EEO-rinscmehmnio constipation. seasons, we ï¬nd signs of encourage- ment and tokens of better return for ‘ the husbandman’s toil and the artisan’s skill than have met the view for some time and with that hope which “ Springs eternal in the human breast,†and that perseverance of our people, always making the best of every oppor- tunity, we may expect for the present year increased prosperity. The better feeling in business circles the upward tendency of all markets together with Captainâ€"T. B. McMahon. Committee-John Nattrass, Stanlay Car- veth and Walter Coombe. The club will meet. again at an early date to select. their uniform, but it is likely the team will a r on the ï¬eld with black “3-?â€wm‘2mmf†posed pro to arm a c com of Lindsay; II Peterboroug Hasti *Nonro'od And Millhrook, was favouragls’ spoken of, uni the seere‘hry you instruc to male the Peterborough team for inform» I on the‘mtter. fl'he annual organization meeting of the 111311me Lacrosse Club, was held on Wed. needs}; evening. It was the 1 eat most enthusiastic that has beeï¬gheldanig years. and the prospects for the comming season are exceptionally good. The follow- ing ofï¬cers were elected: Hon. President_â€"\_V. gr. Wood. year, and what is more hopeful the determination of our farmers and fruit growers to branch into those lines of ex- port that have been found more remun- erative and which the changing con- ditions of outside markets warrant, are the most. satisfactory and healthy evidences of better times. young country so much needs. The upward tendency of all grains, the ï¬rmer outlook for live stock, the greater activity in our various lines of manufacture, as compareq with last the, as yet, safe condition of the winter wheat. and clover, all point to those better times for which we have all been anxiously looking and which our The winter that has just left us has been one of unusual severity and con- sidering the exceedingly low prices of all farm products, the general stagna tion in every line of manufacture and industry we may certainly congratu- late ourselves, that so little has been heard of want and privation within our province and that our people as a whole have passed through the trying ordeal without any noticeable manifes- tations of reduced circumstances. Now as we emerge from our winter retreat and look around upon the sit- uation as compared with previous \Vith the disappearance of almost the last traces of winter and the arrival of those gentle harbingers of spring, the early showers, our thoughts again instinctively turn to the general outlook for the coming season, to the prospects for increased activity in all trade and business, as well as a more abundant yield from ï¬eld and orchard. Vinresidenbâ€"D. Hampton Sea-Treaaâ€"L. F. Claw- “Our Own Blend†of Black Tea at 500. ; Our Own Importation of Japan at. 25c. and Our Own Blend of Coffee, OUR SPECIALTIES ARE: Teas, Gofl’ees, Sugars, and General Groceris, Oil-cake and Herhagenm. OI’R LEADERS ARE: the millbrook Reporter. Groceries, Fleur, Feed, Breakfast Cereals, Crockery, Glassware, coal 0i], cattle Feed ()F r\LL KINDS. i We Lead, We N ever Follow. Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge. pain or gripe. Sold by all drum sanctions caused by poison audipoor blood. I always keep Hood’s Sarsaparilla in my house and use it when I need a topic. We also keep Hood‘s Pills on hand and than highly of them. ’ J. W. DYKEMAX, St. George. New Brunswick. flur Prices in all Lines are at the Bottom. Heaigh. The following letter is from a well-known men-1mm tailor of St. George. K. 3.: v c. 1. Hood Co., Lowell. Mass; " Gentlemenâ€" I am glad to say that Hood’s mparma and Hood's Pins have done me a great deal of good. I had a severe attack of the grip in the winter. and after getting over the (ever I did not seem to gather strength. and had no ambition. Hood‘s Sarsnparma. provedtobe just what I needed. The results were very satisfactory. and I recommend thig medicine to auwho are aniicted wnh rheumatism or other No Strength, No Ambition Hood’s Sarsapgrilï¬a Gave Perfect Hood’sWCures A man may haean honest heart, Thoth poortithe hourly stare him : A man may 1:31: a neebofs part, Yet, he nae cash to spare him. THE BETTER OUTLOOK. THURSDAY. APRIL 11. 