bright. pondingl y increased. ,3 ..__ past year. as many dollars o. ,\ . . l » °° Mï¬szoflaanm‘) Toronto. Ontario. As Well as Ever After Taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cured of a "Z v.33 suiII-rizr' 5 Serious Disease. ' ".t is known as ‘ :iys at a .in myself during that lno henc- llright's disease for li::::- I have l'm‘l: up. I was in inn! time I had lit. Sc . .. .. artist-ll in the papers I z!.~..»...l t.) 1.“, .ttic. I found me as Sarsaparllla CURES relief before I had ï¬nished taking half of 3. hot- tle. I got so much help from taking; the first bottle that. I decided to try another. and since hiking the, second bottle 1 fm-l as well as ever I did hi my life." (2 m -. )lr:mu-:r'r,Toronto, Ont. In stare our people in the face. adapt himself to circumstances and i result. RIED. Hood’s Pills are prompt and edit-lent, yet easy of action. Sold by all druggists. 25¢. the marriage of Mr. Thomas W. Beacondale. attired in until somcl y adorned Millbr' ~ white muslin dreSs, with flew Store In the Post Office -Block. very pleasant and enjoyable time was spent were held. After the Pembroke street. C O E'A'TIES’ CO I 'N OIL FOR 1895. J. J. Prestonâ€"Warden. Alnwick.-â€"Waltcr Grigg, reeve. Brighton Villageâ€"Dr. Wade, reeve: Sam. Nesbitt, deputy. Bowmanville.â€"Dr. Hillier, recvc; J. Jeffrey, deputy. Campbellford.â€"\\'. W. Armstrong, reeve: H. McKelvie, deputy, Colburneâ€"N. B. Snetsinger, reevc. Hastingsâ€"F. W. Fowlds, rceve. Millbrook.â€"A. Ferguson, reeve. Newcastleâ€"J. T rcleaven. reeve. Port Hopeâ€"Col. McLean, reevc; J. H. Rosevear. lst-Deputy: Thos. A. Thompson, end-deputy. Cramache.â€"M. J. Doyle, reeve: Wm. Pickworth, deputy. Haldimand.â€"Hugh Ross, reeve: John Miller, lst deputy; A. Rutherford, 2nd deputy. Hamiltonâ€"Geo. Mitchell, reeve: J. C. Rosevear, lst deputy: J. L. (lrosjean, ‘2n'l deputy. Hopeâ€"W. H. McCallum, reeve: Thos. ($rimieson, lst. deputy: J. L‘. Martin, 2nd deputy. L‘nvan.â€"J. Thorndyke, rccvc; \V. T. Donaldson deputy. Clarke.â€"T. S. Underwood, rceve; J Jackson, lst deputy; Joe. Brown, 2nd deputy. Burlingtonâ€"J. T. Pollock, reeve: Thos. Pascoe, Ist deputy: L. M. Courtice; 2nd deputy. Manv'ersâ€"J. J. Preston, reevc; Henry Henders, lsl. deputy; John Vance, 2nd deputy. Monaghan.-â€"R, Fisher, reeve. Murrayâ€"W. W. Crews, reeve ; A. E. M. Lovett, deputy. l‘ercy.â€"-T. B. Car-low, T. F. Cryderman, deputy. Seymour.-â€"Chas. “fest, reeve; M. E. Stephens, lst deputy; F. Brown, 2nd deputy. Brighton Tp.â€"â€"Jonuthan German, rceve ; llsli Terrill, lst Deputy; A. M. Macklin, 2nd deputy. J. A. VANCE. “ (the millbrook lltcporter. Wxsmw THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1395. M‘ .“ {MW A man may hae an honest heart, Though poortithe hourly stare him: A man may tak a neebur‘s part, Yet hae nag cash to spare him. Wmmumx TIIE NE W YEA 11’. Having left behind us the old year and all its trials, pleasures and associaâ€" tions and made a fair start in the race for the rewards and duties that the present year presents to our view, it is well that our ambitions be revived and our past weaknesses and difï¬culties made the stepping stones towards higher attainments and more useful citizenship in the days that are before us. \Vhile our land has not been favored in the past with any unusual token of prosperity and plenty, it may well be said that our condition is one in every respect to be thankful for. Our people are on the whole prosper- ous and happy and strangers to most of those scourge-s that drive content ment from the door. In the year that is before us, we will be called upon again to elect to the House of Com- mons representatives who for the next four years will voice the sentiments of the electorate and this will not be the least duty by any means that devolves to our lot. That there should be a difference of opinion as to how the government should be conducted, that the fiscal and internui policy of the the powers that b.