Millbrook Reporter (1856), 19 Sep 1895, p. 1

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CHISHOLM CHISHOLM, Barristers, '1‘. B. COLLIN CO. ‘RADUATE 0? THE ONTARIO VETER- nmry C slave. Dneveea ~f Domesrcated Anhna s "cued on Scsentitic primal. lrs Equine Dentin-(r, I. an» entry. Rumored in accordance with l. m Vet. rumry Act. omt'eâ€"oplwsite Dominion H In] R sidence Kim: 3:. Mmbrook. P03 ‘ HOPE. ‘11.]. “BL 0K. OXEY t-u loan at 5 per cent. on gm edge nrcurity and a: 5'; and 53 p~r cent. on lam swung. Terms to suit born)“ ers. lend d. Date nlrmrn I2 uflicv. BET“ ANY. - - OST‘ARIO. LL UUMES I‘IC \TED ANIMALS TREAT- e.. according to must scientific methm 3 Punk ulu attention Eh en to Emma Denustry. CM\.~ moderlte mg by t. |cflfllph prompt- ly Attended t). PET EBBORO' 145 “ESTER. 51'. PE I‘ERBOROL’GH. I-FWâ€"«g-mo a u CZ Eurâ€"=0. 9 FM. UCKMwH_C fiemc «71.:â€" FW ‘HWE "H. 4L. ooooone 0L. \\ est :m Bu: k. A’L’ alchjrd "g to hues: scieumic methods Puucnhr attention veu to Equine Dentlswy. Chm-3n undgrnze , esigenge and 031cc King PIE RYTOW N. - - ON I'ARIO AUCI‘KOXEER FUR THE COUXTY 0]" Durham Sales or all kinds promptly at- zeud a. Date and terms arranged at. the JAS. SEAGER, M.D , C.M. EX 1ST. Special attention given to the Innervation of t- .e natural teeth X1- mua xide Gus tor the pad has extraction of new. GM work guarun r.-.d \\ in be at Bethany the :...d and 4th Manda) s of each month. Omemce 13: M nduy and 3rd W Nugg- du 0! use a mouth GEN TBEVILLE. - 03" (A810. 01:05th ENS Universt . Kinaslun. rMumber m L -Ale.:e of u) swims and Surgeons. KILLERQUI' , . 02‘ f ARM). ARK: STER. Sal ciur. Notary Public. eh: I. nvute and CJmpanv Funds to I an at the knee” rat 3 mac, in “'0‘ u Kenn" muck. A: Be: my on and stud 4m Muuazusof every month. HILLASROOK. Uile'l'ER. Act :mey at Law. 5 nlicitor. I!" Honey t-s lend on cue Security of real "me. l'own and Farm l’n-r any fur 333:; one“ I . Hutu-w Block. »\ Alton xzrcet. Poll. r so»? . (succumm TU DR. I'IHLLH‘S). P0 \‘I‘l’l‘OOL. - - ON I'ARIO. ' ‘RIS TY UN VERSXTY. MEMBER 0F :2 r Calicga u! Puyucians and aurgeuus. Ouunm L. LAPP, B.A., M.D., C.M. TORUSYO and Victoria Universities. Ll- wuzme R.) al UJllwe Surgeons, Edin- bnrxh. Mcmler Cnlege Physicians and Sur- ‘rns. unxarim mace all A. -eacn's drug store. 0|!ch co : nuie Street. N. C. McKinnon,M.D..C.M. D he. 21- Mine) u; Lâ€" an... mia'c-es owr new 1' we! Dulce IN DEPE.‘ DENT ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS SETS EVERY TCESDAY EVENING IN lho‘l’Lllchr lhencw Post nice. Visit- lnt Brethren Welcome. 0V 2L CH‘AN LODGE-CANADIAN OR- DER 0F ”JUFELLOI S, meets the third u'ueedny ev-uimt of each month in the 80m: Circle rroms King-St. Millbrook-hour of meeting. new» k. T e benefits of this S)Ci' at] are In rzhy the cum) drratlun of every per- rn. Infor- nth-n furnished on application. .103. 1‘1: RS YE. KG. G. DUNCAN. Secretary HILLBROOK. W. D. LEACH. Swervtarv fie. r NZQâ€"ZWHWM. CZHUVHQC â€".>ZC VAN”. _ v. EMCNW. .u _ :5 fleets :‘ In! \londsy In each monihln their room over Leach a drug stare. 811'. users we] D. I LL'S C R. W. W. GILLOTT. RS. COURT IVASHOE. No. 327. I. 0. F No. 6. ecu the second Hand: in every monthin flour Circle Emma. N005 Jr. Kells Mocha“ o'block sharp. [Hmnsnoox caxmux HODIE CIRCLE I JAS. D. DEYALL, V.S. 3. let! A HON. ERCH I NT P-ULOR IS~IURER 0!" MAR- " n‘e Liccnses. T. H. HASSARD, V.S., (succtssux To DR. momma). an LL88; 0K. - - C ‘lA_lH{ ginkgo!“ t‘lTQR. NUT \RY PUB- RUHK'HIJ) “MUD st’ER 0F MAR- - RI “312 L CEXSELS. umbrokJnn. MERS AXD O'I‘ 1BR (mop Songs 13c untedv Dransissu ., .l palms in 1 cl ‘e United 5 us: rates n! fink-and n pl: Real F .9 n. sg-eviai- fl «up comms- $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. Vol AXXVIII. DB. H. C. LESLIE, M A RR l AGE LICENSES. J. H. GARDINER, ROBERT RUDDY, V: toelnuy Stu-goon WING to :- nest from a large number of citi- zens of Mn rook to again enter in the Butch- er business. we have purchased the business of the old stand and we are now in a better pgsition than ever to sustain our old reputation. GlYe us a can and Monnvint-nfl m... u“. M- mum... LANCKéfiffiEWSZ" SCOTT A. A. SMITH, Plfl )Fh EDS] 0N AL. BANKERS. )N. R. E. SPANTON. .eader. Secrets-y. J. R. YOUNG. Finn'Sec. BANKS. THE PLACE TO BUY. SOCIETIES. Mlllbrook Lodge No. 303. side of King St. D HAMPTUN. N G .0! Commerce OS I AIUO. ONTARIO 0N I'ARIO. Ontario. ON I'ARIO ONTARIO. ONTARIO. 