1895. MILLBROOK LA CROSSL‘. J. A. VANCE. After the Grip Mr. J. W. Dykeman St George, New Brunswick. acts ! OUR LINES ARE @333 00., IItd.. Iozénté'. $2.50 per mum. Single numbers 25 com. by several writers} “ Th; Inter-colonial Railway,†b P. F. Cronin, and “ Laying a Submarine blc.†by F. A. Hamilton. ï¬ction includes “ An Original Retribution,†by Chnrlea Nelson Johnson; “ Likes Moun- tnin Pnth,†b Mnud L. Redford, and “Jean Stuart’s ‘ counter with Dongs! Mc- Tnviah,†by,Neil Burton. The Canadian Mycm'ge il_qul§h°il by the Ontario Pub- from E t an entertainin description of an Arab inner, at which e was a guest. John C. Werner writes from Japan a thrill. ing, if somewhat ludicrous, experience of being long buried under an avalanche in British Columbia. True to life, and very interesting is Margaret Rose’s description of Sacrament week amount the Highlanders around Lake Megantic. J. L. Huburd, of Virginia. a former slave owner, takes up the i cud els rigorously to defend the old order in‘ the nth, and Philip Lawdeshayne gives a. number of new anecdotes relating to the Old Country. The illustrated articles are, “A Yanbe in Halifax.†by Allan Eric; “ The Royal Military College _of Canada,†The March uumberof the Canadian Maga- zine is well illustrated and very varied in the subject matter of the excellent contribu- tions iven. Arthur Harvey’s “ The Wo- men’s ights Question in Romeâ€"195 B. C.†Illustrates the truth of the writer of Ecclesi- astes that “ there is nothing new under the sun.†lt ismost interestin reading. “The Politics of Jspun,†by C. . Long, formerly resident in Japan, gives a valuable glimpse of the practical working of political parties in that most interesting country. J. F. ‘ Morris Fawcett, of Newfoundland. deals trenchsntly with the sins of journalism in that colony. Rev. W. S. Blackstock writes from 135th an entertaining description of The people of Sprin eld will ï¬nd Mr. Allen a. gemal. scholar y, christian gentle- man in the higher deï¬nition of those terms, and they will also ï¬nd in him and his family delightful companionship. M r. Allen’s new ï¬eld of action is an allur- ing one. The city of Springï¬eld is one of the most pleasant and cultured in the West, Christ Memorial church is one of the ï¬nest in Illinois and the parish is altogether a. de- sireable one. The vestry hesitated to accept the resig- nation, and, together with the other mem- bers of the congregation, besought Mr. Allen to reconsider his action. ’1' he rector, however, upon mature deliberation, deter‘ mined not to change his purpose and for the second time tendered his resignation, which was acce ted Inst night. _ Mr. Allen and his family greatly re et leaving Sedalia, but not more‘so than t eir large number of friends in this city. For three years the rector of Calvary church has labored here and in the face of unexpected and almost insurmountable difï¬culties he has brought the parish to a point of more gratifying prosperity than it has enjoyed within the past four years. U Several days 0 the Rev. Alexander Allen of Calvin y piscopal church tendered his resignation to the vestry, he havin re- ceived an offer to become