- at Ottawa should be well considered by those who pay the piper, that Conscrv:‘.tivc, Reformer, Patron, McCarthyite or P. P. .\., should have their respectï¬â€˜e elixers for the ills of the body politic, is one of the best signs of the hopeful state of the county, but all the greater is the necessity of a wise caution in the manner in which our duty at the ballot box is performed. \Vhether the warn- ing cries sent out. by the Reform press or the activity of the Conservative campaigners, in any way indicate. an v . . . . . a???“ in hm countly before another Bricks I ".nta Clans‘ Chimney, lillcd sessiw 2 “I†hull-“5 whether the cal. with We? . :d undies, was given away amitous absence. of the late tower 0f at the (:on ». the service, to the children of strenth from the helm will hasten the the Sunday school. The Rev. \Y. C. Allen call toanu, it may bcimpossible to thanked ‘l'osf' Wan†f0†â€he" Pliescncc - , , . and appreciation, as well as the organist and know, but of one thing we are sure, S T. J 0 IIN'S CH URCII. C. 1 VJ .Vâ€"CHRIST- 31.1.8 SE1: VICE. A Christmas servrce of sacred song, inter- spersed with dialogues and recltations, was held in St. John‘s church, North Cavan, on Monday evening the 14th inst. The event had been postponed, owing to the weather, from Thursday the 10th but those present were amply compensated by its ï¬nal success in every way. The evening was cold but clear and bracing, and the sleighing ex- cellent so that about 200 persons young and old assembled to join in the service. A con- tingent of the Millbrook, St. Thomas’, choir was present and sang several sacred selec- tions which were much appreciatad. Miss llï¬lliott of Millbrook, also sang with nmch taste and feeling, " The Holy City †which was heartily encoured. The children of St. John's S. school did great credit to the carc~ ful training they had received for several weeks at the hands of Mrs. \V. C Allen and the organist and members of St. John’s choir who assisted her. The carols were very bright and cheery and the children’s voices carried one back to the Christmas times long ago. In the dialogues and reeitatious, which were given with excellent effect, a pleasing variety was imparted to the pro- gramme and showed careful preparation. The music, recitations. km, all formed a well connected and beautiful service entitled, “His National Starâ€aud, being of both a novel and entertaining character, was much enjoyed by those present. :‘ Chimney of Bethlehem,†Maggie Vance ; Motion Songâ€"- S. S. Children, “ With a Merry Merry the present year are hopeful if not If the prices ruling for the. bulk of farm produce are low, the HE )ms.rvsr GIVEN ova: .uoxru TU quantity the farmer is able to purchase for his diminished receipts has corres- .-\ bushel of wheat and a pound of butter will pur chase as many pounds of tea or sugar or as many yards of cotton 0!