Millbrook Reporter (1856), 17 Jan 1895, p. 3

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‘31:. 2332222222 3, 11:. a. ‘ l , f ,7‘ v. c ‘5.’ f“ ,z "T rim . BATESUN. sturgeon. promptly euro , Group. Sore 3 Cough and Education it as no If ' madman-l will CUR: YOU ' .3' Km: $3323 on a guar- I. .2" Buck or (best. use v.1. LADONNA PLASTERfic. en’s.» CATARBH asusmr. .. . ’I' 4 remedy-ism you. but «Jets. lulectortrco. Ll‘IAA'lI. I‘E [()-t I’IXODINE Huh Remedy. l ". i ,n : fiutlrlulh‘t‘d f0 and permanently o! .Vq’rrous . £.s.<£un.s.5'p(rmrv .1 ’urn’.. .1, [rulmlrm‘yaml all . . ‘t. 'ln’ .t. “ 1. rent ll ug ~ \ . m-I .mf .15va or Enema, ‘ .. f. - ' ll'nr: y, rrrrssire use 1 a; of -, Ups-naur Stimur . I‘ l Swan (call ‘0 In.- . 2...: ’ m: mold/t curly grave. Hymn-s in thousands of 1:. ‘.. -' (lull Hunts: )fz'rlicine .. tfor “'1de Phosphodlnefl! 2.. rzntcss i:.c~!.ci:xc in place of this. 1-”. and \n- .11 scnd by return ' :0. 31'. my. 35. On‘ will ...1 ' ‘11:: tn Irv" €011!!me The “'0qu Company, '.. indoor. Ont. Canada. .1. l rywlicrc by all , .‘I'u v 1 ‘v phy-lclan. Successfully and .‘U of unprinclplcd (2ngth who ', sualmi, by rctum mail. Fullsealed l " 001i 3 Oliilll 00f COMPOUND. A recent dbcovery by mold monthly by thousands of > Lulscs. Is tho only perfectly sarc- dud rclmblc medicine db rlliclncs in place of this. Askfor Root Compound. take nosubstl- S‘. and r; ecuzs la postage in letter :lain raw-low. to ladies only. 2 The Cook Company. Windsor. Ont“ Canada. '2 U) . ‘ t s: "'3 to o M 7-5- "1: (D E W ! (a m t: .5." (3 3 ‘7’!) [3 l 5 i. la lo" â€".»: l .‘i. ,’ :3 \. 12 .‘ I.\ g x * l ~ I . 1-,}; 5 i ' E f if $133233- , t 9‘ W‘ g t' .2: the first number 9‘ w of Reviews W13 25 : val 3YhCl€$ and emf: " c: tarnisg interestand Review at Reviews ‘ - departments: “Call at. Jonxs'rox .l- Ram’s and scc their large and wcll selected stock .it' Wall Papers which will be sold at greatly l'cduced prices. A The Largest And Best Assortment Of Calendars, Booklets, “The coasting on Allen’s hill last week was up to old time quality and during the moonlight hours was wcll made- lIs‘c of by singlc slcighs, double bus and cvcn the front bob of horse slicghs. Captain Sweedv U. S. A" San Diego L‘al., says: “Shiloh‘s Cutarrh Remedy is thc first medicine I have ever found that woulddo me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold bv A. men In parliamentary campaigns this con ing, but in municipal. elections it won not be necessary.-â€"Neu's-I(em. â€"â€"â€"I. E. Necdham is prepared to take charge of auction salcs of all kinds at shortcst noticc and lowest tcrms, satis- faction guarantccd., Mr is now in a bcttcr posititmthan (-Vcr to supply you with a piano or organ. taincd at drug stores. Novelties, forth. â€"()ne thing that keeps many a good man on: of the council is the p:cscnt vulgar system of canvassing There should be a clause in the On- tario statutes making it a criminal offence for any candidate or his agents to solicit votes by personal canvasa be done from a platform at mass meet â€"C. I. Hood ll: Co. of Lowell, Mass, the great Samparilla and patent medicine firm have issued a calender for ninety-five that is the picture of neatness and beauty and can be ob- Two bright faces of little girls representing winter and summer, suiilingly meet the eye of the onlooker, and besides the astron- omical events of the year are fully set Call at the drug stores and Etc. this year Will be found ~01: thc lst. the use of private post cards was madc lcgal in Canada. Any ordinary card, not larger than thc rcgular otlicial post card, may be scnt through thc mails if a one cent stamp is attachcd. -~Miss Turncr lift on Tucsday for Glcichcn, N. \\'. T., whcrc she takes charge of a mission school in the Black- foot llcscrvc. llcr many friends here will wish bcr succcss in that far away mountain homo mnongst the dusky fact-s of tho rcdman. Sill LOH‘S CURE is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best ('ough Cinc. Only onc cent a dose ; 25 I‘ cts., 50cts. and S100 per bottle. Sold by STORES. m... “ I] -Thc Mctliodist Sunday school .2} have addcd over two hundred new books to thcir library and issued a cataloguc of both old and ncw. They havc now onc of the most complctc and lit-st .sclcctcd libraries in this part and a crcdit to the school. -A loading dry good firm in Ncw York city has purchased $70,000 worth of advertising for this year in one nowspapcr of that city. The suc- cessful business man more and more realizes the importance of advertising through the ncwspapcrs. Business ~ @ollege AND SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. PETERBOROL‘GH. oxrxmo. OI'RSES 1N BOOK-KEEPING. SHORT- hand. Arithmetic. \Vriting. and Typo. writing. 