~ï¬nglish szwin Linimem removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Bing Bone, Sweeney, Stiï¬es, Sprains, Sore spdï¬wollen Throat, Cou 115, etc. Save $50 by use: of one bottle. arranted by A. man. 11-131; â€"Just arrived at R. J. Doak’s, the largest. ï¬et-tiest and cheapest stock of Wall Paper q‘rer shown in Millbrook. bee this stock iefore buying. Remnants .of last year’s flock sold at great sacriï¬ce. Buy early and xcnre the plums. 10- REMEMBER Membray's'Kidney and Liver Qurc is the latest triumph in‘Pharmacy, for the cure of Kidney and Liver Trouble, and a positive cure for Back Ache, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Constipation, c. For sale by A. man : Millbrook. 11-4: cessary is to send answers to the following questions: 1. Which is the longest book in the New Testament? 2. Which is the abortest? 3. The longest verse? 4. The Ibortest? Mail your answer to the Ladies’ Home Magazine, enclose $1 for six months Subscription to this popular magazine. If your answers are correct you are sure of a reward. The following is the prize list: 81,000 in gold, $500 in gold, $250 in gold, 8100 in gold, pianos, organs, gold watches, 2,500 elegant silver tea. sets, c. The public may rely on faiï¬and square dealing, as the Ladies’ Home Magazine is an old and reliable concern. Address, THE LADIES’ Home MAGAZINE, Peterboro, Ontario.“ Com- ‘ petitions close May 30, 1893. 13-3 ‘ Tourists. W'hether on pleasure bent or business, should take on every trip a. bottle of Syrup ofFigs, as it acts most pleasant-1y and effec- tually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, Feventing fevers, headaches and other forms sickness. For sale in 750. bottles by all Iadina dmggists. 13.4t A Popular Competition. 1 “’e desire to call the attention of those1 who takoan interest inBibIe study, to th yo'pnlar competition of the Ladies’ Home Iagazine, a. ï¬rst class illustrated magazine, ,nblished at Peteiboro’, Ontario. Theflcom- petition is open to the world, and is free to all who care to compete. All that is ne- b'yDr. Ryerson, M. P. P., of Toronto, Dr. Hontague, M. P. ,of Haldimand, Dr. Sp mule H. P, of East (nay and Mr. R. R. Elliot of m MILLBROOK REPORTER. At the clese WSS a iargely attended public xeeting was held in the (meta house, when addresses were delivered an: Annual Meeting Held Last Saturday and Public fleetingâ€"hrs. Montague, men-son and ï¬ne the Orators of the B. R. ELLIOT. EDITOR AN D PROPRIETOB Cou 1' Open His Eyes. I took it wice during that time to the Eye and E nflrmary on Charles street, but their remedies failed to do him the faintest shadow a! good. I commenced giving him Hood’s Sarsapariila. and it soon cured him. I have never doubted that it saved his sight, even if not his very life. You may use this tes- timonial in any way you choose. I am always ready to sound the praise of By Hood’s Sarsaparillaâ€"Blood Poi- soned by Canker Read the follox ing from ‘. ateful mOther: “My little boy had Scarlet ever when 4 years (id, and it left him vc eat: and with blood poisoned with en er. His eyes became soinflamed that his flerings were intense, and hrseven weeks e because of the wonderful good it did my son.†Assn: F. BLACKMAN, 2888 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Get HOOD’S. HOOD’S PILLS are hand made, and are per- m in composition, proportion and appearance. ‘Ebe {IDiIIbrook 1keporter. A Bostan Boy’s Eyesight Savedâ€"Perhaps His Life Hood’s Sarsaparina THURSDAY. MARCH , 30, 1893. W'EST PETERBORO TORI ES. (E. Bradburn, Peter- heve of North Mon- pon, Smith; Daniel vu’ UAJALLA A “animal 3 Hugh ’Wadden, L Strickland, Lake- * ey. @â€"L. M. Hayes, of the West Peter- ciatxon was held on ie following ofï¬cers Lendry, Mayor of P I R. Meredith in Ontario. .3? 