‘ cloth and all of as good quality, as in any The whole product of the farm in live stoek, orchard, dairy, cereals and poulty will not bring back Dr. perhaps, but What is I the more. needful, food, clothing, im- plements, houses, barns and labor, can be procured to an equal extent. The mechanic’s dollar for his day’s wage to day will replenish his larder, as generously as a half more would have done in former years, so that by adapting ourselves to the changed and changing conditions, by studying the requirements of the market, by giving up that product which has become un‘ renumerative and entering upon the cultivation of the new and more pay- ing commodities the difï¬culty will have been to a great extent overcome and no fear of that want and privation so common to many countries need It is characteristic of the AngloSaxon to this instance we no have fear of the J FORJIER .IIILLBROOK BOY MAR- On Xmas night, at St. Stephen’s church on the corner of College street and Bellevue Avenue, Toronto, assembled a large and fashionable gathering of People, to witness Wallace, (formerly of Millbrook), to Miss Annie Rose Foord, eldest daughter of Mr. M. E. Foot-cl, The bride was very prettily ue moire silk and was hand- with wreaths of orange blossoms and bridal roses, while her brides- maid, Miss Eunice Wallace. sister of the grown .z'vl dmtghter of Mr. \Vatson \Vullacc, .zas very tastefully arrayed in cream cas;,:nere, with trimmings of ribbon and silk, and carried a handsome boquct of bridal roses, and the maid of honor, Miss Aleen Wilcox, daughter of Mr. Wm. Wil- cox, formerly of Millbrook, wore a pretty pink ribbon and sash and a wreath of carnations and smilax. Mr. Tl'homas Bradshaw. Actuary and Asaist- ant Secretary of the North American Life Assurance Company, Toronto, ably support. ed the groom, and Master Winnie Rowe lu‘lt'tl as page. After the ceremony was over at the church the guests were conveyed , . , . p f to the receptionat :tss Crawford street, the "' years illness he had a“ “my“! U residence of the bride‘s brother, where a paralvsis. The wedding presents were both costly and beautiful and Were sent from a number of places outside of the city, thus testifying to the high esteem in which the young couple merry gathering broke up, the happy young couple were driven to their newly furnished home at 48 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and all Lin: 1!, and lung troubles. Arthur Vance; Declamationâ€"“Echoes of in New York city, and Miss \Vhitc Gr will introduce two or three new mono A MlllER’Si STORY. Watch LI I'lz'. I-‘lrst Attacked “'lth Inflammatory ltlu-u- mullsnt. and Then Strlckcn “'llh Paraly- sluâ€"llope Abandoned and llc Longetl For Death to Release lllm From Sum-Huge At last [he Found a (‘ure and Relates Ills Wonder-nil Recovery. Sherbrookc Gazette. This The benefits arising from the use of “'illiams’ Pink Pills are well known to the Gazette. It is a frequent occurrence that people come into the office and state that they have been restored to health by their use. It. occasionally happens that extraordiir ary instances of their curative powers come to our notice, and one of these was related to us recently, so astonish- ing in its nature that we felt the closest investigation was required in order to thoroughly test the accuracy of the statements made to us. \Ve devoted the necessary time for that pupost‘ and can vouch for the reliability of the following facts. wonderfully passing Space For Important belief as they may appear : n There are few men more widely known in this section than Mr. A. T. Hopkins, of J ohnville, Que. to his removal to J olmville, Mr. l'lop- kins resided at \Vindsor Mills and was for three years a'membcr of the muni- cipal council of that place. “'hen a young man Mr. Hopkins was noted for his strength and his activity as a wrestler. Previous His strength stands him in good stead for he works hard at his business, carrying heavy sacks of llour in his mill for many hours during the day and frequently far into the night. Active as he is, and strong as he is, there was a time not long long distant when he was as hopeless as an infant l)(: Shoved Off: x\l)uut three years ago, while residing at “Windsor Mills, he was attacked by inflammatory rheumatism. and suffered intolerable acon '. a l we do hold nearly It grew THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF GOODS worse and Worse until, in spite of medical advice and prescriptions. after Ilis right arm and leg be- He suffered cx< cruciating agony, and had rest neither day nor night. He sought the best medical advice that could be obtained, but no hopes were held out to him by the physicians. "' He will certainly die within a month," one well known practitioner told his friends. came quite useless. other doctors. It is no wonder that, lty. him and he longed for death to rellm‘v like: to Clear : .’ him from his sufferings. This was in I August, 1892. About October of that year he heard of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills and as a. forlorn hope determined to try them. He did so, and before long was able to take out door exercise. He persevered with the treatment. closely following the directions, and is to-day nearly as strong as when a young man, to follow successfully and without dillieultv the $30.00 llaulles for $20.00 20.00 Maulles for 15.00 15.00 Manlles for 10.00 10.00 Mantles for 7.50 and is abh- I laborious calling by which ho gels a tradein Mantleswehaveeverhad. living. Such was the wonderful story told the Gazette by Mr. Hopkins, who attributes his recovery solely to the sacrifice the prices, solely to the use of Dr. “'illiams’ Pink . ll. Ke | Is 00 Pills, and he is willing to satisfy any person who may call on him as to their N0. 360 George Street. PER ER BORO. wonderful effects. I f You Want A depraved condition of the blood The Latest Novels and the than carry them over, we will or a shattered nervous system is the secret of most ills that afflict mankind, and by restoring the blood and rebuild- ing the nerves, Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease. driving it from the system and restor ing the patient to health and strength. In cases of paralysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheunmtism, erysipelas, scvofulous troubles, etc, these pills are superior to all other treatment. They are also a specific for the troubles which make the lives of so many women a burden, and speedily restore the rirh glow of health to sallow checks. by overwork. worry or excesses, will find in Pink Pills a certain cure. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail, postpaid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the llr. “'illiams’ Medicine Company, Brocktllle, Ont, or Schenectady, N. Y. “Ull'ZU‘C of . imitations and substitutes .ilh-gml to Another Strong POInt be “just as good.†Newest Fashion Books Write or Call at Men broken down S AILSBURY’S BOOKSTORE. ( : mf'gc sh, - - Peterboro ABOUT OUR “WW“ HARNESS There is no better, safer or more it :tsant counb relncd made than Hagyard‘s "rclurul . ' H v V ‘ ‘ Iialgam. It {urcs lloarscncss, ton,- 'I'hrmn, Is that it IS always Ul’ l0 DAllm No old or ancient stockâ€"never overstocked, never understockcd. People who are posted will tell you that our Har- ness and 'l'nrf Goods are â€"Miss Annie Louise \Vliilu the clever New York cloeutionist and en ALWAYS IN THE LEAD tertaincr, who is at present. starting and still advancing. Everything in full with the Canadian Concert Company and appears in the town hall here, 'l‘r:~s- day next along with (too. Fox and "“3. H. Hewlett, under the auspices of I‘ l' MechaniCs’ Institute, goes to Boston and New York to (i l special engag: ments during the second week of Feb ruary. arranged for two special appearances: HORSE BOOTS of Every Descrip- swing for the Fall. HORSE BLANKETS, New Styles and Cheap. ROSES, the Greatest Variety and Bast Value yet. Sole Agents for Sask tchewan Buffalo Robes. CARRIAGE and STY H HUGS, better and Larger Stock than ever. OLLARS b t Her New York managers hau- l oughegoaï¬ï¬a 0 ea. tion. _ eat Stock of Trunks, Valrses and Satchels, Gloves, Buck- skin Mitts Robe Linings and .. . __ I 7 .