\ Duh. i-ued uul collection- made It pail“ On moot hvonblo terms. 5. Dapon'ta myived and inure» alloved at highs! current. rites. onion:â€" uom. gm of King-st. 3.†mgw-Cnnadm Bank of Commerce. MR5 AXD OTHER GOOD mugs mental. Drafts issued on all pomw 1:: MN)“ United States at. lowest, rams. 7'†W101. 01 Sale and other 110th unpack}!- W- MWNGOD Real Estate. 1‘0 commis- wu- Exczxmasfxumo LAND 53m VEYURS. 0 mm T. B. COLLINS 6: C0. mun-00x. - - - 037“"). DENTIST. Special attention ngen to the ~ anon or. use Inwm 1ka M nous ban-01' the Mg.» exumuon‘o: mom. ‘uood worn guaranteed. “m be at. Bethany um mm mm am monthly: of mu month. Umomee ls: Monday and am “caucu- “I at each month. CHISHOLM 8: CHISHOLM 146 Bunmsn menu “ 1111103. ISSUE}: 01“ MAR than 1mm. I." IOPI,‘ - 051A BIO ONKY ,tolan 3t, spar cent. on gut edge â€atrium a; a, and 53 per cent. on loam murky. norms 1.03mi. borrowers. cmmuun. - ONTARIO. ' URRN‘S University, Kingston. Member or the Cones. or rnyflzumuu and Surgeons. mum-I: 'mb’ LmUv-w .- ““vv- â€"â€" -- ‘unnary Act. umce â€" oppome W 3m. Residence King st. WILL vial: Cavmvma Monday. Wednesday and “may or each weak uom 1 to 3pm manna†ormhwwkuomlwapm manna W's. I"! l’ rman'l'. ° II XIII") BARBISTER. Solicitor. Notary Public. 8L0. mvaw and. Lompanyjunus Lot on at the loans; rules. ()ch m w M or. lieu.“ mock. MK. - - - ONTARIGL LL WMESTICATL'U ANIMLS TREAT- ed mm; m latest wenunc memons. New: nuanuou “wan to Mame Deuuuu’y. mu mount... nouuence and omen m; I» 099005 M Wen-turn bank. AMUSTER. Attorney at. Law. Solicitor, ow. Money no man on we uecunu 01 run came. ‘1 own nun r‘anu Frown-Ly [or .810. mucous unmw Noun. w uwu unset. JAS. SEAGER, M.D., GM. (succmux To DR. mixture.) 3 "STIMI. - - osrmo. TTRL‘SITY UNIVERSITY. MEMBER 01“ the college 0: rnyucians and. bin-goons, I hula-n V‘l‘ORONI‘O And. Victoria Universities. Li- mums noun conese aux-sums. Eam- burgn, Jumber Lounge rm alumna and. mu- seum. (mu-no. 0mm: M. A. man sums atom. Iwuebcc 4mm: and. N. c. MeKlNN ON, M.D., CE. uv ct we elcomo. JAS. D. DEYELL, V.S. OYAL CAVAN LODGEâ€"CANADIAN OR- L DER 0F UDD_l"ELLOWb‘. meets the “In! Tuosgay evenmg 9! each month in tho Home unto mount Lin «L. Millbrookâ€" ho“ . . .. -..., nda in each month in their :30!" ov-r Leach‘s (lynx store. Stunner: ml. m ‘ COURT IVANHOE \ L LAPP, B.A.,’iiï¬).c. BANNEY INKES, 'Aï¬lup‘IER. SOLICHOR. AOTARY PCB- nc. kilo money to Luau. V I i “$333 3155113399. 2 62 1-1. EILESLIE. EIEIE 5 CCC. HUMâ€"uh: Cm. Ebï¬m £055. .KEcnccw. C5 u «- scueuu wills nu: my“, - g colle'cting and discounting F8!- sNoteu for my time dunng 0 be had in town. CASHIRE 8; ‘SCOTTi K . «mm mm: we can supply ~ w choicest cuts t {pd Kells, ‘BANKERS: v; J. GREEN, ROBERT RUDDY, from a lu-ge number of citi- r°°k ‘0 “Kain enter in the Byte!» We hu- an [Mimi-5.03 1'0 DR. RIDDIQE) ggugml Bgnking business in- _ T.“â€" BARKISTEKS. DR. A. A. SMITH, BANKERS. twain mam “M“ "I "e month in we; mam s R- E STANT0§ KYO DUNS. hn -.Sec Scenarr. Pxomssws AL. “brook Lodg. N0. ’ INDEPENDENT PLACE TO BUY N0. 327. 1.0. r \\'. “v" ONTARIO. LDS. 051All0 ; â€"- ... mu. Mung“; We]. 0NTAKIO. 0TARIO â€AIAKMD Ontario. I Come and see 0111‘ “(Wk before purchasing elsewhere. ' Bran New shades, Stnes and Patterns in Suitings, Overcoatings, Trowserings. N0 OLD STOCK. Emu-thing bran new and fresh from the mills. Don’t forget the placeâ€" PETE SIMONS 8: CO. - 416 George St. W38 nice in Gent's Fmiuhingg dwayu in stock. Pete will be happy W have his old friends and cu:t;mcrs call on him and leave their orders for their FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS. BELOW AI!!! 30"}: 0F Ills IEADEBS : 1N WOOD COOK. “The Dixon Steel Cook." (the best on the market. every stove guamn feed to be perfect. baker). “ The Souvenir Cook." “ The 5L. James Cook,‘ "1 he Urigmal Cook," “The Maple Cook." “ The Oxford Cook.†IN COAL RANGES. {j The Souvenir Ranze.†(the best. Coal Rangein the country). “The bmwart Coal Range: “The Oxford Coal Range." 1N COAL BASE BURNERS. “The Stewart Art Sultana." “The Oxford Art Countess, both powerful double healer- and perfect bakersâ€" AND A FULL LINE OF HOUSEFURNIS‘KirIBLaS IN TABLE CUTLERY AND GRANITE .\ .. Best Brands of AMERICAN and CANADIAN COAL. on. by the Gallon or Barrel. 4-07 George Street. Petepbovough. Coal and Wood Cook Stoves ALSO COAL AND WOOD HEATING STOVES V, rV___V. Great reduction in B. Laurance spéctacles. Best quality. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATI'ENDED TO r Having removed to the above commodious stand and put. in a fresh stock I am now better prepared than ever to accommodate my old customers and all new ones, who will favor me with a. call. Special value in Stem-Wind Watches from $2.99 up. Complete line of Silverware at. hard time prices. Old Post Office Building. W. s. GIVEN, .