rector of rist Memorial church at Springï¬eld, 111., the capital of the state. lle wm Become Rector or Chris! Memorial Church In the (my of Springï¬eld. From the Sedalia Morning Gazette. The flee-eased was '28 years of age and had been with the Bank of Toronto since the the closinv of the doors of the Central Bank, he having been a member of the staff of that institution from its inception. He was an expert mathematician and had the reputa- tion of being one of the quickest men with ï¬gures in the city banks. He was unmar- rie'l and lived with his father, ex-Ald. Wallace Millichamp, at 592 Church street. No reason is assigned for the act. A close examination of the books shows that. every cent. which had passed through deceased’s hands had been accounted for. It issupposed that. he was suffering‘from melancholy. . The body was removed to deceased’s home on Sunday and the funeral will take place M3: 15 to-morrow afternoon. The Hody was removed to Yougs under- taking establishment, at 347 Yo g street, where Coroner Aikins opened an inquest in the evening, subsequently adjourning it until Wednesday evening at the Empress hotel. The tragedy occurred about half-past two. The bank closed at one and the 15 clerks were busily engaged at their books when one of them, Receiving Teller Hector Read, who was in the cage next to Millichamp, saw that youn man with a revolver at his head. Before ad could reach him Milli- champ had pulled the trig er and the bullet went straight through his end, killing him insgntlyt Toronto, April 6.â€"The paymg teller at the head ofï¬ce of the Bank of Toronto, Wellington and Church streets, C. Spencer Millichnmp, committed suicide at his desk Saggrday afternoon. Moved by R. Vance. seconded by I. Pres- ton, that. the reeves of Cnvan and Millbrook be elected honorary members of this associa- tion for this year. Carried. Resolved that this society accept. the offer of the Gavan society to amalgamate for ex- hibition purposes this year, after which a union meeting was held and resolved that the exhibition be held on Thursday and Friday. Oct. 3rd and 4rd, next, at. the new agricultnral Earl}! Millkrookh A special meeting of the dlrectors of the East Durham Agricultural Society was held in the town hall, Millbrook, on March 2131:, at wl‘nich the following resolutions were EAST DURHAM AGRICULTURAL SO- CIETY. Resolved ihat this society amal mate with the East Durham Agricultural bociety for exhibition purposes this year. Resolved that W. O’Brien, R. Walsh and W. 8. Picks? be a commiLte to have charge of the agric tuml park this season. Reached that. ting , society hold their annual fair on Monday y, May 6th at the new agricultural park, Millbrook. A special meeting of the directors of the Gavan Al cultural Society was held In the town h ,Millbrook, on March ‘llst, at which the following resolutions were pass_ed_: had waited upon a party and requested them to play and they partly consented, not knowing the facts of the case, but on second thought and learning the state of affairs, they did not appear on that Sunday as they did not wish to be brought into the faction ï¬ght as it were, for such is the state of affairs in the Presbyterian church at pre- sent. Then in regard to melodious voice: he should be the last to speak and as regards esteem, the family he abuses has a elem record which neither he nor his can claim, to come down to the paint and had he been at the saintly household as he calls it on the evening of the 5th he would have seen where the esteem was, but here we will leave him and his trusting that when he aspies for newspaper notoriety he will Ml: himself the question, Can I toe the markas regards the weepin and wailing and knashing of teeth? Tie community would only beto glad to see him and his get. Erevious letter “asufrom the lower depths or the reason of no signature being to the letter in question, but he has forgot the adage “Those who live in glasa houses should not throw stones.