Millbrook Reporter (1856), 28 Mar 1895, p. 2

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Dvs ensia “Fines from wrong action of the .x'mnWm'ph,L Iiwr and hosvels. Burdock Blood D S A ’nfln cm iziths v11!‘cy’fl)_}'sp8}i3ia and all diseases EAR “38'4“" bOttle of 3.3.3. ma (.6 film-um“... ...v 1 A. . . , arising from it: 9?) fluxes in 100. to bed at 9 p"m‘. thenxhe étafi' m have little time £01 clnsefves. Signed. A and. as a rule they have two buns each on Sunday . am! these who are late or run home without permission get none. Keeping the children from running home is one of the great Wuwies , uni! disadvantages of having ihc home on the reserve. Aft-er tea the necessary evening work is done and the iitfle boys 30 to bed. At 6.30 evening ser- vice. which isonzircly in Blackfoot including hymns. and after the service singing hymns 101‘ About an "Hour “ Thro’ the Days Thy Love Hath figured U3." The children at a slice'ot break! and lard, prayers with a ew verses of scripture are tend, the- chiltiren go‘ -n 1‘;m;Lv,ii.m Numm urn already noted for I‘m-cs 0i pv-rsuu, character and heart, mv :En-y pmpnsc showing that they 380:5 nmual powers of a. high order, ml with business quahties. They rtakcn tn aesvm charge of an of the 'x‘orma‘fimy Glo_be (for Hmeeries. Fleur. Feed. Breakfast _ jfleeeals. Cmekery,~filassware, ' veal 0i], Cattle Food at» AILL KINDS. Hl‘i: SPl-Zt‘fALTIES ARE: Teas Coffees Sugars, and General “reverts flil- cake and Herbageum. H' I' 'Ji 1])I‘I\S\.ARE "-Hm "nu Hldnl) uf Black Tea. at w” ;Hm Hu 1 [I-npmtntion 0f Japan .u :."n-, :nnl Hm- an Blend OFCOEee, lift at 51. Juhn‘~z llollnf. Blackfoot Re wrvc. {nit-risen. Alberta. N. W. 1'. As it happens. to be Sunday I will tell you how we spcml i! : rise at . a. m. and all is busz. mulnu; sum! cumbing hair until THURSDAY. MARCH 23. 1895. xxmmxwvwmm ~\ man may hm: an honest heart, Though poortithe hourly stare him : A man may Ink a neebor’s part, Ye: hae nae cash to spare him. mmxxwimm Elbe mulbrooh Reporter. mess mmx ml with ”nuke: Unr Piiees in all Lines are at the Bottom I LETTER FRO)! JIISS TURNER. I!!!“ T0 (1 IE IIYSPI’IPSIA. {II’II’JTOJIESTS’ Ii LOBE. J. A. VANCE. hex; "l' I: ARE '9 Never Follow. rlets *ul'ar editoiial “5 ”1° that :2: and ancient. yet : :ggis:s. m. é of the UP. wunams’ Pink Pills are sold of having only in boxes bearing the firm’s trade ten. the and the mark. The are never sold in bulk and ning ser- any dealer who ofi'ers substitutes in including g hymns this form should be avoided. These ays Thy pills are manufactured by the Dr. Llren get ith a few Williams’ Medicine Company, Brock- ‘ldten go ville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., have a and may be had of all druggists or L. F. T. direct by mail at either address, at 50 cents or six boxes for $2.50. Ill‘iO. ~ 1. Eng as ever I ight. I have Hood's Sax-sa- ith Erie Pre- “3°85 ,zrfiaparilla, l have con~ males. and “ DISTURBANCE " is one migrgugswm in The Thoroughbrd Stallion and RaceHorse. “ DISTURBAN‘CE,” :dicilzc: '01:: any V__ _---u. vs Luv-D. me of Constifiation and I think there better qegicine made. prostration, diseases depending upon 1 vitiated blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a speci- fic for troubles peculiar to females, curing all forms of weakness. In men they efi’ect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the firm’s tmrla 3d partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, ner vous, headache, the after efi‘ects of la. grippe, palpitation of the heart, gervous An impoverished condition of the ”111‘ ERA blood, or a. disordered condition of the nerves are the fruitful sources of most STORE ‘ills that afllicu mankind, and to any ' thus afflicted Dr. Williams Pink Pills offer speedy and certain cure. No other remedy has ever met with such great and continued success, which is one of the strongest proofs that Dr. The right place for you to Williams’ Pink Pills accomplish all get everythingyou require for ' ' our household and nothing that lsielaxmed for them. They are hutfirst-class goods kept in an unfailing cure for locomotor atana, stock. Prices the lowest. now-9:0] “uni-".3- 0L 1'?