- v -"* â€""'-r' '- 1'"" death. Loans granted on policies at low interest. No extra charge for insuring lives of women and children. W. M. RAM§AY, “'7 A “Y "(N ""‘Ymâ€"‘ CHARLES HUNTER. Chief Agent, Ontario. ACCUMULATED FUNDS - $89,000,000 INVESTMENTS IN CANADA $10,000,000 ISSUES FREE POLICIES. Immediate payment on receipt of proof of J-_LI_ PETE SEMONS COMPANY, “STANDARD †The CANADA LIFE Assurante Cu. ASSETS OVER $14,000,000. Ofï¬ze and Yard at Railway Station. Mnlbmok, March 23. 1895. X Shingle. a good Shingle XX Shingle, Uedar “ Coarse Pine Lumber . GREY LAND PLASTER. the best on the market, without doubt. also GREY AND WHITE LIME. Please call and inspect before placing your orders. I am bound to sell. Dimension stuff out to order, price away down. Material de- livered any where in town or country when required. Yours truly, Everything else at the same ratio of proï¬ts. I have also This is not an auction sale, nor yet a sheriff’s sale, but, a gen uine low priced CLEARING OUT SALE in order to meet the demands of the times, and of the budding public. I quote a few prices. that you may know how things are going. I offer a good 3. Because it. has a. larger surï¬lus' above all liabilities than all the other Canadian Companies together. 4. Because the net Proï¬ts paid on its Life policies during the last 20 years are not. equalled by any other Company in America. J. DOAK, Agent, Millbrook. GEO. A. and E_._W. cog, 1. Because it is the oldest, largest, most popular and economical and gives the best results for the least money. 2. Because in 1893 it increased its assets by $1,236,513â€"a Bum exceeding the increase of any other two Canadian Companies, and more than double of any one compnny._ 416 George Stu Opposite the wininer Book Store. 1895 LEADS 6E7 GANADIAN. GOMPANIES. Life}. Assurance Co. REMOVED HAS NOW ON HAND HIS FALL AN D WINTER STOCK 0F LAND SALT, $5.75 PER TON. ADAM HALL Ageht, Millbrook. ESTABLISHED 1825. WW“ ' J. STEELE, WHY IT LEADS ! FALL AND WINTER ESTABLISHED 1847'. / E % ///.// g , ////w./., J. J. HAN RATTY, Managers Eistern Ontario, Toronto Building Material OF DISTRICT INSPECTOR. PETERBORO J. L. IRWIN, ‘. Thexton. 01d, Pout Office Stand for $1.00 per M. “ $1.25 “ “ $6.01? “ Manager Port Hope. 1895 AND EAST DURHAM ADVOCATE. Some ï¬ne specimens of Indian jew are s'howp, aspecially in bracelets. uliar detail is ten heavy tubular forms, e execresoences with colored opaque stones sunk in the ends. Drapery pins} of long, irre ular loops of gold, set at Intervals wit diamonds, have been introduced. These were ï¬rst seen in solid diamonds. It is an especial- ly graceful shape. An interesting star was recently seen. It had a. half dozen long rays of emernlds. Between them on two ditferent places were single diamonds in ï¬ve point star settings. Aslender jug of beaten silver with a gun, gamebag and game around its neck 18 a. recent trophy that is more artistic than trophies usually are. White ostrich feathers for the hair have light loops of diamonds up the stems and sparkling among the ï¬la- meats. The dragmn fly in jewels seems to be having a brief hour, likewise that August. gangster, the grasshopper. . A new adjustable diamond ornaméht is a. lung vine of diamonds with buds of pink coral. Diamond ornaments to twist around the knot. are a. varhtion of the tiara. No matter whether he is eloquent or not, the man who lives right will be lis- toned t , with interest by somebody every time he stands to speak in church. If we would but stop looking toward the wrung place we would be more a t stay in the right one. p to It somvtimes happens that whe tb devil goes to church he vmlks therenwitl: the p‘reacher. The man whn seeks ï¬rst the king dom (-fGod gets everything that God seesis good for him. Gnd has a way of making even the mia- takes of His chilc ren help along the muse they love. Some p 'oplo bane to stay poor becapse they will not. believe it, 15 blessed to give. There is no promise in the Biblo that the man shall have bread who W111 not work. Culds are frequently caused by putting on cold clothing or wraps. Never do this when itcan be avoided, but let them hang before the ï¬re for some time before want,- Mr. Greely says that the solution of the question whether woman is eq ual to man depen' a up n who the woman is and who the man is. Nothing is male in vain. Scientists console us with the information that cold waves, stexilizing the air, kill grip The peasants of Russia are said to be in a. more pitiable state of destitution than at any time since their emancipa. cion. Why are women the biggest thieves in existence ? Because they steel their pet- ticoate, hone their stays, crib their babies and hook their eyes. MILLBROOK. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIE There's a. man who keeps a. list. of all the banks in the country, so as to be able to say that he keeps a. bank aowunt. Horses and cattle in Australia are branded by electricity. An electrical brand is safe and artistic. In India. the native mill shave you while asleep without awakening you, so light is his touch. A little California boy said Adun and Eve “were stampeded off the ranch†for eating the apple. When the 0d man dies the bears are shed whioh e in life prevented from flowing. Nobody can help noticing the short- comings of the man whu is always behind time. The coinage of th nty cent. picc s. Legun in 1875, and was discontinued in 1878. The best brand of snufl for weak lung‘s i3_fresh air. Australia is about. the size of the Un- ited States. While there is no great change in the buriucaa situation at. Montreal, indica- tions are not lacking in some lines of a, probable Improvement though such im- provement may not be very marked. Groceries show a. slightly increased die- tribucion, and further gain in activity will likely follow, as the opening of nam- 5ation approaches. Sugars have moved out. quite freely, and reï¬ners seem less disposed to maka- conceesiuns on pricesg Sunny. spring-like weather has helped: dry goods retailers, and Sorting orders from city and country are coming in rather beter. Heavy hardwaae undl met 1.18 show no improvement whatever, he demand does not. p ck up at. all. and there does not seem to be any stop to the downward tendency in values. Our. nails are now freely offered at $1.90, and Cana- dian bars at $1.55 in ordinary. l There is no decided change in the com- mercial situation at Toronto. The im- proveuunt lately noted has been main- named, and business cannot be called active. Travelers areout on ao:ting up trip in dry goods, and in some instancea orders for lull goods are bait-g taken. Merchants still adhere to the cautious policy previously noted, and are not“ stocking up With goods. The good re} suite 0: economy as pm-ticed by the [aiming community are apparent. The.) are not. going into debt, and are meeting Lheir current obligations. '] he numbv r o! lailuree rhuw a. decrease, and the out- look genermly for business is encourag- ing. Prices of the leading staples are There were 42 failures in the Dominion last week as against 83 the week before, and 30 the corresponding week of a. year ago. Ontario had 18, of which 13 had the lowest credit or blank rating. Of the 17 in Quebec none of them were of any commercial importance, and only one had a rating as high as $5,000. Nova. Seotia. had 3. New Brunswick and Britr ish Comm via two each. N one were re- cuzdcd in Prince Edward Island orI Manitoba. The security market is less active, with a. decline in the prices of a number of issues. The advance had been too rapid. and holders took their proï¬ts in many The gross earnings of the Canadian Paciï¬c (or the week ended Math 21 were $269,909.31. decrease of $fl6.000 as com- pared with the corresponding weekroflrdrsrt The offerings of oats at Ontario points have greatly increased the past week, and prices are 1 to 1§ cents lower. Blast. From the Bam'l Horn. Week’s Commercial Summary. The Jeweler. Here and There. 'XXX The suï¬erers by an accident on the In- farcolonial, near Levis, Que., four yam The oldest citizen of Penetang died lately, a Frenchman named Hyacinthe Lalonde, aged ninety-nine years and 31: months. The old gentleman was never sick mu three days before he did. ‘ ' John O‘Shea, I. professional swimmer, died at Kingston, aged sixty-ï¬ve years. During his his he saved about. one hund- red persons from drowning, besides re- covering many bodies. Some mischievous boys in a London suburb have been arrested, soundly lec- tured and ï¬ned for throwing short tacks on a. highway frequented by bicycle riders, their object being to see the wheel~ men come to grief as the result of punc- tured tires. The United States have permitted Gan- ada to export: cattle from Portland, Maine, without undergoing any quarantine. All that is needed 18 a. clean bill of health a. Montreal. ‘ Immense ï¬elds of petroleum have bevn discovered seventy miles In rth of Fort Saskatchewan, and the Dominion Govern- ment has promised to assist in their de- velopment. At Stratford, James Shean, of Logan township, was found guilty of stealing some ï¬lty sheep from Whyte . Sons, and sentenced to ï¬ve years in penien- The Manitoba Legislature has adjourn- ed till May 9. in order to give the Gov- ernment time to consider its policy on tl_1_e question of the Ottawa. ordgr-ixgyCoun- Th~ re has been a. heavy {all in Britix-h imforts from Canada. during the month of ‘ebmary; 2.5 compared with the cor- responding m- nth of last year. Three or {my men and a. dozen girls were compel. ed to jump out of a. second- storey winuo“ in a burning tailor shop at Orillia. to eunpo sufl‘oca'ion by smoke. A vudicb u! $1,200 