051‘. ONT BELOW’ ARE SOME OI" HIS LEADERS . . o ”I Wood COOK “The D' xou Sseel Cook, ” (the ‘0- St fin tbn vhark t everv stove gumuwed to be perfect bak- r). “ Thu souw nir CW}; ’ u The St, 11mm 'ka ” The Onglna} C V k. "I H “The Maple C ( k H ‘ Tm 0‘ fordy C '(Fk ” in .031 Ranges REMOVED m “ The Original U u k,” “ The Maple C t k," " Th". 0\fL)Td C wk." In foal Rang-es “ The var-nir Range,” (the “‘81: coal range in the country). “ The Stewart Oval Rang-3,” "The Oxford C-ml Range.” In r on! Base Burners “ The Stewart An. Sultana.” " Th0 Oxford Art C mnteifi,” both powerful doubleheaters uY‘d perf' Ct hum-a, and a. Full Line of Housefnrnishinzs in Table Cutle y and Granite Ware. 39.: Brand. of American and Canadian Coal on by u! 99,3110“ or Barrel lImving removed to the above commodioua stand a! d yut. in a. fresh stock I am now better prepared than ever to accumodnto my old. custmnsrs, and all new ones. who will favor me with a. (29.11. Special value in Szem-VVind \Vatches frnm $2.99 up. C .mplew line of Silvuwaro at. hard tune prices. W. S, GIVEN, "AS NOW ON "AND III; FALL AND “’IN’I‘ER STOCK. 0F . . o iilzzlrlishml 1525. At till? 69th Annual General film-ting 01' THE STANDARD LIFE ASSERANCE ACQJâ€"H’AN Y. ln‘lll {1' Edinburgh. on 'l‘uesdu)‘ the 5”: Marvin. 1595. the following results for the 39-m- Hulml 15th Non-Inlu-r. 1594. was reported :- MEOI FEOQ .XOOKmJJE; .uC0m4 “2.3K. i. .1 .v._<0n_ .1! LEADS ALL Canadian Companies Assets Over $14,000,000. THE CANADA HFE ASSURANCE GB. SHINGLES AND LAYH Delivery prompt, and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. A word with 5'00 about Lumber. l have given the prices in most grades a tumble downwards. Order Your COAL now. while it is cheap, as prices may advance any time My Coal is Strictly First Class Always .\ lso. “Standard” Life fissurance (fa REPAIRING I’RO'QPI‘LY AT I'EN DED TO 1395 Ufilce and Yard at Railway Station. Millhrook, July 30. 1595. 407 GEORGE STREET, to- â€" - - - - - - - - - $5,138,161 The Accumulated Funds at same date amoun’red to - Investments in Canada : bu 1.8%! amoufiting to - - - - Q 7-7”: The Claims by Death or Mann-ed Endowments which arose during the Your mmmntcd. im-lnaling Bmms Additions, to - - - ~ - - - - - The Annual Revenue amountvd at 15th November. ISSH. to - - - - - - - - - - - The‘Tota‘ Existing _Assurunces in force at 15th Xnvum- 40.. J Policies of Life \ssunmco we “(I issued, assuring - EST-33.836 Great Reduction in B. Laurance Spectacles. Best Quality. FRESH MiNED CLEAN 80M. Agent, Dimension Stuff Cut out to Order GOAL AND Wflli) 600K STIVES AND READY TO SUPPLY YOUR “VANTS. And one car luau! of Choice XX Shingloa MILLBROOK. Government and Municipal Bonds Mortgage. over Real Estate, lst lion Real Estate - - - ~ - Sundries - - - - - - 1T I h v ' me Just. unlnadml twrlve car loads of stock Iumbn‘ and one our each of ‘ I Because it. i: the oldest, Ingest, most pupumr and economical and givea the best. resuEta for him lraat money. anmse in 189:; it incnased it; assets by 81,236,513 "a. sum exceed- ing the increase of any mhu' tau) Canadian (J m panits, and In re than double of any one company. Becauin it has a. larger surplus, abwc all habilities, than an the otLer Canadian C Impanim tugs-then Beause thu net PnJits paid (I) iw foo policies during the last. '20 years are not. aqrmllut by any uthvr C :xnpnny in America. FRESH GREY LIME COA'L AND WOOD HEATING STOVES GEO- A- 8: E- \N. COX, Being an inmate dming the Year of $812.05 \V. M. RAMSEY, Manager. MANAGERS EASI'ERN ()N'I‘ARIU. TORONTO 01d EoSt Offiee Building FALL AN 3) \\' l NTER J- STEEL 0N SHORT NOTH‘E ESTABLISHED 1847. GI DOWN IN PREGE . . ATSO . . ' W. THEXTON. J. J. HANRATTY. Yuurs Iva‘poctfully, District Inspector, $6,820.00) “10,500 Inwwtinn Invited 0L!) POST OFFICE STAND. PETERBORO ,. $113.27-L3HO ,BORO ’ $1 14.5.1500 AND EAST DURHAM ADVOCATE. 1595 gnu”, ...w..- _.,_ ing being among those taking part:-- Rev. Messrs. Broune. Henderson and Lewis: Archdeacon Brigstocke. Dr. Johnston, Messrs. W. Drake and J. C. Jenkins. Prof. Clark finally replied in a speech marked by skill and earnest- ness, and which eiivited rounds of ap- plause both from the opponnnts and supporters of the motion. On being put to the home the motion was lost by a considerable‘majogitsf‘ , n MILLBBOOK. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. SEPT. 19, 1895 \avAuAAlb u; u... .._c_, changes in church ceremonies. while it allowed clergymen to adopt the Douay or any other version which they saw fit. Rev. Mr. Jones drew attention to the fact that King James‘ version had never been regularly “authorized" by the English or any other church. The church in Canada had bound itself to a particular version after the manner of no other religious body. except the Church of Rome. in its relation to the vulgatc. Judge Hah- nington said that he was in favor of criticism. but that during late years there was great unsettlement in the minds of the people relating to religious truth; in his opinion. it was due to the revised version; its adoption would tend to loosen the foundations of our faith. The subject was exhaustively discuss- ed, many able and eloquent speeches being made on either side. the follow- h_- A...I.:.‘._ .U...4.. wffgyfiuestimx wuf 'the Bishop of A]- goma's stipend was further considered. It was decidcd that the stipend be con- tinued should the Bishop be able to con- tinue his. present duties. and, should his retirement be necessary on account of ill-health, the sum of $2.500 be raised for his maintenance during the time in while he should not be engaged in any “episcopal or parochial work. “an named John Bow. 6% yoars of. , o.-. Montreal. Special to The Globe, At a meeting of the synod yester- day an interesting discussion arose over the motion of Rev. Prot’. Clark of Trinity College, Toronto, that the words "Or the revision of tho Scrip- tures authorized to be read in churches" be omitted from canon 13. Objections to the style of the new ver- sion were met by the statement that the exact meaning of the original was a. more important consideration. and that the minds of the people would be unsettled through the change. by the statement that it would have exactly the opposite effort. A clergyman should have the right. as in England. of using whichever version he saw pre- ferable. Archdeacon Smith was of the opinion that scholars were not sum- ciently unanimous to authorize indivi- dual ciergymen making the change. Prof. Worrell was in favor of Prof. Clark‘s motion, but believed that the matter should be dealt with by the genera] synod. Archdeacon Roe said that though there certainly were im~ provements in the new version. the faults far outweighed them. No great Christian bodies had adopted the re- vised version. Rev. Mr. Scott would certainly oppose a change from the versions that had produced such a grand effect upon our country. reli- gion and language. MP- Bayly said that if the canon were amended ac- cording to the motion it would forbid ..._-n.‘.,‘.a I-vk€!n :0» The trial of Mrs. Mack. charged with circulating counterfeit United States postage stamps. will take place at But- t'alo next Tyefday. Messrs. Geo. Smym_ Special to The Globe. Hamilton, Sept. 15.â€"(Spe'bial.)â€"A dis- tressing accident took place on the Grand Trunk main line tracks, near the extreme west end about 10.30 a. In. Mr. Thomas Young. a. well-known citizen, age about 60 years. was walking on the double tracks when a freight train and the fast express were passing each other, and, it is supposed. deceased stepped out of the way of the freight train and into the way of the fast express and was struck from behind and killed in~ stantiy. Mr. Young was thrown into the ditch next to the city park, where he was found by three boys. who re- ported the lind to the G- T. R. yards- man. The body. at the time it was found. was warm, but lifeless. Deceas- ed. about :35 years ago, was an em- ployee in the rolling mills here, later in the rolling mills in Springfield. 111., returning to Hamilton about eight years ago, and leaving for the old country to inherit some property which. after proSecuting a two or three. year suit. he won. 110 then returned to Hamilton and settled down for a retir- ed quiet life, as he was in good cir- cumstances. Deceased was to have been married to-morrow to his second wife. who arrived a few days ago from the old country. An inquest will be held on the body. A Serious accident took place on the T., H. B. line. a little west of Locke street, betWeen 12 and 1 o‘clock vesterday. A construction train was running westward down an int-line. when the lowmotive jumped the track and in a moment it and the tender were lying on their sides on the emâ€" bankment. The engine's?» Psmioii’dfiix‘: laney. wliel'lvlh‘} ‘ .