‘ also w any likelihood or developments wry to her interests or other nations i g. m to enrich themselves, the growl a! the old lion will be heard upon the ancient. val! 0‘6“de upon her nmn-of~war in the ten adjacent Whatever may be the‘ oil of this misunderstanding between that“ “gimme nations, let us hnpc that. 'mmn be restored and that this Fill!‘ be the lat- blood shed for my years tom We have heard much of late of ' . “W to f’etlln auch difï¬cult :‘m m M ompxros that not 105m Wmtmmomf' f" ’h" M seclusion maintaincd by l’hina has been [lo-tri- mental tohcrcivilimtimr. it rnpiirm mmv than the nmntiticn.‘ ;:s:ct‘tinn {rum .‘Hlt‘lt 1 source to cmwinw tit." viiliglitcncd humanity of today that llcstrucfinn :tnol liihn-lslu‘cl, enormous lms nf property and irrvgumlil“ moving down “l human individual-V van lw iiéceptetl \iitli .til Hu- mu'clcssncss of :3 fax hunt, for llu' Mk" uf implanting the slaml ard ofprogrpss and onlighttrnmcnt in thou:- vast. countries. Even if it wow Ilrc :;..,<,.; which we are nnablv '0 admit that ,1 gm" wisnecessaryto open up (‘lnina to tha- mommy of the gnaw-l. what :-. immkcry it in upon the teaching "5 "im win came to Magenta “ l‘caw‘ nn ('Sll‘lll and :4th will among men." 8.0 assert 0" own In «imam that the sword in the only key to unlmm the Mongolam hénrt or flu- kiliing nt' thousands and perhaps millirms Of these human brings the only purport to rht‘ir f'hris'ian cnlight enment. So little haw,- llimo opposing na- tions to ï¬ght about. it eccms incimlihlc that the more advanced muntrivs of Enrnywj Miami: silently on without ufl‘cring «i band of peaceful arbitration. Yet the fact seems to be that the eyes of those unlocking mtions are jmlonsly watching for any nne o1 their number overstepping the bounds of â€gummy as an Nurse for planning the whole globe into strife and confusion. Again itmybe that John Bull, who generally lookout for himself. sees in this uprising nn apportnnity for turning an honest penny in the myol' trade, for we notice that al- Mwmtmts have been entered in- foï¬u-ahilpuandamï¬. This would be but an ungrateful View; h0wcvcr. for us to take “apposition which nut muthcr country Win the present situation, and we in! mt. assure}! that England’s nnly W“ ‘ form is her; indispodtion to interfere wiihothermtions'nï¬'airs, but so soon as I Groceries, Fresh, Clean, , Cheap, Although to the 01ch mcmlwr's of var country the report of nation rising up ag'tinsl nation in battle array, cause-z nu nuzmml commotion. fur a. year scarcely paternal m‘vr their heads in l-ygono Jays wit-hum cm'. or oftener more cnnflictn lwzwccn the nations of the will. mill in them Euler periods and with the youth of {why ropnrl of battle carries with it the mm' x-ogruful aspect. While it has been urged by on» of .thc lead- ing papers of nut Smuhcrn neighbor, â€my only good must he the nutcnmo of this «lit pate hetwgcn Japan and ( 'hina. siucr it will open up that vast empire of J ohn l 'vhinmnan to the halthful and uplifting influences hf commerce and missimmry :ulvanccmcnt. while it. may be two 10mm: extent. that tho . . . . .. . 1 THURSDA‘I. AUJ .xl' 2. mm ‘ WWWWAxxxm i A man may hacan honest hem-f. Though pool-tithe houriy sum.- him : A man may ta): 1; ncelmr's part. Yet hue nae cash to smrc Isim. mexxxxxt ;| x I n l l mexmxmmvvm the millbrooh mcportcr. At VANBE’S. Samparllb and Hood's mm haw dune me a, {3031 duh)! W. I had .1 SW?!“ attack 0! the grip in the winter. and am: getting over the lover I did not seem tn gum?! sue-nah. and bad mambmon. Hood‘s Snrsamrma prawn! to be 1118! what I needed. The results werp very W010?!- my! 1 recommend this medicine to nuwho are amxctcd with rheumatism or other amethns'caused by paison andeom‘ blm Ki. 1 always keep Hood’s Sarsaparilla. in my house and use it when I need a tonic. We also keeg Hood's Pills on hand and think highly»! tug-m. J. W. Dvxx-zmx. St George. New Brummck. The («moving lens-.- is from a. well-known merchant tailor at St. George, )3. IL: “ C. 1. Hood (20., Lowell, â€355.: "Gentlemenâ€"l am glad to say that Hood's Hood's Pills me purely vegvt- ml», and do not purge. pain or griwc Sold by an d: uggisu. Hoof‘s Samparilla Cave Health. Hoods W†Cures (I. A- VA NCH. 77/5 NOI'J'D 0]" â€CH.“ After the Grip Strength, No Ambition Mr. J. W. Dykeman St. George. Sew Brunswick. Bumâ€"At Carmel on Sn :1 . July 26th. 1894. John Dayan. aged M year: M Mcxmoa'râ€"In Gavan. on Wodnesdar J My ‘25. 