In years not long ousted into the lapse of father tin-'3, \‘Ewn Boisville was young, and had _‘- i" emerged from the bosom of the {(-i'".~»7. :iving birth to sundry primitive i-I; unbias- and only one unpretentious kirk stood on the upland surrounded by the stately maple and the modest evergreen" Peo- ple were happy in those daysâ€"they liv- ed in all simplicity; no gaols were a menace to their liberty, no courthouse existed to deprive them of their sub- stance. nortavcrns to steal the intel- lect. although whiskey was as cheap as water. Man was Just to man, and all “as well. Some 3ears after two youthful persons stood watching the moon as it slowl3 rose and sailed the etherial w :13'. Suddenly the silence of the night was broken: “Uh, Jamy, Jamy, if 3ou love me, 811' you often said ye did, swc: L!‘ it upon this sacred spot. an' kiss me on this round, ruby cheek, an’ call me yours forever, m ownly Jamy dear." - She threw her robust arms around his rugged neck and he gave her a smack that sounded like a cannon, and was heard for and wide echoing in the vales and rolling off like thunder to the distant hills. “Och, Jamey 3', said she, be aisy wid yer sure that sound will‘be heard away in the village beyant‘, and bring down Malcolm Black, andi'sure he‘ll scan- dalize the two of us.‘“ “Faith," says Jamy. “what would I care if all the Malcolm Blacks in the wourld was for- nent us when than ye beside me." Next day they were married. The pre- sents were cestly and; numerous: Tom- m3 Dodds gave a shirt;â€" Gmnt Mc- Kay, a. dose of medicine: Switzer, _a pair of little bootsi Vickery, a. pair of chickens; Gilchrist, a timepiece; Rea, a shave; the Misses Campbell. .a dress; Humphry, a cutter; Foley. kn)" . ves; Hepe :Ital a patch; Davis, pair big rubber boots; Clarke. a pair pants, Caverley, tea; the Misses Minion. ah t, F â€MN .m d m2? â€my, a meter; genie? nn bun l! 5.7m y ' $01.36; ' '“ “MW; the bank, Ifitment; while Colin Comp- Ladies, Read Thisâ€"I noticed an ar- ticle in one of your contemporaries re- commending glue as a good manure, in a. flower pol. Don't you do it, glue is an animal substance. and when plac- ed in earth will speedily decompose, forming animal worms, which will cling to the roots of plants and destroy their vitality. Glue has no virtue as a manure; the best food for pot-plants is liquid manure. particularly flowering plants. Gypsum or broken china placed in the bottom of a pot secures not only good drainage. but is very healthful to the plant. Late Work-Mr. Donald Grant had his garden plowed last Monday a piece of ground that was, until lately, cov- ered with ice and snow. Many people have taken advantage of the ï¬ne wea- zthgr and (Aid theippluvging.‘ AccidenLâ€"Mr. Archibald Campbell was so unfortunate as to meet with an accident Monday last. While attend- ing to a young horse. he was kicked in the side, breaking two ribs and other- wise injuring his feet. Never mind, Archie, so. long us‘the genuine rib is all righ4t_ you'll 510, loan, Our Post. office.â€"The demand for let- ters has so rapidly increased that the postmaster can hardly keep up the sup- ply, nor the mail carry a. sufficient quantity at a time to meet the require- ments. Every night the post office is filled with anxious and expectant faces; .the jam is enormous. Come Mr.’ M. P., it is about. time you made more accom- modation for the letter-seeking public; if you don’t your office will sonn have as bad a reputation as Lindsay’s. _ iCbEéVGVtZL-Tbere was a. concert in the Methodist church on the 13th inst», in aid of the church fund. It was well attended; some of our local talent and the church choir uf Sunderl'and took part. About $30 was taken in at the door. a. December month, but Canada, you know, is a wonderful country, and the winters nowadays are very uncertain; people out of the Dominion will learn in time that we are not a frozen up people nine months in the year, as our neighbors. the Yankees, love to repre- sent us. Another man says he saw snakes on the fifteenth. We don't be~ Iieve him, as he was wildoeyed, felt queer about his boots, and came from Cannington._ , , ,. One for Kiplingâ€"Messrs. Hugh and Dan McKinnon, while out hunting aft- er foxes on the 10th inst, came across a lot of frogs dispersing themselves in the swamp enjoying the balmy air of December. This is not quite usual for} an excellent book. graphies and chief famous writers of Church Notesâ€"Service was held here last Sabbath, being conducted as usual bx Rev. Mr. Curry. There was agood- 1y attendance despite the terrible con- dition of the roads, the recent high floods having completely covered the roads. Indeed. in some places the wat- er was higher_than in the‘spring. _ 1 7 V'isitor§â€"'\\'e were visit-ed own Moh- day, 13th, by a canvasser in the per- son of p, Mri Brandon. who is gelljpg LOCAL NEWS-L. ETTERS KOHALLION. [Correspondence of Tux Pcs'rJ Recoveries.-â€"Mrs. P. Burke, whom we mentioned a short time ago ‘as be- ing wry low, is, we are pieased to state, partially recovering ...... Mrs. N. .Whalen has recovered from an attack of}? grippe._ _ _ _ _«‘ ‘ LINDSAY, FRIDAY, DEC. 24, 1897‘ the fraud of the day. See you get Carter‘s. Ask for Carter’s, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pil @312 Ghanaian 2m. ' Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsï¬ Indigestion and T00 Hearty Eating. A 96 feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Draws; ness, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Coated Tonga 1 Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. Tbs) Regulate the Bonds. Purely Vegetable- Smafl Pill. Small Dooeq Small Price. Substitution SIGK HEADAGIIE Positively cured by these WOODVI [.LE. It contains the bioâ€"- writings of all the English literature. pgs‘wd into the v'm-n Boisville it r-xno-rged from . giViug birth to whirls and only ills his mind to retire from has made up ‘ the council. That genLieman, while lacking lhe aggressivenes of. some of thu mixer members, has always been found («awoken in matters coming be- for» council, and another year's ex- perience of municipal procedure would make him an invaluable representative of business men’s views. Mariposa Affairs. In the banner township the approach- ing elections will likely produce many changes. The appointment of Reeve Wm. Lownsbrouzh as customs collec- tor at Lindsay leaves a. vacancy that will probably be filled by Mr. Edward Mark, the present first-deputy. It is understood that Mr. John Stacey will run for lst deputy, and Mr. R. Rich for 2nd deputy. For councillors Mes- srs. R. Suggett, A. McKinnon, Edwin " Rogers, Norman Gillies, Wm. Chan- n63, Wm.» \Vhitoand others are talked gill? W“? “$2.13: ""4â€â€œ n, a. en, , a, . In of tho present magi ggzggl again, as he‘contéinplntos re'fnb anitoba in the bpring. _ . Luc nus-u UV "‘4qu “"0 are not in a position to say much concerning the reeveships. Reeve Touchburn is said to be determined l to stand to his guns and fight for his p esent office, but there are those who '3’ that should a. good man op- pose im he will retire to his ward .and emerge as a councillor. Mr. Thos. - Brady has not yet consented to serve the ratepayers in any capacity, but he will be nominated for one of the reeveships and will be pressed to stand for election. There is some talk also of the rc-appearance of Mr. Joseph Staples, of the east word, as a candidate for one of the reeveships, but there is an impression that his school trusteeship will shut him out of the council. It is said that the law sti- pulutes that a councillor sh-lll not serve as a schnol trustee, but does‘ not forbid in [recise terms a. school trustee being elected a councillor. It is matter for general regret that Conn. Alex. Horn, like Conn: Pedler, 1y advanced by a number of warm friends, and it is probable that his name will appear on the ballot as a. candidate for that office. Mr. John McSweyn has not yet consented to stand, but it is thought that it the names advanced on nomination day suggest a. business men’s council he would be willing to enter the lists. During the past few days Mr. R. Ky- lie’s friends have also been active,and the number of those who think he would make a creditable executive head is constantly increasing. Who- ever faces the music. will have to reck- on w-ith Dep.