The news from Newfoundland to- day is of the greatest interest. and im- importancc. The immediate entry of the island into the Dominion seems not improbable, and it is not beyonnd the possibilities if both the Dominion and Newfoundland government are bold enough to act promptly and decisively, that :he union may be ratiï¬ed by both We Dominion Parliament and the New- :"7" foundland Legislature in the session which? both are at. present holding. ,. ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ OUR LEADERS ARE: “Our Own Blend †of Black Tea at 50c. :Our Own Importation of Japan at 25c. and Our Own Blend of Coffee, rfl‘xe! beforé I had fm‘ um: 4130: so much It 2mm: that ! decivt -d 1 ‘ kiln: lh" :ccnml b0! id}: mtyiifc.“ Gnu H ocd’s pingigrc prompt and efï¬cient. yet 9,-sz (A 3,; ' Sch: h)’ 31an 5c. if) 3P Teas, flofl’ees, Sugars, and General meris, Oil-cake and Herbageum. After Taki Groceries, Flour, Feed, Breakfast Cereals, Crackery, Glassware, Goal an, Battle Food ()F ALL KINDS. ~ OUR SPECIALTIES ARE : U) 976:: as [a FactS ! We Lead, " \‘N‘WWW A man may haean honest heart, Though pom-tithe hourly stare him : A man may tn): 3 neebor’s part, Yet hae nae cash to spare him. , _ LEISHB writes: “It 8“" to the excellency ° I ha‘ wide] . and in "m f' htinltron .t “help?! $a3$aparglla Will}! BECOME l’l‘. . LEISHMAN, ANGUS, 0N‘1‘., writes: “It gives me much pleasure to to the excellency of K. D. C., as a cure for Dyspepsia. I have recommended it here wide] , end it. every case it has proved suc- cenfui It “at? very best remedy for that. htinl tron that. I know of, and never f‘ 533mmâ€: ’ whenusedmyondirect. It damasthe e “King of Dyspepsia the millbrook Reporter. pg. Our Prices in all Lines are at the Bottom. J. A. VANCE. ijw/\ y Maczoï¬zansf‘ ° THURSDAY. MAY 2‘ -11.! Y SOON JOIN US. We N ever". Follow. . xhxxI'S- ‘42!Y$.l" idecihC‘l to try - I ma ï¬nishgt! mans: hall 018 bot. , mum [Mp from taking the ï¬rst [‘Y‘ecioggd to try another. and since '3c 1 £ch as well asever .cmnd [301. (:15... Mm:x:m.1‘oronto, Ont. ofa $353513 OUR LINES ARE Tarcnw, 01:33:“ . t is known as {.~.:1‘n'c 5. ~ . and innkxys at; unable to 3'“ ghtcn myself during that ' "1L! «lcrivcd no bene- Vï¬ harsupznï¬z; advertised in ~-l m tn“ :3 bottle. I found serious Disease. d†Sarsaparifla J ODDFELLO WS’ ANNIVERSARY. On Sunday evening last, Millbrook, Lodge, No. 308, I.0.0.F., attended the Methodist church in a. body to listen to the Rev. Bro. Rae of Peterborough, preach their anniversary sermon. The brethren to the number of over ï¬fty assembled in the lodge rooms previous to the service and having been placed ‘ in charge of Bros. McMahon and‘ Hamilton as marshalls proceeded to the church. The unusual large con gregation that turned out evinced the interest that our people have in the objects of the order and the desire to hear one of the best and rising young men in the Methodist'church address ‘the brotherhood. Taking for his text ithat pasmge from the epistle of St. Peter, “Love the brotherhood," the reverend gentleman with all earnest- ness and power presented the claims of brotherly kindness at! true manliaess upon the audience. He urged “P011 the members of the order and all others present the great necessity of being all that the Almighty intended, by: being a “ man,†true to the great possibilities and capabilities of what a true man may become. and being a man in the highest and best sense, in the sense of God’s intentions Was placing the in- dividual in that position where he may be most useful to himself, his family, his country and his Maker. After the ’service the brethren reformed and