- bled ’soon able to perform work about the house and is now enjoying better health than for years. Mrs. Scott also testified as to the great benefit she herself had derived from the use of three boxes of Pink Pills and declares that. they would not be without them in the house. LXL'L and some acquaintances recommended them. She purchased three boxes and before the first box was finished an im- provemenn was noticed and continuing the use of these pills Miss Scott. was The accumulation of evidence is what convinces. A man bringing a case before a jury without evidence to convince them of the justice of his plea has a poor chance, but when witness after witness is produced to back up his plea, then the jury easily find a verdict in his favor. This is the case with one of the greatest life-preservers known to the world at present. The evidence of hundreds and thousands of witnesses has been published testify- ‘ ing to its priceless value, and the jury â€"-the publicâ€"are being convinced. St. Mary’s has many witnesses who could bear golden testimonials. The Argus gave recently a remarkable case in the cure of Mr. Gideon Elliott. Again we present another. Miss Mary Scott, daughter of Mr. John Scott, had become completely prostrated; was pale, nervous, low spirited and in such a condition as to alarm her parents and friends. She had not been able to leave her bed for over six weeks. Doctor’s medicines were not helping her. Mrs. Scott had been reading of the wonderful cures effected by Dr. W'illiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People h WANTED TO EXCHANGE. 000 ACRE FARM IN CAVAN FOR ONE OF ~ 100 acres. Northeast part of Cnvan pre- ferred. Also first clas3360acres in N. W. ’I‘.. close to Manitoba boundary. with railway station and town on corner. for a good 100 acre farm in Cavan. 4 GEO. SOOTHERAN. H. McCAIiTNEY Has in stock Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Silver- ware. Glassware, Fancy China, Crockery and Groceries. Hand -painted Jardiners, large size, only 90¢. each. A crate of American Glass- ware, latest design, just re- céived. 15 Toilet Sets to arrive this week, new decorations. ‘ Groceries. Extra value in Tea. Eggs and butter taken in exchange for goods. Ilope For Those Snfl‘crlng From Nervous Frustration. Weaknens and Low Splrluâ€" [low Belleft‘an be Found. From the St. Mary's Argus. A YOUNG LADYRAISED FROM .1 SICK BED. Mrs. A. Sampson. 208 Benningbou Sm, East Boston, writes : “ I had been afflicted with dyspepsia for the last four years, was so bad that. I did not dare to eat as it. caused me terrible pain. Hearing of K. D. C. I procured a packs. . It ave me almost im- mediate relief. e pac age cured me I have not been so well for a number of years. I cheerfull :ecommend it, and feel justified insayingt at dyspeptics who can get this medicine have no excuse for suffering.” ‘ght names in a dark period. of British istory. and how St. Patrick‘s Day should in after ages have become associated with caroussls that. are as foreign to the man and his work as night is to day, is a puzzle. Tradition has surrounded the name with a cloud of mystic legend, which ascribes to him the honor ot banishing from Ireland the snakes toads, but the co dons draughts of poteen has brought back t e snakes to many a wild Irishman since then. The old song which ran No wonder that. these Irish boys Are all so gay and frisky. For ‘twas good St. Patrick taught, them all The art of tippling whishey. is a. libel on old St. Patrick that. time has been laboring hard to wipe out, but it. will take a. while yet.