Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Dec 1897, p. 5

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but led, Hoe, 15c. 13c, 25c :55 upon Present. ,{ Whit; bld -' somc rbOBS in Collars, Collars- ,‘oes 53‘ 1C have 888.803 s' and hmy. M1131 Human ;Bargaips in Lumber, Shmgles, apea Kennedy, Davis 51 Son The season for Storm Sash is here, and we’re here to supply the demand. First-class work guaranteed and prime more than reasonable, Give me your order. S TURM 8/1 0 Factory near Wellington-at. Bridge. THE EFFECT OF THE GREAT FIRE. mm @uuzulizm gust. fixes and YA!» son-su. l: am HARD man 5qu man LONDON’S DISASTER. Losses E harmed], order tolrnake room for new Stock we will give The Imperial firmers, Atgention! 1'11? official report says the G [ix-v ls unknuwn. A large 1 mu-rhnuscs of from five :0 1 High have been burned. and I x‘th-n. the whole covering an: ‘vi 1-30 yards. bounded by Xich Edmnuds place, J ewin croscen 'mn uvmgxe, Paul's alley and I Mr lllfillllulnmv Hr“ , vim of the losses. tlurir estimates ranging from $3004“) :0 “mum. In is a. fact that ill-was of the burned out firms were not in- ~umL in some cases because the locality hm 1- m5: inn-n considered dangerous by the 3n~urumu~ 1'ua:;§\:lnic$. All the historic Huxhux'vs of L‘rippiugatc Church were re- munxl. including the records of Oliver ~Crunm‘cll's nmrriage, Milton’s burial and or thu deaths from the plague in 1665. ’ London. Nov. 22.â€"-The official figures 3M that. 171 buildings were destroyed. The gm burned is over two acres. ‘ I: is still unpossible, and will be for films time to come, to accurately am tholossbythanre. The estimam which havenptothlstime beengivenby difler- ent authorities, vary from 810.0(1),” to $10,013,000. The firmnen were busy all €13! ' - ,, -1 mo§m nmn fl” rlivered to any Pa“ ragga}; 15 IS ’05» ”r-..‘ I01m, nine to come, to accurately estimate the loss by the fire. The estimates, which havouptotmstime been givenby differ ent authorities, vary from 81030041!) to 340000000. The fireman Were busy many Saturday pouring tons of water upon tho Februu notion included. my of the W busi- nesshousesin MelbOurne. The huildins! are completely gutted. It is thumbs will reach £1,000.00!» while thatndotnvolved has received 8 M10” mm Hundreds of employee of 8‘1 sex-arm. been suddenly thrown out d ‘mplcymt. l‘hc insur: magnum” Firemen Worked m-w ufliccs ln- official omen Worked All Day Saturday mperial Parliament to Meet in naryâ€"Serious Revolt 1n Zanzi- bar-Hon. Mr. Fielding on the \Vashillghnx Horseshoai nv - TireSettinE' Wheel Repat 1 ins: Regulating Trimming. J. P. 3.17193; J. P. RYLEY. stimated at Ten to Fcrty Millions. m. mainf- 0PM“ “we agents hflfe !v), Eut en'l 0' Bridge Lin-153!- amerson. Conferem Dans Son â€"A number of thee!!- are still playing on the fllm‘king‘ the scene of tion. It is impossible xte the amount of dam- lrect dzunug’c. exclusive rect loss to trade, will a $10,«w,m0, Consols vc fallen heavily on the 5 will necessitate heavy :ompanios. and most of mpanica‘ shares have billings. The Evening :anial article this after- ok' the town. IN the cause of the large number of the to Six storeys :1 and have partly ring an area of 200 by Nicholl square, xcrcscent, Austral- llnv and Red Cross an optimist WMthavhfid‘BhWme-lcmd SirLDuflstoWuMngm hadaflorded In the Who“ macaw;- 3511185: “Neither Premier Inmier’s nor any future Government otCanadawill agreeinnnyponcy involvingdisaimims :10anth