proceeded again to their lodge rooms when Mr. D. Hampton, Noble Grand, took the chair and after calling the brethren to order expressed his satis- faction at the general response of the members to the privilege of attending divine service as a lodge and the ex- cellent discourse, which it had been the good fortune of the brethren to listen to. Addresses of congratulation and satisfaction were also made by Bros. McKinnon, McMahon, Donald- son, Gardiner, Given, Clarke, Pickup and others and. resolutions of thanks to Bro. Rae for his excellent discourse, to the trustees of the Methodist church for the generous use of the church for the service, to the choir for their musical part of the service, were carried unanimously. During this after meet- ing Bro. Rae was intoduced to the brethren assembled and welcomed with true fraternel greeting and for nearly half an hour another opportunity was given the members of listening to words of friendship and brotherly love from the preacher of the evening. Bro Rae has that happy faculty of up holding and espousing a cause without fulsome flattery and of presenting his arguments in a good, plain and well thought manner, and we bespeak for him a still farther advance in the affections of the church in which he has already reached an enivable posi- tion. The Oddfellows in Millbrook will watch his career with every inter- est in his advancement. Sir Henry Tyler, President of the Grand‘Trunk Railway for a number years together with the old board of directors handed in their resignations at the annual meeting of the company in London on Tuesday. It is alto- gether probable that the new board will make radical changes in the man- agement of the road which will add to its enema. The dissatisfaction that has existed for some years amongst the share-holders of the Grand Trunk, who jhave received no dividends upon their ‘investments, culminated in such strong opposition against Sir Henry and the board of directors that they'conceived it prudent to retire as it was alto- gether likely they would have been re- tired by the meeting. The attempt to manage such an immense concern as‘ the Grand Trunk Railway from Lon-l don has for some time been considered unwise and the new arrangements will doubtless provide for control from Montreal or Toronto. The success of the C. P. R; under its local head has also gone to show the desirability of “7â€"7 ’ ' v a. change in the mode of control and with an energetic management there is nothing to prevent. the oldest, most extensive railway that we have in the older provinces becoming what. its ex- cellent facilities warrant, a. paying in- stitution. A TEE STORITOF A YOUNG GIRL WHO THOUGHT DEATH "’AS NEAR. ller Condltlon “at of Many other Young chmâ€"nun xenon Techie. Cheeks Pal- lld, Easily Tired and Appetite Almost Goneâ€"flow new ute Wm saved. From the Cornwall Freeholder. Nothing in this world is more dis- tressing, and unfortunately it is too common in this Canada of ours, with its extremes of climateâ€"its almostl arctic winters and summer days of trophic heatâ€"than to see a. young life fading away like a. blighted vine. Its early days have been full of promise, but just when the young maiden becomes of a lovable age with every- thing to live for, or the young man evinces signs of business aptitude, they are suddenly stricken down and too often in months, or it may be weeks, there are empty chairs at the ï¬reside and sore hearts left behind. Not always is this the case, however. For- tunately science has discovered reme- dies to check the ravages of decline, when it; has not gone toofar. Recent- 1y, a. case of this kind was brought to Mary, now about 18 years of age. Until her 12th year she wus much as other children, fairly rugged and with- out sickness of any kind. Then of a sudden she became delicate and as the months went on her parents were afraid she was going into decline. Her heart beat feebly; she was feverish and flushed, slept badly and had but little appetite. ' Doctors were consulted, who -__.