â€"- W iarton Canadian. MISS D. PARENT. Famham, Que. y be the all essential for a ’3 Day, then we had it last ithstanding the cloudless a March sun, powerful for kles, the blue noses that came cold. betokened a nip in the not exactly meteorologically t all calculated to suit the nine Irishman as to what St. ought or ought not to be. Day in:. ruinin’ like blazes," hat contradictory simile of nessy to descibe one far off y on the banks of the Gnudel- knot of jovial Irishtnen in 'ice met within their brigade St. Patrick‘s dinner and with teen commemorate the patron rink the health of their intrepid 0rd “'ellington, who by the same was an Irishman too. Rain it may.: idn‘t St. Patrick himself weep over the of Ireland before the accepted his teach- and became the chief centre for religion, arning and refinement at an age when all the rest of Great Britian was in a state of ‘zemi-barbarism. St. Patrick and St. Col- kmb‘ia and “St. Cuthbert‘s Holy Isle" are FOR SALE. INGONTROVERTIBLE EVIDENCE. I." THE WOMEN SPEAK. 81'. PA TRICK. cured is no a’ You will find it; to your ad- vantage to deal at Centreville. KaunALL’SSI'LAfliéiiiE. Gentreville KEIIIALL’S 'smiIII cums. D:- 3.1%!!!» mmrenuu Aliaâ€"Plumbg send me one of our Rom Boob-11.1! Bobflvf: 1111mm maul 01!z yam- mam Cure mocca- A wanna-2n! 8:.“ ....... I‘%’8“°°.§E?3d..;mm:m‘kfi.¥“ , u .‘I '9 hep m3“ Imam ______ _ _Ygu_nm‘.h°m can. Pom China Hall Your patronage solicited. nasr sucofié‘fut 05.41507 Has in stock Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Silver- ware. Glassware, Fancy China, Crockery and Groceries. 7 , “n“ ..r H- . .... - v... gnu up IQ 100 acres. Northeast part of Cm'an pre- ferred. Also first classSfiOacros in N. \\'. ’I‘.. close to Manitoba boundary. with railway station and town on corner. for a. good 100 acre farm in Comm. 4 GEO. SOOTHERAX. Eseljay’s Liver Lozenges are not a. cure-all, but tor the complaints for which they are made are positive cure. There are no cases of biliousness, indigestion. dyspepsia, con- stipation, plmples, nor in fact any condition depending upon impure blood or sluggish liver which they will not cure. The ' are sold at. % cents a. box or 5 boxes for a. dollar at all drug stores. Those troubled with chronic complaints buy them by the dolhu’s worth. cougars on-PEas-r. “mflfiué‘fl” “m" -n..." .kua us people drove up and, baskets in hand, storm- ed uud took by assault the parsonage. The evening proved u. very enjoy able one, in- deed, to all present. The meeting was call- ed to order and Bro. H. J ewison appointed to occupy the chair. The programme consisted of sin ing, speeches, etc. During the even- ing ‘A iss A. Pilkey was presented with a purse and an address expressing the grati- tude of the congregation and their apprecia- tion of her services as organist, to which Miss Pilkey replied in suitable terms. All present joined in expressing their sorrow at the departure of Bro. Pilkey and family from our midst and in wishing him “God- speed ” in his new sphere of labors. 7 After an interestinf address and exhortntion the pastor ofl‘ere up prayer, and the gathering broke up with mingled feelings of pleasure nd regret. -vrv_--J. Dr. Fisher is var; busy now dehorning cattle, which seems to be the fashion at the pment time. We clipped the following from the Cana- dian Baptist :â€" We regret. exceedingly to announce that Bailicboro is about to lose one of its best citizens. Rev. J. C. Pilkey, who has resid- ed amongst us as pastor of the Baptist. church for four years. and who has been the instrument in God’s hand of great bless- ing to many souls, will soon bid us farewell. On