunch? Now boys it is only reasonable to return the treat. â€"-THE REPORTER to the end of 1894 for one dollar. Why not subscribe. â€"Shooting match Centreville Friday Nov. 17. Geese and Turkeys. â€"â€"â€"Special value in men’s long Em at J enkin’s. 463-3 SOLD ONLY BY A Brush given with each bottle. Guaranteed not to Smoke or Smell. Presera Egyptian StoVe Pipe Enamel Prepared by Dr. J. C.Ayer 8: Co., Lowell.Mus. Prompt to act, su reto cure Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and had about decided to sit up all night {11 my easy chair, and procure what sleep I could in that way. Itt n 00- curred to me that I hazyfï¬ile 01 Ayer’s Chetry Pectonl. I took a spoonful of this‘préï¬aration in a. little water, and was able to lie down without coughing. In a few moments, I fell asleep. and awoke in the morning greatly refreshed and feeling much better: I took a. teaspoonful of the Pec- toral every night for a week, then grad- ually decreased the dose, and in two weeks my cough was cured.†Panied by an aggravating cough, I used various remedies and prescriptions- While some of these medicines partially alleviated the coughing during the day, none of them aï¬orded me any relief from that spasmodic action of the lungs WhiCh would seize me the momentIattemPted to lie down at night. After ten or twelve such nights, I was Nearly in Despair, “ Over thirty years ago, I remember hearing my father describe the wonder- ful curative effects of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. During a recent attack of La Grippe, which assumed the form of a catarrh, soreness of the lungs: 8090111: PRIBE 2-5 BEETS PER BOTTLE. Cured by Ayer’s Chen-y Pactoral. Mrs. P. D. HALL, 217 Genessee St., LOCkPOI't, N. Y., says: . A. T. ELLIOTT, TO‘VN TALK A Rdcliiï¬gï¬ough THE DRUGGIST. Hikes Stove Pipes 1 nesdif.‘ "1116?: 33th, 1393. Rober1 Gertrude W'ard, both of Gavan. ~A united Thanksgiving service will be held in the Methodist church on Thanks- giving day, Nov. 23rd. Addresses will be delivered by the Revs. Clark, Bloodsworth and MeCamus, and a special procramme of music by the united choirs. Collections in. aid 0f charitable purposes. ~The Emma Wells concert in behalf of the band did not turn out very satisfactory ff0m a ï¬nancial point of view, neither do We think the programme up to the mark although some of the selections were very good. Emma \Vells and Jennie Ray are scomely a concert in themselves. ~Somethmg got into our old press last week and when about one third of the issue was run offit, “ stopped short never to go again †and went out on strike, until we had taken one of its tired pieces to Peterboro to See the city, when after three days visiting and recuperating it came back and went to Work, so if you were disappointed in not rteeiving THE REPORTER on time just lay it to the inate rascality of the machine. ~Kee our e re on \V. gcher for BCots, Sphges ad’d Rubbéï¬f‘ , Every; thing marked down to harWiEes. Menls long Kip Boots reduced from 35.00 to $4.00. Men’s Lace Boot only 890. All other lines equally low. â€"We did not expect when we gave an item of news last week regarding the sale of a certain bovine that our ofï¬ce would be Challenged in mortal combat. The editor _Was Gil an to be mv ay that day, the foreman is Small, and the b0) s didn’t Ken- to be 3616- some or we (I had another funeral The Alter. BYERSâ€"VVARD.-By Rev. D._N. McCamus at the Methodist patronage, Mxllbrook, on Wed- .