‘I our notice, and the circumstances were so notable and attracted so much attention in the neighborhood that we felt impelled to inquire into them more fully and give them the beneï¬t of as wide publicity as possibility. Henry Haines who has for several years past acted as farm foreman for Mr. Daniel Currie of Glen Walter, Glengarry county, has quite a large family, among them one daughter GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. A BLENGARBY MIRAGLE. about and prescribed Lone ‘ of «@011; however,’ appeared to be of any per- manent beneï¬t. A year or so ago the‘ young lady hoping a change of air. might accomplish for her what; medicine could not, went to Fort. Covington, N. Y., where she had some relatives, iand engaged as a. nurse. Even this ‘light employment, however, proved too much for her and in the spring she returned to her parents a. perfect wreck, with nothing to do but die, as she thought. But when least, expected aid was as hand. Mr. Haiues had been reading of the marvellous cures made by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, and reasoned within him: self that if they had cured others they might save his daughter's life. On the next visit to Cornwall he bought a half dozen boxes of Pink Pills. It ‘ may be easily imagined v that Miss LHaines required little persuasion to try the much talked of remedy, and well for her it was that she did so. In the course of a week she felt an improvement. By the time she had two and a. half boxes she realized that she was experiencing such health as she had never known before, and her friends began to remark and congratu- late her on the change in her appear- ance. Still persevering in the use of the pills, she found herself when at the end of the ï¬fth box in perfect health and able to engage in all the work of i the household and the amusements“ from which she had up to that time been debarred. She had an excellent appetite and no one could .wish to feel better. Hearing of ' the marvellous change her sister from Fort Covington' came over to satisfy herself, and could hardly be persuaded_ that the robust, happy looking girl was indeed her sister ‘ whom she had never expected to see alive again. Miss Haines says she cannot say enough in favor of Dr. Williams’ w0nderful Pink Pills, to which she feels assured she owes her owes her life. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are an un~ failing cure for all troubles resulting from poverty of the blood or shattered nerves and Where given a fair trial they never fail in cases like the above related. Sold by all dealers, or sent postpaid at 50 cent a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. VVil- liams’ Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont, or Schenectady, N. Y. See that. the registered trade mark is on all pack ages. Captain Sweadv U. S. A.†San Diego ' “Shiloh’s Camrrh Remedy 13 the ï¬rst medicine I have ever found that would dome any good.†Price 50 cents. Sold by A. men SHI LOH’S CURE is sold on a. guarantee- It, cures Incipient, Consumption. It is the best Qqugh Cure. Only one cent a. dose; ‘25 . A-I‘o‘ , L_AAI,_ 9‘11! L“ cm! 50 (its. In Millbrook. on Sundn ', April 28th, the wife of Mr. Jno. DaWSon. o a. son. THE TOJIB. GARDINERâ€"In the township of Gavan. on Fri- day. April 26m. 1895. Ann Gardiner. relict of the late Matthew Gardiner. aged 90 years. Howoax.