‘-...___ ..... h._â€"._~._.~__ Nothing. . Wrong in this Business. \Vearc not overloaded. We have no Old Bankrupt Stock tO \Ve are not holding any so-cailed sale, but " llo Fresh Merchandise. selected for will be a cripple for life," said two the best trade ofgthis commun- Out of this immense stock as he says, life became a burden to we have several lines we would 344 Water Street, - TURNSâ€"011’s. As we enter the New Year we Wish our many customers throughout the country a happy and prosperous one. January is our annual Stock-taking mouth and we must be ï¬nished by the 1st of February, and we are now meas- uring and throwing out all odd lines on tables, to be cleared before that date. Such as Ends of Dress Goods, Ends Of Tweeds, Ends of Prints, Ends of Shirtings, Ends of Carpets Ends Of Cottons Ends Of Cretonnes Ends of Laces Ends of Embroideries Endsiof Ribbons. These- are all good, fresh Goods. only in Remnants and will be sold at rem- nant prices. We have still about 180 Suits of that very heavy all-wool Un- der Clothing at $1 3. Suit. Sold every- where at $1.50. Everyone Who needs asuit of Heavy Underwear should see them. . The balance Of our Sealettes, Heavy Curls and Mantles have been going steadily at the prices they were marked since we last talked about them, but we have still a. few good Mantles and Cloths left, which some one will get a. bargain on. We show a. Window of all styles of Hats and Placques. Your choice tor 35 cents. We prefer to sell them at this price, rather than pack them away. OUR MOTTO : Small Proï¬ts and Quick Sales We Undersell but are never Undersold. J. O. TURNBULL, George and Simcoe Streets, Peterborough, BUY YOUR â€"MWW’M Blank'Bookss‘Office Supplies â€"AT THEâ€"â€" Peterboro Bookstore Our Books are Manufactured specially by the Ex- We havehLd the best season’s aminer Printing 00- Lt,d-, I0r the POtel’bOl‘O’ BOOk- store. The Paper is exceptionally good and the *These are AJ Styles. but rather Binding is guaranteed to last With ordinary care until the book is used. If you want BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS orSTATIONERY, write for our prices. Always guaranteed the lowest. A. H. STRATTON CO. 417 and 419 George Street. Peterborough. \ \ ..\\ ":0“ V. CA“ \w r‘ \ \\\~x®‘ \\ .. S“ ‘ 32‘ . (“as v“ \» JUST SPEND HIS FOUR QUARTERS FOR A BOTTLE OF BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS AS ALL SENSIBLE PEOPLE DO; BECAUSE IT CURES DYSPEPSlA, GONSTlPATlON, BlblOUSNESS, BAD BLOOD, AND Ablo DlSEASES OF THE STOMACH, LlVER, KiDNEYS AND BOWELS. ALF. KIN GSCOTE, â€"MANUFACTURER 0Fâ€" AWNINGS, TENTS, Sails, Camping Goods. WHTERPROOI‘ HORSE AND WAGOA"COVE/€S, FLA 65,3 UN TIN G, FTC. Peterboro’, Ont. Tread †; “ A Little Welcome,†Elva. Elliott; Recitationâ€"“ A Child’s View of the Right,†Jean Lough: Recitatiouâ€"“ Watching for Santa Clans,†Lair-em; Watt; Carolâ€"S. S. Children. “Th-3 Christ Child â€:Readingâ€" “ Kitty’s Xmas Ollerin †Ada Vance; Reci- tationâ€"“Bell lehern own,†Iladys Hen- demr‘ll 1 Song, ‘llia. Elliott : Selectionâ€"St. 