Millbrook Reporter (1856), 14 Mar 1895, p. 3

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E r :nge dcflm‘ er V‘t!‘ BEST M female Hubble :dies had constant iber. rboro IWbiIl? : Re!“ I!” be M the IND. by non may care. may. Son 01:12: gag! {9 33m- you blotter seweat $1.00 'foz .CH. an we RR?! EDY. Ask for 51181.1 30k! iyr. 01 I ”act. H Ryan v were . utter "entlc UL â€"â€"A_ meeting to discuss the Maui- toba ichool- legislation was held in Toronto on Monday at the Pavilion. The tspeaker of the evening was Mr. D’Alyan McCarthy, who protested against. the Dominion Government granti remedial legislation, predict- ing 80%113 consequences if it should do so. rinyipgl Coven and Mr. Peter Ryamwete L ong the, speakeis, the utter gentle n urging the cause of . Petepbopo â€"-â€"The Misses Reynolds, Miss Me Kinnon, Miss Ryley, Mr. Jos. Kelly nd J. McKinuon of Bethany, drove vet to the carnival on Tuesday night. r iiss Lee of Peterborough and Miss "Julian of Port. Hope. daughter of tie Major, were also in the com- -â€"-Mr. G. H. Small, foreman of the REPORTER otfice. has been absent this week, attending the funeral of Mrs. Small’s sister, Mrs. Jones, who died in Lindsau nu Sunmw lust the remains were taken to Mindeu for interment. -â€"}Ias theP )1. been trading horses '3 If so he got. the worst of it. in our opin- ion, but then we have a dislike for white horses any way. â€"â€"\\'e are forced to leave over cer- tain correspondence and the minutes of South Monaghan council and the carnival report. until next, week, being crowded for space. â€"-John Y. Graham, £511., treasurer of the township of Cuvan, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. John Purser, King street east.â€"â€"Cubuurg Allo‘el'liser. â€"â€"Don’c forget the auction sale of live stock the estate of the late Robtr. McK night. on Thursday 2 1st. This will be one of the best opportunities of the season to purchase first-c1353 stock. See the large posters. â€"-â€"Mrs. Tighe, Miss Stewart and Mr. Jas. Tighe of Ashburnham and Mrs. Tighe and Mr. Chas. Tighe of Duro. came out to the carnival on Tuesday night. â€"A burninrr chnnney on the resi- dence of Mr. Dey,el| ,on Mondau noon brought out the fire brigade, but we are pleased to report no further damage. â€"â€"\\'iliiam Thexton is selling good barn shingles for $1 per thouszmd2 and rough pine lumber for $6 per thousand. Builders. now is your time to buy. ‘ «3311'. Reed, student from Toronzo, took Mr. Diamond's plzm- un Sunday last M“? have far too many dogs on the from street and they are a. great nuisance to the public. Get. after them Councillor Bateson. â€"$100,000.00 of privati- funds to loan at 5 per cent. (:50. Somusmx, Millbmok. . 4-! â€" r It‘d Canadian was home friends in â€"Some great bargains in \‘iliw'e properties call and see list of same. GEo.Sooru1-:R.\x. H â€"La.w_\'er Edwards uf Peterborough, was in town on \Vednesday last. confer- ring with J udge Ketchum. whu was here on Division Court work. â€"Tho “'chmingx‘ are engaged for April 19th. Keep this date in your thoughts as you would your birthday. \‘VWWMMW‘WMW 7â€" Snu>kv1hnfl§iug Bruce, 10c. cigar. unticml in tuwn on Monday. ~Sumkv the Blackstone, 5c. cigar â€"l"rul E Junes of Pcterboro. am M r THURSDAY. MARCH H. 1895. m.~\WNM/wvmmwmw~ DG§I$8§§ â€"Thnt huge haskeL of Iuseious uranges in the new grocery opposite f; 11 .our window thvsé‘ days reminds us of 0 age] the extreme anguish that must have filled the soul of old King Tantalus And 501100! of Shorthani; when he saw all those Sweets so close I W him, yet was unable to taste of them “1-“ l\' Izaak-r H‘Hv' enmz't PM some cod fish in the window A , ' \ ‘ 4 . '. . . ' , _ Arithr wig \\ rum: :lml‘ ‘ It}? Jnhny' writing. a. Ih‘m- montm‘ comm.- Lu‘ A .L. or Winn-2‘. .‘or tum. “1-th rm. , c :’.‘.Tl-thb()liol'o;n. “NT-WW n . . the minimal: 'Ichortcr. Agents C. P. R. Telegraph Co. I Elliatt's Syrup 9f Hamhound. 0w Syrup of Turpentine. Try Our 7 Li\': ‘I‘ 'I‘Onic. ll 1'; Take Our The Turqenflvug En. TO RESULATE THE BOWELS AMD ASSIST DIGESTION. School Supples, Etc. W. H. )h GOLDS usmc the King: Bruce and Black- cigars. finest on the market. <1 ht. Thu T0“’l\' TALK Armstrong. agent for the General Electric Light. Co., over Sunday and called on town on Mondav. GUUL‘H SYRUP, 1rd rx BLANCHARD, qA, Juncs of Pctcrboro, and of Kenn; attended the 11115 u-Lm-v of thhany, wt- chvurch Fri uCi p 11. Crystal Block. Opposite Examiner Office, 422 George Street. - Peterbgrough‘ You are invited to come and look at them A ph‘x‘lSl‘ll‘e to show them whether you buy or not. gas fittings, racks awnings and the like. The case was carried t3 court 3f appeal, and on Monday Chin Justice Armour gave his decision, reversing that of Chancellor Boyd, and holding that a. tenant not only has a right to his fix- ings. but must alsobe allowed a reason- able time after his