189;. Robert. McKnight. aged 65 years. Of my tormenting cums; get rid of them ‘without pain ; get. rid of them quickly and effectually, without possibility of return? The answer is. use Putnam‘s Painless Corn and Wart. Cure, the great corn cure. Al- «my: sure, safe and 'nless. Putnam‘s Ex. tractor. Use it an no omenâ€"Frauds are in the market. Don’t run the risk of ruin- ing your fleet: with such dauatic applications. f Wonham and Lcith (R) beat. H. and (I. Need’ler Ml.) ‘2â€"6. 7_5, 9â€"7. - Taylor (R) boat G. Dean (31.) 6â€"4}. 6â€"9- \V. T. WON! (51.) heat Strickland (R) 6-â€"2. 6â€"]. Leith (R) best C. Needler (LL) 6â€"3. 6+1. Montgomery :P.) beat H. Wood (3].) ï¬-4, 6â€"4. - . r 1E0g9r8(1‘.)hcat;\. gulligan 01.) 6-4. )â€"L. H. Needle: (11.) and Wonham (R) a game each. 64, 3â€"6. wnh score Lâ€"O in favour of Needler, when game was stopped by .I__l.._-__ darkness. inn-At Contreville. on Thursday. July 26th. 189‘. Eï¬mu-d Ball. aged 50 3'an. l'or nervous headache use K. D 0- f Mabel Kcnm‘dv . V . . . . 9 Mauvers. . ‘ . ..83! 5 A. McRoherts: ......... 9 Mum‘ers ...... 764 {mum (-mlmm ........ 2 Mnnvcrs , ‘ . ..684 ’ Hiram Sutton ......... l' r M :'\n\ ers ..... 648 Hannah Staples ........ 15 “am crs ..... 632 I Lavmus Cain ......... 9 \Iamers. ...625 ! Marv Kerr. . . ........ Wihbrook ...... 617 ichc w hytc. . , . . . . . . .Millbrnok ..... 613 The following are the names that obtained I’ctcrlmrnugh dcifbatcd Millbrnok Satur- dav, by Hi sets to 7. Score: Montgomery and Taylor ( 1'.) hm! H, Wood and Dean (M) 6-7 3, 3 ‘6, 7. 5. _ . Strickland and Rogers (R) bent W. T. Wood and A. Mulligan (MA 6 â€"3, 5â€"4» Oc-:- â€:an Y EX \\\n\‘.\'rm.\s Following arr the names of the successful mmdxdmoa belonging to Millbrook that pass- ed the primary cx‘aminntion ., mun! (0 a third class cchlilica'c P- Burnhmn f‘ Hethcrim-tun. L. Mi'vht, ;\ {Mac-11A. Wornl.L°. \am-c 0W0 mig 'hl mention that Miss “nod attended school II) Part Ho Imam! Miss Vance was a Student of flu ( 'ollcginte Institute, LindSay. M; gglc Vance . . , Horace “'nod. .‘ Wilfred Bren-ton Geo. \V Illace. . . . Edw. II. KCHS. . Berta: Shaw Edith Shaw ..... Ada Vancc . .. . BMW! Mitchell .. Eva "no. ...... Frm: Lem-ix ...... Eva Hulhmilh. . . May Sissnn .. . .. Lotti" Vanco . Mabel Irwin. V , . \Vifliv llamllcy. , \Villit- Grundy, . Blunt-h (Harry . ‘ . the 252/ and rccoived an entrance vertiï¬cate. 4 Rudiviaecs who failed in this examination. m7 who have obtained '25?! of the total marks for each subject have been awarded an Entrance certiï¬cate, in accordance with Hm departmental rognlatinns. I A f'. If. LEA VYVG. 'I‘uud nmrka, [2.25. 33bâ€; in et-ch subject and :30â€: of the total marks required to pass. ' xAM E. 1 MV rile Jenkins y Morton Mills“ .' I. S. (‘3!hcart. : Louis Jackson“ : Bertie Nu g.cnt. Lorne Elliott†I Howard Fania“ . i [Aura Coulter. . . . H. B. Jackson... Millie J. Pue . . . . I Bertie Thexton.. :Fted (.‘athcart... ' Flmsic Thean :(iertie Gardiner. ' Harr} Pickup ‘ Berlin (Galhrgllh. - Maud Benson. ( e phas l-allis ..... F .rlaml :‘.mxtrong Alla. hsher . . . . \nlland Waddell. . Uhariic \\‘.Llsh. . . . Erlna Byers ..... “'orvliq l’crxin . . Albert Craig ..... Hertio \Yoml. . . . Ellen Lough. . . . . Rzurhfl Stewart . . Maggie Bothu'cll. . R. Uoodtellow. . . . Wilber Lamner. . . Harrv Laing. . . W. Eagleson. . . Curry Jacques ..... Annie Hmlmm. . . Brno" S: plea . Even Fva- .. ll. Horricï¬t mm or Succcsnful l‘andldalon. Tot-us! mark. 845, 3:3;3 in each subject, MM 50°; of the total marks. required topuss. Then- is mum truth than p1 u-try in tho sumo incisiw paragraph and our :pcnple' would «lu “1-“ m ken-1» it in ‘uximl. If you have $00†the exhibi- tion once you haw seen it ("very year for ton years at least and as for shop- ping you can do as well at. home. \Ve must ('onfe95 our inability to under- stand [hp loyalty no homo uf those ex- changes and outside newspapers who give tin? circus :1 big notice space equal to ï¬fteen or twenty dollars worth nf advertising fur the paltry re-nunmm- tinn recoivcwl. HIGH NI‘HOOI. ENTRJNCI'? Eli-0311311- TION. “Toronto’s approaching “circus †is being advertised in the it 1).] papers, and in this‘ way hundredufl" thousands of dollars will be diverted into wrong channels. The Industrial Fair is “ pufl'cd †up far beyond what. its mer its deserve, and the public. influenced Very often by what is said in these items, are induced to practice economy to enable them to go to Toronto, and during their visit in that city they spend lavishly for goods which could he purchmaed cheaper at home. This practice of urging every person to see the Fair militntm against the busi- m-ss of sron-s of towns in the Province, not through the amount of money spent. for railway fares alone, but from the. t'nln‘mvms mum which pass over1 Llw counters of the3 0in stores. As :1 result tlu- country nn-rehnnts suffers to some extent from loss of trade. and hundreds of pmsom who rush to To- ronto and spend freely connot pay their cit-ins at home. The. “hog" city has been well fed at the expense of other places. and now it is time for the country newspapers to pass by this great "annual humhug" in sil- n “HUI". NAME The Campimllfurd llrm/d comments wmewhat sevcrr’ly, yet we muxt admit with considerable gum] taste upon what, it tcnm “ Tux-mum's approaching circus)" the Industrial Fair. It says. trivial :fl'air, and let us endeavor by our in- dividual and combined cooperation to help usher in that day when the ofï¬ces of such a tribunal will he neccpmbk- to all. HOW "AS I GET 3"! I‘l’r-LW‘ SI‘H‘W‘L LEAVIVH LI â€'5’ TEN N 1' HE 1'0)! B. TORO.’ "1'0 31/0 W. ‘ 5 Oman .‘~\|il|br00k. ‘1: , \[nm ens. Millbrook . . . . Millln'ook . . .. H Mzmvers. . . H .\!.un'..crs 5 (' mun ...... Mimvrtmk 5 (‘man ..... Millbnmk . . . . 15 Mum'ers. . . l3 Munver: . . . Millbrook. .. Millhrook , . . . Milihrnok . . . Minnâ€"00k. . . .‘Hllhrook . . . l 9. Monaghmt SCHOOL. .9 (inn-w ...... {I "nvau. . . . .. l4 (‘avnn ...... 9 (Eu-an ..... I S Monaghau‘ . (Juan ..... 2 C :n an ....... 4 CM' m ....... l4 Mauve-13.. . . ““HOOL. 3 S. \hmaglmn Milibrook . Milllvmok ‘ . . 5 Cuvun ...... n (Ewan. . . Mill!»rmk ‘ 8 Gavan. . . ‘ Hillbrook . ‘ 15 Mann-rs 2 Mann-rs. 3 Mam-erg H (Jm'nn. . 9 (Ewan. . . 3 S. Moxmgvhan .‘Iillhrook I S Nunaghzm .Millhmnk . . . .5 Cuvam. .3 Cm’an . . . .. .2 S. Monaghan Millbrook ..... 9 Cavam ....... .3 Munvers. . . . .9 Manvcrs. . .. 2 S Monaghm. 4 S. Monaghun. .‘lillln‘ook ..... SCUM)! M .\ RK A! u: an, MARKS. . .381 ...")H 612 “2.510 414 460 ~19! 481) 47! 5W 53! 568 424 426 4‘36 426 4:28 43 l 45‘.’ 451 ) 448 Hi; 44] ~10 If you decide to take Hood’s Samparilln do not be induced to buy- my substitute which. Take Hood’s and only Hooa’s. 496 479 3( n3 The death of Mr. Mark Raper, of Mill- brook, since the last meetin , was reported. and the board consented t at Mr. Alfred Ruper. the legal heir and representative to the late Mark Raper, continue to sell under hm late father’s license. 509 grant the prayer of the petition. ‘ Mr. Frank Hamilton, of Bethany, having sold his hotel to D. J , McKinnon, of Beaver- ton, the transfer of Mr. Hamilton’s license, on the favorable re rt of the Inspector, was made to Mr. Mc ’innon. Henry Mulligan, 13311., and H. H. Burn- hum Were present with Mr. John Cracker, for the extension of license for the Dominion Hotel, Millbrook. for the year. A tition was also presented in this behalf an a de- claration made by Mr. James Kerr, that the village of Millbrook now contains ten hun- dred and six inhabitants. The Board con- cluded that on account of section 19 of the Liquor License Law it was impassable to grant the prayer of_ the petition. 304 >After the minutes of the previous meet- ing had been read, the case of Jas. Bullicd, Ucntrevillc, whose license had been extend- ed for three months, was taken up. A very largely signed petition was presented ‘ in favor of the continuance of the license for the year. In consideration of which, and the promise of the applicant to strictly live up to the requirements of the law, the lie- ense was granted for the whole ycai. ‘n n. -< - ~â€" LIFEXSE [MIL-{RD JII'IET. From the Port Hope Guide. The Board nf License Counnissioncrs met in the Chairnmn‘s ofllce 2his (Saturday) morning. Presentâ€"Geo. Wilson, chairman, S. Caldwell, l". Mulligan and Inspector E. A. Powers. secretary. _ -I 0 (IN 1)]? TELL. A most distressing and terrible acci- dent occurred only about three miles from )[illhrook on the (l. 'l'. R. on Sunday night. Mr. John Deyell was in town on Saturday evening and went home with T1105. Theme, with whom he ported to go to his i own house where he hrul been keeping butch. He called in at his hrdther-in-law‘s. Mr. Black‘s, later on :url was asked I») them to remain until morning. l) it he told them he \muld go on home and perlmps he back in the nmrning fox-breakfast. ‘.'