Millbrook Reporter (1856), 2 May 1895, p. 1

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0!... Huh!â€" C aflugmzv. I I “42? lerl. HE IMZSDEO EZWOWW. z. T. B. COLLINS 6: C0. BANKERS. IOEI I' rung“, ' III-11w ILL vim 0"an Month: Wan-ad“ of “Oh wool ml IA 3v_ u. myth. U. M's. :34 Tum: owning 9: “ch month in Oflomo Circle rooms. king-0L, Minbrook- hour 01' meeting. 8 o'clock. T o benefit.- 01 this m! m worthy the copfldendon of ever: Canon. Intomauon furnnhod on syndication. 30!. momma $.03. a. DUNCAN “A _AA AWALD WOOD. 1881533 or MAR 33 LICENSES. Minbrook. um II. c. nexmnox, mm, on. QWMR T0 DR. NIDDRII) 7â€"" â€"â€"-â€" -._..- -_, . maria. WMLMidmam mm LOYAL CAVAX LODGEâ€"CANADIAN oa- DER 91v onm‘x-LLprs._ mooug‘ :99 ‘xxd . ._ nomo ad vmfia caveman, U mums Rosa College Surgeons. lad-18' Mb. lumber Cones» rbyotchnl nnd 5m- MOntu-io. muLLs-c‘h’ndruxam f 3““ Mrd 1-4‘.uduâ€"_i§u ouch month In their 29".? Lamb's drug store. Stuns." wol- r mum“ vmvmcsny; W or m COMO 0! Phyflmu and surgeons. court IVANHOE. so. am, 1.0.1". 9- FALLls. 0.3. W. W. GILLOTT. 3.8. on In min-{o Block. 66135 3. M01 BARN-Tm Ammo: u in. swam. Whose! to land on tn. “cunt! ox rod mu. 19qu :99 {gm Property tor “lo. ......... _. _,._. . o. 6. Mn.“ .- . Manda month in E9“? cs%;§ out a 8 $1.00 PER ANNUMIN ADVANCE. Annmm er. Sour! Public. etc. Hum nnd comp-.nyvruh :. m on 3; ”Down: nun. omen m \1» we 3: Ken.“ mock. AI 89mm: on and and 4th Monuatyu at awry ”1.311.1- wywu- _-.-_,,, â€" .-~ , mutton 0: mo nun-u rum. m- uons unn- uu to: the W Olin-mum: 0‘ tum. uooo work “mm“. Mm be u y momamu tux Monday. or own mm. m or non moan. _.â€" uâ€"vâ€"v-â€"vv- _- -7 mono-noon: wan-um mun-on. - - v-â€". .v. RAD ATE OF THE ONTAMO VETER- G_ 13.3 We. pus-69! Won-m I“ Huntoo-Ot cnwflomacmsflom BARRISTERS- A, _._. . n’n vARRIS'rBR. SOUCITOR. NOTARY PUB- > no. no Monoy no Lon. '0'! I.“ MON“ to ion it 5 0‘ security “I“ “ “‘1 buor nonnw- 1” ‘0'“: '3‘ 031333 or onnmows, "ms EVERY t KSDAY EVENIXG IN -. ugh-Mover: 1‘ new pawn!“ Visit» CII’I'IIVIILI. - ”“8". Um" Univ-nil]. WW \1 l at Ibo concu- ol maxim-no and Six-3w - m ucstfromuhmmbcro! ct - ”if“, m rook tomb: enter in nonmag- or wmw- wc have purchased the bum ot the old stand and we are now In I better litio n ch“ “-9;- 11) 311,434th our old reputation. re us “all and be convxncod tint wean supply . ith the choicvsi cuts to be had in 801m. “â€"“H n ~~‘__ JAS. D. DEYELL, V.S. WIS. - - Ofl'l'Auo’ LL bowncmw ANIMALS Tl‘. .A 1. . CO H) mm: uncounu momma, m nun on union wmmue vellum-y, .1- mo‘emo. “among. and ulna. km. _..... mun-ulna maLuuu. â€"â€"-â€"â€",*â€"' 77"" 41mg PLACE TO BUY. FE. HASSARD. VJ '38ch TAIIDR- AERS AND OTHER GOOD NOTES “iguana. Willi-mm! onau point.- in 1 fmd the United States a lowest, rages- \ Woctior. o1 sue 3nd other now. sspecml- 10"" madcap Boa-I Estate. No oomxmr ringed. “'5! â€"North side of King-st. '01 xxxvm. ROBERT RUDDY. LAPP. 3A., m.n.c.M. memo: To 93. m) a manner; HORSE“. EASHIRE sco'm" SEAGER. 11D» GM. H. A WARD, PROFESSIONAL. DR. lull :ook W No. ace. ' movement? swuntmuon wan to the ,4 -_- nnvnmn 'l-“th n..- [I R. E. STANTON. CLARK. L115- ii. 0. LESLIE. A. SMITH, AS ADIAA HOME CIRCLE L It}; Wilton “3'80, ' E. ....- ""“ui' â€" w Act. Umoo â€" 09M“ :9 or. com. on silt 0‘1 8;? cent. and Isscm or MAR- BukofCommm bad-6w“- 031L310. ONTARIO ONTARIO .NTLIIO. ONTARIO ONTABL‘J. GN'I‘All 0 Great 3313 X Shingle. a good Shingle XX Shingle, Cedar “ Coarse Pine Lumber - Everything else It. the name ntio of profit; I have 81.0 This is not an‘auction sale, nor yet a sheriff‘s sale, but. a gen- uine low priced CLEARING OUT SALE in order to meet the demands of the times, and of the building public. I quote a few prices, that you may know how things are going. I offer a good GREY LAND PLASTER, the but on the fnarket, without doubt, also GREY AND WHITE LIME. Plum call and inspect before pincing your orders. I am bound to cell. Dimension atufi' out to order, price away down. Material de- livered any where in wwn or country when required. Yours truly, Ofico and Yard at. Railway Station. ' ‘ o l O Mulbrook, March -3. 1395 W. ’ I ‘hexton. WANADA LIFE Assurance co. R. J. DOAK, ESTABLISHED 1825. var“- ACCUMULATED FUNDS - $39,000,000 INVESTMENTS IN CANADA $10,000,000 ISSUES FREE POLICIES. Immedigte payment on receipt of proof of “ STANDARD ” death. Loans granted on policies at low interest. No extra charge for insuring lives of women and children. W. M. RAM SAY, W. S. GIVEN, CHARLES HUNIER.‘ F'x-siug removed to the above commodious stand and put in a fresh stock I am now better prepared than ever to accommodate my old customers and all new ones, who will favor me with a call. Special value in Stem-Wind Watches from $2.99 up. Complete line of Silverware at hard time prices. 01-611 up. UVlllrlvv‘u nun- ‘1- ~.. .