‘e Poultry; high , M. Flatt, RR I, phone 7-1-43 col- ree Thousand DoL 9101) a community a responsible resi~ tas-e reply to Box uantity of Hay, r baled. Apply to Ln, phone 212â€"r-12. . large or 2 small light home keep- gree and proven fly Frank Matchett jâ€"ll Millbrook. paid what 00k Stove, bums ‘ coal; 1 medium >99 Heater, “in ex- Ldition: also a pair Pone 19. 2t: nautity of good icing. Phone 1271? 5. Apply Stan .62 70W Millbrook. ,» of conveniences, »r preferred, on ‘. FEDDEMA state Broker General Farms, as, Small Amages, w is the time to winter supply of 952 Chevrolet De 3 1953 Pontiac riced right, Radio *5. S. G. Boyles. Gavan. 3t Bedroom Apart- :1), self cwmtained, mediate possess~ 71-14 Millbrook. good Frigidaire 'r with new motor an Cabinet, white »1 Trimmings and ‘hone 148w Mill‘ 1t s Green House 0k, in person tomers anxious to our district £1209: Street Dandrac'e Boar, 1958: Eleetric Toaster and Iron, n‘:'d'b“‘nm'u-ï¬â€˜ .tice 1 Soft Wood Slabs tNE 70-w ulage for GRAVEL, AND TOPSOII. Irvine, HA. rter Oi‘fice 3t CLIFF ROSS Phone 19 Mill. QLAN My 30 Millbrook H.S. Promotions Honour list In order ’of merit: l pass list alphabetical. Marks.| in subjects after names belowé pass level. Students listed asAr I II “clouditional†must show :3.-! I bility to keep up with new: grade. 3 (F12) Wayne Hogg (Fr., B. Pr.) Dick Huyton (Fr.) Muriel Lacey ($0., Fr.) Yvonne Solott (Geog., Sc., IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE ANNOUNCING = Bhnne Ri 2-1535 Peterborough : I Grade 9 to 10 Honours: Patsy Hobbs 87.6, Allen Gillis 84.7 - Karen Powell 83.7 Bonna Todd 79.8 Ian McGowan 78.9 Pass: Barbara Aiken Noreen Davidslon Glenn Fallis Roger Gillis Rod. McDowell Ashton McMaster Diann Orr Wilma Patton Karen Peterson Joan Wood. Conditional: Robert Crowe, Russell Young (Eng., Fr.) Grade 10 to 11 Honours: Norma Earl 96.5 Bernard Ingham 91.4 Barbara Young 89.4 David Brackenridge 88 . n. Baa-ringer, Publisher. coaches For charter Stock Bros. Bus Lines It is a, pleasure for us to look after your Chartered Trips FOR INFORMATION CALI. J. G. S’toek, Petorbiorough, Ri 2-0965 G. A. (Jerry) Stock,‘Baiï¬oboro, (collect) 1011 or 9r5 CLEARANCE SALE! GLEEM SPEEDY CLEANERS 0F GOBOUBG WILL GIVE 2-DAY A WEEK SERVICE Pick Up Tuesday, Delivery Thursday ron INFOMATION cm Trick’s 261 Service Station mm -mumy .4332 emu Such as cement Walls, Goflars,Stables, Etc FREE ESTIMATES A. Howran Peterborough, Ont. The MillbroOk Reporter Gertrude Shop At The 3mm» or (helm? CBC commen. for radio and teleyision cove’r-i in the, first World War with! gator Byng Whitteker hasn’t? age of theroyal ylsit. One _0f:, the Imperial Army arid served‘ the foggiest idea which hat is: her mam Jobs Wig. be to brlef‘ four years, d'uruig W‘hl‘Ch period - ~ in What. man has? Th‘at’ . commentators eac' mornnig 0113118 served some time. as a prisom “ hm ' . . S; the fashions the Queen W111 be er of war in Germany. Why JOY Dawes (19ft) 1n the.\ wearing that day. Pretty To-i During his working days he 3311013 has beenoemplfoyed by ronto model Dorothy Fraser‘ was a garage mechanic with the CBC as fashlon consultant (right) models the cloche. SMr. F. J. Smith, now living I [retired in Port Hope, and also . ,. s . . an employee of the Canadian Jud1.h Reld 15.3 ! Gall Lawson 75. General Electric Works in Pe- l Pass: Sharron Ball Pass: Eric Curtis ' , , y 1 . f Ed. Bobree- (Lat.) ‘ Naney goweu Ig’hys.) $3133?“ his 1a“ p ace ° Judifh Reid 75.3 Pass: S‘haï¬on Ball Ed. Bobee (Lat.) Sharon Cafmon Gary Hopkins (,Lat.) Ralph Lang (Fr.) Marilyn Liesemer. Conditionalf: Sharon Brem~ ner (Ge‘o., Math., Lat.) Bradford Medd (Mam. Lat.) Grade 11 to 12 Honours: Joan Porter 83.1 Brénda ’Lunn (Gm, Math, Which Is Which? MILLEROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1959. Honours: Barbara Hutchi-son 83. 