lease expires in which to take off and remove his fix- ‘ Surley the members of our council Will not think of taxing the ratepayers of South Monnghan for all time for the maintenance of said bridge which would be a yearly outlay of at least $500. Taking the asseSsment of the township of South Monughun this bridge would not be a. benefit. to more than one- third of present aesessment. Are the rule- pnys of this township who will receive 110 benefit willing to pay two-third cost of this bridge and same share of cost of maintenance for all time to come. If so vote for bit-law, but if you are not willing to be taxed for an unknown expenditure, then vote against the by-lnw until such time as their is a guaran- tee that you will not have to vote another grant to complete bridge and also provide for expense of maintenance. New I would ask the members of the council of South Monughan to postpone the vote on by-luw until such time as they have provided for balance of cost of building amt maintenance of said bridge. And when they have done so the ratepayers of South )lonaghan Will cheerfully vote amount of present by 113‘“ JUSTICE. For bpr 10 ,189-’ ), ranging in price from 5c. undo upwardS. DBeautiesâ€"all of them. the right to remove fixings which he had put in at his own expense, such as ingx The court of appeal has thus rectified an awful judicial blunder. W3: do not hold onrsch'cs X‘('SDOH.~ibl\.‘ for [OHS expressed by cox-responder s. To the Editor of the Muumoox: REPORTER In your last issue of the REPORTER appears :1 notice of a. by-lnw to issue debentures to the amount of $2000 for the purpose of building a bridge across the Otonabee river Estimated cost $10,000. I think the mem- bers of our council are going rather too fast. there has been no meeting called to discuss the matter and they have not made any arrangements for the balance of the money that is required to build the bridge or to keep it in repair after it is built. It is a well known fact that the Counties Council Of Northumherhuul and Durham will have nothing to do with keeping the said bridge in repair, in: they already have a bridge within four miles on which they have ex- pended 3 large amount of money and the repairs for which is very large every year. I would like to ask the members of the council or South Monaghan :â€"- l “A“: are sorry to note the death iot‘ Mrs. Ewing, daughter of Mr. \V'eb- lster of this village, which sad event itool: place at her father‘s house on I Tuesday. Mrs. Ewing came home from l Dakota some months ago in the hope ‘ that a. change of climate would do her good, but consumption had become Su deeply seated in her system that all efforts were unavailing. The funeral takes place today to Gardiner’s bury- iug ground. \Ve beg to tender the sincerest sympathy of the community t. the bereaved family and friends. l -â€"Uur readers will remember that timer months ago Chancellor Boyd gave a. decision which married a tenantl V.v v. .uey. Mr. 3rd. Have the question settled as to who is to keep the bridge in repair and pay ex- pensepf bridge attendance. lst. Before you plan: this upon our town- ship have an estimate made of the :ost of bridge. .- 21)“. Have arrangements completed for the procuring uf the balance of money to build bridge so that, if we vote $2030 for building bridge we will not be required to vote $2000 or $311”) more to complete bridge. 0...) If”. .3 “- ‘ . ¢L- , “_ Rim-Mama J. D. Fair, E. J. Guy, John Hicks. B. Van Homrigh. Thos. Bradley. S. \V. Clark. Dr. )IcKinnon and \\'. S. Given. A large turnout of twenty-five from Pontypool, besides uthers from Nun-wood and Have-lock were also presont and u. very pleasant M'ening was spent, all returning next Humming. â€"â€"The following”r members of Mill- bx‘ook Lodge. No. 308. I.O.U.F., w em to PeLerbm-o on Thursday last to attend a special lodge of instruction :-â€"Messrs ‘1‘-. ALWAYS READY ! â€"~.»\n agentuf the Jlui/ and Empir» was in the village on Monday ‘and Tuesday in the intm‘osts of that new combination in the iunvspaper line. His chief object was to place orders for 11va Encyclopuiia Britannica, revised and impruved up tmlntc He succeed ed in taking orders from both our legal gentlemen. ‘ HAW. Rupor is busy this week put ting in a. supply uf ice with a View of taking possession of the Dominion hotel after May first. It could be in no better hands than Mr. and Mrs. Hapers, for they know huw a. firstâ€"class hotel shouid he conducted. NEW PRINTS liq K. D: 0- for sour stomach and sick Miss Rudkins better position than (aw-r to supply you with a. piano or organ. â€"â€"D0n’t forget, the grand lmcke match, Volts ofPetm-boro vs. Millbrook, at the rink on Saturday nt‘tnrnoon at 2.30 n’cluck. This will perhaps be the last match here this season, but, will without doubt be the best. Admission 10:2, ladies from l â€"H¢It. Dr. Armstrong