Millbrook Reporter (1856), 11 Jun 1959, p. 4

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ANNUAL CEMETERY MEMORIAL SERVICE IN ST. JOHN’S CHURCH, ID! 3. JOHN PAYNE f grounds. Licensed Auctioneer 3 Supper 5.30 until all are fare served. Adults $1.00: PONTYPOOL ONTARIO §Children 6 tom years, 50c. sen Anymmg, Anytino, i ~- Anywhere ! Attend the Church of your Phone Collbct Botany lat-211g Choice on Sunday. -. _, ,.â€" DEAD, OLD and CREPEEDV 33“” and 235m. FARM STOCK 3 A short dimzussion followed. REMOVED The moeting closed with FREE OF CHARGE : Mizpah benediction. Hostess . . ? served a delicious lunch and 2 Immednate 24 Hour Somme social hour was enjoyed by all. ASK YOUR OPMTQR ton; .._.._ â€". ~..â€"â€" CONTACT CLIFF ROSS for haulage for SAND, GRAVEL, FLAGSTONE AND TOPSOIL Apply Stevens‘on’s Green House Millhrook, in person “an-sam-aaaea. SWN-‘nfi' Farm Service 3 int: ito Millbrook Armouries was: called and mmutes or mu mooring road and approved. Treasurer gave her report. Mrs, Lyle Naf‘lwess, guest speaker for the Northumberlalld and Durham Tuberculosis As- 'soviatiOn game a Verv interest~ talk on means and ways 0f chmking and healing TB and urged eV erV'one, especiallv those m or 40 Vears of age {To haVe‘ the test “hen the, Unit comes June DEAD, OLD and CREME: 22nd and 23rd. ’ discussion followed. FARM STOCK REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE g A short , 3 The. meeting closed with EMizpah benediction. Hostess 9 served a delicious lunch and a The Annual (Jenn-tar)" Me- morial Sa-rvico will be held at St. John’s Ch'urch 011 Sunday afternoon. J1me H‘h, at 3.00 cz'clovk. The Service will be conducted by the Rector of the parish the Rev. Edgar Palfrey and the special guest preacher will be the Rev. Canon Allan A. Read, the Rel-Cor of Trinity Church. Barrie. Canon Read is well known in this parish as .2 u 3%.... {Jay-.25».wafflfdnrnfiérnfi PAGE FOUR Nick Peconi conduvted the Anglica n PETERDOROUGH Natige ATTWOOLL SHEPPARD Toll Charge EASY BUDGET PLAN. Now is the money-saving time to fill your bin with famous, slow-burning, long-lasting ‘blue coal'. Small down payment protects you. Use our convenient budget plan. Order today and save. Mrs. Ed. Haw was hostess: fur Grace Presbyterian Church: Ladies‘ Aid meeting 'on 'Wnd-l uvsda)’, May 27th. erl’kgl'? row. president, Opened the, authoring wi 11 prax er. Mrs.’ M. Larmer gave the Scripture wading of PsaLm 75. Hymn “All the Way My Saviour Leads Me “as sung. The roll “as called and minutes of last meeting read and approved. Treasurer gave her report? Mrs. Lyle Nat‘r-ess, guestf COMING Salad Plate and Strawbegry Festival, Centreville Presby témian Church, Wednesday, July lst. Entertainment organ music. Booth and Bazaar On MRS. L. NATTRESS SPEAKER AT LADIES’ AID MEETING i Rum! Training: Sch-001 for? Forestry authorities figure Theological Students which New Brunswick forests, if rais- was held in this parish' several ed to full pdoductiveness, could Hmes. ' grow twice as much wood in the It is with pleasure that, we next 25 years as is done at wwimme 'L'mnon Read to preach. present. th’e Memorial in St. John’s. g â€"-IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIII Renew Your Subscription. at your service TEE men-mourn. .MILLBBOOK, 0311310 1 W. I. MEETING i The regular monthly meeting 30f the Women’s Institute will *ho held Friday, June 12th, at E S. lucky number prize was won by Mrs. A. Pavne. i Lion President Ed. Nattress fthanked the ladies for an en- ; mvabh- ev< nine‘ and Ladvl iiou t‘l’resident Jean Winslow 9x- i tended a heartv vote