Millbrook Reporter (1856), 9 Jul 1959, p. 1

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rood Pasture for ha‘tle. Apply "0 ner, phone 10432, It re Thousand Dol- '10p a community I responsible resi- ith tractor wants ,week or mark. Reporter Oflice, 3t Poultryi high M. Flatt, RR 1’ hone 7-r-13 col- large or '2 small ight house keep . of conveniences, {1' preferred, 0!} 9e réply 90 Box. porter Ot‘fice 3t Bedroom Heated centrally heated. Spicer, phone 259 b 3t Bedroom Apart- -n, self contained, mediate possess» 71'14 Millbrwk. unity of Hay, baled. Apply to , phone 212-r-12. ed Hay, standing t." Srewart phone urook. 1t ‘ie Pups. Mother >w dog. Phone $elfâ€"contained 4 was; one heatâ€" van L. H. Gray, 31: r is the time to winter supply of VFEDDBMA te Broker eneral Farms, . Small Acreage?» 52 Chevrolet De 3 1953 Pontiac. red right, Radio good Frigidaire with new motor 1958; 1738er Foaster and Iron, 1 Cabinef, white Trimmings and gone 148«W Mill- 1: Phone 19 Mill- Apply Stan 70w Millbrook . S. G . Boyles. avan . 3t nlag'e for GRAVEL. AND TOPSOIL CLIFF ROSS tog Street L915 anxiousto Ice le 30 An unknown man with four ice cream cones, two in each hand. He managed to lick one of them but the other tflree were too much for him, so he gave theyn, we surmise, to his hand. 11 e managed w “9‘“ Previous to the meeting, plans one of them but the other three3 for a parking lot at Part Hope were too much for him, so he. were discussed on the job. The gave them, we surmise, to his. Port Hope and Hope members family for them to do the were empowered to proceed lickin’. One of those tenderlwith the project. hearted fellows who couldn’t; In View of the expected in- bear to lick more than one.l crease at Orono next Septem- They had nothing on 11:8, we her in Grade 9, it was decided hadn’t the heart to tackle an to commence another Grade 9 ice cream cone, but we licked a room and engage another postage stamp in the morning. 1 teacher. ' m‘ AAAAAA L A‘! LLA nhmfll‘]+ BEWDLEY MAN DIES SUDDENLY The following resolution was} A familiar figure in the passed 12 for and 2 againstâ€"f life and community of Bewd- “moved hy McGregor and; ley, Norman Donald Sidey, Tamblyn that, in new of thei- V V _ urgency regarding accommodaâ€"l passed away at his home there tion for secondary school stu-1 on Saturday, July 4th. Mr. dents in this district, we write: Sidey W35 W611 knOWD in the the eight Municipalities inform-’1. v district, having operated a store ing them that we are adheringi Billy Richards l and restaurant in the. Rice Laké to our building prograrmne as‘i Th f' “l t. 0 f village for many years. He presented to them on aletter:B-1(13 $4, an” “awa'bmni teaves to cherish his memory, dated April 2nd. 1959; and aski 'tl~ JV hltybar ks aZippeéll'ed on a.‘ his widow the former Verna E. that the Municipalities who ap-~ 2:960 .8 t 1%. e (”1:11 and ”11‘ Strong, one son Norman of Fe. proved the, plans at. that timelé .tlnf‘ltn 0 isgnot, er .3 arms, terborough, and two brothers, to reaffirm their approval, and. ”11/ t,” tvaslslv erihetglvas'only Wordy of Port Hope, and Bruce the Municipalities who did not Mi, iearsf ou ' dlh h? 3 ears of Hamilton. {approve at that time to do so h 'mfd 0 0W; ' eh-as more The funeral took place from now. The approval asked was gabl if!