of Ottawa and My. J'no. Armstrong. Barrister, of Owen Sound, are at the old homestead _ this week visiting their father, Mr. lJno 1). Armstrong who has been ill } fur some weeks. ;’ -â€"The adjourned sitting of the ‘Division Court was held on “’ednesâ€" day last and it. came near requiring another day to finish up The judge was engaged until nearly nine ‘o’clock unwinding a tangle of threshing dis pute and also a. suit for wages. -â€"l. E. Needham is prepared to take charge of auction sales of all kinds at shortest notice and lowest terms, satis- faction guaranteed. He is now in a. COMMUNICATIONS. FIRST ARRIVALS 0F LADIES! SO I ' T" .71 ”AIM-'11.! .V oyin The Thoroughhrd Stallion and Race Horse. “ DISTU RBANC E," “DISTURBASCE” is one or the most com- pactly built. blood horses in On‘ario. :x sure ant-getter and his colts are a. good size and utylish. .-\ palrof good drivers would be taken in part payment. Apply to \Ve have reduced the price of Dishes and Toilet Sets so that they are in reach of those that require them. This is the only store where you can buy fancy Chmaware. We have everything you want in that line. We are makugg :1 specmlty of Fresh Grocerxes. Our Teas are the best to be had. High in quality and low in price. Our 25C.]'1pan Tea is something extr1.Call and get 21 sample, we are sure it will please you. The Gmnd Mo- gul '1 e21 is considered to be the strongest black tea in the mar- ket. c.You can get it from us. We do not. think it any trouble to show you goals. Your parcels deli“: China Hall Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Hmnberg, Ont., Independent says : “ was suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Trouble, I tee): a. few bottles of Shiloh‘a V'izalizer and it cured me. I can heartily recommend. it.” Sold 1)" A. LEACE. We have fre'sh Prunes this week, 3 lbs. for 2 5c. Take notice that the above in a. true copy of a. proposed by-law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the council of the Corporation of the Township of South Monaghan in the event of the assent of the electors of the said municipality being obtained thereto after one month from the first publication thereof in the MILLBROOK REPORTER News- paper. the date of which first publication is lllu Seventh day of March, 1895, and that at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the elector: the polls will be held. Dated March Fourth, 1895. 7. The Third day of April, 1895, at the hour of eleven o‘clock in the forenoon and the Agricultural Hall, in the Village of Centreville, are hereby fixed as the time when, and the place where the Clerk of the said council shall sum up the number of votes given for and against the by-law, and tho Twenty-eighth day of March, 1895, at the hour of Elexen o‘clock in the forenoon and the Agricultural Hall. in the Village of (‘cutreville are hereby fixed as the time witch. and the place for the appointment Lt ptl’NlltS to attend at the various polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk respectively on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the pausing of the by-law respec- tivelv. ln ward \umber One at the Lucas Hall, in the \ illage of Bailieboro. Alfred Dawnou to be I)eput_\_ Repxrning Officer. In Wahl Xumber T\\b at the Agricultural Hall, in the Village of Centreville, Robert, my}? hawk“! Reeutuing 0.11“???- u. The vot‘ea ‘os tlze electors of the said municipality shall be taken upon this by- law on the Second day of April, 1895, com- mencing at the hour of mne o’clock in the forenoon and closing at the hour of five o‘clock in the afternoon of the same dn at the following places and before the to low- ing Deputy Reluxtéu‘g DEN-(:6 Brand 101' the respective wardiof the sold. Township : 5."l‘heFe shall be raised annually and levied during the currency of the said De- bentures the sum of Ninety dollars for the payment of the interest thereon and the sum of Three Hundred and Seventy dollars for the payment of the debt by a. special mic in each year smficient therefor on all the mteable property in .the munieipplity. A _ he paid except upon a resolution of the said council directing the same after such arrange- ments shall have been made for the raising and securing of the remainder of the money necessary for the construction of the said bridge as will in the opinion of the council be sufficient to secure the construction of such bridge. _ 4 The money received from the sale of the said Debentures shall he paid and applied for and towards the construction of the bridge across the River Utonubee hereinafter mentioned and for no other purpose, and no debenture shall be issued and no money shall 3. Such Debentures shall be two in num‘ her and shnll be for the sum 0! One Thous- and dollars each and shall be sealed with the corporate sealed of the said corporation