Millbrook Reporter (1856), 22 Jun 1893, p. 5

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l l MACHINE ‘. . 01 L. . . :minion. ‘1 WILL make. ' NTO. calcrs in the country or r for fl yg. ii!" i 1 H: W2“!- IONS. ellén’lfiéé’. l§.?il§§ul%‘ligl§%aÂ¥"ۤ “sic all: attendmg the funeral of them relatlve. . . he saw sme straw moving and aft-er B t 9 . a, year. This is no humbugâ€"pure Paris Green hit. Reuben Mimms. sacrifice uy early and secure the a eson S for 25c. a pound, Q .3 ' ' 7 O 1' 0051). The warm weather is upon us and-.we have made cxtenswe 1pm- “all. f 3“ r3 {3“ K :1 " _ (rhts in makixw 1 2' r - ‘ i ‘ Darations for it in the way 0f SUI??? l1z fioogifie iii, Show-3' mm“mmmfi chases. Clothing, and good reliable clothing is (iiwnrif‘iilu: ‘. 7 gfiflfgegztstgfiglfoggeess‘gigiisl? :53 318321.88 and 511035365: 2:; C JRTAINS 2’: strongholds. “’6 have ‘worked up a big trade by handling .. . 7 one of our specialties. We sell more mitlnslme than any 03h” house Euâ€" ‘ , z: a rchaolc and serviceableclass-of goods. \ll'e show a big . in the district, $01". prices .and quanmes are always nght. See .._ 3,? range of Hot VS eather hints, Single Coats, V esrs and Pants, 332::ng lug: digfiiggkpfigglesdisgife,$.33th?! ail-510531532; 19;: 35:2va ""= -’ "wmmmzzzsxr ‘ and defy competition if quality be taken into consideration. . . u: ' - ' " Those who have made an inspection of our Summer outfits do not experience any disappointment. in finding the latest dress rcquimments in vogue in all the principal cities. ‘ Straw flats in great variety, latest styles and lowest prices. l I You have a large share of our thou l I If you have been in the habit of buyiagfihesc lines elsewhere, try '1 have 'ust receivedajob lot of CURT’ISEN POLES of fine.- finish, . l whichJ we are clearing out, at 25 cents_,.complete. i C PETS l l us once, you will ever afterwards come. I .__.......______._ .,, mfimwm-Wâ€"fi 11 1 . .. rm-r-n-r-rm. 'l N :: . *eggegpgegaoaaaclew ' -- - - WW mm -. humming.” l“ ! â€"AJ.l.lI‘ .Lfifih JJ. [Elli .....;.l 1:" "1 (ED imam ' .r... .. ‘3’ _ ........._ ._._ r 111111- "m. 1. MW .. . ,u r, a? K 1 ' '> ' l ,l l ’ cult ' ’ rltrrt / r â€"-LA. mm .1' .I' ’ 1121:1551 W“ '.' 1.14.1 n M W. V» ’V r" r v l .‘ ’ Aw’éfiléllwlév 'yv‘, . BOOTS. AND SHOES. 311; this line it is almost unnecessary for us to speak, as 54%.»... 11:. As usual, our stock of Groceries is large and fresh. 0w- our many patrons know that our stock cannot be excelled, :2: R ing to our immense trade in this line our stock is turned V andnhose who have hitherto placed their patronage els'e- , gg over so rapidly that it is kept fresh and clean. \Vc have where should give us a call in order to realize the extent of 322%“ vaaarr always made Tea our leading article at leading prices and the bargains offered in thisdepartment. Give us a call and , lMILLINERYI we need not say more than that our stock was never better .. we willshow you Beets and Shoes of every size and des~ __,__ assorted than at present, cmnprising all our popular brands criptionrst prices that will astonish you. so well and favourably known throughout the whole district. We might say just here that we do not believe or practice advertising baits, as the public know when the thing is genuine when ‘ they see .it. \Ve believe in buying and placing before our customers good, honest, reliable goods. Our extensive and growing trade: " enables -u~s. to buy in large quantities and consequently can buy and sell at the closest figures. {fir-*2 ‘r- ‘r..-..'::',2sf~: * 3* 1:. '1: ?L\§2a; ':;.