\'hat was the horror of Mr, Black and two ludv flicnds who were going to the Summit. on Sunday morning to ï¬nd his nmngled body literally cut in two by some passing engine. The de- ; ceased had taken the track to go home and had apparently sat down to ï¬ll his pipe as his tobacco, pipe and knife were found near where the train ï¬rst struck. It is supposed he fell asleep and thus without. warning or waking met his death. The deceased was an expert axe and woodman and had only lately returned from the woods. The re- mains were buried on M outlay. Board adjourned, :o'the call a: the Chair. Knight. A Presbyterian from early train. ing and later from belief. he always took the greatest interest in church affairs and so long ere hez-Jth permitted was a. constant attend- :tnt on the Sunday services. At a meeting called little less than a. monthjago to ehooee a pastor to the mount pulpit in Millbrook he. was amongst- those who took an active part in the call to the. Rev. Mr. Johnston. Com- ing from the home of and the congenial soil of Orluigism it was but natural that connec- tion was early made with that society and until his death~yea, until the sprig of green. the emhicm of his native isle and the memento of unfurgotten absenceâ€"was east Into the open grave, hiï¬cunnevlion \vithlthe order renminevl. 'l‘i‘ : brethren of L. O. L. No. 79, to which he belonged. together with many visiting; brethren paid their last tri- bute of respect by conveying to the. tomn on Friday. July 27th the remains of their departed brother. accompanied by the many friends and neighbors of the deceased. A family of ï¬ve sons and one daughter are left to mourn their loss Twu of the sons are in Manitoba, one. the Rev. Robert Me- Knight, is at present at home, together with the other members of the familv. to whom we extend the sympathetic regards of our readers and friends, IJOBERT .‘lll'KNllill'l’. The subject of the following notice was born in County Down, Ireland, in the year 1829, where he lived until he grew to man- hood, emigrating to Canada at the age of twenty-two years and taking up his home in the township of South Monaghan. As one of the early settlers in the forest cover- ed country Mr. \IcKnight underwent all the hardships and privations of pioneer farming. yet in) indomitable perseverance eand careful fruwality, hare subsistance mm: wav to coin- fort and competency. Atter remaining in that tonnship for over a score of years lw , removed to the place of his late residence. on the 7th concession of Cavan, upwards of twenty years ago. Possessed of a very keen insight into all matters of a business nature ‘and With the faculty of presenting his views which were always dccidcdweveh sometimes to the verge of nncharita‘rleness, as thought by his. opponentsâ€"the deceased was always an influential member of the neighborhood and ever willing to rectify an error when satisfied of the nntenahility of his position. While it shows the individual of worth to he unflinching in all questions of conscience and principle, it also denotes true greatness to give way when conclusively convinced and such was the characteristics of Robert Mc- JIJRK RAI’ER. On Saturdty, July 14th, the remains of the above deceased were car ried to Uardiner‘s burying ground, followed by an exceedingly large number of silent mourners and friends. Although the allotted three score years and ten had almost sped their courseâ€"for in the year 1825 in Yorkshire, England, Mark [taper was born, his cons'itutiou was of such a. robust nature until about a year ago, he was looked upon by many as likely to live for a. number of years longer, but heart disease. which levels the strong as readily-lite the weak, and the old and middle-aged alike, overtook and overcome one who had been a central figure in Millbrook‘s development for the past quarter of it century. (‘oming to (fanadn at. the age of twenty he settled in Clarke township, where he remained for a. number of years, afterwards removing to Munvers, and some twenty-six years ago he cmnc to Millbrook, where he lived until his death, a respected member of the; community. In his occupation of hotel keeper Mrt Roper possessed nll the hospit. able clmructeristies of his native shire and 1 many are the testimonies of his kindness to the travelling public and generosity to all those who came under his roof. His dining- ; room was always noted for the place where ‘ the most epicumm could satisfy his uppe- tite, and his but was a. stranger to confusion and disorder. By curefnlntteutiou to busi- ness he amassed a considerable fortune to be left to the sorrowing.,v family of four sons three of whom are in Millbrook and Van, the yougcst, with the Toronto and Montreal stenmlmat (,‘o., Toronto, together with three daughters, one of whom, Mrs. Moflat. lives in Manitoba and the other two at home. Mrs. Rnper is also remuining and in good health, to whom, us to the bereaved family, the RrI-on'rl-zn extends its sincerest cou- dolenoe. Dream. And stars to§et and an. All have thexr seasons but thine own 0' death Leaves have their Lime to (all And flowem to wither at the north win'l‘s DEATH'S DIREFUL DOINGS: GEORGE STREET, - PETEhiiDROUGII. (tux-in} the sweltering days bf summer. 