‘li‘i‘b left the track.'~ reversed the engine and was caught between it and the tender. On being rescued Delaney was found to be sev- erely crushed about the thighs. He was taken to his home. 64 Bay street south, and every attention was given him. “1‘. H. Canty, the foreman. and ‘ Charles Milne. jumped from the other side of the cab and escaped injury. The engine, which belongs to the C. P. IL, is badly damaged. Two fiat ears were also damaged- _ _ Sir Charles Rivers-Wilson and his party returned fronr the Beach to the city yesterday morning, and after m- specting the Stuart street station went . to Port Dover. Sir Charles returned ; to the city in the afternoon and pro- _ ceeded to Mimico. afterwards going‘ through to Niagara. Falls.‘ % A 5. Fish InSpector McMahon 'and Miss Crmve of this city have been sub- poenaed to ghe exldence. Rev. Father Chiniquy preached here to-duy in the French Protestant Church on St John street. Several thousand people gathered at the church door to have a look at the reverend gentleman. The police. fearing trouble. kept the crowd circulating. but beyond :1 few jeers there was no trouble. Woodstock, Sept. 15.â€"(Special.)â€"Sev- eral families were poisoned here by eating toadstools ln mlstake for mush- rooms. Harry Becker and William Spinks gathered them early on Friday morning, and. roturnlng home, gave a quantity of them to nelghbors. After eating them they became ill and a medical attendant pronounced it poi- slonlng. Becker himself partook of a large quantity, and for a tlme doubts were entertained ()1' his recovery. The patients all recovered. Fatal Accident. at Hamiltoneâ€"Toronto’s Water Supply-Father Chiniquy in the Pulpit-Stanley at Montreal. Quebec, Sept. l4.â€"Mrs. and Miss Ers- kine. wife and (laughter of Vice-Ad- miral Erskine. H.M.S. Crescent. ar- rived from Europe yesterday. H.M.S. Crescent sails for Halifax on Monday. CASE OF TOADSTOOL POISONING CANADIAN NOTES. Provincial Synod Reject the Revised Testament. Hamilton. Emperor W'illiam has written It let- ter to Count Von \Valdersee, who by his strategy reversed the cutâ€"and-dried pro gramme of the military manoeuvres at Stettin. paying him a. special tribute for the efficiency of his corps, and thank- ing him for his services in his past and present position. The letter concludes The Deutsche Warte declares that the Island of Chusan. off the east coast of China, will be coded to Germany, and that a German colony will be. founded there. The paper adds that Germany will obtain additional territory near 'rien Tsln. K The military experts who have just rrturned Irom participation in the an- nual manoeuvres :nt Stettin are unani- mous in their 1) ‘uise of the masterful generalship of Count Von Waldersee, who reversed the whole programme and snatched unforeseen advantages from the Kaiser himself. The manner in which he conducted his part of me operation has confirmed the opmlon that he will be the one who will guide German armies in the next European war, in which Germany shall be a com- batant. Honors for Count Von Waldersee-In- trlgue Against Chancellor Hohenlohe â€"Empress Frederick to Visit England. Berlin, Sept. 14,â€"Th‘e (ix-Empress Frederick, who is now at Kronberg. will start for England at the end of the month to visit the Queen. her mother. and will return direct 1n Berlin is ()0- when The Tagoblatt and other Berlin news- papers are making an attack upon a supposed intrigue designed to oust Prince Von Hohenlnho from the Chan- cellorship In favor of Count Von Eulen- berg. Those journals make reference to Poultney Bigeluw. as cndeavming to wotk cuunt inllmncos against Prince Yon Hohenluhe. and declare that his interference, based upon his acquaint- ance with the I‘lxmwx-m', is not approved in the cnu"t circle. . Marseilles, Sept. 15.nThe steamer Shamrock has arrived here from Mad- gascar with 143 French soldiers. who were invalided home. on board. In ad- dition to these she landed 365 invalid troops at Algiers. Forty soldiers died on the voyage. The Ecluire publishes despatches from \ladugamm which assert that 