'l‘r_v a thrcc months coursc this Full or “'intcr. For tcrms writc A. BLANCHARD, C.A., Principal. â€"~lf you want thc best quality and thc greatest quantity of rolled meals go to Gordon McIvor': : Ten lbs. rollcd oats for 25¢, twclvc lbs. rolled wheat for 25¢, twelve lbs. rolled ryc for 250., twelve lbs. rolled oats for a bushel of oats. Give him a trial. ~15- -â€"The Pctcrboro' Collegiate Hockey Team will play Millbrook at the rink to night, as this is the first match of the season and the first for our boys it ‘cEFmiiiiiiSoiaVrébbEié'E. ‘ \\ THURSDAY. JANUARY 17, 1895. ' TO‘VN TALK and get one. â€"«The lecture in the town hall on Tuesday night by the Rev. C. 0. John- ston, under the auspices of the R. T. of T., was very thinly attended, not by any means such a house as the reputation of the lecturer warranted, or the lodge who provided the treat deserved. The Rev. gentleman is not a stranger to Millbrook, therefore we were surprised at the smallness of the audience, but those who turned out were more than repaid. Taking for his subject “Influence” the gifted speaker at once dived deep into the various surroundings by which man- kind is effected and the way in which those influences shape the after life. He devidcd his subject under the head- ings of influence by the Ear, Eye, Company, Home, Eta, and by apt il- lustration and touching incident the small audience was carried along the pathway of life from youth to grown manhood. “'hile Mr. Johnston may not be called an orator he has at the same time that faculty which interests aid touches his hearers and the lessons which he strove to impart should bear 200d fruit. The R. T. of T. will not be the gainers financially by their en- tertainment provided but in another way may have accomplished what will be to their advantage. Mr. \V. J. Gardiner ably occupied the chair and on the platform were the Ministers of the town and the Rev. Mr. Brown of Cavan, all of whom made a few com- plimentary remarks at the close. W’iéOBEhr Mlllbmok. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUB- lic. Etc. Money to Loan. "iélTlibYTT' Ontario. Gentreville GENERAL STORE. ‘. ld Id The right place for you to get everything you require for your household, and nothing but first-class ‘ goods kept in stock. Prices the lowest. You will find it to your ad- 3' vantage to deal at Centreville. Your patronage solicited. JAS. T. ll. LANG. Items or interest forwarded by THE REPORT: ER'B own Correspondents. I D YL. Dedicated to the ’94 and '95 bascball team of Mount Pleasant. Way back in early summer At a worthy crlcr's call, The boys assembled merrily, To organize a ball Team that should ntruzgle With other might): teams. For honor and lsunction 1n the vista of sweet dreams. The Slogan raised the echoes . From the Mount unto. the line, And all the choices: hitters Seemed towers of strength and line. While for runners of the bases And throwers tried and true, Their e uals nc’cr'oxlsted 'Tweenlwrc and halamazoo. The batter ' was catchy. And played with such dcspntch. Their adversaries often ‘fapncd ' And seldom gotta ‘spratch ; _ A mascot. warm in l , For luck had said “good 3 ecd ! " But an umpire was selectt Of wisdom and good heed. Likc Alick of the olden time Who sighed for realms unknown. Whercln to show his prowess And claim them as his own. This splendid aggregation Before the season‘s close, Sent challenges to north and west But all seemed comatose. Now the ballâ€"mg season‘s 0 or The boys begin to think, To run a team next summer They'd better have some chlnk ; '91 \ prnniscs to be worth seeing. Drop in . . . . to the rink and Him the bovs '1. cheer! .