3 ya get, a good Lacrosse Stick and Bull free with every Suit. See our favorite Cambric and Colored shirts, Fancy Flannel Shirts. Oxforh, Re- gatta. and Neglige Shirts. See our many lines 3f Summer Neckwear. See our Hosiery in 3.11 the popular makes and colours. Come and let mi make you comfortable during: the swalteringï¬qys of summer. l-i. LeBRUNg EGO. Seé our Light Underciothing,I-in Natural W 001, Fine Merino, Balbriggan and Cotton Fabrics. Superior Clothing at Bargain Prices for Men, Youths and Boys, to suit the hot, spell Thï¬e atock _iS_ t_hc gieapestg in the market. whichever _you prefer. We stand to our lifelong pnnciples and sell only worthy and reliable stuffs. READY-MADE or , , , , . .7. â€" V- -.v.-â€"qu wI-ll vvllllllvll BUAIBC. In respect, to price, no clothxer shall ive you value that equals or surpasses our 0 er- ings, and this is true at. every. The Clu'thing of this store runs on brains and not brag, and continues to win on the sound lines of honesty and gommon sense. The season has set; in for wearing Lighb weight Clotlxin , and the patterns and styles at the City Colhing Store will be found great in variety, perfect in selection and lmqest in} price. COOL CLOTHING. -FQR_ A SPELL 0F HOT WEATHER! The Mercury Tracing that rise and progress of that wonderful religious movement which. like the Gulf Stream. has ghen warmth to the wide- \Vlllt‘l‘k and venlueto many lands. and givim.r on ac count of its various influences and institutions arm-day. To which is added "The Story of Methodism in the Dominion of Canada." by llev. llu 'h Johnston, M. A.. D. D.. and “The Story of lllpwm-th League.“ by Rev. Joseph P. Barry. D. l). Embellished with neurly six lum- (lred portraits and views. with classiï¬ed index ntncurly 3.000 referent-es. Agents should drop all else and secure territory. Such chances come only once in :l lifetime. Extensive terri- torygivcnflull protection. (in to work now. and you will nuke money. Territory going mpitllyznet now: no eaptital needed. Write at once for particulars to AGE N T s for llll. .L B. lli'lné‘s‘lioolk. ;-0\' â€"â€"-â€" cring a history 0 . cl lUl ism WANTED throughout the world. ontillcd Mr. Lzmrnnv'o. the (‘olehrun-ll ()pliciun. will visit Milihrnok ucrindicnlly “'th all my cus- tomers have lhc :ul\'nnt.'wu of his survives with- out. any extra chm‘m- am? he will for such con- sultations be at, my SiOl‘U only. The date of his visit will he announced shortly in this «per. llul don‘t km-p Inn-k on 10001")? of hls visit. see ï¬rst what. 1 can «10 and if vou m-c nnl mulls- llcd. see him. and il' smisllul†be Krtllnlt‘d by that. gentleman saying they a : all r‘ l and to nnt be lwulcn hy nny one. lshnll - good spccluclcs from mm at pair. Are the surest aids to impared vision. CITY CLOTH I N G STORE. B. LAURANCE’S SPEUTAGLES and EYEGLASSES 11.. _ . u..- .wuuum mun: uu‘ mspecuon. Electors :Irc ralk‘d upon to examine the H‘lid list. and. if any (uni-Nous or any other errors are found (heroin. to take immediate proceed- ing to have the said errors corrected accord ing to law. Hutu! ul Millbrook this lstduyof August. 159%. \\' l LLIAJI TURNER. ,,,,,, i .u an \Al|1.l\7\| u) leU I" UNI said muniL «1in :u cluclions for members of the Legislative Assembly nudalc Municipal Elections. and that. said list. was ï¬rsn posted up ur. my olï¬ce alt, Millbmok on the lsuluy of Augmt. 18:1 . and l;cnmin.- Lhcre fox: inspection. Elm-um..- .-.. A‘ nuttedor delivered to the persons 11- tioned in sections .3 and 6 of the Voters†Lists .\ct. the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered ot‘ the list, nmde pursuant, to mid act. ofull pet‘sonsnppem- ing by the last revised Assessment Roll ot‘ the suit]! municip'ditv to be enti; led 19 vote in the nu... MUNICIPALITY OI‘ THE VILLAGE OF MILLBRQOK. COUNTY OF DUR- NOTICE OF A . .\. SM IT! I. "imivéiindt‘blt‘d mlhosnid («mu- m'u hem- hvnolitiml Lhut llu‘ir nvcounls‘ 1mm bu ectflcd a} once. “mm! at. Millln'onk this 18th day annly. 1894. ROBERT KENNEDY, Jk. .-\dmini~u-utor . ¢ Lnnmn “THE STORY OF METHODISM. , , , , , ,_ ~-~-.. mu... And further mke notiru Hm! the said :ulmin- i-‘tmlnr will. on um] zu'hrr [he said ï¬rst. day of September.189L1n'rcuctl lo dix‘lribun- the assets ofthc said cslulc among the pur‘rics eminud thereto. having wuunl onh’ lo we claims at which -l|c_§hz_\1! Ilu_-n hu_\'e hay} nolivv. 20-4 f. Kcnncd '. in. of the village of Helium ', bl (-35 smith. (hotlmny 1'. 