Ibelievathil‘. mwdlundmmAmeMandIhopa‘ that Canada’s dedra for‘ improved rob nonsmredprocawdintheUnited States. as both countries would mp rumba} vantagetmmgreaterfmedomottnd.” Imdon, Nov. mâ€"The diplomat In uhngwhatthe‘United Stores, whose m- terests mtheEutareadvnndngbyleeps ondboundgnysottheseizureotxiaochon Bey. Thefnrtherproceedingspromiseto be interesting, for, according to the no- ceptedversionot the Cassini Treety,conâ€" cludedin 16, Russia. secured the men- sion of Khochou Bay for a naval station. Looking below the surface, the coup may be Germany’s retort to the Franco-Russian alliance. The newspapers of Great Britr ain my that “war will be the outcome of allthis harbor grabbing,” adding: “Ow ing to our sovereignty of the seas, we are able to pick and choose any port in China which strikes our fancy. II it is already fortified by our rivals, so much the better." A French Victory in Attic; mgos, West Coast of Africa, Nov. 9.â€" The French have recruited a. cavalry force of 1000 men from the Say district. Sin- galese reinforcements have arrived at Pom Nova. Britain's Parliament. London, Nov. as-The British Pulls ment reassembles during the second week or February, three weeks later than origin- ally intended. The principal tasks of the session will be the Irish Local Government Bill and the Reform of the London LR unn‘ Council referred to by the Marquis of Salisbury in his speech on Tuesday last before the National Union of Conservative Associations, when the Premier asked his hearexs if they wanted to be governed like New York City. Then Parliament will be called upon to legislate for the army, the question of increasing its strength appeal- ing most urgently to the country gener- ally, and there is a widespread demand that other questions be shelved and that the session be devoted to the army. British Army Reform; London, Nov. 22.â€"At the Cabinet Coun- cil the Minister of War was authorized to prepare a. scheme for army reforms in con- junction with the Duke of Devonshire, who, in addition to being a member of the Cabinet, is President of the Committee of National Defence. Army reform is merely euphemism for soldiers. A report current is that the increase will consist of two regiments of cavalry, several batteries and 10,000 infantry, which seems to be a pretty large order. The Tory Gov- ernment has a. way of doing such things on a. large scale, and the country is well alarmed in regard to the army situation a... a- n -h---, .w, alarmed in regard to the army situation and is prepared for any proposals which the Government may decide to make. There is a strong party in favor of form- ing two armies; one, as now, recruited on the shorbservice system, and the other on the long-service system for foreign stations , _L:_l A“ w vvvvv a -v-._--- exclusively. The wmmanderâ€"inâ€"chief ap- pears to regard this as impracticable, and favors such improvements in food and pay and subsequent; employment in the civil service as will attract a. class of men to the army who new nvold. it. The Saturday “I" n _ _-‘mnnov Revivevafinfks to-day : “It is not money that is needed at the War omoe, but bruins. The money voted by Parliament has been wasted in a disgraceful fashion," and The Review promises revelations to prove this contention. Soudnncse Troops Mutiny and K111 Major Macdonald’lefllcers sud Men. . Zanzibar, Island of Zanzibar, East Afr“ on, Nov. 21.