â€"â€"In the townshi of Gavan. on Satur- __da.y. April 27th. 1895, W limu Howdcn. ugcd 62 yéxirs. and rve nérve, bodily am take ood’s Sal-saparilla. Wall Papers. Valuable Farm -â€"IN THEâ€"- Township 0f Manvers ' ' TERMS OF SALE. Ton per cent of purchase money down at the time of sale. and the balance within twcnt days thereafter. without interest. Thereawi i be a reserved bid. For further conditions and particulars of sale apply to DUMBLE a: JOHNSTON. Peterborough. . Vendor's Solicitors. ems. summon. _ The West Quarter of Lot Number SIX 1n the HE’L‘H Concessmn of the Townshlp ofManvers m the County of Durham, con- tammg ï¬fty acres more or less- About forty seven acres are cleared. and machinery can be run on about thirty acres. The farm in pretty well stumped and stoned. The soil IS a. clay loam. The farm is (instant about ï¬ve miles from Ponty 1_P. Q., and is watered by a crack. The to lowmg improve- ment are said to be on the property. vgz.: A frame dwelling house about 18x26 restm on posts, a frame stable 15x30. and a. cattle 5 ed. To purify, vimlize and enrich the blood, 1d give nerxje, bo<lily__and digestive strength I NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE Powers of sale contained in u ccrtgun moslgfngc. which will be roduccd at the tune of e, there will be sold y at. the Morgan House in the Town or Pctcrbor- cash on Saturday the 27th day of Apr“, ’95 at rm; hour of 2 pm. in the afternoon, the followmg property namely :â€" DBUGGIS’I‘, . .- rmmono. {1093 qum'mg emmxms and Rxght _________ '_ALA __ Ina“..- .HAVE ALREADY ATTRAC'IED .CONSIDERABLE ATTENTION. IN .ORDEK TO KEEP OURSELVES IN .TOUGH WITH HARD TIMES WE .WILL MAKE A SPECIAL PRICE .FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. ..... COME RIGHT ALONG AND.. . . ..... GET THE LATEST DES... . ..... IGNS BEFORE THE STOCK... . .......... IS PICKED OVER... . . . . . . . . . BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS. . . . WE ARE SHOWING THE LARG-.. EST STOCK 0F WALL PAPER EVER. . HELD IN MILLBROK. THE VALn. UES ARE UN SURPASSED BY ANY. . . .TRADER IN THE DOMINION. . . .' JOHNSTON FAIR, w. Dlnrunllln, Poterborongh, Auctioneer. Dated at Peterborongh, 2nd. April. 1895. 114 . . ..OUR LOW PRICES ...... PUBLIC AUCION Prices arâ€"câ€" cix Montana. 383 George-at. 3 AUCTION SALE -â€"0Fâ€"â€" Hardware Merchants. vulw. v_v .__V and $100.. per bottle. Sold, by THE CRADLE. J. NUGENT. Keep constantly on hand a. large and well-selected stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. Call and ex- amine Goods and Prices. Look here and see what you can sell at FOR CASH. Barley, Oats, Buckwheat, Corn, Beans, Hides, Tallow, Eggs: and Iron, and you can buy for cash Flour and Feed of all kinds, Seed grain of all kinds, Tinwure, Glassware, Coal Oil, '3 lbs. of good Tea for $1. Also farm machines, Binders, Mow- ing Machines, Pea, Han esters, Hnrsu Rakes, Secdms and 11.11 other kinds of machines, also Chums, “atshing \l'a chines and \\'1'ingcrs,z1.lso Lzmd Plus- ter and Salt. Shingles which 11111 be sold cheap for cash. - I have made arrangements with one of the largest seeds men in Canada for all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. Any person wanting any of the above seeds please can and leave your order at once before sold out. One good mare Colt], three years old will trade for a good milking cow. Now is your time to order Lzmd Plaster. :1 have on handsome No. 1, Clean Seed Oats free from any dirt, also