Thursday evening last, to the surprise of a the aster and his mily, sleich loads of peep e drove up and. baskets in 1mm: atnr-vn. Dr. A. S. Morrison, V. 5., and bride, of Chesterville, Ont, are the guests of Dr. J. W. Fisher. Dr. Morrison will be remem- bere'i as having practiced with Dr. Fisher. and is one of the many graduates who passed their final examinatiohs with honors. Dr. Morrison has a. large livery business in Chesterville and is very successful as a. Veten- ary Sur eon. His many friends in and around ilieboro con ratulate the genial doctor and wish him an his wife every pos- sible happiness and prospesity. I\._ ‘L‘t,l , GENERAL STORE. Hood’s Pills are the best after-dinner pills, must digestion cure headache. Rheumatism is caused by lactic acid in the blood attacking the fibrous tissues of the joints. Keep your blood pure and healthy and you will not have rheumatism. Hood’s Samparilla gives the blood vitality and richness and tones the whole body, neutra- lizes the acidity of the blood and thus cures rheumatism. JAS. T. G. LANG. R. DEYELL’S OLD STAND. Inca-1 Parcels delivered. ’ou want a copy of WOM. six..een page weekly tor( n women, send your nm on a post card ati _ing_ 90. 29.p08 31, 33 Me KENDALIJ§ LAY"! CURE IKIII‘JI‘SIATISDI (TIRED. A POSITIVE ('lTICl'Z. THE [43E (IMPANI, a [UP to $4 BAILIEBORO. heartburn DODGE 'lll REMEDY seas-n ld never blister: slow 2 “III (HIRE. DCouquehfi.“ bone of our Bone hero-33m cfiyflu nmthuhnz mm Pom WIN GIIIIE. on. Km. Apr. 3, '92. l Spuvlu and killed New 1: to with E’Ar. in 0.1mm. In in- gumâ€"n A In order to make room for our winter stock of Goods, which will soon be comin in, have .decided to sell 0 the . balance of the old stock regard- my many customers for the llber- less of cost. ' . we have a fine line of Din- a1 patronage I have enjoyed for ner and Tea Sets combined that we have been selling for the past year, and hope by strict $15, which we now offer for . . , $10. Tea Sets from $2.75 up attentlon to busmess, keeplng a to $7. Also a well-assorted stock of Tinware. Hardware, first-class stock of goods and Boots and Shoes from 25c. doing A1 work to marital oon-. I dsire to return thanks to Paints, Oils and Varnish. _ Fresh Groceries always stock. . BAILI EBORO General Store SIGN OF THE LIFE SIZE HORSE, 373 George Street, Peterhorough. See our stock before placing the baby on wheels. BENJ. SHORTLY, The more so that, the new carriage, when bought, from our stock, cost, but, a. moderate amount. Dozens of styles. None too good. Some tamy and neat, some handsome and stylish. The prices match. All service- able and durable. A neat, well appointed carriage is an evi- dence of good taste. It is a. credit to the family and relations. Do the folks honor and the baby justice with a. new vehicle. Your baby deserves a New Carriage. The old cab (that is the old carriage) is shabby and persists in running crooked. If the baby is a. new baby so much the more does a. new carriage complete the turnot. BABY . CARRIAGES ! A earloud of Seed Outs jusL to hand. Seed Buckwheat: in large quantities and lowest pnccs. A. PAYNE. uuuuuu a PADGOG hull auu lCfln'C Juul ULuCl‘ M once before sold out. Our Books are Manufactured specially by the EX- One good mare Colt, three years old aminer Printing Co. Lt’d., tor the Peterboro’ Bookâ€" will trade for a. good milking cow. Now is your time w order Land store. The Paper is exceptionally good and the PlaSte“ , ‘ Binding is guaranteed to last With {ordinary care A earloud of Seed Outs JUSL to hand. . . lowest mm until the book is used. Seed Buckwheat in large quantities and I have made arrangements with one of the largest seeds men in Canada. for all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds. Any person wanting any of the above seeds please