†He goes 011' on a tirade of abuse against a family who have lived here all their lives and against whom nothing can be said, and tho latchet of whose shoes the said writer is not worthy to lose and beforc he commences to abuse his neighbors he should look to see if his own record is clean. Now in regard to the choir and Sunday in question. he says the committee had not appointed an organist. I refute that statement. As the mouth- pieoe and recognized head of said committee We do not hold ourselves responsible (or opin- ions expressed by correspondents. BALL YD UFF. To the Editor of the Mmmnoox REPORTER. SIRâ€"In reading your paper last week my attention was drawn to a. communication from Ballydu the writer of which seemed a person of importance and by the tone of of his letter would pass as such on] every one knows him just the opposite. e com- meneee 13y stating that the writer_ of_a. Moved by R. Vance. seconded by I. Pres THE CAVADIAN MAGAZINE. Cd VAN AGRIC ULTURJL SOCIETY. HE WILL 60 1'0 ILLINOIS. COMMUNICATIONS. .1 IRAQI C ACT. BYSTANDER. Indigestign is stubborn but K. D O overcomes 1t- I can rove to you that I am doing better work and a prices 35 1' cent. below an other shop ~- g: the district. y a- 1 will not he undemold in any branch of the busmess and my workmanship is gunmnn- heed. Give me a. call. He can give you satisfaction. H0 is turning them out faster and cheaper than ever. He can give you a pair of Short-straw Collars for 84.50. Harness Oil M150.tper jnt. Coach Oil at 150. per int. VVhipso all 1nds and at All aflces. C_n l and see_his stpck of Club Valiscs. Do you want a Set of Harness this Spring? If so call on .v.-.. -â€".v-v--Vv w nu. umpumu u; mu: unuuc. Every person claiming to be entitled to rank on the estate as creditor is required to furnish to me particulars of his claim, veriï¬ed by am- dnvit and such vouchers as the nature of the case admits. H. M. McLAUGHLIN'.‘ R. J. McLAUGHLIN, Asmgncc. Solicitor for the Aguignco. . “Rated at Lindsay. this 2nd day of April. 4.9., A meeting of the creditors of the said Insol- vent will be held at the ofï¬ce of R. J. Mc' Laughlin, in the Town of Lindsay in the County of Victoria. on Tuesday the 16th day of April. 1895. at 2 o‘clock p.m.. for the appoint- ment of Inspectors and givin of directions with reference be tpe_dispe~1‘al o the estate. Harness. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT L VVillinm Irvine McGill, above named. did on the §econd day of A ril. A. D.. 1895. make an esslgnment to me or the beneï¬t of his credxtors under the revisions of an not respect- ing assignments an preferences by Insolvent persons. being Chap. 124 of the Revised Statutes of pntarip, 188:. _ , IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM IRVINE McGILL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MANVERS IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, MERCHANT, INSOLVENT- Fcln'm further conditions and particulars of sale “DD Yt DUMBLE 8: J OHVbTO‘I CHAS. STAPLETONI So can giiv’é‘ “‘66 ‘5' ï¬iï¬iï¬i 3:1 ‘ tï¬Ã©â€˜xï¬. ' fat-"1E8 vaeï¬ng Valises in great variety. About forty seven acres are cleared. and machinery can be run on about thirty acres. The farm is pretty well stumped and stoned. The soil is a clay loam. The farm is distant about ï¬ve miles from l’onty 001 P. 0.. and is watered by a. creek. The to lowing improve- ment are said to be on the property. viz; A frame dwelling house about 18x26 