__ - __ Great reduction in B. Lad-115.1106, Specfiacles. Best quality. EPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Old Post Office Building. HAS NOW ON HAND HIS FALL AND W “yuan. a [UL/A v1: Coal and Wood Cook Stogos BELOW All SOME OF Ills "mums 8 IN WOOD COOK. “The Dixon Stool Cook,” (the beat. on the market. every stove gum-an teed to be perfect baker). “ The Soavenir Cook." “ The St. James Cook.‘ “ Tho Origami Cook." “The Maple Cook," “Tho Oxford Cook." IN COAL RANGES. “The Souvenir Rance.” (the best. Coal Range in the country). “The Stewart. Coal Range,‘ “The Oxford Coal Range." 1)! GOAL BASE BURNERS. “ The Stewart Art Sultana." "The Oxford Art. Countess. bolb powerful double heaters and perfect bakersâ€" AND A FULL LINE OF HOUSEFURNISVPPSES IN TABLE CUTLERY AND GRANITE Best Brands of AMERICAN and CANADIAN _COAL OIL by the Gallon or Barrel. Pm Will be happy to have his old fric Come and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. New Shades, Styles and Patterns in Suitings, Oval-coatings. Bran . Trowserings. N0 OLD STOCK. Everything bran new and fresh from the mills. Don‘t. fox-get the placeâ€"- PETE SIMONS 8: CO. - 416 George St. Somali“ nice in Gent’s Furnislfi‘ngs always in stock. , ‘ 1. Because it ie the oldest, largest, most. popular and economical and giv_ee the best. resultfe‘for the least money. .A.... . A: Ann E‘Q , -0.“ iii. 0 Because In 1893 it increased its 3330th y,$l 236, 513â€"3 sum exceeding the Increase of any other two Cundim Companies, and more than double of any one compeny. LEADS ALL GANADIAN GOMPANIES. 3. fiegause it has slim-ger- suriflu; above all liabilities than :11 the other Canadian Compagies fogethgr. v.- i’ETE S] MONS COMPANY, 4. Because the net Profits paid on its Life policies during the last. 20 years are not equalled by any other Company in America. 189‘ Life Assurance Co. 416 George St., Opposite the Examiner Book Store. Chief Agent, Ontario. LAND SALT, $5.75 PER TON. REMOVED Agent; Millbpook. GEO. A. and E. w. cog, «a VA A.uu...v..-. ...._ V 40'} George Street, Petepbopoug'h. ADAM HALL NOW ON HAND HIS FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF WHY IT LEADS ! Agent, Millbrook. ESTABLISHED 1847. FALL AN D WINTER . STEELE, // friends and customers call on him and leave their orders for their OF Building Material Managérs Eafstern Ontario, Toronto J. J. HAN RATTY. J. L. IRWIN. DISTRICT INSPECTOR Pmnnsbno Old Post Office Stand. for $1.00 per 01. ‘( $1.25 “ “ $0.00 “ Port Hape. Manager 1895 MILLBROOK. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1895. The cattle market is not as strong In last week. and cables from Liverpool are easier as 5 34d to 6d fa r Canadian. Sheep are quoted at 6 1-2d. Prices of wheat in Toronto continue to hold, there being sales at 700 and 72c, or an advance of about. 250 per bushel from the low prices of last autumn. going higher. It is partly owing to this oeling and partly to the advance in many other products, that speculators ope buying wheat in anticipation of a. New post ficee were opened 11: Ontario on April let us followe: Audle Ontario 00., ' p031 yon, Simooe 00.; {(33de Lake, Renfrew 00., Landbank, Bothw ell 00.; Maudeville, Muekoke , Whitney. Nipiseing. There is a. decrease in “heat for the week of nearly two and quarter million bushels, but the viaible supply in the United Staeea and Canada. is 70,487,000 bushels, as against 63,217,000 9. year rgo, and 76,000,000 two years ago. In Montreal the week has been rntl‘er aquiet one as regards general business. The raw, rainy weather which marked last week, and the be inning of this, was most unfavorable to code retailers, who had looked for a go Easter trade, and wish wholesalers In this line sortin business is just moderate. In genera wholesale trade there is no particular brieknese. There were 31 failures in the Domint'on last week, as against 27 the week before and 45 in the same week of 1894. Of the 15in Ontario, only one had a rating as high as 83,000, and one rated up to 82,000, the balance had the lowest credit or blank rating. Quebec had 11, an in- crease of one over the previous week. British Columbia had five. None were reported from the other provinces. The meat situation is becoming serious. Prices of beef are being forced upward at a rapid rate, and it is difficult to tell whether mainly through careful mani- pulation by western traders .m- an actual scarcity of animals. A statement of re- ceipts of cattle at the rincipnl cities for the last three months s owe a. decn'a- c of 280.000 head from the total arrivah dur- ingAthe first qua_rter 9f eithei- of‘tpe pro- gazing years: W Hogs have gained in 53 m- pathy with baef, althoug receipts con- tinue in fair volume. The modern hotel must be made mic everywhere. If you fail