0.) themlminisflmtzr nfnlllht estalcol‘thc deceased. or In A. A. Smith of the Village of Millln'cok. solivilor for mid ml minihtrutm'. on or before Hu- 1st day of Soptem hm; ISSN. full particulars of their cluium. to! gctlwrwith their christian and surnames uml the nature 31’ the ‘ - - rgly (i‘t‘unyl) held by them. . ., x 1.... .... ... . can ï¬t accurately and with dispatch and guarantee every pair to ï¬t correctly. VOTICIC is hereby gin-n pursuant to the pro- ; visions of R, S. 0.. 1887. Chnp. 110. and amending acts. that all creditors um! othum having claims against the estate of Robert Kennedy. Stu. late of the ’l‘ownshin of Maun’em, in the County of Durham. yvomun. decousm†who died on or about thctwunty-scvcnth day of J nnc. 1894. at Munvcrp‘ uforcsnul._ um required to send by po‘t proving. or to duhvur to Robert Kcnncdx. in. of tho vxllngc 9f 'Hglhauy‘ black: A. Hun n.†SIGN OF THE HORSE SHOE. IN THE ESTATE 01‘ ROBERT KEN- NEDY, SR.. LATE OF THE TOWN- SHIP OP MANVERS, YEOMAN, DECEASED "I‘RAYED FROM THE PR EMJSRS U. ‘ TH E b undersixnca; Lot ll. L‘o_u.3. Cavan, on or about May 15th: three yearlmg m Mars and two yvm‘llng heifers. two of (hp steers are red and the other roan. o c heifer 15 red and {he Other roan. lufnrm;sti _n as I? {.heir whereubout and . ' ‘ ' wil )0 rowan m . ru-m U" I " ('1 IL WINSLOW. 29 ' Millbronk. P. 0. CREDI TO RS. See our Suits of Men’s Cool Clothing. See our Cool Goats. See our cool Vests. See our Cool Pants. ’U'l'IH-I is hereby given that I have ‘ {nun-dot“ delivered to the person: WILLIAM BRIflGS, Publisher, _A Toronto, Ont. ADMINISTRATORS’ HAM, ONE or THE ‘I’mitr'ï¬b COUNTIES or NORTHUMBER- LAND AND DURHAM. TURNED ON A. LEACH, bolicilnr for Administration OF FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS LIST 1894, ESTRAY CATTLE. MADE TO ORDER NOT [0 E T() Drum-flat. Millbrook‘ Minniook. (mm-v cost, value, selling ï¬Eicé?;{:éx:yt:lei;§,';;é:pt the only all-imdormm objectâ€"TO SELLâ€" WHILE WE CAN. B. H. KELLS 00’s Enlarging Sale, 389 George Street, Peterhemughj Bargainsâ€"that’s zLEVPiBéï¬mmai-fl’ï¬ï¬a :: shqrc. We have made up our mind to it-â€"â€" to blindfold our. eyes. against, gvgrythingf Ann‘ ....I.... .._n:,_ >U ,, No time now to go into details or quoting of prices. It. isaconstant story of reduc- tions. Values Reorganized Daily, which means that pressure is constantly; reducing xices. Everyday with us now is like a baturday. People are buying just as fast gwgcsn \yaig upon_them. Unheard of1 i Bargains at the Print Counter. Bargains at the Hosiery and Clove Counter. Bargains at the Dress and Parasol Counter. ’ Bargains in the Mantle and Mi‘lin- ery Booms. Bargains at the Remnant Counter.‘ will convince you that, the goods WILL NOT KEEP. We’re studioualy and cbntinuously marking down ï¬ ureaâ€"not one day, but every dudâ€"compel ed to do so by building exi encies. We’re resolute in our plans to me. e a. complete clearance. It you want to make money don’t miss attending our sale during the [losing Banner Weeks. Color warranted to stand sun and sea Weather. \Ve have them 0: all prices. Nothing more suitable than a black or navy Sergeâ€"~some- thing that will look well under the greatest provocation. Are You Going Away? Vaeation Time ! ‘OMEWHERE BE’I‘WEEN llAILll-ZBORO b and llillbrook on Monday. June the 18th. u Crooked Slum Mcrschnum Pipe. l‘hc rlnder will b» suitably rewarded by leaving the name at tlu- {umnc'rmz 0mm 26 344 Water Street, Our Urumbling Prices II 7177117118001 HOPSF AIVD IV/IGO/V COVE/(S F1. 409,1?UAI'11NG, FTC. Remember on Saturdays we show nnes m white blouses in new patterns; For the latest styles in these goods you require to see our stock. An excellent assortment of Ladies’ \V rappers, Blouses and Dresses for Small Children to select from and our goods always ï¬t when you buy the proper size. Remember our stock is always well assorted in every de- partment, from the George Street entrance round the block to Simcoe Street, where all the Ladies’ Millinery, Blouses and e,†I , l T.‘,1.t.....,.-. l. U this line has always sold at mice. just : lines in white blouses in new patterns. F0 in these goods you require to see our stock “’0. have still many choice patterns left and they are the ï¬nest French makes and this season's patterns in both Flowers and stripes. This is a rare opportunity to get a Fine All \Vool Delzlnie at less than they will ever be sold for again. \Vc are showing some New Black \Vatered Prints for summer wear; also New Black and Navy Estamerne Serges, 54 inches wide. They are the best value ever offered. , \\e also Show about ï¬n nqrtm-nc nf (“rummc nmnrl muslin, TURNBULL’S _ CHEAP DELANIES ndcrwcar are kept. ALF. KINGSCOTE, As: the swwm is mlvuncod, we have decided to clear out our J. C. TURNBULL’S. - ..