resting on pests, a frame stable 15x30. and a cattle s 10d TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent 0! purchase money down at, the time of sale. and the balance within twenty days thereafter. without interest. There will be_n reserved bid. _ The West Quarter of Lot Number SIX m the PIECE Concessmn of the Township ofManvers 1n the County of Durham, con- tamxng ï¬fty acres more or less- at the Morgan House in the Town of Pcterbor- ough on Saturday the 27th day of April, ’95 at the hour of. " p.m. in the afternoon, the following property namely: â€"- TNDER AND BY VIRTUF. OF THE .‘ Powers of sale contained in a certain mort '0. which will be )roduccd at. the time of at: 0, there will be sold y â€"IN THEâ€" Township 0f Manvers Valuable Farm Rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, ner- vous headache, nervous prOstration and diseases depending upon humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipcâ€" las, etc., all disappear before a fair treatment with Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills. They give a. healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and build up and renew the entire system. Sold by all dealers and post paid at 500. a. box or six boxes for $2.50 by address- ing the Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Do not be persuaded to take some substitute. There are very few of the older resi- dents of this section to whom the name of \Vhitmarsh is not familiar. E. H. VVhitmarsh, of Merrickville, was fOr thirty years a member of the council of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, and on four occasions ï¬lled the oï¬ice of warden of the counties. His son, Mr. George H. VVhitmarsh, to whom this article refers, is also well- known throughout the counties, and is the Merrickville correspondent of the Times. It is well-known to Mr. \Vhit- marsh’s friends that he has been a sufferer for many years from rheuma- tism, from the thraldon of which he has now fortunately been released. Mr. W'hitmarsh tells how this was brought about as follows: “For over twenty years previous to the winter of 1894 I was almost a continual sufferer from rheumatism, sometimes wholly incapacitated from doing any kind of work. After trying remedies of all kinds and descriptions without any beneï¬t, I at last came to the conclusion that a cure was impossible. In the fall of 1893 I was suffering untold pain and misery and could not rest day or . night. Several of my friends strongly urged me to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills and reluctantly, I confess, for I had lost faith in all medicine, I began to do so. To my surprise and great satisfaction I soon began to experience relief, and this feeling grew to one of positive assurance that the malady that has made life miserable for so many years was leaving me as I continued the treatment. By the time I had used nine boxes of Pink Pills not a twinge-of the rheumatism remained, but to make assurance doubly sure I continued the treatment until I had twelve boxes of pills. This was in January, 1894, since when I have not had the slightest trace of any rheuma- tic pain. I am satisfied beyond a doubt that Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills cured me, and I conï¬dently recommend them to all rheumatic sufferers.†' WWQWVMPUWUWGWW w‘v‘\vlâ€"â€"~UVWl-WFWWI‘VKW‘GM-l' ww- Audionecr. Dated at Pctcrborough. 2nd, April, 1895. 11-4 W. STAIN, Rheumatism "old the Port for Twenty Venn. Rest-tuna an Treatment and l-m'urts to Dhlodgc "â€"1111: Patient Thoroughly Discoumgrd. but Acllng on the Advim- of Friends. Made (me More Effort Whirl: “'ns frowned “'1": Sutton. From the Brockvillc Times. THE STORY OF A â€â€™ELL- KNO "'5' GRENYILLE (‘0 l'NTY MAX. PUBLIC AUCION AUCTION SALE A TWENTY YEARS’ SIEGE. IN REPAIRING Pctcrborough. _OF. Potérbbi‘dngh, . Vendor's Solicxtors. 