3000 hench soldiers héue died there since the F to -nch oxpeditinn began opeiations against the anas. The dosputch also says it is not likely that Antananarivo, the Hova capital, will be occupied by the French before spring. tI'y‘s nttnrm-y. Sil‘,‘-":\'i$fi'{"d to avoid PUMiMIY- and 90 jlt'r (If‘vllll‘fltlnll of in- tentinn 4“ b‘r‘f'f‘ne a citizen of the _I7n“9d StHL". “as takqn 1w ihv cll- -ik ThMt ml Stan's (‘il'kuit Court at 1191‘ houw. Aitm thv filing (if the di- \'un-(- complaint. this mv-Lhod of making the dot-I: unlinn was challengvd. and the late Judm- Sawyer hold that tin- pm- ctmiing \\.l. irn-gular and invalid. i‘he divorce pi‘t’nN-mllngs were then drop- ped. Subsequently Mrs. Langiry ac- quired land interest in Lake (tummy, and her Culifnrnia prnpcrty is lle wvrth more than 3100.000. Tho Lungtry ranch is famous. It will be Mr. Lang- lry's priviln-g‘e. of course. if he Cun- tvsts the suit. to dwmnnd that it he transferred in the Federal (hurts. as he is a fux‘vignur and u non-resident. Terribe Loss of Life in Madagascar- Th 09 Thousand Soldiers Dead VWal- ler Has No Case. Paris, St-pt. 15.-â€"A five-days‘ trial has: x‘ebultcd in the acquittal (if Directm‘ Felix Marlin. Engineer Robin and Our tractor Andie of the South of France Railway. who were accusvd of being accomplices 01’ the late Baron (19 Rain uch, who victimlzvd the shurehnlduw out of 844,000 f'zmcs over a contract, The accused pleaded that their mmluot was legitimatv. ’l‘lwir acquittal is ascribed to tho lmliol‘ that the trial was mere]; :1 device to SL’I‘OOn well-known politicians. The Siecle says the United States Government has rm-eivod complete ex- planations of the matter of the French prosemtion and Sentence of vx-United Statvs Consul “'ullm‘, which shows. that his case is itl‘|';1‘i(‘\:ill)l}' lqst. vun-o complaint. this mv-lhod the duclzu‘il‘linn was challenm late Jm :‘u Sawyer hold thn cumin}; was irrm-gulm‘ and ir Mrs. Laimtry's Divorce Suit. San Francisco, Sept. 14.â€"Dunn Mc- I’ikv, who are Mrs. Langtry‘s ic-gai r0- tuwmntativcs here. have receivvd from Howe iiummei'ot‘ New York the papers in "The Jersey Lny's' suit fur divnn-e from her husband. with instruc- tions In make the nccrssar)’ applica- tion at once. The action must be bi‘gull born. as Mrs. Langti‘y has her 10:11] re- Sidvm'n‘ in Lake County. this State. wht-rl- sht- has maintaim-d a lino (:mln- try plucu t’ur suvm-ul years. Thu (sum- piaint will be filed in the Superior Court 01' Lake County. Mrs. Lang‘iry, on her first visit to California, some years agn. Inusvd a cozy unttngv on Libvrty Heights u-L the mission. in Sun Francisvo. and took up her rt-sitivnt-v tht‘ro with a. vivw to bct'unfil g a lugdl residvnt in ordvr tn ubtuin :1 divm'm. A suit was begun, \\'. H. L. BuriWS. :1 it'fldm' at tho int-:11 har,}y},¢g.}14‘g,_ffang. A Swansea market gardener named Angus Price fell over the tuilbnnrd nt‘ a trolley car at Dundas street and Dovvrt-uurt road on Saturday and sus- ained painful injuries about the head. He was tukvn home in the ambulance. . . . Mrs. W. A. Hadams and her hus- band \Vl?l't‘ luuking’ in a store window on Spudina :ru'vnue. near Broadway place. when a wnmloil grating on which the lady happt-nod to he standln ' gave way, ('ausing hvr to full and fracture a. limb. Dr. Mourhnuso reduced the injury. after “’hil'h she was taken home in the pullt-e unihulunce‘. . . At 11 o'clock Saturday night Mrs. \V. G. Lynn. an vldcrly lady living at 223 Diipnnt street. stumbled while alightlng from a car at Qucun and Bathurst streets and l'l'-. ("rived a had shaking up. Dr. \V. 1-1. Fox, who was on the var. gave her some HSSiStHlH'O. after which the ambulance drmwhurhome. . . Edward Fuwcett. the Qut-on street east tailor, was knock- ed down by an 1.X.L. laundry cart at tho mu'm-r of Queen and Yongo streets and sustained a serious injury to his thigh. The driver of the cart. a lad named F. Smith. living at 508 Manning uvmmo. claimed that he did his best to prevvnt the casualty. Mr. FaWCCtt was driven home in a hack. that he was (running to Canada to git acquainted with the country, he DOS- tively refused to be seen by newspaper reporters. Satisfactory progress was made Sat- urday and yesterday in the Work of I‘C‘Daii-ing the conduit, and now at least 95 per cent. of the water is being pump- ed fmm Blockhouse