-... A \ v»: \u- ply“. also shou about 60 patterns of Crumms good quality. Delanies at LOST. George and Simcoe Streets, PETERBOROUGH. Prints at â€"â€"â€"~.\IAN ['FACTURER OFâ€" ays we show many special lines to at- tract Customers. 15c choice line of Black Wor- Sted and Navy Serges. Picked over. Also see them â€before Suits m e to ordef/ from $10.00 up. Come and __AT_. Tweeds in suit, this Week a. choice lot of misc. just arrived three fresh DAVID CHAMBERS. KEIDALLS spiii'u cunt ! humour, 1.. 1.. NJ" Jan. 15. 18% D3 B. J. Kmm Co. entlcmznâ€"I bought a wicndid bay horse some time owlthus nvln. KO! 1m form- In!“ Kcnd 1's Spavln ure. The H win ls gone now and I have been onerod 0150 or the same horse. I only Ind him nine weeks. no"! so: .120 (or using .2 worth of" Rand-11's Spun: Cure. Snmr. ï¬cifbm'm, 1m.â€" DP. 3. J. KENDALL CO. Sinâ€"I have med your Kendall’u 8 Vin Cure with good nucceu tor Curbs on two one: and St I: the bent Unlmenz 1 have ever used. Yours truly. Luann Plummet. Price 0! yer Bottle. For Sale by an Drummer. or Address Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANYt snot-0mm nus. v7. KEIDALL’S _ SPflll (HIRE We have placed in stock iï¬er hédicine. FOR-.â€" the tenant at 0 R M Fun. of .u kind. ï¬cmchildren otndulu, “5° DI. CHITH’. cERIAN WORM LOZENOIB. “VIII prompt. reliable. safe and p leuam. reqylflngno - (WA .1 _- ‘v,_“_: TWEEDS rer ' Yard nosr succssswt REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in Its efl'ecu 1nd novinlnteri. Road proofs below: FOR SPRING. .â€"‘â€"â€".u. u- dicine. Nevei' finâ€"31.2m9'e no bad moo. 25 cont. pox- Box Your: tnily'r- w“ WV. 8. Mn. Per Yard Per Peterboro’, Ont. THE TENTS. SAILS, Camping Goods, 3 a Removed from 389 George-st, to new Wore, No. 393 George-9L, second more ‘north of the old stand, late Grafton 82 Co. ‘Cuatomers will ï¬nd increased facilities to handle the work and additional stock of the newest Cloth: and Suiting; . PANTS. Pale: MID m cmumunm. flents’ Furnishings. This is a very safe and convenient way. of send": money. Over 15,000 places Can a. and the States where these orders can be cashed at. par. la 150- fO!‘ 340. Large or 3 portion. Canadian Express { Company’s'a‘ The Peterboro’ Tailor, BABY CARRIAGESâ€"Latest, Newest, and most Stylish Designs. Ladies shnuld see our many patterns, the best in the city. Sign of the Horse at the Door. PETERBORO. DC. will purchase an order for S20, Payable at par almost. any“ here in Canada or the United States. N the face of :LH tho 1; of hard times and the cryof money Iwing tight, we are conï¬dent tho solid “duo we give brings: Us 171110 and hub] us custom. \\'v are, for oxmnplv, rolling out special lines, all scawnmldo goods, of which the following aw now in de- mand :~â€" BENJ. SHORTLY W. STRAI N, has the nobbiest thing out in the shape of Buggy l) ‘ tors. You should see them, they are th latest the market presents and he is in osition to sell them at prices that at e places them within the reach of ev )erson. If you want. some- thing, 8 1y nice for your buggy this seas- on you should not fail to see these clusters. He can sell you a set- of light or heavy har- ness this spring at; prices that will knock other dealers silly, made of the best mater- ial and ï¬rst-class workmanship. Fm- Whips Combs. Brushes, c., ive him a. call. Bos- ton Coach Axle 011 in )1ka or can. Repair- ing a. specialty. Newest Out ! veyouï¬mrrh? This réï¬igdï¬ggugm teedtocureyou. Price.50cts. lnjectottnee. ___-_._ “_-- ..-_.. _ .__ww__v -â€" Inwe. For 3 lame' Back or Chest} ""1130 BHXLOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTE m G 1' Conan Cam: promptlycm' cum whe other: Coughs. Group acre Than. Homencu, hoopin Couz Pan}: Man. For Consumption it as no dvd 2:: °“$w°"sï¬gï¬s“1§mgg'ma§m ’°" on e. on a snare 111me s Iamg’iBack or Qhesuuse MEREDITH aOor a, Sliop next door to Dcyell’s grocery. roOen ‘iqs erifl At Vang Low Ratzsrw Cabinet; ET Showrooms King-st, MiHbrook‘ mos. GILLDTT, R‘G‘Seps on hand 11 large stock of C'OPFINS. GASKETS. and all kigdrg of Undqglaken' Goods. VBédFdol‘n.‘ . 