and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and counter- signed by the Treasurer of the said corpora- ‘ Lion. They shall be payable on the first day of May in the your Nineteen Hundred and shall bear interest at the rate of four and a half per centum per unnum, half yearly, on the first day of May and November in each yem‘and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest upon presentation thereof, and such principal and ‘ interest shall be payable at the office of the Treasurer in the Township of South Monu- ghan. 2. There shall and may be raised and borrowed by the Corporation of the Town- ship of South Mona hit!) for and towards the construction: of airidge across the River Omuubr‘e the sum of TWO Thousand dollaia, and for that purpose it. shall and may be lawful for the Reeve of the said townshie to cause to be issued Debentures of the bor- pomtion of the Township of South M onaghnn for the sum of Two 'lhousaud dollars as hereinafter mentioned. Vt. . ‘ I. This Ly-law shall take effect on the first day of May in the year of our Lord, One Thousand, Eight Hun'lred and Ninety- L‘:.. The Corporation of the Township of South Monughnn by the council thereof and with the assent of the electors duly had as provided by law enhcl§ as follows : mteable property of the said Municipality according to the last revised and equalized Assessment Roll beimz for the year 1894 is the sum of Five Hundred and Sixty-one Thousand, Eight. Hundred and Seventy dollars, Am! whereas there is no existing Deben- ture Debt of the-said Ipuujcipality, AmT whereas there will be required to be raised annually by special rate for paying the debt and interest. hereby created the sum of Four HunQred and Sixty Dollars, [ Passed the day of 1895. WHEREAS it. is necessary and expedi- ent to build a bridge across the River Otonabee to connect. the Townships of South Monaghan nnd Otonabee and at a point opposite or near to Lot Fifteen in the Fifth Concession of the Township of South Monaghan, and for and towards the con- stuction thereof to raise the sum of two thousand dollars by the issue of Debentures 1 of the Corporation of the Township of South Monaglmn as hereinafter mentioned. A BY-LAW TO RAISE THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS .903. THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING A BRIDGE ACROSS THE RIVER OTONABEE AND TO AUTHORIZEi THE ISSUE OF DEBENTURES OF THE CORPORATION : OF THE TOWMSHIP OF SOUTH MONA- GHAN THEREFOR. BY-LAW NO. :30. FOR SALE. ALFRED M AYCOCK, NOTICE. 1". MAC FARLAN E. FairbunkP. 0.. Ont. Township Clerk. ed their 35“.?“ The Odclfellows held a special meeting last Thursday afternoon at 4 o’cloek when another candidate was initiated into the mysteries of Otldfellowahip, after which the lodge to the number of about 25 left on the evenimr train for Petetboro’. We hear they were met at the station by a large number of brethren from Milforuok, Norwood, Hove- lock and l'eterboro', and to their surprise were asked to form into procession headed by l’eterboro’ band and escorted to the lodge room. After initiation and the conferring of several degrees they were entertained to an elaborate oyster supper and reached home on the morning train all very much pleased with their trip and particulnrly the new made members. FRANK I. 1x . \Ve are jmt thawing out in this part for the last week, one neighbor has scarcely seen another for the past; month. Our school has been closed for several days on account of the stormy, cold weather, but the pug, wegk hag boat: more fngor‘nblg, ‘ Mr. Samuel Stewart. and family intend starting for their home in Manitoba on the 11th. (ix-eat afmpathv is felt here for the boy who was taken off the Fallis line to Peter- borough hospital with diphtheria. and died. It is very strange that the disease cannot be stamped out in that part. as the line has been always noted_ fox-healph and cleapliness. It is to Be seen'by the minutes of the last sitting of the Manvers council that they have digposed of some of their indigents. Very mse. bu "‘11 wiser if they disgust: _o_f_soz M .M _ The siding with when; Mr. David Fullia made his rounds in this part about. ten days ago and just, escaped bhglast big storgn witll_t_he_akin 9f hig t‘egth. Mr. Sidney Smith of Clark ahd Miss Maria Allen of Orono, were married Wednesday last by the Rev. Mr. Oswald. John Green- wood assisted the groom and Miss Brown of Tyron the bride. Sid we wish you success in your new departure. _ Gilbert Kinkade shipped another car of live hogs to Peterbomugh, Monday last. (11!: wlygrp do 3:01! findftfl tlge pgr}:_e_n._ 5111;. (Run) Snowden has been confined to her bid several davs by a severe cold. Mrs. H. Birch and son are visiting friends at Kinmount. Mr. and Mrs. Souch of Bowmanville ale gugsg of_Th.os. gill. .. John Irvin of Brampton made us a call last week. I