Bay. which is im- mediflt‘fly south of Hanlun's wharf. At this point one end of the pipe is still showing above the surface 01' the water. and it is in this pipe, 120 feet tram the break, that the large £19905“ 0f sand. which has been proved (a to extend a distance of about 100 feet was found by the divers. GERMANY Toronto Notes. FRANCE Tho \w alhur in M.:nitu‘.'l. has been wary favorable for 1mm mung but Edm Iton district has bean visited hy a. snow nrm. On“ cdnosduy nearly 50 000 bushelso Wheat wcm nmrkctcd at various station: dong the Canndmn Pacific railway and Northern Pacific lines. '1‘ he price paid the best qualities is 42 and 43 cent‘ bushel. Mr. Willimn Tnylmflate ml the Cut-toms (lcmxrtmem. in London. (mt. died there Friday. Mr. Taylor 'as Mr many years municipal clerk ui’ London tnwnslfip, and wicldcd u very great influence in that municipality. ln 1mliiivslu'wus up ardent. Conservative. and in 1513? run fortho On- tario Legislature againsmho 1m James Evans. but was dormitud. - Prof. 'A'. l".l)upuis of Qnmm‘s l'nivel‘sity, liil)g:~t;<srx. has written a. Ivttvr protesting against stun-L watering us bring fodlish and dangerous, He says tho ('Ullsequem-es are the deterioration of tho streets and the tendency to unhmlthinuss. m dust is hot- ter than) bacteria. vightmn inch»: of sand worn disvm‘aredin thv Imitmn. This is ludimn»! muccount for tho :wvidom to tho won-11' I an Thurs- duy Pm. Jlnyhursr, G M.. of the 13th Butt” Hamillun. winm-r oftho Quuvn's mine, has rum-ivcd [mm 110er Dufl‘nrin :2. beauti- l'ul (mgmvod silver nix-11;). . in m-ngnibion of his skill :Is‘u marksman. A h-ttor of nungrnzauhlrliun acmmpnnivtl the modal. A pivce of sixlvon‘inc‘n plank was fwund \‘cnigod m-msslhu Toronto Water Works umduit. in mm of Hm mnnbnlk‘s, and A mass meoiingoftho vilizons of Mon- treal will ho called {it an early dun». to con- sidvr the quustiun ofvrvciingu monument 1.0 thi- memory of Honoru Mei-clot Josuit Fathers are considering :1 propos- al to vsmhlish an olm-rvuiory in x-nnnoc- tinn with St. Mary‘s (‘olli-gv. Action has lmvu lulu-.11 by John i‘indcr Cu. against the Dominion (im‘wmnvnt furthu romvory of $1.401), alleged over- charges on :zugur imporh-d last May The Lord‘s Day Alliance. of Hamilton, intend prosm-nrlng the steamboat and rail- way companies, which haw horn rhnning in;or nmr llH' city on Sunday. Minnie and Alll'l‘ Bung, dnuglnvrs oi Allmrli Bung, broom-nmluar, 0!" London West. who “‘urv poisoned by outing ('HIHHPd salmon on Sunday lust. :u'v siill in :1 pro :u-ious condition. TlH‘ jury in tho \Vnrwivk drowning case has rocuinmondi‘d lhv 1‘:ln(‘l'llulillll of the lirvnw hold liy llolulki-ciwr Ward at ' :‘inyzlmnk where Ihv im-n hud prururvd liquor. and that no liwnw be granted in luinri- for .‘l hutvl at that N'Slll‘t. Jalcuhol. in the cmirsc of five or 51x l Remnant. nmliml itain low their mum 5 l0 lm ,. ‘3 ing any special fun: ui' . mum. (lit-u. lu’nvm‘or. xh‘Sl” founl at Lukeimrst imiituii-mn': meml'ers oi the “null st of in sioiis‘Hvlin. lyeinglm' ll‘llll‘in, h selves fallen victim l"31(‘0llUl. Ille<e recounts hé> i-xiu-ricnce a servatiun thus: "from my ow’ and others I lmw- nhsnrvi-d. I h; hesitatiun in sayin ‘ that your metl‘. treatment is eminently successful. was greatly surprised to sue men of f. ' years and ovvr who had been for m years addicted tolti‘i‘ i-xl'csi'h'e'afj- I (4.. i -i ; eating hem‘iiiy. shaping Well. with “a E:- l more desire ior alwhoi. and with 3. {cu i ingot mvntal and bodily vigor not ex El ‘ pcru-ncml for yvurs~this I (kinsidél‘ real- . ‘ 1y “wuuli-rl'ul.” “'0 might add that ; Ihew results are mainly due to the care ‘8' 7‘?“ l and judgment exorcisml in each individ- “3:3 1 ual case entrusted to us ”features sel- dom dismzvi-ralnle in other instLtutions 3D ' ‘n'ing >ilnilnrulvjvcts. l-‘ull information. PI‘] ‘ j :18 Bank of (binnr-rco Building. Toronto. The jury in the Warwick dmwning case has rocmnmondml the mum-11min!) of the llvvnsu hold by Hmolkwpel- Ward M ‘ ringhnnk where the nwn had procured liquor, and that no ”(TING be granted in {mum fur a hotel at that. resort. vauit Fathers are considering .