â€"rceve Robson, who is in the field to stay. _ _ ‘ THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION Contents are Simmering. but the Boll. ms Point has not yet been Reached. ~ So far the municipal situation has not changed materially, but the air is thick with many rumors concern- ing the men likely to offer for the various offices in the gift of the people. As yet. the parties most deeply inter- estedâ€"the men who pay the taxesâ€"â€" have not manifested any great interest in the matter, and until they do, it is useless to hope that the best men will offerâ€"or win, in case they do stand. For the positionc of mayor Conn. Sootheran's name is being energetical- tne zuu 11:31., am... u." -w" 3rd. Several aspirants (otï¬fhunicipal honors have been spoken of, but as yet the named are not finally “slated." urday afternoon. llt- sou? goods cheap. He is giving up business. as he has to leave his present stand on the 3lst inst. Municipal Elections.â€"The notices for ons are out, an- the municipal electi tion on Monday nouncmg the nomina the 27th inst., and the election on Jan. ‘ ’ ‘7 I ...... :n:r\~|l 10L“ luau", mm m»... ......... ist choir here gathered at the home of Miss E. Herchmer. of this place, and presented her with a handsomely bound volume of Scott's poetic works as a token of their esteem for her who had been a faithful member of the choir for some years. *' - -- It n.3_ I...‘I.l an BOBCAYGEOS. (Correspondence of The Post.) W. F. M. S.â€"Thc Women's Foreign Mission in connection with Knox church here. held an entertainment in the church on last Thursday evening, commencing at 7.30 p. m. The pro- gramme consisted of readings, recita- tions, music and addresses. and was efficiently carried out. A very pleas- ant: evening was spent for a couple of hours. Off for the Woods-«A gang of men left here on last Tuesday for M. M. l Boyd 8:. Co.'s lumber camp in Glamor- gan. This gang of men intend to re- main in the woods till March. recent rains have } High Water.â€"The raised the water to high water mark. are out and The stop logs of the dam the water is rushing over it in aper- fect torrent. Matrimony.â€"Mr. Freeman Greenof Toronto, and Miss E. Hurchmer, of this place, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on last ’Wednes- day, by the Rev. J. W. Shier, at the residence of the bride’s father. Mr. J. G. Maddis, of Toronto, assisted the groom, and Miss Gertrude Hurchmer assisted the bride. After the marriage ceremony was over the young couple left here at 1.30 for Toronto, where they will remain for a week, after which they will visit Morrisburg, Mon- treal and Ottawa. We, with their many friends here, join in wishing the young couple much happiness and pros- perity in their new sphere. Presentationâ€"0n Monday nightjthï¬ Presentation. â€"On Monday night, we 13th inst., the metpbcrs of the Method- 7 A. LL- ham.) I; “A‘uuv-- (Correspondence of The Post.) Recoveredâ€"We are pleased to state that our worthy reeve, R. 1!. Mason V. 5.. is able to attend to professional and municipal duties once .more. He had been laid up for the past ten days suffering from a bad case of blood poisoning caused by. a. small scratch on the wrist while extracting the teeth of a horse, which soon developed into alarming proportions...M.r. F. Sandford has also recovered from a severe attack of sickness. Personalâ€"Mr. Wright, manager of the big mill, is spending a few days in Toronto on‘business this week ...... Mr. “'iil Veitch, the expert carriage paint- ' home. in Lindsay vL-v -_- _. . In Dry Dockâ€"Mr. J. A steamer and scow in dry will receive a. thorough and be in trim shape for cutters 101' UUI. Aw“. n..- F. Sanford, who is placing on tile :nark- et a line of cutters that. for style and finish are second to none in America. See them. , 1' A 1')":â€" k..;. 