*-.. g ... sauna... $33.3駣§£§§§é§a§£§fii§fi§§§a§r 'L' " 1" ' at... â€"A large party of our young peOple â€"At the meeting of the counties â€"-The travelling dairy from the ()n- Garden ' Hill, 7.38 ,: Summit, 7.48 , Why NOt started for the lake yesterday to enjoy council last week the sum of $100 was tario agricultural college paid a visit to Millbrook, 75:3 ; Frazerville, 8,08, a days’ outing. granted to assist Millbrook in opening our town last Monday and was visited Fare from Garden Hill, 85c. ; Summit, ~Miss Lillie Campbell of Wark- the new street. by" a goodly nup1ber of ladies and )lllllllnloli agdol:razcrylllew10c. , Chlld- 9 worth, daughterof CouncillorCampbell, â€"-The report that Grand Master genltlendien gm? 15138 tsur-ii-opntdmg 31,8123}!- “£331,343. 1]” Zinc, , in)?" (”wins band [I B B . spent Sunday in tovm with friends. Wallace will address the Orangemen jog]? _' Mtg-i ”dean ‘ if file t? in": " .i. f1 )f‘:"_{ ‘H P‘ m “I‘lliqfi‘liwglm oâ€"Mr John Sutclifi‘e of Mount Plea- at Port Hope on the Twelfth is incor- an 1 1. . c ausi mat e 1e )uuet may or, n1 p1m1sionposs11c1s .mg - - - from cream su plied bv Ca t 'Winslow made to make the outinu -111 en'o able - - - - - . H Wlll eak in Nova Sc t1a P -‘ P' ' ‘ 1 ’ 4 1 s' 4 J y , ant, has been v1s1t1ng hlS son-1n-law, rect e sp 0 on that day The lecturer, however, did not tell any- one. Mr. G. Walter Green. ‘ ' ; 1. . ; .- . . ’ ABSOLUTELY PURE _ Th P H d . . (l 1 big? $233? “)Eftlere :1} il‘lfig Ian Lilia}? â€"â€"A revolting story of cruc Ly to i hMcssrs. Frank Mulligan and Guy b “T. e at ope .lcimilmon 3‘? (“e eâ€" 2' If we 1y rn I “5 me an (dub ‘ animals comes to us from the neighâ€" ' Hethenngcon are punmg lunge out of frargneormlbtejlm 0 dc : cent; er “1° 1- . 1...1.....1..fu.w.11.y. ltsecms um 3' IS Scugog lake. (Er)? allegion ti? t e 1g10u111t, S’s meter; â€"â€"-The counties council has appoint- brute in human form was leading a o L- cen s as ormer y. . eems 0 “Mr. W. J. Gardiner attended the ed a committee consisting of Messss. tWo-year-old cult to pasture the other . . .. f.. ‘7. .. -17 . . },..‘. ' .+ commencement exercxses at Whitby Preston, h.cCallum, Poulds and -Lex. day and Lu. animal somehow stepped 1‘ Ladies’ College Show. Ferguson, to investigate and report on on the man’s foot. The fellow lost his 9 are sorry to learn that Mr __ As some of our customers were the adv1sab1hty of establishing a -muse temper and taking a club he belabored I” J I ‘ ‘ I ' - . a1 ' ~ “ i 1‘ ., 71' l beast until its tonnrue hun . unable to consult Mr. Jur on account of refuge foi those united countes, also tne poor . u .. g g J01)“ Clarke has_been Suffering from of the excessive heat Tuesday he will the cost of the maintenance of the out of its mouth. He then tore the an acc1dent received while usmg an ’ be a pretty stiff price to see a fake. we a re Selling the Best. 1dze . return on Saturday next and may bé poor under the present syétem, the tongue out of its mouth and turned the found at A. T. Elliott’s drug store from cost of maintenance in counties which colt out in the pasture. A neighbor â€"-VIaster W, Crossley and H_ Dun- 10 a.m. to 3 pm. C have houses of refuge and the probable very mercifully shot the poor thing and Guaranteed Purest English can went to Peterboro last Saturday . cost. This resolution was carried on put an end to its sufferings. We canâ€" Manufacture on their bicycles and spent Sunday “â€"JUSt arrived at R- J. Doak’s, the a division of '21 to 19. not conceive of a form of punishment there. largest prettxest and cheapest stock of â€"---One of our enter min, fame“ that would be sufficient to mete out ‘7 ONLY 25C. A mUND‘ â€"â€"Mr. R. E. Stanton and father wall paper ever S own in Millmek' p i b ‘ i . . + '3 I ‘ . r, . feels very much disgusted Just now. to ”he. miserable ““0“”! ‘1 were at Midland city last Wednesday See this rStOCk efore buying. Rem. The other day while he was in the barn nauts 0 last car’s stock sold at 0real; 0 watching it for some time concluded Plums' 10‘ th t 't 1 A t 1rd 1 â€"â€"Mr. Charles Richards late of the . a 1 wasawease. ‘ S u 9’. wease A. T. ELI-IO! I, Minden Echo Stafi' is visitina his â€"â€"This is the weather which makes IS afar better weasel than a 11% one, Six BOX Q of Axle Grease ’ a - - ~ ~f d 1 d d h 1 1d °~ ' q ' _ the hard overworked citizen feel like SO 0111 T1811 0011011 e t at 1e wou The Drugglst. mother here at present. Charle. 