was recently iven against the tuwnship of Yarmou tor damages sustained by J. Ferguson, owing to the road being out. of repair. J. M. Dykea, uf Wardsville, Canada‘s champion ch‘ cker p‘ayer, purposes mak- ing a proIL-rsiuual tour through the Soutlxenu States this summer. Mrs. Elizabeth Green, the white wife of Isaac Green, Indian, of Shannonville, has been found guilty of attempting to burn hd‘ husband in his bed. The Canadian Paciï¬c, Grand Trunk, and Interwionial railways have reduced heights on all classes of merchandise. The reduction began April 1. Half a million dollars is to be expend- ed on the construction of the Ottawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound Railway this commg summer. At a. meeting of the Ruri-Decanal Chapter last week, the Rev. J. A. Hanna, of deland, was elected rural dean of East. Simcoe. A horse from Eramosa. is the model used in New York for the equestrian statue of Gen rel bherman, now being built there. It. was expected that the new Saul: Ste‘ Marie canal will be opened in about. a. week after the commencement of navi- gation. Londun's assessment, on which will be struck the rate for the year, is $15,182,- 340, alter allowing 85U4,950 for exemp- tions. A by-ln.w is before the Muskoka town- ship council to exempt creamexies and cheese factories from taution for ten years. It in cm clad Midland will sron have a. dry dock large enough to ma mmodate the Largest. vessel on the lakes. A Brantford mun 1.;j11st receivoo $1,200 lot a cark 11d of old rubbers “Lich he shipped to a manulucture: . A stock company has been formed 1n Goderich to erect a. ï¬rst-class curling- and skating rink. An immigrant lad, George Hart. liv- ing near Chatham. has Ialleu heir to $10,0001n England. Trade reports unite in saying prospects are improvmg. and prices are hxgher for many lines o: goods. Mr. C. A. Mallory, grand president of the Patrons of Industry. has been left. a legacy of $40,0UU. There are 185 munici alities in the Provmce of Ontano m w ich no liquor hcenses are xssued. There “are only 97 liquor licenses granted in Bruce county last year, as against. 18‘) in 1894. More ranch h 9.1 u ill be exporud this year from Max.i;-..Lm to England than be- xonu 'l‘helast. Assiza.‘ ht Windsor occupied just 15 minnt, s ; H vre Wc to no (manual The stre.ts and business laces in Beacon will shm‘téy be light by elec- trioity. The Sarniu Tux"! Club will hold a, th days’ race moat about, the 24th of May. E. H. V\ ilmot Lets given the city of Fndericbon. N .L‘ . 15 acres for a psrk. An Ancestcr epimter made her will by wrimng it. on cw“ si 'es of a. slate. ’l'he Nurth mum-e Tedchers‘ Associa‘ tion will more in “Late April 10th. Midland Tovn C. unci] will build a new ï¬xehall nml Cot uciJ chamber. Large shipments of wood are being made from l'helpsun this winter. 'lhe Guelph waterworks is the best paying investment that city has. The C.P.R. shvps at. Carlton Place are again running on full time. Collingwood ms many men working in the bugs building busineas. Parry Sound complains of its inefï¬- cient mail service. A new and large planing mill is in operation at. Sudbury. The 'i hompron memorial fund now amounts to $31,000. v .7 ____°-.-.-- w .â€" full bla. k. A carpet factory is to be established at GlencM. Eiectrie can will be running in Berlin by May 3k). The revised list for Nipiseing contains 7,( 6U names. Gnlt is to have a. local Christian Aid Society. The Galt Y.M4C.A. has of ï¬fty. a. membership iLATEST CANADIAN NEWS Stratford has a. Humane Society. Elora. has a new Board of Trade. Aurora. has a successful ady dentist. Midland has recognized its Y.M.C.A. Brautfoxd's city anessment is 17 mills. Carleton Place has a ladies’ hockey club. Hillside will sown have a. cheese {ao- tory. Arranged and Condensed For Our Busy Readers. Each Province Furnishing It: Quotu 0! Interesting Items. Paris is talking uf organizing a. A new foundry at Orangeville is in DOINGS OF THE WEEK. The mole is an excellent civil engineer. He always secures his own safety by hav- ing several entrances to his dwelling. The three feathers of the Prince of Wales have been prominently used in handles of large bonbon and berry ser- vices of silver and silver gilt. This is probably due to the royal wedding. A small village in the Indian Territory is named Chickm-Chockie, it 18 said, after the twin children of a Chickasaw hus- band and a. Choctaw wife. Mistressus of well-ordered households who are the victims 0: incompetent and impertiuent pleasure-loving girls who abuse their goodmss. have otten not a notion of the very real hardships en- dured'by young servants at the hands of mistresses who do not know themselves, .and, therefore, cannot train others, or ‘even discern between good and bad ser- vice, who perhaps are full of toil and worries of their own