3;, Dininiéoom and all other kinds of Furniture. hand-made. Ill Iowusl. pricu. SPRING SUIT. OVERCOAT 8311 I)! â€TRIA‘ LO H35" CATARRH K ___ REMEDY. Money Order Agent, mulbmk For Sale by A. LEACH. W. STRAIN, A. LEACH, FOR of all sizes and style“. from L'u-gvst Muck, ln-sl mu tt'l‘ials and \‘nluv in “AV" moms sanmss. HARNESS. $1.25 to $35.00. I'loney ] Orders/i- @Undertaker Talmxs sums in pro- BUILDING MATERIAL} Paints and Oils. Field and Garden Tools. SHELF Millbrook I am also agent for the Latest and Most Approved Farm Implements, consisting of the Celebrated Sylvester Steel Binder. un- surpassed for Lightmss of Draft, Simplicity of Construction, Ease of 0 rating and Great Durability. Sylvester gover, War- rior Mower, “'heeler Melick Rake, Binder ‘Truck, Shoat Carrier, Sylvester Combined ‘ and Single Drills, Sylvester Cultivator, Syl- vester Spring Tooth Harrow, Sylvester Straw Cutter, Horse and Hand Power, 3 and 2-furrow Gang Plow, Champion No. 7 Walking Plow, the best in the market, and other implements too numerous to mention. Be sure and call and inspect my stock. I am in a. position to sell cheaper and give you better terms than any other agent in the district. The implements I handle speak for themselves. A. PAYNE. Manufactured by the Sylversmr Bros. Mf‘g (.10., Lindsay, Ont. Thousands already in use and the demand increasing. With ordinary care the Champion Pea Harveeter will last a fanner a lifetime. No holes to drill in cutter bar. No shipping of bars to factory to be ï¬tted new. It can be ï¬tted at home. Any person can do the work. Only a. limited number will be made, sobny early. Place your orders at once with the under- signed at Millbrook. PEA Haw-esteK Wall Paper. Spring/54 NEW FPBING GDUDS \Vhichrtugqther with the stock latelv “'hich wgefther with the stock lately purchased from M. Parker will be s'pld very cheap. FRESH GROCERIES, All or \ Ruse Bull Goods, Lacroes Goods, Lawn Croquet, India: WHICH Rubber Balls, Skipping Rope: WE SELL Violin and Mouth 013mm. h great variety. Largest am at ROCK ' Choice-st stuck ofBiscuits, ram-j Cakes and (.fonfectionery 'u BUTTBM town. Cull and inspect. muses†J. ROBINSON YOUNG ST IFF AND SOFT IN WHITE FELL Bailieboro, SOME THINGS YOU w on. Mills Bros. so E = names we HAVE. I The “ C_hampion †THE NEWEST Colors ’3‘“ Shapes AL YOUNG’S DflNFEUTIï¬NEBY. :\l HATS m (‘hildron's Caps, Tam O’Shant 01's and Emcy F0283. Have now a full assortment of WHITE FELL MANDN/ RA?" "5.": UR; 3001's and snags, DELEGATE [’15 T 13 131} OR 0. The new storekwprg, HATS and CAPS. Inspect ion invited. A ï¬ne Soda Founuinwfrom which we dispense drinks, refresh- ing. invigorating and cold. A Welluppoinled Ice Cram Parlor, where we serve A I Inc Cream. Goods, Lawd.Croquet, Indian Rubber Balls. skipping Ropee. Violin and Mouth Organs, in great. variety. Largest, and Choices! stock of Biscuits, fancy Cakes and Confectionery in town. Cu" and inspect. “awnings, Dunes and Na“ S‘of all kindl. Bananas, Pin“ AFN“. Ctmanuta. H EAVY Orange-s, Lemons, ‘4. HSO‘OIDOHIS temp} * I out the wand o‘,‘ “‘c ' lnmeeofha-mmr, , â€"In another colua 'ghe mums in the 1: public school leui which we pmume w mtiou to, to be re tulaoe «he succmfu from Millbmok and unwooessful we won} â€"Ihe Baptist cam last week, included 5 delegates and visitor: States and Canada. were very interesting gathering is an impa history of the chute! ..~ :1: the wood-work 161’ new block would well, as far away a. m anyway. but Whether that drove J or Int. who is well knuv-‘u back country and 1m had a very severe :11 but we awe glad to it: proving rapidlyâ€"M -â€"Mr. J as. Bdgcol grocer, and John ! drummer, spent Fri brook, on a trout t “'e have not heart panned out, but M r. gogue informed us 1‘ â€"The reeve of accordance With the issued circulars for t] villagers in regal-ll The village Board‘ recently and decidi work in the line of v: Medical Health Ozï¬t kept busy issuing m â€"Masvers Game: em who have been‘ grandfather Rev. C. during the past ï¬ve home on Friday last their aunt, Miss Eva her sister, Mrs. So visit. Mm. Byam 0! 31m visiting her a rim-s campmg at M ncsday. whore he (-1 Sam H umors‘ party in: thrilling {is}; \‘a -:-â€"W'hat match 1 up it; attention < citizens last week. Hun-v Saurass cu nation. .mhdeac«v11 A week, looking his sickness \3 ances, indicate. â€"You can bu; Inns cheaper than < Try it. Daniel Ritz, Pm the Huuberg, 011'. was suï¬ering fro Trouble. I took: Vitality! and it C†1:000:11me 1:." > _\\'m. Bate bull staff and Fred (3on and camping at Bo â€"Mr. Rudd}, ‘x spent Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs \'\ cillc Report», r. â€"â€"Mr. A. B. L at Mr. .L “'09‘13 son are also in)!" where they purp August. â€"Man\'ers Agri hold an: annual 4 any on the 2nd in» icbe millbn â€"Jenkins’ whuh Lap Dusaers, “'00 must be turned in: will please you the: â€"Pure English at Johnston A' Fai â€"Call at Deyeli‘ new and novel in 1 diners and Lemonw â€"Misq Genie N the guest of her a Evens, “Elton st re Fair’s. â€"Mr. Robert I Thursday night in looking none the w A large ass! PIF __Oom prising The THPHBJ â€"Headquanm arr-is Co's. rm Just Arri THURSDAY , )I r. Fwd Stonewai‘: Chancello Our Pipéx Key Wes El Padre, n'h-doa. TO“'.\' e wvve L Cl AT ALL \‘ar