â€"Mcchamcs Institute entertain _ i D ‘ i “ mcnt. “Town Hall. Tuesday Next, Jan. "" Sec large posters. â€" \Vhitc. Geo. Fox and \V. H. Hewlett. all stars of the first magni- tudc. â€"Kcll.s, Fowler it Co's. sale is crcat ing quite a stir in town. 52 â€"Thc annual meeting of the Presby- tcrian church will bc held in the church on Friday evening at 7.30. â€"Thc cclcbratcd Premier Cross-Cut Saw for sale at J onxsrox (v Fxm’s. 39- â€")lr. J. J. Fair spent a few days last week in Petcrboro, returning home on Tuesday. â€"Somc great bargains in village properties call and see list of same: G 1-10. Soo'rn sum. 1 l â€"â€"Mcssrs. A. A. Smith and S. \V. L‘larkv :nadc thcir usual .scmi monthly trip to bethany on Monday. l church, â€"â€"~Mr. Arthur Mulligan has bccn . laid off work for a few days with rhcn-i matism in the arm. i â€"-Mrs. G. H. Small was callcdawayi last wee-k to the bedside of her sister! in Lindsay, who is vcry ill with dia- betcs. â€"Chas. Hethcrington,.who is at- tending the Collegiate, Petcrborough was home over Sunday. â€"Mr. A. Fee has just got comfort- ably settled in the new wing of him hotel and has now a public house. a credit to the village in every particular. â€"â€"Bost0n Coach Oil, the favoritc, n I‘xnis. -: â€"Miss Lillie Pcndry returned home this week from \Viarton, where she has been in charge of one of the large millinery establishments of that town. ‘Cl)ll.\‘ltlt?l'il.l,)lc (lamagc 'ficnd was clicckcd l)cf:.>r€"hc building , . , , r2... Scwing Machine 011 at Jonxs'ro}; Niki" l â€"I have rcduwd the pricc' of both hard and soft wood in order to get it moved out of the way, my wood is strictly first-class. I have just receivâ€" cd another carload of those dollar shingles. They are splendid value. 7-3 â€".Gco. Fox has no equal on the stage in Canada as a violinist. Miss )thitc is acknmvledgcd by all who ' have heard her to boy equal to Jessie Alcxandcr. \V. H. chlctt- is also a delightful entertainer. Town Hall, Tuesday, J an. 2'3nd. \V. Tu EXTOX. , â€"7Cavan Sunday School Convention ‘ for the whole township and Millbrook will be held in the Mcthodist church . Cavanvillc, on Tucsday, 5th., afternoon and evening. An interesting pro- gramme has bccn prepared and all in- terested in Sunday school work should iatcnd. â€"Thc firc boll rang out clear and wild at noon on Sunday. just after the cause of the clang, clung. being a tirc at Mr. Pcmbe-rton's house. bcsidn St. Thomas church. Althoughl was donc, tllc was destroycd. How about the hosc 3 Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Hambcrg, Ont., Independent says : “ I was suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Troublc.I took a few bottles of Shiloh's Vitalizer and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it." Sold by A. LEM‘II. â€"-\Vc arc sorry to lcarn of the» death of Miss Lillian 1“. Adams, (laughter of the Ilcv. ll. N. Adams, formerly of Bethany and extend our sympathy to the bcrcavcd family. Adams was a most estimable young lady and the pct lamb of the. revcrcnd gcntleman who did all that was possiblc to stav the band of that ‘ silent monster consumption. She died in (,‘annii'tOn where their home now is. . ~fiMr. Brooks is making ,, â€"$100,{)00.f)0 of private funds to loan at 3') per cont. Gun. Soo'rnmLLx. )Iillbrook. l l â€"Mr. from Colburne on his way to Harri-s! on I on Monday night and is remaining fn‘ a few days with Mr. J'lobt. Dcycll and Mrs. Lancishirc. â€"Root Baskets. Mauurc Forks, Lanterns, Grain Scoops and Grain Measures at J onxsrox A": Ron's. 53‘ .3.) â€"I)on‘t forget, Tuesday, Jan. .._, in the town hall, under the auspiccs of the Mechanics’ Institute. Admission 23o, children 15c. Ilescrvc seats at A. Leach's 35c. â€"The old school board sat on Mon- day night and finished up the business of the year. The new board took the oath of office yesterday. â€".Our attention has be drawn to the fact that. our figures were a. little out for our councillors in last week’s issue. The vote stood as follows :â€" Bateson 140, Campbell 132, Clark 1'37, Richardson 119, Green 1133. â€"â€"- armcrs don‘t fail to see IV. Archer’s stook of Lumbcrmens’ Rub- bers and stockings before buyin". Our prices are the lowest. ~11- -â€"â€"There will be a necktie social at the Orange hall, Manvcrs Station on Friday night. Good entertainment is provided. There should be a good ° turnout. . â€"Upward of 100 choice farms from 50 acres up to 300 acres, for sale at "wit-ices and upon terms to suit the times. Jso. Soo'rusmx, Millbrook. 44 Gerald Llcyell camc down, rrrcat prc partitions for a grand fancy dross car nival in :lu- rink on Friday cvcn-j i ing. Jan. 23th. wlicn our skatcrs will 3 , haw tho first oplmrtunitynf the scason' fto cnjoy onr- of thosc old~limcpicturcs-. llllli' sights. Good prizcs arc lwingl lolil-rcd and w:- hopi- cvcry :skatcr old and young will .strivo- to make it a 1 huge .succi‘ss. Connncncc a hunt through your closets at once for some- ' ' striking and up} . 