after doing your best y m1 htve still done well. After one puts a. project on fnot. he fin n has it. on hand. Are you still keeping those god! n») -~ lnfiions yand that diary x x x Because a. man falls on the ice it dues not. follow that he cuts any. XXX There is no such a. thing as inheribrd experience. Take yours agnd pay for It Some women talk women's rights, r nd others get. them without talking at all. There are not. twenty farmers living in Iowa. ten miles distant . from a. rail“ ay station. poultry. Something is wrong with the man who clubs and kick: his cattle. homes and Probgbly we hear so much about. the new woman because it isn't polite to say “old woman. " Thefgefing isjlgat whgat iq Chigagg is Thirty-two hundred patents have but): granted in this country for methods of electrical locomotion. Only forty Unised States vessels am now engaged in wha‘zing. Thirty years ago there were 500. Flammarion says that the earth is cwl~ ing very upi. 1y. Europe has lost five degrees this century. A fatal fall from a. great fieight )9 9 id to be painless, an unconscicuaness 1 re cedes the crash of concussion. The Mort to Run a Daily Paper In :- Vt eekly Town Fails Diamally. A writer relates an interview in which the interviewed tells how he tried to change a prosperous little weekly paper in North Dakota into 9. daily: _He 69.) s : “Our ambitious souls aspired to some thin betterâ€"something more metropoli- tan 1 an a newspaper published once a week. ‘We must have a daily.‘ 0! course the enterprising merchants patted me on the back and said ‘go in l‘ and I went in. While the novelty lasted the advertisinents flowrd in in a way to de- light the heart of the orankiest country editor that ever sawed wood. But while novelty in this business is a thing of beauty, it is not a joy forever by a darn sight. The novelty were off. It became painfully threadbare in about forty-nine days, and the advertising patronage drooped like a consumptive rooster. “Along in the early summer one day Mrs. Kreutaer, wife of the leading drug- ‘gist, went over into Pembina county on a visit. Now, Mr. Kreutser was one of our few good every-day-in the-week ad- vertisers; anything he wanted in this shop ‘went.’ If hisvdog had died about that time the column rules would oer- tainlyyhave been turned in next morn- ing’s paper. But Mrs. K.’s departurel escaped the attention of the entire edi-l torial and business force, and it went on- ehronioled. Perhaps we should have re- mained ignorant even unto this day had ‘ not Mrs. Olaf Peteraon, a neighbor, gone ‘ to Grand Forks on a little visit also, a l few days later, and a personal appeared to that efieot next morning. When 1 came down to the office along toward noon that day, I met Mr. Kreutler, just earning out, and looking son- as a pot of old paste. I greeted him, of course, with the obsequious friendliness our circum stances demanded, but was repulsed With a volley of German~Americsn expletives that staggered me. Then he n cit d the etc of his wrongs in a way that made , my air curl, and when he told mo he 1 he9 ordered his ad out and stopped his jpaper my blood ceased to circulate. So . did the daily Post-Bugle." It in Mid the latest fed with women is the consumption of eggs. Instead of ice cream sodas, when the inner women needs refreshment. they swallow an egg, and the hem throughout the e..nntry are feeling very une )mfortable about it. For there are so many women you see. and e hen ean’a lay more than one egg 3 day to save her lilo. The need o_t a. “Pick me- Here and Then. The ministry of Greece has slipped up up” is no longer confined to the male creature, and as a. raw egg‘is an excellent toniu It is eunuded as harmless a form on one as the restaqnnter‘s c :untry affords, . no trtgA Week’s Commercial Summary. uuv .vu-w â€".___‘.. ~ V the customer is not of a. bilioua habit Some mortals aié overloaded with mo- I'l‘ KILLED THE BCSINESS. Raw Egg. to:- Women. XXX \ LATEST CANADIAN NEWS. Lumber operations have commenced on the Upper Ottawa. Edward Charbonneau wan drowned no r Pembroke Monday. Sir Charles H.'1‘upper is oonfined’ao his house “ 1th a. heavy cold. Seven pounds of dyfiamihe and 200 per- cus_sion_caps were found under a. aldewalk at Dundus: .A young ion of John Mchath was lulled by an express train at Woodswck Thursday. TLo English market for Caqudmn horses is looking up. A week ago sateen exported horses sold them for tram 8120 to 8200 each. Arranged and Condensed For Our Busy Reade". Each Province Furnishing It. Quota of lntorentinx'ltoml. Hamilton, Ont., dealers havq advanced the price of American 009.1» 911 fxzom 17 cents to 23; cents and Canadnn 011 has gone up 4 cents a. gallon. Mr R. A. Stark, saw miller, one of the pioneers of Grey county, died on Fridfiy