5*. largeJy and zrompt mnres t6 arrest and ordiliégi; the 'aem. Another resommon was passed recom- mending: =I-te appointment of a. competent veterinal. _‘ surgeon, whose duty it; would be to look LULL‘I' the health of the llve stock of the com:' and to Whom all communica- tions r- 1 addressed from persons who had n. ; believe that their herds were in any way affected. This oï¬icer was to be invested with full authority, on the receipt otsuch I: :nmnnication, to take immediate A res :Z-cn was passed recognizing the services of Professor Robertson in connec- tion with the dairy interests of Canada. and recommending his employment on the per- manent staff of the Central Experimental Farm :1' . good salary. cause mu were not successful, who had nr céeded in the United States and 111... .ere not likely to be success- ful anywhere. Dr. Roome and Mr. McGregor also spoke against spending money for this purpose, and 21112Mac- donald, (Assiniboia), said tha u these im- migrants who had been b1 outh into Canada. from the United States had proven fail- ares. In the Committee on Agriculture Mr. A. M. Burgess, Deputy Minister of the In- terior, gave evidence as to the steps taken to promote emigration from the United States. Mr. Carpenter thought that‘it was awaste of money to bring back to Canada; ‘7035 who had. left, Canada. be- There was a meeting of members in room 34, called by the Toronto members, to con- sider the advisability of requesting the Government to take some steps to com- memorate the crossing of the Atlantic by the ï¬rst steamer, the Royal William, in 1833. It was agreed to ask the Govern- ment to put up a brass tablet either in Ottawa or Quebec, and also to ask that the p::' i .2 documents relating to the crossin r be collected in pamphlet form for distriu tion at the â€World’s Fair, where a model of the Royal William will be ex- hibited. - Prof. McEachran announced that the Hudson Bay Company intends to slaughter a herd of cattle in the Peace River district as soon as a veterinary surgeon can get thereâ€"the herd suffering from tuberculosis. In the meantime the cattle are isolated. He claims that tuberculosis is communicable to man, this being the base for his recom- mendation of such a large grant for stamp- ing it out. gag. Afte-r some remarks by Dr. Landerkin and Mr. Mills (Bothwell) Mr. Charlton’s amendment was lost on division. r TUBERCULOSIS. Atameeting of the Agricultural Com- mittee Prof. McEachran recommended that Parliament be asked to grant $500,000 to stamp out tuberculosis. This sum, he said, would be sufï¬cient to buy all affected cat- tle, and which should at once be slaughter- ed. He also recommended that instead of a voterinary surgeon being sent from Canada, Sir Charles Tupper be empowered to employ three veterinar surgeons in Scotland to be present at t e slaughter of cattle from Canada, and recommended for the purpose Professors Williams and Wellor of Edinburgh and McCaul of Glas- Sir Adolphe Caron said he had studied the question of a reduction of the rate of postage, but the result had not justiï¬ed his recommending it. He claimed that con- sidering the territory to be covered Canada had the best postal service in the world. In remote parts of the country we had tri- monthly and semi-monthly mails when in corresponding sections of the United States there was only a monthly mail. The reduc- tion of postage in the United Kingdom was not brought about on the ground of the previous postage being too high, but by departmental rearrangement. In the Unit- ed States the rate was reduced because the postal revenue was largely in excess of the ex enditure. The surplus was over two mi lions. The result of the reduction of the rate had been to create a large deï¬cit. In the ï¬rst nine months this deï¬cit was $3,079,000. The next year the deï¬cit was $6,756,000. J udging from the result in other countries be estimated that the loss of revenue to Canada by the adoption of the