aufl‘ered everythi ‘2 but death from indi- gestion during four years and tried all sorts of medicine to no effect, at last. I was ad- vised to try Burdock Blood thters, and be- fore finishing the second bottle I was nswell in I could be, and have had good health ever since. BENJ. STEWART, Postmaster, Zionville, N. B. - Mr. H. Reynolds, Mfinvers, was visiting on the line last, Sundry with Mr. D. Atchi- son, We understand Mr. W. Medd has decided to take his departure to Uncle Sam‘s climate. What makes attraction in Millbroolgso atgqng." Mr“ \\ m Syer and also Mr. Thou. Shaw are providing a large supply of me for sum- mer use. The breezes of this summer will be more refreshing ofl the ice. What _mak_es Annie‘s hear}. no light ‘27 , For her heart was running war with As she returned on Friday nigh}, 1t perplexes many to know how certain parties_ enjo__ved 1136i: tgip to Kmdufl. Messers. 'W. Shaw and W. Syer sire home from the Red Mills for a few days. The boys have worked constantly all winter and need a rest, when they will return to their work more willingly. As your correspondent has left for parts unknown I thou ht- I would send in a few items to let you nown that the people in this vicinitxfre gtill hale and hearty. Miss Mary Atchison spent Sunday in Millbrook and returned. thepame eveniqg. IY'II . I ‘..n. Mr. Joseph Ellison of ‘Maniatalu‘e, Mich., 13 visiting friends here, Rev. S. F. Dixon preached in the Metho- dist church here and Eden last Sunday. We are glad to say he has fully recovered .from hiujllnees, ‘mxsa 13": Murray at Longtorrl, n Au, visiting friends. J. E. Whit:- and Peter Sowden, have been out north visiting and returned home on Saturday lajst. _ 1e0rg'e Marshall, who has been visiting all winter,'left {ns'th_atux-d§y_._ \\ alter 0. lhikwcll, wife and family, ‘ of Trchcrne, Manitoba, whohme been here all winter \isiting their parent: and fiiends are_ soon going to xeturn. It is very quiet. in our little village just now, stormy weather and bad roads being main cause. Mr. U. F red Anderson, the popular rcprn- sentative of ’l‘. S. Simms a 00.. St. John, N. 13., in speaking of Norway Pine Syrup, says :â€"â€"“ It is the best. cough cure I ever used and I prefer it, to any other. Ham: given it to fliends of mine and it cure: every time. It, would be difficult now to induce me to use any other." Mr. Richard Vance has j xfs'. completed the arduous task of drawing logs and I‘m sure he is not sorry. - What we \Fould like to kno§v. If the organist in St. Mary’s is going to tyke her (Iepgzrtgxre from amouast us. Mr. Joe. Weatherilt sold ten fat hogs to Master George Twigg for which he realized a fair figure. Mr. ‘.V’. is a good farmer and knows how tn make farming pay. Mia‘s Alum Tim and Miss'Bethn. Muld- gap‘pre visiting frigngig in Litidsny. Miss Lime” Mugill is visiting with her sister in Toronto. We hope she will have u. gab time. ‘ Items or interest forwarded by Tun REPORT ER'B own Correspondents. WWWMW LIFFORD. Our pound social which took place lust. week In the Temperance hall was a decided success. Mr. J. H. Wilson being present ginve several comic songs, which brought, ( own the house. “ The comforts of a home " was cheered to the echo as Jim is a great. favorite as well as a. great singer. We hope to‘hear him again. ' She sang “ The Wild Colozfiul 'Boy.” The right place for you to get everything you require for your household, and nothing but first-class goods kept. in stock. Prices the lowest. Gentreville Your patronage solicited. CORRESPONDENCE. TIDISGS PM)! ZIOSVILLE. GENERAL STORE. A I’OI‘ITL.‘R TRAVELLER JAS. T. G. LANG. ELIYA BETH I'ILLE. LONG S IVA)! 1". I’().\'TYPO0L. You will find it to your ad- vantage to deal atCentneville. [e have finish- “9;: for Mr. 'éll filled up Lculan next. Emigration. joy. Mn'J. w. Fisher, v. st, of l‘uiilitbum, dehomed some cutLlc for Mr. John Lightfoot last week in a. creditable mmmcr, after which he went to Mi. J. L. Fair‘s “here he has been attending five cases of horse distemper, bringing them safely through u. dungerous attack of this disease. The l‘eterboroub '11 conceit. cmupuny “on: in the hall lv-re lust. 