night. Ho was reeve of the township 0f Derby for several years. In the D minion Government Savin Bank, the balance on depogit on Mare 813% was $17, 097, 756. as against 817 119 ‘ 739, at the a use of February. The Canadian Horse Show, held in To- ronto, was brought to a. close on Satur- nay, and has proved a. financial success, the receipts consider bly exceeding the expenditure. iliss Louisa. Kirby, of Ir gemll, died suddenly on Sundx.y night. Her rela- (ives we 0 awakened by screams in her room and found her dying. She expmed soon after. On Saturday the city of Toronto, a. splendid new steamship, built for the North Shore Navigation Company, was successfully launched at; Owen Sound, in the presence of a large comany. The Dominion Governm nt has been requested by the Imperial authorities to send an agent to Lbnv'on to discuss with them the points raised in connection with the Canadian copyright question. The auditors of the township of Til- bury North have discovered a. shortage of $5,000 in the books of Clement. Mml- lL-ux, «ax-treasurer of the township, and he was arrested, charged with convut- ing that amount to his own use. Mr A. R. Stagg, one of theme“; pro- minent cltizens of Brockville, died there Monday. agvd 57. He had been a 1. cm- brx- of the Town Council for eighteen years, and was also a Public School B erd trustee He was a staunch Con- servative in politics. The celebrated Gnnd Trunk conspi- racy case in Montreal, in which three conductors were charged with conspiracy to defraud the Grand Trunk Railway Company by knocking down fares on the Montreal-Toronto route, ended on Satur- day ina disagreement of the jury. wto stood eleven #0 one for acquittal. The Board of Trade of British Columbia has forwarded to the Domimon Governâ€" ment 3. resolution asking that the sum of $425,000. the amount of damages claimed by the British Columbia sealers from the United States, be placed in the estimates. should the Imperml Government not ad- vance that. amount. The American and Canadian Naviga- tion Company of Oak Harbor, N.Y., who want to establish a winter and summer line of cat ferries into Canada, have, through their manager, Ernest W. Him- muna, asked the civic authorities whether they will exempt them from taxation if Toronto is .made n. terminus. The t-iiy's assistance 13 also sought in ettving sub sidies from the Dominion ang Provincial governments. . .__ .n ‘1, Ridgetown has decided to follow the plan ed opted by the Walkerville Council some time ago, and will exempt. from tax- ation all reeldences of the value «,f 86W and over that are erected in the town within the next two years. the til. euf exemption to be graduated acmrding to value. The tug owners of the Welland Canal had their meeting at Port Colborne on Tuesday and will enter into an associa- tion the same as last year. They reduced the price of towing vessels through the canelof 500 tons and under, loaded, to 15 cents per ton, and 12 cents on light ves- sels per ton, last season’s sv-hedule being 16 and 14 cents respectively, and aleu made a reduction on harbor towing on vessels over 350 tons. The tugs and the winter fleet are fitting out to be ready on the opening of the canal today. Dr. Byerson, M.P.P., who was recently appointed deputy surgeon generai, is in Ottawa. in connection with the new ar- rangvments made by the Militia. Depart- ment for medical services for the winn- teeta. The doctor is anxious to see that the 1 edicnl stores for the district are adequate. He is of the opinion that. the system which prevails in Enghmd and the Unitrrd States of making the sur. geons as surgeon-capmin or surgeon- major, according to service, shank} be in~ troducod in Canada. Surgeon-Genera.) Bergin is also in the city. Late on Tuesday night a stranger calls! at. the residence of Mrs. William Treble, Windsor, and handed her an en- velope, said that. it contained an amount of money that he owed her husband, who died unumber of years n 0, Before the envelopa was opened he gimppomed in the darkness. The amount was 580, made up of fpur 820 bills. and the {ami’y have not me slightest idea. who the stmn or was. Mr. Treble win: for years soon actor on jinn Ggand Trunk Rail- ;ny, and kinda think the man was some- one whom he had helped along. A computation has been made by the Canadian Indian Department of the sur- rendered surveyed Indian lands, of which the Government is the trustee for the various Indian tribes in Ontario. The total area. is 452,694 acres. These are bringing. when sold, about $1.5) an note. "to land diepogedof in 1891 was £3371" £0151; disposed of in 1891 was 32,385 acres, which yielded' the sum (f 844,711. Besides this, the Indians of On- tario, who number 17.830, own 3,680 houses. 858 barns. 