“ e dlhp “ 81'1“ 13 ear Y the Ross Funeral Chapel, Port- for tentative approval of three ‘t:(':'na;8" an “‘an 1:1 ‘t 3: r‘iPPta: HOPE. 011 Monday. July 5th. at stepsâ€"the request to Counties’ on botha- 21:16-06:85 3 631611311181 thrge 01010016. With interment Council for the issue of debetr‘He £599; Qihigmur‘agfigfi in ewd ey ’emetery. i titres. ermission for the Board ' I - . P ‘ “W“? to enfage architects. and to I: xa ‘14.!)1806 orchestra in t e , ,0». g Easy, at CBC-TV sum: facquire school sites. The dated-m: *‘Eh r "01“ OE iof August lst, 1959 was to be fl;_w_~__ We are now ready to serve set. as a deadline for the receipt? LAST HALF OF GIRL’S all business section consumers 03 answers. Failing approval with water from our new water by all Municipalities, many of, SOFTBALL SCHEDULE main, and wish to advise that the Board Members expressediJu'IY lOâ€"Courtice at Bowman- the dead line for service from the opinion that the}r wouldz V1119- our old. water line will be July feel that they would'have noiJUIY IOâ€"Bethany at Group 91... 1am) ‘D‘naan An nnt treat alternative hill" to resign. The' July 13'â€"Bethany at Bowman‘ passed away at. his home there On Satund-ay, July 4th. Mr. Sidey was well known in the diatrict, having operated a store and restaurant in the Rice Lake village for many years. He teaves to cherish his memory, his widow the former Verna E . Strong, one son Norman of Fe. terborough, and two brothers, Wordy of Port Hope, and Bruce of Hamilton. ‘ ‘DON’ ’ SIDEY main, and wish to advise that the Board Members expressed the dead line for service from We opinion that they would our old water line will be July feel that they would’have no 3131;, 1959. Please do not treat alternative butto resign. The this matter lightly. ldate of VV'ednesday, August 5th ..Thisis your final notice. Eat Bowmanvillo is to be set Millbrook Public. Utilites Com- aside for the next meeting of mission, Millbrook, Ontario. 3th Board”; Phone Ri 2-1535 Peterborough coaches For Charter Stock Bros. Bus Lines It is a. pleasure for us to look after your Chartered Trips FOR INFORMATIOK CALL J. G. Stock, Peterbiorough, Ri 2-0965 G. A. (Jerry) Stock, Bailiehoro, (collect) 18:11 or 9r5 GLEE‘M SPEEDY CLEANERS 0F GOBOURG WILL GIVE 2-DAY A WEEK SERVICE Pick Up Tuesday, Delivery Thursday ran mom-non cm Trick’s 261 Service Station mm -muxnnv â€"nnv cumm Contract Work Such as Cement Walks, Cellarsfitables, Etc. FREE ESTIMATES A. Howran Peterborough, Ont. No. 27. The Millbrook Reporter ANNOUNGING DURHAM COUNTY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD } The Board met in Port Hope, Thursday evening, July 2nd, 1959, with all members present except two. \ The report of the Consult-g active Comtnit’ce to Coun-‘cies’l Council was studied at great: Length} and possible lines ofi action: suggested. WEDGE, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1959 1. Its two stories and basement Billy Richards will have a floor area of 42,000 The first time Ottawa-born; SW13“? feet. Billy Richards appeared on a." stage he broke down and ran ROSS LUNN 3111133001 crying into his mother’ 3 arms. But that was when he was only!l OFFICER, PROMOTED 21/) years old. In the yearst . . Hist haxe followed he has more: The followmo news 1te111 was he. 1 made up for this early?! rereived Last week from the ét‘il back, and has bullt a reputaâ€"! Air Defence Command Head- tion as a successful entertaine1 . ”,1,”th ROAF StatiOn. St on both radio and television. He is seen eaxh‘ Saturday lea-d "i \a 14-p ie-ce orchestra in §xy1jg Easy, a, CBC-TV sum: Julv IOâ€"Bethany at 01011.0 ,! The son of Mr and M18 Hg July 13â€"Bethany at Bowmanâ€" J. Dunn of Millbrook, 011- arit ‘ ville ‘Squadr’on Leader Lunn serxes July 14-Mi1b1'00k at Bethany Eas a Ground Defeme Staff Of-g Rained out games da es to be gage!