11-2 Call and see the Newest styles in Photo- graphs. We keep a. full line of the latest and best styles of cards, and our prices are reasonable. . All work guaranteed. Satis- faction our specialty. â€" F. J. Garless, Has Bought out the Pho- tograghic Business of G. G. Green, Millbrook, and will be found at the old stand prepared to make any style of a Photo. PV/zo won [/26 Diploma of 1/20 West Dar/mm" Agrimllm'dl Society for Mo Best Collection of P/zo/igv'I'afl/zx, F. J. GARLESS :1 limo on hand some No.1, (1mm Seed Oats free {mm any ill!" . , also Silver Hulietl Buck \\ hc..t, pute. ()ulcx \nux (-mdcn and Field Seeds at once, bcfmu they rise in price. A. PAYN E. Now is your time to order Land Plaster. I have madv :n‘rmfrt-monts \\ iLh “one. of the largest sends men in Czumd l. for all kinds of l icld and Garden Seeds. Any person wanting any of the :me 0 seeds please cal] and leave your order at once before sold out. One good mare Cult, ti11'oo§:‘e12~s old will Lr1de for a "no.1 1.1ilking cmv. Also farm machines, Binders, an- ing Machines, l’on Harvesters, HOI‘SI' Rakes, Seeders and all nthcr kinds of machines, also Chums, \Yashing Mn. chines and \Vringoi‘s, also Land Plas- ter and Salt. Shingles which will he sold cheap for Czlsll. FOR CASH. Barley, ()nb‘, Buckwheat, Corn, Loans, llidos,’ lullnw, Eggs and Iron, and you can bu) fur cash Flour and Feed of all kinds, Seed grain of all kinds, Tinw: r0, Glassware, Cum] 0i], ') lbs. of good Tm fur $1. Look hem and 520 what you can sell at, 21 x\\lyb lefllï¬ii9§§¥§a¥§§§§§§fl§F nnvm I'm-man H “mm. rm n ' Box 52‘Cnrman. Hendcrecn 00.. 111., 'eb.2.L. ’04. I Dr. B. J. knxmm. Co. Dear Sim‘Plvasa pond mo one of your Home Banks nnd obllm‘. I hav‘ used n arc-at don! ofyout Kendall's Slum-In Lure \ ch gum] euccuns- it Is a. ‘ wond-crfu! nxvdichm X o hnd a mum that had i anth-eult anvln and mu berth-s cured her. 1 keep a bottle on hand an mo Limo. Yours truly, ems. Pom c. WALTER cams, MILLBROOK. We make thirteen «lifl'vront kinds, and handle every known slylc of Iron Pumps. Our Eureka for stock is nnsnrpasxml. ‘ Owns. 310., Apr. 3, ’92. Dr. B. J'. KESDALL ()0. V Dear Sin -1 have usnd mwml hotnm ox’ your “Kendall's Spnvln Cure" with much aunccas. I think It the best Llnixm-uf. I ever used. Mm: ro- movedone Curb. one lllmzd hmwin and killed two Bone ï¬lmvlnn. lluvo u‘vommcndor! in to several of my Incuda who are much pleased with matte it. n": “1!!!“ . p LD‘BJLRAY, P. 0.1mm. The aboyc cut represents the lust “'md- mill in the market. If you want to see one at work call on John Fullis, Richard l’allis. George Campbell, Hootun lirus., 13 (2011., L‘m‘un, Alex Hunter. KEEMLL’$ WWW-’5 33583. ' For Sale byjllibruiiflsï¬ts, or mldroe. Dr. B. J. I: 134"!)41 LL COZWPAJVI', Keep constantly on hand a. large and wellâ€"selected stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. Call and ex- amine Goods and Prices. PHOTOGRAPHER. Of Bowmanville, Gardiner Call on, or \vrnc Genoa In its effects my! never blisters. Read pr uol‘a below. - Goldesg Anvii FAEMEEï¬ E Business Change. 1.1111} )s. ENOSBURGH FALLS,- V12 5‘1ij (71" Till? beaten. All Letter Orders ï¬lled promptly. A DIAMOND RING, splendid value, at $4 50 A Beauty in TURQUOIS at $2.50. A Gent's ‘ï¬ALL GOLD †Collar Button, $1 Our reputation for Wedding Rings in thirty years cannot be This Week we Draw your Attention To a Few Good Bargains. 