Silver Hulleul Buck Wheat, pure. Order your Garden and Field Seeds at once, before they rise in price A. PAYNE. Golden Anvil Has Bought out the Pho- tograghic Business of Gr. G. Green, Millbrook, and Will be found at the old stand prepared to make â€any style‘of a Photo. . Call and see the Newest styles in Photo- graphs. We keep afull line of the latest and best styles of cards, and our prices are reasonable. Ali work guaranteed. Satis- faction our specialty. W720 won #26 Dab/011m, of {/w FVest Bur/mm Agricultural Society for t/zc Best Col/cctz'on of P/zoz‘og'mfl/zs, F. J. BARLESS FARMERS E â€T. n, Il- [\nnlim yv. Dear sm â€"Plunss mud me one of your Home Books and ohllge. I hn’muwd a men: dual of your Kondnu’s Spam: Cum wlth grund success - It Is a wonderful medicine. I oncqhnd a mare chm; m moceult ï¬pnvzn and m"! xngtties cured her. I keep A bottle op hand all the tune. ENHGNW. Cuts. Pom KEHMWS sï¬ï¬‚ï¬ 35.93%- CAm‘uN. Mm, Apr. 3, ‘92. Dr. B. J. Knew“. Co. ‘ Dear Sim-I have used scvorm hattlen of your “Kendall‘s Spawn Cum“ with much success. I mmk it the best Llnlmcnc I ever used. Hana re- movedam Out-b. one Blood ï¬pnvlu and kill"! two Bone Spnvtnu. Have recumnmndcd u to songs! 0(pr ntgnds who are much pleased with by ,“uu- u. wivlâ€"v‘w 7 â€"'JScsix3mt 1H. ' â€â€œm’m s. it. m, P. o. nexus. SIGN OF THE . J. Garless, Of Bowmanville, 3‘ For Sale byï¬fbruggmta. or addrem ’1'. B. J. KI'INDA LL COMPAJVI', PHOTOGRAPHER Business Change. ENOSBURGH- FALLS, VT. Mammoth Rebuilding and Alteration Sale at Commencing V Friday Morn’g April 269 TURNBOAZJJ ln order to extend our business and keep pace with the times we hmjo under leontem plntion extensive alterations and enlargement of our premises, Which. Will make it; neces- sary to clear our stock to save it from being damaged by lime and dust or the trouble of moving to another store. This season of the year is an unfortunate tune for us: to have alterations made us the spring trade is just emmneneiug, and our present prexnises are full of new goods in every department, the choicest. stock we have ever lnul, but it. is most fortunate for the public, as it mezms the sacriï¬cing of $355K)“ worth of perishable goods. We will not attempt to quote prices, as they ‘me often inisl'ea‘dmg, but Will trust to the ï¬rst. purchasers to tell their friends‘ of the bargains we are glvmg. For the bene- ï¬t of those who may not, be familiar with the stock we keep we mention below the dif- ferent departments :â€" Eros Grain. Bongalines, Pue-de-soie, China. French Robes, Saline! tea, Hemietms, Fancy Checks, Remly- mad e Blouses, \V'rappcrs. Laces, l'hnbruidcries, Shawls, Gloves, Veilings, Sumh, Brochc, Mervcillcux, Faille Framer-.130, Solich, Serges, Covert Coatings, cheigos, Skiets, . Duck Suits. Frilliï¬gs, Ribbons, Hosiery, l'amsols. Shirt. F routs and all kinds of Ladies’ Whitewear. Black and Fancy Worsted Snitings, Black and Colored ()vcrcontirgs, Black and Fancy l’amings, Canadian and Halifax Twccds for Boys, Hessians, Cotto makcls, Ticki Shirtings. Art I Crctmmes, Hing} Duck Suitings, l’tinl White and rancy Draper Suitin Plain and 'I‘\iillc)d Sheetings, Plain and 1‘ nucy \‘luelins, “my and White (lotions, Fllumcls :md Flannelcues, W'e (we now [may vizar/eiug' l/zc aéovcgooa’s down and wz'l/ [M in flan/mess [0 (011121267th sale on Friday M amine. April 26. Our Books are Manufactured specially by the Ex- aminer Printing Co. Lt’d., tor the Peterboro’ Book- store. The Paper is exceptionally good and the Binding is guaranteed to last With ordinary care BUY YOUR lankBuoksgï¬fï¬ce Supplies until the book is used. If you want BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS or STATIONERY, write for our prices. Always guaranteed the lowest. A. H. STRATTON CC). 