'ipriatc. tiling ". \. â€"4Mi:~s Laura incc lcft last \vcck for Eldon Station, whcrc she has enâ€" gagcd to touch for this your. “'0 ex- pcct to bear ln-r able to spoke the Gaelic whom she comes back, mccting old friends with a cinnsrrbaslrcn-jcul and hack-ama, and further pcrhaps some Touold or Tougal of the Celtic clan will captivate with his kilts the fair school mam. The’rc not so bad neither at all, at all forby the kilts Miss Laura, no, no, whatsomcver to be sure. â€"Many farmers are grumbling to- day because the price of grain is not what it'was ten years ago. True, it is not. and it is safe to predict that wheat and barley Will never reach the price per bushel it commanded in 1864. But prices have changed in other things, too, and the purchasing power of a bushel of wheat or barley is just as great, if not greater, today as it ever was. A farmer can buy as much groceries or as much dry goods for a bushel 3f wheat in 1894 as he could in 1881. . â€"â€"Mr. Shipman, representing the Canadian Entertainment Bureau was in town last week and we may say he , «3}, hotel here fifty years ago. _Do vou want a good magazine? is a hustler of the first rank. Al If vou do there is none better than the though it is a. difficult matter to make Cosmopolitan. “'8 give it and the arrangements for concerts this season REPORTER for one year for $2.25. . owing to scarcity of money he so con- Subscribe now and get the January V‘fnced the directors of the Mechanic’s number. Institute that he had a good thing in â€"Last Friday Mrs. Harkness, of Miss \Vhlte, Messrs. Fox and Hewlett, - that the sinned for them on the 22nd, Ellilpielllfrtdbkfiagfzedhiwigezlz 1:833; in the tzwnchall. Now let everyone age of ninety-eight years and eleven come out to the entertainment. months and on Sunday the remains were laid to rest in the Presbyterian grave yard. The deceased with her husband, the late David~ Harkness, OBS‘I’INATE morons. Obstiuate Coughs yield to tho grateful soothing action of Norway Pine Symp The melting, persistent cough of consump- tivea is quickly relieved by - this unrivalled throatandllungrcmedy. Price25c.and50¢. mm. ‘ l i' ‘ the {nicknheverofindiges'tim Executor's Notice to Creditors ! IN ESTATE orâ€"Ai-AZIAH MORRIS, DECEASED. \‘O'l‘l(.‘l-J is hereby given pursuant to the A provisions of R. S. 0. l. '7. Chap. 110. and unloading Acts. that all Creditors and others having claims against the csta'c of Ahaziah Morris, late of the Township of Manvcrs. in the County of Durham. ycoman. deceased. who dicd on or about the first day of December. 1811:. arc rcquircd to send by past prepaid. or to «ltcl‘iycr to llr.B(‘. lH. Brgvgonjlofksaid 'lc‘gwnrspgp o . anv -r.s. it ran ' . .l t o ‘xoou '0 0 will or [tic sa‘ldiilcccaiscd. on or before the 18th day or February. 1895. a statement of their muncs and addresses. the full particulars of tpcir claims and the securities (if any) held by I win. And take notice that the said Executor will. on and after the said 18th of February. 1895, proceed to distribute the assets of the said os- tatc among the parties untitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated this 11th day of January. 1895. A. A. SMITH. C. H. BRERETON. M.D. Solicitor for Executor. Executor. 5‘34 Chinawape, Glassware, Silverware, Groceries, ARE BEING SOLD VERY CHEAP AT THE China Hall TTTTTTTTTT'I'I‘ T T T T We Have the AWAY T ' f DDWN. Price 0 T T T TTT TO SUIT vou. lUc. pcr lb. or 1'2 lbs for $1.00. '21»). “ (was 35 6 “ 1.00. '33.; “ or 5 “ 1.00. fitlc. Bl‘k Tea 330. or 3 “ 1.00. .14.“ THE Gl’AND MOG UL TEAâ€"the best. black tea tea. tea. in town. Come fora free sample. Grocery stock complctc. H. McGARTN EY R. DEYELL‘S OLD S"AND. YOU REQUIRE FURS We have our store filled with the uewes and m.) st fashionable that is to be had in Ladics‘. Children’s and Men’s Furs, Ladies Mautlcs trimmed on shortest notice. MILLS BROS. George Street, Peterboro. FOR SERVICE. The undersi ucd has for service on his premises a goo Terms $1 at time of service. 50~ grade bull. ISAAC HARPER. BOOK-BIN DIN G. If vou‘have any Books to bc bound send them to the Examiner Book-bindery. Peterborough. All work executed in tho neatcst and bent possible manner. We do every style of Binding and Ruling, and every description Blank Books. 45- J. R. Sl‘M’l‘TON W. J.’GREEN, 14:5 Hunter-St. MERCHANTTAILOR. ISSUER OF M rtagc Licenses. ' , ,. , Take K. D. O. for heartburn amt; stomach. (, ‘ Peterboroug .. at 11 most , fl H‘q So t cy'vc advertised a concert' And invite both short and tall. To be present on the El htconth At the Good ’l‘cmplars all Last year they: played good ball. . Trua as steel. is every one. They love to play glory, But they always try to shun The use of lanuuagc. that insults Or tarnishcs their name. . May conduct thus becoming Quickly waft them on to tame! 