5:: trade. OAKVVOOD. . ( "of The-Post.) ' * Church Notesâ€"Thea". '1‘. P. Steel, of Penelon Fells;pï¬ached two. grand ‘ ' the Methodist " in the in- terest of the Trust FuncL...1‘he Rev. A. McAulay, Presbyterian of Picker- ing, will conduct a gospel temperance meeting in the Methodist church next Sabbath, Dec. 26, at three o'clock. The temperanee queution is a live ‘one jnat at present in this place, as it has been hinted about tht,there is a. disposition to repeal the local opiton by-law in this township. i;;f£ation to â€wave FENELO-N FéELS Mir. J. A. Ellis has his w in dry dock. They thorough overhauling, have. for next season's â€"That great interest is taken in the weekly debates was manifested by the large attendance of members at the rooms on Dec. 16th, to hear the 'de- bate on the subject “Resolved, that man makes his own circumstances." On account of one o! the gentlemen who was to. take the negative side of the question being absent,. the chairman decided to throw the question open for general discussion, after the re- gular debates had been heard. Messrs. Leo Primeau and F.-Brani£t for the affirmative. and Mr. C. McIllhnrgey {or the negative, made excellent ad» dresses, showing that they had given the subject considerable thought. Att- er these gentlemen had spoken several in the audience took part on either side. Mr. F. Shannon, the chairman. made an able summing up of the points brought out by the different speakers. and after some hesitation swurded the decision to- the incentive. A‘ pleasant range of the â€90'? 's entertainmegt was e pretence r, Geo. Reflux M. P., who gave/the members some goods advice and encouragement Prior to the debate names-John Welter geve s recitation; which was man received. â€"-The membe ship contest closes Dec. 20th. Dodd's Kidney Pills are an unfailing cure for all diseases caused by impair- ed kidneys and impure biood. \V. J. Nugent suffered for years with Kidney Disease and piles. Doc- tors couldn't help him. Every remedy he tried failed till he began using Dodd's Kidney Pills. A few boxes cur- ed him. ‘ London reported two wonderful cures by means of Do-Jd's Kidney Pills, within two weeks. Glencoo has acaae quite its s_t._artlin.;. Health. Strength. Espplneu nan-k Where Dodd’n Kidney P111. he†been Used. Glencoe, Dec. 20.â€"From city to city, town to town, village tr.- village and ovar the broad fields of the Dominion, :the fame of Dudd's liidney Pills, the medical marvel of the century, the only infallible cure on earth for Bright’s Disease, Diabetes, Lam-3 Back, end all other kidney diseases, is sprz'ad- mg. 7 , _ _ _ mm Model School. Of the 58 candidates who wrote on the model school examination, 38 pass- ed the non-professional examination at Lindsay, 8 at Fenelon Falls, 5 at Omemee. 3 at Peterboro, 2 each at 01'- ill‘ra. and Port Perry, and one each at Toronto Junction, Mitchell. Bobcay- geon, Niagara Falls and Clinton. I can confidently any that toâ€"day I am a. cured man. and can highly recom- mend this great medicine to all suf- ferers from kidney trouble." Sold by H. Higinbotham and P. Morgan. Well and ma Gives the 0mm Where it in Due. “For along time 1 have been agreat sufferer from disease of the kidneys. The pains Isntfered were the severest. I had tried all kinds of remedies. but all to no avail. I was persuaded t9 try South American Kidney Cure. Have taken half adozen bottles, and Adm’Soper. or Burk’e Falls. Found All Remedies for Kidney Disease of No Avml Until Be Used South Ameri- can Klan†Cure-Today He is a. The Treasurer’s Statement. Mr. John Kennedy, treasurer, pre- sented his annual financial statement. which was briefly examined, duly re- ceived. and a motion passed instruct- ing the clerk to have 100 copies print- ed for distribution. The Outstanding Taxes. Mr. R Nnylor, collector. reported that. a few ratepayers had not yet paid their taxes, though they had pro- mised to do so on or before the 14th. Owing to the bad state of the roads the councfl passed a. resolution giving those in