'l‘hur'mlay ni ht, undu the auspices of the S. O I}. . of fiailiebom, and were highly appreciated. The Rectory, Almonte, Ont. , writes: I mus: ask you to send me another bottle of your invaluaole medicine. I think your last bottle has cured me entirely, but, some members of my family, whose. cases are worse than mine, insist. on my getting some more. Indeed we all think it. an indispen- Bible article in the household. Mr. Bruce Graham and family, who have been living in the neighlmrhmd arr. st 01 here for some time, moved to Petcrborough last Monday and Mr. Henry Young. late of Young‘s Point, has moved into the house lately occupied by Mr. Graham, belonging to Mr. R: A. Armstrong. Colonel McLean of 170% Hope, the Me- Carthyite candidate for the House of (70m- qugs was_ in ‘g-higs part. 15st w_eek. ()ur merchant, Mr. James Lung, ‘ « the Millbrook Presbyterian church 1.;st, Su‘nfluy‘nigjltm _ As we pay considerable taxes in the town- ship of Cuvnn we take the liberty of writing on Municipal matters in which the rate- payers should take a deeper interest for we all have to pay our share of taxes which are no small item in these depressing times which to meet retrenchment is made in everything except our public expenditure and salaries paid to municipul otiicers one of whom gets more yearly than most of the farmers on one hundred acres of land have to live upon after paying running expenses, and using the teatest economy, which is wisely admittet into private afi'nirs but apparently lost sight of when it comes out of the public treasury. We think whenever any of these public offices become vacant that in justice to the ratepayers they all should have a chance, for there are plenty of per- sons capable of filling any of these offices, who would be willing to take them at quite a reduced salary from that which has been heretofore paid and a few hundred dollars thus saved could be expended in the town- ship. benefittinq more people thereby. No doul.t many people know how the late George Washington treated an intimate friend who came to him for public office. He said as a friend he could give it to him, but as president he could not grant him his request. This is what we want in our public men, more self-sacrificing of personal feeling and due consideration of the commonweal and tru_st placed in their hands. Mr, Fre-d Armstrong of Toronto, spent Sl{h51a£1mdexj_tlx§ pnrentglj'oqf. Mrs. J. Cnthénrt has her uncle, Mr. Weir of London township and her mother, Mr. Dundas of Springville, visiting with her. Captain Sweedv U. S. A.. San Diego CaL,saya: “Shiloh’s Cumrrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that, would do me any good.” Price 50 cents. Sold by A. Luca. We regret to note the den! h of Herb. Szapies, son of Mr. John suplos, of BeLh~ any. last, Friday and on ihe following SHIP day his remains were followed to Graham‘s burying ground by a. large number of friends. The deceased leaves behind him one brother and an afl'ectionutc mother. They havu the sympathy of the surrounding community in the bereZveincut of their loved «me. u n. ‘lev‘ v..- .. .‘._ . Miss L. Potts. of Hope, is \isitinu at her unclel', Mr. Frank Potts. The assessor is on the Wurpxth. Chain up your d a. Mr. 1.: arper is busy haulinv ln s -to Mr. J. Coultem‘ yard. 8 g A wedding is reported in the near future. LATER. An oyster supper was held at. Mr. J. J ohn- son's Tuesday evening last at which a num- ber of young people gathered for a rood evenings entestninment and judging rom the qunnsity of those little crustaceous wrigglera that. were dispatched, there must have been some prize eating. But we hope the boys are none the worse of it. \Voxider why the couple started so soon fox: Phe poplqrs ‘3 _ Mr. n'nd‘ Miss Hooey of Cartwright were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. McMustcr 1:st week. M}. William Porter purchased a horse from Mr. T. Thompson last, week. Mr .T. Jolnuson‘has returned home afber spending a few days with friends in Lind~ A number of our young people uttende‘l a tafl‘y-puu at the residence of M r. and Mrs. W. A. Fallis, Friday evenin 7, March lat and spent, a. very enjoyable time ut dame rumor says some of their dry goods Were slightly difi‘igurfiiz.“ Last Sabbath morning our pastor. Mr. Snowden, preached a moat eloquent scz-x-mu lohoth 01d and young Taking his text from Psalms 63 clip. and 3rd. we" “Be- cause Thy Loving Kindness is Better than Life, MY Lips Shull Praise Theo." Jiv this he plmnly brought before the peuph; ihm life. though sweet as it may he Lu us, is not. col-e compared to the loving kinknvss of God. The choir uixu sung lnusl excellent. They needn’t be afraid to sing unv place after last_Sunday. ' ()n a late Sundav m n ()f mu young 1? wcnded their way 10 the far west :1 return trip we hear got lost. Better ta' light next. time boys. E 11 Sam. 'MF. E. Sharpe and Dr. Leslie recémly delwmcd twenty-one lxeaul of cattle for Mr. '1‘. Jackson in one hour. Whoczm beat this. Mr. J. Sanderson has sold lllS umv driver. Mr. 1). Curtis intends selling by auction his stock and em, on .‘llll‘cll 8th. Miss S. Smfiles of Verlum, who taught ; number of years in S. S. No. 5, is paying r flying visit, to her many fricnils in this par}. Miss TA. Hannah, who has he". VinlLing friends in this neighlwrlwml has rammed to her home In Manvers. u-.. -..