9 Diane Kinsman 83 4 5 Option Graduationâ€" Robert Hamilton, Cameron Porter. ! Grade 12 to 13 ! i ? b-ara Hutcflison, Diane Kins. .f man, Susan Paterson, Lois ; Seward. (3 Option (.naduationâ€" Marten Brooks ra, Mm rax Gillis, Dbnna Lord, Marion Lunn, Irene ()lan, Helen Wright. E l s l 4 Option Gradauationâ€" Joan. Cannon, Carol Gohee-n, Bar-7 1 Gail Lawson 75. Pass: Eric Curtis Nancy Powell (Phys.) Gioria Raper (Phys.) Condifionalz E’linore Crowley (Lat.) Ann Patton (F12) Notezâ€" “Conditional†i 11 Grade 2 refers only to the sub- ject. after name. This does not applv to Physics since it will rot be taught next year. July 2â€"Bowmauville at Beth- any July 3â€"Orono at Courtice July 6â€"~Courtice at. Orono July 7â€"Orono at Bel‘hauy July 8â€"Courtice at Millbrook July lOâ€"BOWmanville at Cour- LAST HALF OF GIRL’S SOFTBALL SCHEDULE tice July 10â€"Bethany at Oronio July 13â€"Bethany at Bowman- ville July 14â€"â€"â€"Milbrook 'at Bethany. H2.ney-â€" Bill and Carolyn (nee HarknGSs‘) are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter at Kirkland Lake Ho<pital. June 27th, 1959. v v k ODD FELLIWS contribute IN TIME OF DISASTER Some of the contributions made by the Ontario Odd Fellows and Rebekahs in the past are: KANSAS FLOOD KANSAS FLOOD : ‘ Mr. Earl Liesemer sitting in RELIEF ......... $ 4,000.00fh. . f t f t} 1; "1S car 1n ron 0 ,le pos MAlfngiA FLOOD 15 000 0°I o'rfice Thursday noon reading """"" $ ’ ' The Reporter, which from lonr ENGLAND FLOOD point of View looked as though RELIEF ’ ......... $ 6,000.0011‘9 thoughlt this was more im- HOLLAND FLOOD “pox-tan? than his dinner. Of 'oourse .. he could have had RELIEF ...... 5 $000.00: I {stomach trouble and was look- HURRICANE HAZEL ting over the paper to see if he TEE MIRROR-REPORTER Authorized as 2nd elm mail BIRTH and Carolyn l A small bOy with a small hgamb’tn bicycle, that had two small Pp}: .0, Wheels extended out form_ the Arthur Foottit War Veteran Dies Suddenly Arthur Foottit of this village and President of The Canadian Legion Branch No. 402, passed away suddenly on Saturday, June 27th, 1959, in his 65th year, while being taken to Pe- terborough Hospital. The late “Art†F oottit had been in ill healh for some time, and was a patient in Sunny- brook Hospital, TorOnto,- on different occasions. He enlisted in the first World War with the Imperial Army and served four years, during which period Left to m'ourn his loss is his: Wife, the former M111 1e1 Palmer; l one. son, Kenneth of Millbrook, and tw'ro daug‘h‘ters, Mrs. Han. old Lunn (Ifillian) of Fraser-3 ville; and Mrs. Archie Huggins‘ (Jean) of Fort Erie, and several grandchildren; a sister Mrs. William livenzen of. V-an(011ver, l‘ (3., also survives l Mondav evening the Odd Fel- 'lo-Vvs, of which de(eased was a. member, held their service. at ‘flieH Haw Funeral Home. He iW-as also a member of the Canadian Order of Foresters. ’ During Week Mr. Folottit was born in Hull, England, son of the late Mr. George Foottit and the former Sarah E. Smith. uurmg W ‘53“ gMiubrook {Urono ............ 3 Mr. Stanley Hartleib riding‘Bowmanville ...... a bicycle, the first time in the COurtiee ‘three years he has lived herelBeThany ......... . that we have. witnessed. this;"----â€"--â€"â€"-â€"-'â€" , greaf stunt. Stan and his family ‘ .