arrears a few days' grace,and instructed Mr. Naylor to collect the balance as quickly as possible. The Fees and Perquisites. On motion by Mr. Hopkins, seconded by Mr. Robertsomcouncillors'sessional allowance. mileage and commission. and a. few other nigounts \vere,oei 1. r as may be seen in e treasurers an- nual financial statement. The council adjourned at 5.30 p.m. , From the chairman, medical health officer and sanitary inspector, of board of health. setting forth the “ of the your now closing. ,snd showing there were only seVen cases of contig- ious diseases reported in the township during the year. viz; six of diptherin and one of typhoid. and that owing to the prompt action the 11.3.0. end the physicians in attendance, the pa- tients, with one exception, speedily recovered and the disease quickly dis- appeared. Mr. Hutton moved, second- ed by Mr. Robertson tht the reports be received and fyled.â€"Carried. Responsibility Disclaimed. Mr. Robertson moved, seconded by Mr. Hutton, that we, the municipal council of the township of Ops, disclaim all responsibility for the care and maintenance of the new bridge crossing Pigeon Creek between Ops and Man- vers, or of its approaches, as we deem them an indispensable part of the structureâ€"Carried. County Roads Approved. , Moved by Mr. Curr-ins, seconded by Mr. Hutton, that in response to the county council for an expression of opinion as to the advisability of that body assuming control of the lending roads of the county, “e, the municipal council of Ops. approve of the scheme. provided attention is first given to‘ roads on which there is the greatest traffic, and that the levy for ex- penditure be equitableâ€"Carried. The Municipal Elections. On motion of Mr. Hutton, seconded by Mr. Robertson, Mr. Currins took the chair, and by-luws Nos. 519, 520 and 521 were read the first time and car- ried. The blanks in No. 521 were then filled in with the names of '1‘. Collins. Wm. Graham, Jas. Cunningham, Albert Perkin, Jas. Greer and John Jack- son as deputy-returning officers in polling sub-divisions Nos. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6 respectively. Mr. Hutton was then moved to the chair and said by- laws were on motion read the second and third time, passed, signed and sealed. THEIR FAME WORLD WIDE. From the township solicitor, to Thee. Paul's claim for compensation to: 'a horse killed by necident on Nov.15th last, stating that from information re- ceived Mr. Paul has no claim on the township. _ _ .. ‘ ‘ A,“ inst. The minutes of last; regular meeting‘r‘were read byfthe cleft. end on motion by Mr. Ms. seconded by Mr. Hutton, were duly confirmed. Communications. From Manvers council, repudiatihg liability for the maintenance of Pigeon creek bridge, between Ops and Mn- vers, or its approaches. Ottawa-IV In contomitywifl: the municipal act the members of Ops council met 'at the and hour on Wednesdzy, 15th NO AVAIL. THE CANADIAN POST, LINDSAY: camoumâ€" Hood 1 S lsausodbytorpldllm,whhh may» Hound pemltstood interment“ mm thestomch. mmmm Biliousness Church notes. â€"In the Baptist Church on Sunday morning the pastor preached a ser- mon on “Helpfulness.“ taking as the subject of his thoughts John 5:7; “Sir. I have no one when the water is troub- led to put me into the pool." He gave a description of the pool and its sur- roundings. and also an explanation of the troubling of the waters. The pus- tor went on to show that people are not anxious enough to help one an- other; applying this to the principle of Christianity, it is a reproach that may be cast in the teeth of Christians. But the matter of the salvation of the soul is not the only thing in which peo- [ ple need helpâ€"in the matter of pov- y erty by getting people work. we can often help our fellow-men....At the ev- ening service Mr. Hughson's text was chosen from 2nd Timothy 1:10. upon which the pastor preached a very pow- erful sermon on “Immortality." show- ing that the earth. with our bodies. must pass away. This (act is believ- ed by people of all religions