‘Lesday. Nov. 8th, .1393: yobert J. Byers to --â€"Enamel. The ogl'y smokeless, odorless and perfect . ve-pipe varnish is for sale at R. J, oak’s. Buy no other until )Olt"l‘fa\'e tried ours. For stoves we hme the celebrated Black Led. It is excellent polish. Try it. â€"\Ve heard a number of citizens wishing for the return of moonlight nights again so that we might have the lamps lighted on the streets. On Sunday and Monday nights a person required the eyes of a. cat to navigate with ease. Who pays for the lighting any- way. â€"The Millbrcok Dramatic Club will en- tertain the lovers of Shakespeare on Thanks- giving evening in the town hall with a. selected programme. :\Rn<:ugh Diamond and Our Boys are two asterpieccs of comedy that you cannot afford to miss. â€"The annual entertainment of the Pres- byterian Sabbath school, Millbrook wfll be held in the town hall on Tuesday, 28th inst. W. E. Ramsay, one of Toronto’s greatest singers and humorists will take the leading part in the programme. The best local talent procurahle will also assist. If you are interested in Horse Blankets 0r “Robes call at Jenkins. Largest stock; Best assortment and lowest prices for cash. 43-3 â€"â€"Thenext regular meeting of the Can- adian Order of Oddfellows will be held on Tuesday evening next at 8 0 ’.clock Organ- izer Rose IS expected to be present and a. full attendance IS lequcsted. â€"011 Sunday Nov. 26th, the missionary anniversary sermons of the Methodist church will be preached (D.V.) by the Rev. A. Sutherland, D.D., Missionary Secretary of the Methodist church of Canada. â€"â€"Gra.nd concert in St Paul’s church Beth- any next Monday night, Nov. 21. J. H. Cam- eron of Toronto clecutionist and humorist is the chief attraction and singing talent from Port Hope and Lakeï¬eld, a. chance seldom met to have a. good nights enjoyment. â€"Anniversa.ry services of the Fallis Line Methodist church on Sunday Nov. 19, and tea. on Monday evening 20th., abundance of outside and local talent. Bro. Clarke never does things by halves so expect a meat treat on Monday evening. â€"â€"Margaret L. Shepherd, he escaped nun lectured to the ladies of Millbrook on Fri- day afternoon and to a mixed audience in the evening. Mrs. Shephard is a forcible speaker and presents with disgusting reality the degredation of a. church which Luther turned his back upon. â€"Thanksgiving supper at the Cavanvxlle Methodist church on Thanksgiving day. Special attractive programme of addresses and music by Mount Pleasant choir. “There’s nothing like roast goose and onions.†â€"Thanksgiving dinner and concert at the Presbyterian church Centreville on 23rd. The turkeys had better get under the barn quick for they are going to be called on. N ow boys come along with your Mary Ann. â€"Allaccountspast duemvjng to I. E. Needham, must be pai< fore 'the ï¬fteent day of December. ;, er thxs date chose not. paid will be plated' in court, for collect-ion. I. E. NEEDHAM. 45-2 â€"â€"â€"The rows in one of our hotels on Satur. (lay and Monday nights was a. disgrace to any civilized community and no other result. can be expected than ï¬re if such rowdyism 1s continued. Where’s the Crook’s Act? â€"A shooting match will take place at the Cavanville Inn, Cavanville, on Tuesday, November 28th. One hundred ducks, geese and turkeys are in readiness for the occasion. Rifles and shotguns to be used. â€"â€".â€"\uction sale of the effects of the late Jas. Williamson on Nov. ‘22; Farm Stock and Implements and Household goods. All must be sold. 4411‘. Alex. Smixh, an old Bruce boy and acquaintance of THE REPORTER has been appointed organizer for the reform party in place of Mr. Preston. Shake Alex. -â€"Wc congratulate teacher '1‘. W. Mc- Lean upon his election as 1st Vice-Pres. of East Durham Teachers Association. You’l get there next time Mac. â€"Greut, sale of Farm-8:001; and Imple- ments at “7111. Tinney’s, Cavanville, Mon- day Nov. 20. ".--No reserve, so look out for bargains. ~Cavan Conservative meeting for election of ofï¬cers and delegates to riding convention on Saturday 18th. Business of importance. brodk. Came to the premises of the undersigned on or about the middp of July last. a ewe and lamb. The owner IS requested to prove pro- perty, pay expenses and take them away. J AS. MCDONALD, Lot 3. Con. 10, . Nov. 2. 1893 Clark TOWHShlp. The undersigned offers for sale or to rent; that valuable farm of two-hundred acres. 180 acres cleared. Situated Lot 16'. 7th Gen. Cm-an. fail-plowingall done. only 3 miles from Mill- Strayed from Lot 6. Con. 9. van, twï¬â€™bolts, one mare colt one your old. c orcd blavfz-md one horse colt, one )‘Carpld. als col bay.