-â€"Particulars have reached here of a revolt among the Soudanese troops in Major Macdonald’s expedition in the lake country south of the equatorial provinces. It appears that the expedition was advan- cing into the interior from the Uganda country for a point as to which informa- tion is wanting. On Oct. 10 last the muti- neers, assisted by 150 Mohammedan tribes- mcn, attacked the camp at Wasogn. In the fierce fighting which followed Lient. Fielding, Major Thurston, Launch Engineer Scott, Civil Officer Wilton and 15 soldiers were killed. The wounded numbered 30, including Captain Macpher- son and Chief Civil Ofilcer Jackson. The mutiucers wore finally defc .ted, after 105- ing 100 killed and wounded. Major Mac-donald has been joined by the \Vasoga native army, and it is hoped that he will be able to quell thoqnutiny in a few weeks. A detachment of Indian troops from Mombasa. will start immediately to reinforce Major Macdonald. Anny _ .V Constantinople, Nov. 20.â€"0flicinls of the Russian Embassy yesterday sent a. second ‘ note to the Turkish Embassy, pointing out , that in times of difficulty Russia abstained from urging the payment of the war debt due her by Turkey, but, the note added, now that the Government of Turkey has decided upon fresh armaments, which are not warranted by the present situation, Russia demands a. portion of the arrears, on the same grounds that Austria. urged the payment of the claims due to the Ori- ental Railroad, an Austrian corporation for transporting Turkish troops during the recent war with Greece. ‘ In consequence of this communication, the Porte has informed Russian Charge d'Aflaires that nothing has been decided upon 00nt the Turkish armaments, at the same time bestowing upon that om- cial the grand cordon of the Osman]! Order. - .. mdannL (1...-nâ€"An6 It is believed. Ene 1 unusu Wvumuouv will now drop its plans for the reorganiza- tion of the navy of Turkey, although the oflicials of the German Embassy have been instructed to support the ofl'ers of the Ger. man firms to reconstruct the fleet and sup- ply the Turkish Government with the “Mm arms. ammunition and m neoesszu'y arm. ammuumw. ...._ _ form» -- 4 Kingston, Nov. 21.â€"John Barrett, Bu- riefleld, suflered the destruction of his fine -,_â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-- Ontario's Own Klondike. barns, machinery, craps and 16 head or Wabigoon’ Nov. flowâ€"There is anew min- cattle by fire 138$ night. The ‘088 18 about ing district, which lies some few milesim~ 39118481131581 insurance. west of this place, which gloria inthel " name of New Klondike. The Ofiicials there Railway Conductor charged With M . . . A . ,,,- n,._......-| Quebec, Nov. mâ€"A tummy mail con- uamv va. .. in connection with the Ontario Govern- ments have written to the Bureau of Mines stating that this spot is the. most promis- ins! for gold, iron and copper ever seen in ing to; gold. the province. Farmers Swindled. Ruscomb, Nov. around Buscomb station were swindled out of small sums of money last week by a. smooth-tongued individual who claimed to Sfiwmwith the swindlfil' and gotblg orioes for their farms. Foreign Prhonon Set Free. Havana, Nov. 22.â€"A11'the English PHD- oners held intheishndhaveah-eadym ‘mMmdanmeAmefimnandm {pdsonerswmbeset at 11mm.” £0.â€"Sevaral (amen-s I A an: Innocent in m Havana, Nov. 22.â€"A11 the English prin- onerg held in thexshndhavealreudybeen tamandantheAmeficanandm pdsonerswfllbeaet at nbertylnntuw The WuBoundtoCom REVOLT IN ZGNZIBAR. believed the Tugkile Government Turk Brought Up Short. v. ...