two-cent rate would be about $950,000 a year. If any reduction in letter postage was made it would be necessary to at once re-impose the postage on newspapers and . other printed matter now carried free. I In conclusion he moved: “That this House is of the opinion that the domestic and American rate of postage, with due re- gard for this public interest, be reduced to two cents for letters of one ounce or less in weight." , it; The House then divided and Mr. Edgar’s amendment. was lost by 50 majority. Messrs. McCarthy, O’Brien, Weldon and Calvin voted with the minority. T‘VO CENT POSTAGE. On motion to go into supply Mr. Charl- ton man7 '- a. long speech in favor of the adoption of a 2-cent postage rate. He re viewed the history of cheap postage in Great Britain and the UnitEd States, especially the latter. He showed that the reduction of revenue in the United States caused by the reduction of postage had been very brief, and argued that; the same thing would occur in Canada if a. two cent rate was adopted. G ueml had any personal interest in tlio matter, or that in affected his conduct as a member of Parliament. After Sir Richard’s burst of humor, Mr. McCarthy very seriously announced that he should vote for the amendment, although he did not belieVe that the Postmaster- Sir 1i-tichard Cartwright followed, and read the draft of a facetious bill to the effect that in future any one accused of an offence should have the right to select. his own judge and jury and ï¬x his own manner of trial. Also that a person accused of one crime should be acquitted if found not guilty of some other offence with which he was not charged. For instance, a man accused of murder must be acquitted if it was shown that he was innocent of adultery and so on. It was provided that no member of a. Liberal administration should have the beneï¬t of the act. ’ The Caron charges were disposed of by Mr. Edgar’s amendment to the motion to go into supply being defeated by a. motion of 60 for to 119 against. It is generally be- lieved that that will be the last “ï¬ghting†motion of the session. The debate on the Caron charges was resumed by Hon. Mr. Davies, who made a long and elaborate speech, dealing mostly in generality and condemning the Postmaster-General more on account of the deductions to be drawn from the evidence itself. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS: THE ROYAL WILLIAM. NONE OTHER GENUINE N ewest Degi/gns. GAUTEON. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS own on. TURNEB’s mun: STORE. opene his barber shop in the Mulligan block, T. H. BR I intend holding a large jolnt stock sale some time durinv the ï¬rst part of April, and those having anything to sell better call on me during the present month. A. PAYN E. I have also for sale the best makes of \Vashing Machines, Wringers and Churns. of all kinds ke t; c stantly on hand. Also a stock of ï¬rst cla Tlnware. Cash paid for Hides, Wool, gs, Potatoes, Tallow, Scrap Iron c. GHANGE 09 LOCATION. I have just reeeived a. quantity of No. 1 LAND PLASTER which will be sold at a. very small proï¬t. Farmers before purchasing will do well to call on me and see the high recommenda- tions given this plaster by Professor Rodgers, Professor Croft, Mr. y en, M. P. R, and the late . George M. P. P., and the late Brown. ‘ Flour, Prices to Suit the Times. ALFRED MAYCGDK, Gall and"See Them Before Pur- ehasing Elsewhere. from (2mm 5 Ewnsn l-nlh'rs' which are the best 111 the maaket, a great variety of It is a Pjeasurï¬/to Show Them. m which we can “knéck ’ciii $1331.†Uur trade in this department has increased from year to year, and this year we have carefully_s_e1_ected Patterns | all Colors ' ateen Finish 32 lnchog Walsh Kg Clarke Spring Goods WALSH 8c CLARKE. PLASTE R, n. CHAMBERS, Pyoï¬rietor. 