- 111111! the R’CAF i Millbrook at bCourtice g A graduate of Mill'brook' Bowmanville at Orono. I Himh $91,001 and Carleton‘ arranged 3â€" [Univ ersity Squadron Leader “”‘-' |Lu1111 enlisted in the ECAF in CARD OF THANKS ,Apr-il 1942.111 February the following year, he graduated. as a sergeant pilot” i “The iamily of the lat-e A1-_3t1111r -_ ‘1 A...I CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Arthur Foottit. wish to convey their sincere thanks to Dr. Wrgiht, Dr. Hobbs, all friends and neighboul‘s, Canadian Legion Branh No. 402 Milbrook: 1.0. O. F. No. 308; Ladies Auxili~i my to the Canadian eLgiou, the Haw Funeral Home, Cixio Hospital, 8‘. Josephs Hospital, Peterborough3 and S‘unnybrook Esspiiul, Toronto; also the 11:1 398 and all others who ex- ténded sympathy during the il::o*-s and death of a kind husband and father. Thes Odd Fellows and Re-3 l bekahs of Ontario provided AUCTION SALE V funds to build and equip ag , - .- « 1 Wood-working Rehabilitation: (,l Mrs'l RC‘Fhf‘rd $111,”? "0:15” centre at the Gravenhurst Sani~i ""’_n' ' m a” ”m“? a; torium. This has proven to be; mllos west of Carmel “111 sell‘ of great bemfit to the men'. by public auction on Monday, who are oonvalesoing and then", July 13th, 1959. at 1.00 p.111., instructors report many fine' l‘nr herd of Angus Cagt’tle, four items being made, @7611 inlaid? Percheron Horse's, Farm Maâ€" work. { chinery, Baled Hay and Grain. Besides 311d “015, they are. Terms cash. No reserve. Mel instructpd in the use of theisnromg, clerk. Jack Reid, 0r- POWCI‘ machinery installed. ‘ono, auctioneer. . , , DD!) FELLOWS Contributed Rehabflitatlon Gentre m MIRROR-REPORTER Authorized as 2nd class mail ‘ All new area offices built by Ontario Hydro will also be heated electrically. Work is to start this fall on {the Toronto Region building on. lYonge Street just north of [Finch "Avenue, and the staff is expected to move into it from the present Bloor Street offices in the late mm of 1960. Two systems will heat the new Toronto Region building in Willowdale when it is complet- ed next year, it was announced last week. The main portion of the I). slhaped building will use a tshbrmal, storage system, in which water conducts the heat. The other wing will have resist- ance heaters. The following news item was received Last week from the Air Defence Command Head- quarters, RCAF StatiOn, St. Hubert, I’.Q. ' ' St. Hubert, Que” July 2: â€" A local RCAF ofimmfiossL lnmn formerly 0; Millbrook and presently stationed at the RCAF’S Air Defence Command Headquarters, Sit. Hubert, Que- bec has been promoted to the rank of Squadron Leader. Electric heating, which: has aroused Widespread enthusiasm among Ontario :home builders, will be built into new Ontario Hydro offices from now on. ‘ He is married to the. for-‘; imer Dorothy Louise S'isco of |Tavi~uock, Ontario. who also ilived in Millbrook where she 1 at‘ended sohool during the time hier father the Rev. A. L. 