call and leave your order at once before sold out. Also farm machines, Binders, Mow- ing Machines, Pea. Harvesters, Horse Rakes, Seeders and all other kinds of machines, also Chums, \Vashing Ma chines and W ringers, also LandD Plas- ter and Salt. Shinnles \\ Inch will be sold cheap for cash. FOR CASH. Barley, Oats, Buckwheat, Corn, Beans, Hides, Tallow, Eggs and Iron, and you can buy for cash Flour and Feed of all kinds, Seed grain of all kinds, Tinware, GlaSSwarc, Coal Oil, 5 lbs. of good Tea for $1. A. PAX’NE’ J. ROBINSON YOUNG. We have in stock M outh Organs, Accord- ians, Violins and Autohax-ps. Look here and see what you can sellat Fancy goods department still very name tive. Fancy cakes in great variety and cheaper than the cheapest. FINEST, FRESHEST and CHEAPEST Oysters 40¢. a. quart, Oranges “20¢. For the million, in bulk and served in any way at; Young’s Hesturant. Keep constantly on hand a large and well-selected stock of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. Call and ex- amine Goods and Prices. Gardiner Opposite John Gillott Son’s Cabinet Wm-erooms. Millbrook. Christiw Sodas always fresh and crisp. Golden Anvil FARMERS 1 usa call, it wiil be vantage. CON FECTION ERY YSTERS YSTERS YSTERS SIGZV 0F TfIE Wâ€"gu Opening Days MulliganTURNBULL s. 1n a. dozen. rlA Word ! ' Give nie a. call before going else- where. 3 . first-class stock of goods and doing A1 work to marital eon- tinuanoo of the same. 344 Water Street, WHTERPROOF HORSE AND WAGON COVERS, " FLAGSBUNTING, FTC. - :71 J. <3. TURNBULL, If you want BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS or STATIONERY, write for our prices. Always guaranteed the lowest. BUY YOUR Blank Books; Offi of New York, and sold by them all over the worle‘ under this brand and this brand onI_y. It has Been acknowledged tor years as the best burning Oil in the world. For sale in Millbrook by THE BEST ILLUMINATING OIL IN THE WORLD. It gives a brilliant, softy, steady light, no smell, no smoke and no explosions. This Oil is not merely a. fancy brand gotten up by a. local dealer to boom goods but is a. SPECIAL OIL made by the 0hr Mantle and Dressmaking Departments are again in full swing All orders executed promptly. Everything made up in the latest approved styles. Nothing but first class work turned out and charges moderate. Also on Saturday all day and evening we will give our best attention to out of town customers in order to display our spring styles and our new im- portations of DRESS GOODS and CAPES and all the new spring fabrics. You are cordially invited to look through. Our Millinery Show Rooms will be opened to dis- play the New Spring Styles. As we import largely. and show everything new Worth copying as it ap- ears, the ladies of Peterborough may expect to nd a very pretty stock to inspect as the styles are completely changed this season. Peterboro Bookstore ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MARCII 27th and 28th AWNINGS, TENTS, Sails, Camping floods. ALF. KIN GSCOTE, S’I‘ANDARD OIL PRATT’S ASTRAL. A. H. STRATTON CC). 417 and 419‘George Street, Peterborough. Mantle, Dressmaking and Tailoring. (Jeorge and Simcoe Streets, Peterborough IcFEE. L: Gentreville. â€"\IANUFACTURER:OFâ€" â€"AT THE Callnnd see the Newest styles in Photo- graphs. We keep afull line of the latest and best styles of cards, and our prices are reasonable. {Hi work guaranteed. Satis- faction our specialty. Has Bought out the Pho- tograghic Business of G. G. Green, Millbrook, and will be found at the old stand prepared to make any style of a Photo. Of Bowmanville, W/zo won t/ze Dzjfioma of l/w West Dar/mm Agrim/tmn/ Society for t/ze Best Collar/1'01:- of P/zotogmp/zs, Office Supplies F. J. BARLESS J. Barlgss, PHOTOGRAP‘ Business Change. W. S. PICKUP. Peterboro’, Ont. nummsr, SIGN OF THE HORSE snoe. GEORGE STREET. - PETERBOROUGH US your measure. l-l. LeBRUN3 ECO. not costly. Leave designs, for Spring and Summer, 1895. Our Good Looking Spring Suits are and splendid 00D QUALITY. Carcfulncss and Rig ht Paces are our Motives. 