- ”.4 _'_-__V_,, an increased number of THE PACKERS STRUCK But Maior Walsh's Klondike Ex- \dition Went On. Ottawa. Nov. 8.â€"(SpecinL)â€"Mnjor Walsh and party got over the Chilkoot PesaonOctoberso,nndsetnfl, withopen water, in three boats, which Capt. Nor- wood had in readiness: Lake Lindmnann. Mr. J. D. McGregorwns leftist Skngway, andwutohnve started for For: Selkirk on Nov. 18 or 20, with 10 horses and 50 dogs.r'1‘hin delaywu madesou togive time for the lakes and rivers to Irene over solid. If the expedition find it impossible to get any farther than Fort_.Se1kirk by . 7‘ AL-.â€" PROGRESS OF THE COMMISSION boat, the arrival of the dogs will put them in ahape to cover the remaining 200 miles to Dawson over the loo. Major Walsh lefl: Dyea for the interior on Oct. 94, three days after Mr. Sltton sailed south. He was mompanled by Mr. D. Bliss, Mr. Pattullo and Mr. Philip Walsh and tho Fort William Indians. They camped at Sheep Camp that night, andon theasthengaged Mr. Scotttohire sixty packers totakethe twoenda halt tons of supplies and outfit they had with them. It was snowing, and after twenty of the packers had gone over the summit the other forty complained that the mil was not sufllciently broken and they went on strike. The Commissioner’s resolution and en- ery came 120115 rescue. He immediately declared that he could do without the packers,and set his Indians to work to take the am! over. He was so confident and energetic that ne_xt day the strikers Ema tocfihie, and the still was soon over, thg Major gassing last, in such a u -, n,44. L_ 33“ va, m "‘v_ v_v__, storm that he asked Mr. Scott to guide him, and even then the trail was lost sev- eral times, although Mr. Scott had been over it a score of times. This year at all events it goes on record that up to Novem- ber 1 Lakes Lindemann and Bennett were ,, _L_J free from ice. Mijbr Walsh reached Lake Bennett on October 30, and it will be some considerable time before he is heard Our Butter in Britain. Ottawa, Nov. 22.â€"Reports are being re- ceived of the sales of butter which was forwarded to Great Britain from the creameries in the Northwest Territories under the management of the Department of Agriculture. Messrs. George John Hickson Co., Limited, Liverpool. write, under date Nov. 10, as follows: “Enclosed herewith we have pleasure in handing you account sales for butter ex Labrador. We regret that your shipment to us should have met with such a depress- ed market as ours has been for the last three months, which is chiefly owing to the very open weather we have experienced during that time. We are pleased to be able to report the quality of butter shipped by you very satisfactory, and with regular shipments we are certain we could build up a demand for your brands." Similar letters have been received with satisfactory accounts from Messrs. Andrew Clements 00., Limited, Manchester, and Messrs. Hodgson Bros. Liverpool. The oountries amounted to about 1000 tons of butter more than during the same week of last vear. The market is now slightly bet. ter and Canadian butter is in better do- A Drummondvme deputation, headed by L. Lavergne, member-elect, intervieded Hon. Mr. Blair, and asked that when the Intercolonml takes over the Drummond County Railway, Drummondvillebe made a. divisional point on the road, with engine and workshops. IL; Found in the Bay. Toronto, Nov. 22.