344 Water Street, l’VHTERP/BOOI; [10.13513 AND WAGON COI/Zz‘x’S, FLAGSBUzVT/NG, FTC. until the book is used. If you want BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS or STATIONERY, write for our prices. Always guaranteed the lowest. A. H. STRATTON CO. Our Books are Manufactured specially by the Ex- aminer Printing Co. Lt’d., tor the Peterboro’ Book- store. The Paper is exceptionally good and the Binding is guaranteed to last with ordinary care of} CW Y'mk, and sold by them all mm' the worlc undo bland only. It has [mun :wknowlmlgod tor years name best burning ()il in the world For sale in Millbrook by BUY YOUR Biank ’00ksgflfï¬ THE BEST ILLUMINATING OIL IN THE WORLD IL glws a brilliant, soft, stmuly light, no small, no smukc and no oxplosiom. This Oil is not merely :1 fancy ln'mul gum-n up by a. local dealt-r to boom mods but is a SPECIAL 01 L made by the Also on Saturday all day and evening we will give our best attention to out of town customers in order to display our sprin styles and our new im- portations of DRESS GO DS and CAPES and all the new spring fabrics. You are cordially invited to look through. McCLELLAND The Jeweller, Our Millinery Show Rooms Will be opened to dis- play the Neprpring Styles. As we import largely, and show everything new Worth copying as it ap- tpears, the ladies of Peterborough may expect to nd a very pretty stock to inspect as the styles are completely changed this season. 0nr Mantle and Dressmaking Departments are again in full swing All orders executed promptly. Everything made up in the latest approved styles. Nothing but ï¬rst class work turned out and charges moderate. TURNBULL’S. ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, RIARCIEI 2 7th and f3 E %th Millil’lQI‘y Opgning DayS Peterboro Bookstore ï¬WNiNGS, TENTS, Saiis, camping Goods. ALF. KIN GSCOTE, 51‘ 1X BI I )JX 178’; I ) OI L PRATT’S ASTRAL. 417 and 419§Gcorge Street, Petcrborough Mantle, Dressmaking and Tailoring. bcorgc and Simcoc Streets, I’ctcrborough 388 George Street, Peterborough. TURNBULL, â€"â€"I\IANUFACTURERJ.§OFâ€"â€" â€"AT THE éflfï¬ce Supplies W. S. PICKUP. Peterboro’, On’r. 91' this brand and this Of the marvelous success of Burdock Blood Bitters lies in its speciï¬c curative power ovenevery organ of the bod): The Liver, the Blood, the Bowels, the Stomach, the Kidneys, the Skin, the Bladder, in fact, all parts of the human system are regulated, puriï¬ed, and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine. Thus it CURES all diseases affecting these or other parts of the system, Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion, Bad Blood, Bi1i0usncss, Neatl- ache, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Obstinate Humors, Old Sores. Screl'ula. Rheumatism, Nervous or Gerural Debiiity, and all irregularities of 1h;- systcm, auscd by Bid Blood or dis- ordered action of the Stomach, Bowels. Liver or Kidneys. Thousands of testi- monials warrant the assertion that 13.13.13. is the BEST SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLD. . f George Street, We have our store ï¬lled will: tho ncwos and most fashionable that is to be luul in Ladics’, Children’s and Men's Furs, Ladies Mantlcs trimmed on shortcst nntico. SIGN OF THE LiFE 517.53 H:I~RSII. 373 George Street, Peterborough. Y ou2 baby dcserx cs 12) c“ Cuniagc The old one (tint is 1120 01:1 caniugc) is <11 1‘11! n and persists in 211nni12" crooked. If Line babv is a new 12am so 11111111 the 22102:: Jun: 12.22022 cuniune r-ommetc the 21121102. A neat, \\ ell appointed carriuge is (111 ovi- dencc of good taste. It is a credits 10 the family 141 relations. Do the {0's imam and u baby justice with a. new \"ehiclc. The more so that th new carrip'w. \\ 3m bouglu‘. from our“. coauh'm 'V: m“ ‘ (. amend. Dozens of styles. ’ “C '7» v good. Some Izmy and neat. some vzzxudsnm and styllsh. Thepriccs match. Allserviu able