Millbrook Reporter (1856), 11 Jun 1959, p. 2

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to explain the forthcoming Mr. Alex Woods presented Council with a petition asking the Reeve and Council to 0011-; sider the installation of a re- mote control system so that the fire siren may be, sounded from] the telephone office by the operator who receives the alarm. This petitiOn was re- «died on motion by Councillor ‘ Crough seconded bv Counci Ito:- Ridge. fer consideration. Fire Chief Douglas Sheppard was gi’ven authorzty to get all 111‘ 01 ma tion possible regarding‘such a system. 1 Mr. Woods asked the Reeve Mr. and Mrs. William Smil- lie addressed the Council reâ€" garding the disturbance caused every night by cars nacing up and down the streets. Council is taking the matter up with the local Police and the Pro-- vincial Police. on their property. Counei] will consider 'the ma‘ter further if Mr. Cutmore will assume all responsibility for" the: culvert leading from his property .fi Mrs. Dean Cut-more was pre-‘ sent to discuss with Council; th‘e building of swimming poolj On motion of Councillor V. Crough, seconded by L. Gibson that cq‘nespondencea be recedi ed and filed. , ‘ From Fire Chief Douglas Sheppard, reporting attendance of members 'of Fire Brigade. All equipment is reported: in good condition. From Northu-mberland and Dunham Health Unit, Certifi cate of M. O. H. are the Fair weather Naming Home. From Department of Highâ€" ways, enclosing an Audit re- port on the mad expenditures for the municipality for the year 1958. From Department of High- ways .appmving Byilaw fior 1959 mad expenditure. - From Ontario Water Resour- ces Commission enclosing a report on 3. Sanitary survey of the Village of Millbro'ok. From Otonabee Valley Con- servation Association outlining the aims of this Association. From Ontario Municipal As- sociation and the Town of Timmn'ns advising of Conven- tion to be held in Timmins on June 20%. Frbm R. B. Baxter, Magu- trate, reporting on fines for From The Toronto-Dominion Bank, advising- than; the mini. mum lending rate covering the Village of Millba'ook will be 53/470 until further notice. the month of April. Cheque enclosed in the amount of 112.87. The following communica- tions were read by the Clerk: From Dept. of Planning and Develvpzment, re By-laws re- pealing or amending restricted area (Zoning) By-laws. From Pilot Insurance Comp- ‘any, enclosing clieque in the sum of $58.60 in connection with replacement of bridge -or walk at Mrs. West’s residence. From C. A. Holmes, Secre- tary, Durham and District High School Board, calling for a meeting with Council on Fri- day. June 12th, 7. 30 p. m. , in Town Hall, Millbrook. Meet- ing to be a closed meeting with nlo newspaper reporters pre-‘ sent . l Minutes of the last regular meeting, May 4th, and special meeting May 11th were read by the Clerk and were confrm. ed as read on motion 9f 0. E. Thornton, seconded by Robt. Ridge . Millbrook Village Council sent as fiollows: Reeveâ€"G. F. Harrington} Cotmcinnrsâ€"Iavern Gibson. C. MillbIo-ok, June 1,1959.â€"‘ The monthly meeting of the Municipal Council of the Vil-3 lage of Millbrook was held on the above date Members pre-i E. Thornton, \‘zncant Crough, Robert Ridge. PAGE NO Meeting was adjourned ”On motion *by Councillor Gibson seconded by Councillor Ridge. G. C. Dawe, Clemk. Pmov Treas, insulin. .. .94 Cliff Scott, salary -. . . . 216.66 TalbertKell-ett, Labor. . 168.08 Moved by Councillor Gibson, seconed by Councflorhgrouoh that Cliffoyd Scott take time, immediately, from his other duties, to collect dog taxes. ‘ water- main project with special: reference made to the cost of} ieonueciing to the main line by! pimperty owners. Mr. Her-I lrington outlined the project to, him. _ l __ __ _ .l petty cash ........... 109 24 Municipality of Gavan, grader .............. 2. 00 Biennner’s Garage... 21. 00 Fire Brigade, Dani-orth fire ................ .00 00 ,9 Ti Winslow, sawing tree 5. High School No 2 deb. 36 2. CarebOnium Ltd. ., car- bon paper ........... 7 .35 Pet er'b oro ’ Examiner, adv ................ 13. 26 'Stan Sloan, caretaker. 10. 00 Durham Telephones .. 11.15 I tilities, traffic and St lights ............... 109.07 W C Buckham, truck- ing ................. 76.58 Allied Chemical, clhlor- l ide .................. 207.57‘ Pmov Treas, insulin... .94 Cliff Scott, salary '. . . . 216.66 Talbert. Kellett, labor. . 168 . 08 i The Daily Commercial News, adv ........... 10.00 J Crowley” soda ..... 