'l‘homas’ Chair. During the sin ing the orl‘etory to be taken up. “ Di ogue on Xmas,†Bertha Tonohbnrn and Jennie Vance: Recrtationâ€"“ We Have Found the Christ." Violet Watt; Carolâ€"S. S. Cnild- run. “The Children’s Friend " ; Solo and much interest. . . committee fcr their hearty eta-operation that the life of the present parliament when Mr, Robert ymce’ superintendent of : \;:i:‘es during this year and before the the S school move}? a vote of thanks to St. L . 0f December’s return cover the Thomas’ elm", Whl‘h “'33 3,0000‘l‘3d by Mr- . ‘. . \l. H. Lough. A most enjoyable and im- earth the new government r\llll have proving entertianmem, was concluded by .~ m installed into othce. Since the the singing of the Doxology Below is the .. 1 etion in ninety-one many pgogragme: £t.§gohp’slsnd Stï¬eTho‘mas’ n - - x . . 'on c 01?, mn :l l a,( fess, V. n ch'r. this name taken place on" the Allen; Slectionmbvgi, Thomas Choir, “His gov . went Side of the house, changes Natal Star†; Carolâ€"S. S. Children “ His that woulcl indicate weakness to the Natal Starâ€; c,,°1_é S. Children: “Star close Stan‘i: :u history, yet the policy | of Bethlehep. “ noâ€! «S. S. Children, of the a £-..iuistration has remained “The Mommg lime ; Opening address the same and whether the people will be content. with the ills that axe, rather than make other conï¬dents and fly til-those they know not of, remains to be seen. The old man cannot again he the rallying cry, but the old policy and the old flag will be held forth , ‘ _ 'vely no doubt to many a. waver- hm'and it will require a straight andclearm policy on behalf of the position ‘0 mace themdny. ma: giï¬sh‘ " ' “Wt-£311 73W i ‘ hater fore the Canadian will not ï¬ll engagements during that logues which have been specially .vrit ten for her. Miss White has appeared on the best entertainment courses of, New York and Boston, and her new; features of entertainment will createl The Canadian Enter- tainment Bureau of Toronto cannot procure a. satisfactory substitute, there- Concert Company Trimmings- ‘ Remember this we cannot and will not be undersold, our Prices are made to suit the times and suit you. B. SHORTLY, Sign of the Horse at the Door. 373 George Stree, Peter-borough. Stoves of every kind, which will be sold very cheap. WINTER Is HERE. ' W. S. PICKUP Has now in Stock a‘large supply of Coal and Wood _ Call and examine. Chorus. “ Beautiful Star †; Readin -â€"“Gold week, and the mums omitted will be ' . , . »« ‘- 'ven ster dates if ' le. I lluv r Ca cts and Fiannels woven . , nnd‘ Franluncenae and MYUlL’. Hanlan 31 l possll‘? . ’Warrsc (ichd. nveagoodstockofFlannels’ ' Sm; ‘Mnonâ€"" Mrs. Sum, Claus 'l‘weeds urns. tolls and Rosary from Full asmmiutsmo or: .' .- {$- m' .M .7 ran, “ ‘ :i' Wi. . “.lo£Csndies;By° mum. .. 3,50% â€"‘:-:u < ï¬ 7"~":T" ...:: _ l »\ . .. “I'll-2 PLUS 'l'llll‘l'll TELL-S. ~ and \VinJcr, cheap for cash. Now is the' time . . . ‘ to have ,urWlntei-Clothln cleaned and dyed. on, Headache. Billlousness and mm and Ladiesfnrmentsga s iality. an e. ,. . .pcly cured by Burdock work mm: nteeda Parker'sDye orks. Also :.. . »..*~. . , .. _ .. , out for Steam Laundry. Goodssont'l‘uesday . 7...: ff,» . d.†- ..cl_i,weck, returned Saturday. Give us a .‘ ..‘ - 'l ammo CHAMBERS. - t it - Eavetroughing ' Re Alsoall kinds of Tinware and Lamp Goods. , Best American . anadian Coal Oils. if “HERE’S TO ' _l§9_5 l l l , . , . SAY z Nll'l‘E THESE PRICES. ll GENTLEMEN, We extend our hearty congratulations and well-im _ .. H f no†wishes of the season. We M ,,f,'f,’,‘°7§:_â€"“mm" “"‘ "’ ‘ ‘ - facilitate ourselves for the {N “3331‘:11:33::‘°â€"""~" 5"“ ““L’lc †share that as Clothiers, 075 ..‘.:.‘:;’:.‘.’.':t';‘:;-:' 12:51:: have had in contributing to: . lag-tiller surginggï¬â€˜ formerly sold the enjoyment of hundreds; “l{5.5.1:iiili;4.'=..'.’