1n . _ . . , , , ,_ .. fop 25G. tends embarkinn' for Buffalo. gettmg out Of tow“ and hlemg hlm‘ gwe Sqmre GluOtt a JUb' He. wen“ This Grease is the best in the market PE ERROR“ Th P to E E’ , self to some watering place where the IMO thehhouse 3mg Ioallied up 111: Sill“ ’ .â€" e . e r oro aammer .says; aquatic piscatorial and natatory diverâ€" gun Wit a good ig a owance o s on we can 0 T I MISS Annie Kells, Mlllbrook, is the sions which are so indigenous, so to and, returning to the barn, he “let her RUBBER LAP BUGSâ€"«$2. guest of lVIrs. R. H. Kells, London-st. speak, to such habitations, may be go, Gallagher,” and after she went Justthink of it. #5 BUSINESS for a few days. universally participated in. i there. was a. stillness that was almost I â€"Miss Nellie Lockhart, of Brighton, â€".Retirin0 from business avino- asltlahickfas 12ft}? orcllgfr; Sd Iii-eat?“ Our ; . who has been v1s1t1ng at the resudence decided to leave town I h . resolved ga. "aptthrlen 1en 1d l; I: it ri‘wtup WEBB HALTERS_209° of Mr. J 08. holly, Cavan, spent a few 0 e0 e wease , an e g0 1 7 u 1 . , _ .. to run off my st ck at 1,. 3.131 reduced , 1 It . ,. Grasp this op ortunity as the price is days With the Misses Pendry last . C 11 t d1 y ' wasn t 3' “@3489 - “ as a setting 910W Dap- A thorough Business and Shorthand training week. prlces. a :1. Q99 n cave your 01" turkey, and 1t was a dead turkey, and . m to make SChoi’i'dclqmp'filigigd ygaéuglggitggg “2111;113:1111. . . der for photos. st-class work guarâ€" the shot had broken all the eggs. ~â€" rresistible. r‘néai‘iledefrged: Geo. é. 1:13:11, B. A" L. L. B.. and â€"-â€"MI‘. J' Crocker, Of tihe Domnnon anteed regardless Of prlce. F' W _._The bass and maskinoncre season . e ca. A.Blanchard.CharteredAccountantof Ontario hotel, has had erected Within the past PEAcv. 25-2 . . 0 Everything else equally low at akerry are the Principals. . week .1 driVing qbed for the accoman- Opened on Frlday laht, and many Of BATESON’S Harness Empopium. m . . . , . . . . â€"â€"A 0'arden party under the auspices our people have availed themselves of TO‘V‘VV T ALK dfiégnogiliziggidldgtrzhddhb ti? 1:11;: of Ebengzer church, 12th Con.of Cavan, the opportunity of visiting Rice lake 1 t _ J‘ ' p ‘ y y ‘ will be held at the residence of Mr. and enjoying the splendid fishing to be PUMPS . PUMPS . year. David Shar c on the eveninvr of Fri- found there. The fish never were more P o â€"â€")Ir. Collin spent Sun in Port â€"D0 Wt buy the ' erior quality 0f day, June 23. The Citizens’ band of plentiful nor more easily caught than EVERYBfiDY NEEDS A PUMP- Hope. Paris Green which IS. sold by some Millbrook will be in attendance. A now and we know of no more delight- K . v _ Archer for baa dealers, but 0 traight 1'0 A. ‘1‘- good programmeof vocal and instrumen- ful trip than a sail on the/ lake with a efit of th 6 7386:1330? file, 18 1311101758:de e ”Id get the best tal music will also be rendered. Gates trolling line astern. Mr. Arnott of 6 ”am” 111 ne 00‘“ ear. English green 3. 250- a pound. open at 7 0 clock, tea served at 8. ‘ the Lakeview House, is very cour- G w GREEN â€"Mr. T. Bryans, one of our- town â€"The old dilapidated side-walk in teous to all who seek his aid and I I barlm-s, was in Petcrboro on Tuesday. e what we the prices as»; -â€")Ir. Fred Deyell of Souris, Man , is .isiting friends in town and vicinity. â€"Mrs. Geo. Foster of Kansas is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. G. Russell. -â€"â€"Mrs. W'm. Armstrong of Ottawa - , is visiting at the h we 0 , . , am Day . g. . c U 1 f Mr J D . .3Am1stron g. â€".