'Tis Bcst to use your two hands \V‘hcn pulling down a fly. dly Said our Boy (d) twirlcr.‘ With a Bland smile in his '0: I'd Rather ford a stream. said one. Than do a thing so Low (8). . Two strikes! watch him! you're Dcnma! And the Tailor laughs. ho! ho! Now boys don't let such epithets As “ you're rattled." cause a loss. ch your 0 ties on the sphere, Eva c the ‘ halie Boss: Steal the bases when you can. Strike like gods of yore. May Success your efforts crown, When the 00min: season's o'cr! M M0 UNI PLEASJJVT. Dr. J. D. Windsll of North Dakota. spent a few days here last week‘among old friends, the Dr. is always a welcome visitor to our town, Mr. Henry Ewing of North Dakota is visiting at the parsonage. Quite a number attended the Methodist tea and entertainment on Friday last. The tea was served in the tgmperance hall after which a let) thy programme was rendered in the chin-din Proceeds in aid of the Sun- dav school. Rev. W. Pellm er, of Toronto, occupied the pulpit in the rcsbyterian church Sun- day eve. Don‘t forget the base ball concert to be given here next Friday night. A good pro- gramme may be expected. A PRETTY FACE. The important item in the cultivation of .facial beauty is the tendering of the blood perfectly pure. In fact on the condition of the blood rests the difference between a homely and a comely countenance. There is no more effective way of bringing the blood' into a. rich, pure and healthful condi~ tion than by the continued use of Eseljay’s Liver Lozenges. They can be got at any drug store at '25 cents a. box, or 5 boxes for a dollar. I. (AVG S WA)! 1'. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Fred Shaw sustained painful in juries from a horse last week. He has the well wishes of his many friends for his speedy recovery. Last Friday night a very efijoyablc time was spent. at the residence of Mr. Thos. Forrow. Mr. and ‘-it ._ .los. 1...: on the lin ' once in u : iuic. Mr. I. Nccilham, auctioneer, Millbrook, was also seen among the many visitors. Where did W. K. roam to on Saturday night 2‘ Your correspondent has come to the con- clusion that anxious mothers are to be pitied. Mr. .las Mellie met with a very painful accident the other day while cutting straw. He had the misfortune to have his hand badly bruised. Put in the other hand next time Jim. Mr. Chas. Husk, Marsh, had a wood bcc on Friday last. At night the laborers wcxc rewarded by a. cordial invitation to trip the light fantastic, which was indulged in till the wee small hours of morning. 1 tul‘lrc t-‘crc sccn talk. .m his old friends A GREAT 0500!) FORTUNE. Mr. C. Leonard, South Boston, Mass, writes: “ I have suffered a great deal from dyspepsia the last five years; have tried about everything but with little benefit. Having the good fortune to hear of K. D. C. I thought I would try it; it worked wonders in my case, and I am now as well as ever. I eapuestl recommed it to all those sufferâ€" ing rum in or indi estion. Tr' it and you willsbzprionvinced. g 3 LITEBAR 1' NOTES. The relation which price bears to qmllity in literatm is made obscure by the Christ- mas Cosmopolitan. Stories by Rudyard Kipling, Wm. Dean Howells, Mrs. Spencer Trask. Mrs. Burton Harrison, and Albion W. Tour ee,’a.rc interspersed with poetry by Sir dwin Arnold, Edmund Clarence Stedman, and James Whitcomb Riley, , while through the number are scattered illustrations by such famous artists as Rem- ington, Toche, Reinhart, '1urner. Van So sick, Gibson, and Stevens. A series of portraits of beautiful women of society illustrate an article on The Relations of Photography to Art; a travel article by Napoleon Ney, grandson of the famous Field Marshal; one of the series of Great Passions of History, to which Froude and Gosse have already contributed, and half a dozen others equally interesting, 0 to make F the attractions] of the mum r. Tillie omwpolitanpeoesa: “ ’e ml is charge you more hi: this dumber, but, ingall nus, could we give you better material. better illustriated, if we charged you a Lollar a copy 2 ” J ' roman. 'ro rr. cure for Frost Bites, nilblains, thc'el calda, Chafing; Cha Hands. - ts; Sgiliaina, Woh , Bruises. INNâ€"d a -« k6 it tho Mr: ”58le mutt.- Pon'ri-m.â€"At Bain > Baron» conrnmson. Sarsaparilla. blood,thus strengthening the the kidneys and liver, sia, Catrrrh, and Rheumatism. and only Hood’s. Jaundicc3 indigestion, sick headache. 