-â€"Polioeman Kennedy secured assistance on Saturday afternoon, and hauled the body of a woman, which was floating in the bay, to the shore. It was identified by Detective Duncan as Miss Sarah Patterson, who has been miss- ing from her home, 808 Queen street east, aim» last Wednesday evening. The corpse bore no marks of violence, but Coroner Greig has issued a warrant for an inquest on Monday night. Deceased was a cousin of Baker A. W. Garrick, and was fairly wen' 01!. Miss Patterson, who was of middle age, and.had been fretting over the ' -_â€"_L.- mu Resolution an! Energy In the In!“ Ducnny Raped to Overcome but Ontoâ€"War thh M his Bennett on Oct. 80 â€"Oll.r Butter In MERE-e215,}: of her patients. Ana..- 7. '1‘ Calgary, N.W.T., Nov. 28.â€"Word reach- ed hem to-day that a construction engine and seven ears on the Crow’s Nest Pass Railway went; down with the bridge over Old Man River Saturday morning, killing two men and injuring many others. Railway Conductor CW With Then. Quebec, Nov. 22.â€"A railway mail con- ductor named Hudson and his son have been arrested on the seriouaoharge of money orders. The accused were jgfled psndlng investigatin- Hon. Sixteen Csttlo Ottawa Notes. Bridge. CONFIRMS CANADIAN BISHOPS LE0 x111. LOVES US. His Holiness Expresses for Canadians. Rome, Nov. nâ€"m rope. in m the Amhbislmp of Montreal, 1181‘. Brn- M today, expressed mum for hue Canadian nation- 1-star m m bishoppraenmd no Eufionneasmm n-|I-_ -0 13M“- Th‘o Afghul Baler Vehemenuy Imam- COnnocuon With the Rebellion. Tribes. London, Nov. 23.â€"A well-informed cor- respondgnp at _Cbul, apical of Mghnnisâ€" AL _ - -lh. “.3..- Ann nf ventâ€"p, Wr_.v, , ”puma _ tan, writing from that city, under date of Sept. 90 last. gives 3n account of an inter- view which he had with the Arneerot Alghnnistnn, in Dun-bar, in which the Ameer, referring to the rising of the tribes on the frontier of British India, said: “I cannot imagine how anyone an think that I am responsible for the modem of the Haddnh Mullah, who instigated the troubles, for it was he who raised the revolt of the Shinwarris and other tribes against me, shortly after my accession. Iinqnired into his antecedents and tailed to discover his tribe, caste or birthplace. I only know he professes Mohammednniszn and has great influence among the Minimums” of the border tribes. “When my Governor of Jellnlhbed to oently stonpedthe Hnddnh Muiinh’s follow- . ‘,,L__:_‘._ 6}... ugh! Wuw Bwyyw wayâ€"wâ€" _w ers from leaving Mghnistnn, they aid they had theright to fight the English, for their lead had told them I had given permissiontodoso. My Governor theme- upon arrested severnlot the leaders, who were carrying green Jehad (hob war) flags. He sent them to Caan where they are now in prison, and I know how to deal with them.” One of the omcialg of the Durham, the .1-,,-.4-_1 .1...” letter adds, remarxeu: ~qu W 1) menmraseals. “Rascals,” cried the Ameer, “they as the worst scoandrels I have ever known, for they have not hesitated to use my name totryand bring Wt upon me. I -‘j Egniixchmdo'in 11111118: 1 I z civnmng my Own P°°Pl°' "1mm troubled by such ”and” ,. submlssion which he is willing to gent the Afrldls. The latter one given a week’s grace in which toucoeptthetermsmferred to, which include the restoration of the rifles and other Governmental and private property stolen, the sumnder o! 800 breech-loaders, a. fine of 50,000 rupees and w. w-.. _-._ the surrender of hostages, asaguarantee. of compliance with the will of the Govern- ment. The Khyber Passwill be re-opened in the manner the Government deems ed- visable, and all the Afridi tribu allow- ances are forfeited by their misconduct. 