-i.ii.g, Zia pro-«st. re- 0f satisï¬ed patrons duriugé ’ dileiii-lhiiifiimum will: l'lawhidc 1894 Shanks only M. We herewith express our Sincere acknowledgement, for the many marks of fav-l or shown the CITY CLOi THING STORE in the. ,W. past, and for the generous, support continued to be,†bestowed upon this ï¬rm 5’3. 'l'cam Lines formerly sold for $2.71) now $13.25. ., 3:.“ lion 1 forget the fuel that these art- lmrdrlhm- prices and l‘UllSlllt‘rlllK â€no quality ol‘ the goods no bollcr vsl~ m,- mn be found in the dislrict. 2373233 2E3 l‘mbm, lings. Blankets iells and all ullil-l‘ \"lllll’l‘ gtmllx llï¬liully kept in :1 lbs! class hairless slu p will be immd lit-re and a‘, prim-s losuil lhe E3232? S. BATESDN. by the people of Peterboro"! at 15A MlllBllllllK. and surrounding country. is; 4,5 g :41 Nothing Sueseeds .. like Susana; l a la M in A, 4 . Our annual jan’y Marie, down Sale has always been I a success. This year we; intend to leave nO stone‘ unturned to make it a 50cts. an . $1.00 Bottle. Sweeping Clearance of all; ‘7 our Winter stock. including} Onecmadm - 1 ‘ ’ _ g fl‘nis Queer Coco? Uta}: prom 3' cures Ready-mane Clothing and: “a" "1 0 *°rg.§«;‘-t§::§,§;v£°ggggt=3; l :.' ' o' ' fl . Overcoats for Men, Youths. has, “1 thouiiï¬diifaé°$vï¬i clan§°you d B . 1 r G ‘1 .=.5 were“. 512'...“ Enters? new; an Oys’ 3‘ 5" en‘ em?“ †§ éiiiilougBELLADonua psasrsm Underwear and Furmsh- HILOH’S : CATARRH ings. S‘s. REMEDY " ’13")sz ' ’ < I . 1 ..,. .. . , h' To reduce our Stock of: “geggggsgzw’kdamw First - class Tweeds and W, 5:? Wit-3% - - . OOD’S I’IIOSPH - ‘ Cloths, we VVlll lower prices : w The 6...... Eng“... Remedy. - ’ 7 " at: CSG r 7 at equal to a savmg of 25 per; Signifind Shifted; cent. for all Ordered Suits: SILJSLJZUIEJJQQQJ£ - ' ‘ 07‘1‘560. em all and Overseas ourmg the; 33,...iofï¬m'oJï¬dm, month of january. ' - I1 .1- Illcutul worry, excessive use i ‘ .V i, . , ofTobaa-o. Opiumor Stimu- Effort (1 ildAfICI ' Innis, which soon had to In. 7 is l flrmi! y, Insanity, (‘unxumpiion and an. early grave. '3 Fe is {3' 0: l Has been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of ‘ cases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine I \ l ‘ < _ a known. Ask drugglstfor “'ood'u Phonphodlneflr SIGN 05‘ THE; HORSE SHOE. l heoiIcrssome Worthless medicine in place or this, I lnclose price in letter. and We will send by return - ' ' l‘ -" ' 1’ l‘ . 'ckfl'“. S1; ELK. 85. One will GEORCE smrtr. - PalEï¬EuRGUtH. , mm w .. , The “'00:! Company, l Windsor. Ont... Canada. a . ool’sCottonlloot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by mold physician. Successfuny and monthly by thousand: of Ladies. 15 the only perfectly ’ safe and reliable medicine dis- , covered. Beware of unprinclpled drugglsts who I 03c: interior medicines in place of this. Ask to: “ Cook’s Cotton Root ComponndJaJcG unsubsti- tutc, or inclose 81 and 6 cents in postage in letter ! and we wniscnd. sealed, by return mu. Funscaled l particulars 1:: plain envelope. to India only. 2 ' stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor. Ont. Canada. mos. calls??? 1 ,: Gatlaelmale Sclécaltï¬kel‘g : lx'tjt-p- 09 hand 1- l “ ('(ll- i“l.\'.\. ('\ . . : kinds ol l'm‘n r h . g - ,room * “'J liv'll‘unlli. ll}! ii, and all other of M rniturc. lmml»lu.-.d::. 1:1 Toms? prim». " I 5:.“ Showroom ' Kings .. Miilhrcok. u‘r . ' '3‘ [ill -i r. '- 2 1‘ c Ué ' :3 \ a I p f" (as D. O 0 {217 O E A ,.; crewman “* ' ’ ‘47 V 35.71 s? 4 go:- ï¬r e 5 a’ d g T WAS in April. 