“ Any person giving such mforma . as will lead to their whereabouts will he suita blv rewarded. RICHARD FA LLIS. Mull-rook. Nov. 14. 189:5. 45-3t Dated at Millbrook, this 14th day of Novem- ber, 1893. R. RUDDY, Solicitor for Thomas Eakins, Administrator of the Estate. And take notice that the said administrator, will on and afterthe said 231 d day of December. 1893. proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled :hexeto. hav - ing regard only to the claims of w hich he shall then have had notice. Eakins, Yceman, Deceased. VOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the .L provisions of R. S. 0.. 1887. Chap. 110. and amending acts, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Thomas Eakins. late of the Township of Manvers in the County of Durham. Yeoman. Deceased. who died on or about the 9thday of J uly, 1893, at Manvers aforesaid, are requested to deliver, on or before the 23rd day of December. 1893, to Robert Ruddy of the Village of Millbrook in the said County Durham, solicitor for the administrator of the estate of said deceased, full particulars of their claim. together with their christian and surnames and the nature of the security (it pny)_he_ld_by them. _ In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas A a’mz'ssz'mz, Reserved Seats, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, ’93 Nov. 2, 1893 ADHiNISTRATORS’ Notice £0 Gredibrs! Miss Jessie Alexander. Millt rook. Nov. 14, 1893. Dnamatic 6‘} Hummus 'ARM FOR SALE OR RENT STRAY SHEEP. STRAY COLTS. Building Faber, Glass 6: Putty, Lanterns, Cow Ties, At Reasonable Prices AT BARIINER’S. ‘ The fall of the vear is a. trving season. for elderly people. The many éheerless, dark, dismal days act depressinglv, not to say in' juripusly, on both 01d and ~voung. NOW i5 the time to re-enforce 'th}; vital energies with Ayel"s SarsaparilIaâ€"thc bQSt Of all blood medicines. Fall REQUIBEE YouNeed It! Town Hall, Millbpook, ltmn o o o o ; CureThatCough, HealYourLungsg ‘ 'qutFlesh onYourBonesï¬ Prevent Consumpjiomj Theuno I:: w “Emulsion. RECITAL BY DAVID ARMSTRONG. Millbrook, On 5. ~SUCII AS MEETS E 356. 23 f. l Peterboro, Every department will contribute its share of bargains. \Ve have Spent mostly every evening this week marking down prices and you will make a mis- take if you do not attend this GREAT SALE. It don’t need much logic to convince you these hard times (when our friends in the country are getting only 560. a bushel for wheat, and which fact indirectly effects every citizen in like preportion) that if One Dollar will buy you is much when spent; with us as $1.35 will when spent in most places, that ours is the place to deal at. We just begin to realisetiic‘fact that in another month our buyer will be 01? to Europe to buy Spring Goods. \Ve must therefore in thirty days scratch tagether $20,000 for him to take along to pay for what he buys. \Vith this in View we have decided to quickly and promptly set to work and raise the above amount by hook or by crook. To accomplish this we know that the pruning knife must he put in liberally, and that we must present you at tempt- ing listzof Bargai s we think you will appreciate our effortsï¬n this direction when you see what we ave to oï¬â€˜er you. Goods 3 . unneed now at the com- mencement of the I ' q ‘ ces such as are oTtbnquoted in February when you don’t need the goods nt any price. ‘ We do not expect to raise this large amount (and our buyer says he must have it) by quietly standing behind our counter with our hands in our pockets, Micawberâ€"like, “waiting for something to turn up that will bring customers in of themselves,†but we do expect that this announcement with our list of sharply cut: prices for attractive lines of goods will convince you, that in justice to yourselves, you cannot allow this opportunity to pass unheeded. MUST BE SOLD WITHIN NEXT 30 DAYS AT If V011 want a neat. nobbv air! cndurulule . 