6.00 Mr. Percy Hamilton request- ad Council to declare, Wednes~ day, June 10th, a Municipal Holiday, in order that the school children might attend the Agricultural Fair. This request was granted. On motion by Councillm‘S} Tornt‘On and Ridge the follow- ing accounts were ordered paid: Council fees .......... $ 41.00 L. Fallis; {ruck rental. 100.00 Utilities, lights ...... 96.79 G C Dawe, salary and The tenderé for the town truck and. hoist were opened and read. No action was taken. The Reeve made a report that. the Public Utilities Com- mission had been informed'that office mow locatel at th'e Mill- brook Electric is to be closed‘ after an audit has been made. 1 The Commission has requested that the Municipal Office be: used for billing and secretarial work for the Public Utilities.‘ Th‘is request was granted onl moton by Councillors Thornton, seconded by ' ' Mr. Steve Burrows of Eastern Steel was present with prices and description of snow plows. This purchase to be decided at a later date. Mr. G. T. MsacPherson, To- rcmo, requested the, Gounci] to reduce his takes on his pro- perty on the N.S. of King St. - PHONE TURNER 557236 7I‘khisiis to be taken before the Court of Revision. Weddings, the sick room, funerals Hbrmm’ fIQW-er Shop Opposite ihe Cépitol Theatre, Port Hope Hbrams’ Jflcwer 5130p 109.24 21 Queen 'Stree_t 1 “me regular ' meeting of the construction of this bridge sec- ,Cmmefl of the TownShmp of South. and readmg was given on motion {Monaglran was held in the Town- by Herb Syar seconded by Jay R. Cruse sepropeq-ty between mn‘l Mr. George Fletcher, the Duma- cession three and four. Concrete irmg Inspectbor presented his and steel were both considered and monthly report for May and dus- it was decided to use concrete. ! cussed several small matters with Accordingly on motion by Robt. ‘ Council. ' Fisher: seconded by A. G. Ander-l' Mir. Mel Heaship, Chairman of son the Clerk introduoed and gave the Public School Area Board and first reading to by-law No. 651 Mr. J. A. Gaynor‘flhe Sec. Trétas. being a supplementary byâ€"law in: attended at the request of the the amount of $4000.00 for the Reeve and. discussed at some 8 pm. with all members rese "’ reading, was given on motion by p 11 1A. G. Anderson seconded by end Reeve Gem‘ge Dean Wesld'g‘ Robt. Frishei'. This byâ€"law is mg. I subject to approval by the Depart- The minutes 025 the previous. ment of Highways, as they will meeting were read by the clerk5 pay 80 percent of the cost- and accepted on motion by Rob’s. M We 0f Peterbo'rmxgh in- Fisher seconded by Herb Syer. tervdewed tit1‘63 Council .With re- Mr'. Thompson, “the assistant gards to selling Shell Co. bruSh District Municipal Engineer of me‘ spmir. Ame:- considering all fac- Department of Highways was pre.’ tors the .Oouncil made their |choice sent at the request or the Reeve! and reiened the matter to the and discussed at some length thef Road Superintendent as to date pmposect bridge in flront Oct the of sihmpmm ship Hall on June Smdc, 1959, at 8 pm. with all members present m milligram, moo; ’om'mo DRIVE SAFELY Rememberâ€"this week and every week -it is the duty of everyone to (A. C. STANG-ROOM, new Proprietor) ‘ THIS WEEK-END * ONTARIO Mr. George Fletcher, the bail â€" ing Inspeabor presented: his monthly report far May and dis-- cussed several small matters with A member of St. Thomas’} Woman’s Auxiliary will be in' attendance at all morning ser- vices at‘ St. Thoms’ in the Parish Hall to look after chilq dren 7 years of age and under of parents wishing to attend the services. 3.00: p.m. Guest Preacherâ€" Rev. Canon Allan Reid, Rector Trinity Church, Barrie, Ontario Christ Church, Bailieboro 1 Evensong and Church Parade ofL. O. L. 853 andL.0-.B.A. at 7.30 p.m. Third Sunday after Trinity. 81:. Thomas’ Church, MilIbrook 11.15 a.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion St. John's, Ida Cemetery Memorial Service at D. L. Johns, Pastor. Sunday Services. 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday Schodl 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Service 7.30 p.m.-â€"Eveniinsg Service 8.00 p.m.â€"W-ednesday, Pray- er and Bible Study. 8.00 p.m.â€"â€"Friday, Young Peo- ples Meeting. Supervised Nursery during church service. u; '1: 5 CAVAN ‘ \ 9.45 a.m.â€"Worship Service . ‘ PRESBYTERIAN Centreville and Millbrook Rev. Gerald E. Graham. B.A. M inivstc 1' Grace Church, Millbrook Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 a.m 9245 a .m .â€"Divine Worship . moon 19.00 a.m.â€"Snnday School 11.15 a.m.