25c. LEâ€" Iii-11141111130130. The anniversary festival of Christ church, Bailieboro, was held on Sunday last, and on Tuesday evening. On Sunday the 6th there was an appropriate service with sermon bv the Rev. Rural Dean Creighton. The special cfl‘ertory amounted to the large sum of $123. On Tuesday evening, there was a Christmas tree for the children of the Sun- day school, and pleased indeed were the little folks and «juaint their remarks as they its from the dazzling tree. An excellent pro ramme was given by local talent, assisted Ty some of St. Thomas’ church, Mlllbrook, amateurs, who presented the amusing dialogue of “ Stage Stuck], which elicited the applause of every member of the large audience present. Dia- logues, recitations, solos, ducts and choruses were rendered, and altogether this was con. sidered one of the best entertainments ever given in Bailieboro. The receipts amounted to $22.40. At the close of the entertain- ment Churchwarden McCamue was able to report. that owing to the liberal offerings of the people they could pay $150 on the principal of the debt of the church, in addition to the interest. A pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation of a handsome Teacher’s Bible to Mr. Maycock, Superintendent of the Sunday school, by the members of the choir and Sunday School teachers. The accompanying address was read by the chairman, Rev. W. C. Allen (Miss Minnie Lucas presenting the Bible) and feelingly responded to by Mr. Maycock. A vote of thanks was passed on motion of M r, McCamus, seconded by Mr, S, Smithson to all who had assisted in the excellent pro- gramme provided. scanned the g AFTER LA GRIPI’I-I. After la Grippc obstinate coughs, lung trouble, etc., frequently follow. There is no remedy so prompt, and at the same time effectual and pleasant, as Milburn’s Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry and best combination of anti-consumptive rem- edies. Price 50c. and SIAM per bottle. BELL TELEI’IIONE COJII‘JNI' OI" (ZIN- ADJ. 'l'o-dav the telephone exchange is u. great and. important factor in the transaction of business in large cities, towns and villages. It 18 no longera matter of one line to an exchange or one instrument in an oflicc or warehouse ; it is a means of doing business which must be fitted to the business itself-â€" not to the busmcss of the telephone com- pany, but to the business of the telephone user. It must be made extensive enough and broad enough to mcét his uses and demands, and it must be used by him in a way in which it will best meet these de- mauds. It is bcin I shown throughout the country that the Le ephone exchanges do and will adaptthcmsclvcs to the needs of the business of their patrons. Telephones are now being furnished in large exchanges to accommodate the lightest and most infre- quent useras well as the heaviest, in one case a single instrument, in the other pos- stbly a large private branch exchange oper- ated by the subscriber. The determining quantity is the telephone traffic winch the subscriber wishes to handle. On it depends the number and kind of telephone “ doors” necessary for his exits and entrances. An appreciation of the facts of telephone traffic by telephone users will thus be of immediate bencfit to them and to their correspondents. It Will make the telephone doors swing more easily and more frequently, and not often be found in that unsatisfactory condition, “ Busy now, please call again.” SKIS DISEASES. Skin diseases are more or loss occasioned by had blood. 13. ll. 15. curcs the following Skin Diseases: Shingles, l‘lrysipclas, IlCll- ing Rashes. Salt Rheum, Scald llcad, Erup- tions, Pimplcs. and Blotchcs. by removing all impurities from the blood from a common Pimple to the wort Scrofuias Sore. â€"-â€"â€"â€"_________ THE TUJIB. llanxxas 'w Millbrook, on Thursday.Jan- nary 10th. Ft‘ . 7 .hclla Irwin.rclictotthclatc David llarlu . ..cd98 years and 11 months. so on 1 «day. January 10th, 1895. Isabella i .rtcr. ngca 27 years. Auntsâ€"At (.