‘\l r. and Mrs. “1’. Richardson of Toronto spent Sunday in town with friends. â€"Miss Maud McCartney was a guest at the closing of Demill College this week in Oshawa. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eakins are spending a week or two, at Sturgeon Point. . «1'. .fi- infâ€"W. Archer as just received the finest line of] ies’ shoes ever shown in Millb k. Don’t fail to see them I , _ before ma â€"-Rev. Mr. McCamus, the new pastor of the Methodist church here. will arrive to-day, and toâ€"morrow even- ing will be given a reception. Rev. front of the Dominion hotel has been replaced by a new one, which consider- ably improves the appearance of that portion of King-st. advice, and his charges for boats, etc, 3 _ are exceedignly low. With a nice cool Manufactures all kinds 0f Pumps and breeze blowing over the water and half can satISf)’ you both in style and price. , , a dozen four pound bass in the bottom \Ve make aspecialty 0f the HOW well Mr. Young Willnottake charge of hrs of the boat, anyone might well feel known _T0m Kemble, the entire horse new appomtment 1n Peterboro until happy, and that seems to be the ex- owned by Mr. James Forster, died on ’19th week, as Mr. Locke does not perience of everyone whogoes out fish- EUREKA P UMP, Wednesday last from the efl'ects of a leave t1ll then for his post 111 Toronto. ing from Bewdley. . kick received from another horse. Mr. Young will ofliciate in Little Bri-' . which, wherever used with its latest This is a. heavy loss to Mr. Foster as Win next Sunday. -â€"-The committee for the arrange- improvement calls forth wonderful he only came int-0 possession of the . . . ment Of lb? Presbyterian Sabbath praise. It is the only pump on the animal this season, â€"â€"-At the last J01nt meeting of the school excursmn and picnic have now market that can be changed so as to directors of the East Durham and made final arrangementsastothe date, throw either alight or heavy stream -â€"-M r. John Johnston of North Mon- Gavan agricultural societies the followâ€" etc. The excursion will take place on of water. You should see it before aghan is doing an excellent business in ing resolution was adopted : Moved by “’ednesday, July 5th, by G. T. R. to purchasing. the sale_of the Provan hay forks. Capt. Winslow, seconded by Mr. J. Chemong, thence by steamer Maple We manufacture six different styles ThlS IS Without doubt the latest and W. Martin, that the thanks of this Loaf to the beautiful summer resort on of wooden pumps and handle every do- best fork now m use. It has been 1n meeting be tendered to Messrs. Strat- Buckhorn lake. This will be one of sign of Canadian and American iron competition with the best in the mark- ton and Campbell, M. P. P’s, for their the most delightful trips of the season, pumps. et for six seasons and its superidgity influence in having the agriculture affording as it does a 00d view of the If ‘ 1 you are in need of a. um call over all has been so clearly proven that and arts act amended’so as to suit the b g ' p i p Indian villa eandasail throuvh oh" (1 . bef h ' . It ' it is now generally admitted. Every municipal grant in Cavan, and the g D c an see uq ore pure asmg W111 . . . beautiful waters of Chemong and Buck- pay you. farmer Will find It to 1118 advantage to secretary be instructed to send a copy horn lakes, the Scenery of which is consult Mr. Johnston regarding his of this resolution to each of these unsurpassed in Canadian waters. G- W' GREEN 9 ‘9“ g purchases. 22 hay fork. gentlemen. Trains will have stations as follows: Millbpook, - -- Onta .2.“ J‘ J 4“.

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