7,. .. set 0f nametsfs you should call on the under- signed. I :ase nothing but the-very lgas‘rma. terial and is the work is EJIT'SF“ I - o own supel‘flsn'mj‘ou can fly on getting a. ï¬rst-class article. ' :ps, Combs, 35 ashes and every: ' 8 usually kep‘u in a ï¬rst- class harness shup always on hand. Make no mistake in placing your order, I lead the trade with popular prices. Shopâ€"-King-st., next to R. Deyell’s grocery. under my GREAT REALIZATION SALE, HOOD'S PILLS cure liver 111:, count!â€- uon, binomou, Janndice, nick budmcha. 250. Cï¬dféï¬réï¬eét, Cornwallis, ’NTSL Four bottles has dong more {of me than $200 worth of other medicme. I think it the best Mopd puriï¬er known}: MRS. H. D. Wxsr, .NAL -L.--‘ h_______1 ,- ‘v n which Ihad not Qane for six years. Think I am cured of erySIEflas, and recommend any person so afflicted use breaking on; with running sor summer mo the. I have so able to use y lxmbs for t Being induc to t_ry H one bottle las ommenced using it; elt so much better, go two bottles more; took them during the summer, was able to do my housework, and months at a. time. s Sarsaparilla. I ot But 4 Bottles quoodfs Sarsaparilla g" Cured. “It is with gieasure that I tell on the great beneï¬t I deriï¬ed from Hood’s Sarsaparilla. For 6 years ghave been badly amicted with Of Other Medicines Failed Hall, Gilchrist 00., HARNESS 2 in Best of Testimonials nan be given. Undertaker and Practical Em balmer. Hood’s Sarsaparilla DRY GOO I JOHN GILLgfi HALL, GILES-[HIST 80’s $200 Worth Walk Two Mlles Mrs. H. D. West of Cornwallis. Nova Scotia. Commencing Sal‘nrd'ay, JVOZIeméer 1827:. Erysipelas W. STRAIN. â€"WORTH OFâ€"-â€" â€"-Neura]gia must go ! $5.00 m‘ "‘ “rd for a case that “ Harper's Arabian B;11n1"will 11m; relieve at on: . “armnted by A. And take notice that afrer the mid last men- tioned date the said executor will mowed to distribute the assets of the said esta’e of the said deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard oniy 101110 claim: of which notice ehall have been giwn a: above required and the said executor win not be 1‘12:ch for Lhe said assets or any part. thereof to any pew-on or persons of whose claim or claims n Lice shall not. have bzen given to him or hi.c solicitors at the time aforesaid. Dated :11 Peterborough. September 2nd, 1893. STRATTON HALL. for W. A. St anon. the cxecut or of- -3.c (Amie of the dcceaw a full statement of 311031‘ ghrib ian and surnames - and u}! parricul are of ull. particulars of {Ben 0941315. m'atgannï¬f‘dr that account and nature of the security, 11’ any held by them. N OTiCE 1-: hereby given â€pursuant fo the A provi. ions of R.S.O..1:’-‘8.’.Cnap. 2‘11). and amending Act: that, all crediLozzs 21ml (2 hers havi 11;; claims 21g†men 'he- estate (-f Archibald Armstrong. late of the V illag e of M 123‘: rook in the. County of Durham Merchant. wk 11 iied on or 21110.1: the 16:}1_r£cp 0111110121813. at --‘:i.2brcok aforesaid. are on or before the 1.â€"t (131’ 3f 1 tecem- ber._ [89: , to (19E or to Stratton 5:. Ha} soiiciiors [vice on lot. 13. con. 10, â€1:51:31, $1.00 for Hanson. 1n Lhankin Inany customers {or {he very liberal p ' onge extended Lo me the pact seven years in the swine lmeinew. I would respect- fully solicit. a continuance of the same this year. A call is inviLed before going ekewlzere. Regis- tered pedigrees on applicauiun. 'i'he above boars took ï¬rst and second places a: Millbrook this year and are no relatives 10 any other animals here. Will be;-kch for Hope. Terms Improv ed Chester W bite Boa! "Kin No. 3‘4: {arrow ed March 16m English Belks'nire. ‘ SmneWa‘Ll, . o. rowed AprillOt-Ll 1893. Ax" H“ yog’wan nobby suit, A St" if is fashionabï¬e, A We -made, Suit, Gail on: Miilbrook, Ontario. First-class local reference can be gix en EXECUTORS’ Notice to ï¬reditars ! Havi mg div.) we} 0' .lrima‘s in Mill?) to ma ommod :1: pigs and ii‘tup. l; we to brand a FARMERS ! 'Wmlmds a ‘._ ' dren or adults. ,. nsé Du. SMITH'S, GERMAN woall' LOZENGE8._QIW3YS prompt, reliable,safe and pleasant, requmng no afger medicine. Never failing. Leave no bad m‘ efl'ects. FOR SEIwiCE.‘ . SPEERS Price, C. SPEiRS, 25 cents per- Box Solicitors for the E) Ontario; Aélo. WX’O. ‘ '22 ; fair- HE-