and forget that their servants have any right to interests out- side of their daily work, writes Lady Aberdeen in an article under the heading “The Burniï¬g Question of Domestic Service, and an Endeavor to Solve It," in the April Ladies‘ Home Journal. Many a. bad servant and bad woman has been manufactured by such a mistress. Much depends on the ï¬rst place. It is there where a. girl learns to estimate the worth put on her serviceâ€"and if she be then trained to realize the importance of her duties, if she is sure of a word of encour- agement when she has done well, as Wt 11 as the word of reproof in the contrary case, and if she can rely on her mistress’ kindly interest in her life. and outside occupations and pleasures. the probabili- ty is that all will be well and that one more self-respecting servant will have been added to the select number who bless the homes in which they minister. “Canal Street on Saturday Night." "Wordsworth and the Lake School of Poetry.†"The LIIId. Congress." “Rights of Motorulen †Farmer Oatcake gave it up after a ‘ hile, and laid down the. paper, saying, with a, sigh ; “Laws sakes, Mandy ! 1 do believe that. the Gosp -1 and the Scheme of Sglvation have gone clear out. of {as}.- Farmer Oatcake, who, with his good wife. Mandy, is on a brief visit to a daughter-iu-law in Butl‘alo. looked over the newspapers on Saturdsyin an en- deavor to ï¬nd a. clinch service on the following day which he might attend with hope of securing spiritual satisfac- tion. He soon gleaned lhat the follow- ing Scriptural subjects would be discussed from various city pulpits 2 "Is the Trilby Craze Dying Out '1’" ' ‘Fitzsimmcns v. Corbett." “How the Pastor Spends His Vacs-- tion.†‘ Should Oku' Daughurs Marry Foreign Nublemcn P" For people to s'iy there is no cure for con- suu' ptiun. Sunvrers from that dread disease and kindred ailments are being saved every day by Miller‘s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. Do not die without giv- ing it a. fair trial. II it will cure others it will cure you. The secret of its success lies in the fact that it creates new blood in the system, thus enabling sufferers from lung troubles to overcome the de- structive forces at work to waste the tis- sues of the body. Miller’s Emulsion is the great strengthenor and blood maker, and cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, scrofula. and all lung aï¬'ections. In big bottles, 50c and 3!, at all drug stores. Good to Remember. 7 Brown paper should be used in putting away ribbons and silks for preservation; the chloride of lime in white paper dis- culors them. A v hite satin dress should be pinned up in Hue paper, with brown paper outside. sewn together at the edges. The great demand for a. pleasant, safe and relzable antidote for all affections of the throat and lungs is fully met with in Bickle‘s Anti-Consumptive Syrup. It 13 a purely vegetable compound, and acts promptly and magically in subduing all coughs, colds, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, etc. It is so palatable that a child will not refuse it, and it is put at a price that Will not exclude the poor from its beneï¬ts. tho Vanderbiii ï¬ght}; 'lhe Cuna la Southern Railway Com- pany intends to apply to Parliament at the coming session for an act to enable it to acquire, lease, amalgamate or enter in- to other urmngunents with the Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Co. and to conï¬rm any agreements which may be entered into in that behalf. This will nuke the T. H. B. an integral but of m ‘A W enquiry wux n1ade,is creating a great deal of indignation in Montreal, and a. petition win shortly be circulated for Signatures praying {or Executive clem- envy. “High Sle ves and Theater Hats." "The G011 Brick Saloon." The hasty trial at Stratford of Chatuelle the murderer of Jessie Keith, M ho was undegeuded. and int) whosq snmty no A dospatch from Regina, N .“’.T., says that the Courthouse building, containing all the records of the Noxthwest, Terri~ torics, was tutany estroycd by ï¬re there (21 Sunday night. The valuaole Govern- ment and judges‘ libraries are a (wmplcte loss, and cannot be replaced. '1 he loss on the building is 830.000. At the last meeting of the Ontario Fish and Game Commisswn it was decided to make the deer season the same as it was in 189 ‘â€" from the lst to the 15th of No- vember. It was also decided to offer a bounty of 50 cents a head for foxes, be- cause of the damage they inflict on farm- ers' poultry. The latest way of paying of a church debt is reported from b‘tratford, where the congregation pays the annual insurance premium on an old men, and at. his death the amount of his insurance will be used in paying off the church debt. The land ofliccs of the C.P.R. company at Winnipeg are crowded daily with in- tending