1,577 stables, 77,749 acres of cultivated land. Their live stock consist of 3.857 horses, 2,367 co“ 5, 388 oxen. 48 bulls, 961 sheep, 4,897 pigs and 3,1 34 young stock. The crops of 'ho Indians in this Provmce last year consisted principqlly‘of_65,589 bushels of ___.. ,A._ 0111: UI’llBlnwu r.-_v- .___ wheat, 107,773 bushels of oats, 31.115 bushels of peas, ll .419 bushels of barley. 87,255 bushels of potatoes in 6 11.501 tons of hay. In addition to dais they had fish, furs and other industries valued at $165,172. FOREIGN. Cholera. has broken out at Mecca. It is stated that the life of the Prince of Wales is insured for £3,250,000. A valuable discovery of old coins has been made in Anadol, in Beesnrabia. It is stated that the Foreign Ofiioe re- fuses to accept Nicamgua’s reply to the British ultimatum. The report of a mcent battle in the Chickasaw Nation between Gov. Moseley and factions is denied. A despatch received on Monday in Cd- cutta from Simla. confirms the report of the relief of Fort Chitral. An electric milwny has already been DOINGB OF THE WEEK. planned by the Japanese in Coma, for- merly occupied by Chine». Russia. is urging that the European powers ehould revise the farms of peace arrived at. between China. and Japan The Rev. Frederick VVillimn Ferret, D.D., Archdeacon of Westminster, has been appointed Dean of Can‘ erburv. A parcel wet serviee is to be im titutcd between India,‘Aden and Zanzibar and the British Central Africa. Probecuvmhe. A At the Oxford election on Saturday Vieeount Valentin, Conservative, was elected over Dr. Fletcher Little, by 602 votes. 1 The Queen has decided to dimonbinue the early drawing rooms. and will in future hold {our drawinglruoma after M. Jules Hurel and M. Catulle Moudea fought a duel in Paris Thum‘uy. The latter was wounded. The duel e 110111101 Oscar Wilde. The Lancet says the commission ap- pointed to Investigate tuberculosis uill present its report tn the Imperia! Parlia- ment next week. A Frenchman named Rulliere, son of the dynamiter Ravachol, has been given eight years penal servitude in France for attempte I mutder. The Imperial Opium Commis~ion has published its report which decides against prohibition of the growth of the poppy or the munufaotme of opium in India. The Czar has rejected a. petition which was recently presented to him by journal is“ and literary men in favor of a modi- fication of tho presa laws. Efforts are sh rtly to be made in Lon- don to miss muney to aid m the construc- tion of the pruposed ship canal from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean. Sir Robert Low telegraphs shat. Chitml garrison, the objemive paint. of the pres- ent British relief expedition, is being ter- ribly [an-seed, and that. it. is doubtful if the troops om: strive in time m save the garrison. In reply to the representationa of Sir Philip Currie. the British Ambassador at Constantinople, the Turkish Government has promised to instruct the Provincial Governors to abstain from oppresaiug the Armenians. The grand jury found a. true bill against Oficar Wnlde, who it charged with serious m'mdemeanors, and his trul was set down for Friday next at the Old Bailey. Wilde’s friends will endeavor to obtain a. post- ponement of the trial. The Japanese Government has issued an (fiiciel statement declarin that. the commercial advanha% sobtaine by Japan in the treaty with bins willbeshared by the other powers under the most. favored n tion treatment. It id stated that. the discipline in so lax in the Daunemore Sham prison the; par- ties of plum: era uftwn gn away for hunt~ ing trips. lasting a. couple! of weeks at a. time, and on their return present the deer they have shot. to the warden. Owing to ex'sting treaties between Great. Britain and Austria. and Great Britain .und the German Zollverein, Can- ada has now to give Austria and Ger- many the same tarifi concessions as she has agrced to give to France. This is the additional legulation that is necessary hfore the French treaty can go into force. Eat-United States Consul Waller was recent! y tried by a. French court-martial at Tamatave, and sentenced to twenty yem’ imprisonment for having acted as a. spy in the interests of the Hovas, and now the authorities at Washington are protesting. first. that the ‘churge i‘s r_-VVv, groundiggs', aid, second, that the F Pouch md no authnrity to try the ex-Consul by (-our:.-martinl. The condition of Mrs. Parnell. who was so brutally assaulted at Bordentown, N. J ., a, few nights ago, was improved yes- terday, and her physician has now some hope of her recovery. The Bap ists of St. Louis have put. the Methodists 'hereof to the blush. The white Baptist preachers have invited the blacks tn juin the'r conference. but the white Mvthndists Won’t. even admit negro branches of the Epwortb League to 1e1- lowship. Nowhere is the color-line mum out of place than in the church. On Sunday evening, while Evangelist Dwight L. Mond y and an immense con- gregation were yraying for rain in Fort. Worth,’1‘exa.