1N BRONZE LETTER PREN BAILLIEBORO. ON T. AGENT FOR THIS DISTRICT INSURANCE AGENT, LINDSAY, ONT. Our Specialty this week is PLASTER. All» 41$ NEW 92% >‘%€ IS MARKED Lowest Prices. @ Meals East colors. ï¬'c'it' a'ab’f'iB'iHé ï¬b‘ï¬xinion Hotel. Mill‘urook? 11 -.-.~=.,;z_:;;//" onhing, ed?- to. Cleaned or .. the celebrated also agent for the Ladies and Gents .aity. Also Gentsdrese ttei than can be done at home. Sent. ay of each week Also Feather Beds . Pillows cleaned. \Ve are now read:v to weaxc comets for the season. Warp supplied. Hmeulsxzus on hand a. ï¬ne assortment of J‘vecds I lannels Yarns. {011s and Cotton Gooey. \\ ool bought or exchanged the year round. .u -. ' ' , if; :,:,,D. CHAMBERS. .1..- co. 2: Aha...“ _._._.,..-.. ._ _. ,. 43‘ TOW' IS the time to "et your .1. tains Feathers, Socket Dyed by It. PARKER d: Toronto Dy ers. W'e or Peterboro' yb‘t can Laun Collars and Cut? 1 Sp ShirtSâ€"chea or. d Department of Indian Affairs Ottawa, March 1893 w: um. ' "hqumm-EMW»"12M#WLELR Forms of teï¬ r, containing full particulars relative to the supplies required. dates of de- livery, etc., may be had by applying to the un- dersigned, or to the Indian Commissioner at Regina, or to the Indian Ofï¬ce. \Vinnipeg. T is advertisement is not to be inserted by any neWSpaper Without the authority of the Queen’s Printer, and no_ claim for ayment by any newspaper not haying had 3110 authority will be admitted. The lowest or any tender not necessarily agccpted.i‘:*§““.‘4$§ air-1:223 142:1;1 -Lk,num‘:-» K M ,.ed to the un- EALED TENDERS addr dersigneo. and endorse ‘Tenders for In- dian SupFliesJ’ will be re ved at this ofï¬ce up to noon 0 THURSDAY -Oth April.E1893, for the delivery of In ian Sup 1es,‘duringitheï¬sca1year , duty-paid, at various pomts :11 Ma tob nd the North W’ess Terri- †-' f:flmmm.‘¥mfwn?r'â€œâ€˜ï¬ â€"HOW TO (lemmaâ€"Write the uestions ‘1 down, and follow with the answers, mail this to us, together with $1 to pay for six months subscription to the Ladies’ Home Magazineâ€"one of the best home Magazines of the day, and if your answers are correct; you will receive one of the following prizes : $1000 in gold ; $500 in gold ; $250 in gold ; $100 in gold ; 2000 Elegant Tea Sets,-Organs, Pianos, c. Everything fair and square. Send postal card for list of former prize winners. Over $10,000 distributed during the past two years. Address : THE LADIES' HOME MAGAZINE, Peterborough, Canada. 13 QUESTxoxs.â€"1.â€"Ef:h1ch IS the longest book in‘tho New Testament? 2. thch IS shortest? i The Iongggugrse? 4.;1‘heahortest? The Publishers of the Ladies’ Home Maga- zine presents its Bible Competition to the public of America. This Competition closes on May 30th, 1893, (15 days thereafter being allowed Eiletfcers to reach us from distant oints) . .o Thieves Break into Several Stores But get Little Booty. Some time during Sunday night thieves entered Ryley Son’s store in Bethany and blew open the safe and pulled everything out of it, but got no money. They then proceeded to the post-ofï¬ce, breaking in the door and making off Witha small sum. From there went they to T. Ivory 3: Sons, and went throng all the tills but; only got 253. They then took lunch and departed for some other town. SPRING IS COM! ’“éï¬Tip FF" is for sale in 750 bottles leading druggists. Any relia 1e druggist Who may not have it on hand will rocure it promptly for any one W o wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP "Gfl‘. SAN BEAN 01800. CAL. 'IIPVTISVILEE- KY: NEW YORK C W. Y. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem eï¬'ectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. S rup of .Figs isothe only remedy 0 its kind ever ro- duced, pleasing to the taste an ac- ceptable to the stomach, rompt in its action and truly bene cial in its eï¬â€˜ects, prepared onl from the most healthy and agmeah‘e substances, its man excellent quantiesc dit to al a? have m 11; the most pular med own. p0Syrup f F'y ‘ is for sale in _75c ‘ â€"...._..J._ TENDERS. ONE ENJOYS “LT VAN KOUGHN ET, Deputy of the Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs. BURGLARS AT BETHA- 'Y. A Popular Competition. INDIAN SUPPLIES, Spec' lattention paid to col wand repairs. bows to announce that 11 ms opened a. new mess shop in the store next door to' R, Deyell’s, where all work in his line will be performed at low rates. W. STRAIN BLANKETS, wmps, HALTRRS, 6w. ; 13-3t , t e ,_ F “-v cam“, u; Luc lau \\ a) station. Terms. for the chattels, cash : terms for the real estate, 10 per cent. at the time of sale and the balance in cash within 30 days, or at the purchaser‘s Option, excepting the Bethany lots. 10 percent. at time oisa-le. an additional 40 per cent. within 30 days thereafter. and the bal- ance on mortgage to the satisfaction of the ven- dors. for ï¬ve years, with interest at. ï¬ve and on‘e-halg pet: cent. yearly. PARCEL 5. Lot 10, concession 14. Manvers, 200 acres, 60 cleared, 140 valuable bush. Soil good clay loam, about 60 acres dry swamp, which, when cleared. will make ï¬rst-class pas- ture, watered by spring creek and well : build- ings are a log dwelling 20x24. log barn 26x56, frame granary 14x22, and frame stable 24x30. This farm is near church and school, and being only nine miles from Lindsay on the level road. : the timber is considered to be worth $25 an acre; under lease to Albert Stimson. expirin on the lst of March, 1894, at $150 a year. an taxes, pavable on lst September. his lot will be sold subieet to the right to Mr. Parkins of Lindsay _ta 'mg off certain timber next winter, full particulars of .which ‘will be given at the true of sale. .PARCEL 6. The north half of lot 1.3. conces- mon 12, Man \‘ers, 100 acres, 60 cleared. 20 acres dry swamp and 20 uncleared; soil clay loam, watered by a spring: Well fenced: buildings cedar log house 24x26, frame barn 30x55 and cedar The; stable 21x30 under lease to \Vm. John“ ston for one year from 151: February, 1893, at $75 and taxes. payable lst August, 1893. ,PARCEL 7. Lots 5 and 6 on the South side of king-st†east-of Jolm~st. in the village of Beth any, n on which is a. frame shed and stable. These ots are close to the railway station. Tam-ye in» 41... ,.L--r , PARCEL 1. The east h {of lot 17, concession 9, Manvers, 00 acres, acres cleared. about 70 acres free rom sémnps, 20 acres hard-wood bush;soi1 ayloa “watered bywellsmrchard of about; era-5;. uildings, two storey stone house 821:“ itchen 16x30, wood shed 21x40; one anda store ' rough cast; house 18x28, kitchen 14- . woo shed 14x15 : frame barn 40x60: frame barn on stone masonry foundation, stable below 30x40, frame implement shed 24x30, frame hay shed 22x50, frame horse stable 20x60, stone pig en 24x30. This is one of the best; farms in 1‘ anvers, 4 miles from Bethany, 12 from Millbrook and 16 from Lindsay. Imme- diate possession can be given. PARCEL 2. Lot 18, concession 9, Manvere, 200 acres, 160 cleared, 40 hard wood bush ; soil clay loam, watered by sprin . and wells, orchard of about 150 trees ; buil ings. frame one storey house 18x22, frame barn 30x82. frame barn 30x50, frame stable and shod 16x65: frame shed 16x40. This is a. ï¬rst-class farm, being one of the best in the township. It; is 4 miles from Bethany and S from Ponty 001. It Will be sold subject to a lease to Geo. 'err at $575 a year and taxes, rent payable in advance, the lease expiring on the 24th of FebruiLIIY, 18972 7 At 12 o’clock sharp, the/following valuable fax-ms :â€" ’ THE TORONTO GENERAL TB. USTSICOw Administrators of the Estate of John McGill, deceased, have mstrhcted me to 2:611 13' public auction on the remises. the ea st half of lot 17 concession 9 anvers. on Of Six Valuabie Farms, Farm Stock and lmplem ents. THURSDAY, 6th APRIL, at 10 o‘clock sharp. farm stock and implements asfolows: l BrownMarea ed, in foal to Muckle Wilkes. 