settlers in Manitoba. and the Northwest. The pressure is so great that the company will open a branch ofï¬ce at Calgary. George Donald town lino W atl'urd, has struck an oil well from which he pumps every three hours one barrel, or eight barrels a day. He has been offered #10, 000 lot the IOU acrcswith the well on. but declined. At the '.' innipeg Trades and Labor convention prohibition was rejected as a plank in the platform of the labor party, and a memorial adopted opposing Gen- eral Booth‘s colonization scheme. A man in Barrie was sent to jail for two months for scxlding his wife with a pot of hot tea, while a. woman in Hamilton got two years and a. half in the peniten- tiary for passing a. bogus 25 cent piece Complete returns from all available sources in r gard. to the suffering in St. John, Nï¬d.. show 50 per cent. of the en- tire population of the city to be either to- oeiving or in need of assistance. Lady Aberdexn on Servant» ago,_ have been granted 812,000 by an or- der 1n council. Thirty-seven claimants will divide the grant. 11, 1895. The Modern Pulpit. It’s All Nonsense %. an integral part of Mr. Dryden'e bill to make further pro- vision respecting fwtoriee makes a num- ber of amendments to the Factories Act, providing for additional ï¬re protection, the reporting of accidents to the Minister of Agriculture, protecting machinery while in motion, and for the appointment of a female inspector. Thur-any. _Tiie House went into committee on Mr. The House went into committee on M Hudy‘t‘bm meeting furor: and Etna. Mr. MSW to ldd an man Sir Oliver Mowet'us bill respectin the relations of landlord and tenant e. owe the removal of tenants’ ï¬xtures at the end of the term, and amends the Short Form of Laws Act, and several other particulars. It restricts the lien of the landlord for rent after an assignment has been made to arrears of one year previous to and for three months following the as. signment. Mr. Hal-court’s act to make further pro vision for the public health relates to the constitution 02 local Boards of Health. the establishment of water works systems or sewerage oystams. to be subject. to the approval of the Provincial Board of Health. and to prevent the feeding of blood or meat of dead animals which have not been previously boiled or steam- ed when fresh to hogs. . (ï¬n ru- ., Mr. Willoughby’s bill introduced to day proposes *0 amend the Ontario Game Protection Act, 1393, by nepealing the subsection limiting the number of duds that may be killed in any one season by one person to four hundred, and by pro- viding that no person shall be hable for shootmg game upon the' lands of other persons unless he knows. or has goodree- son to believe, that such game is pre- --__A .1 There is said to be a law in Massachu- setts making it an offense to give away an object or thing as an inducement to purchase other things; for example, to give away a picture with every certain amount of other things purchased. There was once a law which made it an oï¬â€˜ense for a man to kiss his wife on Sunday, but was strangely silent about kissing some other man’s wife. Many a man still liv- ing can remember when it was not per- missible to open the theaters in Boston on Saturday evenings, and there was a law to punish any dissipated individual found smoking t n the street. Some of these fantastic old freaks, have been done away v. ith, but there are some communi- ties which, like some individuals, require quite an unconscionable time to get wide iwake. Miss Jane Adams, of Hull House, Chi- cago, will probably be appointed to take charge of the street-cleaning of the 19th Ward, in which Hull House is situated. The appointment of women to this kind of municipal work is a noticeable ten- dency. It will be very interesting to observe the success which they meet. The odds are that they will give business administration. The most popular man in a western town once got into a diï¬iculty with al disreputable tough, who was the terror of‘ the place, and whipped him in a manner eminently satisfactory to the entire com- munity. It was necessary to vindicate the majesty of the law, however, and the ollender was brought up for trial ( n a charge of as- ault with intent to kill. The jury took the case, and were out about two minutes when they returne l. " .\'e I,†said the jud e, in a familiar, ofl-hand way, “what oes the jury have to say ?†“May it please the court,†replied the foreman; "we, the jury ï¬nd that the prisoner is not guilty of hitt-n’ with in- tent to kill, but simply to paralyze. and he done it." The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has decid =1 that the street railway act gave. .m- <ht of eminent domain, and that, as the trolley lines in Philadelphia. are incorporated under that act, they have no power to construct their roads where the taking of property is incident or necessary to it without the consent of the property owners. The annual report to the stockholders of the American Bell Telephone Com- pany, at their annual meeting in Boston, on Tuesday, stated that there are now 582,506 instruments under mental and 867 exchanged, 0f 396,674 miles of wire in operation.