<. u stmrm burst upon the town. bent. down the roof, which fell upon the congregatwn. causing a. panic, an“! 3. lug: numbu- of parsona were seriously injured. The Westmm Watchman. a Roman Catholic papor of St Louis, Mo , e'ited Fy the Rev. Father Phalan, says that the Christian Endeavor and Epworth League are lxuneyoombed with immorality, and that their gatherings fcr downright viciousnesa and depravity have never been equalled since the harrible sat-ur- mdla, of Greece and Roma. At VVcstpoz-t, Mo., an «rdinanoe has been introdumd in {he Board of Alder- men forbidding W( men to wear binomers on the street It begins to look as if wo- men wouXd have to be granted the elec- tive franchise before long to protect themselves from such barbarous inter- ferences with their right to pick < ut their own clothes. Prof. Kit nicutt of Myrtle Point has a. tame yeariing deer that. folluv 5 his child- ren to animal and Would go intuthc- build- ing with the children if permitted. At receas the deer will run around among thu hundred m- more pupils, hunting for his playrtntes, and when he finds Mr. Kinnicnbz‘s children he licks their hands and await to be very glad to find them. How Not to Develop it With a Razor Toed Shoo. She whose ambition is to possess a ”'1‘: ilby“ foot must begin earl y in life to give it room to dcvelop as nature intend ed. In fact, her mother will have to be gin it for her while she is still in swed- dling clothes, and even then the task is something like Holu es’ directions for the development of s. gentlemenâ€""First take a. entâ€"grsndfather,"ete. owever, a. little more care, almost any foot will succumb to proper treat- ment after the age of twelve, and become a. very fair approach to Little Billee‘s ideal. The besuty of ’l‘rilby’s foot was the freedom of the great toe and the length of the one next to it. It is simply impossible to acquire the freedom when the foot is cramped in a. num- teed shoe. \ No matter what the shoe dealer may say shout it bring all right if only the shoe is several sizes longer than the foot, the line is there which turns the great toe back, and makes the first move townrd an enlarged joint. It is 'bad enough to continue a. part of the body in s natural ition, but to distort it and then clump it so it must stay in the unnatural posi- tion is nothing less than barbarous. 'n m In, x. _ ,LI,9,, _ , 4L4 If Trilby did nothing more for the world than do away with this relic of Chinese barbarian, it. would be worth the trouble of writing, if {or no other reason. Ramp-toad! shoos_;_should not. he made for children, but unifortunately they are. Not In It. “Alas! I am not in it," axohimod the bomeleu dog as he passed the “mag: UN . TED STATES N EWS. A PRETTY FOOT. has decided to dimwnpin‘ge Mr. Bennett mfived the address in re- ply to the speech from the throne. He referred to the death of the late Premier, and spoke in glowing terms of his work. He then referred to the Manitoba school question and other questiu as introduced in the address. Mr. Belley. epeaking in French, also referred to the many questions thst are to occupy the attention of Ache House. Sir Richard Cartright Sir Charles H. To pper. Mr. Mills and Mr. Davin all made characteristic rddreisea. BILLS INTRODUCED. The following bills were read a first time: To secure better observance of thal L'~rd’s day, commonly called Sundayâ€"l. Mr. Charlton. To amend the criminal code of 12. for the purpose of making more effectual the provisions for the punishment of se- duction and abluctionâ€"Mr. Charlton. To amend the Superannuation Actâ€" ‘Mr. McMullen. ‘ aovmnxon-emam’s SALARY. ‘ Mr. Mulock introduced a bill to reduce the salary of the Governor-General. RAILWAY MILEAGE. Mr. Mulock introduced a bill to amend the Act respecting the Senate and House of Commons, which provides that the members shall not draw mileage that they do not pay. The bill was read a first time. summons ASSOCIATIONS. Mr. White (Cardwell) introduceda bill further to amend the tenth chapter of the Consoli€ated Statutes for Lower Canada respecting seditious and unlawful as- sociations and oaths. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Mr. Wilson introduced a bill to amend the Act respecting weights and measures. F’IFTH SESSION.