-. “ .v .uv uvllnuvll uvnv ucufiuu. V ‘Lh. Fred Svtaples is busy drawing material fora new barn which he intends building. That's riglxt‘lfred iplprqve {he g1xhurba. Mr. Robt. Tohchburn recently purchased a. fine young driver which we hm: bids fair to on: do Mr. S. E. Ferguson‘s famous trot- ter when cglled go the Scratch next season. On Monday, March 4th, a very successful ball was held here under the auspices of the bachelors of Ida. After tripping the light, fantastic toe to the music of our splendid orchestra during the evening and night the many guests wended their several ways home- ward in the wee snm’ hours well satisfied with the evenings proceedings._ Mr. F. Lough has taken his departure for hm home in the far west, ere he left Mrs. W. Lough gave a very successful party in his honor at which the guests enjoyed themsel- ves to the full. 'Storms, burl roads and pitch holes seems to be all the style around here. The clerk of the weather seems to be determined not to let, some people have a wood bee, for so soon as they set a. day for the bee. he (the clerk) set-s a. storm for the same. How is it Hugh. Part 'I. classâ€"Herbert Hootan, James Wilson. Averrge attendance for the month 17. W. H. VANCE, Teacher. ‘ The Epworth League of Fairmounb held a most. enjoyable social on Wednesday even- ing last. on the occasion of a visit from their Ebenezer friends. The Rev. Mr. Kil our presided. The pro rsmme consiste of readings, choruses on an address from Mr. W. J. Gardiner of Millbrook, which was much appreciated. Refreshments were then served and a pleasant evening brought. to a close by singing the doxology. Millbrook was represented by Mr. W. J. Gardiner and Misses E. Penary and Clsrry. Part; II. clanâ€"Wa'idérâ€"x Bowles, Charlie Ballantyge. , Sr. II: clmâ€"ljfiirdm'Harrison, Clara. Lora, EYillip Ballggtyge. Sr; III. classâ€"Percy Lowes, William. Hootan. J1. III. classâ€"Edna Eastwood, Bertha Eagtwoog, Norman Seaton. Sr. IV. classâ€"Sadie Hootau. Mary Mc- Pherson, Jean McPherson, Arthur Gibson, Fred Ballantyne. Jr. IV. class Percy Greer, Murray Mc- Bain. Nona Cathcnr‘E, Weslgy Graham._ vvv- . _-- . , V clas'Bâ€"Flo Robertson, Kenneth Robert- 3013, Jgtm Cathcart. ‘ "FJiRMom‘vz'. The followin is the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 3, airmount, for the month of Fe'lzrupry. IKE". GEORGE J. MW'E. ".13 \V ERS CE; '1‘le VILL l'.‘. IDA. In order to make room for our winter stock of Goods, which will soon be c0ming in, have decided to sell off the balance of the old stock regard- less of cost. Give usa call, it will be to your advantage. ' 00 ACRE FARM 1N CAVAN FOR ONE OF 100 acres. Northeast. part of Cav an pre- ferred. Also first. class 360 acres in N.“ T. . clone to Manitoba boundary. with milwa statiop and town on corner. for a good 100 nor; farm in Cavan. 4) GEO. SOOTHERAN. “11:11 we. lune bu 11 selling for r, 5. “hich we now offer for $10. 1 ca $925 from: 12.73 u; to $7. Also 21 wcllussorted stock of 'l‘inwurc, Hardware, l’uims, 011: “nd Varnish. loots and Shoes from 25c. up to $4. Fresh Groceries always in stock. WHITE FELL \Vc have a fim: line of Din- ncr and Tea Sets combined BAILIEBORO General Store Sign of the Horse at the Door. 373 George Stree, Peterborough. and still advancing. Everything in full swing for the Fall. Remember this we cannot, and will not be undersuld, our Pnces are made to suit, the times and suit you. and Best Value yet. "'" 1 Sole Agents for Saskatchewan I Buffalo Robes. CARRIAGE and STYLISH RUGS, better and Larger stock; than ever. oun HORSE OOI-LARS beat? them all. HORSE BOOTS of Every Descrip- tion. Great Stock of Trunks, Valises and Satchels, Gloves, Buck- skin Mitts Robe Linings and Trimmings. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD 1:5 that it. is always Ul’ TO DATE. N0 old or ancient. stockâ€"never overstocked, never understocked. People who are posted will tell you that our Har- ness and Turf Goods are Anoiher Strong Point ABOUT OUR HORSE ELANKETS, new Styles and neap. ROBES, the Greatest Variety __o‘ D-..‘ llnI-nn ‘tn‘ HARNESS $1.90. Our stock in all lines well assorted. We won’t be under- sold. KeIIs, Fowler €30. $3.00. See our Window for Correct thing. Men’s and Boys” Suits just opened? up. Extra value. See them and be convinced. Men’s Suits from $4.75, Boys’ Suits from WANTED TO EXCHANGE. 5 cases of Spring Hats ranging in Price from 50c. to T0 HAND B. SHORTLY, THIS WEEK ! This Week 9: To a Few Good B A DIAMOND RING sp1e1d111\:1u11:. :11 5â€"1-50 A Beauty in TURQUOIS at $2. 50. A Gents‘ ALL GOLD" C0111r button $1. Our reputation for Wedding kings in 111111) }c:11's cannoL be One lot of Men‘s Overcoats in Mel- ton, Beaver and Nap Cloth 700d value at, $8, $10 and $12. An inde11ible mark of public av "(:11 ‘nw lwun the nulcuuu- Xhus fur u: our Great and Unequalk-J Half Prue Sulv which 1m. ln-m m i myrc-r for 1h.- past few davs. If M 31.1w 'zui "110“?” that, this Hun-u 5;wa \\’;h :L HAHVLI NH SUCCESS, we e’ll 0‘? 115v ‘:'3.