‘ul'ni'n'l'm ! moved to Whitby on Saturday, : '. so we presume he was just hav- ‘ = ' ‘ing his last fling in the village = e Ia 1 u :' {before leavmg. {I The funeral “as held on Tuesday afternoon a‘: 2 *0 clock From St. Thomas Anglican Church where the. Rector Rev. J. Edmar. M. Palfrev, Legion Padre, conducted thb serxice. Interment was in 8*. Paul" Cemetery, Gavan]. A car get down in a rut in the road caused by the rain and the recenf excavation in the street. Luckily a strong boy who evidently thinks he’s a. Edescendent of Samson (but ‘he’s not, he’s a. descendent of uurs) give him h‘eave enough ’60 ' get, out of‘ the rut. Not long t after the hole was fenced off. I i i l i back wheel hub to keep it in balance. Boy! 0! Boy! they can’t learn fast eniugh’ to ride these days so they are given all the aid ingenui‘y can muster up to help the feat along. râ€" ~â€" i i Mr. C. D. Sanderson has been admitted to Cu 10 Hospital where he will undergo surgery _, Wayne Rapegr and Ted Nat.â€" gitress left. for Port. HOpe on 1 Tuesday where they will be , { taking a sh’ort course in military .7 manouvers. I Mr Jack Foster, B. Sc. Mrs. - buster and pound Son Kenï¬ of a: Mantreal. were weekend guests t of Mr. and Mrs'. Chas. Gard- 2 Mr. Dawslon and daughter Margaret: Mr. and Mrs. Still- away and three children, Janice Ricky and Beth, also Mrs. Wm. Davenport and sons GordOn ,and Garry, all of Toronto, were Sunday guesfs of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allin. Mrs. Rena Mine-ville of De- troit has returned to her home there after visiting for two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sanderson Sr. SOCIAL â€" PHSONALE Mrs. Alex. Harkness is leavâ€"1 ing for Kirkland Lake Today “flier-e she will spend th weeks with her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haney. ! mer. Mrs. Adams of New Toronfo was a. recent visitor with her sisters, Mrs. C. Sanderson and Mrs. Talbert Kellett. Mr. and Mrs. Russell N orthey and family left this week for. their nervv home in Scarboro. Mr Nor‘hey was transferredi i‘ifom this district by his em- ployees a few months ago, hence the move to Scarboro. (:raee Presbyterian Church Sundax School xx ill h’old its annual Pic'nk to ()ron-o Park, Thursday, July 9th. Chartered :IBIIS will leaVe Church at- 9 p. m. 'Children, parents and chm-ch zmembers all invited to attend gthe picnic. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kellett spent Sunday in P-eterborough, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster. ‘ Team Standing up to June 29. Won Lost ‘ 1 III-I nun-unlu-III-I-Iunn-nInn-III I I H l . I "IiiII_IIII.IIIIIIIIii-IIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIIIII-I Septic Tanks PUMPED with modern equipment. FREE ESTIMATES and advicels to the Septic System Northey’s. Beauty Salon COMING EVENT For Prompt, Efficient Service Phone RI 3-4891 Peterborough Reliable Sanitation You are cordially invited to drop in and make inquiries as to appointments etc. or New and Modern quipment for HAIRDRESSING Tuesday, July 1th, 1959 "THE GERTRUDE SHOP" Telephone 136 Millbtook in the store formerly known as $1.75 a year in advance; to U.S.A. $2.75 Will be Opening on or about SHAGGY With trad Murray and Joan Hagen “THE LEGEND or SLEEPY HOLLOW†Cartoon Featuretbe SHOWS AT 6.45 and 9.00 Feature 7.15 and 9.45 PRICESâ€"75c, 50c, 25c. I wish to express my grati- tude and appreciation to all who in any way helped to or- ganize the T.B. Survey in Cavan and Millbrook, and a special thanks to the ladies who so generously gave of their time to (-anvass. also all t'h’ose that helped in the. Clinic at time of testing and x-ray. _ Notaries, Hiflbrook, will be closed for staff holidays for two weeks commencing Mon- day,_ June 29th, 1959. Renew your subscription. “THE CARD 0? THANKS ALL THIS WEEK Walt Disney ’9 Greatest Hit office of Willmott 8s Barristers, Solicitors, D08†NOTICE . Hooton, chairman.