--THB $EVENTH PARLIAMENT. Mr. Laurier mac an able addr $5 on me questions of the day, and criticised thggegerul policy oi§h_e vaemmg-nt. M}. Posse} spuire of the finanuial posi- tion of‘the country null the policy n! the Government. ALIEN CONTRAcmRa. Mr. McLennsn introduced a. bill to pre vent the letting of contracts to aliens SECOND CLASS TICKETS. Mr. McLennan introduced a bill re- specting the sale of railway return fare tickets which was to provide that persons should be able to purchase a second class return {are railway ticket at the per- centage of reduction granted on first,- claes tickets. The bill was read a first time. LIABILITY OF CONTRACTORS. Mr. McLeunan introduced a bill re- apectin the liability of the Government and puglic companies for the labor used in the construction of public works. MERCANTILE AGENCIES. Mr. Sproule introduced a. bill respect- ing detective corporations and mercantile agencies. the object of which is to bring such institutions under the surveillance of the law, first by having them depoxit a certain sum as' security against the commission of unjust acts, and secondly. by providing that no mercantile agency shall carry on business without being in- corporated. The bill was read a first time. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. CANADIAN WPYRIGHT. Mr. Foster. in answer to Mr. Edgar, said Her Majesty’s Government, had not. yet denounced the Berne Copyright Con- vention on behalf of Canada. as request- ed, neither had that Government given its assent to the issuing of a proclama. tion by the Canadian Government to bring into force the Canadian Copyright Act of 1889. Mr. Charlton. in introducing a bill to repeal the Electoral Franchise Act, said under the present system of revising the lists the greatest frauds and swindles could be perpetrated. The only restric- tion placcd on the Government was their sense . f h z.- r~not a -,r. ' t restriction. Last electxol. Mu! Non hezd or 138's two years old, and um . m- unde: twenty- three years of age La. boon al owed to vote. Why had the (mu-rm: « nt ohang~ ed the Franchise Act of 17, that f- r seventeen years gave the utmost satisf :- tion? It had only been accomplished after the bitterest fight in the history of the Gov- rhment, and the change had not been xx-ede in the interest of the pnblic._ Mr. Foster did not intend to follow the example of his hon. friend. and would not discuss even the principle of the bill. It was inadvisablefim thought. to enter-l into det ils of the bill because it was not yet before the House. CONTRACTORS AND ELECHONS. Mr. Edgar introduced a bill to amend the Act respecting frauds on the Gov rn- ment. He explained that the bill pro- vicL d severe penalties in the shape of fine and imprisonment and forfeiture of cox» tracts against any public contractor who directly or indirectly contributed in any way towards the election of any eandi date to Parliament or towards any elec- Ttion fund. Mr. O’Brien, in the absence of Mr. Mc- Carthy, introduced a. bill to amend the Dominion Elections Act. He explained that it proposed to make railway com- panies who carried voters to and from the polls guilty of corrupt. practices, and that any person aiding and abetting should be deemed guilty of the same offence. Mr. Taylor introduced a bill entitled. “An Act to Prevent the Importation and Immigration of Foreigners and Aliens under contract or agreement to perform labor in Canada." LIQUOR TRAFFIC COWSION. Mr. Foster, replying to Mr. Edgar, said the whole amount paid on account of expenses in connection with the Royal Commission on the liquor traflic, so far as advice had been received by the Fi- nance Department, was $89,376. There was a further expenditure. PURCHASE or smart. Mr. Montague, in reply to Mr. Rider, said the Dairy Commissioner accepted 915 packages of fresh made creamery butter from 18 creameries, and from five of the Government experimental dairy stations. for shipment to Great Britain on Government acc'zunt, to introduce and advertise the quality of fresh-made ‘creamery butter there, between the 12th 10! February and the 6th of April. 1895. ‘The particulars of the latest shipment ‘from Prince Edward Island have not yet been received. An advance of 20 cents per pound was paid. Payments had\ been made to each as per the sheet at! tached. Nine hundred and fifteen pack; ages of butter of fine quality in packages suitable for export were shi ped to Great Britain; 246 packages of utter which was of fine quality, but in packages not suitable for export, were, or are. ' soldin Montreal. What of it has been sold, and most of it has been sold, has realized more ., at‘the price advanced on it by the Wm _nt. v... av 'l â€"_v 'vmhr‘_" Two hundred hid twenty-four ck- ages which were received by the Commissioner in Montreal which were hotetrictly fineinquuityweremadebe- Home Jenuery, 15. The-e were taken IMPORTATION OF FOREIGNEBS. DOKINIOR ELMONS AC! . FRANCHISE ACT. $1.