344 Water Street, WHTERPROOP HORSE AND WAGON C0 VERS, FLAGSBUNTING, FTQ This Week we Draw your Attention To a Few Good Bargains. A DIAMOND RING splendid value, at $4 50 A Beauty in TURQUOIS at $2. 50. A Gents “ALL G~OLD †Collar Button. $1 Our reputation for Wedding Rings in thirty years cannot he béaten. All Letter Orders ï¬11_ed promptly_ Silk and Dress Department. Peterboro Bookstore AWNINGS, TENTS, Sails, Gamping Sands. Woollen Department. McGLELLAND'The Jeweller, ALF. KINGSCOTE, Staple Department. J. C. TURNBULL, (Jeor c and Simcoe Streets, Peterborouah h 1 417 and 419§George Street. Peterborough. 388 George Street, Peterborough. Cottonndcs Tickings, Art M uslins, Hinghiuns, Prints, -â€"MANUFACTL'nnRaopâ€"- AT THEâ€"â€" Bleached and Cream Tnblings, Coloured Tublings, Napkins, Towels, Tuwelling. Crosslcy’s best 4 and 5 Frame irussols, Tnpestrics, medium and line, All \Vools in 2 and 3 ply. Unions, a full range. Humps, in plain and fancv. . lrcum and White Lace Curtains, Chenille Curtains, Curtain Nets, Screens, Dress Trimmings and Buttons of all kinds, borscts in all the ( iï¬cran makes, Soaps u full mnrve. Alllhclntcst smlvs of irimmcd and U11 trimmed Millmcry and \lillmmy 'him M antles, Wm orproofs, Carpet and Curtain Department. mings Haberdashery Department. MillineJy Department. Mantie lepartmeq’t. linen Department. an unfortunate time for us_ to nuiug, and our present premises tuck we have ever had, but it. is of $355K)“ worth (if pcrislmhlc Peterboro’, Ont. (' apes, Mantle ('Inlhs, Of the marvelous success of Burdock Blood Bitters lies in its speciï¬c curative power over every organ of the body. The, Liver, the Blood, the Bowels, the Stomach, the Kidneys, the Skin, the Bladder, in fact, all parts of the human system are regulated, puriï¬ed, and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine. Thus it CURES all diseases affecting these or other parts of the system, Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion, Bad Blood, Biliousness, Head- ache, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Obstinate Humors, Old Sores, Scrotum. Rheumatism, Nervous or General Debility, and all irregularities of the system, caused by Bad Blood or disâ€" ordered action of the Stomach, Bowels. Liver or Kidneys. Thousands of testi- monials warrant the assertion that BBB. is the BEST SPRlNG MEDIClNE FOR YOUNG CR OLD. THE SECRET Spring Dress Goods To inSpect our magniï¬cent! Dress Goods and Millinery‘ display. VJe exhibit full ranges of the leading and most fashionable produc- tions of French and Ger- man manufacturersmmed- iurn and high-class. Also, the newest novelties in Dress Trimmings, Silks, Parasols,‘ Umbrellas, c. Our selections of import- ed Spring Dress Goods Fabrics, 'c.. eclipse every- thing we have hitherto shown, and the. exhibition will be a key-note to the value and volume of our stock throughout the store. The handsomest styles we ever had in Millinery, the biggest variety, the lowest price, new shapes, the newest trimmings. Miliiners who know how to please you. BABY GARBEAGES E MILLINERY ! Your baby deserves a New Carriage. The old one (that, is xhe 01:1 carriage) is shabby and persists in running crooked. If the baby is 21 new bauy so much the more does 0. new carriage complete the tumot. A neat, well appointed carriugc is an ovi- dcnce of good tach. It is a credit to the family and relations. Do the folks honor and the baby justice with a new vehicle. The more so that the new carriage, when bought from our stock, cos: but a modemtc amount. Dozens of styles. None too good. Some tasxy and neat. some handsome am] stylish. The prices man-ll. All service- able and durable. 