‘148,225 miles are underground. The investment in telephone property in the United States amounts to $77,500,000. ‘ Henry L. Haupt, president of the Mon- tana. Mining, hon and Investment Com- pany. is on trial in the United States Court at Butte, Mom, on the charge of sending non~mai1able matter through the postoflme. The company is alleged to be a. swindling scheme, which claims to have a paid-up capital of 812,000,000, but as- sets valued at but 42,000. Five masked men held up 8. Florence (it. Cri ple Creek train near Victor, 001.. and rob )cd several passengers of watches and money. Sheriff Bowers had a. bloodhound put on the robbers’ trail, and it led to a. cabin occupied by a, former deputy sher- i1! and deputy United States marshal. who was identiï¬ed by trainmen as one of the robbers. EIGHTH LEGISLATURE. A partial report of the experts appointâ€" ed by the court to examine into the a!- fairs of the Whisky Trust was made pub- lic in Chicago. It “shows a. discrepancy of 81 924.1243 and an effort to hide it by erasures on the books of the company.†John McI‘Iulta Has been continued by Judge Grosscup as sole roceivcr. Apropos of some of the twaddle daily cabled across the Atlantic, the New York World says : “The Queen Regent of Spain need have no hesxtetion in woept~ mg the assurance that this country is de- lighted to iearn that she has fully recov- eted from the measles. Furthermore, we are as a nation-deepiy pained at the swelling in Senor Murdaga‘s cheek." At Aiken, 8.0., Demo laborers have been driven away by a. white mob. It is a. goodly sxght to see the Southern white man so eager to work, but who knows that he would be eager if there were not a. chance to spite a negro ? vim ... any ‘nvuwll vvuw, 5111.105, 13 dad of jungle fever. His associate Thowus Gowans. of Toronto, also died recently. sou Rim-r and luild two ï¬ne passenger steamers costing $1,500,0W, to run in hanony with the New York Central Railroad.- Thomas Kent, the young Buflalonian who went as an independent missionary to Kano, 1'11 1:139 {-Iousa Sggpe, Afrion, Isl A company has b an formed to absorb the Bepple's line of steamers on the Hud- The Boston fund hr the relief of the destitute in Newfoundland now amounts to about. $12,000. The Commercial Bank of Cincinnati, has suspended paymentâ€"temporarily, it is said. closed its doors: ft in; 7313;317:563? 52:: 700,000. The United State- Flu'nuhola Number of Item- that will be Found Inter- olting Reading. WHAT UNCLE SAM IS AT. Th9 Nashua (NH) Savings Bank has DOING" ACROSS THE LINE. FIRST SESSION. Wednesday. P; to mid an'umnd- $1.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE The Boy of Algiers formerly issued» outs of nobility. but. these were I]! do- olmd void when this territory's taken by the French. Dr. Otmn'a Stomach Blown. Mr. J Martin, hotqry public, Km? street east. Toronto, writes and says was auï¬ering from dyspepsia. sour stomach and borpid liver {or you-3.1 madvisodtowyDr. Carson’s Stomach Bitters, which I did. and a. few bottles hav9 complejely gauged gm." . 50 gents 7“ ' $0613." Féi'ule by dmï¬mâ€"hh en gone as good; the only . Canon‘s Stomach Bitters. Allan if! 00., 53 Front iï¬eet eat, Toronto, proprietoxi. Marita! Amenities. “You are a. peach.†said Mr. Darby to his wife. A “You are a, peach crop,†replied she. “What do you mean by that ?" “A perennial failure." Mr. 'Whitney said if the bill were passed it would simply paralyze thou- sands of industries in the country. There was not a saw mill or cheese factory the would be ollowed to run unless it possess- ed .3: eefgilied engineer. INSPECTION OF BOILERS. Mr. Crawford moved the second read- ing of chili to provide for the inspection of boilers and the qualiï¬cation of persons in charge of the same. MUNICIPAL ARBITRATION. Mr. Matter moved the second reading of a bill respecting municipcl arbitrate". He explained that the bill provided for the appointment of an oï¬cial â€him-star by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council. whose duty it should be to act in cases of arbitration to which municipal corpora- tions were a party. Upon the motion of Mr. MeKay. the bill was referred to a. committee. MORTGAGES AND SALES. Mr. Wood moved the second readmg of a bill to amend the act respecting mortgages and sales of personal property. TEE ASSESSMENT AOL Mr. Matter, in the absence of Mr. Byerson, moved the second reading of 3 bill to amend the Assessment Act. Mr. Rowland was also in aooord