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE ARRY KENDALL will fit hues one vyhoie sight is defectige. Hiorbr’; full hue of glasses and is to be found a. [The Turner Drug Co's Swim, two door. out of Post oflioe. in: TURNER DRUG co. d656- Oompu-ing "I vith «ken also won't magi; ‘ flying I. Lost His Sight ! vmmti him become so on 13d: Jana. con necfian across the -vv- rv ,â€"â€" __, oonnectian vi $110 "0110001 tunnel across the Stu-sits of Nortyumba'lwdv but owing to the m hem; unaud- ly boisterous the cantata: dld not me. oc-e‘: in putting down one hole. THE CHARGE OF can-nu.” EEALE'IS' mum. Mnlqulor movedfor ' of dicot- ce between the Gov- ernment AM the Imparitl Wt. and the United States Sew ‘atuy of Sign. oonoern‘ the payment, to Cancun sealers of smugee resulting tofihqn from the illegal seizures 0! their shlpljn Beh- ring See by order of the American au- thorities. Sir chhnrd Cujtwright asked whet our p.l,l“_ reepondenoe was inpo'isesaion of the Gov- ernment regarding further demands for a reopening of this arbimfion WEBER 1813033002!» Mr. Iaurier and Mnl‘raser introduced Mr. Mchm, member-chat for Antigen. ish, who was received wifi apphmo from the Opposition benches. Mr. Montague, in newer tom. Eds-r. said the amount. paid to them of the Dommion voten‘ list: to Awil 16th. was 3148287. The probable mum re- quired to complete the peymente it review ing barristers was 612 .000, and the amount paid for printing, 635.166. hae- ticall y all the lists were printed. DAIRY movers. Mr Melannan moved the Home into commi‘teeto consider amolmdeehgr/ ingit expedient to inuodnee e bill to amend the Dairmeducm Act of m, and up leined that he dednd to pound. the Canadian cheeee indueuy by provid- ing for the branding of the cheeeecnd cases. Mr. McMullen (Huron) deemed it theo- lately necessary 11: the interested the chtese trade that the date of manufact- ure and the name of the factory should be branded on the “title. Mr. Taylor thought the resolution cow ered the ground fairly well. with the ex- ception that no provision was made for the inspect-non of cheese at. the hm- ries. That should be added to the resolu- tion before it left the committee. A penalty should also. he pmvided for hil- nre to brand the cheese. His experience led him to believe that no factory hund- ed cheese as that of September makeflm that. buyers purchased cheese during the months of J one, July. and August, end held it. until September, when they hand- ed it. as that month’s nuke. J EWISH mum Mr. Mania moved for copies of all our5 respondonce between the Department of the Interior and Mr. Schomncher, the Rev. T D.‘ Phillipsjifir. 1;): F Dug, Ccpt. .. , -_‘.â€". Holmes, the Can'ndian Pacific Btilny Company, and any other pet-Ions. unto the transportation of a number of Jew peddlcrs from Chimgp to (“slam the intention of setting the nuns upon {apps z_ma_ r Calgary. Mr. Daly in FepI'y noted In W pondenqe with Mr. quNioole pmcengt r agent. of the Candi“; ' .. Railway, and the Rev. T.D.Phi11ips 02 Chicago, in oxder to show thug the 1:3,. sons cmnplained of were 1300qu an honest and suitable clue of Bettina The majority of the settlers were men who had farmed in Dakota. and int)” Old Country. The whole mutter m on! an incident of immigration. y “0i hovn't. eaten mythin' 60-01. 11 marked Mr. Dolan, “but a. g)“. “infill: an‘ Oi drank thot." is _n_ot readyl 35"th Will W533?”- Maw-"Thaw a. little gm: recite ‘ w my To-nizht.‘ " “a“! Par-vent: Hostess (w-Mhle‘b . as wait? for theh Md ..;m‘of°!; 32:: part)“ tunes.w y c on De} Jamming: glass ?" y n“ £11m. amesâ€"‘ r’ mc’am, why. w He empties it as: {at u I fin ““th u ’ of music). “I’d rather yonw Nell “ Nay-3‘1 thought you mo in“ a. Robert (a his cousin pinhn Vigil?“ ling, music ?" We don’t see whnt fun than kissing a. girl out skating whencm-ha :- -AIA gain a tuner.” "Woman," said the can ' boarder, who is unmarried, of m ‘swomsn is the sweetest fruit“ chili, tion." “Y“!!! assented the CM! \ “ape does mtke sgmt imaging is cold: “Did any body insimnto that I'd! myself ?" inquired the New York m man. “I didn’t heu- thnt, " replied m. N “All that come to my ear WM gave yourself away.“ Cora-“What myougo' to < yogzbmhdeyj”. m M“ Bingoâ€"“Now tint yo the country, I should find it lonesome riding At - L‘Al_ H :Wiflberby â€"“Not at. 3:11, on m. :1 always huve a. servant gu-l nth my Winstonâ€"“VH1“ do poem when they say of n girl fling ‘qnaint 7”” k Wonstonâ€" ~“They mom alumni“ is chmtable not to express opinion of her.” She pathet- mu-onnd muck And for a «non Be disappeared (tom «(my sue. A: sun mre hid in «mm clan; Thou lovely man I w wondroul toad fin. Was in those monstrous alum“ that“ “The scenery for the WM _-t ml.)â€" \X'L-‘ “:11 _, Conâ€"“Wth us you ' to my birthday '1’” 8012; do Q Clarissaâ€"“Going to “he on m nplying to s 2.. 1- AL- -k Breezy :31“. No. 14}; memo.

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