â€"Worship Service Sunday School children with. draw during second Hymn of church service. Centreville Church 10.00 a.m.-â€"Church School 11.00 a . m.â€"Divine Worship Zion Pentecostal Church 1 MILLBROOK - i The United church of Canada. Millbrook â€": Gavan Mr. Stan ‘ Northrop, organist and ch'oir director. Dr. J. Arthurfiteedinchargo TfiE SALVATION ARMY ‘ Sole owner Port Hope Captain D McNeil]? \DIRECT WIRE T0 TORQNTG 3. 0.0 p. 111. â€"Sunday 8011001 in: Member Brokerâ€"Dealers’ Amel- Legion Hall. 1 aflon of Ontario !_ “A Welcome Awaits You.” â€"â€"~~ u- .â€" Registrar of deeds, 9ND.- erty transfers ...... Geomge Fletcher, building PARISH OF CAVAN Anglican Church of Canada Rev. J. EdgarM. Palfrey cause of a rearrange-next at De-‘istrafion forms ......... 6.43 parliament gents. ,J. P. Plews,Warh1e Fay Mr. Heaslip .prseneted voucher Powder ........ . .. 09,9. No.5 in the amount of $315. 65 Clerk Tneas salary My 7500 for road expendixtume tin the month F J Wharrick, postage of May. Afler due consideration stamps ............. .. 5 00 :flhese accounts wane passed for} mheee accounts totaling $473 14 payment on mobion by Jay Whit" were passed fior payment on mo- tington seconded by A. G. Auden: tion .by Robt. Fisher scanned by buggy the requisition iron that tweeter, time and mile- bodywhmhMeywereablewm-agemaflmofflay ...... ducezintheamountof$l,5004 be-: MmfimpaflWorhd, mreg. ”O Come, Let Us Warship’. The Churches SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 195 Pentecostal Assemblies of ~â€" VW’.â€" ‘Mrsday, June 11‘, 1959 Estate. Sales conducted at reasonable rates by experienced austioneer. PHONE COLLECT !J.P.P1ews,Warh1e Fly Powder ........ Clerk Tneas salary, May F J Wharrick, postage LICENSED AUCTIONEER Farm Stock, Furniture Real Peterborough, Ri 2-3091 Northumberiand Durham Securities Phone Tu-5-4588 Albert Waxer 81 Walton St. Sole owner Port Hope Massive reserves of iron and oil guarantee Canada’s future as an industrial nation. Trees â€" that is to say, the forests â€" provide per capita income in New Brunswick 50 per cent higher than the all. Canada avemge. Good Reading for the ~ Whole Family The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Moss. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. 1 year $18 {j 5 months $9 DO 3 months $4.50 [3 CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses mnd Cows. .Top price for old horses. Telephone collect Keene 83w1, if no answer Peterborough Bi-2-4330. ‘- Facts ,, - Family Features Timber Wanted South Monaghan, Ontario PHONE 22 BAILIEBGRO 31m, Maple, Basswood, Oak, Ash and Pine Timber. STANDING PREFERRED Stanley Miller Barrett Fur Farm Dead Stock! AUGTIGNEERS Hoy Lumber Zone ' State P346 16.10 RU'I'I'ER GRANITE CO. Monuments and Family Hemoriah 73 Cutane- St., Port Hope ' Phone Turner 5521 REID ’8 GARAGE, On motion of Brow Jakeman the Clerk wa structed 10 advertise for a taker for the Twnship E The Building Insp-ecmr viewed the Council .re flu ter of issuing a building p Aft-er referring to the Bu By-Law it. was discoverm tji'e application did not c. with the requirements « By.Law and this the a; tion would have to be reje Moved by J akeman: sec-4 by Maleolm that the applil for building permit as 51 ted 'by the Building 111%] be rejected as it was n01 forming with the Buildin Law. Carried. of the Municipal Council Townhip of Manx ers wa on the above date with all bers present and the. Ben On motion of Malcoh‘ Jakeman, thie Reeve, I Reeve and Ocuncillor 3 were appointed as a Com 1o negotite with Dept. of ways re settlement of a of compensation for £114 off Municipal (fiarage lot ried. The following comm tions were Ifgceived and The report, of the Warh Inspectors. -An offer 0! chase from the Dept. of ways for frontage off h pal Garage lot for Bi purposeS. The Consu Committee of the L‘ni‘ed ties requeSting a meetin‘ the Council re High Schoa ters. DepT. of} Highwa proval of the 1959 r0 penditures. Attorney Go: Dept. re new school f or 1 1959 levy fmm Lhe ‘ Counties amouming to $2 70 due Dec. 5th, 19:39. E sheep claims and one requisition. 7 The minutes of the May ing were read and apprm motion of Maloolm and B T. J. Carley Q C. (1896â€" !. 0. Standbh QC '1‘. E. Clarke.B.A. 1H. Carley 8‘ Com W. C. Lech B.A. iIIIIIIIIIEIIEEEEEI PETERBOROUGH, ONT. Mirror-Report My, June 11, 11 Phone Bailieboro 30 PROBLEMS If you have steady em your Plumbing and B Our booklets and fill Attentio We now have a p1: Plumbir Lequire P! Manvers Rid DEAua

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