'rhe Turk Must Surrender. London, Nov. 28.â€"The Rome correspon- dent of The Daily News says: “I am able to assert on the best authority that the powers are discussing the advisability of a naval demonstration in the Dardanelics, or a. blockade of Constantinople, if the Sultan «low not yield to the demands of the powers with respect to autonomy for the Island of Crete, especially in the matter of withdrawing the Turkish troops." Warned A‘dmt Weyler. London, Nov. 83.â€"The Standard warns the Spanish Government that a personage capable of “exacting homage from such diverse elemengs as the lgnrllsts, advanced 77~ -__1 __A_‘on.g’ Ulvuw vow“... .â€" of. Republicans, Conservatives and workers’ associations as did General Weyler at Con- nnna. is capable of developing into a. poqu hero who may upset the Govern~ ment, and even the dynasty, unless care is Dervisheo Driven ofl.’ Berber-On-the-Nile, Nov. 28.â€"Detach- ments of Dervish horsemen from Metam- meh, the stronghold of the Mndhl, be- tween thisplaee and Khartoum. recently attempted to raid the villages on the left bank of the Nile, opposite Berber, but they were driven 06 by the villagers, who were recently armed with rifles issued by the , , 2A,-â€" Hopes for 8111119th Paris, Nov. 28.â€"-In the course of his speech Saturday in the Chamber of De- puties, dnrlng the debate on the subject of the agricultural crisis, It. Menne, the Premier, expressed _the hope that the day Imus, 9-an .â€"V _,. , would yet come when bimetalism would triumph, as a solution of the agricultural depWon. ___F_ Tromsoe, Tromsoe Island, Norway, Nov. 28.â€"The steamer Victoria, which was fitted ontbythe Government or Tromsoe. under instructions from King Oscar, to sen-ch for Prof. Andree, the mining bergen. Shaking: no new: as mum whereabouts or movement: of Andrea, al- though exploring pal-tins landed 10 times at various point! in Wild: Isles. Fix. It Elm-u. . Elam, Ont, Nov. 23.â€"At 2.45 My samurai 30, Killed In Michigan. Durand. Mich, Nov. 23â€"an]; '1‘. Wat-A mNov.38.â€"-Oncondldonthutthay mm“, WalmrMox-se and Roy mm W WM vente- uuedon WM:- Naomi neoplasms by 3W “Mm ' ' THE AMEER TALKS- round R. m of Andree. ONTARIO: on tho “1th Boy Bun-gun. Regard WWI” Wu!- Hu‘huwuchugadwm: confine“? 1n mmmdmwmxm on W 13th. an M m mmtmttwnhowudannnd contented an: be had committed the wuetwcrkxehecdewoke. lie comics! Mum. revolverend :01de not toothbutthelnmrmched {or 3 mm pimhanndhoMIeVex-ing nnertery in hisneckendnllinshiminmntly. Troywnshxonahttou'inl on Mnyllth. wheningiving evidence cnhisown behalf hechnngadhilmry materially. He swore thnthewuaccomp-niedtoucbecd'shcuse Penn: thnttheyhndfoundsomo cake and whisky inthehonsennd proceedcdto make 5 meal of it. The meal made Hughes sick andheretched. Troy made a motion to strike him and knocked over the lamp. The none woke McLeod,who thnntened to thrown water pitcher at them. Hemed one shot at random and Penn also and a shot. He believed it was Penn's shot that killed McLeod. Jake RobertSOn, who tried the case, was very doubtful as to Troy's sanity and be deferred sentence till them could be laid before theAv tomey-Genenl and the Minister or J us- tice. Tmyhu notyet been sentenced. Hughfiwhowueervinsneentencein Kingston penitentiary,“ ensued on the charge of complicity. The evidence of Troy in slmcet every respect corroborated withthntgiven at the last trial; also his description of the house and places hemainprior to coming to Napanee. A. -,‘A_ __1.I. m1.