~ (f 3,000 we“ sel'rvd. >:L1isfiim1 :Lmi (11'1ighlvd patrons to stand behind us. That’s the way to do it. The Nllt‘ i\‘ 51 ill ;«.ing on, and money saving is yours when you buy at this Biggrs‘ of :111 Big (iiunt Sales. We have put more C'othing 011 the 11:11- ks or 1111 11 and mu days than the combined clothing slums of the 1“ (1 (1.1111111 <. the public haw “:1 Hiding faith and (“01111111 nu- i11 «1111 umwm Men“ Lou wool lineu, stm . , lar, “orth ,$14, at 6L Boys’ Knee Pants, All \\‘ béaten. All Letter Orders filled promptly. \IN‘. .3! \‘xoc. ulst ers, mm ‘ regular price 89, at this Great Personally sell-L: _ pleasure to show Lhcz... \. picked over and have mudc NEW SPRING SUITENQQ. Encouraged by ., . l , 91 m mxr iO‘JSiUL‘I‘fi. \21' 1:2: this season and we 9,: r ‘. ‘ .1. you will find it In ”121' m nouncementa, and it h»..-E 1.9.: you to call an!" St": uur gomls and buy. Boys’ Frieze L'1~.ters, Heavy Wool lined. one of these storm protect- prs, well worth $6 ; we are sell- Halég G' , lichrégtf? 5 ing them at ....... L ........... our price ........................ l, 200 yds Heavy Cottonade Worth In our price ....................... 13c 100 yds new pattern Cottonadc worth 28c our price .................... 2.3a 1500 yds Grey Cotton worth 7c our price So 1000 yds White Cotton regular 12!; goods our price ................ M: 100 yds Double widtfi Sheeting only. . 1- New Feather Tickings ({L 10c 12%; 15c ; and 20c. 1000 yds Bleached Table Linen only 1000 yda Fast Color Prints mu- p'icc. . . in; 100 yds regular 123k: qualit; on. price 7' .M: 500 yds Special Patterns ............ It); 200 yds Dark Ginghams wort“ 7c our price .......................... 5(3 1000 yds Heavy'Shirtings our price. . . . 10c 200yda Hgavy Cattomde worth 20¢ 100 yds New Silk Beltiugs 2!; inches wide in White, Cream, Navy, (Jar- dinal and Black only ............. 500 yards All Wool Plaid Dress Goods regular price 50c. our price ....... 1000 yards All Wool wide width Dress Goods our price ................. 500 yds China. Silks worth 20c our pncc .................. , H ‘ ‘ [UGO yd: hkirl Lining. . . .. .,.. We are leased to announce that on no previous season have we been in a position be serve the pa lie as well as this Spring. ' Our buyer has returned from his buying trip and the New Goods are coming fox-wan! daily. Owing to over-production on the part of manufacturers in Europe, we have made some very special purchases which will be advertised in due time. We ask your attention to the many special lines it!” .eady in stock which 7”?“ 3:231:3- ruPidl . and we should be pleased to have you call and see the new ngS’tua‘v “Tc being open up day by day. "New CAPES and DRESS GOODS expected this Week. McCLELLAND The Jeweiier, NEW SPRING 0 â€"-ATâ€" HALL, GILCHRIST COS Always a pleasure to show Hoods wheilu- : \m hm 0-1:.“ Novelties from New \ ork and l-‘ umpc cuminv 2m “qu «i. ‘ Canada Tween, Irish Tweeds, Worsted Tl'OL". Stud; 2.; ‘ Hams Careful: For Two Dress Goods Department. 130, : Hosery, Gloves, Etc. The Wonderful Cheap Men, '3 5' Peterborough and Lindsay. Staple fispas‘imenz. PUBLIC APPEAL ! GOUGH ROTH ERS ALSII C\' ‘ {.n 388 George Street, I’clcrbomugh. ' , :34 swan" w guur Attention Bargains. b11k)ik 1' if“ U1) (i 50¢: 335:: -IC ,,c 100 Print \Vmppers, w orlh {*1 our price 7" . 100 Print \\xappcrs,wortl1 81...: "' our U; price ................... ..... 90c 81 )utial \alucs at» 30, 31. J0, $0 00 $2.25- Men's yuur in Boys' Irish Tweed L'lstczs, lung cut, wool lined, a bargain for $7, is is yours at UM sale xor the sum of The balance of “’11 9‘] v.‘ areauv rullucw bein'v opened 13s u L. full back, sching mug: $12, our pricc at xhis m A“ \\ 021‘ N0 {mm ( all and then go an Why pay $1.00 to Man) for making '1' Print Dress whcn you can buy them mdy made at same price. 10“ pair Corsets, worth 300. our price 395 10 dozen Luaics’ Cotton Night Gowns r only. .. .......... .. fl“ White Un'lcnwarund SVx" {t special Pflc‘s 100 ydn Veilings worth 25c our plicc.. 156 New Valencicm Laces 1 _ . .‘ - " New Embroidcrics I d’" SW“! paces 100 pains All \‘Voul Hose to clear at. . . 121.0 1200 pair N cw Black Cashmere Hunt: only ........................... “\‘350 All wix‘ucr Goods being gig-grad at reduc- x fore tailors arc rushed \\ 'stvd F 1.11:": 1'5. ‘ 3 A UN; b<,::1;v- r Mung All 3* A {{Kli. Hi Wool [’0‘ Is. zuimlnlc fut business r. to 20 lo clnmch Underwear, Garsets, Etc. Matias and Millinery Tailoring Department. “'T'FVEBUBL‘bufl pair Black Cashmere Gloves 'ing,’ I’anli11;(:, and Suiting to M 4 mmuteml '1': ices “ill: m we the mud» and gel. quot-Lion! {comp om prices. 'rcon! w I“. r. . -}_ ' sour. Ior ‘00)“5 the past six 1‘! " ‘vrnvos that 31w: .3..." an have your rude larwcr purcluses‘ :3"..- to watch our an- aur prices before you :A ~1' Goods being clear- prices. New Goods HU‘. long, wk: .c d I Suiting to has 680. and 87c Y) a ~24 mule

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