‘annlfton. on Jan. 92h. Lillian F. Adams. daughter of llcv. R. N. Adams formerly of Bethany. A 0rd! I dsire to return thanks to my many customers for the liberâ€" al patronage I have enjoyed for the. past year, and hope by strict attention to business, keeping a first-class stock of goods and doing A1 work to merit a con- tinuancc of the same. Give me a call before going else- where. H. B. McFEE. Merchant Tailor. - Centreville. THE MUST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY ‘ FOR MAN OR BEAST- - rtaln in its effects and never blisters. C6 Read proofs below : KEIDALL’S SPIAlllfl can Bhugpom-r, L. ., N.Y., Jan. 15. wt. Km . Co. . DCeBfiIlimenâ€"lei‘ouxht a splenold bay horse sumo as avlu. nothlmgnrsso. [used R331: lidvébiiwluléurc. Tho Ssfilvm is none now Ind I have been offered 3150 l’urthe same mem 1 only had him nine weeks. so'I not $140 for as ng f Kendall's Spavia Curc. .2 worth 0Yours truly, W. 5. human. KEIDALL’S SPAVIH GllBE SHELBY, Mica, Dec. 16. 1898. Dr. B. J. KENDALL Co. used our Kendall's Sparta Cure wiggling-obd1 iiii'gccas for? Curbs on two horses and 8 beat Llntmcnt l. have ever uscd. 1t la tb Yours truly, Acousr Fannmcx. Price $1 per iBottlvéd lress For Sale by all Drugs sts, or t . Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY” ENOSBURGH FALLS. VT. BELLS! “Jingle, Jingle, little bells,” is a phrase that we all have heard, but you have not StOCli. heard the jingle of W STRAINS magnificent stock of bells. It will pay you to call and see them before purchasing else- where. Hisprices are away down. Great bargainsfor cash for the month of December. A fineline of Whips, Blankets Woolen and Rubber Rugs, which are being sold cheaper than at any other shop east of Toronto for- the same line of goods. W. STRAIN. Are the good qualities possessed by Hood’s Above all if purifies the nerves; it regulate! the digestive organs, invi crates tones and bui ds up the entire system, cures Scrofula, Dyspe - Get H ’s . Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, biliousness, ANN] VERSA R I' 0 I" C [IRIST CI! UROII, has been a great success. if you have not yet secured any of theBargains do so at once. Remember it only lasts for Six days more, SO DON’T BLAME US IF YOU ARE NOT IN IT. A Bargains in every line. Kells, Fowler Go. GREAT CLEARING SALE 1 At YOUNG’SENFEGTIUABY And Fancy Goods Emporium. . Pcmlinga change in business \vc have dc cudcd to sell our cntinc stock of BIRTH- FANCY GOODS, WEDDING, DAY AND XMAS PRESENTS, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. For the next 30 days. Do not. miss this rarc chance of gctting your Christmas Presents at Ruck Bottom I’riccs. Some of those goods will be sold away be- low cost. T hc following are a few of the many lines \vc carry : LADIES" COMPANIONS In \Vood, l’lush, \‘l'icker, and Slicll. COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES, GAM ES 01" ALL KINDS, AUTO AND PHOTO- GRAPH ALBUMS, MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS. CANNED GOODS, BISCUITS, CONFEC- TIONJ‘IRY AND FRUIT. 3-3” Conic and sec thc Musical Bear, the Swimming Frog, and thc Jumping Dog. d. ROBINSONYOUNG. Opposite John Gillott Son‘s Cabinet \Vareroome. Millbrook. A EAT BIBLE out livery subscriber to thc Pgesbytevlan Review for 1895, may secure a leachcry Bible (51 by 7} inches) an the Presbyterian Renew for agycar for $2.25. Bible and Review for- less than 5c. :1 week. The Teacher‘s Bible comprises 1.000 pagesâ€"â€" Helps to Bible Study. 336 pagesâ€"‘12 colored mapsâ€"is bound m Leather. Divnnty lircun. overlapping edges“. This Bible With its unusu- allv valuable aids. makes the most complete . and reliable volume of Biblical lore cvcr otl'cr- cd. We send the Bible in a neat box at once. postage prepaid. on receipt. of $2.29. Normâ€"1t the Bible is not what we represent it. return it to us and we wrll refund the money. Address . . Presbyterian Renew. Aberdeen Chambers, Toronto ' BAILIEBORO General Store In order to make room for' our winter stock of Goods, which will soon be coming in, l hznc decided to sell off the balance of the old stock regard- less of cost. . : We have a fine linc of Din- ncr and Tea Sets combined that we have been selling for $15, which we now offer for $10. Tea Sets from $2.75 up to $7. Also a well-assorted Our Sale so far Where you go you will not find thc. prices cut so far down as .._..â€"~v . Hall, Gilchristc Co. .. 130, 132 AND 134 SHAME-SIX, PETEHBllllllllflll. ‘u ......... non-n..-.nuu.o.---o-.---H-q It Matters Not here and the goods of any better quality, make or finish. We will not allow any of our competitors to give you such splendid values as we hayc gathered for so little money. THEY CANNOT DO IT. Call and you will find that we have the proper foundation for straightforward talk. HERE IS lNTEll ZS'I'ING OFFERINGS IN Staple Goods BETTER VALUES .‘\'li\'IiR SHOWN. 