373 George Street. Peterborough. See our stock before phcing the baby on wheels. 332:5. SEEEETW, Have just received a large consignment of English and American Fur and Wool Hats for this pring‘s lmdu, in all the lcalliug styles and colors Our stack is commun- mul acknowledged to be ilze largest and ï¬nes: assorted in. the tnwu of l’ctcrlmro’. What in town give us v. call and be convinced that w: can suiL you both in style and price. WE INVITE THE LADIES George Street, EXPOSITIONHMJ $5353.53 3338. . 5% 5553 8:. Co. SIGN OF 7111? LIFE SIZE HORSE. PERERBORO. Gabinetmaker$Unr’ertakcx mus. mm, 63' Shomom King-st. Millbrook. Kee on ha 1‘ n <tocko! CO FINS. 638%);{5 and all 11ng Of Undgnakergyï¬pqu‘. MELLS BROS. †"'- ~- v -â€"~.~. ylvnv- ,v m, Parlor. ï¬ihingmom gndadl other kinds of Furniture. an made, at lowest prices. «OF NEW» PETERBORO’ Peter'ooro. [f you want a nobby set of Harness to show 05 that hand- some driver Of yours When visiting MilIbI’OOk 0†the Queen’s Birthdev 1m“: your order at once “ban: you are sure the be -st wqu bcst maiér â€â€˜- 5 U) bun the hard II “It can Q you out mcdy 101’ $10 and i ..\H o. .1“. 11. IV“ Vuy ----- I you want Something .rcal nobb). you can get it by gomg a lmlc higher. †’Hi' 'Uf My kept in a ï¬rst-clam hirr::s?sh;;galm 0n hand and at the luw~ eat. living prices; w Agpnt for the J and Aw fling ï¬rm. 1‘3“ 200 pieces of the Newest Patterns and splendid Spring Suits are not costly. Leave designs, for Spring us your measure. and Summer, 1895. Our Good Looking H. LeBRUNs‘ECo. 424 George-st, onsisting of over TWEEDS CITY 121 1216.3: STORE, (JEStampmg done MISS MELVI To see the Pyramids of BATESON, Is giv‘ th s w Gcods, sue Tray Cloths, Sp}; A150 311 the late in Honimn work : exhibition. Now on view in the wage; m; safe RJ. and J. Turner Tom Peterboro. re of getting ship, the very ric<: s to suit \Vc can ‘ï¬t '3 Of all kinds Ire: or adufn. 3" l T H’s I. VIORM x3. Aheay: tequiiipg no 5K2“ bid “a“ " â€"}Ir. Thoslh'anfl ï¬g stoekmez x. 343‘ A‘ *m d.“ s. v 2:11p ham his businesx 1) ’in soon be able m ‘ ~Upwam Uf- X'cx u D Ides up to 3W m and uno-x'v 22‘» 800mm S. A“: J. Gardiner. W. W â€"Quite a number tended the funeral W:- on Manda wave Mr. and Mn. H “he goods are up to to suit the times. -â€"-'Wimn 3m: :9- Ind want 10 bu} is member that J. ’1‘ ï¬st selecxiun for q price and he will be Mr. T. “1 “‘hall of the quill in dill his started a new journalistic ‘ine ‘ dthough a cap of mubmk‘, â€"!I. Kobt. Rd his law oï¬ice m thé he may be fuund c: the pea ofï¬ce. read new friends. â€"-:'10‘3. 0‘ '0 00 Of loan at 5 per cent. gh's wir i Other “xi: â€"H:u'e yuu tr luking I'ou'dcr? : for 150 par H) in anion, movefl gNr. L. S. Clm'z'y properties can I (Ex-:0. Soommax â€"-â€"We begv Mmugh' on i0 Ming: "f the d Omnties’ Counci â€"â€"“'. Theme] very clump. He horse for sale. attended the I on the 18th u ‘ |c Lagvn mills, shortest notice - Mr. “'alt‘ WEE has been M r. 31. Hean wrihjpg. or W inwr Trill ox (an): 1:} hand. Ari â€"â€"VV. Thej week one car . car of fresh will â€"-Mr. 'W. I â€"I’aru1er‘s 1 Boots only cast Aucuan's. the mu And Sc fancy let 122-:ng window s o: in 1 ry o lion's .‘ R, which is 621:} I0 work that h" 33 the Uddfeil‘ PA '1] TOILA )on't fail to a stock of I‘m DB THUR.“ TO he station 1'0 3 public to I! share of r ! is sure to SI with ' Ln‘ 4- rv 0‘ ‘E‘i‘m .s. no mad '6 5 It .10.; y .3 ELLIOTT, Paerbom We no SW00! has days :11 “Ill, but on ffk' ‘l 11' 3k unde t canoe: mhas 0.