“ Hugoâ€"Suspgugmogn are 0349 908 Doug 8 8518 £28 an 35 chafing 3.3303 3.588 E cog Egon 8 02.18 EB 6863.- L Ftl! .firl nil? wâ€" râ€"‘-â€"'-* doubt. Hughes should not havebeenpw senuduoperson Sn jail. He shouldbe mppooedtobeanmnooentman. Bonny begullty,hembolnnooent. Tmyayl theoothhu no obligation. Is that the kindotovidenooto convict, from sucho morally pouluted source? ”accomplice. thohwsqmisnot are to hem-Nannies: maedallyoomborstod. Thodefenoosay 1t lsdoubly unstewnh such an accom- who lino depraved :1 Troy was pmvedtobe. Inowlosvethecoaelnyour hands. Yonmust pmvo him commune hasnottoprove his innocence. 1: you bellevethestorywhich Troy tails, than you haven rightmpmnonnoo him guilty. . L, -;-_.m manna»;- the seven Juror- New York, Nov. aâ€"The trial of Max-tin Thorn for the murder of Wullam Gulden- suppewuresumed yemdnywithagmat crowd in attendance. Judge Smith was m and Judge Maddox of Bnooklyn was nantbrwwythom Aboutmfior 150 of thalamus panel of wasevldent that they had not read or heardmuch about an? Guldensupm mur- A -â€"aâ€".â€" ll!“ l.‘â€" Watches; mm». 31â€"1119 tfl heard much about the Guldensuppe mur- der. This we! regarded as favorable for getting 5 within a reasonable time. One of new witnesses is Mn. Ida Ziegler,of 1671 \Vest 'Fermsroul, New Ziegler as a witness. She will testify that nseerlynsthlast Mrs. Kuhn-lulu) him her cottage at West Farms, telling Mrs. Ziegler that Guldensuppe was to live endeavor to show by this ““3”“ Mrs. Hack was planning to munder damp!” at that time. thn theoourt adjourned at 5 0‘ seven jurymcn had been selected. Three Freight Trains “‘erc Involved sud ‘ 3 Good Des] ol‘ Damage Was Done. Havelock, Ont., Nov. fitâ€"At Burketon. east of here. yesterday them was a double collision of freight trains, and damage estimated at $5001) mm done. 'l‘hmc trainswene bound wt, and while the first was standing on the main track. wuitingto getln on the side track. the second train smashed into it. The thin! train then came up and cmshed into the second. All the trains were loaded with genera-1 merchandise. Shwu't Painley Knurled. Mount Albert, Nov. 23.â€"Stcwnrt Pail- ley, of when so much babccnanldro- Mathembungmdmbbingmu MonntAlbert. has been married to was Jessie hpp, who. as Mr. Paisley was un- sbletolcsvohhbed, went there and the common: wpcflormed by Rev. Mr. Mc- m pastor «the Presbyterian church, A_ e - “AMâ€"A. I- lâ€"‘lnâ€"u-nt Qt L‘anq F--- Mount Albert. hr. Forest}: indignant. at thereportatu'lbutedtohim. Hodoes not think Mr. Paisley inflicted the injunc- chad. thresher. aged-shot.“ so, while threshinsgmln, eflnsinafit. Amen- nnzer mat once septfor lax-(Campbell, "A- _. ”I.“ "â€" â€"7 he reached the but before War-«amu- Dine-no of the Heart. Hospclcr, Ont. Nov. 23.â€"-Fred Wick Jahnckc,a nus-idem“ Kossutb, small country phoeubout four miles northot bore, was found lying dead by the roadside uboutn mile from his home m. CoronerLockhm found that destina- undouboedlydueto discs-cot the hurt. Wmmm'm-dyeu'. Niagara Falls, N.Y., Nov. 28.â€"A do- apotch to The Gum from William B. Rankine. m sud mum of the t ukhwny 8055“,. Nov. m.â€"Hn. What. I Dan, E. d by M ant Wer- I‘ll-a HUGHES MURDER TRIAL. 83's Not and! UP TRIAL OF MARTIN THORN- RAILWAY COLLISION. A Thresher Fell Dead- for the Second AMI“â€" ANew witness. 1897 my. smed “I.