389 George-st. 3 200 pieces of the Newest Patterns Consisting of over Uabinetmakeréfi Undertaker W Showrooms King-st, Millbrook. R. H. Keisg 8; Ca. No. 389 fieepgeStreet. The handsomest styles we ever had in Miliinery, the biggest variety, the lowest price, new shapes; the newest trimmings. Milliners who know how to please you. I Tqfis. GILLDTT, Keeps on hand a large stock of 001‘ FINS. GASKETS. and. all kinda of Undquakers‘yoods. Bed ficfiiffiéfibfi' Ibififfiéroo' m and all other kxnds of Furniture, hand-made, at lowest; uriccs. Our selections of import- ed Spring Dress Goods Fabrics, c.. eclipse every- thing we have hitherto shown, and the exhibition will be a key-note to the value and volume of our stock throughout the store. To inspect our magnificent Dress Goods and Millinery display. We exhibit full ranges of the leading and most fashionable produc- tions of French and Ger- man manufacturersâ€"med- ium and high-class. Also, the newest novelties in Dress Trimmings, Silks, Parasols, Umbrellas, c. «OF NEW»â€" Spring Dress Goods â€"â€"./\N I)â€" TWEEDS MILLINERE’ E STORE, WE INVITE THE LADIES J. NUGENT. To see the Pyzmnids of EXPOSITHON PERERBORO. Now on view in the PETERBORO. Gents. 11nd " ”iE‘éé’EEKifi‘Wfi}. work yum Irdlced at Parker's Dye Works. cut for Steam Laundry. Goods sent'l‘m 0 each week, returned Sammy. Give call. , DAVID OHM ",rr .uw. .mvcngmntmollw Tweedy: urns. Rolls and Rosary; from and \\' cheap for cash. Now 18 um , to have u; \fgnzer Clothingcleaned 839d c n--....._.: A ..7 It You have any Books babe boun them to the Examiner Book-bindery. ugh- All work executed in the names ‘ and lye-t possible mannc . We do every style or Bindlnc and Rulin .and eve dcscri Lion BlunkBool-Sc 4:; g '7 JPR. srxumh' magnificent stock of bells. It. will pay you to call and see them before purchasing else- where. His prices are away down. Great bargains for cash for the monch of December. A fine line of Whips, Blankets \Voolen and Rubber Rugs, which are being sold cheaper than at anv other shop east of Toronto for the same line of goods. W. STRAIN. “JinglP, Jingle, little balls,” is a. phI'a-SL' that we all have heard, but you have not heard the jingle of flaw: 0 7r George-st, BELLS! The La‘. at Novels and the MILLS BROS. George Street, - Peterboro: We have our store filled with the newcsl and most fashionable that is to be had in Ladics’, Children’s and News Furs, Ladies Mantlcs trimmed on shortest notiw. If You Want Sold In Millbrook and evcrvw‘he. druggists. muw mm mm u-e‘ of Tobacco, Opium or Stimw Before and After. law which 1 1 to In. fimit 1/, Imanity. Consumption and an early mac. Ens been prescribed over 35 years in thousands or cases; 15 the only Reliable and Hana: Medicine maniac-um Pamphletstreetoanyniir The “'00:! Compnn y, Windsor. 0x21. 11.3.: known. Askdrugglsttor “’ood‘o Phonphodlne; I! he 08m some wonhlm medicine In place of this. indose price in letter. and we wm send by return WOOD'S PHOb PHODINE. The Great English Remedy. Si: Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently a a cure on forms of Karma S AILSBURY’S ,7 7v"-.. -- v‘. â€".. â€"‘l’I-‘nlvuuvu Lathe ropn'ewrs. '1‘. Mucusk Co., aroma, OnL he remedy can be procured from the local agent. Price. $1.25 for one month's tren- mout. and can be sent by man on teen-Apt 01 price. Fox-such] BOOK-BIND! 1 complaints is daily making remarkable cures of cases in which all other remedies had (aiied. This treatment has bum in constant use by an experienced physician for many years with the greatest