whether Christian or heathen. There is some- thing in the heart of man that makes him have a longing for the unseen world. The bible doctrine of man teaches us that we are going to live a Jigs of intensity. The new Testament teaches the doctrine o! immortality, for there is to be a resurrection of the just and unjust. As soon as we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ our names are enrolled in the Lamb's Book of Life. and then at the judgment. the just and the unjust. yea, every man. shall be rewarded according to his works. ~ Routing School m The terms of tbe taliowing members of the Lindsay board of education ex- pire this year: Dr. Jetters, three years. appointed by county council; Mr. J. D. Flavelle. three years. by town council; Mr. R. J. McLaughlin. north ward, electod for two years; Col. Dea- con, south ward. two years; Mr. Thos. Walters, east ward. two years. II Your Dough“:- in School? There are thousands of sickly school girls dragging their way through school who might be enjoying the full vigor of their youth by taking Scott's Emulsion. Mrs. Irvin's husband went to Mani- toba. last summer where he intended to make his home in future, and had sent for his wife and child. whom he expect- ed would arrive at his Western home for Christmas. A Local Movement Case. Hurry Terry, a boiler-maker of Mid- land. has deserted his wife and four small children, having fallen in love with thc charms of Mrs. Annie Irvin, of Cannington. who took with her a twoâ€"year-uld daughter. The couple purchased tickets for Toronto. and the police of that city were notified. but failed to effect an arrest. and it is supposed the guilty couple are now across the border. Mrs. Terry's story is as follows: “About eight years ago my husband. who is a boiler-maker. and I removed from Deseronto to Midland. where we have since remained. We have four‘ small children, and all went well until he met Mrs. Irvin sometime last win- ter. Since then he has been indiffer- ent and neglectful. About six or eight weeks ago Mrs. lrvin came to Midland, and was driven to Penetan- guishene by my husband. where they remained all day. He visited her at Cannington two weeks ago and they drove to Woodville. On his return to Midl‘n'l he told mi thit he had sscurod a. steady job at Orillia. Wednesday he showed me a card, saying it was from the firm at Orillia. whom he was go- ing to work for. and made arrange- ments to leave on Thursday morning for his new Job. He gave me 81 and said he would send me more next week. Word was conveyed to me that my hus- band instead of remaining in Orillia had gone to Stouffville. 1 then tele- phoned to the Orillis foundry and was informed that they did not know my husband. Elly suspicion was at once \ruufir‘od “a I rluunvd Lu come to Cannington expecting to loc'ite him. but so far I am unable." can the and“ flu would «at. and “would nu ma manna-yam Why II “I. nuns “Dodd'a Kidney P111.†Inflated! LI tun uk why In dismantl- nnd gold Inland. Beam diamonds um am- an m of medical numb gave Dodd's Idnoy P015 :0 the world. No madlclna ovu- cmd Bright's dim ex- cept Dodd’s szney Plus. No other modi- clno has cured u may um ct Rhom- tlam, Dhboua, Heart Disease, Lumhugo. Dropâ€, Fonda Weakness. and other kidney dl'meo, as Doid'a K!dney Pun Inn. It In unlum Iy known that they hue never tuned to can thus diam. {3211:093th an .0 widdy And uhmoluuly In M ' d. mm, Mmdmmm 0000. II m t mun-11:1 m No Name on Earth So Famous â€"No Name More Widely Imi- THE PEOULIABITIES THIS 'WORD. And calendars small. There are calendars short And calendars tall. But The Post calendar Is ahead of all. Thprq an; cqlcndars large Hood's P1113. THEY FLED TOGETHER Pills ONTARIO. DECEMBER 24. $897 ma, 83.MA!MI,.GIERL amt-n. mun-Smut 8m. le You. It The or '98 in anal! maamz. M (on two colon. m (comm bl“ w. u‘ “The Sam Au: 0! dun-Ins ’ x 3756:" 'Ghlwéoi'u-T' ' ' “â€08! G d:- Ind m†qubouuuun “no Conduct of Gun Bauhaus-â€lulu (u wen “Tho Wham Farm." “Tho Nan-puts." etc. In ’97), with numerous mutation. Lin A'l' gun-:4“. was a 3%.... Pt: “U“. u a “can. an Ydo,’ and u- tidal: mun-vex. Pout-1c“. anvmrnwn Senator gar. who lag-20c}! In â€REL tutor-Iv- Samar '83:†05:10; Lounge, to “no Won t oyeu. or am no man nodal-o In toms and mono.