‘L propos- al to vstalflish an ohsm-vatory in (-nnnoc- tion with h‘t. Mary‘s College. Action )1sz been taken by John l’inder Cu. against. the Dominion Govm'nment for the rcmvcry of $1.400, alleged over- charges on sugar import'od last May. A mass nleétilxg<)ftlxo vitizens of Mon- treal will be called at; an early date to con- sider the question of orectingn monument to the memory 01’ Honore Mercior. All tlm( (‘abinul Ministers haV'erecohed imil: aims to attend the annual conven- tion of the Deep \luh-rways Association at Cleveland, Svptcmhcr 24-26. 'l'hv Manitoba and North-mern mil- wzxy weather report states that min has fallen heavily in some districts, delaying the harvest and threshing. Aldburongh 13ost-01Hce, in Aldbornugh township, has been closed after an exisb- once of seventy-five ymrs. (7.1".R. authorities still continue to‘ re- ceivu npplivzniuns tmm Manitoba fanmers for men. An Italian employed on the eluctrlc rail- way at Seneca " ulls :u-cjdvntall» received 1,700 volts. To-dny he is at Work as Well as ovar. A true hill has been returned against Napoleon Donwrs for wife murdur at Mon- treul. A connnittoelms boon appointed to raise $25,000 for rlw proposed monunmnt to Men-ion W of \hnnipag at present. ()n the recent: pilgrimage to Ste. Anm dc anupm 8600 Wm stolen from a priest. A man near Ncwlmry has boon com- mim-d on charge of stealing 13 acres of wheat. A numbm- of limntfm‘d merchant-s have been swindlcd by the change game. A Sandwich mun lmsu 35-year old horse thnt- can trot n mflo in three minutes. An old squmv, Ix'mvmodoqugth. died ro- ccntly :u \anpule Island, ag d 100 years. Quebec and (man; are the only large Canadian cirivs that have no freelibraries. A new lake hnrgo. to carry 50.000 bush els of grain. is being built at Kingston. annn is the new rest-office at Caradoc and Adelaide mml. The water in Gonrginn bay is 18 inches lower than it was lu<l year. Berlin's newly found flowing well is at- tracting great attention. The bonus of an historic animal have been dug up at. Ridgl-mwn. Tho Barrie Council is asked to take charge of the public library. Goderich is contmnplnting acomprohen- si‘m rzullnl milwny system. Wnllnculmrg’s pnpulminn, 2.608, makes it the largest village in Canada. American capitalists propose to erect large salt Works at thretuwn. An insane gypsy trivd to drown himself in Cameron lukm The Barber Asphalt Company is doing the paving in Lnndun. \Vnndfitnck will have a row patent baby carriage factory. A guld mine in Hadock has just yielded a. very rich srrike. Wenundrecmtly had a. fine flremen’s conmetit‘iun. The Alvinston Masons have moved into their new hull. In .41. 'l‘immus u thief steals potatoes from their hills. There will b0 :1 good crop of outs and pens about; Oriliim Market fees n-ay be done away in Guelph. Windsor sends tramps to jail for three months. The Muskoku lmy crop is only an aver- age one. Barrio will vale (m an Industrial Home by-lnw in January. A labor union is to be organized in ()rangovillc. An elevator is being built at the Beeton station. Hcpworth will soon have a. Masonic Iodgn. Kingston has only two Chinese laun- dries. Chathmn wants an electric all-night ser- vice. ( ANA KHAN. Typhoid fever pl'e'vuils at; Cunfleld. Stmthroy is t-nruhlcd with firebugs. Shoplifmrs trouble Barrio merchants. Coilingwood has a plethora. of harbors. Building operations in Barrie are brisk. Black ducks are plentiful on the back lukvs. 'l‘lm Important Events in a, Few \Vords For Bus: lh-zulom. T(’)PICS F A WEEK. There are about t HI luylu. :Lgml sevcntucn. a 90m biscuit 1‘ .‘carlet Marieâ€"O, we took up the old qlLsti of “Is Marriage :L Failure '1’" \Iarie-vA committee (3:. nsistiv g of th‘ entire membership was invited to try 5 and see. llaud~\\’efl, what; “'1“ the n-sult the debate ‘3 Maud “'11:“. “as: the last discussion of that )oun" Ladies Debating Mn-ioty of yours 9 I, Malcolm McBain. merchant mi} Queen St. \\'c~1 do ratify that Dr son‘s Stmnmh Diners cured me C Incil cxc it V Eight hours later he arriwd at the summer hotel. to be met on the piazza by Kate herself. ‘-\\‘]._v--\\lmt did you mean bv spud. u ’ ' . ‘ 7", mg me such a mus age :'” he au-‘ied T‘Oh !" she gurgled: “I waxifiécféo that I was dying to see you, but my words ran out and I had to stop.” This is the mesmgo the telegraph mes scngm‘ handed to him : "Cour down as soon as you can. ] am dyingwliats. ”()u the right side of whwn» all but two teeth by the trouble in childhoc small plate which carrie around in front at the rig] extending back affordm surl'uro. This made a 194‘ tho right corner of the ml also harden or toughenl xissuc lwtween the ends hone. Miss Bolenhaus :1 most courageous little was naturally well moh noso and forehead “'e'. >lu- had beautiful eyes, ‘ lvl‘t [he hospital she w- miburally happy girl. her younger life wer and a new and hrighn ed to be opening up be "('[mn curt-lull examination I dis- t-mwr. vl that thv lower part. of the jaw hurl lillwd up with u ncwgrowth of hunn. whirh. lw\\'C'\'('I‘. did not grow hungvr than n th;~v(--;tnd-:t-hnlfâ€"yearâ€"Old t-hihl‘s should lw. lint tho dvvr-lopment mltln'juwOntln-Otln"1‘.