“ ‘rhclr metho- at 5 o‘clock phantom The GURNEY. “i: SEALE 00. Standard Scales . summon, flflflflflfl ’THE GRASH HAS coma: PRICE OF STOVES CUT INT? HALF. filiéénifrnmflran Heating smvngnllgqgg 139913;} Hand-emu! Nicklod um Aams WANTED. Come and we ubbtac‘ ”Minuuâ€" __.__, -, u all". load or travelling. to lnuoduou 1 new discovery uxl keep our nbow ald- twkod up on ma. upon and bridge- throvghout town nnd 9y. Sta-11 employment. Gambian or aka. “3.” pct month an expomn Md money 60de In my hunk than “and. For putkulan '1’!“ WORLD MEDICAL ELECTRIC (0.. “fill London. 01m, Cam-d: COUNTY or woman. mated Candi-u of Jan. And}!!! Kimble, In K‘nuo 3nd Hum Benin Kimble {nun mum at Water Kimble. hunt the Towahipd Venn-In. tum. who d ed without. WIN-‘38 my 0.!“ d mid [uh-IA. mamwmaya NWJW. 81341108 t HALL. J 1-7 Bahama to: mum Wanted Help. 4 4'. ”Film A ND 1.1m. ‘I'IO W ",9 'KW Occult" mmmlumulwuuymm .u. . mmzd loo-mp! ud liner-L m nod-nodh-tolmhoo-u-ny nlord MWbltpeM-ocufltyqumw In!" mar-1:32, WMdmuflIhon nun. lad unann- Wudwwdmwwlho EM rotunda-Manama New A avertiumonta. .w THE SURRQQA'EE coom' ELIABLE unnum EVERY L0- . ._.__.|.... . n... G. WOODS. A2001. he Queen Top Dun Stout) aux-ct mud from you has given me them nc‘hn and can uoommndgt t3 ansone. It ounce beequlledby ol .â€"Yom- trn‘ W. McDow. Lula-y. i. 39001. AND Loxoor “W03 OOIPLNY W ma.......... 1.,“ u M.......-.. _OF TEEâ€"- .. --------V7--_v, bun-u... my. MEYER BROS. Pntenuel nu Innumtnnu, TORONTO It Intonation scour Stove. ltlwiu gamma: 5w. - Lindsay. Ont. Gurney Scale 00. 'rnmxnod for u Parlor Stove glam June: 101:). LINDSAY FOUNDRY. TESTIMONIAL ALSIKE, RED CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED. The Very Best LAWN BED MYER BROS- SEEDS JAMES KEITH. JOHN Highest Market Prices Paid for JOHN HAKINB. vvâ€"__ - _, Ll Corner oi’Peu tad 8min. Bum. puny, or In. 6. A. m. I always on hand. BI-I'l .u rmwrâ€"m Baaâ€"Turndâ€"_Tu¢ I! combo-admit. cond- Ileh one. bled not M boon-Inc '8'! («swing gyms-ems; fimn‘rgnm p963: mum- AA __n_ n- I mnwununuvâ€"--”-- 5W Mum-ICI- “to! cum ansonumt cum. m PILES New 4ger.uenonu. â€"â€"â€",, 7, ”Aflmmim Only Air Tight Heater Made banned fan at 1am. Aflninhnlllboume;u In II at tlmqpvjpxgtfiwwwm «II-cl . â€",‘ nLA “â€"1. urnâ€"L. .u-v-u. v. â€"â€" w 7-. -77 unit. ”NV-«fled Hot-Blunt MVP-b. Fudlncunlmlwith hotdrdlthou-o Theta-en Baud-mono! u m machine shun It I- c m. It on to Iquhted like 5 bun. You on In" \our :oom my compel-lam you '1‘. wfllpoduvely keeps slow In bud-g “Loon bywnlnchooolupMu not. Wilma-an mom that. nun. lam Inmate. in cold in“. or no ale. AtroImoly mum-unmann- eustovoin the world No own; 0! myklml. No uhov-Aunoroootoum out. No would. to «per-u. On. In mwmcmuymmupmm a M 0! wood every twelve hour- K In I.“ nightâ€"say niahtndmn h swam-townmoumm 1m. linod with me! “gander“- uw, Inn-u nun-m... MW_._. log. The most pom“! mu m mmh.ondyotwlllnn In! a. tool mm oversee move. Barnum M :hunku, c in cobl nod and. New tequila tom-wean “Monument! oucor two mom)». No ohm to no!” «a flu“ 3 good who! emu... mu nukes-tick 21 inches lot; by 10 m flnck. New mm. 0:. wood mm 1'. You an tho: upon... 1% burn- your wood tuluge chunks. lumb- l nu- lor but. sud hm lonxu. If. h 60 gm. e I. “to heparin 'um. PA \w STOVE. Bout Kath. "II. It will but wont valor In an inn- Ind ban d m: on your hot cum-m Lmnuv, Oct. 5:11. 17. has given may” W! of ITCHING FILES SWAYIE’S - .. OIITIENT DO: TORONTO-

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