139:, that the ï¬rst number 4 . of the Amt-man Review of Reviews was 9‘ punt-ed 'lhe new pic: of giving the best that was in Q d inc Olik‘l' magnzmes in addition to its Own brilliant, orig- lg * uni arnslss. took America by storm,_as it had taken k! i a} England-though the magazine itself W5 not at all a Q I" . rrprmt of the English edition. it deals most largely with $4 6 American affairs. and :s edncd with perfect independence in its own o'li‘e Q L! c"."" . ,' ’. .r‘ . . I. ‘n ‘ . P . *4 a ‘d T: RI :1?» of Renews :5 a monthly, timely m illustrazzon and text. 5" h l.‘ :n. .mty . At, to be l‘."“’vSt movements or the dxv, to a degree never 4 *4 hc.ore dismal or Tuouss us of readers who offer then commendations. {g ’6 among tncm 1:2: greatest names m the world, say that the Review of k; Reviews gives them exactly what they shorJld know about politics, litera- 9 lure, economxs and social progress The most influential men and w0men H H of all crccds and all pamtcs have agreed that no family can afford to lose its T 0 educational value, while for profcs- ’4 f‘ 510.131 and l‘usmcss men, it is Simply lTï¬ï¬F ‘ d 6 indispensable The departments are R T H conducted by careful Specialists, m. C THE REGULAR DEPARTMENTS: fl ï¬g stead of more scissors-vricldcrs. and ?; ~Besidesâ€?Srl‘tialartxc1esamicmr-. ’4 ' 4 scores of immediately interesting l‘Or- l 3“" sketch“ of “'“ll‘r‘g “emu“ he .traits and pictures are in each number. “J â€mum“ the Ram†of Re) 1"“ d‘ , _ _ ‘ ‘ I" 1 _ , fl has thescreguhr departments: All this explains any me Revue ' 11.. Pm «me w . Q a of Reviews has come to a probal‘l, 7‘ fliggflmyeij‘olig‘ozrï¬g‘ixfifli; ‘ . , in ng. M unprecedented success m the ï¬rster I : ugaygamnifé‘uié’sbmmï¬ . . ‘ . - Y . I $ years of its cxxstcncc. For 169: _anArfldesp â€Emmanum... H no will be more invaluable than ever. mmm'iietlxï¬fï¬LgfiiéMu _ on which the magazine “is rounded sad that is bet: in the other 18. Anal : gfï¬'fhfl’ «“355? «1%.: in: month‘s in throu h the Pkmrd“ mu: means or iii; :ucocislnl an I Are alive-ring ihrwgbout the world. «we? ‘ Agents are reaping handsome 311053 We * give liberal commissions Sen/tidbit terms. . . , Annual Subscription. 53-50 5 5.591: Copy. :6 Cent!- In “In†'mRElTlEWvREl -r â€mm. NVork 50 acres ._ ‘ vices and uprn tern JEO. Soo'rui:i:.\\‘. M AND SCHOUI l’l-ITl‘Iitl'.‘ v2: COl'lir‘lZS I.\' hand. Arz‘E' . writing. ’l‘rjv .«. ': or \Vinzcr. For m -' A.B Elie mun: THURS l )3; ‘1'. . TO\\' l \ . M .‘lvl‘hax: i- ' . mem. â€"Tu\\'ll lift» 2’2. Sec largr pi -â€"Mi>~ \Vbitv Hewlett. all sizii tilde. -â€"Kt"ll>‘. I"'l\\':'l lug quite a stir ;: â€"Thc alumni :1 torian church wil on Friday (WVHIDI -â€"Tll:: celebrity v Saw for sale at .l .7. â€"Mr. J. .l. ll. last Wen-k ill 1 home on 'l‘uvwiuy, _.Sm:w :_'l‘«':vf proper-Um a, GEN. Son'rizm. : \1 . â€"-.‘-'.~-s»!\. A. _\ Clark“ Ill:i‘l" ‘1 ll trip in lit-tints", ~er. -‘itti. r lélitl will “ï¬ll: I ' l matisnz in 13.: " - â€"â€"-.\lr~. M ll. 5 last new}; In ll:- 31 in Lindsay. “E: , i hen-s. l â€"Cim.<. Ilv’ In! lending thw (3...: Was humeMu'u-t' >1; â€".\i1‘. .‘~. i5 3: ably sat} ' hole: uni i...~ :. ~l credit in 2 2.. ._~1 ll: ' illi‘ Jim .l.’y A. Lin: ifs 'l'l; - ~33 m..- (l:i_\' “52:11 :.:;:: I;:.'». of the _\.~:u'. l1»: 2;- ...-n:: or :vtzzv-v 3' w :1 Hur attention the I'm". that u‘.;:' 1'. out for l\.\uv. lizllt'sul; iiâ€. (kunfl liiclmrdmn i lit, in: H‘n‘i‘ t" 'Zi.i"2.. .... > . ‘ iln‘ \uu' ‘ < . l-‘nrnn :\ (inn: .‘Al't'llt‘l'..\ \‘nu’lx‘ Hf hers and st-w'.‘ There \vii' tho 1 Irangw l: [.I. . Friday night. (- ~ ., . ' prm nit-1:. lz. -.«- ' turnout. -L';m.-mi --i w.- IIID in Siâ€) â€"â€"llo you want : If you do there is m Cll;llllljl’I/¢.(â€l . \‘it‘ liliPom‘ln: for on.- Subseribc How and number. ~Lasl. Friday .\ Tapper 751.. one of ti 0f Millbnxik. passed age of ninetyeight months and on Su were laid to rest in ve Yard. The husband, the late 45' hotel here ï¬fty