with the main principle of the bill bathe feared that so far as the present bill was concerned the means of making. ent- isfactory inspection had not yetbeen found. ' Mr. Clelland said the Government should investigate the condition of these companies in a searching manner, in or- degm profect the_ public from (and. sir Oliver Mowat said that it did seem that a system of Government inspection of _thes_e»cggnpa.njes was desirable. Mr. McKa‘y (Oxford) suggested the 3p pointment of a committee to consider the qugetion‘ grid tqke evidence. Mr. bmtwn expressed his sympathy with the principle of Government inspec- tion of building societies, but, apart. from this. he could not see a. redeeming feature in the provisiope of the lull. Mr. Awrey spoke in defence of the bill. Friday. BUILDING seem-rise. Mr. McKay (Oxford) moved the second reading of bill No. 112, respecting the in- spection of building societies He ex- pressed. in doing so. his appreciation of the work these societies were doing, and the. conï¬dence that was pieced in them. ing that it was not in the interests of growers. It would be fairer to eonï¬mto bad fruit. ' Mr. Hiscott "also opposed the hill, 3:? e Mr. D den moved the second rendmg' of the bill for preventing fund in the sale of fruit. Mr. Kerns believed that legislation of some kind was advisable, but thought the provisions of the bill respecting grad- ing impracticable and unjust. to the ship- pers vigil-nit grpwers. one whose sight is defective. He has ‘ full line of glasses and is to be found 5" The Turner Drug 00’: Stores, two doorl out Of ‘ Post oï¬ice. THE TURNER DRUG 00-1 f HARRY KENDALL will ï¬t gun. for any- Mr. Gan-row considu'ed the bill In ad- xanw in the nght direction. It should go further and give the county bu- tho contml of all interlocutory up Lint-"us with an appeal to the Di Court a. Toronto. Mr. Sowland argued in favor of not dealing hastily with so large and import- ant a subject as that of 13w reform, and advocated a posï¬onement oi the bill un- til next session. in order that it: provis- iuus might receive the serious conï¬dan- tier! thgy deserved. Mr. Hardy spake at some length in favor of the bin, and said, with regard to the suggestions that had been made. that. caution was desinble in the matter of law reform. The bill was r5811 5 second time Mr. Whitne tool: issue to a slight ex- tent with his hon. friend as to the time during which the agitation for theeero- forms had been carried on. He concluded by an earnest appeal to the hon. Attor- ney-General to consider carefully the clauses of the bill, with relation especial- ly to the arguments he had edvmoed regarding the County Courts, in which he had urged that their jurisdiction!» enlarged so that they should have some- thing to do, instead of being to a large extent idle. Mr. Stratton expressed his 0 inion on the bill in a brief. speech, _ _ ' sum- . - o o . , o 7-H _‘ manly wmh use venous promqns. Sir Oliver Mow-at moved the oeoond reading of the bill for diminishingsp- peels. and otherwise improving epro- oedure of the courts. He briefly sketched the changes in the law that had been 9!- feotgd since Confederation. WNW. These bills passed through committee: To make better provision for the widow- of intestate: in certain omenâ€"The At- tomey-General. Relating to the Department of Agricul- tureâ€"Mr. Dryden. Mr. Hardyâ€"Nothing more lootettlnn already exuste. A number of verbal ohmgee were made, after which the committee ed progress, and asked leave to cit again. Mt. Whitney jocululy rem'uked that he did not observe any provision (or: secret ballet. m ELECTION um. Mr. Hardy’s bill mnpectiqg the elem lay; was next. considered In commutes. of children. Mr. G.b.~on proposed to add an amend. ment to meet a. case brought forward in 8 private bill introduced by the member fa- Toronto. This would render punishsbb by ï¬ne of 820 and costs any attempt '0 induce children to leave institutions 19- ceiving Government aid. or to break the articles of apprenticeship into which they may have entered. or the harboring of any child after a demand hnd been made for its delivery. Another amendment he proposed was one preventing parents or guardians from obtaining the custody of, or interfering with, children after the former had surrendered the latter to be placed in homes, under the provisions at the act. The amendments were agreed to, and the bill was repel-tad. ment for the payment of W juror, in the event of a County _ passing a by-law authorizing it, on ofâ€, roll- toand returning from he place denee, where an adjournment overall- day takes place. The amendments were agreed to. and the bill was reported as amended. PBOTECHOX OF CHILDREN. The House went into committee .00 Mr. Gibson's bill for the further pm Lost His Sight 1 THE SALE 01‘ FRUIT. LAW REFORM.