1 Grey Mare, age , 1 Grey Mare. three ye ars old, 1 Bay Mare coming three _ycars _old, 1 second-h_and Single Bu gy, 1 Fanmne Mill. 1 Se 1; Vs’grkmg Harness, 3 ‘11: 1e Ploughs, 1 Set Bo bslewhs, 1 pair Diamond arrows, 1 Massey- Harris inder, nearly new, 1 Maxwell Binder, 1 Maxwell Mower, 1 Maxwell Horse Bake, 3. guan’gty of Binding Twine. 2 Box . Stoves, 1 ookmg Stove, 1 Grain Cradle, 1 Spring T_ooth C ultivater, 1 Beaver Seeder and Bull ccmbmed, 1 Clock. Table and Chairs, 5 Hens. 1 Lumber W agozx. 1 set Light Double Barnes s, 1 Pair Twin Ploughs, etc., etc. A W AKE notice that at the carï¬ratic-p of men- tv days Item the ï¬x Lubï¬cancn hucof, John Morton, of the "‘ wnship cf Darlington, in the Ccunty of Emmam, yecmen. will apply to the Euro atc Cdurt of the United Ccuntics of Northum ~03;de and Durham, to Ice ap toint- Cd gu dian ctthc pcrsms and cstatcs 01‘ dd;â€" ard H 13' Mortar. Rotert John Merton, and Jame Jc-flrey Morton, the infant children of Susa " :Morton, late of the said Townshi of Darli on, married woman, deceased, andt at letters of guardianship may be granted to him pursuant to the statute in that bchalf. Dated this 16th day of March, A.D., 1893. fl-___' -uulscbl TIRED FEELING, RHEUMA Nights, Melancholy V a. Membray’s . Kidney yeadgehe, is the latest triumph in phz of all the symptoms indi‘ LIVER Complaint. If y Costiveucss, Dizzin = ’In the [Matter qf the Guardians hip 01 the Infant Children qf Sus annah ï¬lorton, late qfthe Township of Dar- lington, married wonmn, Mcsed. IN THE SURBOGA‘I‘E COURT OF THE :UNITED COUNTIES OP NORTHUMâ€" BERLAND AND DURHAM. . ' . N .11 gzve unmedmte rehef and Ermcr A Cure. old a: all Drug- Stores. Peterboro’ Medicine 00., Limited. nâ€"â€"___ A ~ 7 Administrator’s Sale ! 2-3 PETERBORO’, int. If y :, Dizzin s, 5 ~ ' are tl‘ouhkd wr.) Sour Stsnmch, digestion; P003 Arrar: “v SMITH 8; PRE STON, Solicitors for Petitioner. Liver Cure ‘le‘SSi'ï¬. Alex. Fe!“ Fcz'guwn, J . J. Prestun ax (1ka were in Ottawa. 13. other members of the cou (31 business with the gave counties. Their object w gr: nt to aid in building ‘ bridge, which is on the Trent- Valley canal. ‘V to learn that they were h £111 in their mission, and t receive upwards of 35,0 the construction of the b pe 3.. every man to â€"~.\uuce (cf-men in: seed grail vouid â€"â€"The farmefs play s6 over, and already be is r palms of his hands for a the spring plowing. ; â€"-If the end‘ of the i come, how 1: it with mu 0 want monev and the â€"It is about time to 1 specks from, or remelt, maple sugar and sell it run of the season. â€"â€"Thc ï¬rst rumble 0: the seapn occured on noon.†Membray's Kidney and ‘ preparation of Herbs and R cal properties of which : known. Try it for Purif; For sale by A. Luca: Mil] -â€"This week is called] special services are being Anglican and Ron‘ churches. â€"Itch on humans, horse: cured in 30 minutes by “'01 Lotion. This never faiis. A. men. â€"The equinoct-ial sto: of universal severity. ‘ the country escaped winds, rain or snow. â€"The evening service church aext Sunday will past seven â€"The district council Templars of Temperance on Good Friday. -â€"-This spring is quiu days. Then again on 0' springier than a umber â€"Our city fathers v April meeting on Mend: :2 -â€"Service will be held church to-morrow morn: â€"â€"A big farmers’ picn at Chemung on June 12 â€"Mr. G90. Payne 3 left for their new home this week. â€"â€"Prof. Pemberton’s Tuesday night will be a â€"â€"The Mauvers coun Saturday. â€"-T0-morr0w will be â€"Dr. Tilley visited t yesterday. are the Principals. A thorough Business. and ‘ School. ComÂ¥titiony yearly vet Medals. he 70 go i mailed free. Geo. S If A. Blanchard, Charmred Acc PETERB «ea: 3118M Prepared only by Hundreds of Butt of this what“; Compound Syrup of Homhound ‘ A. T. ELL DON’T BE WET owe a TOWN T. oat: wheat. v THE DRCGG ‘avam'i H ins DU