\i<l(> of her face. living normal. had pushed her chin umnnd so nnu'il that it set directly un‘lwr her right 4-3.“. instead of 1min: at the lower center 1.? her face. I decided that if tlw new growth of bone vus mawe-d tln'uugh it would be poxsible to fmw- the chin alumni to the front of ‘lln‘ hm,- and hold it there permanently. l u<l\'i.~wl the oiwmtion without the >ll2'ill".~'i lt<‘\l1:lil"ii. The surgical part «if it <‘(,il)\l.\“.t‘1l “thinly in making a «lt-liwmv invi>iun in 'lltt Int-vk under the dwhwtiVn jaw and > min: the malform- 4‘11 honu mum-vi)" ll: two. A fmv days lutvl‘ l inscrtflvl tum hard ruhher 'illnin‘vs. onv on t n 'njzuv. 'l‘llc ' lzud unl}~ nine tt-v‘h in thvl twulwinp; on thv (lufc‘ lixnt nrvs thv jnw~ wmcrfls iln-ir l't-rllil‘t'llvt' tootli.‘ tlit>t‘:t[i}tli:lllt't'> was :t' rungttl that when I wrap nrnnn‘l ll‘l'lll lwn» vnnhl jaw 11 y hrm-w'ghths ymri .. I ll: ».:Hl wringing .w chin mi Ilwll. li_\‘ ill! >v tl Vic ' illll> ln-lrl min/m two t’}.ll'l‘llltl wonn'l \\‘n.~ >Iv:|4‘l’ lwl\\'¢-M.1ll" 1’ with izztt-iswtit-nnl nnvvwl 2h in to )1 ti \ in iii-‘7‘ «'lllt'l'\\.ll'll r- J::\‘-'\ :\\ u wt - lo tln- “untnil ‘wa thttlvlr- sz- 2'" N" in: .wnw l" rn “i 411.3. 8' , tn.‘ tam-v 1 __,,._...., .. a- ln.~ w» vtonv \{i'én gold rruwn\ “Wu; soldered togetl ”in It \\'- ;.. “upltlilt‘ 0i hail ‘ Ilu :1 limvS. ()n the whit-rm: an upright ho mnld \linh: u illlltl down leivllWll|lIll(‘11}rlrt'l‘ jaw mmnx In this way per in whaling and <'l0>inr,: \\ thv‘ ‘in \\ ~. lint at thv minim m- ijn'w was retained perfect InwlY Hill. >l‘llH Dr. Frank Hartley. of Roosevelt Hospital. was consulted. and Miss Holcnhaus entered the institution as a. rivute pznient. Dr. George Howe Vinckler, professor of operative dent- ist ‘y at 11w New York Dental School. was called in consultation and it was decided that a new face could be made forthe girl without leaving Outward evidenve of ihe application of the knife. l-Z>::uninution showed that the mal- formationcvmcred in the lower jaw. which for some muse had grown ab- normally sinm: early childhood. '1‘ch opera! ion was performed on July 2:5. and the girl was discharged from me, hospital l-‘riday last cured. In de- svl-ilhiug the operation Dr. \Vinckler 5:1.“ I A remarkable surgical and dental (wa'mhm has been performed in New York on Miss Marie Bolenhaus. the >ixlwn-yeal‘-Old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (E. C. Bolenhaus, of St. Louis. Before the oneration her mouth turned up qu inches on the right side of her face and her jaws worked in op osi« tiou. As a, child the deformity di not trouble her much. but as she grew older, Mug: sensitive, she brooded a. good deal over hex- misfortune. The girl came to New York about six weeks ago. Remarkable Operation Performed on a Deformed (Hrl. "or ’l‘v n - “'ord Limit. Medieal 'l‘l’ MADE BER A FACE. ’l‘lmt Ended It. Take Notice. l a 1“ ’tain r‘ of t1 30th 1 (1110017 arriee . rig mean_ by send- mght;n .ulc‘tm" of :3”. n,h coho]. knee 3 my owl ) . . N $1.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE one whose sight 1s defective. He has a. full line of glassm and Is to be found at The Tumer Drug Co 5 Stores. mo doors east of Post office. m: TURNER DRUG cofi HARRY KENDALL will fit g1: 15585 for any: \Y Lost His Sight ! SPRGULE’S PHOTOGRAPHS His exl 1‘ng I \Vaicr Colon. Iz‘ All Is now nhowmg the AND “'ILL HE PLEASE!) T0 HAVE A CALL FROM \'( ’1 Full lint-s of 389 George Street. PETERBORO. MEREDITH AND... ARE THE . . have m FASHEQNABLE TAILOR NEWEST 5mm; PATTERKS 3.x» CLOTHS FOR strnms AND TROL’SERINGS ‘ BEST, TRUEST, MOST ARTISTIC- (4E) GENT'S Fl'RN [SH [NI-'1'} T] {E NO. 6

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