- wmhotlonghno bou- apon the revolt- tion. flown-d Pylomdnootp: of trust- m... méï¬menm: ‘5‘" exon- 1 are: u»- rux A. T. mums “Tho Amie-n Nay In the Revolution," to ho mum-am floatatChmthomu-lu cast: Faun ad omen. Taoxu Nmox FAQ a mu- Loxa Nov-1.. “Red Book- A cumm- otRoooutnoflon." M1. P [ In: am but you- to tho not}. mad? mum-mm. (mutually B. Woumhodmt.) Runrm Kn’nnm. mmnn thug“ DA Jan. 03%;? x.- Emn. Iona: . Ann. ‘ tat-hm m undu- misnom- banana-had m Balm Gum“. ‘ Suns-Llam- " - roan. to nuan- luau aluminum: met his “Reduction 01 n Man-Id " and “The Opinion. of n Pub-splat." Tn Worms In a new addâ€"Walt. A. Wyetofl. than nun who We u SCRIBNER‘S M A G A ZI N E FOR 1898 __vâ€"~.-_-r._ -â€" mwuurnflï¬xovuril ï¬n nonm- soar... .1. mm nuns. u. A"; W†annulus, - OK 11310 ‘11:. an. dud-log i- ncl-Ind. Spouse. up“ (an [mulc- ad male“- I. mum-mums In- H.’l DI Indcoun'olt. 111. own â€no. WNW-1"“- w, Mum... sum-n. lull-II M I'm-am- “money-Magnum. Mt 1'. antenna: 100' Bjiinxansasm COLLEGE Tn Stout or nu Buoumox by _-s_ n.__ .L_A v -A, d. RIGGS, RIGGS' Store is full of nice toys for Santa Claus such as Kid and China Dolls, Ten Pins, Iron Trains, Tin Trains, that will run on a track, Jumping Jacks, Chinese War Ship. Hobby Horses, Whips, Drums, Iron Runners to attach to your buggy, Baby Sleighs, Games, Hand Sleighs, Crokinole, Musical Instruments, Mouth Organs, also Smokera' Sundries in “In: Dunc: of Cigars, Meerchaum and Brier Pipes,Cigar Cases and Pouches,best grades of Tobacco always in stock. I WHO. 8 Kontlt M LINDSAY Show and Rama“ m send Plun- sad “amu- ma: 0 can't- uon. human-ad Gown vum. W. A WHITE The no» nibbl- plnoo tor REMODEL- IAG m REPAIRING Flu. Km-Sh The cheapest place for an. FURS G. P.MULLE'1"1‘ Manufacturing Fur-tier. GREAT PROGRAM. BEDROOM SUITE â€"A'l'â€" LENNON S CHRISTMAS Builder and Contractor. 38143138381) 1889 Writ. hr Wonk. J03. Riggs. “7. A. White. G. 1’. 111111“, MAHIOI - Opp M“ HOUSE H011] Bf03.,Manufasturers. YARNS, CLOTH HEADQUARTEIRS FOR UNDERWEAR, BLANKETS, LindsayWoollen Mills SPBATT 81 KILLEN. We are also paying the higheSt market prices for Parties who have not good Cleaning Mills can get their seed cleaned at our ware- house It will be to the interest of growers to get our oï¬'ers before disposing of their seed. We are prepared to pay the highest cash price for any quantity of Wheat.‘ Oats. Barlev. Rye, Peas. Etc Blankets, 63x81, - - per pair $2 05 All -Wool Shirts and Drawers - - . 450 Heavy Winter Tweed - - - peryard 35c Mitts, Socks and Hosiery at wholesale prices! ALSIKE, BED CLOVER, and TIMflTHY' FEED. WW? . SEED EXPORTERS. . - SEEDS WANTED GRAIN ‘.AND.. Sp" ‘1‘ J Mon. sun-grind Soap. greatly lessens the wt § "15 pm 50mlathets rm. ‘mbbin easy does mew: / 11w othesmoatsw and ‘TI‘REIT? \VOOLLENS. m as to P0; Great Clue London was . . more than (1' square miles twice the pol metropolisâ€"3 Hi EllWH ,â€" 4.0. sum ,SPEIAI Third in pop! of the earth i: tion of ZMUJIU with about twe territory. The W miles. ( done as to p01 “Inn 180 square the Dutch Iilll ""-.V “3" York is uni “.‘t‘ Population. h.“ cit in the‘ hint be! ‘ Mull. 'New Y4 LINDSAJ By making the statistics («at city on cults. For instance Matted: is from the Indi: “8000111.!“ :xl Gidered worth the enlarged m Ice of $125,000 Iqure foot tux ï¬fe numhpr 01 will be gr m of the l i- contributing n. White-winged' “ï¬le pom: lat x “the If) "It. would for “ï¬rm I is borr Slater New 3 ï¬lm @2121 a (I 0! oourée, Eh deay and Worth nearly “805 0f a u â€in would n. ï¬fth: in somv York. mica" AN: «moms - - Im'lcra 0 Stan'. 1 THE GPE TEE 61in: h dent-liï¬rate I '0 persons d it every m-v Brown}, I’afl In†| breaking of m lEngllsh â€a lighter. 3" {be Rh "an the chi. anâ€. deep cu m legs grind N 'ili be more 1 'ï¬ church. ‘Nd VuluP York. l ‘M Wound ch: “I. cka ring York mu k0 New h ana