25c. 1 5°C. 2 pair Ladies “"00 Hose. Fiuc I’llcaclml Table Linen Ladies’ Fine Cashmere Hose. .3 vards Heavy Shining Boys Heavy Ribbed H080. . .1 yards lit-:n'y I’lannclcltc 6 Colored Bordered Hamlkcrclncfcf'. Mcn‘s Linwl “lovers 4 White Hcmstitched Handkerchiefs. 5 Turkish llath Towels Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs- Black and Colored Surah Silk. Ladies’ Fancy Silk Ties. Men's \\'bitc llcmstitclicrl Handkerchiefs Men’s Cashmere Socks. lion‘s llmvy \\'ool Shirts and Drawers 5 yards Flannclcttc. Fancy l-‘rvnclx lll'css Hoods 5 yards Gingham. l’inv All “on black (‘ashmcrc 5 yards Heavy Cotton llcavy Tupi-n ry ( 'zupet. 5 yards 'I‘owclling lint l'nion (farm-t. 2 Fine Linen Towcls l Hm- Silk Lawns Tapestry Carpet 1 Alt-H‘s llvavy \Yowlllloves. Window Shades. $I.oo 5 yards Colored China Silk. l Ladies" f‘orscts. . 1 11cm. y Twin-.1 1“le Hoods 56 inches Wide I | $2.00. ' ' " ' ‘II finial >1. ' ma 1’}. In Black Bcngclmc Silk , . , . . _ 7 _ . . . , Black and Colored Laced Kid film-l» 31"“ : m‘u f 4.34le \‘. ool >lnrt> and Draw (.l‘h Ladies’ Black Quilted Skins fun 0. HI . 5;. Luis \'\‘l1i‘.t-"«~ ('nxtaim , Litilicn. l i.|l:ll('l"“l: \lvil‘dlnpvtr. :‘illi 'iittliln' Co‘- 4,1: l li.|llll1.’:f)’f‘.illl“ gllilv'lotb Squaw, :5 yards with: 7 l .lo/yn Lincn 'l'ablc Napkins -_ lAlclfs l‘iiln: Kill Mills : l’azt' i'iliuw Shams ‘llt'llt‘RV'thlI Quilts E 1.9. -.. : ""‘C. ' I'lanv‘y 'l'rmcllin l l’air Flannclct tc- lllankcts Men’s Lined Kid Gloves Men’s Lined Kid Mitts Men’s Heavy all wool Shirts and Drawer: Men’s “'hitc Shirts 10 vards best Grey Cotton 5 Frame Brussels Carpct Fancy l‘Iidcrdown Cusion Tea Cosie Axminstcr Door Rugs. Fine Wool Clouds Lincn ( rnmb Cloths. I .. :-'.~. 3, ‘l e Send Mail Orders in Quick. l’rices so low will make goods go quick. 130. 132, and 134 Simcoe Street Direct Im opteps p ’ Petepboro. A Good New Gladstone Cutter for Sale WALSH 8: CLARKE. MESSRS FAIRWEATHEH Cl]. PETERBOROUCâ€"H, Inniic :pcciai tittcnliun to [buy stock of ALASKA SABLE, MINK, PERSIAN LAMB, GREENLAND LEAL, BEAVER \\‘w are showing a select lot of PUB-LINED GABMEN TS .‘~i;:.k and (vrcy Squirrcl and are m a posi- 1; 'll 1., naikc zlic sum to nrdcr on the short- c:t nollcc Fai rweather 8: Co., I .KI‘TL'ILIXM Fl RIiIEES, Cor. George 8: Simcoe Sts. Peterboro and «riiicz‘ (.1411). n. with. V .t illi\ {P '. ‘ ‘. J- \\ ‘ Ti: a \‘ . ., 4 Air. McCLELLAND Thc 11cm“ cllcr, 388‘ Gcorrgtc 5tr~ccl-‘,Pctc1=boro This week we show novelties in Sterling Silver. Tooth Brush. Pin, Card and Ash Trays, Glove Buttoners, Fruit Knives. Match Safes, Stamp lioxcs. Silver 'l‘himblcs, llracclcts. llucklcs, llanglcsfiouvcnir Spoons. list and llonnct Pins. These g00ds make cheap Christmas Gifts. PUBLIC APPEAL ! An indelliblc mark of public approval has bm-n tho ouicmnc thus far of our Great and I'ln'tluallcd llnlf l’ricc Salv winch has lu‘cn in progreSs for the past: few days. If we lmn- not shown that tins tircat Salc was a H0\VLL\’(; SUCCESS, \vcill olli‘r upwards t f 23,000 v.cll scl'vcd. satisficd and dt‘lighted patrons to stand iicliind us. That‘s tln- way 1:) do it. The mic is still going on, and moncy savingis yours win-n you buy at this Biggest, of all Big Giant. Sales. vvv \...\. “'6 have put more Clothing on thc backs of mcn and lungs 1h.) Ila-Sb six days than the combined ('lotliltlg >liugis or tho mo C()uut1pg_ This proves that the public have an abiding“ faith and coninl-‘nc- ... ‘ 'lllflhunccmcnts, Study These Items Carefully For Two Weeks More. . FOR MEN. Men’s All‘AVool Ulstcx‘fi. W001 lincd Men's leavcr (lvcrcouts, long cut, re lar price 39, at this Great tull back, scllmg everywhere at ’ SaT‘l ............... 5113, our pricc at this salc ....... . $5 79 ..... ..... D. St} Til l Men‘s All \\'ool Tweed Suits. splen- ‘ your advantage. Boys’ Knee Puts, Woo.,l... mm, Heavy wool e lined. one We storm PW“ wmmz FELL WW ~ ingthemat...”................. Boys’ Frieze Ityon wantacopyot ' thcalxaoen stock of Tinware, Hardware, [Men’s Irish Frir i n. . \ fid‘tpdq M3110. all s'im imd up; I . _ _ , . . .11 o-«a c in pa ‘lcrn, styc an l’alnts, Oils and Varnish. 1220;13:333le ,v v (43.1: _ . $9 {in workmanship : you can have your BOOtS and Shoes from“ 25C. ' ' choxcc at this Sale for ........ .. S4 49 . .l . ' up to $4" . . lOne lot of Men’s Overcoats unid- Men‘s All \A 001 Pants. suitable for Fresh Groceries always m ton, Bo..~...r and Nap‘Cloth,‘gmd ‘ your business or to co to church - valueat$8,3109~nd .512, form. ~b m........ .......... . ......§c,aud§;k. Give us a call, it will be to FOR - "m . i J g"

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