success. It is perfect as»; cure tor (ailing of the womb. leucorrha-n or whites. painful, suppressed, profuse or in“;- ulur menstruation, congestion and inflamma- tion of the womb, and other uterine troubles. which give rise to nervous diseases, headache. connipation. backache. depression. tired feel- ing. em. which so may women antler from. Particulars and information free on up vlic'ation to themropriewgs. T. Mucus Co., aroma. n“- Newest FashioniBooks HIS new and rams? do medicine for n11 ferrule coguplnimgs is? daily making remarkable :3 NOTE THESE PRICES Time 'ouuamrrh? This ”my tecdtogm'eyou. mama. m For Sale bv A. LEACH. antee. For 3 Lame Back or Cheating SHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASIEmm 'i‘EéEtfaéiEéEeWIjéapiifiéiéb 235 _Asthma._ Epr Commptgog 113 *7 {10 ring has curâ€"e'd thousands. {aim CURE Yoda takeniaéime- flow by mm 99 im- 'l‘ms Gan“: Conan can: 2::me cum where all others i ' Cough . Ctoup am than, Hgmgness, 310925113 Cough gag 0 1‘ C '15 and Funnels wovg 13.134: "Aficasqoéytockotmes mm :3 mi mLofiAcATARRH IV. STRAHVS BOOKSTORE. Write or Call at MADAMIN E. SAY I Weakness. Emissions,5perm- diarrhea. Impoicwcy and all (Joana! Abuse or Banana, YOU REQUIRE e. 81: 61X. 85. OM m'n Furs REMEDY. A. LEA‘TH Peterboro Dune; R112, Proprietor: the Han herb. Om... Iudcpt was tufi'arin, from Dysp Trouble. 1 :.:ok a few be Vimiwr and it cured me. :eoouzmend :1.” Sold bv .4 4' , ’31:» Anderson am T ~ - s' Nor-«13.21:. have been‘ , ’ ...\fs in t-w :1 the guests Laarkc. Pu. ss Arum: : no Lhr Wm," wupie 9: having 11’ 1 a,“ it during 1:. .: p..:: r of} her father a 9 Met The youn3 hm. - let: u; / {L Q 00min," xx m} !.) I’m-1 Nknec am" ankle, ind m 311‘ . getting no relic! of B B. B , applying some > using it intemnlly. \ and within Lhnee ‘ E. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Jul Mr. Gerald Deyell, arri Ontario on Tuwday spending a. very pleasa: friends at Millln-ook at, ia the eastâ€"South 1'11 cram here. some 1‘.’ church prospered great .--The Rev. Newton was in town on Manda Mr. R. W. Clarke. 3} the most succaeful n Methodist church and -â€"I. E. Needbam is charge of auction 8312‘s slim-tat notice and in fiction guaranteed hotter position ban ev with a piano or organ. Captain Sweedv U. Gunny“ ‘ Shiloh-s ( the first medicine I ban would do me any good. Sold by A. Luau. â€"-The enlarged 8pm wlei- 4' 00., this we rthe absence of con other matter, but We that K. F. «1' Ca, haw as interesting. having now as easy a =3Iz. Geo Dunn: his 'Jmmriai Moms premise. 13:03:: occupi W to A, Leth dr â€"Upward of 100 c‘ 50 acres up to 300 w prices and upon terms Geo. Soomsmx, Mil] â€"Councillor Hoot: sick during the sitting last week and w a: co: at the hotel o‘er nigh has entirely recox ered properties call and GEO. Soo'mnux. -â€"C:~ vm Council 4 and pu. through a a They did not clear 12 in the evening. 1 A Luna ”A meeting of t crosse Club will be I hall on \Vednesday, S p.111. for the purpos the coming season. SKI DOH’S CUBE is I It came Incipient. Cons: best Cough Cure. Only cm. 50 cm. and $100 p1 Millbrook: 4100, 000 00 loan at 5 per cent â€"The firemen Monday night. to; this season. -â€"Mr. Chas. Rey was in town on '1 made the REPORTER â€"“'e understam declined the nomi: by the Patrons. â€"â€"We noticed Deputy Reeve of )1 Friday last. â€"The Dominic: been mlled for Apr â€"Arthur Mull: Hope on Saturday. â€"Miss Emma P‘ Peter-bore. AI “fill?! the Euler 0i 19 2th apleson m, r writing; Tn' a uu-ée 0! Winner. or menus PETERBORO‘ [385% IX 80! _ Mrrmmmou And School (Che {Dillbn [@etepls Try our G01 lion’s §yrup I? Agency C. PA TEN TOILET THUR? DAY. 3! tony ha never At th< Try our Fn DRUG 8 ‘BIV LI“ WVC Mi'DCHELL, TO‘VN Rhoice ‘Ci; TU. Cbughs [’UR.

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