and durable. Sue our stock before placing my lmhy on when-ls. SEEM. Sï¬ï¬m‘iâ€˜ï¬ BABY UAREIAGâ€"ES I The handsomest styles we ever had in Millinery, :the biggest variety, the lowest price, new shapes, the newest trimmings. Milliners who know how to please you. Our selections of importâ€" ed Spring Dress Goods Fabrics, c.. eclipse eveFY' thing we have hitherto shown, and the exhibition will be a key-note to the value and volume of our stock throughout the store. T o inspect our magniï¬cent Dress Goods and Millinery display. We exhibit full ranges of the leading and most fashionable produc tions of French and Gerâ€" man manufacturersrwmed- ium and high-class. Also, the newest novelties in Dress Trimmings, Silks, Parasols, Umbrelias, c. Cabinetmakeré‘z{Inï¬crtaker It? Showrooms King-51. Millbrook. «OF NEW»â€" Spring Dress Goods TflOS. GELLGTT, Kee s on hand :1 larco flock of CO FINS. CASKI'I’I'S. and all kind“ 0‘ Undcrmkcn' Goods. cdmom. I'm-1m: Diningroom a'“d‘ulother kinds of F ‘niLurc. hand-mum at lowest prices. MILLINERY ! MILLS BROS. WE INVITE THE LADIES PERERBQRO EXPOSITION EU REQUIRE me: “u Peterboro. 424 George-st, druggism W ‘* ! "-"w.wcuuum V H 7 o . 'umora Before and After. “nth†$.mï¬: ï¬rmity. Insanity, CWNOIN Has been proscrlbed over 35â€â€œ cases; is the only WI. “4 E known. Ask drum for WW. How “an: I! he otters some worthless “did“ 11‘ met an. lncloso price In letter, and “mu â€MMâ€, man. Price. one packngg. 81: “I. “A “mm please. ctr will cure. Pawn“ to The In... “-me SIGN OF THE HORSE SHOE CEBBCE STREET. - PEBBORNGH So†in Millbroo': HS your measure. H. LeBRUNgégco. not costly. Leave designs, for Spring and Summer, 1895. Our Good Looking Spring Suits are Consisting of ovgr 200 pieces of the Newest Patterns W ' ‘ ’ gm'm‘w‘LTQZ“: ,, ,, ‘ WV 7%. wee-um... _,1 11-. 0’11“... m“ \ mâ€-.. â€ummPT-l! at? where .Jl o hers WI Crow Throat, Hearseness, ' 30m For ConMW'go Ind half mg; thoussï¬gaam ' ta on time. amen. For 3 Lame WWW on :00 um- SHILOH‘S BsygAm" ,,_ “1-. K'ï¬TSLamping done to Order. ‘ MISS MEL in HoniLon Work; exhibition. Is giving 3p thls week in Goods, such t. Bon’t 'ray TWEEDS CITY; = STORE, To 33(- t‘m Pyramids of Now on View in the Miss MELVILLE,_ ‘ Peferhorough, Fail now Messrs. J. A. V: nm on Saturday best, and chap: Millbrook. 'h ;‘ 200d mini! ing. 4 ’ â€"â€"Mr. “31* child have been ï¬shing in Port been laid 03‘ we! his hand. which state fully meow â€"Mr. Kingsa plwed staying: Rev. Mr. Joh Steele workei t1: i511 for Mr. .101; [ice on a lund -â€"Xow “1 reveals some rubbish and ance and the if they are r lelpx-ioe of again. those of u now be gating dime. streets last we Sound animals 01 hear of 019i!“ {id prim offered, _John Bea nephew of Jo visiting at Mr, last week. â€"Tlletegular court was heid I: quite a. lumber disposed if. a â€"L'pw:ux'. wt 50 acres up to prices and uyul (ix-:0. Soomm-x Arab like kit f< ing behind anxi â€"Mr. S. W. not be found at and the impre around the have: another trip 1 â€"Don’t {mm town hall on Fr the auspices uf they no suit; 20 mminem. intermd m for“ m (on. in ï¬g.- un Sahnias' a1 -Ml'. 53m. 3: ï¬rm (if caxï¬ngc' on businQ-ss. -â€"A special u 1‘3th 1)" the churdlon Sum; the sen-ice. made honor-dz} 1 41010000 can at. " 0 MM?“ c ‘ â€"â€")1iss Rich has been \‘iSitil for home Satur â€"Chopping 4 Octagon mm; shortest amines; â€"Th('re W11 Cricket Club c in the council â€"Some gm properties cal} GEO. SOOTXIER.‘ â€"Have yu baking powdn for 15¢. per ii been engagwi W. Strain. pecwd no pm â€"â€"Have 3w supplied by It â€"-Mr. D. (‘4‘ Vâ€"-We moth Port H01)“ ih u wnun' x. 79-? «Winter. Fol And Sc] Cb; m1 l ry our lion's Svr 11m will 1 At DHUI THURS eves 1- erndvk I’Y 0U TO PETER :lson have 1’1, zen 1b