of thanks i to the host and hostes-‘s; ‘ ‘3 p.111. at Home of Mrs. Thos. Harknos. R011 Callâ€"\Vhy we should give Our children a good odmation. Mr 12‘. I‘desemer was iu'b'or S2111 charge of bridoe and pzizes and; Best. I Mrs. E. \at’rross convened tne brook. delicious and bountiful refresh » m-ents. [Moâ€"r Sale Millbmok girls defeated thei Cour‘ice girls 10 t4; 8 at the? Fairgrounds Monday night for: their seventh win in 7 starts.i It was a close game frOm start; to finish wi h Courtice scoring 5 runs in the first liming while: Millbrook topped this with 61 runs in the second, each team scored twice in the fourth inn-1 ing. Courtice picked up one run in the. sixth to tie the scorei at 8 all but were held scoreless' in the seventh. Millbrook load-E ed the bases in the seventh andi with 2 out Mary McDoweli hit: a double to centre field to end} the game 10 to 8 in favour ofi Millbrook. l local Girls Continue Winning Ways Lineups: Courticeâ€"Muir, Or- miston, N. wae, G. Phillips, Cowle, J. Phillips, 0. COUPtiH‘, M. Kube, C. H. Gourtice. Several rounds 0f Bridge were enjoyegd and prize winners were Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. S. Snel- grove. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Smel- grove welcomed members of Lady Lions Bridge Club and husbands to their home on Tue sda3 eveniuw or” last. week, fior the final meeting of the season. Mill-brokâ€" Armstrong, Carl, McDowell, Perry, Rain, Hudson, Powell, Hogg, Mo-ore, Gillis, Raper, Guthrie. SEASON ENDS WITH SOCIAL EVENING ‘9“, For Saleâ€"~O‘ook Stove, burns't the wood and coal' 1 medium 1 sized Quebec Heater, in ex- ] dge, cellent condition also a pair; EMS! 03 Drapes. Pone 19. 2th err â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"> nel- For Sale 195‘.)- Chex rolet Do ‘ Luxe, also a 1953 Pontiad, .vas Sedan. Priced righ’ty Radio 3. in both cars. 8‘. G. Boyles, F 1.35: RR No. 1, Cav an. 31; l ....;V 1 en- Fm Saleâ€"12m Acres of Pure 1 E ( imf Red Clover Hay, standing. ex-i' Apply Fred Lowery,- phond 11“; 1171' Millbrook. 113.11 I ;__.. -___ _ _,A_._y. ,.._.____ -W; in For Saleâ€"Potatoes. Merxyn 11d; Best. Ida, phone 206r15 Mill- Reliable man with tractor wanfs work by day, week or monfh. Apply at Reporter Office, phone 19. 3t 101‘ Ken â€"2 Bedroom Apart- ment, modern, self contained. 0i] eating, immediate possess‘ ion. Pone 2071'14 Millbrovok. Wrecking Businessâ€" Also handles ”a large amount of new auto parts. Pfioperty including 86 acres, 2 houses and buildings; good fishing creek r-uns through faq'lm sni‘able for tourist cottages. Reason for selling ill Health. Earl Lee, Lee Auto Wreckeys, Garden Hill, Ont. 4t Lumber Rough or Dressed, also Hard and Soft Wood Slabs PHQN E 70-W MILLBROOK, ONTARIO ,7, -. I vw-w--. -â€" Dor Saleâ€"12m Acres of “131m Red Clover Hay, standing. Apply Fred Lowery, phone 1171' Millbrook.1t For Saleâ€"Potatoes. Merxyn Best. Ida, phone 206r15 Mill- brook. 1t Flor Saleâ€"1953 Counsel; 1955 Ford with 1957 motor; 1951 Pontiac Sedan delivered; 19-19 Hudson $125.00; Tractor; a quan‘ity of 700x15 Truck Tires, new, for \Vagons $10. each; Rebuilt Transmissions, up to ’i56 Rebuilt Gener- ators; Rebuilt Starters: Ne“ 1h-J1-IL1'1_--1 factured by C.I.L., Sherwinâ€"Wil- liams, Lowe Bros., C.V., Gliddens, “etc. j' OUR GUARANTEEâ€" try one gal- Ion, try a hundred. If you are not completely convinced that it is the best, then return the empty can or unused- portian for oom~ plete 100% refund. Shipped immediately anywhere in Canada. $2.99 PER GALLON Inside paint: Suitable for walls, woodwork, plaster, over wallpap- er, etc. Colours: flat white, gloss white, jonquil yellow, mint green. bone ivory, sky blue, blossom pink, shadow grey, fall beige, turquoise. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY For Saleâ€"Findlax C >ok St0ve 1 has warming closet and re-; servoir, in good condi‘i‘on. Apply Mr. R. J. Dunlop/ RR 1, South Mon-aghan. 1t C v'.‘- '_'_'._____.._.. . _. i SALE REGISTER Foundâ€"At Mi11=br00k Armour- A11 auction sale. of cattle, ouries, one brown S11“) coat. ‘sheep, P‘Ol‘d tractor, B'O‘I'd ewip- Owner may have same by meat, full line of machinery, paying for this ad. 113 poultry, mixed baled hay, lum- â€"â€"â€"""' “~"‘ ber etc” will be held 011 Satur~ ”FEED __--H Eday, June 13th,at Lot 2, Con; Wan‘edâ€"Live Poultry; high'l}, (fawn, (9 miles wet- of price paid. M. Flatt, RR 1,, 50” S Corners) $119 Property Bethany phone 7-r-13 colâ€" of Mrs. John W‘hxfe and Son. lect. ’ My 30 Sale starts at 1 p.m.. No rc- _.__..-...â€" _â€" lserve. Terms cash. Stanley \Vantedâ€"Three Thousand DOL Miller, Auctioneer, RR 3, P9,,â€" lars to develop a community tepbomgh, Foundâ€"At MilLbrook Armour- ouries, one brown suit coat. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. 1t Wantedâ€"Three Thousand D01- lars to develop a community pnojectl‘by a responsible resi- dent. Please reply t’u Box 100, care Reporter Oilfice 3t STAN OLAN up to ’56; Rebuilt Gener- ators; Rebuilt. Starters; New and Rebuilt Fuel Pumps? large quantity of Spark Plugs flor old model cars at 50c each: large quantity of New and Used, Parts: quantity of 7 inch Spikes: also a quan- tity of Paint.- Apply Lee Auéo Wreckers, Garden Hill; Ontario. 41; . Roy W‘fllmott, (2.0. James A. Irv-inc, MA. FOR RENT FOR SALE NOTICE FOUND Barristers, Solicitors, Nata 1 Telephone 9, Millbrook WILLMOTT IRVINE 1:) ; This bankrupt and clearance stock ‘ of paint is suitable for outside and 2} inside. It is fresh paint and manu- Mm‘sday, Junta 11, 1959 green, Chartreuse, barn red, bright red, turquoise, coral, dutch blue. brown. ALUMINIUM PAINT. $3.99 Gal. ROOF CEMENT, black liquid, contains fibrated asbestos 99c Gal. Send 50 per cent. money order as deposit. Balance iuipped C.O.D.. or you may remit in full and save the charges. Sherman’s Dept. M5 537 Queen St. W., Toronto. Ont. Est 1908 AGENTS WANTEDâ€"no financial outlay. Write for colour chart. Guarantee certificate and order forms for your area. Only one agent allowed to a district ...... so hurry. Outside paint: Suitable for steel, cement, wood-work, floors, can be thinned down for shingles. Col- ours: white. primer white, black, ivory, yellow, battleship grey, pearl grey, shutter .green. apple PET-BR mam Real Estate Broker Wantedâ€"Gefieral Farms, Pasture Farms, Small Acreages, Waste Land. We have customers anxious to buy in your district 189 Scugog Street BOWMAVILLE, ONT. E. D. Procter, {'R.R. No. 1, Pontypool, Ontario Attend the Church of your choice on Sunday. The undersigned wishes to state that all permission and invi"ati~on to fish or otherwise use my property and pond at Manvers is hereby cancelled as of this date. Also, any person found on said piloperty will be dealt with according To law. There are NO eiceptions to this rule. 50,000 Gailons Paint Phone NOTICE Attwooll 8 Sh -..'- ~.â€".â€"â€".â€"_-- ~â€" Admission: Adults 5 25¢. Come one, c0 «Strawberry Coffe< be held in basemem Church, Bailiebom, ‘ June 24th. Supper {3.111. on. Short. p1 MILLBROOK. O] TELEPHONE Wednesday, ALWAYS BETTER Pick Up Tu GLEEM . Year. ‘No. TELEPHO NE NUMBE A GARD (In case 0 Trick'

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