'Sisco was pastor of St. A11- 1drew’s Church. The Lunn’s (have thi‘ee children, Judith lMargaret, Catharine Louise Eand James Ross. ONTARIO HYDRO TO EAT NEW OFFICES ELECTRICALLY Following a period of civilian life after the war he re-inlisted in the RCAF in 1950. Subse- quently he has served as a staff ofificer at Air Force. Head- quarters in Ottawa. and as an instructor at Camp Borden, be- fore ;his, posting To Air Defence Command. Slquadron Leader Lunn has; also had the unforgettable ex- perience of witnessing atomic weapons tests in South Austra- lia . Congramlations “ Rw’oss ’ from TH) \Reporter and all 01? your Millbroox friends. t 5t. All-‘ 'he Dunn’s! n, Judith! Le Louisei Ross” from! lll of? your1 tLE nour, Lot 9, 'nship, 11/2 el will sell m Monday, 1.00 p.111., Ca’t’tle, four Farm Maâ€" and Grain. serve. Mal “,3 *flfl ,___. D I Retiring President, Mrs. [4.1 Winslow, conducted a short} business session following a! delicious roast chicken dinner at Foster’s Restaurant. Mrs. H. Lancashire read the minutes of the Last meeting and Mrs. A. R. Payne gave the finan- cial report. A motion to re- scind the motion of holding 3} Tea and Bake Sale in July was: passed. Mrs. E. Liesemer presented a Past-President’s pin to Mrs. ‘Winslow who ex- pressed her thanks to the Club for their co-operation and “loyalty during her term of of- fice. i The Lady Lions met in Pe- terborowgh Monday evening for their annual dinner and enterâ€" tainment. The meeting adjourned and some of The ladies enjoyed tne vita g9 production of (‘iigi as Summer Theatre while others attended a motion picture. LADY LIONS ENJOY ROAST CHICKEN DINNER IN PETE’RBOROUGHH At this time, we Wish to express sincere appreciation to Mr. Ba'rringer for his co-opera- tion and many considerations in editing the Club ’5 activities during past years. Best Wishes for health and happiness are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bar- ringer from Lady Lions Club. Best Farm Fun Since "The Kettles" Wmeeh-mmwm " THE MATING GAME" Renew your subscription! jday, June 29th, 1959- Northey’s Beauty Salon H . CLOSED 0N MONDAYS Olll's. Open balance of week. Tuesdays and Thursdays until 9.00 p.m. For appointment phone 136 Millbrook Johansson-Patterson Fight Pictures Don’t Judge It by the Title; It Doesn’t Do Juhstice to the Best Rural Comedy in Years Will be with us on July 20th COM-E IN AND GET AGQUAINTED ARE PLEASED T0 ANNOUNCE THAT In Tedhmicol-or, with Debbie Reynolds, Tony Randall and Paul Douglas Maureen I (abaldu (Licensed Hairdnesser) $1.75 a year in advance; to U.S.A. $2.75 Post Office Department, Ottawa, Ont. '1 ! PERSONAL i The Rev. Walter and Mrs. Patterson will celebrate their 50th. wedding anniversary at their home on Anne Street, Mill- :‘brook, on Saturday 18th. July L from 2 to 4 m the afternoon and ‘1me 7 to 9 in the evening, lwhen friends and neighbours .iwill be welcome. The office of Willmott 85 9‘ Irvine, Barristers, Solicitors, '1 Notaries, Millbrook, will be "closed for staff holidays for [two weeks commencing Mon- i I; iedk Generation of electrical enâ€" rg) in Canada 111 1958 Increas- 7. 2 per 0911* to 96, 7-13, 000 ,000 kilowat hours as against 195?. Millbrook ...... Orono ......... Bow manville . . . Courtice ....... Team Standings up to J uly 7th Grace Presbyterian Church Sunday School will h’old its annual Picnic to Oron-o Park, Thursday, July 9th. Chartered Bus will leave Church at 2 p .m.‘ Children, parents and church members all invited to attend the picnic. COMING EVENT 0-00-0000. ~uoocoonao ille not-03¢... "mm M Won 11

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